Six Years Too Long - Strawhat_Pirate (2024)

Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Six years too long Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 2: Hound's guilt Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 3: Reunion Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 4: The Council's Ruling Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 5: Home Chapter Text Chapter 6: Into the academy Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 7: Cheater? Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 8: Hokage Once More Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 9: If it's a problem there must be a solution Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 10: Grief and a child genius Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 11: Friendship forged by mystery Chapter Text Chapter 12: Prejudices Chapter Text Chapter 13: Big Dogs and Weird Old Men? Chapter Text Chapter 14: Domestic Terrorism Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 15: Rat? Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 16: Love in question Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 17: A matter of self worth Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 18: Rats and Therapy Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 19: In bloom Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 20: Journey Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 21: The Nine Tailed Fox Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 22: Gaara Chapter Text Chapter 23: The Monster Alliance Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 24: Hypothetically Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 25: In which sh*t hits the fan Chapter Text Chapter 26: Fear Chapter Text Chapter 27 Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 28: Wake Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 29: Awake Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 30: In Mind Chapter Text Chapter 31: The interview Chapter Text Chapter 32 Chapter Text Chapter 33 Chapter Text Chapter 34 Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 35: The End Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: References

Chapter 1: Six years too long


Chopped up some of the longer paragraphs to make it an easier read (1/17/2023)

Chapter Text

This is cross posted on Wattpad

Third person pov

The Kyuubi attack had been devastating, as one might suspect. The lives lost that day were immeasurable, and the structural damage done to the village had left them vulnerable and several without homes. The tensions it caused politically nearly tore Konoha apart at its seams.

Losing their Fourth Hokage had taken a toll on them. Such a tragedy was not one they easily recovered from. The Yellow Flash of Konoha was a war hero revered across the nations and loved by his village. The news of his and his wife's death brought great mourning to all who'd looked up to him. He'd given everything to the Leaf Village. Including his life in the end. He was a respectable Kage-- a true hero.

One issue that was severely overlooked was the lack of Minato Namikaze and Kushina Uzumaki's bodies at the end of it all. Last anyone had seen of either of them, they'd both had a gaping hole through their middles and Minato'd been performing the Reaper Death Seal. When no one could find their remains, they hadn't been surprised. They'd taken what little remained of their Fourth Hokage's robe and gotten closure as best they could, pulling Kushina's headband from her home and placing that alongside it.

They were a little too concerned about their decimated village to try and figure out the exact way the bodies of their beloved leader and his wife had been destroyed. Perhaps it was a side effect of the seal, or the Kyuubi's overwhelming chakra. It hadn't even crossed their minds that they-- that Minato-- could be alive.

But he apparently was. Because the guy woke up alone in the woods, nearly six years after said nine tails attack, completely unscathed, confused, and.. and sad.

His last memory was of Naruto. He was so, so tiny, wailing so loudly as the Nine Tailed Fox was sealed in him. Minato had been ready to seal the other half in himself when his world went blank. The last thing he heard was Kushina cursing and beginning the very hand signs he'd been prepared to do himself. His heart dropped when he realized that probably meant she'd done what he'd been planning to.

His head weakly turned, searching for signs of... well, anything, really. He very clearly recognized this location as the place he'd teleported the Nine Tailed Demon to, but the destruction that had been wrought was missing. Green grass spread where there should've been scorch marks, and fallen trees were either cleared or overgrown. The movement of his head made it spin. Nausea lit up in his stomach like a warning.

Something wasn't right. Minato knew this, but he couldn't find the energy to inspect it too much further at the moment. He simply laid there and watched the clouds drift by lazily, the grief of undoubtedly losing his wife bubbling over into tears that forced their way out of his eyes.

He'd known the danger of losing her was strong going in. They'd both sat down and talked about it beforehand several times, but this was something Kushina wanted to do more than anything. To be a mother, even if it was just for a second. The raw image of her weakly smiling at their son made his heart ache so badly he had to wonder if he was dying.

He could almost hear her shrieking at him to get up and go find their son. He'd been so absolutely little, and Minato hated himself for what he'd had to do. With no where else to seal the Kyuubi, he'd placed that awful burden upon his son. What kind of father was he? Naruto had been helpless. So tiny and warm, and scared. Minato could almost imagine the infant's weight in his arms when he thought about it hard enough.

The first moments of his life had been so stressful and full of terror. Minato's heart thundered when he thought about all that could've happened to his son. How long had it been? Had the masked man gotten to him? Was he okay? Minato hoped Naruto would forgive him for what he'd done, one day.

The questions swirling through his head prompted him to sit up. There was no pain from it like he'd expected there should've been. He rubbed at his eyes, feeling endlessly exhausted and like he was about to tip over. His heart felt heavy. He had to get up. He had to go find Naruto. How long had it been?

His injuries were gone. While his cloak was missing, he still bore the attire he'd had on under it. It was unscathed, making him wonder if everything had been some sort of dream. It was an idea he entertained only briefly. No genjutsu could ever be that vivid. The pain he'd felt had been too real, and the gravity of the Kyuubi's chakra signature wasn't something that could be successfully faked. This was something he knew for sure. He took a deep breath.

His thoughts weren't in order. He knew this, but he couldn't seem to fix it. He felt he was zoning out, or on the verge of losing consciousness, perhaps. A small part of him wanted to lay back down and never move again, but he couldn't bring himself to, no matter how sick and off kilter he felt.

Naruto. He had to get up for Naruto. He needed someone to take care of him, and Kakashi was still so young. That wasn't a responsibility he wanted his student to have. What if Minato had messed the seal up? He had to go and make sure Naruto was okay. He could feel panic swelling in him as the gravity set in.

The reality that his newborn son-- with his shock of blonde hair and whiskered cheeks-- was missing. That Minato had no idea whether he was dead or alive, safe or in danger. His heart leapt into his throat. He could mourn Kushina later-- grieve for her and the sacrifices she'd been forced to make. She'd never forgive him if he let anything else happen to their son. He'd never forgive himself.

He got up on wobbly legs that felt like sticks of jello. He steadied himself, head turning slowly about as he tried not to dizzy himself. He couldn't sense a single chakra signature. That was both a good and bad thing. Where was Naruto? He wondered if the village was okay.

They had to assume he was dead. He'd thought so too when he first opened his eyes. There was always a chance he still was, but he didn't feel particularly like he had. Not that he really knew what being dead felt like. He doubted it was like this.

Moving was agony, and a heavy haze kept attempting to descend over his mind and incapacitate him. It felt an awful lot like chakra exhaustion, but different at the same time. Minato wasn't in his right mind, no, but he couldn't let that stop him.

He flexed his fingers, one hand snaking into the kunai pouch strapped dutifully around his leg. Muscle memory guided him to one of his legendary three-pronged kunai. He drew it out with a slow breath, his arm coming up to wipe at his eyes again. The kunai brought him a sense of comfort, allowing himself to steel himself.

He pulled the inner Hokage out of himself and set his face in stone, doing his best to push back the exhaustion nipping at his heels. He had to get to the village. He could pass out, but not until he knew Naruto was safe.

He had to stay calm. If he was alive, there was a good chance Naruto was too. He had to confirm for himself. Minato's mind struggled as he tried to figure out how this could've happened. The kunai flew from his hand unrestrained as he mulled, the familiar feeling of his Hirashin pulling him forward lulling some of his panic.

It was going to be fine. Naruto was okay, and Minato was going to go get him. He was going to be able to hold onto him and never let go, and shower him in all the love he's missed out on in Minato's absence. How long had it been? It felt like no time has passed at all, but the overgrowth in the clearing he'd woken up in begged to differ. Had it been a month? Two? Even more than that?

The village wasn't far. The familiar sight of its gates only served to make him go faster. His presence chased his kunai dutifully, moving so fast that the world seemed slow around him. Minato knew he probably should've stopped at the gate. Let someone official send word that he was alive before going on his way, or confirm he wasn't an intruder.

He couldn't quite bring himself to do so. He felt nearly dead on his feet, but Naruto was the only thing on his mind. The name repeated in his mind like a mantra. He allowed it to push him forward. If he stopped now, he was not sure he'd be able to use his Hirashin again without passing out completely.

Izumo jolted up when something seemingly yellow blurred past Konoha's gates, his head whipping in the direction of the electric haze. Kotetsu turned a page in his book, not seeming to have noticed what had raced past. Izumo blinked a few times. Surely he had to have been seeing thing, correct? They'd been on the job only a month now, and nothing had really come up. He settled back in his seat for a moment with a frown, glancing back and forth between the road and the village's gates.

There were no visible disturbances, nor any he could sense. The man had to blink and rub his eyes, wondering if he'd perhaps stayed up too late the night prior. Kotetsu shot him a questioning look, and the bandana-wearing ninja decided it had to have been a trick of the light.

Minato Namikaze zoomed into the village so fast he had half the place doing doubletakes. It took the blonde man a good moment for his slowing brain to catch up and realize that this was not necessarily the Konoha he remembered. The fact settled in rather suddenly, hitting him hard enough to make him stop in his tracks in the middle of an unfamiliar backroad.

The destruction the Kyuubi had wrought was completely missing. The craters and rubble it had created were nowhere to be seen. Minato cluelessly spun around, his brows furrowed and a frown set deep on his face as he precariously teetered. This wasn't correct at all. How fast had they managed to rebuild?

Businesses and buildings he didn't remember were placed sporadically between what was familiar. Even those places he knew and recognized didn't look quite right. Certain storefronts were the wrong color, or had signs that looked newer-- more updated. Minato's head hurt worse than it ever had before. His vision blurred.

He had to have been gone longer than he thought. This wasn't something that could be accomplished in a week or two-- or even a month, for that matter. The realization made something cold settle in Minato's stomach. He did his very best to push the feeling away, gulping and shaking his head.

It didn't matter how much time had passed so long as Naruto was safe. If anything, it was a good thing to see the village like this. It had clearly recovered itself well. That didn't change the fact that he couldn't find his son.

He gnawed on the inside of his cheek, his chakra stretching out in search of any familiar sort of presence. The Kyuubi would be a plain marker. The man took a deep breath, pushing himself off of the fence he'd found himself leaning on.

Minato began to walk, Naruto's name still repeating in his mind. He could only sense chakra so far. Deep down somewhere, he knew it would be best to go to Hokage tower. The logical part of his brain told him in no uncertain terms that they would, undoubtedly, know his son's exact location. There was an just an... odd disconnect in his mind that prevented Minato from entirely realizing this.

The man felt distinctly like he was walking through a cloud. A dream he couldn't wake up from, walking aimlessly towards something he desperately wanted yet was unable find. His heart thundered in his ears, drowning out the sounds of an older woman asking whether or not he was okay. He walked past her, focused on one thing. He ignored the way exhaustion was beginning to creep its way into his chest.

He cannot waver. Not yet. Not now.

A few people do a double take when he stumbles by, their wide eyes following and darting between the dazed man's face and the one carved grandly on their proud mountainside. Minato is a ghost shuffling through the streets, eyes bouncing back and forth in a systematic manner as he scans for someone who will help him find Naruto. The people here feel unfamiliar, and though he catches wisps of signatures he thinks he may recognize, they don't stick out as sorely familiar to the Fourth Hokage. His head pounds the longer he stays upright, and he knows he has to collect himself if he's going to find his son before passing out.

Konoha isn't right. None of this is. Minato realizes rather belatedly that he's probably not going to find an infant in the bustling streets, but rather tucked away somewhere protected, warm, and quiet. That's what Minato hopes, at least.

He feels like crying. It's hard to breathe, and even harder to think. His vision blurs as his head turns. He brings a hand up to his forehead, closing his eyes and taking deep breaths. He hears someone trying to ask him something-- someone else trying to figure out whether or not he's okay. Minato doesn't respond, everything and nothing at all swirling around him. The man feels like he's drowning.

But then... it hits. And Minato's eyes fly back open.

He'd recognize that chakra anywhere. It feels more suppressed here, the raging, angry inferno subdued under the strength of a powerful seal. It bubbles just beneath the surface, and Minato is sure he wouldn't have outright noticed it were he not looking so hard.

He stands up a little straighter, his head held a little higher. His focus sharpens, gaze finding a small body being shoved out of a food stall by an older woman's foot. The child tumbles, and Minato is breathless. The world vanishes around him. The pounding in his head isn't so loud anymore as everything else melts away.

The child can't be more than five or six, with hair a familiar shade of sunshine yellow and blue eyes that mirror his own to an exact T. He can see Kushina in the curve of his nose and shape of his face. There's defiance alongside his fear, and confusion swells in his chakra so clearly that Minato can almost see it tangibly.

Minato takes a small step towards the scene, his heart pounding. He would recognize this chakra signature anywhere, he's sure. He can still remember basking in it-- feeling it grow and change in his wife's belly, and then finally being able to truly reach out and touch it for himself when Naruto was placed in his arms for the first time. He doesn't know how it's possible, but this is undoubtedly his son. His son, who is hurting. Who is being hurt.

Tears roll heavily down the boy's cheeks, which are donned with familiar whisker markings he can still remember running a tender hand over. The boy's shoulder's are lined with fear. He pushes himself further away from the woman, who's throwing words like 'monster' and 'demon' around with careless abandon as the small boy scrambles away.

Minato is speechless-- struck still by the horrifying sight, and in wonder of his son. He's so, so... tiny. But not tiny in the way Minato recalls. He's grown, and Minato's heart sinks when he realizes that Naruto has been growing up without him all this time.

It's no mystery that Jinchuriki are often treated poorly. But this is his son. A boy who was never supposed to have this burden-- who had no choice. This is his baby. That's his baby. Minato has a son, and though he's not as small as he remembers, he's still his.

Naruto isn't an infant anymore. He's been without Minato this whole time. Minato felt sick, his rage growing like a pot about to boil over. No one steps forward to protect the boy, who was too innocent to be treated like this. Disdainful eyes glare down at him, and whispers attack the child from all sides.

Minato is horrified, because Naruto doesn't flinch at these. He's used to the glances and the whispers-- maybe even the physical attacks. Minato feels himself being ripped apart from the inside, his thoughts spinning into a raging tornado that makes him all the more dizzy.

A cold sweat warns him that he doesn't have much time left, but he pushes that back. He refuses to fall now.

The woman raises a hand to strike Naruto. Why, Minato doesn't care. He's darting forward before he realizes his feet are moving, arms reaching out and delicately scooping Naruto up and off the ground. The woman pauses in her assault, and Naruto freezes in his arms like he's terrified for his life.

It hurts. It hurts so badly that Minato can't stop his own tears from falling, his head still spinning and his stomach still in turmoil. He cradles the boy, turning to look at the shop owner with a look so dark it would send a whole platoon of enemy ninja running for the hills. He can see the color drain from her face.

He recognizes her vaguely, he realizes. It only serves to make him madder. Naruto sits stiffly in his arms, afraid and clearly not used to being picked up. It isn't fair. Minato hates it. He feels sick. He's tired.

"Do not," Minato grounds the words out, holding Naruto close. The boy stares up at him with fear and unknowing, and Minato wonders why in the world he wouldn't recognize his own father, deceased or not. Minato's heart bleeds. The woman mouths his Kage title, taking a small step back. Minato sneers, "touch my son."

A hand is chopping into the back of his neck almost as soon as the words leave his mouth. He feels Naruto get taken away from him again-- snatched from his arms whilst he's unable to do a thing about it. The last thing he feels before he passes out is rage.

Chapter 2: Hound's guilt


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Larger paragraphs chopped up 1/17/23 for easier reading

Third person pov

He's not allowed to interfere. He knows this, but nonetheless, he can't detach himself.

It eats at him slowly the longer he watches. Like a slow fire burning through an already dying forest. Unless a real attempt is made on the blonde jinchuriki's life, he isn't clear to step in and stop the abuse. He's forced to watch instead. Wait, and almost hope they make a wrong move, just so he has an excuse to go for their throats.

He's daydreamed about it. Memorized every face that's dared to glare and every soul who'd dare spit an insult. Thinks of everything he could do to get back at them. It's unhealthy and crude of him, he knows. It's the only thing that helps him cope nonetheless.

Rage simmers in the pit of his stomach, and he reaches up to adjust his Hound mask just so he has something to do with his hands. This is the only way he's allowed to be around Naruto. Outside of that, the Third Hokage has banned all interaction.

It makes Kakashi want to scream. To rip his hair out and destroy everything in his path. That's his sensei's legacy down there. And if Kakashi could just take care of him-- reach out and help him, he could make Naruto's life so much better. Let him be the kid he's supposed to be. Not some... some outcast everything thinks it's okay to attack.

Yet, Hiruzen bans it. There's a small, logical part of Kakashi that can almost see why. If anyone found out the Yondaime had a son hosting a tailed beast, the threats on Naruto's life would be too severe to combat forever.

They would eventually get to him, and Kakashi would certainly lose what little he had left to cling to. Minato-sensei had been such a key player in the war. Though villages were well aware Konoha had the nine tails, they had no idea in who or where it was being held. For all they knew, it could be sealed in a teapot, or sword.

As if Naruto wouldn't have been in enough danger before the whole Kyuubi thing. People would be out for his blood. It was why Kushina had kept her pregnancy so private to begin with.

Naruto is brilliant in many ways. A mixture of his parents in appearance and personality; a perfect blend if you ask him. He's nearly a mirror image of Kakashi's late sensei, with eyes that reflect the sea and the sky, and hair so bright its blinding.

You can still see Kushina there too, in the way the boy grins sometimes, and in his untamed laugh. He's loud and boisterous, with mischief in his eyes and a pranking streak that effects nearly half the village with his severity. Its times like those when Naruto is the brightest, and when Kakashi finally feels like he can breathe.

It's when he sees the six year old hiding his hurt behind guarded eyes, just like Minato used to during the hardest of times, that he drowns.

Naruto is smarter than anyone gives him credit for. He's not the best at his schoolwork, but he's clever and fast. He'd evaded his ANBU guards more than once. Kakashi can still recall the many times he struggled to catch up with the blonde boy. It's even more impressive when you consider his chakra reserves.

Kyuubi aside, Naruto is an Uzumaki. The clan had previously been known for not just their seals, but for their massive chakra reserves that made them adept at performing terrifyingly strong jutsu's in quick succession of one another. Naruto had clearly inherited his mother's chakra capacity. Even at six years old, he had an absolute tank of untapped energy sitting beneath the surface.

His ability to escape them despite this told Kakashi that he'd certainly grow up to do great things just like his mother and father. He'd be a powerhouse. If only the civilians could see his potential-- see that he meant no harm.

Kakashi squirms as he observes the scene before him. He burns, and begs anyone to do anything. Naruto is so tiny, and so scared. Kakashi feels ill, but he can't look away. If Naruto is going to suffer, Kakashi is too.

The blonde boy doesn't know that they're in this together. The copy-ninja would switch places with him in a heartbeat if he could, but things don't work like that, and that makes him... well, mad. To put things very simply.

Kakashi knows what it's like to be young and have everyone glowering at you over something you can't control. To hear whispered insults and not quite understand why they're being thrown. He went through the same thing when his father came back from that mission. Experienced the same glares and the same murmurs that followed Naruto day after day.

Kakashi's heart stutters. He feels something catch in his lungs as Naruto is kicked out of the food stall, skidding on the dirt road so hard it skins his hands and tears at his shorts. Kakashi can barely stand to watch him scramble away, so confused and frustrated as to why he's treated so differently than everyone else.

Every instinct in the copy-cat nin screams at him to jump into the fray. To pick Naruto up and never put him down again. If Kushina were her, she wouldn't stand for this. She'd tear them into pieces at her own expense if she had to.

And Minato-sensei-- well, he'd tower over them all with his presence alone. They'd defend him no matter what. But all Kakashi can do is sit there. And watch. And wait. He doesn't want to stand for this anymore. He wants to save him. He wants to—

Someone beats him to the punch. Kakashi all but stops breathing.

A ghost darts from the crowd, stealing Kakashi's remaining breath a little more with every stride. He leans forward, unbelieving of what he's seeing. Familiar arms come around Naruto, bringing him up and holding him with a close tenderness that makes Kakashi's heart weep with relief for the small boy.

A smell he could never forget hits his nose, and Kakashi is tenser than he's ever been in his life. He watches as Naruto's savior turns, and suddenly the yellow hair is no longer a trick of his mind, or a coincidence. A pair of blue eyes sharp with exhaustion and anger shoot a venomous glare, and a face that still danced through Kakashi's nightmares snarled.

He can't believe when he sees, really. It's exactly what he sometimes dreams about at night, even if it wasn't possible. Except it was, and it was happening, and that was undoubtedly Minato-sensei.

A scent isn't something that can be copied exactly. Kakashi's nose has always been sharp. It gives him the ability to identify people before he's even seen them, and detect those even when they're hiding their chakra. The Fourth Hokage had always smelt like paper and ink and a spritz of lemon air freshener that Kushina used so often it had embedded itself into their hair and clothes.

The issue is that Minato Namikaze is dead. Nobody should have this smell, and certainly no one should be picking up Naruto.

Kakashi's ANBU instincts kick in before anything else. He's bursting from his post before his emotions get the chance to overwhelm him, eyes set on Naruto. One arm wraps firm around the young boy. At the same time, his hand comes around the copy's neck and gives it a firm chop.

He won't admit to anyone who asks just how hard he's breathing after the fact, or how he stumbles back as the eerie image of his dead sensei crumbles. He expects the illusion to fade, but it doesn't, and the other members of his squad emerge from their hiding places with shock evident in the way they hesitate to pick up the slouched body.

He takes a deep breath. He doesn't know how the imposter is so good at this, or how he knew to go for Naruto in this form. Kakashi forces himself not to feel. He focuses on Naruto instead, who looks startled by the entire thing.

The boy stares down at the blonde intruder with wide eyes, his little hands gripping Kakashi's flak jacket. The silver-haired shinobi gives a nod to his two companions, who hike the fake Minato up further before vanishing to dump him with Ibiki at the T&I building. Kakashi shifts Naruto in his grasp, leaping out of sight with incredible speed. Naruto tenses as he does, but he doesn't complain.

Kakashi tries to convince himself he imagined the smell. That it was his brain tricking him into thinking it was there. Deep down, he knows better— and that scares him.

It's unreal, finally getting to hold Naruto. He hasn't had the chance to since the boy was a mere infant. He's bigger now, but still impossibly small at the same time. He doesn't fight Hound or ask a barrage of questions. For once, he's uncharacteristically silent.

A quick glance at his face tells Kakashi the kid's deep in thought. Kakashi wonders if he'll somehow manage to work things out. A part of him hopes he will. Maybe then Kakashi can take him in.

He'll quit ANBU if that's what it takes. Anything to get Naruto the life he deserves. Kakashi knows he's far from the best candidate for that sort of thing, but he likes to think he's better than no one at all.


Naruto recognizes the man carrying him, if only vaguely.

His chakra is a familiar thrum that makes him think that maybe it's okay to hold onto him for a moment and let himself be carried. He's not entirely sure what just happened or how he should feel about it. A stranger that looked suspiciously familiar had saved him from what would've definitely devolved into a beating, and then scooped him up and called him his son.

Naruto would've been inclined to call him a batsh*t crazy old man if not for the fact that they did indeed look nearly identical. The same hair, the same eyes, and the same skin tone. Their faces were kinda the same too. Not exact, but if Naruto had a dad, then he had a mom too, so it made sense that he'd look like both of them.

Hound is one of the shadows that hangs around Naruto's house at night, and maybe in other places too. Naruto can feel him sometimes, and catch glimpses of him from the corner of his eye. He has other shadows too, but none of them leave toys like Hound does, or tuck him in when they think he's asleep. If Naruto has any friends at all out there, he thinks Hound is probably one of them.

He doesn't talk to him like Jiji does, but Naruto can tell he cares. Even if he doesn't really show himself. That's okay. Naruto wishes, aches, yearns for some sort of familial connection, but that doesn't mean he'll complain about what he's already gotten. It's better than nothing at all. He knows this all too well, and he doesn't want to risk driving Hound away.

Kakashi goes to give his report with Naruto in tow whilst the fake Minato is teleported off to be wrung for information. The look on Ibiki's face was comical enough to send Anko into a fit of raunchy laughter that got her kicked out of the room. Medics were called when they all realized that fake-Minato wasn't in the best shape. Not because they wanted to help him, but because they didn't want him to croak before they could find out who sent him.

It was odd that he should come in with such low chakra and so blatantly. Was it an attempt to plant a spy? If it was, it was a ludicrous attempt. Surely whoever sent this man knew that.

The Yondaime had died six years ago. This man was certainly a carbon copy of him, but he surely would've visibly aged after that amount of time. Even if only a little. Grown out his hair a little, or cut it short. Put on some clothes other than the ones he'd been wearing when he died.

"It's uncanny, honestly." Inoichi observes the man through a shield of one way glass. They'd laid him out on one of their metal tables and stuck an IV in him. He was severely dehydrated, but he didn't seem particularly injured. The chakra exhaustion was so serious it was a shock he'd been conscious when Hound had first knocked him out. "His chakra... it feels the same. It's just like I remember it."

"I've never seen anything like it. I'm not sure so it's an illusion, either." Ibiki's tone was gruff. Inoichi's gaze snapped to him, surprise displayed starkly on his face. The head interrogator dragged a kunai pouch off the table in front of them and tossed it to the Yamanaka. "Open that. We can't question him until the Hokage arrives, but I'm starting to think this is more than an sh*tty attempt at an infiltration."

Inoichi swallowed at the implication Ibiki's words carried. The man the ANBU had brought in looked abnormally like the Yondaime Hokage. There wasn't a single detail they'd missed, and no matter how hard they tried, they couldn't seem to detect or lift whatever transformation this man was under.

Assuming he... was under one. Ibiki seemed pretty sure there wasn't one present, but what did that mean for them? Was he indicating that this was somehow the... actual Fourth Hokage?

Inoichi opened the weapon's pouch and peered inside. He felt the color drain from his face as soon as he spotted them. A pair of very, very familiar three pronged kunai stared back at him. Inoichi quite suddenly wasn't sure what he should believe anymore.


When Minato comes to, he knows immediately that he isn't alone in whatever room he's been hoisted off to.

He feels stronger now, and not like he's going to puke his guts out the moment tries to sit up. The pounding in his head has shrunk itself into a dull thrum. The blonde man took in a deep breath.

Unlike before, it felt like his lungs were finally able to get enough air, whereas before he felt almost like he was being constricted. The expanding of his chest and stomach only serves to wake him up even more. He forced his eyes open, squinting just briefly at the fluorescent lights overhead.

His mind began to pick up speed, his thoughts pouring in like water through a dam break. He was definitely on a metal table of sorts. The last thing he could recall was scooping Naruto up. Someone had jumped down from the trees and knocked him out soon after.

He wanted to be mad, but he understood. If Naruto was already that old, then Minato had been gone for at least five years, maybe more. Him being detained made sense.

He'd left Naruto alone for all that time. Who had been taking care of him in his stead? Did he know about his parents at all? Was Kakashi okay? Was Naruto?

The villagers had been so full of disgust and bubbling hatred that oozed over and out into the open. So blatantly cruel to someone who quite clearly had no idea what was wrong. Naruto was a mere child, undeserving of that type of attention. He needed to be cherished and loved.

Minato wondered if there was anyone to make sure Naruto ate his vegetables, and brushed his teeth. Someone to tuck him in at night and hold him when he had nightmares. To give him over the top birthday parties and spoil him! All the things he had Kushina had stayed up talking about for hours and hours on end. Had Naruto gotten that? Minato felt numb.

The Yondaime forced himself to turn his head, his eyes just managing to adjust. His gaze immediately landed on the stiff form of Hiruzen Sarutobi. The man looked nothing like Minato remembered. It appeared as though he'd aged several decades since Minato'd last seen him, with deep lines of exhaustion wrinkling his cheeks and a furrow in his brows that looked like it was permanent.

He wore a set of robes Minato hadn't seen him in since the very day he'd succeeded the older man, his large hat sitting in his lap as he contemplated him. An ANBU with rather familiar hair stood at attention by his side, as well as Inoichi Yamanaka. He too looked older. It only confirmed to Minato that something had happened. Somehow, he had traveled through time.

Minato's gaze lingered on who was quite clearly Kakashi. He was taller than before, and a bit broader in the shoulders. Minato couldn't help but feel a bit of panic begin to creep up his spine. Five, six years. Had he truly been gone that long? That wasn't possible. He'd have understood it if maybe he ended up in a coma some how.

But no. They all thought he was dead. Minato had thought so too. He could still feel the excruciating pain that came from being impaled, and the cold sensation that followed. The inability to move that overtook him, and the terror he couldn't help but feel as he and Kushina struggled to keep the Kyuubi at bay with everything they had.

"Where's Naruto?" He breathed in lieu of anything else to say. The Hound ANBU flinched nearly imperceptibly at the question, confirming his identity in the Yondaime's eyes. Minato's adam's apple bobbled as he pushed himself up slightly. "Hiruzen-"

"Minato." The man's voice made his mouth clamp shut. He forced himself into an upright position. The IV in his arm slipped out, but he didn't care enough to pay it much mind. Hiruzen inspected him contemplatively. "It's not possible to mimic chakra signatures exactly. It's been experimented with over the years, yes, but no one has ever reported to have succeeded."

The Third seemed impossibly tired. To keep Danzo from the title, he'd clearly had to take his title back. Minato's mind flashed back to the night of the attack. Hiruzen's wife, Biwako, had been lost that day too. The memory was enough to make him close his eyes for a moment just to try and breathe even.

Inoichi remained silent, his hands clasped together in front of him. Minato could feel himself being dissected. Normally the prying eyes would've made him uncomfortable and weary, but he couldn't bring himself to care. He understood.

He tried to catalogue all the information he'd gathered so far. It was easier to think now. The haze had thinned enough for him to fight through it. He'd woken up five to six years in the future. He hadn't seemed to have aged during that time, and his injuries were gone.

Was he real? It was an odd question to consider, but there was no real explanation for any of this. He felt like a person. He sure didn't think he was an intruder. He was just... himself.

Was Naruto okay? Being a young Jinchuriki implied he had ANBU guards. Kushina had when the were younger and in the academy. One of them must've zeroed in on him and knocked him out when he decided to pick Naruto up. Possibly Kakashi, even.

Minato sure wasn't going to blame him. Even so, he still felt his hands curl into fists, his throat tightening when he thought back to the expression on his son's face. He'd been so afraid, but he hadn't been surprised. Why hadn't he been surprised? No child should be used to treatment like that. It made him dizzy with rage.

"No," Minato answered finally, trying to calm himself. He raised his eyes to meet Hiruzen's, "it's not."

The silence following his words was almost deafening with its gravity. His claim wasn't to be taken lightly, and if they decided he was lying, he knew he'd be killed. Inoichi inhaled sharply, and Hiruzen observed him with quiet contemplation.

Minato didn't break eye-contact. He couldn't stay here. He had to get out and find Naruto. He was glad the village was okay, and that Hiruzen was doing well. That mattered little at the moment, because his son needed him. Kakashi, too.

Minato had been good friends with Sakumo, and he'd watched over Kakashi from the time he was a young boy. He'd taken care of him when he was sick or injured, and made sure he had food to eat and clothes that fit. He'd been through a lot losing both of his teammates and his father, and Minato knew losing himself and Kushina had to have been hard on him.

Minato couldn't help but feel relieved just to look at him. To see him and know that he was still alive and breathing too, and that he hadn't done anything reckless. Knowing that Naruto had at least had someone while he was away lifted something dark and heavy off of his chest.

Hiruzen swallowed heavily, intaking a shaky breath that he did his best to hide. This Minato's chakra was exact. Kakashi had confirmed that his scent was the same as well, as though he'd never left. He hadn't aged a day in the past six years. He still made the same expressions, too. You could tell exactly what he was thinking if you knew him well enough.

The kunai he'd had in his possession were proven to be authentic by the resident weapons specialist. It was like sitting down to look at a ghost. Hiruzen almost wanted to reach out and confirm whether or not Minato was tangible. He had seen a number of odd things in his lifetime-- not all of them plausible.

This... This was something else. To vanish for six years only to awaken unchanged. It didn't make any sort of logical sense.

"...Can you prove you're who you look to be?" Hiruzen asked quietly, not daring to hope. Minato leaned back.

"Can I see Naruto if I do?" Minato questioned. Hiruzen couldn't help but smile just a little.

"Of course, Minato." Hiruzen promised. And that was enough for him.


Inoichi retreated out of Minato's mind after only two minutes of being there, stumbling back like he'd just been set on fire, his eyes wide.

Minato jolted up with concern etched deep in his expression, his shoulders tense as Inoichi sputtered out that yes, this was undoubtedly their Fourth Hokage. Hiruzen had collapsed back into his seat with wide eyes and no small amount of shock. No remains had ever been found for the blonde kage. His bloodied coat and the last eyewitness accounts of those few who'd been present were all they'd had to go off of.

They'd ultimately deduced that Minato Namikaze had perished during the Kyuubi's rampage on the village. That he'd died a hero, sealing the nine tailed demon away before it could do anymore harm. That was the reputation he'd left in his wake.

Minato pushed himself to his feet, his gaze lifting to Kakashi almost immediately. The young man was still frozen in place. Disbelief cycled through him like murky water through an outdoor fountain.

He could remember the numerous sleepless nights in which he'd mourned for his sensei. The pain of having to sort through his belongings because he was listed as the man's next of kin. Watching Naruto begin to grow up without his father, and having to witness just how similar he was to his deceased parents.

It all flooded through him at once. His teacher was actually alive. Minato Namikaze had somehow survived the Kyuubi attack, and though it had been nearly six years since then, he'd made his way home.

He was looking at Kakashi with fond, apologetic eyes. Like he was saying sorry for being gone so long. And he truly was. He could almost see the hurt spilling out of Kakashi-- leaking out of his pores. He had been through far too much in his lifetime, Minato decided.

Tragedy after tragedy had worn Kakashi down and chipped away at what small semblance of stability he was still able to cling to. Minato knew this. He had always known this. But he was back now, and he was going to take care of him just like he did before, and Naruto as well. His son wasn't going to have to bear those glares and hateful whispers anymore. Not if Minato had anything to say about it.

"Kakashi?" Minato tried when the young man didn't move. He took a small step forward, placing a hand on Hiruzen's shoulder as he went. The Third Hokage grasped his forearm gently, giving it a squeeze as he unceremoniously wiped at his eyes. Inoichi had to step out of the room for a moment, still worked up from being inside Minato's mind and seeing the confirmation they'd all hoped for, but hadn't thought would come. Minato would have to remember to thank him for it later.

"Sensei?" Kakashi wheezed out. The blonde man reached up, unhooking his student's ANBU mask and tugging it away. He looked so much older now. At twenty years old, he'd sprouted into a strong, honorable young man.

Minato felt like he'd missed so much. He'd missed Kakashi sprouting into adulthood, and Naruto's first milestones and birthdays. What other experiences had Minato been robbed of? What highs and lows?

"Look at you. You're almost taller than I am!" Minato laughed, unable to stop his eyes from watering with emotion at the sight of his not-so-little-anymore student. "I'm sorry I was gone for so long, Kakashi. It... I-I seems like I've missed out on a lot."

Kakashi's tears spilled over unbidden as the blonde man captured him in a firm hug. It was the type of embrace Kakashi used to grumpily pull away from when he was younger. He melted into it now, his arms coming up and returning it just as he'd always wished he had when his sensei was still alive.

Kakashi didn't say a word. He didn't have to.Instead, he buried his face in his sensei's shoulder and let himself weep.


It's a bit of a filler, but it felt too important to leave out. I hope you guys enjoyed! Pretty hyped to write this out and see where it goes.

Chapter 3: Reunion


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Third person pov

It's inconceivable, and Hiruzen wonders how he's going to break it to the counsel, and to the village as a whole. Such a thing shouldn't have been a possibility. He knew they'd be met with waves of disbelief, and he couldn't say he'd blame them for it.

It was astonishing to see Minato Namikaze, alive and smiling as brightly as the last time Hiruzen had seen him. He thought of all the things that would change now that the blonde man was back. Once it was established that he was alive and was who he claimed to be, he could get caught up on current events and retake his place as the Fourth. The village's standing would be re-strengthened, and the village, reinvigorated with his return. And Naruto would---

Naruto. Hiruzen's mind halted on him as Minato pulled back from his hug with Kakashi, his blue eyes turning steely as he asked to be taken to his son. It made sense. He had gone straight for Naruto as soon as he got back, searching for him from the moment he stepped foot into the village.

Minato had been backed into a corner and forced to seal the Nine Tails in Naruto, fighting to keep his infant son alive. Waking up after weighing his son down with such a burden had to have sent him into a frenzy of worry, not knowing whether or not his son was alive, or healthy, or able to bear the chakra.

Hiruzen had put strict rules in place to keep Naruto from finding out he was a Jinchuriki, and to keep other nations from finding out he was one. It being forbidden to speak prevented civilians from outright saying it, but their distaste towards the boy had always been clear. It wasn't something Hiruzen could publicly address without causing some sort of uproar, or without it getting out of the village just what Naruto was hosting. Hiruzen's hands were tied.

Shamefully, he could admit to having been somewhat... neglectful of Naruto's needs. He made sure he had money and a place to sleep, and visited with him regularly to see how he was doing, but he did little to check in on the behavior of Konoha's residents. He knew it... he knew it was less than acceptable.

Minato wasn't going to be very happy about that. Hiruzen remembered him to be a kind, level-headed man. This, understandably, was not something he would simply sit back and accept.

Minato barely stopped to ask if he was dismissed before Hiruzen was standing and waving him off. His only request was that Minato be ready to come back to speak with the elders of Konoha, and that he try to keep himself out of heavily-populated roads until the announcement of his survival was broadcast.

Minato smiled and bowed his agreement to the terms before turning to race after Kakashi, who was just itching to take his sensei to his son. The copy-cat ninja was excited to finally meet the boy, and to be able to watch him get the family he deserved. Finally, finally he'd be safe, and loved, and treated as he deserved. Kakashi was practically teeming with excitement.

There was something unbelievable about looking back and seeing his sensei darting after him. So alive and vivid, with a determined smile set on his face and trust in his eyes. He took off after Kakashi, wordlessly accepting his student's guidance and not once doubting him.

There had always been something so earth-shattering about Minato's faith. It was so easy to earn, and just as easy to lose. To maintain it was truly a feat. To see it still in tact after six years made Kakashi's eyes water uncharacteristically, and he tried to slow his racing heart. He wasn't sure whether or not this was a dream. If it was, he never wanted it to end.

"The village has changed so much!" Minato called over the wind rushing past his ears. Kakashi's gaze snapped to him, his one visible eye widening as though he hadn't expected to be talked to. Minato couldn't help but laugh a little. "I'm glad its recovered so well! Though, I can't say I'm super happy about how I found Naruto!"

It was said with a smile, but Kakashi could detect an undertone of threat in his voice. He was still pissed, and rightfully so. His first glimpse of his son six years in the future and he's watching the boy get kicked in the stomach and called a demon.

If not for his sensei's god-like patience, Kakashi was sure the man would've run off the find the offender and wrung them by their throat. Kakashi felt his heart squeeze as he thought about having to tell his sensei what had been going on with Naruto, the searing heat of shame burning a hole in his chest. He could feel Minato's gaze focused on his face, unwavering but not accusing.

Minato knew just by looking at Kakashi that he'd done what he could. Hiruzen's tension when Minato requested to go find Naruto told him that the elders of the village had played a large part in whatever had been going on. He didn't know how the abuse had started, just that it wasn't okay by any means. His head spun imagining his son in any sort of pain.

Naruto (obviously) wasn't the same infant Minato remembered, but the connection he felt to the boy remained, and the love was as strong as ever. The all-encompassing feeling of being willing to do anything to ensure one person's happiness filled him with a warm glow.

"I haven't been allowed to meet him." Kakashi admitted. Minato's face creased with a frown. Kakashi hadn't been allowed to talk to Naruto? "Not many know he's your son. The other nations would send assassins in droves if they found out. Especially if they knew of his status as a Jinchuriki. The Third forbid anyone from speaking of either. Anyone who knew you has been banned from contact with him. Being his ANBU guard has been my only way to get close to him, sensei."

Minato sucks in a sharp breath of air that makes Kakashi flinch mid-jump. He can't bring himself to look at the man. He's afraid of what he'll see. He fears he'll turn, and the dream will end, and suddenly Minato will be looming over him, asking him why he never acted and helped Naruto.

It wouldn't be the first time he's had a nightmare like that. Failing Minato-sensei is something he had always feared, and he felt like he truly had when it came to Naruto. What he was doing wasn't enough. He could've found a way to go behind Lord Third's back, but he hadn't, and--

"Thank you, Kakashi." Minato's voice drew his attention again. Minato smiled at his student, radiating reassurance. "Thank you for protecting him until now. You did all you could, and that's more than I ever could've asked for."

Kakashi was forced to look away and wipe at his eyes again. Minato laughed a little, giving the Hatake a hearty pat on the back. He was glad Kakashi had been here.

Sure, Minato was scared of what he was going to find— terrified, really— and he wasn't too happy with the Sandaime, but at least Kakashi had tried. It was more than Minato could say for anyone else so far.

The abuse against Naruto was obviously severe, and Hiruzen had just let it happened? Minato didn't care about the circ*mstance. No child should be treated like that by anyone. Especially not Naruto, who had been forced to give up so much without even knowing or having a choice. Minato still felt laden with guilt knowing what he had sealed in his son. If there were any other option, he would've taken it.

Kakashi told Minato a little about Naruto. He was a prankster who took after Kushina and could eat his weight in ramen. He was unbelievably slippery, sometimes even evading Kakashi on his best days. He was a natural chakra sensor just like Minato, able to pick up on and differentiate people's unique signatures.

It wasn't a skill that was honed, but Kakashi left himself purposely open for the boy to feel. At least that way he knew he wasn't alone. It was far from the best, but still better than nothing.

His favorite color was an orange that would make your eyes bleed if you looked at it for too long, and he had already heartily declared that his dream was the be Hokage someday. He was an optimistic kid, even with the constant glares. He knew how to put a smile on and ignore it all.

Minato was practically tripping over himself listening to the details, soaking up the information like a greedy sponge and asking a million questions. The information didn't feel like enough. Nothing did. Nothing ever would be— these six years were years he'd never get back no matter how much he learned about them, he knew.

Minato felt his bright smile dim quite a bit as Kakashi turned and began to bee-line towards a dilapidated apartment building that looked to be on the verge of toppling over.

The roof was missing a fair amount of shingles and some of the railing on the upper flooring's walkways was gone entirely. Cracks in the foundation climbed up and into the chipped brick walls. The entire structure looked like it might be leaning to the side, sagging awkwardly.

Minato could feel his heartrate begin to speed up the closer they got to it. The alley behind it had a massive pile of trash bags that had yet to have been picked up, and a few homeless folks were sitting about and smoking cigarettes. Kakashi leapt towards the building. Minato took a deep breath and followed.

Kakashi landed on the upper floor in front of a door that Minato knew immediately was his son's. The door had a few gashes in it that luckily didn't seem to go all the way through. The knob looked like it was about to fall off, tilted in a way that made it seem as though someone had tried to wriggle it off. Words like "monster" and "demon" had been painted on crudely.

Minato could tell someone had tried futilely to scrub the letters off to no avail. He felt his heart ache at the sight, the image of his six year old son forced to try and wash insults of the entrance to his home making him blink back tears. Kakashi observed his sensei for a moment, soaking in his image as he knocked.

There was a pause and then the sound of shuffling on the other side of the door. Minato held his breath as the click of a latch being undone sounded. He took a small step back, his heart racing.

His son was in there. He was already so big. Would he want to meet Minato? Would he be upset because he'd been gone so long?

Kakashi put a hand on his sensei's shoulder, unable to stop from basking in the solid warmth. He was alive, and he was here for Naruto. He was back. It felt like the world had been righted again.

Things had been so off kilter since his death. The entire village had been on edge, and the tensions that had arisen were severe. Him being back was a blessing in more ways than one.

The door creaked open hesitantly, a small form peeking out of the created crack. A large blue eye the same color as Minato's gazed up at them with apprehension and fear. Minato felt his heart seize at the sight, his eyes going wide.

Naruto was so, so tiny. He looked so much like him, but like Kushina too, and it— it was almost too much. There was a defiant glint in his eye as he opened the door a little wider, his little shoulders tense. He was ready to run if he needed to. It made Minato's eyes sting harder.

Naruto's gaze shifted to Kakashi, eyes moving up to his (kinda ugly in Naruto's opinion) hair. He had felt his chakra enough to recognize him. It was the only reason he had answered the door. This was, undoubtedly, his shadow. The nice one.

The man from earlier was there too, looking at him like he'd just shattered his entire world and then put it back together again all in the span of a few seconds. Naruto felt his little hands grip the door's knob and frame, the memory of the man scooping him up coming back unbidden. He had called him his son, but Naruto wasn't good enough for parents... was he?

He'd been an orphan his whole life. His parents hadn't wanted him, he was told. He understood. The villagers had to be calling him a demon for a reason. Even if Naruto didn't know exactly why, would they do that for no reason? He didn't know. He didn't think so.

The man had picked him up, though. He had held him so carefully, like he'd break if he wasn't careful. He'd defended him. When was the last time someone had done that? Naruto couldn't think of nearly any occasion where someone had so blatantly protected him.

He'd been thinking about it since it happened, coming back to his apartment to sit quietly. He was unable to conjure up his usual energy, drifting in a haze as he replayed the situation over and over again in his mind. He wanted to brush it off like he did everything else, but how could?

The shadow who watched him didn't speak, but the blonde one did crouch down so they could be eye level. Naruto flinched back slightly, staring at him nervously. He felt an uncomfortable tension fill his chest.

This man looked a lot, lot like him. They had the same yellow hair, and their eyes were the same too. So was their skin color, and parts of their face. It was like him, but big. Were they actually related? For... For real?

Naruto couldn't help but feel a little hopeful at the thought of family. He dreamed about it endlessly, his mind wandering to it during class. What it would be like to go home to a mom and dad who loved him. To eat a hot meal that wasn't made in a microwave, and be read to sleep, and helped with his homework.

Today, he hadn't been able to stop himself from daydreaming about what it would be like to have a dad like the blond man. Imagined that maybe he hadn't been lying when he'd called him his son, and let warmth fill his chest despite knowing better. Now Naruto felt... unsure. Maybe a bit scared.

He hadn't expected to ever see the blonde stranger again. He'd expected him to forever remain nameless, a figment to be used in Naruto's pathetic fantasies of a normal life where he was loved. Only now he was here, and he had no idea if that was a good or bad thing.

"What do you want?" He tried to sound strong, but his voice came out shaky. He did his best to hold back a pout. The man gave a weak chuckle, his lips upturning sadly. Naruto wondered why he looked so upset. He'd seen people get mad at him before. They got disgusted, and enraged, and annoyed, but not... solemn. Not like this.

"Hey, Naruto." The man's voice was impossibly soft and kind. Naruto flinched back, eyes going wide. No one ever spoke to him like that before. In that tone, and looked at him with those eyes, free of hostility. Jiji was nice, but there was always something in his eyes that made Naruto feel like he should leave as soon as possible. He took a small step back. "I know you don't know me, but my name is Minato Namikaze, and this is my friend Kakashi. I picked you up earlier. Do you remember?"

Naruto gave a quiet nod, and Minato beamed at him in a way that made Naruto feel like he was worth something.

A wave of adoration washed over the blonde kage, sudden and overwhelming as he gazed at his son. He and Kushina had created this. This adorable, squishy little boy with the biggest, bluest eyes and cutest little face. And his hands were so tiny, and he was just... Minato loved him.

He wanted to sit down and talk to him for hours and hours, and find out everything there was to know about him. He wanted to cuddle him, and buy him anything he wanted for his bedroom, and teach him how to hold his first kunai. Tuck him in and cook him food and take him off to festivals and the playground. Minato could practically feel his chest about to burst with the elation the mere sight of Naruto brought him.

"I'm glad! I'm sorry if I scared you earlier." Minato said as cheerfully as he could manage. "You know, you and I look a lot alike. We both have really yellow hair."

"A-And blue eyes." Naruto blurted out, his hands coming to clap over his mouth soon after. Minato almost melted at the sound of his voice, smiling so hard it hurt.

He blinked his tears back. Kakashi wiped at his eye, glancing away for a moment to collect himself. He almost couldn't handle this. Naruto deserved this. Kakashi was so, so glad his sensei was back. He remembered being so upset they'd never recovered a body. To think that would turn into such a blessing.

"And blue eyes," Minato agreed with a chuckle. He tilted his head. "There's a reason for that, but I have to tell you something first. Is that okay?"

Naruto nodded adamantly, opening his door completely with curious eyes. He got the distinct sense that this man meant no harm. How could he possibly be dangerous if he was with his shadow? He seemed kind, looking at him with a gaze Naruto had always yearned for.

His voice was so nice, and soft, and Naruto just wanted to curl up in a ball and go to sleep listening to it. It sounded like what safety felt like. Naruto didn't know this man. He didn't want to let his guard down so fast, but he almost couldn't help himself as the man smiled at him so openly.

No one had ever done that to him. Even when they tried to trick him, you could always see it in their eyes that they were lying. This man's eyes just looked gooey and fond.

"Six years ago I got really, really hurt. I almost died." Minato admitted. Naruto nodded, blinking. Minato gave a beaming smile. This was an abridged version of events, but attempting to explain something even Minato didn't understand to a six year old didn't seem like a great idea. "I actually just woke up today. And when I did, I ran to the village as fast as I could to look for someone!"

Naruto's eyes went wide. He moved to grip the hem of his shirt nervously, eyeing Minato with renewed suspicion. The man scooted forward just slightly. Naruto watched him with a surprising amount of openness. Like he was just waiting for Minato to be trustworthy, and hoping despite having been hurt so many times.

It was astonishing to see. Minato could see himself mirrored in Naruto. It was like seeing his reflection in a rippled pond. Not exact, but there nonetheless. It made his heart soar. This was his son. This was Naruto. It seemed like only yesterday-- literally-- that he was excitedly anticipating his arrival.

"I had a little boy right before I got hurt and went to sleep. I named him Naruto." Minato admitted in a tone so quiet you almost couldn't hear it.

Kakashi nodded as though to back him up. Minato's smile turned sad without him meaning it to, watching a variety of emotions flit across his son's face. He'd tried to phrase it as softly and simply as he could, but it sounded unbelievable even in his ears. Naruto didn't move, his mind catching up to Minato's words.

You could practically see the cogs turning in his little head. Minato waited patiently for him to process, keeping his body language honest and open. A door down the hall opened, but Minato didn't so much as move, or even glimpse away from his son. Kakashi shot a glare at the prying eyes, defensive enough to ward them away.

Naruto swallowed, staring at the man. He looked very nice, like a dad might. Sakura-chan said that parents were supposed to take care of you no matter what, and love you, and give you hugs and kisses whenever you needed. He had seen other parents with their kids.

Naruto had thought he hadn't had that, or that he never would, rather. But what if... what if Minato was telling the truth, and he was his dad? Naruto wanted to believe it more than anything. It was just... It was hard to. No one had ever wanted him before!

But if this guy really had gotten hurt, and couldn't come get Naruto... it... it made sense that he'd come as soon as he woke up. It wasn't his fault he couldn't come if he'd gotten that injured, right? Then... Then maybe he did still want Naruto?

Even though he was big now, and the caretakers at the orphanage had told him that parents only wanted babies. Maybe Naruto could...

He took a small step forward. Minato perked up, smiling hopefully at the boy, trying to convey with every fiber of being just how badly he wanted this. He knew this was out of the blue, and a little awkward, and not official in the least. Minato simply couldn't wait anymore. He couldn't!

It had been six years too long, and he wasn't going to waste another second getting his son what he needed. He refused to stand around hoping the elders truly believed he was back and allowed him to see his little boy. Back from the dead or not, he was Hokage. He could do whatever the hell he wanted.

"I...I-I have a dad? You..." Naruto's voice came out a lot smaller than he'd wanted it to, cracking pathetically halfway through. He flinched at the sound of it, taking a small step back. Minato nodded readily, beaming at him.

Naruto couldn't believe it. He had a dad? Like, a real family? He had always wanted a family. Jiji was the closest thing he had to one, and the shadow too.

If shadow was here, maybe they could all be a family together. Maybe it wasn't too good to be true. Even though Naruto was hated and a monster-- not a normal child by any means-- maybe...

He wanted to cry. He couldn't stop tears from welling in his eyes. If this was a joke, it was a really, really mean one.

"I'm sorry I was gone so long, Naruto. I'm sorry I wasn't here to protect you." Minato breathed. "But I'm here now, and I'm not going anywhere. I won't let anyone hurt you, and I won't leave you alone. I promise. If you just give me a chance, I promise. I love you more than anything else in the entire world. The day your mother told me you were going to be born was the happiest day of my entire life. I know you don't know me yet, but if you would give me a chance, I--"

Minato didn't get to finish. Naruto moved with speed that put him to shame, launching himself at his father with a loud wail that rattled the apartment's windows with its volume. Minato caught him readily, standing up quickly with his son in his arms and holding him close.

Naruto wrapped around him like a koala around a tree, burying his face in the man's shoulder as he sobbed, hugging him tight and not caring whether or not this was a lie. Even if it was, he was going to enjoy it was much as he could. Even if he didn't really mean it and left, Naruto didn't care.

No one had ever said they loved him before. Not once. No one promised to protect him, o-or said they were happy he was born. So no, he didn't care if this was being made up. If this was a dream, he didn't care if he was going to wake up!

To feel this even for a second... it was worth it. He wanted a family. He just wanted a family to take care of him, because he was tired. He was so alone, and he hated it. He was tired of being hungry and cold, and living in this place, with all its drunks and angry neighbors.

Minato squeezed his eyes closed, holding Naruto firmly. His shoulders relaxed for the first time all day, and he smiled. No one was going to touch Naruto ever again. Not on his watch.

He tugged Kakashi into the hug too, of course. The copy-cat nin didn't dare pull away.


Ay yuh get it I guess

Chapter 4: The Council's Ruling


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Third person pov

Naruto decides that he's dreaming. He must be. There's no other explanation for this that makes sense. Minato speaks to Naruto's shadow-- Kakashi, he guesses-- in a low tone, as though not wanting to disturb him, rubbing his hand up and down his back in the most comforting way possible. Naruto thinks it's the nicest anyone's ever been to him.

Naruto can't stop sniffling and hiccupping, finally able to stop crying after who knows how long. He keeps waiting for the ball to drop. For this man to throw him to the ground and laugh in his face for daring to hope, or having the audacity to think he was actually worthy of something like this. Naruto can almost hear the taunts drifting past his ears. He grips the man tightly, waiting.

It still hasn't happened. More and more time passes and the man is still holding him,lovinghim. Naruto has never felt loved before. It feels nice and warm, and he never wants it to end. The seconds keep crawling by and he's still being held. Still being murmured too and told how happy his dad is to have him. Hisdad.

Naruto can't believe it. He refuses to pull back, afraid it'll all end if he dares. He stays with his face planted in his father's shoulder, soaking it all in and trying to remember how to breathe. He can't fully wrap his head around it. He doesn't know if this is real, but it's the best day of his life either way. Even if it's a trick. Just to experience this-- it's everything.

Minato eyes Naruto's small apartment with barely-masked distaste and horror. He can hardly process the fact that his son lives here. This is not the place for a child!

The wooden floors were cracked and scuffed, peeling up at the edges and warped from water damage. There's visible mold growing and plaster flaking off in chunks. He doesn't even want to knowwhatthe stains on the ceiling are from. It smells of stale ramen and mildew, and the window has a hole in it covered by tape and a chunk of cardboard.

The place is about as far from healthy as you can get. Minato can hardly stand it, his heart clenching uncomfortably. He tightens his grip on his son minimally. Naruto isn't going to step into this place ever again if he has anything to say about it. No more sleeping on a dingy mattress that looks no more than an inch thick. He's going to have arealhome.

"Help me get what he needs. I don't want to stay here any longer than we have to." Minato requested, eyes roaming the place. A few drawings Minato will most definitely framing are tacked up on the wall, and a calendar hangs by his fridge, which is ancient even by Minato's slightly-outdated standards. Kakashi gave a nod, producing a sealing scroll from one of the pouches on his leg.

"You got it, Sensei." Kakashi glanced around. Naruto's apartment had always made his nose scrunch up, but it was even worse without his ANBU mask on. He'd be glad to never see it again. "I've got to warn you; he doesn't own much."

"For now." Why did Minato's smile look so threatening? Kakashi was too happy to have him back to care.

Gathering Naruto's things up didn't take long. He had a few plush toys that Kakashi had gotten him, as well as a nightcap. The pile of clothes he owns is too small to even be considered a complete load of laundry. Minato gave it a disdainful look, vowing to get the boy more of everything. More toys, and clothes, and academy supplies.

The scrappy notebook Kakashi drags out and the stubby pencils are cheap and have been sharpened to half their length, with erasers used down to nubs. Minato mentally took stock of everything, watching Kakashi toss a small frog wallet onto the pile. He couldn't help but smile at the sight. Maybe his son was partial to toads, or perhaps that had been solely his student's doing.

Naruto risked peeking up as Minato bent down to pick up the worn out blanket Jiji had gifted him. He didn't pull back, simply eyeing the pile over his dad's shoulder when the man turned around. He was startled to see all his meager belongings piled up that way. He immediately felt himself tense, his chest squeezing uncomfortably.

What were they going to do to it? People had destroyed his things before. His old neighbor had broken in once and shattered the only dishes he had. Naruto had been using an old tupperware lid as a plate ever since. A plastic instant ramen cup had been washed out and was reserved for drinking too, but he didn't see either of those things on the pile. Maybe they hadn't realized...

Minato seemed to notice Naruto's sudden change in posture, placing a reassuring hand on his stiff back and taking a deep breath. Naruto steeled himself for the worst.

"Don't worry, Naruto. We're just packing up your things so you can come with us. We're not going to let you live here anymore, alright?" Minato kept his voice as cheerful as possible.

The reaction he got was immediate and a lot more violent than he'd have expected. Naruto ripped himself back from the man, going against his previous worries, his blue eyes impossibly wide. Minato smiled, taking in his son's face. He really was the cutest kid he'd ever seen in his life. Kakashi was a close second, but he wasn't going to risk telling the young man that.

Naruto couldn't believe what he'd just heard. Had he imagined that? Surely not. Naruto could safely say that he hated it here, yeah. He hated the drunk neighbors and the homeless folk that would try to grab him by the arm on his way up, and he hated the couple downstairs that would scream at each other all night. It smelt bad and was drafty, and the roof leaked when it rained.

The mere thought of getting to stay anywhere else sounded like heaven on Earth, but this... was thisreallyhis dad? Was this not a dream? Was Naruto really going to live somewhere else-- with a family? Sounded... kind of fake. Actually.

"C-Come with you?Where?" Naruto sputtered out, hands clenching into Minato's shirt. Minato gave a small laugh that made his son's cheeks flush with mild embarrassment. He glanced away, pouting in a way that made Minato want to coo.

"To our house!" Minato grinned at him. Naruto's heart fluttered at the use of 'our'. It made it sound like it was his too, even though he knew that couldn't possibly be what this guy meant. "You'll have your own room and everything. How's that sound?"

Naruto looked flummoxed by the notion. It was adorable. Kakashi gave a small chuckle, ruffling the blonde boy's hair as he passed by to seal everything up. Naruto's head whipped towards him, and he seemed even further perplexed as Kakashi smiled at him.

If that really was his shadow like Naruto was so sure it was, then... then was this actuallyreal? His shadow didn't usually speak, but that also meant he didn't lie either. If that were the case then... no, no, it was impossible. It had to be impossible.

He turned back towards his proclaimed father, pressing his lips together tight and willing himself not to cry. Minato smiled at him, welcoming and urging Naruto to believe in him. Naruto observed him critically, trying to get the cogs in his brain to turn faster than a snail's pace.

They did look alotalike. Like, a lot, a lot alike. Naruto had never seen someone who looked so similar to himself before, though he had sometimes imagined some of his other classmates were his siblings, and that he'd get to go home with them when the day was done. Of course he never did, but the fantasy was enough to get him through the day with a smile on his face.

This man was familiar. Naruto felt like he'd seen him before, or like he knew him. Actually, no... no, hehadseen him before, and it wasn't just because of the hair and eyes! Naruto had undoubtedly run across this face before. But he was so sure he'd never met Minato in the past. He would've remembered something like...

Wait a second.

"Whoa!" Naruto gasped out, eyes practically popping out of his skull. He leaned as far away from his father as he could, taking him all in. That was it! Without a doubt! Wow, Naruto was a genius for cracking this one. "My dad is the Fourth Hokage?! No way! I thought you weredead, believe it!"

Minato let out an unrestrained laugh at the outburst. Naruto couldn't help but grin too, the sudden onslaught of excitement that rushed through his veins too much to hold back. Minato felt himself sober slightly at the sight of his son's smile, but he did his best not to let it show.

Not because hewasn'timpossibly happy. He was! It was just... undoubtedly Kushina's smile. It matched it to a T. Big and crooked and a little goofy, but unquestionably genuine. It was like he was watching Naruto unfold and come to life before his very eyes, exuding all the best parts of his mother out for the world to see.

Kakashi just chuckled, tucking the sealing scroll back into the pouch it had come from. Minato tried not to be too blown away, pushing his grief off. Right now it was crucial he not scare his son off.

If there was anyone you could trust, Naruto clearly assumed it was a Hokage. He opened up like a blooming flower, petals unfurling. He asked a million questions that Minato was more than happy to answer, riveted by his son's enthusiasm.

What was it like facing the Kyuubi? Was he a ghost? How did he survive? Was he still hurt? The small blonde seemed to deem it okay that he'd been gone so long, but only because he'd gotten hurt fighting a giant nine-tailed demon. Which was pretty cool, apparently.

He had stated as such in a very matter-of-fact tone that left little to no room for argument. Naruto had then very happily jabbered on about how he couldn't believe this was actually for real, and that now he could have a real family and no one could bully him. Minato's smile had gone a little stiff at that, but he'd agreed. Narutocertainlywouldn't be discriminated against anymore.

"You may have some competition for your title, Minato-sensei. If Naruto wants to be Hokage, I'm sure it's only a matter of time before he gets the hat." Kakashi joked in a good-natured sort of way, feeling lighter than he had in years. Watching Naruto beam so blindingly was all the therapy he'd needed. The boy looked like he was on cloud nine, clinging to his father like he never wanted to let go. And really, he didn't.

"Is that so? Who's to say I'm not going to train him to be my successor in the first place, huh?" Minato laughed, bumping elbows with Kakashi as they idly walked. They kept to the empty back streets of Konoha, waiting for the summon that would inevitably be coming. When that time came, Minato would regretfully have to leave Naruto in Kakashi's care. Hopefully not for too long.

Naruto gasped aloud at their words. This was the best day of his life. Honestly, if it was a dream, he wasn't going to be all that surprised. His father, the Fourth Hokage? It was so insane even he never would've thought of it! Now for sure they'd stop making fun of him at the academy!

If this was somehow legit, then his dad could teach him how to actually throw a kunai, and help him study so he'd stop failing tests! Maybe Iruka-sensei would finally treat him like he treated all the other kids in their class! Maybe he could... Maybe he could even havefriends. Friends, and a family. It seemed surreal. He felt greedy and selfish yearning for it all, but he couldn't very well stop himself.

He wondered what the house was like, and if he'd really have a room there. The idea of sitting down and eating dinner with his dad and Kashi seemed amazing. He couldn't think of anything else in the whole world he wanted more! He could just imagine it now.

He would actually have a real home to come back to, with actual people in it! And, and, a dad to walk him to the academy, and pick up him, and put him on his shoulders. Naruto's head was spinning with the possibilities. Was any of that okay? How would Naruto know?

It all seemed rather sudden. He'd been an orphan like, five minutes ago. He's definitely skeptical. Who wouldn't be in a situation like this? Naruto's not exactly the most liked person in the whole wide world, you know. Maybe someone had finally brained him with a rock and he was in a blissful coma.

"Believe it, Kashi! We're gonna team up and take you down." Naruto replied heatedly, keeping his worries and wants to himself for the time being in case he scared his new dad off. Minato almost melted, his cheeks turning pink from the sheer cuteness of his son. He wished Kushina were here to see this.

"Why me? It's not likeIwant to be Hokage." Kakashi waved the boy off. Naruto narrowed his eyes at him in a suspicious manner.

"That's exactly what someone who wants to be Hokage would say. Believe it." Naruto huffed. He squeezed Minato as best he could. "My... MyDadis gonna train me to be the coolest ninja. Even cooler than you!"

Dad. Minato was going to turn into a puddle. An actual puddle, right here in the middle of the road. Kakashi would have to scrape him up with a giant spatula.

"So you think I'm cool, then." Kakashi said flippantly. Naruto let out a squawk of denial. The sound was shortly followed by a noise very much similar to the one the boy had just made; though, this one came from overhead.

They all looked up to see an eagle circling above. It brandished the Hokage's seal around its leg. The sight was enough to make Minato's smile dim. He looked to Kakashi with a nod.

He knew it was only a matter of time and that it couldn't be avoided, but he couldn't help but feel nervous. How much had changed? He hoped the council remained the same. Well-- maybe he wouldn't betooupset if Danzo weren't there. He hadn't thought to ask if any of the clan heads had changed.

He genuinely hoped not. He'd been great friends with most all of them, and gaining their support was something Minato had worked hard for during his time at war. They were all strong-willed and just... good. It was rare to have so many clan heads be genuinely good.

Naruto's eyes widened when Minato moved to hand him to Kakashi. He liked Kakashi a lot. His dad had joked and said that he was sort of like Naruto's big brother, and Naruto hadalwayswanted one of those. Not that he was going to admit that to Kashi. The guy was too co*cky for his own good, Naruto had decided.

Still, no matter how much he kinda sorta liked the man, that didn't mean he wanted to be held by anyone aside from his dad. Being picked up in general didn't host great memories from him, so it was only okay if it was his dad! His dad, who was leaving far, far too soon.

He didn't want to let go. Naruto tightened his hold, feeling himself become slightly panicked. What if this was all fake and his dad actually didn't come back, and didn't want Naruto? His throat felt tight thinking about it. Naruto knew crying was for babies and he had already done it far too much today, but he couldn't stop his eyes from watering.

He hadjustgotten a dad and now he already had to leave? Naruto still had so many things he had to hurry and do with him, just in case! Like go to the park and play with him, and, and, give him hugs and draw him pictures.

"Hey, hey, it's okay!" Minato assured, seeing Naruto's scared look. The boy loosened his grip on his dad's shirt a little, taking a deep breath as Minato soothed him. "I'll be right back. Kakashi is going to take you clothes shopping while I'm visiting with the Hokage! I have to talk to some people and let them know I'm still alive. That way I can be Hokage again and get the rights to our house back, so we can live together. Is that alright?"

"Wait, I'm doingwhat?" Kakashi asked. He was ignored.

"You... You'll be back?" Naruto asked in a skeptical tone. Minato gave a brilliant smile.

"Always, Naruto." He planted a kiss on his son's forehead. The boy's eyes went wide and teary, and he drew back in slight awe. "Be good for Kakashi! And pick out some really cool clothes, alright?"

He was gone after that, not giving his son the chance to get worked up again. Naruto blinked rapidly a few times, whipping around in Kakashi's arms so he could look at the masked man. The Hatake deflated visibly. He could almostfeelhis wallet getting flatter. That being said, hehadbeen waiting six years to spoil the kid...

"Alright, kid." He adjusted his grip and him, giving a closed-eye smile. "Looks like it's just me and you. Let's roll."

Naruto's eyes brightened, and he grinned.


"It isn't possible." Danzo said in a sure sort of way. An emergency meeting had called all the clan heads and council members in. The air in the room was tense, and Minato could already feel himself starting to sweat.

Hiruzen remained calm and level-headed, and Minato did his best to follow in suite. He'd already given all the necessary evidence. He shared information only he and some others in the room would know, and allowed his chakra to expand out so they could get a better feel for it. He let them try to dispel genjutsu, and disrupt transformations, and ask over the top questions. Most everyone was convinced, if not astonished.

Save for Shimura. Naturally.

"Uh huh. Clearly." Shikaku spoke with dry sarcasm. Seeing Minato Namikaze again had been like a breath of fresh air. Though they'd been warned prior to the blonde arriving what had happened and that he was back, it was something else entirely to see it with his own eyes. "I vote we reinstate him right away. I think Lord Third's luxurious retirement is long overdue."

The Third Hokage gave a chuckle. Indeed, he'd been wishing he could relax for some time now. He wasn't as young as he used to be, after all. Minato gave a nervous smile.

He'd been hugged by several individuals upon he re-entry. Before his death, all the clan heads had been fully on his side. Even the Hyuga and Uchiha clans had wanted him at the helm of the village. It seemed that hadn't changed. There was palpable relief displayed in Fugaku Uchiha's worn expression, and Hiashi Hyuga looked notably more relaxed. Minato could practicallysmellhis work being cut out for him.

"I am all for Minato returning as our Hokage." Koharu smiled, sounding old and a little weary, but relieved to see him. "It is a true miracle that he should find himself unharmed and back after so long. Though we may not know how this is possible, I believe we should count our blessings. He is just what our village needs."

Danzo turned to look at the woman in complete disbelief, like he couldn't believe he'd been betrayed so blatantly. Tsume Inuzuka turned to the side and tried her best to mask her laughter with a cough. It wasn't done very well based on the look Danzo levelled her with.

That only seemed to crack her up more. Even Choza looked like he was maybe going to let loose a chuckle or two. Hiruzen massaged his temples. He knew Danzo would cause a fuss, but that didn't mean he couldn't be annoyed by it.

"I agree as well." Homura smiled. Danzo turned to him slowly. Shikaku swallowed a snort, looking away very pointedly. Hiruzen shot him a mildly scolding look.

"Same." Tsume blew out a breath of air. "Maybe he can finally bring some order to his place. No disrespect, Lord Third."

"None taken, Inuzuka-san. It seems we're all in favor of Minato taking the hat back." Hiruzen deflated a little. He was glad. He had very little left in him at this point. "We'll begin preparations for the ceremony right away. I think the most crucial part of all this is finding a way to announce to the village that Minato is indeed still alive."

It was a good point. They couldn't just spring it outatthe ceremony. There had to be some sort of build up-- a warning, if you would, so people wouldn't be shocked or stuck in a state of denial over it.

The Fourth remained one of the few Hokages almost everyone had sided with and loved. Excluding Danzo and his supporters, however many few he had. Minato was a war hero who had brought them peace and safety, risking himself daily to go out onto the battlefield for the sake of the village. They'd be delighted he'd returned! But... how did they tell them?

"Ah," Shikaku Nara snapped his fingers all of a sudden, grinning in a lazy manner. "I know exactly how to trickle the word out."


I hope you enjoyed!

Chapter 5: Home

Chapter Text

Third person pov

Shikaku Nara did indeed know how to get the word out. All he had to do was drag Inoichi out into the lobby of the Hokage building and talk loudly about how he couldn't believe Minato was back after six years, and how he was so glad the man was somehow still alive. The receptionist soaked the whole thing up like a sponge and immediately started spilling the beans to the next person who came by, who was equally as willing to spread the word.

The entire tower seemed to know by the time Minato was actually allowed to leave, gasping and whispering, some even cheering for him as he went by. Talk about effective, if not slightly terrifying. There was no rumor mill like the Konoha rumor mill, he guessed.

Minato fiddled with the key to he and Kushina's old home nervously. They hadn't lived together in it very long, only moving out of their shared apartment when they realized Kushina was pregnant. Even still, they'd worked hard to make it as warm and welcoming as they could for their incoming baby.

He could still very clearly envision the pictures hanging on the wall and the new furniture they'd splurged on. The corners they'd babyproofed and the dog door they'd put in for Kakashi's ninken despite the boy's insistence that he wouldn't be imposing enough for it to be necessary. The nursery, colored a soft indigo with images of shuriken and kunai painted on carefully by Kushina herself. The thought of seeing it again, covered in dust and unused by the family he'd loved so much, made his throat feel tight.

Again, he could imagine Kushina yelling at him and whacking him over the head for his distress. Just because he wasn't going to get what he'd expected didn't mean his family was gone. Kakashi and Naruto were still here, and they still needed him!

She would want him to keep his head held high. If he moped too much she'd definitely beat his ass in the afterlife for 'wasting time'. Minato took a deep breath and told himself he'd allow himself to grieve later. He had to get settled here and make sure Naruto and Kakashi were both okay. They all had a lot of adjusting to do, and he was determined to make sure everything went as smoothly as humanly possible.

He immediately started the hunt for Kakashi and Naruto in the main shopping district of Konoha, darting around like a madman trying to sense for his son or student's chakra. He got more than a few startled looks as he jogged along, head scanning back and forth to make sure he didn't miss them by mistake. He offered polite smiles to anyone who happened to meet his eyes, winking when he saw vaguely familiar faces.

It was comical to see people stop what they were doing completely and process. Though, he did have to admit to feeling guilty watching a nin who was clearly off-duty drop his groceries into a couple of heaps at the sight of him. Minato was just going to turn the other way and decide that that one wasn't on him.

It didn't take long to track down his student and son. Naruto's immense chakra hit before he even saw the pair. What really slowed Minato down, however, was the sudden change in atmosphere the closer he got.

Civilians rushed past with ducked heads. Silence edged with whispers ebbed its way into the streets, replacing the usual bustle of sounds you'd usually expect to find on a commercial strip such as this. Minato immediately felt the same anger that had gripped him earlier return in tenfold. His casual stroll turned stiff, and his brows dropped into a tense furrow.

Kakashi was chatting amicably with Naruto, holding the boy's hand while hosting atleasteleven bags on the other arm. Naruto looked a little nervous, gripping Kakashi's hand with a scared ferocity and forcing himself to smile. The expression would've been entirely convincing had he not seen it on Kushina's face a million times when they were both younger.

Kakashi was far more open about how he felt, his cheerful expression breaking every so often so he could shoot venomous glares at anyone who whispered too loudly or stared a little too long. Minato felt a wave of fondness crash through him at the sight of his student's protectiveness. It wasn't much, but it was a small breath of relief to see that Naruto at least didn't have to deal with this alone. Not anymore.

Minato smoothed out his expression, wishing more than anything that he had his coat. He'd never once wanted to flaunt his position as the Fourth Hokage before. The power that came with the title wasn't something he'd ever held over someone's head, and the attention he got when he used to go out into public had been embarrassing and a little flattering before.

Now, he wanted people to know who he was. Wanted to stake his claim and let the world know that this was hisson, and that anyone messing with him was messing with Minato too. That if anyone looked at him sideways again, Minato would take it as a personal insult-- one that would not be met kindly.

"Naruto, Kakashi!" He chirped cheerfully. Naruto whipped around, eyes going wide like he was shocked to see that Minato had come back. The genuine look of exuberance that broke out across his son's face was everything. He was starting to see just how desperately he needed to invest in a camera. Minto spun the house-key on his finger a few times for them to see. "Look what I've got!"

"Dad!" Naruto gasped out almost reverently, like he couldn't believe Minato was there and walking towards him. He hesitantly let go of Kakashi's hand, looking up at the masked man to see if it was okay. Kakashi swallowed the coo that threatened to wiggle up his throat, nodding to the blonde.

Naruto looked completely floored by the permission. Exhilarated, he turned and darted for his dad, who was all too willing to open his arms and receive him. Minato's heart felt light-- lighter than it had since he'd first woken up in that clearing.

The whispers stopped abruptly as Minato caught Naruto in his arms, spinning them around once to absorb the momentum the little boy had brought when he crashed into him. Naruto let out a hysterical laugh, hugging his dad as though seeing him again was the best thing to ever happen to him. Kakashi grinned as he approached, distributing half of the bags he'd gotten into the hand Naruto had abandoned. Minato raised an amused brow at the sight. Kakashi shrugged.

"He needed clothes." The Hatake said drawly. Minato laughed.

"I'll reimburse you as soon as they give me my bank account back." Minato said lightly. Naruto pulled back, grinning at his dad.

"Kashi even got me new kunai for the academy! New!" Naruto said, trying to shake his father back and forth but only succeeding and rocking himself. He was pretty much vibrating with excitement. "And, and, and, he said he'd teach me how to throw them! Like, forreal!"

Minato's smile thinned slightly. He shot a glance at Kakashi who was conveniently looking away. A huff of laughter left him.

"Sounds likeKashiis trying to steal you from me already." Minato spun on his heel, heading away from the stares and towards their house. Kakashi scoffed and moved to follow, falling into step next to his sensei. "What else did you get? We'll have to go pick paint out for your room later, too."

Naruto looked awed by the idea. Pick out paint? Forhisroom? Today couldn't possibly be happening. He was going to wake up any minute now in the same dingey apartment and eat the same instant ramen he always did. And then he'd sit alone and contemplate going outside, and then decide not to because he didn't want to get yelled at. That's what was going to happen-- that's what always did.

Gazing at his dad, he remained in perpetual disbelief. How could someone like him possibly be related to someone so amazing? He felt solemn thinking about it. Him? With the Fourth Hokage for a father? When he thought about it like that, anyone would laugh.

Today was unlike anything Naruto had ever experienced. He wondered if this was what was normal for other kids. Shopping trips to get the things they needed and a feeling of love so strong it threatened to blossom out of his chest and into a big, pink flower.

He can almost understand Kashi's affection better than he can his dad's. Kakashi has been his shadow for a long time now. For as long as Naruto can remember, actually. Watching him, bringing him gifts and tucking him in. Fixing basic things around his apartment, he suspects, like his leaky faucet and light fixture.

How can... How can his dad just come here anddecideto love him without knowing him? Does he know what Naruto is-- that he's different? Will he change his mind if he does? Maybe Naruto is being presumptuous. His dad said he loves him, but what if he doesn't really? How does Naruto know for sure?

Minato seemed to notice the sobering of his son, his smile dropping a little. He looked to Kakashi for answers. The copy-cat nin looked just as confused as he did, shrugging cluelessly as Naruto's grip on his father's shirt loosened a little. It was heartbreaking to see doubt spread across his child's face. He wished he could bundle Naruto up and never let go. Minato wasn't going to let him get hurt anymore if he had anything to say about it.

"Hey," Naruto murmured quietly, his voice impossibly small. He glanced at his father's face almost as though afraid he'd get in trouble for asking. "Th...Th-This isreal, right?"

Minato sucked in a sharp breath of air. He smiled, even if he wanted to find the nearest tree so he could punch a hole straight through it.

"Yes, Naruto." Minato tightened his grip on him. "This is real. I know things are hectic and it came out of nowhere, but you'll see. Things are going to be different now. I promise."

Naruto didn't quite look convinced, but the boy was smiling and rushing off on another tangent about he and Kakashi's adventures before Minato could dwell on it too much longer.


Minato had expected to be sadder, coming back to the house. But how could it be when Naruto dropped out of his arms and ran into the open living room, spinning around and kicking up a cloud of thick dust in his wake. His eyes were shining so brightly-- sohappily. He lit up the entire space just like Minato always knew he would, and the man couldn't do much but stand there and watch as he took it all in.

Naruto's big eyes traced every nook and cranny of the space, his little head whipping back and forth when new details would catch his eye. He beamed, staring at his father with open awe and thrill that makes him look like he's glowing. The joy is so blatant it would be criminal not to smile back.

Minato can already see the life they're going to have. Naruto running around with reckless abandon, tracking mud inside and throwing kunai in the house even though Minato will tell him not to. He can see the dirty pawprints Kakashi's ninken will leave once he convinces the young man to stop cooping them up in that apartment of his, as Minato is sure his masked student hasn't moved since his death.

He can imagine game nights and pillow forts, and dinners eaten in the living room because they've covered the dining room table with too much junk that needs organizing. He can see pillow forts and movie nights. Minato looks at his son and the house they now share, and he can see the years spread out like a road map. It's... therapuedic.

"Am I really allowed to live here?!" Naruto gasps, looking away from his dad and returning to his inspection of the area. Minato can't stop his smile, his shoulders losing the tension they'd previously held. Kakashi walked past him with ease, dropping the bags by the door and smiling.

"After we clean it up a little." Kakashi allowed, ruffling the kid's hair. Minato shook his head a little.

"Exactly! And there's no time like the present, so lets get at it." Minato raised his fist. Naruto threw his hands up and whooped.

There are still cleaning supplies under the sink. Naruto tackles the countertops with reckless abandon. There's still running water and electricity; though, a lot of the lightbulbs flicker oddly from disuse. Kakashi sends a copy of himself off to go retrieve some more.

Minato can't help but feel impressed by his ability to hold a solid clone so easily. Naruto also seems particularly fascinated by the technique, watching Kakashi's hands move and gasping at the copy of him that emerges from the produced cloud of smoke. He looks even more shocked when it opens a door by itself and darts off.

They focus on the main area. Minato doesn't think he's ready to touch the bedrooms yet. Naruto doesn't ask either, sticking to the main living area dutifully. He beats the life out of the couch's throw pillows, causing several allergy attacks.

The boy just cackles and carries on with it, rolling around on the actual couch cushions in order to get the dust off. He dirties his clothes in the process, but such is to be expected of a child his age. Kakashi pulls a camera out to snap a few pictures. Minato's gratefulness is infinite. He can almost see the many scrapbooks that will be made in his mind's eye.

Naruto seems to be the only one of the trio not completely worn out after cleaning. He's still teeming with energy, bouncing off the walls and talking about half a dozen things at once. Minato can't be anything other than fond of the boy, watching him make extravagant motions with his hands from his place wedged between Kakashi and his dad.

The blonde has already declared that Kakashi will live here, obviously. Kakashi had opened his mouth several times to say he already had an apartment only to be cut off every single time. It's as hilarious as it is effective. Minato could never get Kakashi to concede to moving in. Naruto convinces him within fifteen minutes.

"Maa, I hope you like dogs, Naruto." Kakashi patted the boy's head as though he were one. "I have quite a few."

Naruto whipped towards him, eyes sparkling. Kakashi got the distinct impression that he'd just sealed his fate.

Chapter 6: Into the academy


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Third person pov

The weekend went too fast, spent bonding and cleaning up the bedrooms. Kakashi and Naruto had taken up doing that for the most part, leaving Minato to deal with the other parts of the house so he wouldn't have to watch them dismantle the nursery he and Kushina had never gotten to experience. Naruto was all too willing to help out, rushing about with various cleaning supplies, simply happy to be included.

It was a rewarding process. It felt like they were breathing new life into the house, bringing it back up to par. It was strangely hopeful. Minato was sure there was a metaphor buried in there somewhere, but hell if he knew where.

Kakashi had brought his ninken out near the tail end to meet Naruto as a reward for all his hard work. After they'd finished leaping all over Minato, they'd turned to his son with gusto. Naruto's blue eyes had gone impossibly wide, a gasp of absolute awe slipping past his lips as they wagged their tails and co*cked their heads at him with open curiosity.

By the end of it, Kakashi wasn't even sure he could really call them his ninken anymore. They followed Naruto any and everywhere the boy went. If the blonde boy decided he was going to run across the living room and rifle around the kitchen cabinets, you could bet there'd be seven sets of paws scurrying after him across the hardwood floor.

Pakkun was the only one who didn't race after him, but that was probably because Naruto seldom ever put the pug down. Kakashi found it too cute to feel all that betrayed. Minato didn't share the sentiment. His son had just been stolen from him! By a pack of supercharged chakra mutts! His ego was never going to recover.

They didn't get out too much unless it was to explore the expansive backyard. If they needed anything from town, Kakashi sent a clone or went himself. He was helpful like that, wanting to do anything possible to contribute. His sensei was still adjusting to this new life, coping with his son's age and all he missed out on, and with the loss of Kushina.

It was a lot to get used to. Even Kakashi still couldn't believe it, sometimes unable to stop himself from zoning out just... staring at his sensei. Kakashi's heart had never felt fuller. He knew sometimes all it could take was a second for everything to turn around, but this was just-- he'd never had luck like this before.

Sometimes it felt like bad thing after bad thing haunted Kakashi. Sometimes, he wondered if he was the cause. He was the common denominator, wasn't he? He got close to someone and suddenly they'd die-- his dad, and then Obito, and then Rin, and then Sensei and Kushina.

Except he'd... he'd comeback. So maybe Kakashi wasn't as cursed as he'd grown to think.

The news that Minato was back and alive spread like wildfire throughout Konoha. Kakashi heard it everywhere he went. Spirits were noticeably lifted, people unfurling like blooming flowers at the thought of their esteemed Fourth Hokage returning.

Minato was powerful, and kind, and everything they'd ever wanted in a leader. His loss had devastated everyone and brought a sense of insecurity down upon the village. It felt like their safety had returned, blanketing them all in a relief they'd desperately needed. Minato Namikaze had returned from beyond the grave! He'd risen above it all!

Not even the great Kyuubi no Kitsune could keep him down. Even after years of absence, he had made his way back to them and was ready to lead them again. It was everything they ever could've dreamed of. A true miracle, even six years later.

There was some disbelief, but it was dashed quickly. Shikaku spread rumors as was necessary, and the Hokage made a few public statements that weaseled their way into the daily papers and onto the few radio stations Konoha had. Talk of a ceremony to celebrate his return to life rushed across the village like a crashing tidal wave.

People were already planning, decorations and banners being strung throughout the streets to let their Yondaime know how happy they were to welcome him back. The warm reception seemed village-wide from what Kakashi understood. Kakashi was glad. Minato didn't need any unnecessary stress.

Naruto stayed home from the academy Monday, bursting into a fit of hysterical sobs when Minato said he had to go to the Hokage's office whilst he was at school to get caught up on current affairs and plan his reinstatement ceremony as the Fourth. Naruto had wailed, saying he didn't want his dream to be over, and that he didn't want to lose his dad.

Minato had just about gone into cardiac arrest, bundling his son up in his arms and softly telling him that they werebothgoing to rebel and skip out. Naruto's look of hopeful disbelief had made his chest ache. He'd looked to Kakashi with desperation of his own. His masked student had looked just as out of depth as Minato felt.

They all stayed at the house that day, Kakashi brushing off his ANBU duties readily. Minato showed Naruto how to properly throw a kunai, stunned at how fast he was able to get it down. It had taken Minato a moment to explain it. He had to show him and correct his hold, and explain in a slow manner, and show him how to do it a few times.

Naruto watched with rapt attention before throwing a kunai at his own. It hadn't gotten anywhere near the target, but that didn't seem to dissuade his son. He learned much in the same was Kushina had. Trial, error, and observation. It was the only way he seemed to know how to work through things, looking to his dad a few times for help when he forgot something. Memorization wasn't his thing. His attention span simply didn't allow for it.

That, however, did not mean Naruto was stupid. It didn't take him very long before he was landing a bullseye practically every time, jumping from foot to foot exuberantly at his own success. Minato was in awe.

His son was... well, he was clearly a genius! A total prodigy! He didn't learn the same was most did, but boy did he learn fast when you explained it right. Once it clicked, it was in there. Minato was ridiculously giddy over the discovery. As though Naruto couldn't be anymore amazingly perfect.

Minato was convinced that he was the best, smartest five year old to ever grace the planet. He went through a mental run through of every child he'd ever met but couldn't come up with a single one that even came relatively close to Naruto. He was the cutest kid, the smartest, and the most amazing by far. There was simply no competition. It was stunning.

"You're the best dad in the whole wide world." Naruto said in a sure tone, clinging to his dad. He liked to be near his dad as often as possible, tucking himself into the man's side and trailing after him. Minato loved it more than anything else in the whole entire world.

He almost wanted to say no to being Hokage just so he could spend every waking hour of the day with his son. Even if that meant following him to the academy. A little pathetic, but Naruto was just... everything. His whole entire existence.

"And you're the best son in the whole wide world." Minato cooed at him, squeezing him as he maneuvered around the ninken all patiently waiting for him to put Naruto back down.

Comically enough, Kakashi was actually being forced to move in because of the stubborn canines. They refused to leave and go back to the cramped apartment Kakashi kept them in after meeting Naruto and experiencing the large backyard. Naruto was overjoyed though, so really it all worked out.

Speaking of, Naruto had been sleeping in Minato's bed with the man ever since he came back and took great joy in crawling up next to Kakashi every morning to wake him up. Naruto soaked up physical affection like a sponge. Getting cuddled by Kakashi like he was a teddy bear was something he enjoyed immensely. He was clearly touch starved. Minato and Kakashi were more than willing to make up for all the hugs he'd missed out on.

"What am I? Chopped liver?" Speak of the devil. Kakashi shoved his hands in his pockets, waiting patiently as Minato swiped Naruto's backpack off the couch. It was brand new and the brightest, gaudiest shade of orange any of them had ever seen.

It hurt a little to look at it, but Minato didn't mind. Kushina had been all about bright colors, so seeing how much Naruto liked them as well made his heart swell. He would buy Naruto as much orange as he wanted. If anyone deserved it, it was him.

In getting to know his son these past few days, Minato had learned just how much Naruto had been deprived of. There were things he hadn't gotten to experience-- basic things that every child was worthy of. Minato and Kakashi were going to make sure he got all that and more.

"Might as well be, boss." Pakkun had turned against Kakashi completely. The masked copy-nin put a hand over his heart in mock hurt. Naruto let out a laugh.

"Yeah!" Naruto threw his little fists up in the air, blue eyes shining. Minato let out a laugh of his own, grinning so hard it hurt. He hoped Kushina was watching this from wherever she was. "Don't worry, Kashi! I still think you're really cool. Even if you're not as cool as the doggies."

Said doggies immediately began to wag their tails, glancing at Kakashi with a shameless amount of smugness. Save for Bull, who really had no idea what was happening. He was just happy to be here. Kakashi let out a sigh, shaking his head a little in exasperation.

Naruto beamed at him, feeling more ready to tackle school after his dad's comforts. It had been a few days and his dad was still here! He had even taken yesterday off. Forhim. He hadn't even hesitated! Like, at all, even slightly!

Naruto hadn'tmeantto freak out, in all fairness. He'd just... he'd panicked, that was all. It had felt like everything was coming to an end, and he'd cried. He wasn't trying to cause problems! Really! It had just... it had just happened.

Minato had promised to take Naruto to school and Kakashi had sworn to pick him up. Naruto had been perhaps a little reluctant. He didn't want to admit that his experiences at the academy weren't the best. Being a tattle tail or complainer would make his dad not like him, and Narutoreallydidn't want that.

What if they made him go back to the apartment, or didn't want him anymore? His chest felt tight when he thought about what his dad would do when he found out Naruto wasn't normal. He'd already seen it a little bit-- the way the villagers didn't like him. What if he eventually didn't like him either?

The simple fact of the matter was that, dad or not, Naruto was a monster. A demon child, they all said. Why would theyallsay it if it wasn't true on some level? What if his dad realized that? Moreover, what if he got mad that Naruto had kept it from him?

Not to mention that his grades were awful. He hadn't had the courage to tell his dad. Sometimes when he read, the words jumbled, and he didn't always understand what Iruka-sensei was saying. He talked fast and wrote even faster, flitting from topic to topic too quickly for Naruto to keep up.

He'd tried to ask before, but he knew sensei didn't like him. He looked at him just like the villagers did, with clear distaste and lips curled in disgust, though he tried hard not to let it show. Naruto did his best not to bother him. He didn't want to get yelled at anymore than he already did.

They were a little late to the academy. Naruto fidgeted outside the building, one hand clutching his dad's and the other focused on holding Pakkun. The rest of the ninken had been forced to stay behind. Kakashi had agreed to let him take the pug to school with him, winking in a conspiring sort of way that made Naruto's shoulders slouch with relief.

Truth be told, the pug was going solely to help the boy understand his schoolwork better and keep an eye on things. Provide Naruto with moral support and observe. He was supposed to keep himself and his ability to talk fluently on the downlow to ensure he didn't get himself kicked out early on. Pakkun had accepted the mission with a dutiful nod and moody snort.

"I'll see you after school, Naruto. Kakashi is going to bring you straight to me." Minato promised, smile strained. He wished he could just carry Naruto around with him everywhere. He was small enough for it!

"Alright..." Naruto trailed off, glancing down at the pug in his arms. Pakkun gave a doggish smile that made him relax a little. He took a deep breath, nodding. He was Naruto Uzumaki! He couldtotallyhandle this!

He had everyday before, and now it was going to be even better. He had a badass dad and a brand new big brother, or maybe uncle of sorts-- he didn't really knowwhatKashi was-- and now a really cute doggy to help him! Giving up before he'd even started would just be sad. And Naruto Uzumaki? He didn't do sad-- not anymore. Believe it.

Things were going to be awesome. They already were! He was being picky, and that wasn't very cool. Pakkun was extra smart. He'd definitely help Naruto out. His doubts could wait until later. It was best to take things one at a time. He could have his full-scale mental breakdown after school or something!

"Pakkun will watch out for you! I'll tell you all about my super secret Hokage stuff as soon as we get home." Minato winked, grinning. Naruto grinned back, feeling lighter already. His dad really was the best dad in the world. Naruto didn't deserve it. "As long as you promise not to tell anyone, of course."

"What do you take me for?! I won't tell anyone; believe it!" Naruto announced loudly, capturing his dad's leg in a tight hug. Minato ruffled his hair as the boy pulled back, grinning. "Pakkun and I are gonna ace it. Just you wait!"

Minato laughed, waving at him as he took off like hell was on his heels, cradling his canine companion carefully. Pakkun seemed entirely content, free of his ninja headband and instead donning a plain orange vest as a disguise. He was 'going undercover' according to Kakashi, and the pug was taking his new duties on with relish.

As funny as it was, Minato and Kakashi were dead serious at the same time, and the ninken knew that. Naruto clearly wasn't getting the extra help he needed, and if he was being mistreated, Minato wanted to know. Pakkun would be able to tell him everything he needed to know and more.

Naruto crashed through the door of the classroom loudly, sporting new attire that he hadn't fished out of a donation bin. This stuff actually fit, and his backpack wasn't falling apart at the seams anymore. Iruka stopped mid-sentence, brows raising as Naruto beamed at them all wildly.

The boy was visibly brighter than usual, his smile less strained. The pug sitting in his arms was new. It looked relatively grumpy, its eyes a little too sharp and knowing. Iruka lowered his piece of chalk a tad as the rest of the class stared blandly at their boisterous classmate. They'd hoped he would be gone again today. Clearly that had been wishful thinking.

Most of the students didn't really have a real issue with Naruto, but a lot of them had been told not to associate. The guy wasn't the brightest. He was loud and abrasive, and an idiot to boot. The only ones who didn't really seem to mind him were Shikamaru, Choji, and Kiba. They were willing to treat him just like you'd treat anyone; though, they still didn't tend to hang out with him all that often even so.

They all blinked at Naruto, Shikamaru and Choji sharing a look at the new appearance. Clearly something had happened over the weekend. Something good from the looks of it. Shikamaru felt himself smile a little. He'd always worried about Naruto a little, but maybe this was a sign things would finally change for the guy.

Iruka tried to treat Naruto like the rest of the students, but even he couldn't deny that he tended to...ignorethe boy. Looking at him was a scathing reminder of what he'd gone through as a child, losing both his parents to the fox and growing up an orphan. Naruto was loud and obnoxious, disrupting class every chance he got. His grades were atrocious to boot, showing a severe lack of effort.

Iruka had tried a few times to explain to him how to do it, but all he got was a blank stare in return. It sparked an unnatural amount of rage in him. He couldn't allow himself to take any anger out on him. Ignoring him was better than abusing him, Iruka had decided. He pushed down his frustrations. He had to be as fair as possible.

Despite his negligence, even he was able to see the difference in Naruto. Kiba let out a little gasp.

"Hey!" He pointed an accusing finger. "When did you get a ninken?You'renot an Inuzuka!"

Naruto grinned, hugging Pakkun, who was amilliontimes cuter than Akamaru by the way. The pug levelled Kiba with a tired, flat stare that had him shriveling backwards slightly and furrowing his brows in confusion. Naruto marched into the room like he owned it, idiotically confident as he always seemed to be, though this time with a bit more bounce.

Naruto held the pug out for the entire room to see, raising him up. Pakkun didn't complain, letting Naruto show him off and preening perhaps the smallest of amounts. Iruka pressed his lips together and swallowed the urge to yell, taking in a deep breath through his nose.

"This is Pakkun! He's my new buddy!" Naruto declared with a grin. Iruka sighed heavily.

"Naruto. Sit down." His voice held snap that had the pug's gaze zeroing in on him in seconds. Iruka could tell immediately that he wasn't just any old dog. Where had Naruto gotten it, however? Surely if he'd stolen a ninken it would know to run away. "You can't just bring animals to class, Naruto. You have to have paperwork done for that, and he has to be a special kind of dog. A ninja animal."

Naruto visibly deflated as he slunk down into his seat, sinking down into it as his classmates snickered at him. Pakkun gave Iruka a nasty snarl, chakra flaring threateningly to let him know that he wasindeeda ninja animal. He was small, but that only meant he was closer to hell, and a hell of a lot more dangerous where ankles were involved.

Naruto huffed a little, glaring at his teacher in a way that made Iruka's stomach flip with his own bout of frustration. Naruto normally wouldn't look at his teacher like that, but he was insulting Pakkun! Pakkun was something called an OG-- that meantOriginal Gangster. And you couldn't disrespect those according to him.

"My dad said I could! And he knows everything." Naruto insisted, sitting up a little straighter. Iruka stared at him incredulously. The class went dead silent, staring at Naruto with open disbelief. The boy deflated somewhat. "H-He said it was fine. He'll fill out the forms for me."

It came out quieter than he'd meant it to, but still insistent. Iruka let out a heavy sigh.

Naruto felt his confidence die a little at the sound, nervously glancing around and wondering if maybe he shouldn't have agreed to bring Pakkun with him. He hugged the dog a little tighter, pushing down his tears of frustration because he's not a weenie head who cries at the drop of a hat, believe it.

He knew everyone knew he was an orphan, but his dad really was back! He was! And he'd said it was a great idea to bring Pakkun. His dad was the Fourth Hokage. That meant he was super smart, super qualified, and knew literally everything ever. All the time. Iruka-sensei couldn't even begin to compare.

"Naruto, it's not becoming of a ninja in training to lie." He said, trying to keep his frustration from his voice. Pakkun climbed up onto the desk. Ino-- who was stuck sitting next to the boisterous blond at the moment-- scooted away a little as the dog growled. Pakkun reminded himself that he wasn't supposed to talk. He wasn't supposed to. "I don't know where you got this dog, but you need--"

Alright, f*ck it. Whatever. Pakkun wasn't going to just watch Naruto get treated like this! Not on his watch. He could be undercover and talk. Damn whatever Kakashi had advised.

"Quit spouting out nonsense as though you know what you're talking about, brat." Pakkun's deep, gravelly voice was enough to snap Iruka's mouth shut. He stared in disbelief at the dog. Kiba gasped. He could talk so well! How was that possible?! Even his mom's ninken couldn't talk that well. Akamaru hadn't even said his first word yet. Where had Naruto found this one? "The forms are being filled out as we speak. Put a sock in it now and I might let you touch my paw pads."

He held up his paw to display the squishy pink beans beneath. Naruto had a great time massaging them, as he should. Pakkun went to great lengths to keep them so soft.

Iruka's face drained of color. His mouth snapped shut with an audible clack of teeth. The silence that pervaded the classroom was so thick you could cut it with a knife. Naruto shriveled back slightly, decided that Pakkun was a badass that Naruto probably didn't deserve as a friend and companion.

His teacher opened his mouth to say something. Pakkun flashed his teeth before he got the chance, two rows ready to latch onto the man's ankle with a chakra-enhanced bite and not let go until the guy's foot was off. Iruka seemed to sense the threat because his mouth closed again, his shoulders tense.

He, wisely, didn't say anything else after that. Pakkun thought that made the blow to his cover worth it.


Your comments make my day! Thank you (:

Chapter 7: Cheater?


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Third person pov

Naruto was ignored for the most part. Whispered about vaguely, but the blonde boy cheerfully ignored it whilst laboring hard at his schoolwork. Pakkun watched him try to work through it, tapping his arm with his paw anytime he started to stray. Naruto would stop and stare at the issue, and then look at Iruka's problem on the board, and then look back again.

It was a slow going process. His classmates were already far surpassing him, scribbling down the answers with ease and asking their neighbors for help whenever necessary. Pakkun simply hummed to himself a little, watching Naruto slowly work through the first problem at a pace equivalent to a snail's. What kind of math were they trying to teach kids these days? They were like,five.

They were on some sort of addition. The long kind that forced you to carry. Overall, it shouldn't have been all too hard. Naruto still struggling, losing count every so often or jumbling things up without meaning to. Pakkun let him work through it and only stepped in when strictly needed. Naruto wouldn't ever learn if he held his hand the entire time.

It was nice that, even with his struggles, Naruto didn't actually seem to want his constant help, stubbornly resisting asking unless he was truly stumped. He was quite determined to get this on his own and to truly learn. Pakkun was glad the kid had drive.

Naruto finished his first math problem proudly, looking down at Pakkun with wide, hopeful eyes. Pakkun usually wasn't big on kids. They were grabby brats who were too obnoxious for their own good. Naruto had proved himself to be an exception. In what way, Pakkun wasn't sure, but he and the rest of the pack adored the kid after only a few days of knowing him.

He was the cutest pup Pakkun had ever seen. Loud, sure, but most young tended to be. At least he appreciated how hard Pakkun worked to keep his coarse coat feeling silky and soft. Maybe it was the blonde's blatant flattery, or the way he carried Pakkun everywhere with him. The pug was going to bite anyone who messed with the boy either way.

"Good work, kid." Pakkun praised quietly. Naruto let out a small gasp as the dog offered forth his paw, taking it carefully and squishing at his paw pads lightly. Pakkun nodded in satisfaction as the blonde vibrated in his seat, hugging the pug slightly in his excitement before tackling the next problem on his page with newfound vigor.

Pakkun felt his pride swell. They had such a smart pup. That's what was expected of Minato's son, he supposed. He couldn't wait to tell Boss the good news when he came to get them later. Naruto was learning at an exceptional rate. He wasn't as far behind as they'd originally worried he might be.

Naruto took on question two with fresh confidence, only messing up a few times before he got it. It was much smoother sailing from there on out. He blazed through the assignment so fast his pencil was practically smoking, only having to stop when he accidentally mixed his numbers up. If Pakkun had eyebrows, he would've raised them at the sheer speed.

Personally, Pakkun couldn't wait to let Minato know all about how well the pup had done. And tattle on his teacher, who was very clearly avoiding Naruto. His classmates weren't much better, sometimes shooting glares at him and giggling in the cruel way most children did. Naruto seemed too used to it to notice. Pakkun couldn't say he was a fan of that.

He wondered how much trouble he'd get into for biting a child. Surely not too much, right? Maybe he'd get the chance to find out...

They broke for lunch after a few basic lectures and activities Naruto had to do with Pakkun for lack of a group to work with. Naruto had raised his hands a few times in class, and Pakkun took note that Iruka completely ignored him when he did. Didn't even bother trying to call on him, even if he was the only one with his hand up.

What was worse was that Naruto didn't seem perturbed in the least, continuing to raise his hand despite having to know on some level that his teacher wouldn't pick him. Pakkun felt a fair amount of dislike beginning to form for the teacher, adding onto the sourness that was already there. It was a nasty and dark feeling that he didn't bother pushing away.

Kids spilled out into the courtyard to enjoy their food in the nice weather. Naruto scurried out after them, not really wanting to stay in the classroom with Iruka-sensei. He could feel his teacher's eyes drilling holes into his back as he went, dragging his new bag along with him. He darted around the back of the school before the pug in his arms could say much of anything about the fact, bee-lining for a spot between two large bushes that looked shady and plenty big enough for a boy Naruto's size to sit.

The blonde boy dove into the space, settling familiarly and grinning at Pakkun as he carefully set the dog down. The pug stretched, rolling his head about to try and crack his neck. Who knew school could be so taxing. Or should he say...ruff. Hah-- and Kakashi said he wasn't a comedian.

"This is where I sit when the courtyard's too crowded!" Naruto announced boldly, dragging his backpack towards him and pulling it open. Pakkun watched him dig through it, his blue eyes bright. "Normally I don't really have food so I try to do my schoolwork, but I got it all done today thanks to you! I didn't know dogs could be so smart. Maybe it's just you and the rest of Kashi's puppies. Since you're Pakkun and the puppies and they're just like,dogs. You're all way, way cooler than them. I bet Kiba's so jealous! Since you're cuter than Akamaru. I hope you can come with me every single day. I like having a friend in class!"

Pakkun wondered how he could stand to keep smiling with how awfully he was treated. It was truly aweing.

Naruto continued to babble conversationally, and Pakkun was overwhelmed by the wave of love that washed over him. He truly adored this kid. He was bright and sunny and everything Pakkun wasn't, but genuinely the sweetest brat he'd ever had the pleasure of working with. He had no idea how anyone could possibly stand to be mean to the kid.

Just the thought of seeing him even slightly sad made Pakkun's heart hurt. This mission was without a doubt the most important thing he'd ever done in his time as a ninken. He would have to take his duties even more seriously than he thought.

Naruto ate the lunch Minato had put together for him with vigor, looking like he might cry as he gazed down at the bento box that had been made with him in mind. He slipped a few pieces of meat out of his lunch and into Pakkun's dog bowl, promising not to tattle to Kakashi about it. Pakkun had slurped them up and decided that loyalty could definitely be bought.

He'd have to apologize to the boss later, and put in his official literal of resignation. His allegiances had shifted severely after today. To be fair, Kakashi seemed just as taken as his ninken were.

Nobody came and looked for them, and Naruto didn't mind. Pakkun was relieved, resting his head on his paws as Naruto talked and talked and then talked some more, about everything and nothing at all. It didn't bother Pakkun all that much. Naruto didn't expect him to reply, only pausing sometimes so the pug could give a grunt of acknowledgement before he'd rattle of about something or another.

The kid devoured his food like he was afraid it would vanish if he didn't get it down fast enough. He seemed extremely content to just sit there with Pakkun and talk. Like that was all he needed to be happy and nothing more.

The rest of the day flew by with Naruto doing great on his work all the way. The one subject that really stumped him was reading. Pakkun could practically see the cogs in his brain stop turning the moment his eyes landed on the chunk of text. His brows furrowed as though he were in pain, frustration sparking in his eyes the longer he stared.

The thing was, Pakkun could tell how hard he was trying to compute what he was seeing. He simply didn't seem to get it, muttering the lines to himself under his breath slowly. Pakkun could hear him twisting his words around, and it occurred to him right then that Narutoprobablyhad dyslexia of something sort that he needed extra help with.

That had to be why he'd been making mistakes math as well, writing the wrong numbers down by accident and thus getting the wrong results. Writing down twenty-one instead of twelve, and swapping the letters d and b, and similar mistakes. That had to be it, didn't it? Some sort of... dysgraphia or dyscalculia.

Pakkun helped Naruto sound out words quietly. The only one who seemed to notice was Kiba, his heightened hearing picking up on the extra help. He didn't say a word. Pakkun decided the Inuzuka brat wasn't all that bad in that sense. So long as his pup companion knew Pakkun was the new king of this hill.

Naruto listened with rapt attention to everything the pug said. It made helping him a lot easier. The blonde's ability to focus on one thing for an increased period of time was certainly stunted, but he was determined to get this down. He wanted to make his dad and Kashi both proud! He had to get better grades and be an awesome ninja!

He wasn't the first one out of the room like he normally tended to be at the end of the day. Iruka dismissed them all, but Naruto was almost done! It was the first time he'd ever felt the urge to stay in his seat and focus. The words were all still weird and mashed together, and sometimes he wrote his letters in the wrong order, but he was getting it! Actually getting it!

Pakkun was super smart and knew exactly what to do, believe it. He was more patient than any dog Naruto had ever met. He was going to have to insist Kashi buy him loads of that conditioner he liked so much to keep his coat nice and soft. Maybe he'd even let Naruto give him a bath as thanks!

Iruka's attention zeroed in on Naruto when the boy made no moves of leaving, continuing to sit there and work. His assignments were normally turned in relatively blank, a few scribbles of weak attempts jotted down in the boy's messy writing. Iruka's attention dropped to the paper, brows raising when he saw that the boy had actually made it to the back side of the page. He wasn't working fast, per se, but he was certainly doing it.

What had changed? Something clearly had. The only thing Iruka could think of was...

His ears strained. Without the chatter of the rest of the students, he could hear the soft murmurs coming from the suspicious pug the Jinchuriki had dragged in. Iruka's eyes widened when he realized that his dog had to be helping him. As in, Naruto had brought a ninken in with the intent to cheat. How had Iruka not seen it sooner?

It appeared to be working as well. Iruka never would've thought of something like that, but it was clear that's what was going on. Naruto suddenly showing a stark improvement when he was struggling so hard before? That dog wastalkingto him-- telling him how to do it. Iruka had no idea where it had come from or why it was helping him, but it wasn't okay. That paired with the lie about his...dadthis morning.

Iruka took a deep breath, trying to calm himself. He knew Naruto struggled with his work but that was no excuse to bring a ninja dog in to feed him the answers. He'd have to look back at the math assignment he'd handed in today too. He hadn't bothered to glance over it, but he was willing to bet that was done too.

Iruka marched up to the boy resolutely, stopping on front of his desk. Naruto didn't notice at first, still carefully penciling in answers. It definitely looked like he was copying something that had been told to him. Iruka did his best to flare down his temper, watching the grumpy pug nudge Naruto's arm to get his attention. Iruka met the dog's glare head on.

The blonde boy's head shot up, his wide blue eyes blinking innocently up at Iruka. The brunette teacher took yet another deep breath, steeling himself. He had to be mature about this. He was determined not to lose it, even with how unacceptable this was. He had to detach Naruto from the Kyuubi and do his job as a teacher.

"Naruto," He started, voice firm. The boy flinched, brows furrowing as his sensei snatched his nearly-finished assignment away from him. Naruto drew himself back immediately, arms wrapping around Pakkun, who glared at the teacher. Iruka's eyes scanned over the problems. He frowned, glancing back up at the boy, brow co*cking. "You know the policy we have on cheating. I expected better of you. I know you have trouble in class but that isn't an excuse."

Naruto's mouth fell open, his eyes widening in absolute horror. Pakkun let out out an audible growl at the accusation, not saying anything about how tightly Naruto squeezed him. The blonde boy seemed completely taken aback-- maybe even offended-- by the idea. And good! Heshouldbe. This was-- it was wildly inappropriate to assume, and wrong to boot.

Pakkun felt his rage start to simmer. He had been doing this sh*tty teacher's job all day. He wasn't 'giving' Naruto the answers. He was helping him understandhowto get them, which was what Iruka should've been doing this entire time!

"I-I didn't cheat, Iruka-sensei! Honest!" Naruto moved to swipe the paper back so he could show him but was stopped dead in his tracks by the look on his sensei's face. He was looking at him with those eyes again, and the blonde knew immediately that this wasn't a fight he was going to win. It never was with Iruka-sensei, was it?

That didn't stop tears of frustration from springing up into his eyes. He'd worked so hard all day! He'd done his very best just so Pakkun could give a good report back to his dad and Kashi. He wanted to bring his grades up, and learn like the other kids, and benormal.

What if Iruka-sensei told his dad he'd cheated? What if his dadbelievedhim? The thought alone was almost enough to send Naruto spiraling into a fit of absolute panic. He felt sick to his stomach as Iruka glowered down at him, pursing his lips like he was trying to decide just what to do with him.

Naruto stared at him with watery eyes that begged him to believe he was telling the truth. He really had done his very best! He had forced himself to focus even when his thoughts strayed, and he had done his best to follow Pakkun's advice and find the mistakes he made. He'd fixed them all on his own! He was finallygetting it! Iruka-sensei couldn't just... he...

"You've never performed like this before, Naruto." Iruka said with a sense of finality. Naruto stared at him in horror. "Not until you brought that ninken in. Him giving you the answers isn't okay. It's unfair to your other classmates who worked hard to do their assignments honestly."

He kept his voice level, but Naruto still jolted. The boy felt like he couldn't breathe. He knew he was a slow learner, but just because he finally understood something didn't mean he'dcheated. He did all those problems on his own!

Pakkun only told him when he wrote something wrong, o-or sounded it out wrong. He didn't count for him, or read it to him! Naruto had done it, he had! Kiba sometimes struggled andhedidn't get in trouble for getting the same help from Sensei! Why was Naruto going to get in trouble for getting help too?

"P-Pakkun was just helping me, sensei." He squeaked out, voice held hostage by the tears he was barely able to hold back. "I-I promise I worked really hard this time, believe it! I wouldn't-"

"Naruto!" Iruka snapped. The straw that broke the camels back.

Pakkun let out a snarl, teeth snapping with a viciousness he didn't normally display. It was rare he lost his cool, but he couldn't much help himself. He basked in the satisfaction that came when the teacher flinched back.

This man clearly didn't realize that Narutowasn'tan idiot. In fact, he clearly knew very little about him at all! He had a different way of learning, but he was incredibly fast in taking to things once things finally clicked in his brain. He knew exactly how to do his reading assignments, he just mixed his letters up and struggled to understand sentences! He needed extra help to keep up, but when he got that aid, he wasfine!

Iruka would know that if he'd been doing his job.

Instead, Iruka's expression was one of deep contempt. Naruto felt his tears spill over, his gaze never leaving his teacher as he blindly slapped around for his backpack. He found the strap and yanked it up, tumbling out of his seat with his breaths escaping in quick, sharp bursts.

His teacher held his assignment so tightly it was crumbling, and Naruto's throat closed up. Was he not allowed to be smart? He had finally done something right, and he was introuble. They thought he was lying! That... was total bullsh*t! I-It wasn't fair at all!

But then, for Naruto, when was anything? He didn't deserve fair. He never had, why would he ever? He'd been so stupid to think he could... he could do this. Naruto wasn't good at things like this. He probably never would be. He should've just accepted that.

"You're going to regret this." Pakkun's voice came out a gravelly hiss. The pug couldn'twaitto tell Minato all about this. "Let's go, pup. Don't worry about it. We'll handle this and you're grades are going to be fine."

Naruto either didn't hear or didn't believe his comforts. He tugged his bag closer, practically tripping to get away. His vision blurred with salty tears that tore wet tracks down his tanned cheeks. Iruka watched him go, his heavy silence somehow more intimidating than his yelling ever could be.

Naruto swung his bag onto his back, clutching Pakkun close as his breaths continued to stutter haltingly. He rushed out of the room, hyperventilating in his bout of panic. Pakkun tried calling his name a few times, squirming in his arms to no avail. His worried voice fell on deaf ears as Naruto hurried to get out of the suffocating school.

It felt like the walls were closing in on him. Things had been going so well, and he'd beenhappy. School hadn't felt as stressful or tense as it did most days he went. He was understanding the work for once, and he had a friend to talk to during their break. He had a dad at home and Kashi, and all the other doggies.

But things could never quite go his way. He was a demon-- a little monster that everyone hated and wanted to disappear. His dad was going to be so, somadwhen he found out. He had done his very best on his work, but he knew anyone who cheated got an automatic zero! A complete fail! He'd be so disappointed. He wasn't going to want an idiot son.

The little blonde boy nearly ran right into Kakashi's legs, just barely stopped by the silver-haired man's hands on his shoulders. It was the first time in a while Pakkun had seen his boss on time. The relief he felt was monumental. He looked as though he'd just been about to step in to come looking for Naruto, the nearly-empty courtyard no doubt having worried him.

He seemed startled, gathering Naruto up in his arms as the boy sobbed. Pakkun was shifted out of Naruto's tight grasp and into Kakashi's free arm, the blonde boy throwing his arms around the copy cat nin and burying his face in his shoulder. Pakkun was shaking almost as much as Naruto was, though for an entirely different reason.

"What happened?" Kakashi's voice sounded lax on the surface, but Pakkun knew better. He felt his lips peel back, displaying his sharp canines and the rage he seldom ever let bubble out. Kakashi's expression darkened.

"He was starting to get it. I wasn't giving him the answers; I was just helping the kid. It's not like the teacher was." Pakkun huffed out angrily. He averted his gaze. "He accused him of lying. Said I've been feeding him answers all day. Naruto has been working real, real hard, Boss. And he's smart, too. The nerve of that damn teacher..."

Pakkun's voice rumbled out in a growl. Kakashi had a mask of complete calm, but anyone who knew him well would be able to spot the murderous gleam. He looked like he was considering walking into the academy right then and there.

Pakkun almost wanted him to, and was a little surprised when he turned around instead. Naruto was still heaving sobs into his shoulder, unable to even form words as his panic spilled out in waves. Kakashi couldn't fathom how anyone could do this to a child. Jinchuriki or not, Naruto was just a kid.

Kakashi had seen firsthand the discrimination Naruto went through in the classroom. Though it wasn't as blatant or harsh as what happened in the streets, it was still present and all too irritating. Kakashi had never had the chance to do anything about it.

There were several kunai in his pouch that Kakashi would be happy to put Iruka Umino's name on. He wouldn't, however. He knew someone who would be wanting the honor of handling this. Minato Namikaze had been doing everything in his ability to be a father to Naruto despite having been gone so long. This was one of those issues Kakashi knew his sensei was dying to sink his claws into.

Kakashi was aware Naruto didn't get help in the classroom with his schoolwork. Not like his classmates did. He knew Pakkun and trusted the dog with everything in him, and he knew he wasn't the type to simplygiveanswers. He was harsher than that-- more willing to challenge. Naruto needed more help than most did, and that was okay-- it didn't make him stupid. A lot of kids did.

Kushina had, if Kakashi recalled the woman's words correctly. Even in adulthood she had trouble catching onto things the same as her peers. That didn't mean she wasn't wickedly intelligent. Naruto was the same way. To think he'd get in trouble and accused of cheating just because someone finally showed him a way he understood... well, Kakashi knew plenty of places to bury a body.

"Maa, maa, there's no need to worry about that. School is overrated anyway, ne, Naruto?" Kakashi chirped, bouncing the boy slightly. "Let's go see your dad. He's been dying to see you all day, you know. You should've seen him when he got back from dropping you off. I thought he was going to turn right back around and come back."

Naruto hiccupped slightly, shifting in Kakashi's grasp just enough to tell the copy nin that he'd heard him. Kakashi let out a breath of air, adjusting his grip on him and Pakkun as they set out. Naruto didn't peel himself away from the copy nin, body still experiences tremors as his tears poured out in droves. Kakashi didn't comment on it, hopping off towards where Minato would be anxiously waiting for them.

He spoke idly to Naruto as they went, his voice light and the topics straying far from anything school related. It calmed him only slightly, but that was alright. Kakashi knew this was something Minato-sensei would need to deal with if they wanted Naruto to calm down completely.

If anything, the Copy Cat Nin just hoped he could be there to see the look on that sh*t bag Umino's face when he got ripped a new one by the Fourth Hokage.


Sorry not tons happened! I hope you still enjoyed!

Chapter 8: Hokage Once More


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Third person pov

Minato was pacing, pacing, and then pacing some more. Hiruzen watched with no small amount of amusem*nt as his successor practically wore a hole in the floor. He was like an anxious lion prowling back and forth, his nose scrunched and his brow furrowed.

They'd spent the day catching Minato up. He was quick to memorize what needed to be known and asked inquisitive questions that proved to further his knowledge on what he'd missed out on. Hiruzen arranged for an announcement for Minato's reinstatement as Hokage to be made in as soon as a few days, eager to get this hat off his head and back onto the blonde young man's.

Konoha was already abuzz with anticipation, ready to accept their Fourth Hokage back with open arms and open hearts. He'd been much missed, and his official return was being much anticipated. The streets were alight with celebration already, colored lanterns lighting up the busier districts every night since the news broke as people gathered and cheered.

Hiruzen did momentarily have to wonder if Minato was ready to accept them back. He was not the same man he had been before, warped slightly by this new future. There were grimaces of distaste when certain things were talked about, and questions coated in sharp, tempered steel still hot from the forge. His blue eyes had almost seemed to glow as he leaned forward, head co*cked in a manner near eerie.

He wanted to know why his son had been treated so horribly in his absence. In his shoes, who wouldn't? He wanted to know if it would've changed had he not appeared when he did. Naruto was the hero of the village-- he'd taken on a burden he hadn't wanted, and he'd done so successfully. He was the village's jinchuuriki. If anything, he was an individual to be cherished and praised. A little boy who had more strength than he realized.

Truth be told, Hiruzen had drawn a blank when showered in inquiries like these. He sweat under the cold, unfamiliar gaze shot at him. Opening his mouth to spew out excuses felt too much like a misstep. He was teetering on the edge of... something. What that was, Hiruzen wouldn't claim to know.

It felt dangerous. Like Minato had reached the end of his very long rope in the blink of an eye, and was justwaitingfor someone to make another slip up. His love for his son was not to be underestimated. Despite having missed out on Naruto's youngest years, that did not mean he cared for his son any less. His adoration for him was still just as strong as it had ever been-- possibly even stronger now that he'd gotten a chance to meet and bond with the boy.

Back at the matter at hand-- Minato could hardly focus on anything. The academy had let out not too long ago, yet the Fourth was still antsy as ever. The moment the clock hit half past three he was nearly about to blow a gasket, standing up with newfound abruptness and some odd form of determination.

The paperwork they'd been looking over was left abandoned as he walked the length of the room, smacking at his face every so often as though trying to snap himself out of something and shaking his head. Kushina would surely be cackling if she could see her husband now. Hiruzen wondered if maybe, somewhere, she was.

A knock at the door drew The Third away from more morose thoughts. Minato whirled so fast you'd have thought he used Hirashin to turn, tearing open the double doors with gusto and a hopeful expression. Kakashi was on the other side just as expected, fist raised to knock. Pakkun trotted past Minato's feet with a frustrated expression marring his wrinkled face.

Hiruzen could recall the ninken being grumpy on the few occasions he'd actually seen him, but right now it look downright irate. Seeing Naruto's shaking form, he had a sinking feeling there was a good reason as to why. He took a long drag of his pipe as Minato's form tensed.

Minato's expression dropped. It delved into something darker as Kakashi stepped in, his lone eye grim and bordering on apologetic. Minato immediately looked like he'd been punched, looking at the small, quivering form in Kakashi's arms with growing panic in his expression.

Naruto's body rattled with the force of his distress, hiccups causing him to jolt every so often. Minato reached out weakly, hands hovering and unsure what to do, his eyes turning desperate in a matter of seconds. The whiplash of emotions wasn't unexpected coming from someone like him, but Hiruzen still found himself intrigued by this new side of his successor.

Naruto could hardly find it in himself to breathe at this point. He was being an idiot, he knew. Only pathetic babies cried over things like this. Normally he wouldn't have really bat an eye. Maybe yelled a little and gotten loud, but he'd have taken the failing grade with a roll of his eyes were it any other day.

This wasdifferent, however. He had expectations he wanted to meet nowadays. Something to put effort in for. He didn't want to let down his dad. If he did, what if he got thrown out? Just as quickly as he'd taken Naruto in, he could surely punt him right back out if he chose to do so.

"Naruto..." Minato trailed off. The boy tensed immediately, hands tightening around the fabric of Kakashi's vest. Minato looked at his student, terrifying and full of authority. He almost seemed to grow taller, like he hadn't been standing at his full height before. Kakashi shifted his grip on the jinchuuriki. "What happened?"

"Bad day at school." Kakashi noted, but didn't elaborate. Maybe now wasn't the time. The copycat nin looked down at the five year old clinging to him, tugging him away from his body slightly to try and get a look at his face."We're here, Naruto. And I promise Minato-sensei won't be mad. Just look! He's been waiting for you all this time."

Naruto's hand shot up to wipe desperately at his tears, his face red and splotchy. He seemed embarrassed and panicked, and Minato's heartached. The kage looked stricken as Kakashi gave his son a closed-eye smile.

Naruto sniffled, glancing almost shyly at Minato. Seeing his distress sparked an undeniable rage in him. Who had done this to him? Who had upset him this bad? Ithurt. This was his little boy, and someone had harassed him to the point of him devolving into tears.

Naruto was everything-- the sun, the moon, and the stars all in one. He was so cheerful and bright. Optimistic despite all he'd been through, and undeniably clever. To think someone had gone out of their way to break him like this... well, Minato had never claimed to be all that forgiving.

"He's right, Naruto! I've been practically dying to see you." Minato stepped a little closer, arms open and eyes hopeful. Naruto peered at him a little more openly. There was a visceral fear in his eyes that made Minato sick. Was he he afraid of? Surely not Minato. Right? If he was, how... how did he fix that? "I don't know what happened, but I'm sure it wasn't your fault. We'll get it resolved together, okay? I promise."

Naruto's expression crumbled like a sand castle hit by a tidal wave. It dropped into something so vulnerable that made Minato realize just how guarded his son had been before. The Yellow Flash swiped his son away from Kakashi, cradling him and shushing him softly. Naruto tensed just briefly before allowing himself to melt, unable to find the will to doubt right now.

His dad didn't seem mad. Would he be mad if he knew? He'd said they'd resolve it together. It was a nice sentiment, but what if he didn't stick to his word when he found out what had gone down? Iruka-sensei was a real life ninja and a teacher to boot. What adultwouldn'tbelieve him?

All he had to back him up was Pakkun, but that was their word against the words of... of everyone, really. It wasn't like anyone else would stand up for him. He was six years old and a monster. Anyone who could give testament to his character wouldn't have anything good to say.

Still, Naruto couldn't help but indulge in this. Couldn't help but wrap his arms around his father and lean into him, hoping beyond belief that it would all work out. His dad comforted him, rubbing soothing circles along his back and promising him that it was going to be okay. That he could never be mad at Naruto, and that he would believe him no matter what.

These small reassurances built up, soothing Naruto far more than Kakashi's words were able to. He soaked it all up like a sponge, trying to tell himself he did deserve this, even if he was a monster. He did... Hediddeserve this, right? He was allowed to have this, wasn't he?

"I-I promise I-I tried really h-hard." He sputtered out through his tears, face smooshed into his dad's shoulder. "I-Ididn'tcheat! I-I-I promise!"

"I know, Naruto. I know. You wouldneverdo that." Minato soothed with conviction, tone soft and coated in comfort. The expression on his face told a whole other story. Kakashi wasn't sure he'd ever seen a man look so murderous. Hiruzen swallowed heavily, hands clenched atop his desk as he watched the scene unfold.

Minato wasn't going to let the injustice Naruto had faced all his life so far go unchecked. And hearing Naruto's cracking voice and broken pleads, maybe that was a good thing.


They calmed him down and let Pakkun do most of the talking. The pug didn't cut any corners, voice unforgiving and eyes set in stone. Naruto flushed hot with embarrassment. He couldn't believe he'd cried like that! Looking at his dad now, who nodded in understanding and scoffed on his behalf, it was obvious he had overreacted.

The little boy had fully expected... he didn't know. Some sort of rejection or disappointment. Some anger from his dad, perhaps. Not this unyieldingbeliefin him. He heard him and Pakkun out and immediately trusted everything they'd said without a shred of doubt. It was super crazy if you asked him.

No one had ever done that for him before. Naruto had to once again questioned whether or not he'd finally lost it. Perhaps this was a dream? A hallucination? Again, he could've hit his head on something and was in a coma-- that was his running theory for now, believe it.

Minato had taken him home. Gotten him ice cream on the way and reassured him once again that everything was fine. He told Hiruzen to jumpstart the announcement of his reinstatement ceremony. Instead of releasing the notice a few days, it was to go outtoday. Whether the Third liked it or not.

This would result in the academy closing down for the remainder of the week, allowing Naruto the break he needed after such a 'traumatic' event, as Minato had dubbed it. Naruto had given him a weird look. This wasn't nearly the worst thing that had ever happened to him, but it had upset him more than most things would. He was grateful all the same.

"I see." Minato's smile was tight as the explanation fully finished. Naruto was propped up on his hip, and Kakashi could almost see an apron on the man in his mind's eye. He looked painfully domestic, even with his anger. Naruto didn't seem to notice, licking the melted ice cream that threatened to dribble down the cone and onto his hand. "It seems Naruto's sensei and I will be having some... words."

"Murder isn't legal." Kakashi reminded smoothly. He eyed his sensei. "Next time you see him, you'll be the Fourth Hokage again."

"Oh, I know." Minato hummed, sounding content with himself. Kakashi shrugged vaguely. That was fair enough. He couldn't say he hadn't thought of flying through the window of Iruka's classroom and teaching him a lesson of his own.

Kakashi sort of wished he could be there to witness when Minato finally did let loose. The man wanted to make an impact when he did it, Kakashi could tell. Where Kushina was brash and rushed into things, Minato had always proven to stay level-headed and clever. If he wanted things to hurt, then bygodthey were going to hurt.

Kakashi might've felt pity for Umino were he not so riled up himself. He simply hid it better than most. He'd always been good at hiding how he really help, shoving his emotions below a cool facade. The more he looked at Minato-sensei's quiet and subtle anger, the more he realized he'd probably gotten it from him.

Naruto bounced back just as he did from most things, recovering when Kakashi's other ninken surrounded him with happy yips and wagging tails. They licked his hands free of the stickiness the melted ice cream had created. Minato seemed to sink into his son's giggles, terse expression melding into something warmer and more serene.

Kakashi couldn't let but let out a breath of relief as well. He was worried his sensei was rushing a bit too fast back into this Hokage thing. After only a day of revision, was he truly ready to take the mantle back up? Kakashi had never been one to doubt Minato Namikaze, of course, but this was a whole other game they were playing here.

He'd been gone six years and was a father all of a sudden. To like, a living, breathing child who could already walk, talk, and scream insults. His wife was gone and the village was in a mild state of disarray. It was a lot to take in, and even more to fix.

The academy did in fact close, and the village was indeed sent into the very frenzy they'd all suspected. Decorations were mounted and businesses boomed. Everyone was excited to see their beloved Yondaime return. The festival was thrown together with careful hastiness that had the entire village bumping to do their part, wanting to show their best to the Fourth.

It seemed there was no one unhappy with the news, all of them scrambling to create something beyond satisfactory for their returned hero. Wistful tales of his fight against the fox and his return from death spread amongst the people, sure to be told for generations to come. Kakashi found himself quite amused by it all. Minato didn't seem to share the sentiment. Though grateful, it was clear he wanted this to be over with.

Kakashi suspected this had something to do with Minato's simmering rage towards Iruka Umino, but he wouldn't comment.

Naruto was the proudest of all. Nothing could rival his grin and his awe towards his father. The morning of the dubbed 'crowning' came down upon them quickly. Minato had been scrambling to catch up on things, leaving Naruto with Kakashi during the day to go up to the Hokage's office and relishing in the lunches his son came up to spend with him.

It was time he wouldn't trade for the world. It felt like Naruto and Kakashi were all he had, even if he knew that wasn't true. Things were different now. His past friends had aged-- experienced and seen six years more than he had. It placed a gap between them that didn't seem there with Naruto or Kakashi, even if Minato wished desperately he could've been there for his son.

Naruto sat on his dad's bed, hair in a bedraggled disarray from his sleep. He watched in muted wonderment as his dad tugged on his signature coat, the white fabric billowing slightly. Red flames clawed at the bottom edges of the jacket. He had seen it in history books a few times, sketched out in a way that didn't do the real sight justice.

Naruto was struck with disbelief, the realization thatthiswas his father settling into him exuberantly. He tried not to let his astonishment show too much. He was getting better at not expecting the worst from his father, but it was hard not to think he'd eventually find him annoying or idiotic.

He was Naruto Uzumaki, after all. The village's demon child, a nuisance at best and a demon at worst. He still couldn't believe how much his dad seemed to love him-- he did love him, right?

It felt nice to be loved, if this was what love was. Kashi loved him too, he thought, and so did the ninken. It was an encapsulating realization that never failed to leave him breathless, even if he still felt uncertain and confused by it at times. He could hardly believe it!

If he did try to tell anyone, he wouldn't quite blame them for saying he was a liar. He couldn't even be mad at Iruka-sensei for not thinking he had a dad. Even Naruto still wasn't sure about this whole parent thing. He was ever the skeptic, waiting for a switch to flip, or a knife to stab him in the back.

And like, heknewthat was crude of him. He trusted his dad-- he did! He just couldn't stop himself from waiting for what had always seemed so inevitable. To find such constant, negative aspects in his life suddenly missing was foreign. It'd go against his very nature not to second guess!

"I hope you're almost ready. You've got places to be." Kakashi drawled, appearing in the doorframe. He wasn't one to talk. Like Naruto, he wasn't dressed either. "Shikaku-sama is here."

"Huh? That old guy with the scar? Shikamaru's dad?" Naruto blurted out. Minato swallowed a laugh at his son's perplexed expression.

"The very same. Though I'd forgotten he had a son." Minato admitted, adjusting his cuffs. "I'll come find you after the ceremony, alright? We can all go get ramen."

Naruto didn't need anymore convincing. He dove off the bed in a flying leap, dashing off to his room. The faster he got dressed, the faster everyone could get going, and thus the faster he could get his ramen. That was something he could get behind, believe it.

The sound of thundering paws coming down the hall had Kakashi shaking his head and letting out a breath. The ninken all zoomed past, chasing Naruto's small footsteps all the way to his bedroom where he was surely rifling through his dresser with reckless abandon. Minato's smile was so wide it looked like his cheeks hurt. Shikaku's head popped through the door.

"I was wondering where they were all going." He admitted, his lazy drawl the same as it had always been. "How's Naruto settling in? Seems like Kakashi's ninken have taken to him quite well."

"That would be an understatement." Kakashi sighed, deflating. They were hardlyhisninken anymore. How had Naruto won them over so quickly? He'd seen the boy slip them food, sure, but they'd been enamored with himlongbefore that.

Was it because he was small and cute? Kakashi had been tiny and undeniably adorable once too, and even then they'd still treated him the same. Not that he'd had all of them back then, but the point still stood. Naruto had them wrapped around his finger, and the blond didn't even realize it! He was just 'happy to have the friends', he claimed. If only he knew how willing they'd be to sacrifice their lives for his.

"They may as well be his at this point." Minato agreed with no small amount of amusem*nt. He grinned cheekily. "He's settling in great. A few ups and downs, but we're getting somewhere! And after today, Naruto is never going to have to worry about the village bothering him again."

Minato rubbed his hands together like he was scheming. Shikaku and Kakashi shared a look and unanimously decided that they probably didn't want to know.


Honestly, it all goes down from here. Buckle your seatbelts, kids (:

Chapter 9: If it's a problem there must be a solution


Iruka and Fugaku both have heart attacks for two very different reasons

Chapter Text

Third person pov

Iruka can't stop shaking, his face drained of all the color it previously held and his heart beating so fast he can hardly hear it anymore.

It was the first day back to the academy since the Hokage's reinstatement ceremony. The festivities had stretched on for days on end, their charismatic Fourth Hokage coming down to join them for the celebration. He walked around and interacted, actually taking the time to talk to the civilians under him and hear their concerns.

People showered him in absolute praise. Iruka had been one of those people, though it was from afar. The Fourth Hokage was a living legend. A powerful man who'd faced down the terrifying nine-tailed fox andbeat it. To find out he was still alive had been astonishing. To see him return to power had provided elation.

And now, to watch him sweep his way into Iruka's quaint little classroom... well, he's scared sh*tless.

He is everything Iruka imagined and more. All power and intimidation, with strong blue eyes and a shock of blond hair that gave him his moniker to begin with. The Yellow Flash stands tall, towering over him with his long coat sweeping behind him. The one Iruka had revered as a child.

The smile he wears is terrifying, and Iruka had only faintly been able to register the boy in his arms before a wave of killing intent heavy enough to level a building beat him into the dirt. It's like all the air has been sucked out of the room. He just barely manages to comprehend that the Fourth has one of his students.

Naruto Uzumaki stares at him with unrestrained apprehension. That dog from before is in his arms again, looking at him with a grumpy and judgmental gaze that makes his legs threaten to fold underneath him. At first he's astonished. Why in the world would the Fourth Hokage be carrying around the village Jinchuriki? The very monster that killed his wife and so many others? He can't fathom it.

It doesn't seem ill, or hostile. He cradles Naruto carefully, like he's something to be cherished. There are a few dots Iruka feels he should be connecting as he looks between the pair. Something obvious is flying over his head, andgoddammithe is terrified.

"I heard you had some complications with my son last he was in class." Minato co*cked his head coyly and well,yeah, that makes a little too much sense. That doesn't mean it quite processes in his mind. There's too much to wrap his head around. One thing he knows for sure is that he's made a very, very grave mistake.

"S-Son?" Iruka sputtered out. He almost denies it, but then those finicky little dots finally find themselves and he realizes just how similar they look. Two shocks of yellow and two pairs of ocean blues, both staring at him with very different intents.

Naruto just looks scared and uncertain, whilst Minato Namikaze's gaze feels so sharp it could physically cut him. The pieces fall into place, and Iruka distantly wonders how no one else has figured it out. The baby Lord Fourth was forced to use was not cherry-picked from a group. He used the only child available in order to save the village. In the end... it's quite obvious he had to seal the Nine Tails in his own son. And if that isn't tragic, well, Iruka's death certainly will be.

Minato is all cold, pleasant rage and sharp smiles that bury themselves in Iruka like a lion's claws. His breath stutters in his chest, every bad thing he's ever said or done to Naruto crashing back into him in his state of shock. He looks at his student, wondering how much of it he's told his father.

He can't find it in himself to be upset at the boy, every ounce of reasoning draining out of him as the story comes full circle in his mind. The realization that this life is the last thing their Fourth Hokage wanted for his son, and that Naruto in factisn'tthe nine tailed fox. That's he's just a boy. Because the Yondaime would not be holding him so carefully were he a monster, and Iruka is sure of this.

"When he came homecrying, I was quite worried." Minato leaned forward, casting a shadow over him that makes him wilt. Naruto doesn't seem to notice his father's absolute rage, hugging Pakkun as his teacher shrinks further and further back. "I sent my student's ninken with him to school to help him out. You know how he has trouble learning traditionally, don't you? So imagine my surprise when he comes homebeggingme to believe he didn't cheat."

"I...I-I'm sorry." It comes out a squeak. "I shouldn't have--- I--"

"He doesn't receive the extra help he needs. It's such a shame." Minato continues, ignoring him entirely. His eyes seem to glow eerily, the rising sun casting ominously across his face.

Iruka's heart is like a jackrabbit in his chest, and he can still hardly believe it. Son. Son, son, son,son. Iruka knows his mistreatment of Naruto was wrong. Buteveryonedid it. It was second nature to see Naruto that way-- as an extension of the fox inside him. He'd never thought for a second someone would step up to bat for the boy. Especially not the Fourth Hokage who is, apparently,evidently, his father.

"We-- I-" Iruka can't come up with a single thing to say. The Fourth Hokage, his hero, is about to murder him. And he's not even sure he can be upset about that. Then again, he can't feel much other than absolute, utter shock. He'sneverfelt fear like this before. He blinks rapidly to try and keep his tears from following, eyes darting between Minato's smiling face and Naruto's slightly-perplexed one. "I-I apologize--"

Minato's smile drops. Iruka feels he's made a grave misstep. A hand lashes out, grasping his collar and tugging him up. He chokes slightly, pupils shrinking as his fear kicks into maximum overdrive. He thinks he hears Naruto suck in a sharp breath of air but he can't be sure.

His eyes are stuck connected to Minato Namikaze's cold, blue gaze. There's a dangerous magnetism that keeps him from looking away. He doesn't want to think about what could happen if he dared to dart his eyes away.

"Umino,"The way the Yondaime spits his name makes him feel like he's less than trash. He makes a strangled noise as Minato's face leers closer, so enraged he's not surprised the man managed to beat the Nine Tailed Fox. Minato's voice is low and sends a thousand alarm bells shrieking through Iruka's head. "I want you to know that my son is themostimportant thing to me. Above any and all else, he is myfirstpriority. The only reason I left him in the first place was because he would've died if I hadn't. My death was not just for the village. Do you understand?"

Iruka manages a pitiful nod. It's hard to breathe. The air is too stifling.

"Any insult to him is an insult tome. I want you to throw any preconceived notions you have about him away right now.You're starting over." It wasn't a request. "Naruto is smart. He learns faster than any child I've ever met. Just because his process isn't the same does not mean he is less. Hiscirc*mstance," Thegrip tightens. Iruka's heart sputters pathetically. Iruka is honestly surprised it hasn't stopped yet, "meansnothingin relation to his character. His sacrifices go far beyond anything you will ever do in your pathetic,miserablelittle life. If he comes home with even aninklingof a complaint about you or your teaching abilities, I want you to know that I am above the law in every imaginable aspect. This ismychild. You take care of him, or I'm going to take care ofyou."

He punctuates his calm, cold,venomouswords by thrusting him back. Iruka stumbles, barely managing to catch himself against the blackboard as his legs give out. He blinks a few times, his entire body trembling so hard he can practically feel his brain rattling around in his skull. He wonders how many years were just shaved off his lifespan. Far too many, he's sure.

The Hokage's cold expression is gone, his false pleasantness back and much preferred when put up next to whatever that smackdown before was. Iruka gulps down a few deep breaths, looking to Naruto. The boy looks more lost than anything else, blinking down at his teacher with evident concern etched into the lines of his young face. The dog in his arms looks impossibly smug, lips curling.

Iruka can't do much else other than take deep breaths, resisting the urge to clutch the fabric resting over his wildly racing heart. He wonders why he's not dead. He almost wishes he was.

"I-I'm very s-sorry." The brunette somehow manages to choke out. He can hear some of his other students chattering in the hallway, no doubt forming a line in wait for him to tell them to come in like he does every morning. Minato adjusts his grip on his son, looking downright polite as Iruka struggles to right him. "I-- I'm sorry."

"Prove it." Minato chirps in contrast to his previous brutality. And just like that, he's plopping a happy kiss in his son's sunny hair and setting the boy on the ground. Naruto lets it happen, still looking beyond confused as his father gives him a hug and dotingly straightens his backpack straps.

Iruka could gawk at the whiplash. The sudden mood change makes him wonder if he just imagined the entire encounter. His heart about to bottom itself out tells him he hadn't pretty clearly. That doesn't make him feel any less astonished.

The Hokage tells Naruto he's going to have an amazing day. He's the picture-perfect image of a loving father. He beams at his son, and Iruka can't help but think of a planet circling a star. That's what Minato is. Earth orbiting around the sun, all encapsulated and reliant on its light.

He wonders what the man would've been like if his son hadn't been here when he got back. What sort of grief he'd go through-- what kind of character he'd display. Iruka's adam's apple bobs in his throat as Naruto grins back, still shooting concerned and bewildered looks at his sensei. Iruka can't even force a smile, too ghostly to bother trying.

"Kakashi will pick you up! You can tell himallabout your day!" A sharp glare reminds Iruka of his place. As though he could ever forget. "Don't worry. The paperwork for Pakkun processed, so you're completely free to have him here to help you."

"R-Really?!" Naruto looks excited by the mere notion. Iruka's heart would break were it, again, not about to fall straight out of his chest and die on the ground. He still can't breathe. Minato's presence is still large and still fills the room with a tension so thick he can almost see it. Naruto shoots him a small glance, seeming hesitant to say anything in front of him. His voice lowers just a little, his frame shrinking just slightly. "I...It's really okay?"

Minato's happy smile strains for a moment. Iruka wonders if Naruto Uzumaki will accidentally get him killed. Wouldn't be much of a surprise at this point. He wouldn't blame the kid. Not his fault he has a legend as a dad who apparently would murder for him. Iruka is going to have nightmares for the rest of his life. He wonders if he'll be able to look his foxy student in the eyes without shivering. They're the same shade of blue, after all.

"Perfectly fine, kid." Pakkun reassured, patting Naruto's arm with his paw. Minato nods in an overexaggerated way. "Now why don't we go sit down? Bell's about to ring."


Minato is in a good mood when he meets with Fugaku Uchiha, humming a jovial tune to himself as the man enters. The blonde waves the bow off happily. It's a nice change that makes Fugaku straighten a little with hopefulness. It's the first time in years he's felt that his concerns about the clan might be heard.

They'd... begun to consider taking matters into their own hands as the tribulation of the Uchiha Clan with the rest of Konoha grew. The talk of it was mild-- mere whispers, if that-- but Fugaku knew it would grow to be an issue. An issue he feared he wouldn't totally be against if this continued any longer. There was too much distrust and animosity between his clan and the village. Maybe the Fourth Hokage could help resolve that.

He hoped for all their sakes that he would. He'd been good to them when he was in power. The Third Hokage had been okay to them too. Even so, Tobirama Senju had still been Sarutobi's sensei, and those ideals that the Uchiha were not to be trusted had bled into his belief's a little too much for their liking.

Minato Namikaze was a refreshing change compared to that. Open-minded and kind-hearted. One of his students had been an Uchiha, and his wife had been best friends with Fugaku's own partner. He'd done good by them. Things had felt like they were finally starting to heal when his death struck.

"Lord Hokage." Fugaku gave a stiff greeting. Minato laughed, airy and light just like Fugaku had always known him to be. The dark-haired man can't help but deflate slightly at the sound of it.

If Minato is anything like he remembered, he knows the ANBU that are normally stationed here have already been requested to leave. He checks nonetheless, his chakra half-heartedly reaching out and finding nothing there. The privacy seals hidden in the walls and floor are active, giving a small hum that promises security.

"Enough with the formalities, Fugaku-san! You know just Minato is fine. We've known each other for ages." Minato waved him off for a moment before an odd expression flitted across his face. Fugaku watched the smile turn sheepish. "Though, I do suppose it's been a while. It's still odd to think about. Sorry about that."

"It's no matter. I imagine you've been going through quite a bit in trying to adjust. A lot has changed." Fugaku felt relieved already. Minato really hadn't seemed to have changed, even being dead for six years. He can only hope his blatant distaste for Danzo Shimura has fully stuck around. "I thank you for agreeing to meet with me."

Minato gives him an odd look, and Fugaku realizes that,oh, it didn't used to be hard for the Uchiha clan heads to request an audience with a village leader. Now it's a struggle to get any of the council members to look their way. Trying to get them to listen is-- well, it's nearly impossible.

Excuses are spewed out, pushing aside all the mistreatment and downplaying the loss of trust. Blame is tossed out shamelessly. The blatant gaslighting anytime it comes up is so obvious that Fugaku can't help but sigh every time it happens. He once again feels eager to talk to Minato. The rest of his clan has been excited too, the elders abuzz with hope that the Yondaime will do them justice once more.

"Anytime, Fugaku-san. You know it's no trouble." Minato's expression turned a little more serious. He scooted a bit closer to his desk, leaning forward in an intent way that makes Fugaku feel a little more heard. He tries to resist the urge to lean forward as well. "I... I've heard a few things, about your clan. I haven't seen hardly any of them around the village. What happened after I died? Things feel... unbalanced."

"They are." Fugaku lets out a breath of air. Minato Namikaze cares, isconcerned. It's a weight off his shoulders. "After the Kyuubi's attack on the village, it was insisted that we move after the damage done to the village and our compound, as well as the police station's headquarters. They claimed it was necessary for reconstruction purposes. It caused a lot of tensions-- though, that's only the tip of the iceberg."

"Move?" Minato blinked, brows furrowing like he didn't understand. "Movewhere? You're literally the police force. The best place for you is in the center of the village!"

"No one will outright say it, but the blame for the Kyuubi attack is being placed on our clan." Fugaku admitted. He leaned forward, earnest and begging to be heard. "I want you to know this isn't true. We never-- we never would've thought... youknowhow much Kushina-san meant to Mikoto. But with the reports of the fox having Sharingan eyes, nobody would listen to our protests or bother to look into their credibility. We were moved to the outskirts of the village. The very far South."

Fugaku held his breath, watching with a morbid sense of awe as several different emotions flitted across Minato's face. His expression shifted so openly, showing his absolute astonishment. Fugaku feels his worry melt away. The stress lining his shoulders lessened significantly.

He could almost bring himself to laugh as Minato stared at him like what he'd said was absolutely batsh*t insane. Like he's waiting for a punchline, or for it to be a joke. Fugaku wishes it was. The fact that Minato does too is a sure and positive sign that makes Fugaku look forward to tomorrow for the first time in a long time.

Finally, the Kage seems to snap out of it. He leans forward even more, almost rising from his seat. He looks a mixture of angry and confused. Maybe even hurt.

"What happened to the land your clan used to occupy?" He checks. Fugaku blew out a breath of air.

"It remains. It has yet to be repaired, despite its location." The clan-head admits bitterly. Their clan had inhabited the center of the village since its founding. It had been the epicenter of it when it had been built. The very core of Konoha once upon a time, so proud and strong. The beating heart of the village. Fugaku can still remember those days, so golden and full of trust. He misses them. He wishes his kids had gotten a chance-- arealchance-- to see.

"Oh, so it's empty?" Minato quirked a brow, collapsing back into his seat. Fugaku blinked at him as the man shrugged. "So, we'll just move you back."

Fugaku stares for a moment. Minato stares back, completely serious. The casualness of it all nearly makes the Uchiha clan head choke. The idea ofhomeburns its way to the forefront of his mind. Its like a piece of meat being held up in front of a starving dog.

He almost thinks Minato is going to yank it away. That he's taunting him. He knows the Yondaime isn't like that. He knows this, but he can't help but think it. The idea of his clan returning and retaking their duties protecting the village... it's almost unimaginable.

He can practically see the joy on his clanmates' faces, can see the crime rates fall, their relationship with the civilian population restored. The offer sounds impossible. Even he hadn't thought to consider it.

"You'll just...what?" He checks. Minato blinked at him.

"Move you back." He offered, shrugging as though it weren't a big deal. His brows furrowed, and Fugaku swallowed thickly at the influx of emotions that flooded through his very core. "Well-- the few contractors I knew are probably not as reliable anymore, I guess. Do you know anyone good at building restoration? If it was damaged and hasn't been fixed, we'll have work to do. Your clan has been inhabiting that land for over a century! It wasn't right for them to-- h-hey, are youcrying?"

Fugaku is, but the privacy seals won't tell if Minato won't.

Chapter 10: Grief and a child genius


Jiraiya has regrets and people aside from Kakashi and Minato are realizing Naruto may not be as dumb as they thought.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Third person pov

Jiraiya can't stop sweating, his dark eyes scanning the letter he'd just received for what seemed like the millionth time. The falcon that had brought it here sat perched at the windowsill, preening its feathers without a care in the world.

The creature is unaware of the bomb it just dropped. It doesn't seem to mind waiting for Jiraiya to come up with a reply, ever patient and dutiful. The white-haired sannin isn't sure he can muster up the strength to write, let alone the thought.

The news is... it's impossible. He wants to say its a sick prank, even though his gut shrieks and tells him it isn't. The Hokage's official stamp, laced with Hiruzen's chakra, is a stark piece of evidence alluding to this letter's authenticity. It's such a stuttering realization that he can't stop his hands from curling into fists.

The fine parchment crumbles under tense fingers, but Jiraiya doesn't care. He can hardly breath, air stolen from his lungs. The man closes his eyes and gathers himself through his grief.

Minato had been like a son to him. They'd been so close, Jiraiya bestowing every ounce of wisdom he could find on the blonde boy, doing his best to feed his student's incessant need for knowledge. He watched the orphan grow into something strong and steady, ever the genius and all too willing to serve.

Minato'd lost his life to the village, putting everyone else first just as he always had. It was noble and Jiraiya wasproud, but that didn't take the pain of the loss away. Jiraiya hadn't been there when it happened. He hadn't been there after, either. He's a coward and he knows it.

There is a new kage. Areinstatedone, Hiruzen's soft brushstrokes claim. Minato Namikaze appeared in the village completely unscathed and unaged, just as he'd been before the Kyuubi's devastating attack. No one is sure how it happened-- some sort of seal, perhaps?

They don't know, and Jiraiya can't even begin to fathom. All they know for sure is that it's him and he's returned. They confirmed it thoroughly, Inoichi's document tacked to the notice with an in-depth report of Minato's initial interview when they first brought him in. Jiraiya's breath is stolen.

He can hardly wrap his head around the idea of Minato being back with how hard his death hit. Jiraiya'd been too much of a coward to go back to the village after his death. Excuses flooded through, weeks turned into months, and soon it was just... too easy to bounce from place to place.

He sent intel here and there, but returning had always felt out of the question. There was too much to face-- grief, a world without his student, Kushina,Naruto. God, Naruto. Jiraiya can't imagine Minato is very happy about that, but...

Hiruzen had sent him sketches of the boy and sparse reports about how he was doing, none of them sounding all that great if he's being honest. They were few and far between and its been at least two years since he got one, but he's seen and read enough to know the boy is a spitting image of his father.

Sunshine blonde hair depicted in scratchy sketches and pools of unmistakable blue. Just looking at him would be painful, even if the letters riddle Jiraiya with guilt for not being there. Talking to Naruto and knowing how he's failed him-- as a godfather, someone who was supposed to be there for him-- would be too much. It's pathetic, and he hates himself for it, but it's true. If this is real, Minato isn't going to be anything but mad.

But now... if... if Minatoisback, he has to know. He has to go see for himself, no matter his apprehension. He blinks back his tears and tries not to hope. A part of him almost prefers this turn out to be a trap.

That in and of itself seems easier to deal with in comparison to... tothis. He takes a deep breath, shaking his head and shoving the letter into his pocket harshly. Jiraiya steadies himself and tries to convince himself he's more okay than he actually is. The falcon trills in question. Jiraiya's heart sets in steel.

It's time to go home.


Kakashi feels quite contented when Naruto bounces from the academy doors with all the other kids pouring out around him, face bright and Pakkun still cradled in his arms. It's a bold contrast to the sobbing last time he exited the building, and the Copy Cat nin is all too happy to observe the change. He shows Naruto as such, beaming with his usual closed eye smile and receiving the boisterous blonde with open arms.

He wonders vaguely, as he swings Naruto up onto his hip, what Obito and Rin would think if they could see him now. Bakashi Hatake, good with kids. It's pretty unbelievable when you consider what he was like before.

"I-I didn't get in trouble at all!" Naruto exclaimed in a rush, grinning so wide it looks like it hurts.

Kakashi shifts his grip on the kid, spinning on his heel so he can march Naruto off to see his anxious father, who's been worrying the day away despite how busy he's been. Kakashi glances down at the pug Naruto's holding, feeling quite satisfied when the creature nods back to him in confirmation. Good news all around, and no reason to dig a hole for Iruka's body. Yet.

"I'm glad to hear it, Naruto! Did you learn anything new today?" Kakashi asked in a chirpy tone, feeling light and happy. He knows he should probably be mildly offended on some level. He's basically a glorified babysitter now, but he can't say he'd have it any other way when he really puts thought into it.

He's more deeply satisfied with his life than he has been in a long time now, all too willing to protect and be with Naruto as much as humanely possible to make up for lost time. He's not sure he'll ever forgive the council--Hiruzen-- for keeping Naruto from him so strongly. He's not sure Minato will either.

Kakashi regrets not defying orders more and doing it anyway. The meager gifts he left the blonde weren't enough. It means little to say he'd do things differently if he could go back in time, but it's true. He would.

"Believe it! We learned a ton about pho-to-synthesis." Naruto was practically vibrating in his excitement, blue eyes wide and shining with every ounce of joy a child his age deserves to have. Kakashi huffed a little, smile widening under his mask. He ignores the glances they get as he starts down the street. "And,and, I got a good grade on my test! Pakkun didn't help me-- he just read the questions to me so I didn't get the numbers mixed up! It helps when he says it out loud!" His statement is a little contradicting when he puts it like that but Kakashi gets it.

Naruto beams sunnily. How can Kakashi not rain praises down on him? It would be considered a crime not to at this point.

Minato isn't in his office today. On the contrary, he seems to have jumpstarted some sort of project in the center of the village. He'd summarized it was 'revitalizing the area', but Kakashi knew better than that. He was getting it fixed up to move the Uchiha back to their home base.

It was a good idea, but it was going to take some minor manipulation when it came to the elders. Kakashi was sure most of the clan heads would side with their blonde kage, but the rest of the council could be... relatively finicky. That was putting it nicely, too.

It's a funny trick. Minato had phrased it very cleverly, claiming that the land technically fell under his jurisdiction since he was Hokage. He didn't really mention the Uchiha when he told Kakashi about it, instead claiming he wanted to quote on quote "return the village to how it used to be before to restore faith and mend bonds."

Not a lie; he quiteliterallywanted to make this part of the village how it was prior to the tragedy. Emphasis onliterally. That meant moving the Uchiha back. Not that the elders needed to know that yet. Minato probably didn't want them to have time to sabotage. He'd dump it on them last second, just like he used to.

"Dad!" Naruto shrilled happily, wiggling out of Kakashi's arms when he spotted the man a ways away, his Hokage coat and bright hair serving as a beacon. Kakashi let him go, watching as the man cheerfully turned away from Fugaku.

The pleasant surprise in his eyes made Kakashi feel warm. Pakkun shifted, giving a small snort of his own, seeming deeply satisfied by the scene playing out before him. Heartwarming moments like these made Kakashi realize just what he could've missed if his sensei hadn't come back.

"Naruto!" Minato laughed, hugging his son tight. Fugaku gave a small smile, eyes shifting back towards the remnants of the old Uchiha compound. Him being here was a bit of a risk, but Minato had assured him he'd simply claim Fugaku was here as consultation as someone who was familiar with the land. He was great at half-truths like that. Minato planted a wet kiss on his son's cheek. "Good day at school?"

"Ew!" Naruto shrieked, wiping at the spot with a grin that betrayed his joy. He wiggled a little, too excited to keep still. "Believe it! Iruka-sensei was super nice today!"

Minato nodded happily, a flowery sort of aura surrounding him. Fugaku eyed him suspiciously before deciding he really didn't want to know. Minato seemed... scarier than he recalled, but the stress over the years had been rather intense, so what did he know? His memory could be shot for all he knew.

He was just... he was relieved. He'd called the Uchiha elders to a meeting this evening, feeling secure enough to share the news after today. Minato had jumped so quickly into action-- too readily for him to possibly be lying. He kept Fugaku feeling informed and heard. It meant so much more than Fugaku could ever convey, and he wondered briefly how he could ever hope to repay such kindness.

It's nostalgic and sad to see this land again, but he feels emboldened knowing he's going to be moving back in with his clan. This was the compound Sasuke was born in, that Itachi spent his youngest years in, that Fugaku and Mikotogrew upin. It means a great deal, holding more history than most could even begin to imagine.

The chance to return is something Fugaku is grasping onto like a lifeline. A solution to so many of their problems. An olive branch extended, the chance to reestablish a mutual trust. Fugaku can almost see it now. Thinking too hard about it makes him misty-eyed, which is a true testament to how big a deal this is considering how often he cries. Which isnever.

"I'm glad to hear it!" Minato chirped. "They're revitalizing the area. It was destroyed after the nine tails attack, but I've decided it's about time to fix it up! What do you think?"

Naruto's gaze drifted towards the construction going on, curiosity sparking when he spotted rotted furniture and wood being removed, rooves being worked on, and overgrown brush being fought back with clippers and broad blades. Minato's hiked Naruto further up onto his hip, gazing out at the work being swiftly done. Their progress has been great so far.

Fugaku eyed them a bit wearily. He'd never really had anything against Naruto, and he certainly doesn'tnow. He hadn't interacted with the child at all in the past. Sasuke mentioned him on rare occasions, briefly noting how loud and 'idiotic' he was. The clan head felt a bit apprehensive to listen to such claims.

It was shameful to have his opinion switch just due to return of Naruto's father, but he couldn't deny that was the case. He was only glad the Uchiha clan had never gone out of their way to harm the boy. Otherwise, Minato-san might not be so forgiving. He shivered at the thought of being on his bad side, silently vowing to bring up the matter of Naruto up during the meeting as well.

Naruto's little mind whirred, his eyes bouncing from the crest on the elder Uchiha's chest to the fading one on one of the outer walls of the rotting homes within the middle district. He recognized the man as his rude classmate's dad, Fu... something. He didn't know, had never really cared.

He was the head of the Uchiha clan, which had used to live here before the village got wrecked by the demon fox that had sorta killed his dad and haddefinitelykilled his mom. But sorta not his dad since he came back? Still sucked either way, but Naruto was glad he was back! Not the point right now.

The Uchiha were the police. He knew this based on how many times they'd busted him for vandalization and petty theft (vegetables are expensive, okay?!), as well as some accounts of trespassing that he really shouldn't have been blamed for. They were pretty chill overall, not any meaner than anyone else was to him.

He appreciated the sentiment, but he had always wondered a little why they'd been moved so far away. If they were the police, weren't they supposed to be able to get to everyone really, really fast? Naruto had noticed how long it took for them to show up when he got into trouble. He'd had ample time to get away more than once.

Now that they lived way over to the left, it took them a lot longer to get to the right side where Naruto had lived previously. The area was pretty bad as a result. Naruto had definitely witnessed his fair share of muggings and other crimes. He wondered... if this place was fixed, would the Uchiha be able to come back? Was he allowed to ask?

Things would just be so balanced out! The police taking a long time to arrive had been great for him back when he lived there, but now that he's out of it he's taken the time to think and really recall some of the awful stuff he saw. It doesn't seem good that people are getting hurt. Not if it's preventable.

The boy's eyes shifted to Fugaku, eyeing him up and down speculatively. Minato watched his son with a patient smile, co*cking his head when those blue eyes so much like his own turned to him. Minato glanced off to the side as Kakashi came up next to him, Pakkun in tow. Naruto gnawed at the inside of his cheek. He was painfully hesitant, but Minato was painfully patient, so it worked.

"I think it's a good idea." Naruto nodded cautiously in response to the question, caution present clear as day in his expression. "Do... Do you have plans for the houses?"

"I think your dad had some ideas, but he's definitely open to suggestions." Kakashi drawled. Naruto's eyes darted to Fugaku, who was giving him a critical look. Minato beamed at the clan-head threateningly when he spotted the expression. Fugaku couldn't deny the shiver that shot down his spine. He looked away, clearing his throat a bit.

"Really?" Naruto checked.

"Really! I'd love to hear what you think." Minato encouraged dotingly. Kakashi rolled his eyes a little, sharing a look with Pakkun. The pug didn't seem to see anything wrong with the Fourth's affection. They were all too far gone. Kakashi was too, don't get him wrong. He was just self-aware was all.

"W-Well! I think uh... the Uchiha are the police, right?" His cheeks flushed. Fugaku's head snapped back in their direction out of surprise alone, and Minato nodded, grin widening. He shifted giddily from foot to foot, trying to keep calm. His son was so smart! "Wouldn't it be better for... for them to come back to the middle? So they can get to everyone? Because it takes them a really long time to get places sometimes, believe it! S...So there's some people who need help really fast, but they can't get it. And the bad guys know it takes them a long time to get there, or they're too far to notice, so they do more bad things because they know they can get away with it. But it wouldn't be like that if they were in the middle, believe it!"

Naruto tried to finish off his statement with some amount of confidence. He trusted his dad, but he still couldn't deny he was a little nervous about messing up and disappointing him. So far his dad had showed unwavering support no matter what, praising him for all the things nobody ever noticed before. Naruto apparently had a lot more positive qualities than he even realized!

There was still a present fear that the demon thing would turn up-- that his dad would hear someone call him a monster and learn the truth-- but it wasn't nearly as oppressing as it had been before. His dad isn't that type of guy, right? He'd talked to Iruka-sensei for him and had believed him about his schoolwork!

"Huh." Pakkun piped up after a moment. "Kid's a genius."

Minato squealed rather girlishly and squeezed his son with giddiness. Fugaku had a fairly surprised look on his face, but not displeased one. It was quite the opposite, actually. He wondered if he could convince Sasuke to change his views since he quite clearly wasn't as on the nose about the boy's intelligence as he thought.

Kakashi chuckled a little. Naruto beamed at the positive response, supposing he must've donesomethingright. And to him, that was all that really mattered right now.


Enter: Child genius Naruto.

Chapter 11: Friendship forged by mystery

Chapter Text

Third person pov

"Are you insane?!" Danzo slammed his hands down onto the table in an immature fit of rage. Minato's expression didn't change, his gaze relatively indifferent. To be honest, his thoughts were actually elsewhere at the moment.

He hoped Naruto was having a good day at school. He'd showered the boy in praises after his statement about how the Uchiha should certainly move back to the center of the village. Minato hadn't really doubted the plan before, of course, but now he was most definitely going to go full send with it. Because now it wasn't just his idea, it was Naruto's too.

"Not last time I checked, Danzo-sama." Minato responded in a level-headed and respectful manner. Shikaku cleared his throat whilst Hiashi Hyuga covered his amused snort with a polite cough. If Tsume Inuzuka had been able to make it to this meeting, she probably would've been absolutely losing it right now. The comedic relief is much missed. "Personally, I quite like the idea."

"I second that." Fugaku added in immediately, face schooled into the facade of calm. He'd been sweating from the moment he walked through the doors. If they didn't receive the support of the other clan heads and at least one of the elders then this plan of Minato's would go straight down the drain.

The blonde was acting like it wasn't a big deal, nonchalant in the way he presented it, as though he were just talking about the weather. Fugaku could see past that-- see the steely walls had put up to fight against the torrent he was receiving. He could only hope they'd hold.

"Well of courseyoudo." Danzo spat. "Several ninja and civilians saw the Kyuubi's Sharingan eyes that night! We are right to be on edge. Moving them was what was best for the healing of the village. We do not want to undo that and cause unease!"

Minato took mental note of the disrespect. If he kept at it then Minato could definitely get him booted. He'd gotten co*cky since the blonde's death. Hiruzen really was too soft for his own good.

What class would Naruto be in right now? Or was it lunch? He'd drawn him a picture the other evening. A picture of just him and Minato, with a guest appearance of Pakkun, because he's Naruto's 'best friend in the whole wide world'. It was hanging on the fridge until Minato got a frame for it.

Maybe a black wood grain? Or would a natural brown be better? Maybe getting one a little bigger would be good too. They could add an orange border. Naruto would like that, wouldn't he? Of course he would. He loved orange.

"Yeah," Minato hummed absentmindedly, squinting as he internally debated the pros and cons of a bigger frame. "It had Sharingan eyes. I don't know if you remember, but I was kind of there."

The ensuing silence was so still you could hear a pin drop. Minato looked up and out of his train of thought, arching a brow at the stunned faces looking back at him. Fugaku looked like he'd just had his death warrant signed, his face deathly pale. Minato flashed a smile that oozed reassurance, straightening a bit in his seat.

...Oak frame with an orange border around the photo. That was definitely his final choice. It would certainly look amazing, especially if he could get Naruto to decorate it... maybe a white one would be better then? So he could paint it easier? Kakashididsay his son was very artistic when it came to paint, didn't he?

The air in the room was stifling. Minato waited patiently for them to all process the words, eyeing the reactions to see where he'd need to do extra damage control. Barring Danzo, of course. He'dreallyneed to launch a full investigation into this guy.

The further he researched the records from the years he missed, the shadier the man got. He'd never been a fan of Danzo, and he was even less so one now. He was definitely plotting behind the scenes. What exactly said plots entailed, Minato was not looking forward to finding out.

"So... So you're saying that the Uchiha Clan..." Choza trailed off, looking supremely confused. Minato co*cked his head in a way that caused the Akimichi to fall silent, looking almost scared. Minato's smile had no warmth to it. Not because he was mad at them, but because this was a conversation that required an icy undertone if he wanted his point across.

"I never said that." Minato sighed. "I said it had Sharingan eyes. Not that the Uchiha clan was to blame."

"You're contradicting yourself." Danzo croaked out, looking like he wasn't sure how to feel. He clearly thought Minato was going to deny the Sharingan claim outright, but Minato had never been a liar. In fact, he prided himself on his brutal honesty.

Yeah, the Kyuubi had Sharingan eyes. No, the Uchiha clan hadn't been at fault. Again, he wasthere. He knows better than anyone what happened. He's probably the only one in the entire village with the whole story, actually. Assuming the man who'd attacked him wasn't hiding out around here somewhere. He had a feeling Naruto wouldn't be around if that were the case.

"I don't think so. It's pretty simple, actually." Minato smiled brightly, talking as though he were explaining things to a two-year-old. Danzo flushed at the tone, whether it was out of rage or embarrassment, Minato really didn't care. "Are you doubting me, Danzo-sama? If I'm recalling correctly, I'm the one who was there,notyou. Everyone else present for Naruto's birth was tragically killed. I am the last first-hand witness. Six year gap or not, it all feels like it was just yesterday for me. I'd say my experiences and fresh memory trump any rumors you've heard, wouldn't you?"

Fugaku looked a little calmer, and so did the other clan heads. Minato watched Danzo go through the nine stages of grief and tried not to feel too amused. He wondered if he should get a copy of Naruto's drawing made. No, two copies. Three? The original would go in the frame for the living room, but Minato could have a copy for his room.

Kakashi would surely want a copy too, and then they needed a back up copy in case of emergency. Maybe they should make a fourth for Pakkun since he was also in the drawing? Yeah, that would be considerate. He was going to need more frames... they could all decorate one, actually. It could be a family event. That would be cute, right? Naruto would totally be into that.

"Lord Forth, perhaps it would help us understand your decision if you told us what happened that night." Koharu suggested mildly, looking a bit conflicted as she glanced at the Uchiha clan head from her seat left of Minato's. "If you're up to it, of course."

"I'll admit I've been pretty curious as well." Shikaku hummed in a laid-back tone.

"I as well." Hiashi spoke, giving a dip of his head. "We don't wish to assume the worst about the Uchiha-clan, but with such limited information its hard to look at anything but the witness evidence."

"What a wonderful idea." Minato's smile was damn near menacing. "I'll keep it rather simple. We were attacked by an Uchiha not affiliated with Konoha or the Uchiha clan as we know it today. He found out about the birth somehow and broke through the barrier. He threatened Naruto and caused me to separate from Kushina long enough for him to enter her subconscious and take control of the Nine Tailed Fox. This was with the intention to destroy Konoha. I think we can all recall a time in history in which this same thing happened, yes? I know of only one recorded man who knows how to take total control of a tailed beast."

It was an abridged version of events, but it was all they needed to know. They didn't need to know the way Kushina cried and the all-encompassing fear Minato had held for his son and wife. Didn't need a glimpse at the crushing grief he had been, and still was, experiencing.

They didn't need to know the way his heartstoppedwhen he saw the exploding tags on his son's baby blanket, or the way his very soul shattered when he realized he was going to have to seal the demon in his own son. These were details they could live without.Wouldlive without, for Minato refused to give them up.

The words poured out. He said them normally, without inflection or emotion in his tone. A sign of weakness would cause Danzo to pounce and rag on his judgement. He'd be told he was being blinded by his grief and by the old bonds of friendship he'd had with the Uchiha clan. Minato couldn't let the situation slip past him like that.

Minato wanted the village to be a safe place his son could thrive in. This was one of the many steps he'd need to take to restore Konoha back to what it was before. To get it out of this fractured state it had found itself in.

The people in the room all stared at Minato as though they couldn't quite believe what he'd said. Fugaku looked stunned and a little scared. He'd known it was not his clan who had sought to free the Nine Tails, and the clan elders had all discussed with one another just what that implied about what really happened that night.

But what Minato was insinuating... it was insane. Even he couldn't quite bring himself to believe it, no matter how hard he tried.

"Are you implying... that Madara Uchiha is somehow alive and tried to take the chance to come after Konoha again? After all this time?" Homura asked in an astonished tone, glasses slipping down the bridge of his nose slightly.

"That's exactly what I'm implying." Minato smiled, but it looked like a threat. "After all, Homura-sama, I haven't aged a day in the last six years. And for the record, I did fight and talk to this man. I feel my deductions are sound, and I have full faith in Uchiha clan's loyalties. They were and still are close friends to Kushina and I, and I don't believe they'd betray the home they love so easily."

Fugaku smiled a little, chest swelling with pride. There was something about having Minato's faith that made him feel secure, and the speculative, uncertain gazes he got from the elders were a nice contrast from the suspicious ones he'd grown so used to. His fellow clan heads also looked convinced, sending Fugaku reassuring looks.

Minato clapped his hands together like he was closing a book, beaming happily. "Onto brighter topics! Why don't we discuss the pros of locating them back to the rightful land that has belonged to them for generations? We're not colonizers, people! Besides, the crime rate has gone up a full twenty-percent over the past six years, and I'm not sure that's unrelated, ne?"


"Since when can you throw kunai so well anyway?" Sasuke scoffed, eyeing Naruto with disdain he didn't bother trying to hide. They were all outside practicing with senbon, kunai, and shuriken alike.

Sasuke wasprestigiousenough at it that he didn't need Iruka's help, and the teacher had always been avoidant of Naruto anyway, now more than ever. The Uchiha heir had somehow managed to gravitate towards the blonde Jinchuriki when he realized the blue-eyed boy was actually doing better than he was.

"My dad showed me how." Naruto grinned, feeling a little humbled by his admission. His dad was amazing, after all. It was still so absolutely remarkable to think that the Fourth Hokage was his father, and seemed to actuallylikespending time with him.

Hadn't he heard the rumors yet? About him being a monster? If not, Naruto hoped he never did. He loved Minato, and Kakashi, and all the ninken with his whole heart. He wasn't sure he'd survive if that was taken away from him.

"I thought you didn't have parents." Sasuke frowned, but it wasn't said in an overly-rude way. Naruto couldn't find it in himself to be offended. Everyone knew sad little Naruto Uzumaki was an orphan. If he himself could hardly believe he had a dad, there was no way he could expect other people to believe he had one too.

"Yeah, well, he does now you cheeky little brat." Pakkun grumbled from where he was curled up at the base of a bush nearby. He didn't bother raising his head off his pudgy little arms, cracking an eye open to give Sasuke an ill look. "Don't you have better things to do than run around insulting people? Kids these days. Take your attitude elsewhere, kid, or I'll tattle on you to the boss."

Sasuke flushed with embarrassment, immediately flashing back to Itachi's advice about how it was always good to be nice to everyone you came across, because you never knew what they were going through. His father had also been chiding him about his manners lately. He didn'tlikeNaruto, but he'd been less of a loud idiot lately, it felt like.

Even if he were a complete moron, Sasuke had no real reason to be mean. Asking someone about their parents when their parents were supposedly dead was pretty insensitive of him. Unless Naruto's parentsweren'tdead, of course. It was heavily implied that his dad was around. And by implied he meant said outright. Like, right now.

"Ne, it's fine. Sasuke-teme is always like that." Naruto said it as though it were a fact. "But I do have a dad! He just got back, and I moved into his house with him and Kashi! And all the dogs!"

Sasuke's expression twisted at the nickname, but he'd been calling Naruto an idiot for as long as he could remember and decided it would be pretty childish to get mad about the favor being returned. It would be hy-po-critical. That's a word Shisui had taught him.

Naruto said his piece with many hand gestures that very much helped get the severity of the point across. Sasuke couldn't help but nod in response to convey his own understanding. This conversation wasn't as akin to pulling teeth as he thought it may be. Everyone else disliked Naruto. He was irritating and did a lot of stupid pranks, but Sasuke didn't see much wrong with him outside of that.

"But you're already six. Where was your dad before?" Sasuke frowned in thought and tried to find the reason himself to no avail. He couldn't possibly guess why his father would stay away so long.

Naruto's grin dimmed just a little only to come back full force after a mere moment. Sasuke gave him a somewhat distasteful glower. How could he stand to be so bright this early in the morning? Talk about irritating.

"He got really, really hurt! So I think it took him a long time to recover." Naruto said, sounding quite sure of himself. That reasoning made sense to Sasuke. "He said he was really sorry for making me wait that long, but I don't blame him. It's not his fault he was hurt."

"Yeah." Sasuke agreed readily, nodding. That sounded right. Naruto wasn't nearly as loud and annoying as he usually was today. "So... how do you aim that well anyway?"

Sasuke was man enough to admit that Naruto was definitely better at throwing kunai than he was. That was only because he'd had an adult to help him practice though! Itachi-nii had been too busy to help Sasuke practice lately, so he was rusty. Those were the only reasons. Honest. But if Naruto knew how and showed him... he could definitely impress his father and brother. It would be worth the embarrassment.

Naruto brightened a grin and didn't make fun of him for asking like Sasuke thought he might. Sasuke felt curiosity melt into him somewhat, his brow furrowing. This... yeah, this really didn't make sense.

Naruto was definitely louder than most, but he wasn't as dumb as Sasuke thought he was. He was nice, even. Like, nicer than most of the other kids in class. So why didn't people like him? Why were they so cruel? He'd seen some of the other civilians mistreat him and call him names, but Sasuke had never seen or heard of a clear reason why.

Sasuke clenched his blunted kunai, feeling determined. A good ninja always knew when to investigate, and this was one of those things. Sasuke would get to the bottom of this. Even if that did mean prolonged exposure to Naruto Uzumaki and his two finicky braincells, which was a lot bigger number than the zero he'd had before, by the way.

"-and then you just throw it!" Naruto flicked the kunai at the tree and it stuck straight in the middle. He turned to Sasuke with a beaming grin. "Now you gotta try!"

Sasuke made it into the ring closest to the center his first try, but Naruto didn't mind. And Sasuke found he strangely didn't mind either.

Chapter 12: Prejudices

Chapter Text

Third person pov

The meeting with the clan heads turned out to be quite fruitful! And by fruitful, Minato means he sat there patiently, waited for Danzo to finish throwing his fit, and then had continued implementing his plan despite the older man's obvious prejudices. Most people will cave if you sit there and stare at them long enough, and what choice had Danzo really had under Minato's piercing gaze? The other clan heads and elders stood behind the newly-reinstated kage. With no allies to side with him, Danzo had no basis to refuse what Minato was offering. And thus the construction on the old Uchiha compound continued as the clan prepared themselves to move back into their old home.

Fugaku had invited him and Naruto both over for dinner to try and convey his overwhelming thanks. Kakashi was off doing something ninja related-- he hadn't really wanted to come anyway, he claimed in a nonchalant tone. Things between the Hatake and the Uchiha clan were rocky due to his possession of a Sharingan. Minato was a bit disappointed but he understood. This could be a great father-son bonding experience! Even now it was their first time going to the market with just each other, which was exciting in a domestic way that Minato couldn't help but revel in.

"We should bring a gift." Minato hummed to himself, peering down at their shopping list. Naruto was abuzz next to him, gazing around the market square with wide eyes. He'd normally get dirty looks for being here, but his dad garnered way,waymore attention than he did. His white coat and bright hair were a dead giveaway as to who he was, so eyes were all on him. Naruto didn't mind. He preferred it this way. His dad was so cool! He couldn't believe he was the Fourth Hokage'sson. Him!

But what if his dad found out about him being a monster? It still bothered him. Someone was going to tell him eventually. He really loved his new dad and the house they shared. The thought of losing him made Naruto's stomach hurt and his heart feel like it was twisting inside his chest. He was too afraid to bring up his reputation and ask. Naruto... Naruto didn'tthinkhis dad would ever get rid of him. But there was still that gnawing doubt that told him he had to stay on his toes-- be the absolute best he could. He struggled to keep from being too annoying or a nuisance. He had to be smart so that his dad would still love him. He had to behave, and not be too loud, and not get in the way.

After all, what sort of Hokage would want a useless monster as their son? Naruto had to be more than that. He had to make up for the hatred the village had for him by being better.

"We could get fruit!" Naruto burst out excitedly, ready to give suggestions. People liked fruits as gifts, right? Minato nodded in agreement, and Naruto's chest swelled. He'd said the right thing! "O-Or pie. People like pie!"

"Right! Pie and fruit sound like a great combination" Minato agreed with a grin, looking down at his son with unbridled warmth. Naruto beamed up at him sunnily, the absolute light of Minato's entire life. How had he survived without a son before? He asked himself this everyday. "You get some delicious fruit and I'll find a pie. Sound like a deal? We meet back here in five."

Naruto's eyes lit up in the same fiery way Kushina's did when she felt like someone was challenging her. Minato felt fondness gush through him unbidden as the boy earnestly nodded, little hands clenching into determined fists. Minato grinned back and gave a similar nod, bringing his hand down so that Naruto could slap his against it in a sign of comradery. Minato watched the boy turn on his heel and peel off towards a nearby stand full of fresh produce and such of that like. He huffed and turned to go find a pie.

Naruto sped towards the first fruit crates he saw, determined to find a melon of some sort that would suffice. Sakura-chan had mentioned in class once that melons were really expensive, so people only got them on special occasions. His dad had claimed they had a lot of money, so surely a melon would be okay to get, right? The money in his pocket jingled as a reminder of his new mission. This was the first time his dad had ever asked him to do anything of importance, so he definitely had to do a good job. He'd find the best fruit ever, believe it!

He neared the stands and his heartrate picked up. He realized right about then that thisprobablywasn't going to go super well. Story of his life. Maybe he could slip under the radar if he kept to himself enough. He didn't know. Separating from his dad probably hadn't been the best idea. Without him to draw the wandering eyes of those around them, Naruto found himself once again subjected to the glaring weight of the villager's hatred. He wondered idly what he'd done to deserve it, but he didn't dwell on it too long. He was never going to get a real answer. No one ever explainedwhyhe was a monster. They just told him he was one.

The stand had some of the biggest watermelons Naruto had ever seen in his entire life, and he knew immediately that this was the right place to come. They were definitely more expensive than a bundle of apples would be, but they weren't quite as bad as Naruto had feared. They looked heavy. He wanted to get a big one for the Uchiha family, but he also didn't want to drop it and risk bruising it. Maybe it would be good to go get his dad? But he was supposed to meet him in the middle with his melon. That was the deal! His dad would get the pie, he would get the fruit. He couldn't let him down.

With renewed determination, he reached out to wrap his arms around the biggest one in the stack, determined to shake it and knock on it to see if it was any good. He never got the chance. A harsh had was grappling at the back of his shirt before he got the chance, and yeah, he probably should've seen something like this coming from a mile away.

"What the hell are you doing in my stand?!" A deep voice boomed gruffly. Naruto felt himself get yanked up and let himself go limp. Fighting always made it worse. If he was lucky, they'd toss him out without kicking him at all. The man who grabbed him is tall and balding. Older than his dad is, with a pudgy belly and muscled arms that lift him like he weighs nothing. "You monster brat. You're not welcomed around these parts!"

"I-I'm sorry." Naruto sputtered out weakly. Tears prick at his eyes, frustration and a fair amount of fear welling up alongside his anxiety. He's so pathetic! He wants to be a ninja but can't even get a single watermelon? His dad is sure to be annoyed with him. He should've stayed home with Pakkun and the other dogs when his dad asked him to come. He'd just... He'd wanted to spend time with him, and do things with him.

This was going to happen either was, wasn't it? Eventually it would've come. He just wished it wasn't when he was out with his dad. Having a family still leaves him in disbelief. Having his dad, and Kashi-san, and the dogs. It's more than he ever could've asked for, and it had almost made him forget how hated he was by everyone else. But all bubbles popped eventually, and this one was no different. Reality would always snake in and constrict around him at some point. He just... he just wished it had taken a little longer, you know?

The man steps out of the stand, yelling at him about how unwelcome he is here and how he's a monster who should know his place, shaking him like he's a dirty rag. Nothing Naruto hasn't heard before. He sort of wishes they'd be more creative with their insults. He's a tad bit scared, but he's too used to this happening when he gets groceries to be surprised. The real fear only strikes when the man hikes him up further and draws his other fist back. Naruto's been in this position before and knows it's going to hurt, but all he can do is brace.

Only the hit doesn't come. But a flash of yellow does.

It all happens so fast Naruto could've blinked and missed it. Gasps erupt from the crowd around them. Because... Because one moment his father isn't there and the next heis, yanking Naruto from the offending fruit-seller's clenched hand and slotting the boy against his side, his other hand coming out with quick precision and wrapping hard around the other man's neck without mercy. Naruto's eyes go wide as the fruit-seller is slammed face first into the dirt with a resounding thump, his father's usually-warm expression twisted with something enraged and venomous.

"Get your goddamn handsoffmy son." His dad's voice hisses out, cold and void of the love Naruto has always heard it drenched in. The market goes eerily quiet. Naruto watches with wide, teary eyes as the fruit-seller is briefly lifted again by his neck before he's slammed back down into the dirt once again. Naruto tightens his grip on his dad's coat. Something settles in him when he realizes he's... he's being defended. His dad isdefendinghim.

"H-Hokage-sa-" The fruit-seller starts to wheeze. Minato tightens his grip on his throat before he gets the chance, feeling absolutely livid. He's in disbelief at what he just witnessed. He isn't sure he's ever felt this murderous before.

Minato prides himself on his composure in sticky situations. Or he did, but damn that. He knew coming into things that the village didn't like Naruto, but he hadn't realized just how bad it was. He thought it was something he could gradually chip away at for Naruto's comfort, as diving into the deep end outright had seemed a bit much. But to turn around and see his precious little boy hauled out of a stand like he was a stray piece of garbage? Man handled by a complete stranger? Absolutelynot. He felt sick watching the fruit-seller spit insults at him, and to see his son take them like he wasusedto it. Used to it! He was six and the best thing on the goddamn planet and he wasusedto this sort of thing? Damn that!

If anything, they should be praising him for undertaking such a burden. No child deserved this; especially not his son. His heart had all but stopped when he saw Naruto about to take a physical blow. Someone had the actual gall to raise a hand against his son. Hissix year old son, who was so tiny, and smart, and bright, and kind. How could anyone ever look at him and want to hurt him? Where was the disconnect there? How did they look at his son and think 'monster' when they saw his big eyes and round cheeks?

Minato is honestly about to strangle the man to death. He's about to watch impassively as the life drains out of him. His face is already beginning to purple, his hands clawing uselessly against Minato's tightening grip. The only thing that gets him to stop is the small sniffle his son gives. It snaps him back into reality and causes his hand to release, his body straightening and his attention shifting on to more important things. He ignores the way the man chokes for air beneath him and instead smiles compassionately at his son.

"Are you okay, Naruto?" He asks his son, whose eyes are big and full of tears. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have separated from you like that. You know none of what he said was true, right?"

Naruto doesn't look like he quite believes him. Neither do the onlookers.

Naruto can't wrap his head around what in fresh hot hell just happened. His dad had just defended him. Like a real dad! Even though the villagers all glare and even though his dad heard him get called a monster, he still came to his rescue. He was asking if he was okay, and still holding him, and still gazing at him with that same warmth. It's enough to make his tears spill over. He can't really find the words as his dad pulls him closer, letting Naruto bury his face in his broad shoulder. He clenches his eyes shut and grips his father's coat tight. Because his dad doesn't think he's a monster. He doesn't believe the villagers.

Heisn'tgoing to leave. It sounds too good to be true, but it isn't. This is happening. This is his dad, and he still loves him, and he's not mad. Him not being upset in some way hadn't really occurred to Naruto as a possibility. He was just so used to people getting mad at him that h... he...

Minato doesn't prod any further. He simply holds him, turning back to glower with striking coldness at the man struggling to pick himself up off the ground. Minato watches blandly as the fruit-seller freezes, eyes full of fear and neck discoloring for the vice-like grip Minato had held it in. He's shaking like a leaf in the wind. Minato pats Naruto's back. The public display of violence would probably have some backlash, but he honestly couldn't give two sh*ts about that right now. It was worth it for Naruto.

"I think Fugaku will forgive us for not bringing a melon or pie this time around." Minato's voice was light and cheerful for his son's sake, but his expression told a different story. His eyes were open and what was behind them wasn't anything nice. "Don't worry, Naruto! No one is going to bother you while I'm around. It's my job to protect you, alright? You're not a monster; you're myson. So don't worry about what they say, alright? You just tell me if anyone harasses you again and dad'll handle it."

"O-Okay." Naruto weeped out in agreement. Minato nodded, humming a comforting tune. He flashed one last smile at the onlooking crowd, but it wasn't a kind one. A wide berth was created as he strolled along. Minato's smile became a little more genuine as he went.

Yes, nobody would be messing with his son from here on out, he was sure.


"Hokage-sama." Itachi seemed awed to see the Yellow Flash in the flesh, dark eyes wide and reverent. Minato gave a dazzling smile, not minding the way Naruto clutched at his hand and hid partially behind his leg in apprehension. He was still a little shaken from today's events. Minato had offered to call the dinner off and reschedule, but Naruto had insisted that would be far too rude. He was far more considerate than Minato was in that regard.

Naruto had cried a long time after they got home, and Minato had simply held him. It had been hard to hold back his rage towards the village when Naruto asked if he really didn't mind that he was a monster. He'd had to explain in no uncertain terms that Naruto was in factnota monster. It hurt that his son didn't look quite convinced, but the relief on his son's face was good enough to tide him over. He'd convince Naruto of his worth. It wasn't something that could be done in a day. This was the way he'd grown up, and the insults ingrained in him would take time to smooth over.

"Itachi-kun! You're bigger than the last time I saw you." Minato acknowledged jauntily. The Uchiha heir flushed a bit, still seeming fairly bug-eyed. "How have you been? I hear you just joined the ANBU Black Ops. Kakashi has said great things about you."

"Ah, y-yes. Thank you, sir." Itachi stepped aside to invite them in, eyes following Minato's steady gait. Naruto couldn't blame him. His dad was definitely the coolest, and anyone would totally marvel at the Fourth Hokage. "Please come inside. Excuse the mess. We've been quite preoccupied... packing."

The Uchiha house wasn't anything like the Namikaze one, Naruto noted. It was not only a lot bigger, but the style was different. This was more traditional. It reminded him of a dojo or a temple shrine or something like that, with sliding doors instead of swinging ones and different floors. The walls were bland and white, and their table didn't have real chairs, only pillows on the ground. Fugaku immediately stands upon their entrance, a genuine smile crossing his usually-grumpy face.

He wasn't the only one in the room however. Naruto's eyes drop down, falling upon the rather stunned expression his classmate was wearing. Sasuke Uchiha sat extremely still, glancing between the Fourth Hokage and Naruto like he couldn't quite believe what he was seeing. His disbelief was painstakingly evident. Yeah, Naruto sympathizes with that. Hard. He still looks at himself in the mirror sometimes and thinks he's dreaming.

"Your dad is theFourth Hokage?" Sasuke's voice dips on the emphasis and Naruto nods. Fugaku gives his son a warning look as he shakes Minato's hand.

"Yeah." Naruto smiles a little, looking down. "He is."

Minato's beaming pride alone is enough to fill the room.

Chapter 13: Big Dogs and Weird Old Men?

Chapter Text

Third person pov

Naruto isn't sure if it's a dream or nightmare. It doesn't seem like either, actually. It's dark, and wet, but he's not particularlyscaredper se. That's not to say he wants to be here or anything. The only thing he knows for sure is that he definitely remembers falling asleep, and that this place reeks. Naruto definitely wouldn't recommend it to anyone looking for a place to dream in. Or nightmare in? Again, he's not super sure where the line is between the two or if he's crossed it yet.

Naruto looked down at his feet. He was submerged in water up to his ankles, which was just a little nasty. Who knew what was in this stuff. It was murky enough to tell him it was nothing good. He glanced around, rooted in his spot. The whole area was all just an endless stretch of black that seemed to go on forever. The gross water did too, stagnantly flat and just as never-ending as the rest of this rancid little venue was. If Naruto could ask for one thing and one thing only, it would be a one way ticket out of here. Or maybe a coupon that would get him free ramen for life from Ichiraku's. Hard decision.

There was a clang somewhere behind him, and his heart jumped, his body moving before his mind could catch up to what was happening. He whirled around with wide eyes that only stretched wider when he saw the hulking structure before him. Steel bars taller than any tree's he'd ever seen dwarfed him with their sheer size, thicker than the trunk of even the biggest tree and sturdier than Pakkun during a staring contest. It was by far the most massive thing he'd ever seen in his short six years of life. His jaw dropped at the sight of the metal box. He registered, vaguely, that this was undoubtedly a cage. He was looking at a very large cage.

A very large cage with something just as largeinside.

"Oh my god." Naruto breathed, watching as a pair of red eyes flew open from within the darkness, seeming almost to glow as they zeroed in on him. The blonde's shoulders hitched up, and he thrust a finger at the thing accusingly. "You're the reason the water is so nasty!"

"What the hell?"The thing grumbled back with clear irritation. The voice was so deep and so loud that it shook the water, sending ripples that splashed lightly against Naruto's legs and made him shiver. Gross, gross, gross! So this was all justtoilet water?! That cage didn't look big enough to have an adjoining bathroom! Not one big enough for whoever was in there, anyway.

Those eyes were totally massive, so it had to be some like-- really big dog or something. Yeah! Yeah, yeah, no, this made total sense! It was a giant ninken, since ninken could talk and were animals! Though he'd never seen a dog with red eyes before. That was kind of cool. But why was he trapped? And why was he so big to begin with? Wait, he'd read a book about this once. About that one red dog that grew until it was bigger than a house. He hadn't realized that was based on a true story, but he's also six, so there's a lot he doesn't know.

"I mean, there's no bathroom in there, right? So you've just had to go!" Naruto explained, voice raising a bit as he gestured at the water. "That's why it smells so bad! Man, this really sucks!"

"You brat, I don't need to-- wait, how're you eveninhere?"The thing leaned closer and holy sh*t, it wasorange. Was it the red dog's descendant? Because if you dulled down red it turned orange. That was Naruto's favorite color!"You're my foolish little vessel. You're far too puny to be in here."

"Vessel?" Naruto squinted. He frowned at the dog. This was a really confusing dream. He wondered if it meant something. Sakura-chan said that seeing things in your dreams symbolized stuff sometimes. Like how pickles can signify anxiety or something. What do big orange dogs in cages mean? "Are you calling me a pirate ship?"

"Ah. And you're an idiot."The thing growled, which was honestly just rude. It grinned at him, sharp and a little angry, and definitely not genuine. Naruto immediately felt on edge, his heartrate speeding up a little. Alright. Crossing from dream to nightmare territory, slowly but surely. At least he was stuck behind those bars, even if that meant Naruto had to stand in pee water."Come over here and I'll explain everything, little kit."

"You literally just called me an idiot. Why would I come over there?" Naruto asked, his voice bordering on complaining. He watched the dog's smile drop into a snarl. Wow. Stingy, then. Naruto had dealt with way worse though, and he still really liked dogs even if they were mean. Maybe this one was just lonely and needed a friend! As long as Naruto didn't get too close to the bars it was probably fine.

"Vermin."It hissed at him. Okay, so now he was being called a rat? Was it the whiskers? No wonder someone put him in a cage. His attitude was 'less than optimal', as Iruka-sensei might say.

"Hey, it's not like I asked to be here! I don't even know who you are." Naruto threw his hands up in the air, not really sure what else to do. He could ignore the dog but that seemed really, really rude. Like, they were the only two here. What else was he going to do? It's not like he could wake himself up on command. Might as well try to make the best out of a bad situation. It's what he did best. With his dad back, he'd been getting rusty anyway. Thing's are so happy right now that he may forget how to be positive even when things are awful if he's not careful. "Speaking of which, I'm Naruto! Naruto Uzumaki!"

"I know who you are, you little rat."So hewasbeing called a rat."So pathetic. So weak. To think I'm trapped inside of you of all vessels... a mere child. Pitiful!"

Naruto stared. That was a lot to work through, honestly. Was he calling himself pitiful? Maybethat'swhy he was in a bad mood. Having a low-self esteem wasn't good for optimism. Naruto knows that way better than anyone else but-- wait, was he'd said he wastrappedinside of him? Like, inside of Naruto? Why would he be trapped inside of Naruto? That... well, this was actually a dream, so he guessed the logistics didn't matter. Things like this didn't need to make sense.

"Why would I have a giant orange dog trapped inside of me? I think I'd have known before if you were inside me." Naruto frowned. He watched the creature go still, its red eyes going wide with rage. Was that the wrong thing to say? Based on the way he's standing up and confrontationally baring his teeth, Naruto's going to go with yes. He supposed he'd be finding out if those bars are as sturdy as they look. Still not the scariest thing that's ever happened to him. Amen to that.

"DOG?!"The dog roared, super angrier. Naruto frowned as it snapped its teeth, long arm coming through the cage doors and swiping at him but coming up way, way too short for him to be scared by it. Wow. He had theweirdestlooking paws Naruto had ever seen. Were those opposable thumbs? Those looked a lot like opposable thumbs... was he actually a racoon? No, he was definitely a dog. His snout was a dead giveaway. Maybe because he was big, his toes had just like, grown with him and become double-jointed or whatever."I am the Legendary Nine Tailed Fox! The Kyuubi! I am nomutt. I will rip you apart and they willneverfind all the pieces of you, you brat! The moment I break this seal and take over---"

And yeah. Naruto zoned out right about there, even as the dog rattled the cage so hard it shook the entire place and sent water splashing onto Naruto's pajama shorts. No offense to him, but his dad was way,wayscarier. He'd like, practically killed that guy at the market, which was kinda cool. Plus Iruka-sensei still hadn't recovered from his dad's talk with him that one time. This dog was really big and loud, but Naruto had met a lot of really big and loud people and they were never as much bite as they were bark. Besides, he was too fluffy to be that threatening! And he was trapped behind bars that hadn't so much as budged, even as the entire place shook.

Naruto watched patiently as the dog practically frothed at the mouth, hands held politely behind his back as the creature slowly winded itself down, still looking full of piping hot rage as he gripped the bars and shoved his snout between them as best he could. Something orange and murky was bleeding into the water around the cage bars, beginning to slowly seep outward. Was that... wait, had hepeed? Was that pee? It had to be. Wow, that wassogross. Ew. Naruto wasn't a fan of this. Officially nightmare territory.

"Um." Naruto eyed the orange stuff and tried to mask his utter disgust. "Look, I know I'm six, but I'm not an idiot. You'reclearlynot a fox."

"I am."The creature responded immediately, voice biting, harsh, andwaytoo defensive. Naruto eyed him with open pity.

"Sure." He said faintly. He took a deep breath. "But you know if you...werea dog, it would be totally okay--"

"I said I'm not a goddamn dog, you idiotic brat!"The creature snapped. Naruto held up his hands in surrender."Stop looking at me like that!"

"Right, right." Naruto agreed immediately, frowning. Poor thing had no idea what he was or who he was, even. The nine tailed fox? The cage was too dark to make out any tails, but come on. His dad had totally murked the nine tails when Naruto was born or whatever. Thishadto be a dog. Naruto has spent a lot of time around Kashi's dogs and this definitely seems like the same thing to him. With how angry he's being... yeah, he's like a really mad dog barking at strangers who pass their fence. Foxes are quiet and sly!

This thing had a really wide head for a supposedfox. Plus, foxes didn't have mouths that big, or frames that large. Naruto was sure of it. They'd had a lesson on them literally two weeks ago and it had been very informative. This guy was too fluffy, and his ears were all long. They were almost like a rabbit's, honestly. Foxes hadtriangleears on top of their heads, not weird floppy ones. Plus, wasn't the nine tails a chakra being? Because this guy didn'tlooklike he was made out of chakra.

"I. Am. A. Fox."The creature hissed when it saw his expression and-- man, was it peeing more? Why was that his immediate response?

"Uh huh." Naruto inched away from the pee. Ew. "Anyway, wanna hear about my day? We decorated picture frames!"

The dog groaned, but it wasn't a definite no.

Jiraiya stared up at Konoha's gates. They seemed to almost stare back in all their large, green grandeur. Lined with weathered grey stone set back into smoothed out brown rock, they were a testament to the village's overall ambience. A sturdy entrance that spoke of the Leaf's strength.

It had been years since he'd last been back. It was shocking how little had changed-- though, he's not sure why he thought things would be any different. His adam's apple bobbed with trepidation as he grew closer and closer to his home, his dark eyes never leaving the large, open doors that coaxed him back in with promises of a happier time brought back to the present. The idea that Minato Namikaze was in there, alive and running things, was astonishing. To think his student would raise from the dead and reclaim his title as the village's leader... it seemed impossible.

"Master Jiraiya!" A voice exclaimed, so incredibly invigorated it almost shocked him. He squinted as a man he didn't recognize leaned out of the guard's post, waving rapidly at him as though he wouldn't notice him otherwise. "Master Jiraiya! You're back!"

"You know it!" He responded a little too smoothly, a grin that didn't quite reach his eyes slipping onto his face with practiced ease. His usual blanket of charisma dropped over his shoulders, and he let the knot in his chest loosen a bit and told himself it would be okay. He'd be fine, and Minato... probablywouldmurder him if he was truly and really back, but it was a bridge they'd cross when they got to it. Honestly, the idea of Minato being back and kicking hadn't sunk in and it wasn't going to until he saw him.

There was a gnawing in his gut that made him feel short of breath. Guilt was crashing over him in terrifying waves, threatening to drown him if he wasn't careful. He hadn't come back for Naruto. He hadn't taken care of him like he promised he would if something ever happened to his student and his redheaded wife. He'd sworn to protect Naruto and yet he'd never seen the kid in person. It was too late to be feeling regret now this late in the game, however, and he knew this. He felt absolutely pathetic. Less than a man.

"You must've heard of Lord Fourth's return!" The young guard positively beamed at him, looking flustered by his own excitement as Jiraiya approached and stalled by the booth. It was still pretty early in the morning, but the signs of the village beginning to wake itself up were all present when he looked off into the nearest streets. "He doesn't usually get into the office until later, but you should be able to find him at the Namikaze Estate! He totally reclaimed it-- and he's been fixing up the Uchiha Clan's grounds in the center! There's talk of the police force moving back! Isn't it wonderful? He's already doing so much to revitalize the village!"

Jiraiya nodded slowly as the information was dumped on him. He'd known there was trepidation with the Uchiha Clan after what had happened, but they'd been moved? He... hadn't realized. He'd distanced himself from the village and its functions as much as he could when he first decided not to return. Realizing what he'd missed out on was just another pound of guilt added to the wagon he was towing around. A wagon that was getting harder and harder to lug, and that was going to crack under the weight it was carrying.

"That's Minato for yah!" Jiraiya laughed, but it came out stilted and tight. He cleared his throat a bit, the grin on his face so forced it was painful. The guard didn't seem notice, still smiling. "Well, I guess I'll have to just go see him then! Catch him before he gets busy with work. You know how it is."

The guard nodded enthusiastically, looking positively stoked by the mere idea of Jiraiya going to see Minato again. It was sign enough to Jiraiya thatwow, this was real. Minato was back, and he was just as idolized as he had been before, if not more so now. His student had been a celebrity, young, handsome, strong and kind. Jiraiya's pride for him had known no bounds, and it still didn't. His sacrifices for the village went beyond what anyone ever could've asked for, and his loss hit harder than anything else ever could've. Jiraiya could still recall the stressed letters his own sensei had sent him, talking of the grief Konoha seemed to be drowning in even months after the attack.

Jiraiya signed in and was off, walking the path towards his student's home. It still felt familiar after all this time, as though it hadn't been over six years since he'd done it. Minato had been soproudto get that house. So excited for the family he and Kushina would grow within it, and so ready to take world on with his own bare hands. He'd come out of the war a hero, helping put an official end to it and bringing victory to the Leaf every time he walked through those gates. Then named Hokage, he was prepared to settle down a little and enjoy his life and youth alongside his wife and the child he had on the way.

Jiraiya felt in a haze as he went. It was almost like an out-of-body experience. He was back in Konoha, going to see his student at his new home. Walking on a path few knew existed, making it a little overgrown but not so much so that you couldn't see it. It looked like it had been cleared a way a little, almost as though it had expected him to come this way and had prepared. Jiraiya let his feet carry him, his heart pounding loud in his ears.

The house was just as he recalled it, if not a little more worn. It was a light, tan stone on the outside, with large windows in the front that were shaded by a small roof overhang. It was two stories, the corners rounded and with several windows to allow for natural light. Kushina had insisted they get the house with the most windows, because Naruto 'needed to vitamins the sun produced to grow big and strong'. Jiraiya had helped paint the inside of the that house. Had helped haul in furniture and install new countertops.

As he approached, the door swung open. And Jiraiya's breath left him.

Minato stepped out. It was him, not looking a day older than he had been when he died. He was dressed in his Hokage coat, his hair just as vibrant as he recalled and his smile just as easy. He was a ghost of the past, and Jiraiya hadnoidea what to do. He couldn't breathe, watching with wide eyes as Kakashi followed, trailing after his sensei just like the old days. The only difference now was that Minato had a mini-me holding his hand. A spitting image, only with Kushina's round grin and face shape. The child Jiraiya had failed.

"Yeah! I had the craziest dream ever!" The boy exclaimed fervently. He had a pug-- one of Kakashi's ninken, Jiraiya assumed distantly-- in the other arm, and a gaudy orange backpack on his back. Minato clutched his hand carefully, and Jiraiya couldn't f*cking move, or think, orbreathe. He was sure his heart had stopped beating.

That was Minato. The boy he'd seen as a son, who he'd watched grow into the man he had been-- still was?-- today. He was actually alive. Hiruzen's letter had been real. The gate guard's excitement had been genuine and true. Minato Namikaze had come back from the dead somehow, and he was... he was just back. He was Hokage again, and he was being a dad, and running around with his student as though no time at all had passed. He That's it. If you'd told Jiraiya no time had passed at all, he'd almost be inclined to believe you.

"Yeah?" His student's voice was a slap to the face. Jiraiya's throat was tight. He stayed stock still in the middle of the path, staring as Kakashi locked up the house and ruffled Naruto's blonde hair. Minato was still smiling, so alive, and present, and real, and not just a cold headstone that wouldn't bring anounceof closure. "What was it about?"

"There was a giant talking dog in this cage. He was super mad and yelled at me at first, but he eventually kinda calmed down a little when I told him about my day. He'd never heard of a mechanical pencil before. Isn't that weird?" Naruto sniffed a bit, and Minato nodded with total agreement. Even he knew what a mechanical pencil was, and he'd been dead six years. Albeit, he'd only found out two days ago when Naruto pulled one out to do his homework, but those details weren't important.

"I think you're hanging out with the ninken too much, Naruto." Kakashi noted. Naruto and Pakkun both gave him an offended side-eye that made Minato coo a little. Naruto was just so small and cute! Especially when he made those little expressions with Pakkun. Being a dad was the best thing ever.

"I don't think that's possible, Ka-- wait, why's that old guy staring at us?" Naruto,naturally, halted when he spotted Jiraiya suffocating in the middle of the road. Minato and Kakashi looked over. Jiraiya watched his student's smile harden, the shine in his eyes dulling with something cold. Even if that was an expression he never wanted directed at him, Jiraiya was still stunned that Minato had looked over and actuallyseenhim. This wasn't a dream. This was real; he washere.

"Ah." Minato said tartly, still smiling. He didn't look away from Jiraiya even when Kakashi nudged him questioningly. "He's... don't worry about it. Naruto, would you mind if Kakashi took you to school alone today? I promise to pick you up later. We can get ice cream and train."

"U-Uh, yeah. Believe it." Naruto agreed a little hesitantly, releasing his father's hand to reach for Kakashi's waiting one. He looking between his dad and Jiraiya nervously. He didn't know who that old guy was, but this was proof. His dad iswayscarier than some orange dream dog. That was the same smile he'd given Iruka-sensei, and Iruka-sensei couldn't look at the color blue or yellow without shivering anymore. Naruto thought it was just him at first, but he was pretty sure his dad had just traumatized him or something.

Minato hummed, reaching down and running a hand through Naruto's hair as the boy looked up at him with brows furrowed in concern. He only looked away at Jiraiya to beam at his son, crouching down briefly to murmur something to him and plant a kiss on his forehead. Naruto brightened a little and nodded vigorously, gripping Kakashi's hand a little more willingly. Pakkun nodded too, watching as the Kage stood again. The man beamed at them and gave a wave. Kakashi gave a closed-eye smile to his sensei, shooting Jiraiya a sharp look before turning to tug Naruto down the street.

Minato watched them go for a moment until he was sure they weren't going to turn around again. Jiraiya felt himself seize up all over again as his student turned towards him. Any hints of a smile, even a fake one, were gone.

"Sensei." Minato's voice came out a little quiet, but not as coldly as Jiraiya thought it would. Instead it was sad, and that... hurt more, honestly. "Why don't you come inside? We have a lot to talk about."

Jiraiya couldn't do anything but follow.

Chapter 14: Domestic Terrorism


Minato just needs a nap


My bad yall

Chapter Text

Third person pov

Jiraiya had forgotten how cold and concise his student could get when he wanted to be. This sort of chilled rage wasn't something that had ever been directed at him before. Those icy eyes had never pierced him as hard as they were right now. Minato was terrifying, an air of authority and power seeming to leech out of him in the most dangerous of ways. It would help if Jiraiya were able to force himself to look away. After so many years without seeing Minato, the sage simply couldn't bring himself to.

It would be easier if Minato was yelling, Jiraiya thinks. The guilt wouldn't weight on his shoulders so heavily, and maybe he wouldn't be sweating as hard. Minato's oppressive stare dug its way into his very bones, rattling him irreversibly and making it hard for his lungs to expand and contract. He didn't know what to do, or what to say. Minato wasalive. A boy he'd watched grow up, that he'd trained, that he'd watched teach, that he'd seen become Hokage, that he'd seen fall in love, and get married-- he wasalive.

It felt odd sitting in this house-- it was like being seated in a tomb, or perhaps a time capsule. At a dining room table he hadn't seen in years now, the entire place free of dust and full of life Jiraiya'd never thought he'd see in here again. It was lived in, just as it always should've been, with random jackets strewn around, unfolded blankets laying about, books settled in odd places, dirty dishes in the sink. To see his student's former home inhabited again by the very young man he never thought he'd see again... well, it was almost too much to process. His throat felt tight and his head was spinning and he just... didn't know what to say.

Minato's fingers tapped against the wood of the table he and Kushina had built together. She'd insisted they make it with their own two hands, even if neither of them had any experience whatsoever crafting furniture. The wood stain had turned his palms chestnut brown for three days and ruined his Hokage robe for good. They'd had to rush to get a new one made before The Third found out and scolded them for it, since he'd already gone through five in his month of being kage. A truly impressive feat according to everyone he asked. To be fair, half of the mishaps were Kushina's fault. Her pranks hadn't ceased even after he took the title of Fourth.

"Where were you?" Minato's voice rang out like tempered steel, striking him hard and tearing through his walls without mercy. A new sort of fear enveloped Jiraiya, opening a sinking pit in his stomach and causing his heartrate to increase exponentially. The pressure felt so heavy he could hardly breathe through it. Was this what the Yellow Flash's enemies felt when they'd faced him on the battlefield? This unimaginable weight and distinct sense of danger? It was no wonder they ran at the sight of him.

"I-I- Minato, I-" Jiraiya sputtered out, voice coming out a croak. Minato's fingers stopped drumming entirely, but his gaze didn't falter for even a second. He levelled his teacher hard and without inflection shown on his face. He wasn't just angry, Jiraiya could tell. He was hurt, and it was all Jiraiya's fault.

Minato loved his teacher. Or maybe he didn't anymore. It was hard to sort through his storm of emotions, which raged like a typhoon in his chest. Hurt, betrayal, and rage for what his son had been through battled for dominance within him him. Jiraiya hadagreedto be his godfather, hadknownthe risks Kushina faced with giving birth and the likelihood of the Kyuubi breaking free. They'd gone into the pregnancy expecting to die but hoping desperately that they wouldn't, and fighting to stay alive as hard as they could. Jiraiya had known all this and had agreed to be a safety net to catch Naruto if something happened to him.

So imagine Minato's surprise when he came back to find his son still falling. To find that he hadn't been caught, he had beenthrown. Tossed into the trenches like he was worthless, left to plummet in the dark not knowing why he was so hated, why he didn't have a family, or why he was different. It made him sick to his stomach just to think about it. Trying to process the pain his young child had felt all these years was dizzying, and it made him so angry it was hard to contain himself at times. It made him want to burn Konoha to the ground. It made him want to hug Naruto tight and never let go.

"You were supposed to protect him. You were supposed to raise him. You weresupposedtobehere." Minato stressed harshly, a tremble in his voice he refused to acknowledge was there. His eyes stung threateningly, but he pushed it all back. Jiraiya looked like he'd just been slapped. The urge to break his jaw was overwhelming. "You said you'd be here for him, and that you'd be here if anything happened to us. So where were you? Why weren't you here?"

Jiraiya opened and closed his mouth a few times in search of words, still staring at him like he was a ghost. And maybe he was, but what the f*ck difference did it make?! His son had been suffering and someone had to answer for it. Hiruzen, who had allowed the abuse in the village to go on and had prevented Kakashi from reaching out to Naruto. The elders, who had decreed it okay for Naruto to live by himself in an apartment despite his age. The teachers at the academy, who hadn't given his son the help he needed. The members of the village as a whole, all of which had turned their backs on him.

He knew it wasn't the civilian's fault. Though treating a child in such a way was wrong and he wanted them to pay for it, ignorance was something they'd been cursed with. All they knew was that Naruto had the demon fox who'd killed so many in him. Nobody had explained to them who Naruto was, or what a Jinchuriki actually was. The Hokage should've informed them. Naruto was ahero! Someone who had sacrificedsomuch, and nobody... nobody knew about it.

"Th-There's... There's this... g-group." Jiraiya's voice rasped. Minato stared at him, unimpressed. Jiraiya shifted in his seat nervously. "They're going by the title Akatsuki. Th...They're after the Jinchuriki."

Minato took a deep breath in through his nose, closed his eyes and held it, and then released it again.Okay? Those who jailed tailed beasts were always targeted, since when was this news? It certainly wasn't an excuse if that's what Jiraiya was thinking. Great, someone wanted to collected the tailed beasts for their little collection. That was some startling news! They should get someone on that, but maybe not someone who had previous obligations. Like Jiraiya. Sage or not, he'd agreed to be a godfather above all else. He should've been here regardless of who was out there hunting. What if they'd come to the village to get Naruto and Jiraiya wasn't here? It all would've been moot.

"Great. There's a group out for the Jinchuriki." Minato's voice came out so drenched in sarcasm it made Jiraiya flinch. "Whatshockingnews. Did that cancel out the part where you agreed to raise and protect my child? He was supposed to be in your custody, but I see now that was a foolish decision. I should've written in my will that Kakashi got him. Since he's the only who even tried to stick around, clearly. Despite being only a child himself."

Jiraiya opened his mouth to say something but Minato was already standing, chair screaming as it scratched against the wood floor. Minato glowered down at Jiraiya. The sannin had never felt quite this low. His student looked at him like he were nothing more than a bug on the side of the road. Dirt under his shoe. His heart sunk, leaving his chest feeling empty and hollow as the blonde aggressively pushed his chair back under the table with a bang. He looked even angrier now, and Jiraiya knew undoubtedly that he was the one in the wrong. Minato was right, and Jiraiya had... he had no excuses.

"M...Minato..." Jiraiya tried, voice coming out weak. He was already heading for the door.

"I don't want to f*cking hear it from you." Minato hissed, more venomous than Jiraiya had ever heard him. "I was stupid to think I could rely on you for something as important as this. Naruto and Kakashi were left herealoneafter Kushina and I died. They had nothing but each other but you couldn't even come make sure they could be together, could you? Because that would've been toohardfor you. Well I'm sorry my death f*cking ruined you, Sensei."

Jiraiya couldn't find the words. There was nothing to say, and all he could do was let his own tears fall as Minato stormed out of his own home, throwing the door open hard and slamming it with so much force it rattled the walls and windows. Jiraiya was left alone to sit, at a loss for what to do or say. The regret he felt was immense, but it was too late for him to be feeling anything like that. Because while he'd let Minato and Kushina down hard, he'd let Naruto down even harder. And that... well, it simply wasn't forgivable.

Jiraiya sat there and cried for a long time. It didn't help.


Naruto thought about that dog for a really, really long time. Why had he been in such a bad mood? Why did he pee spontaneously when he got mad? So many questions, no answers. He guessed it would be pretty stupid to worry over it now that it was over, though. Besides, there were bigger things to worry about! Like that weird old man who'd been staring at his dad this morning! He'd looked like he was going to cry. Maybe he was a pervert. His dad was a pretty good looking dude, after all.

You see, Naruto had felt odd all morning. He wasn't sure if it was the dream or something else, but entire body felt like it was hot and tingly. But like, on the inside. Like his blood vessels were on fire or something. It wasn't super uncomfortable and didn't really hurt, but he couldn't help but feel like it had something to do with the peeing dog. The feeling was sort of getting stronger, but he had only really felt it when he saw that old dude for some reason. Was it a coincidence? He felt mad and didn't know why. Ignoring that feeling was probably best. Getting upset would only make people dislike him all the more.

"I heard your dad choked someone out the other day." Sasuke had decided to sit next to him during class today, and Naruto refused to admit out loud how warm and fuzzy that made his heart feel. Even if he was an idiot and sort of mean, Naruto liked to think maybe they were... maybe they were friends. Almost. Nearly. The thought of 'friends' was nice-- something he'd never really gotten to have before. Even if the (maybe) friend was a stuck-up Uchiha, at least Sasuke didn't look at him like he was scared of him, or call him a monster. "That's sick."

He'd gone over to eat at Sasuke's house and they'd gotten to play together, and Sasuke hadn't even been forced to do it! They threw kunai together and Sasuke showed him all his favorite stuffed animals, and told him their names. That had to mean they were friends, right? Should he ask? Or was this something you just knew instinctively? He'd never really had a friend aside from Kashi-san and the doggies before, but they were family and that was a little different.

"Believe it!" Naruto crowed out, hugging Pakkun closer to him. The dog look super smug, but why was Iruka-sensei looking over at them like he was about to pee his pants? He was so weird these days. "He wasn't there, and then suddenly he was! And he was like 'BAM!' and slammed the guy into the dirt! It was totally awesome!"

Sasuke looked excited to hear the brutal news, eyes eager and drinking up the details. Naruto preened, prideful of his dad. His dad was the coolest dude in the whole wide world, and Naruto wanted everyone to know it. His dad was so smart that it was even beginning to infect Naruto! Anytime his dad showed him something, he got it super fast! It was like, really crazy! He couldn't hardly throw a kunai straight before, but now he could practically get a bullseye. Maybe Iruka-sensei should retire and give his job to Naruto's dad. Then Naruto would get to spend even more time with him!

"I wishmydad would choke people to death in the middle of the road." Sasuke sounded a bit sour about it, his voice coming out a grumble as he petulantly crossed his arms over his chest. Naruto would normally laugh at him and brag, but friends are supposed to be sort of nice to each other according to Kashi. So instead he reaches over and pats Sasuke's arm in an act of comfort and solidarity, nodding solemnly. If he's too mean Sasuke may never talk to him again! Not that hecaresor anything, of course. It would just uh... uh... be inconvenient? Or something? He really doesn't care that much! Honest! Sort of! Maybe!

"The guy my dad got tried to punch me. Maybe if someone almost punches you, your dad will do the same thing!" Naruto offered encouragingly. Sasuke nodded, a considering expression on his face. Pakkun looked mildly concerned, looking between the two kids in a considering sort of way. "Oh, man! I totally forgot to tell you! I had asupercrazy dream last night! It was about this super big dog who peed a lot when he got mad!"

Naruto felt the burning in his veins get a little stronger, and his head ached a little, but he ignored it in favor of telling his tale instead. Sasuke listened to his dream fervently, and Naruto decided that yeah. They wereprobablyfriends. Though, Naruto wished he knew why he felt so angry all of a sudden. How weird. Maybe it was those hormone things Iruka-sensei said everyone had. Naruto just grinned and shoved it down, just like he always did when he was mad. Because oddly enough, this anger... well, it didn't really feel like it was his anyway, so why bother indulging it?


Minato did cry, for the record. He cried, broke a window, and flipped his desk so hard it flew and broke the door to his office. He then proceeded to run fourteen laps around Konoha, uproot an entire tree, and then chuck said tree about a quarter of a mile west and demolish some poor woman's vegetable garden. He then quietly went back to his office and put in for a genin team to go fix the garden he ruined for free. After that he cried some more and punched a hole in the wall, and then spent half an hour staring at a photo of Kushina and two of the drawings Naruto had done for him.

Maybe it was a little dramatic of him, but Jiraiya had been like a father to him. Someone he could count on no matter what and who had always been there. This betrayal hurt more than anything else. He'd trusted Jiraiya with everything and the man had done nothing but run away. He'd thought his sensei was braver than that. He'd looked up to him so much, but Minato should've known. Just because someone is a great ninja doesn't mean they're a great person, and that was all too true in this case.

He knew deep down that Jiraiya wasn't the devil incarnate or anything. He wasn't a horrible man, he just... had folded under the pressure, Minato guessed. It just hurt. It hurt so goddamn bad. This washardfor Minato. He'd opened his eyes right after a tragedy to find that the world had moved on without him. Six years had passed and his son was bigger now and hurt, and Kakashi was hurt, and the village was in f*cking shambles, and Jiraiya hadn't been here to help Minato get his footing. Hadn't been here to protect his son, or the village, or anything! He'd just dipped out!

"Sensei?" Kakashi asked hesitantly, peering down at him with a bit of reluctance. Minato was sitting in the corner of his office in the shadows like a vampire afraid of the sun. It was the first time he'd had a major breakdown since he'd come back and it was oddly cathartic. He'd really needed this, honestly. Who would've thought destroying things would be so therapuedic. "Are you... okay?"

"Absolutely not." Minato said readily, voice steadier than it probably should've been. The blonde man sighed. This was stupid. He shouldn't be crying and letting this ruin his day. Jiraiya didn't deserve his tears anyway. Besides, he had to be in tip-top shape for when Naruto got home from school! They were going to hug, and spend time together, and do father-son things. So exciting. He was going to cry all over again from joy just thinking of it. "How's the Uchiha reconstruction doing? Almost done?"

"That's why I'm here, actually." Kakashi admitted. Minato perked up a little, his expression smoothing over into something more serious. "Someone uh... blew it up. Part of it, anyway. We're not sure who, but the reconstruction is on hold."

Minato stared at him. Kakashi stared back. They stared at one another, silence ringing out in the office so intensely you'd be able to hear a pin drop. Great. This was just--- so fun, wasn't it? What a good day Minato was having! Wow! Was it really too much to ask for some time to himself to sit here in peace and stare at his beautiful wife and Naruto's artistic masterpieces? That's all he wanted. Just some time to cry it out like a man and cope.

"How pleasant." Minato said, pushing himself up to his feet. He felt like he'd just been run over by a steam train. How great. This was just-- truly, an optimal day. At least Naruto wasn't here to see him lose his mind and spiral into complete and total madness. That was the pro in this giant con of a situation. "Please, elaborate. How bad is the damage?"

"Well... there's been no evidence as to who did it so far and no one was hurt, but uh... some of the houses were..." Kakashi waved a hand, looking way too flippant given the situation. "Nuked?"

"Nuked." Minato repeated, voice flat. Kakashi visibly winced. Good, this was a wince-worthy situation. Nuked? Nuked was an incredibly strong word, there was no way--

"Turned into craters?" Kakashi tried. Minato pressed his lips together. Ah. Yeah, that sounded a lot like nuked to him. Of course the one day Minato doesn't go to check on things down there something like this happens. He'd put money on Danzo being behind it too. He's too old for this. Or is he too young for it? A little bit of both? He's a single father you know. And a widower. Still hasn't processed that last part, by the way. It's only a matter of time now.

"Great. So we have a case of what is most likely domestic terrorism on our hands." Minato sighed heavily, slouching. "Alright. Someone get me my hat. I need to go be intimidating and the red around my eyes isn't going to cut it."

Kakashi wordlessly went to do as he said. Minato just sighed harder.

Chapter 15: Rat?


Piss isn't supposed to be orange

Chapter Text

Third person pov

Okay. This is just getting gross and redundant at this point.

"Man. This is so gross." Naruto stared down distastefully at the orange creeping towards him, backing through the dirty water to put some space between him and it. Red eyes watched him irritably from behind thick metal bars. Naruto was pretty sure he was being judged which was like, so turned around. It's not likehewas the one spontaneously pissing himself. "I don't think pee is supposed to be that color."

"You're here again."The giant dog grumbled. He seemed less like he was going to insult Naruto today which was kind of nice. Naruto still wasn't going anywhere near that cage. The pee was probably more concentrated over there, and the dog kept trying to hit him when he got close. It was already bad enough that he had to stand in the water at all."Why are you here again?"

"Why would I know the answer to that question? I'm six." Naruto raised an eyebrow. The dog looked like he was going to argue for a moment before he just sighed, sending a blast of hot breath strong enough to nearly knock Naruto backwards. The water rippled, the pee getting closer as a result. Naruto backpedaled immediately and tried not to scrunch his nose up too much. This guy needed to brush his teeth too. "Seriously man, I don't think that's healthy. Why do you pee that much? What are you even drinking in here? Wait, don't answer that."

"It's not pee. I told you that already, you littlerat."Oh, so thereweregoing to be insults. That was rude. Also, he'd never specifically said it wasn't pee that Naruto could remember. He's not going to tell the dog that though. He has a sneaking suspicion it would just make him ten times angrier."Get out of here. I'll kill you."

Naruto wanted to point out that he'd probably sooner die from the many health code violations in this place but decided it wasn't a great idea. He looked around, taking in the vast blackness that seemed to go on forever and ever. The water looked dirty for as far as the eye could see, implying this dog had been stuck here for a long time. Context clues, people, context clues. Was it because he was a douchebag? Mean people went to jail. Naruto just wasn't sure why said jail was in his dream, that's all.

The dog observed him in a manner that somehow managed to convey exactly how annoyed he was. It actually had slits for pupils which Naruto doesn't remember dogs having, but its ears are too long for it to be a cat. Maybe when it got big its pupils stretched out? That makes sense. Like how babies start out pudgy but their limbs get skinnier as they get longer, and the same with their faces. Naruto knows his face is round now, but when he grows up like his dad it'll get more square.

That means this guy is like, old-old. There's no way he'd be this stretched out otherwise. Does the cage grow with him? Or was it always that big and he just grew into it? He's really, really massive. Naruto really wants to go touch his nose, but he'd probably get eaten if he tried.

"...So uh, what now?" Naruto asked. The dog scoffed at him. "Hey! Don't be mean. Today's been a wild day, you know. Someone attacked the Uchiha's old compound-- can you believe it? They like, blew houses up and everything! Now my dad's upset and the police force can't move back into the center of the village. We're going to go look at it tomorrow when the sun is up and the ANBU are all done searching the place."

The dog scoffed again, louder this time. Not helpful in any way, shape, or form. Naruto sighed, wishing he could sit down. If only he knew that cool ninja power that let you stand on water. He'd seen Kashi use it before to step on the bathtub water. It was a cool trick, and Naruto had applauded him greatly for it. Positive affirmation to remind him that he's cool and doing a great job, obviously. Naruto wishes to follow in his footsteps.

"Good. They deserve it."The dog said, lips curling back to reveal some very sharp teeth. Naruto made a considering face, planting his hands on his hips and nodding observationally. Very impressive canines he has, very sharp. They're surprisingly white for someone who's been in there that long. Does he have a giant toothbrush somewhere?

"I don't think anyone deserves to have their houses blown up, even if they're not really living in them yet." Naruto admitted, but everyone's entitled to their own opinions. Big dogs included. "Do you not like the Uchiha or something? I mean, I guess I get it if that is the case, but that's pretty judgmental coming from a giant dog that pees himself. And who's in jail. Unless you're the victim of an unjust system-- my dad was telling me all about the wrongly imprisoned just yesterday, and then I read more about it in a book."

More orange began to leak out, and Naruto eyed it dubiously. He shouldseriouslyget that checked out.

"It. Is. Not. PEE!"The dog howled at him, paws slamming down as he seemed to read Naruto's thoughts right off his face. An extreme reaction that confirmed that it was, in fact, urine. The movement caused another wave in the water, the pee pushing closer. Naruto took some very pointed steps back, looking at the orange before he looked at the dog again and raised a brow. He got an enraged growl for his troubles, the dog swiping through the bars at him."The Uchiha are the scum of the Earth, you brat! Who do you think put me here?! They're vile! Controlling, manipulative vermin who lust for nothing but power all to themselves!"

"And you blame them for sticking you in there? You're trying to kill me, and I'm like, a child." Naruto pointed out, making note to ask Kashi was controlling and manipulative vermin did later. The dog stopped for a moment to stare at him. He seemed rather incredulous, as though Naruto's logic didn't track. Not true, by the way. This is the most sense he's ever made in his entire life. "I mean, you keep calling me names and everything, and you just admitted to supporting terrorism. If there was a giant dog running around attacking kids and calling them names, I'd put them in a box too. Well-- I'd give them a toilet, though. The fact that you don't have one is super wrong."

The dog looked dumbfounded, gazing at him like he was a total idiot. Naruto huffed a little, crossing his arms over his chest defensively. He'll die on this hill. If someone is a bad guy you lock them up, oversized dogs not excluded. Naruto is sure this guy's been through a lot in life. Crime, abuse, loneliness, acute bladder dysfunction.

It sounds like a hard way to live, but Naruto gets it. Really, he does. He's spent his entire life hated and neglected up until very recently. Now he's having weird dreams about really mean Clifford descendants that verbally beat him down and call him names. Maybe Pakkun is right and hedoesneed therapy. A bridge to be crossed when they come to it. None of it's an excuse to be a dick.

Naruto looks down at his feet, irritable. Does he have any cuts? Because broken skin is a death sentence in water like this. He can practically smell the infection. How does Kashi do that water thing? He's going to have to ask if he's going to keep showing up here. This is all fake, sure, but he doesn't want dream-him to be in pain either. That would be the lamest thing to ever be lame, in Naruto's expert opinion. At least the dog is looking less mad now.

"...You're an odd little rodent."The dog says, and then it clicks. Naruto's jaw drops.

The weird paws, the narrow snout, the oddly shaped limbs. The guy is totally right when he says he isn't a dog. This makes so much more sense. The ears, maybe not, but if the pupils and limbs are stretched out then why couldn't the ears be too? Constantly calling Naruto a rat and vermin-- he was projecting his own insecurity! Holy crap, Naruto is such a horrible person! How did he not see this sooner?

"Oh my god." Naruto breathed out softly, clasping his hands together in front of his chest meaningfully. "I'msosorry. You should've told me you were a rat from the beginning. There's no shame in it, honest! I actually really like rats. They're kind of cool. No wonder you were so upset about me calling you a dog!"

Them being in what is definitely the equivalent to a sewer slides way better now. Naruto watches the large rat slowly pick itself up, eyes narrowing, body seeming to teem with energy. Naruto eyed its weird fingers. He was definitely right. Those were so not paws. They were really big rat hands. How had he not seen it sooner? This was just a rodent that was malnourished, andthat'swhy he looked all skinny and weird. Naruto's been so insensitive, misidentifying his species all this time.

"You..."The rat grit out, the rumble of his voice rattling the bars of his cage precariously and causing Naruto to wince. Can dogs be related to rodents? Or is there a big red rat somewhere that also has his own book? Or maybe the person who wrote that book mistook their rat as a dog as well, so it's actually been wrong the whole time."You little NUISANCE!"

The rat began to pee rapidly. Naruto took a few more solemn steps back and sighed as the screaming began.


The scene was truly something else. There didn't seem to be a pattern in which the homes had been blown up as far as Minato could tell. They appeared chosen at random, a crater here, a crater there, speckled throughout the entire compound. It was a miracle the attacks had happened at night after the construction crews had already gone home for the evening. It was a small mercy in a sh*tstorm of a situation. Minato still couldn't help but grimace.

"What are we to do? They left no evidence." Fugaku frowned heavily, peering down at the place the home once stood. Yeah, no evidence was the understatement of the year. There was no sign there'd ever been a structure here to begin with, aside from the massive indent in the ground where it once stood. It's like someone had shoveled it out with an ice cream scoop and carried it off.

Most of the houses were still up. There were just some that... weren't. Minato would be almost impressed if he weren't so tired. He wants to go home and spend time with his kid. Color. Maybe fingerprint, if they're feeling messy.

"Well, I'm fairy certain we all know who committed this particular hate crime." Minato sniffed. Him and just about everyone else on the council did-- in fact-- know exactly who was behind this, but it's not like they could reallysayanything about it. "I'm not sure how to go after him without proof. Baseless accusations are just going to put an even bigger dent in our plans. I think our best bet is to station men, Police Force and ANBU, to watch over the site when it's not occupied. That'll at least ward anyone off from trying anything so direct again."

Fugaku made a noncommittal grunting noise that showed he agreed but wasn't particularly happy with it. Minato wasn't either, but he'd already had his sanctioned mental breakdown. At least that meant he was taking it a lot better than he normally would've. Besides, Naruto seemed to be having a great time in the craters. Him and Fugaku's youngest-- Sasuke-- had slid down into one and were playing in the wet clay-like dirt that had been unearthed together.

Naruto appeared to be making what looked like a rat with really long ears if Minato was being honest with himself. Probably this new imaginary friend he'd had another dream about. Apparently Naruto had been under the impression that he was a dog, but then concluded that he was actually a rodent of some kind but was too embarrassed to admit it out loud. Naruto had proudly proclaimed that he wasn't supposed to speculate about his new friend's species anymore and was to refer to him only as 'Kurama'. Such a cute and creative name. Minato's so proud.

"Wait, so you know who did it? Why don't you go beat him up then?" Naruto asked from where he sat next to Sasuke, who was making some sort of house for the clay rat. Their teamwork was truly inspiring. "I mean, I'd totally throw him in jail if I were you. Blowing houses up seems kind of dangerous."

"Yeah. What if someone wasinthe house? I doubt they checked. They probably just got lucky." Sasuke inquired. Wait, that wasn't a house he was making. Was it a cage? Naruto had mentioned his imaginary friend being in a really big kennel before. Minato wondered if there was any traumatic symbolism in that. He should really take Naruto to talk to someone. Kid's been through a lot.

"He's an important and powerful man. We'd need proof if we wanted to condemn him." Fugaku grunted in response, the frown deepening the lines of his face. Sometimes it was easy to forget that they'd aged whilst Minato was in his weird stasis. A lot had changed during the blonde Kage's absence, and all his previous friends had grown wary and tired in the face of Konoha's instability.

Naruto and Sasuke shared a look that clearly conveyed that they thought the whole thing was stupid. Minato's in the same boat with then on that one. HeknowsDanzo ordered this. It makes him angry, his simmering irritation ramping up. He's been on edge ever since his talk with Jiraiya and this whole thing is doing nothing to help his stress levels. Why can't everyone just sit down and chill out? The last thing Konoha needs is a civil war on its hands. If they show themselves to be any weaker, the other hidden villages will be on them like they're hot.

"Wait, if you know who did it then why don't you just frame him? It's not wrong if he's guilty." Naruto piped up. Minato opened his mouth to say something but then paused, staring down at his son. He was giving the rat legs now. "Just make some fake proof and say you found it during your investigation. How's he going to know? If he says it's fake then he's just admitting that he knows it's fake, which means he knows something he didn't tell you, which is breaking the law. And even if he does find out it's fake, it'll looksupersuspicious that he ever pointed it out to begin with. Everyone will know he's hiding something."

Minato stared some more. Fugaku did too, watching Naruto carefully place his rat into the cage Sasuke had made. Sasuke nodded in approval-- to the action or to Naruto's words, there's no telling-- before he got another handful of mud and began to pat it so they could make the top. Naruto began to do the same, his shorts and the bottom half of his shirt dirty and damp from the mud. It was smeared all over his arms, legs, and face as well. It was adorable.

"That..." Fugaku trailed off, brow furrowing. Minato felt his pride swell up like a balloon in his chest. Wow. Yeah, that was... something else. And a really good idea if he was being honest. If Danzo wanted to come blow up private property then they could totally blow up his reputation. This would scare him, maybe even enough that he backed off entirely.

"That's a great idea." Minato said, voice a little distant. Why does Naruto know this stuff? He doesn't remember knowing this stuff at six. "You'rereallysmart."

"Thank you." Naruto puffed up happily, looking pleased. "I was forced to mature very fast. Kurama said so when I asked him if he wasalsohated by his entire village. Turns out he was. I think we're sort of friends now, even though he still wants to kill me. At least he finally told me his name. That's like, the first step to recovery, probably."

Minato made a face as Sasuke nodded along, seeming interested. Yeah, therapy was definitely in order with that one.

Chapter 16: Love in question


What the f*ck is love and how do you know if you're feeling it?

Chapter Text

Third person pov

It's easy to forget he has a dad now who doesn't view him as some horrifying monster meant to be shunned. Naruto hadn't believed it at first-- in fact, a part of him still doesn't. Sometimes he sits down and thinks this all must be some fantastical dream. That a villager hit him in the head with a rock at just the right angle, and now he's stuck in a comatose. If thatisthe case, Naruto doesn't really want to wake up.

His dad gives him hugs and helps him with his homework, and Kashi carries him around on his hip and colors with him anytime he asks. He has friends now, in the form of Sasuke-teme and the doggies and his brain-rat. If this is a dream, Naruto will never be alone here. That much is painstakingly clear. There's always someone with him wherever he goes, someone who isn't out to hurt him, or scorn him just for existing. It takes some getting used to, but Naruto sucks the warmth up like a sponge soaks up water.

He doesn't have to buy his own groceries anymore, or figure out how to fix the kitchen sink by himself, or hoard his belongings all in one, safely hidden spot so that they don't get destroyed. Naruto lives in a real house as a part of a real family, and he has more to his name than ever before. Clothes, blankets, books, toys, kunai: you name it. It's all strewn about, and he never gets in trouble for it. Nobody ever takes it away or scolds him.

The material things don't really matter to Naruto. He's survived with nothing at all, and he knows physical objects should be held at arm's length to avoid disappointment. It's better to detach yourself from what can be taken away, because chances are you'renevergoing to be able to hold onto it tight enough no matter how hard you try, and it'll be ripped from your hands before you even realize what's happening. Naruto knows this and he's careful because of it. He doesn't have a favorite toy, or a favorite blanket. He doesn't have a favorite shirt-- only a preferred one-- and he doesn't get attached to any of the toys that cycle through the house.

Realistically, he knows these things aren't going to be taken from him at this point. He'd tested it time and time again, and they never were. He'd let the things allocated to him drift out of his room to see if they'd be broken, or vanish, or get thrown out. Naruto would make his rounds every evening to the spots he'd chosen to leave things to check and see if they were still there. Sure, some things had been shifted out of the way or picked up, but they hadn't beentaken. Just moved, still within his reach and (probably) still his.

Naruto's never owned this much before, but all that means is he has ample material to experiment with. He makes sure to leave a plushie on Kashi's desk chair and a few crayons on his floor. He drags a blanket into his father's room and throws it across the bed, carefully setting a toy on his dresser on his way out. He makes sure to put his stuff on top of his dad and Kashi's belongings, so that they're forced to notice them and make the decision as to whether or not they get to stay.

So far, everything--and Naruto has checked, has memorized, and wouldknowif something was gone-- has stuck. It's all there. Miraculously, he can account for every single gift he's been given. It's perplexing. He sits on the floor with the doggies, utterly bewildered by this unexpected turn of events. This house is actually his. He actually gets to live here for real, like people do in books and in actual, normal life. He gets to stay, and his stuff is his stuff; that wasn't just a lie to placate him or try to make him feel better. It was true.

Even though he's annoying and a monster, he gets to live in a house with a family. Well, his dad has told him several times that he isn't one, but let's be real here. This definitely seems like a majority vote sort of thing, though, and the village is 100% convinced. When that many people think something, there's bound to be some truth to it. Naruto can conclude from steady observation that his dad is just extra nice, and that Kashi is too, and so are the doggies. There's still something different about Naruto that makes him marginallyless, the difference is that they're okay with it. Which is... really amazing. Like,reallyamazing.

"Hey, buddy. What's got you so deep in thought?" His dad asks. His voice isn't as deep as Fugaku-san's, or as Shikamaru's dad's, but it's a thousand times warmer and more welcoming. Naruto blinks up at him, one hand on Bull's head and the other resting on Bisuke's stomach. Minato frowns at the palpable confusion his son shows. "Are you alright?"

"I live here." Naruto says it like it is the most damning thing he's ever heard in his entire life. He sounds almost affronted, like this is some huge revelation that he's only just now come across. Minato glances down at Pakkun for answers but the dog's dead to the world, no help at all. Naruto moves one hand to pat the floor, sniffing. "Igetto live here."

"Well... yeah, of course. This is our house." Minato agrees amicably for lack of any better response. Naruto peered up at him, blue meeting identical blue. Minato felt his heart swell fondly, his smile growing unbidden the longer he gazed at his son. He felt a shot of giddiness pierce through the veil of vague exhaustion and stress he'd been dragging around since the Uchiha Compound's incident. How was it that his child had somehow ended up being the cutest one in the whole entire world?

Naruto stared at him for a little longer, almost like he was searching Minato's face for a lie. Minato gazed back a little dopily. Naruto was so adorable when he got inquisitive. Minato just wanted to scoop him up and never let go. His general roundnesshadto be criminal. Sharp as a whip, the most perfect kid Minato had ever had the pleasure of laying eyes on-- Kushina would agree if she were here. Her pride would shine through her every pore, and Naruto would be all she ever talked about, even when the kid was sitting right there.

"Wait." Naruto's eyes widened, and Minato jolted slightly as the boy popped to his feet. He took a few steps back so that he didn't have to crane his neck so hard to see his dad's face, scrutinizing him with his hands on his hips and a furrow in his brow. "Then youdolove me? For real?"

Minato's smile dropped, his eyes widened, and something in his chestseizedat the question.

Naruto was entirely serious unwavering in his stare even as Minato gaped at him like he'd just seen a ghost. His eyes were steel traps, letting nothing about how he felt about the inquiry out. Naruto didn't even seem to realize the depth of wrongness his question carried, or the horror it invoked. Several of the ninken were paralyzed by his words, only a few scrambling to their feet, nails scrabbling for purchase against the hardwood.

This whole time, had Naruto not believed that this was... real? Had he thought Minato waslying? Had he been waiting for the other shoe to drop, and neither he nor Kakashi noticed? Minato's throat tightened, and he wrestled for control of himself as he swiftly sunk down to his knees so he could be level with his child. Naruto had been through so much. So much more than Minato was ever going to know. These issues had been stewing-- these doubts-- and he'd done nothing to address them. What kind of father was he?

He'd thought things had been fine. Naruto is his everything and Minato had been trying togivehim everything as a result. His unwavering adoration, every ounce of his attention, unyielding protection and reassurances. Minato had been trying as hard as he could, loving every second of fatherhood, so how had he missed this? This was big. Like, 'holy sh*t' big.

Naruto looked like he was genuinely asking to boot, and Minato felt his heart break into dozens of pieces. This is hisson, who's been missing him for six years, who's been through more than anyone else his age. He'd been alone for all that time and Minato had done so little to address that fact aside from hugging him and telling him how cute he was. Even with all the kisses on chubby cheeks, drawings done at the table, and kunai throwing lessons-- he had never delved into the larger issue that was the last six years of Naruto's life. And that's on him.

Kushina would've jumped on the problem. She'd have noticed right away, snapped her fingers, and dashed Naruto's concerns before they could continue to fester. Minato's eyes stung, but he forced himself to take a deep breath and meet Naruto's eyes directly. Kushina would've known because of how Konoha treated her growing up. Minato knew on an impersonal level as a witness to what she'd gone through. He should've talked to Naruto about this sooner. He should've got him professional help on top of that.

"Naruto, I love you more than anything else in this entire world." Minato said urgently, his tone level, sure, and filled with perhaps a little too much desperation. Naruto blinked at him, frowning a little like he still didn't know what that meant. "I love you. You're my son, this is your home, and there isn't anyone or anything else in this whole entireworldthat I'd trade you for."

"...I think I get it." Naruto said, as though this were a casual thing to be discussing and not a serious one. He sniffed, looking down at the dogs who were staring at him with big, glassy gazes. He peered at Minato again, looking less skeptical now and more curious again. "I get that you love me for real and I definitely believe you, but what does that mean? How am I supposed to know? I've never been loved before, so it'sreallyhard to tell. It's not like I can see it or test it."

Minato's broken heart got curb stomped. Very hard. Repeatedly.

"Love is a feeling. Do you love me?" Minato asked, struggling to stay calm. Something angry and piping hot was boiling in the pit of his stomach-- an untouched rage that whispered at him to raze the village to the ground. He could chop off the head of everyone who'd ever wronged his son and not feel bad about it, he thought. Some might see that as a toxic trait. Minato just saw it as a basic of parenting-- not that he was very good at that, evidently.

"Well, yeah. I think so." Naruto's nose scrunched up, and he suddenly looked older than he was supposed to. "I don't think I've ever really loved anyone either, though, not really. Do you think that makes me a bad person? You're supposed to love people. Iruka-sensei told us that loving people is what makes you human."

It was clear as day where Naruto's train of thought was going when he said it, and something icy slithered its way down Minato's spine. A part of him howled, with rage and something akin to grief. This was not how Naruto's life was supposed to have turned out. He was supposed to grow up cherished, knowing nothingbutlove. The chance to receive that had been taken from Naruto.

Minato knew he was only six and that there was plenty of time for him to grow and find out just how much he was worth and how much he was loved, but that hardly mattered at the moment. Naruto was hurting rightnow. Nobody had been here for his son while Minato was gone. Nobody had hugged him, or held him when he had nightmares, or stopped him from getting hurt. Made sure he was fed, and sheltered, and warm.

"Naruto, you are in no way a bad person, no matter what anyone else says and no matter what you've been told in the past. You're one of the brightest, kindest people I've ever met." Minato assured him, his voice coming out a little choked. He felt tears sting at his eyes. He wiped at them fruitlessly. "You're my son and I love you. It means I'd do anything for you-- to protect you, to make you happy, and to make you feel wanted. You're my number one priority and you always will be. I will never,everdo anything to knowingly hurt you in any way. Ipromise."

Naruto still looked like he didn't quite get it but he smiled and nodded anyway, not seeming to know why Minato was crying. He shuffled a few steps forward to wrap his arms around his father's neck. Minato reciprocated immediately, scooping him up and holding him close. Naruto didn't seem to mind. The ninken watched with big eyes, seeming just as horrified as Minato felt. Minato took a few deep breaths, closing his eyes and focusing on the warmth of his son in his arms instead of the icy void that had opened up in his abdomen.

"I'm sorry." Naruto said quietly, voice muffled from where his face was smashed into Minato's shoulder. Minato grit his teeth and tried to fight off the dread that had overcome him.

"You havenothingto apologize for, Naruto." Minato promised. Naruto tightened his grip a little, and Minato knew the boy didn't believe him. And that made it all the worse.


Kurama had given him his name, and in exchange, Naruto was no longer allowed to speculate about his species. Naruto thought that was a pretty fair deal. He can respect a guy who's not all that into labels.

This was his twelfth time seeing Kurama, and he's really grown on Naruto even if he's mean. Naruto had found himself popping up here every night ever since finding out his name, and it wasn't all too bad. Most of the time Kurama just ignored him, keeping his eyes closed and his ears laid flat. Naruto didn't really mind that either. He'd spend his time picking his feet up and trying to get them to stick to the top of the water, oddly glad for the company, however silent it was. Kurama sleeping made sense. It was night time, after all.

The ankle deep water seemed to smell a little better every time Naruto came here, but maybe he was just getting used to the stench. He focused on his chakra, letting the wobbly substance coat the bottom of his foot before he carefully lowered it to the top of the stagnant filth. He felt it catch, but adding pressure just caused him to slip past the surface. Naruto just sniffled a bit and tried again. He had all the time in the world to kill.

He couldn't help but glance at Kurama. His head was right by the bars, laid out on his big, weird paw-hands. At least one of them was comfortable. Naruto had no idea how he could stand to lay down in the water like he did, but Naruto supposed he'd been here a long time and was probably used to it by now. Nobody could standthatlong. If Naruto weren't so determined to figure out how to stand on the water, even he may be temped to sit down for a little bit. It was a miracle he didn't feel tired. He supposed that was just further proof that this was a dream.

He thought about the conversation he'd had with his dad earlier. It's not that he didn't know his dad loved him, he just wasn't-- how did hecheck? Knowing mentally didn't feel like enough. Something in him itched for irrefutable proof, something he couldn't deny, that was clear as day to see. Like what he'd gotten with his rigorous testing concerning his belongings. Naruto had no idea how to be loved, or how to properly love someone else, or what it felt like. He thought maybe he had some inkling, but what if he was wrong?

He felt useless--broken-- when he thought about it too long. His dad had asked if he'd be willing to go talk to someone about what he'd been through. A third-party who was unbiased and there to give him advice. Naruto hadn't really been too sure about that. Most adults didn't really like him, and he doubted there was anyone out there who wanted to listen to Naruto talk about his problems. He didn't really have a right to complain, did he? He had a family and love now. The only issue now was identifying that love. Apparently it feels different for everyone, which isn't helpful. That means Naruto can't really find a book to read about it.

Naruto peered at Kurama. He'd been stuck in here a long time, right? Presumably. Naruto had tried to ask him about it a few days ago but had gotten the silent treatment. He almost preferred Kurama yelling at him over the silence, but at least the creature didn't retreat into the shadows of his cage. He stayed near the front where Naruto could still see his massive, furry head. It made him feel less alone, and a little less scared of the darkness that encroached from all sides.

"Hey, Kurama?" Naruto spoke up, voice seeming to echo in the space. The creature gave an irritable grunt of acknowledgement, not moving or saying anything otherwise. Naruto frowned. "Have you ever been loved before?"

It was a bit of a crude question. Kurama's entire body stirred for a brief moment before it stilled again, one of his big eyes cracking open to peer at him. He didn't look angry, instead observing Naruto as the boy tried to get his foot to stick to the water for the millionth time. He huffed a hot puff of air out through his nose, ruffling Naruto's hair and pajamas. The blonde boy blinked rapidly a few times, shoving the spikey blonde strands away from his face. He eyed the edge of the cage for any signs of orange, but Kurama hadn't peed at all these last few days of no talking. Maybe he only did it when he got mad.

"...Once. A very long time ago."Kurama answered, which was a bit surprising. It was the first words he'd said to Naruto that didn't have an undertone of a snap to them. Naruto watched both of Kurama's eyes blink open, the large (probably) rat gazing at him with little inflection. He still looked at him like he was less, and who knows. Maybe Naruto is."Why do you ask, vermin?"

"Well, I was hoping you could tell me how you knew you were loved. Like, what did it feel like? Is there a way to prove it, or do you just have to know?" Naruto blurted out. Kurama's ear gave an annoyed flick, but the blonde ignored it and powered on. "See, my dad says he loves me, but nobody has ever loved me before. I don't even think many people have evenlikedme. I know he says he loves me and I believe him, but how do I tell? Like, on the inside?"

Kurama's head raised, co*cking to the side. He looked more curious now and less like he as looking at a particularly obnoxious bug. Naruto peered up at him hopefully. His dad had wanted him to go talk to someone about his feelings, so who better than Kurama? He probably had tons of life experience! That, and if they were going to be stuck here together for so long every night, he may as well ask. It didn't hurt, and maybe his dad would be proud of him for opening up.

Kurama was alright. He called Naruto names all the time, but everyone called Naruto names. When it came from Kurama, he got the distinct impression that he didn't mean it in the same way the villagers did. Kurama was saying it because he wanted to insult Naruto and was annoyed by him, not because he actually thought it was true. The villagers who hurled names his way--monster, demon, beast-- seemed to genuinely think he was one. The difference was subtle, but it meant a lot to Naruto.

"You've never been loved?"Kurama asked, sounding incredibly skeptical. Naruto raised an eyebrow at him. Was he for real? Naruto had told him his tragic backstory like, four days ago! Maybe he'd been asleep.

"Um. No? Not until recently, I guess." Naruto decided that Kurama had probably forgotten, since old people do that sometimes. "I mean, I was an orphan and nobody really liked me. The villagers used to chase me around and call me a demon and monster. I didn't even have any friends at school! I still sorta don't, except for Sasuke-teme. He's stupid though so I'm not sure he counts."

Kurama made a face at him. It was hard to read what it meant, him being a rat and all. Not that Naruto is going to bring that up again without permission first. He may be six, but he honors the deals he makes. Even though they didn't shake on it, the agreement was there anyway. Besides, Naruto was pretty sure Kurama would kill him if he got within swiping distance of those bars. Or like, dream-kill him. Since this was all happening in his head, or wherever you went when you had dreams about big rats in cages that peed a lot.

"Your existence is pitiful."Kurama sighed. Naruto opened his mouth to refute, paused for a moment, and then settled for nodding. Fair. He could see that angle and was man enough to admit it."How did you feel before your sh*t father showed up, rat?"

Naruto squinted at him and thought about it. It wasn't hard to think back to the not-so-distant time before his dad. His dingy apartment, that smelt of mold and stale ramen. An uncomfortable mattress and an air conditioning unit that didn't work. A leaky kitchen sink and a bathroom one that didn't run half the time. A shower that was always cold, and scornful stares that followed him everywhere he went. Eyes that glared at him when they weren't looking through him, and an incessant feeling of malaise that dragged him down everywhere he went.

"Uh. Hungry, sad, lonely. I don't know. Like crap, I guess." Naruto shrugged. Kurama snorted again, his head too high for the breath to hit Naruto head on this time. Small mercies.

"Then, do you still feel like that?"Kurama asked the question like he was talking to a petulant two year old, and Naruto thought he'd be raising an eyebrow if he had one. Kurama seemed exasperated, almost. It was a new emotion compared to his previous rage, annoyance, and indifference. Naruto felt himself smile a little.

"No. Not anymore." Naruto said thoughtfully. Kurama rolled his eyes. It looked a little ridiculous when he did it. Is that rude to think? He had just called Naruto a rat despite being one himself. Wait, if he was a rat and was calling Naruto one too... did he see him as one of his own? Aw!

"Then there you have it. That's what it feels like to be loved."Kurama scoffed at him, and Naruto stared at him. He rolled his eyes again."You don't feel like sh*t anymore, right? Let me guess: you feel wanted, warm, and content. That's what being loved feels like."

And Naruto's jaw just... dropped. Because that madeso much sense, holy crap!

It all clicked into place in his head, like puzzle pieces slotting together. Of course.Of course, yes, that was it! Naruto had felt like crap before, and now he didn't anymore.That'show he knew his dad loved him. His dad and Kashi and the doggies all made him feel like that, and that was proof they loved him! And that he loved them back, because there's no way they'd make him feel so happy if he didn't love them too.

If he put his dad up next to someone he didn't love, Naruto would pick his dad. Because he loves his dad and he wants him to be happy, and safe, and warm also.That'swhat that means. It's about wanting what's best for them, just like his dad said. It just-- he hadn't really realized before. How had he missed such an obvious connection? He'd felt bad before, and now he doesn't feel bad. Because his dad loves him and is really, really good at showing it. Iruka-sensei had said you protect the ones you love, but he hadn't mentioned that you did itbecauseyou loved them.

"Kurama, you're a genius!" Naruto gasped out. Kurama snorted again, and if Naruto didn't know any better, he'd say he looked almost abashed by the comment. Naruto clapped his hands onto his cheeks with a slap, shell shocked by this simple revelation. "Oh my god. You're the best ever! How did I not see that sooner? I'm so stupid! And you solved it so fast, too! You're amazing!"

"I know."Kurama bit out in a way that told Naruto he definitely didn't know how amazing he was, which was stupid, because he's actually not as bad as he makes himself out to be. Grumpy and upset, but a good guy. Naruto can tell. The fact that he answered his question at all is proof of that. Naruto couldn't help but beam up at him.

"No, for real. I mean it Kurama. You're like,supersmart. You're the best ever." Naruto insisted adamantly. He planted his hands on his hips decisively. "I've decided that we're friends, because friends love each other. I'm going to make sure you feel loved too. It's not fair if I'm the only one getting loved, especially since you helped me out and keep keeping me company. I think you like me being around too and you just don't want to say it!"

Kurama made a face, looking absolutely, utterly disgusted by his sentiment.

"No. Absolutely not."Kurama hissed at him, backing up and glaring at him. Naruto grinned at him."I hate you and don't want you here. I'm going to kill you. You're puny, pathetic, and deserve to die. I am the Legendary Nine Tailed Fox, the Kyuubi. I do not associate with mere mortals."

"I love you, Kurama!" Naruto proclaimed, a burst of warmth flooding him. Kurama looked mortified. "We're going to be the best of friends! Just watch!"

Not that Kurama had a choice. He was in a box, and Naruto had many nights to come at his disposal.

Chapter 17: A matter of self worth


f*ck if I know Suna's in the corner trying to hide the fact that they're crying and Naruto smiles an awful lot for a guy who's brain looks like a f*cking abyssal sewer

Chapter Text

Third person pov

Scheduling Naruto an appointment with one of the Yamanaka clan's best counselors didn't take long. He'd expected his son to act differently after their conversation, but he was just the same as always. A ball of seemingly boundless energy, all smiles and bright eyes. Minato couldn't stop his sugary fondness from seeping out of him, despite the inner turmoil their chat had sparked. The realization of just how much his son had been depraved of sparked ungodly rage in him.

Maybe he should talk to someone too. Having this much pent up resentment towards the village and people you preside overprobablywasn't healthy, right? Minato wanted to be the best possible dad for Naruto, that was all. He clearly wasn't meeting the mark. Naruto didn't even... just thinking about it made Minato want to cry, really. His own son, not realizing he was loved, and that he was going to get to stay in their home together. Minato felt sick. Hisown sonhad thought it was alltemporary. And Minato hadn't even realized!

He hadn't wanted to go to work today. If Minato could've had it his way, he'd be at home, coloring at the table with Naruto. His son deserved all of his time and then some. Minato'd missed six crucial years of Naruto's life and he didn't intend on missing another minute more if it could be helped. Had Naruto been put off kilter by their talk the day prior, he wouldn't have hesitated to sequester them into the house, not to be disturbed.

It was only through Naruto's optimistic resilience and insistence that 'I have to go to school so I can learn and become a super cool ninja like you, believe it!' that got Minato to walk him to the Academy. It felt like sending him off to war instead of just to school. He'd wanted to chase after him, wrap him in a big hug, and cry until they both felt better.

"The Kazekage wants to meet?" Minato struggled to keep his voice from rising in pitch Kakashi snorted quietly behind his mask, earning himself a sharp look from the Suna representative who'd traveled to confirm Minato's revival. News of his return hadn't stayed confined in the Leaf for long. Word had leeched past the gates in no time at all, spreading from the mouths of excited shinobi, travelers, and merchants alike. It made sense that their ally would wish to confer with him, but that didn't make it any less of an inconvenient time. "Like,now?"

"Yes, Lord Hokage. He requests an audience with you as soon as you are able. There are... tensions within the Sand Village that prevent him from leaving for long periods of time. He sends his utmost apologies, but implores you to consider a brief voyage so he can see you with his own eyes and further discuss the future of the treaty between our villages." The ambassador said levelly. Minato had to admit that he was great at his job. Which was awesome for Suna, but sucked for him considering the guy's attempts to sway him were sort of working.

Did they also have an ambassador somewhere? Minato should probably find out about that. It's not his fault he's been too distracted by Danzo's meddling and Naruto's cuteness to contact other villages! It had been the last thing on his mind, what with the domestic terrorism and fact that his quote-on-quote "beloved" village had been verbally, physically, and psychologically abusing his son in his absence.

"Right, yes. Of course. Do you happen to know...whyhe can't voyage here? I would love to reacquaint myself with Lord Rasa as soon as possible, but you must understand that the Leaf is still adjusting to my return. I've only just come back, and there's a lot for me to catch up on." Minato gave his best smile and tried to keep his speech somewhat formal, wondering how Naruto's day was going. He hoped his son was having a fun day at school. He wondered if he'd bring home another drawing for him to frame.Sucha little artist. He got it from Kushina, Minato was pretty certain.

"Ah. I'm not entirely sure the reason, but it is a matter of... civilian security." The ambassador said, looking like he'd just sucked a lemon. Which was a pretty clear sign to Minato that this guy knewexactlywhat was going on over there. It had to be serious if the Kazekage wasn't willing to leave, which was a blaring red flag in Minato's expert opinion. "In fact, that is another reason the Kazekage wished to meet with you. He was hoping you might be privy to the location of one of your past associates, the Sannin and Seal Master, Jiraiya. His and your expertise would be... appreciated."

Minato stared and resisted the urge to make a face, a sinking feeling dropping into the pit of his stomach. It was common knowledge that Suna had the One Tailed Beast, just as it was common knowledge that Konoha had the Nine Tails, Kumo the Eight Tails, and so on and so forth. There was a certain balance in it. However, Konoha had known that Suna's tailed beast wasn't in a human vessel. For as long as Minato'd been Kage, it had been in a teapot. Or that's what he'd heard until rumors that they'd removed it and sealed it in a baby leaked out.

He'd been a bit too caught up in running the village and trying to start a family with Kushina to put much stock in them at the time. They'd only been whispers, but six years was a long time to be gone, and there was no telling what could've happened in that period. What if theyhadsealed it in a baby? What if they hadn't done a very good job? The mere thought was enough to make Minato's chest tighten. That could be bad news for not just Suna, but for Konoha too. If the One Tails got out and started to wreak havoc... it was no wonder the Kazekage was unwilling to leave. It's not as though he could bring the issue here without potentially starting some kind of war.

"Ah." Minato sniffed a bit, tone a tad flat. The ambassador visibly cringed. "Right, well. As luck would have it, Jiraiya is currently in the village. I will... talk with him."

Nothing-- yes, literallynothing-- appealed to him less than the thought of having to talk to Jiraiya again right now. The betrayal still stung sourly in the back of his throat. The rage simmered at a lower temperature after his breakdown, but it was still there. Naruto had gone through too much. Jiraiya was supposed to love and protect him. To watch out for him!

He hadn't even tried as far as Minato could tell, but he also knew that they were the only two seal masters around anymore. Unless another had popped up sometime in the past half dozen years. Considering the Kazekage was asking after them specifically, he doubted it. Minato could already feel his headache forming. This smelt like a bad situation. He had a gut feeling and those were seldom ever wrong, unfortunately.

"Thank you." The ambassador gave one of those smiles you give when you want to be literally anywhere else, offering one last bow before turning to flee the sight of the bomb he'd just dropped. Minato settled back into his chair in a slump, turning to look heavenwards in search of strength. He found none, as per usual.

Silence reigned, save for the buzzing of the lights overhead. Minato had the sudden urge to smash them, his mind ruminating over what he'd learned. Six years ago was like yesterday to him, and he raked over what he recalled hearing about Suna's situation with a fine toothed comb. Tensions with them had been on the rise when Minato passed. Not because Suna was doing anything in particular, but rather for their lack of doing. The village had suddenly closed ranks, sealing their gates off and refusing to communicate.

It was only those vague murmurs that leaked out. About how they'd made an attempt to move the monster from its kettle and into a human infant. Minato couldn't imagine willingly putting a tailed beast in a baby. With Naruto, he'd had no choice. It was something he would regret eternally. If he thought he could safely move the tailed beast into himself and out of his son, he'd do it in a heartbeat.

"Dammit." Minato dragged his hands down his face. What was he going to do? He definitely had to go check it out-- they were allies and if his theories were correct, hundreds of Suna villagers were in danger. The Land of Fire was as well, being their neighbor and all. Plus, what if the Bijuu escaped and one of their enemies got it? "Dammit.Ugh. Kakashi, go find Jiraiya and bring him here. He's either by a hot spring or at a bar crying."

"You got it." Kakashi hummed idly, vanishing without so much as a puff of smoke. Minato had to distinct urge to go destroy some more sh*t but didn't want to risk demolishing another unsuspecting villager's garden. He wondered if Fugaku would let him have a go at one of the older, more dilapidated Uchiha homes. They could blame that one on Danzo too.

He was too busy loving Naruto and framing Danzo for this! He didn't have time to go... go potentially re-seal demons in children. He'd done that once and it was like, not a good thing. Worst thing he's pretty sure he's ever done, actually. But still, at leasthe'ddone a good job at it. Naruto was a perfectly happy child with no demonic tendencies whatsoever that he could tell. He'd know if his son were-- he didn't know. Going out in fits of psychopathy and killing defenseless little animals or something. Minato could, at least, take solace in that.


"I once killed a rabbit with my bare hands and then cooked it over a fire I made in a rusty metal can when I was super hungry once." Naruto recalled happily, once again attempting to get his foot to balance on the top of the piss water. "I had to use my teeth to tear the fur away and stuff because I didn't have a knife. That was right after the orphanage kicked me out. It was like, super cold out and I hadn't eaten in three days. Nobody was throwing anything out because of the ice. It sucked. I even cooked the guts. The heart was super squishy."

"You are horrifying."Kurama noted with no inflection, looking down at him with disdain in his eyes. Naruto nodded in agreement. He'd been absolutelycoveredin blood. Someone had seen him the next morning and a rumor that he'd killed someone and dropped their body in the icy river had persisted for a solid two months following."Why didn't you go to your foolish kage, pest? Your barbaric actions sound dramatic and wholly unnecessary. Of course, one such as myself revels in bloodshed, but your kind is...disgustinglysympathetic and squeamish. Too weak to do anything that could be considered useful."

"I'd never met him before he gave me my apartment. I thought he'd throw me out." Naruto admitted with a slight shrug. His foot caught on the surface of the water, and he put as much pressure as he could down. His eyes lit up when it didn't immediately splash through, instead sinking only slightly. He glanced back up at Kurama, grinning. "Out of the village, I mean. Everyone was calling me a demon so I sort of just thought he'd think the same if he ever found out I existed. I think he knew about me the whole time, though. I'm really lucky he was nice enough to give me a place to stay."

Kurama made a face. Naruto's not sure whatkindof face it is, since he's got a rat face and those aren't as expressive as you'd think, but it looked pretty judgmental if you asked him. Naruto wondered where he found the audacity. He was the one living in a cage in a giant puddle of pee. He'd been here how many years now? Clearly a lot if there was this much. The only mercy in this situation was that Naruto's nose had adjusted to the stench.

Kurama was an odd companion to have, but not a bad one. Even though he was most likely completely fake, Naruto still found himself content with their new friendship. Even if it was one-sided so far, he was sure he could get Kurama to come around eventually! Having someone to confide in who couldn't actively make his life suck was the best. If he tried to talk to his dad, what if he got in trouble for complaining? He didn't want to seem ungrateful.

"Right. You are truly pathetic, runt."Kurama grunted, settling his head back down onto his arms and watching as Naruto shakily tried to pop his other foot up onto the water too. He immediately fell through, stumbling and barely managing to find his center of balance before he was sent toppling into the waste below. Naruto pinwheeled his arms, heart thundering. Yeah, falling flat on his back in this stuff wasnoton his to-do list. Kurama snorted, hot breath ruffling his clothing and hair distastefully.

"You're the one living in a cage in a puddle of pee." Naruto recited not for the first time, patting at his hair haughtily. He wanted to be friends with Kurama and show him how loved he was, but he had to be roundabout with it. And that meant working slowly, patiently, and methodically. Kurama would never accept it if he saw it coming! Naruto had to sneak it in gradually, which meant business as usual until he warmed up to him a bit more.

He wondered if he could ask this counselor guy he was having to go talk to about how to befriend Kurama. He'd have to pretend Kurama was a human, lest the shrink declare him insane for having an imaginary friend that was a giant rat in a cage surrounded by literal sewage. Therapists were apparently very helpful when it came to getting advice according to Kashi and the doggies, who had told him it would all be okay. His appointment was after the academy tomorrow, and his dad would be taking him. Naruto was apprehensive but too afraid to really say no.

"It'snot-- dammit. You're so f*cking annoying."Kurama spat vulgarly, suddenly looking rather enraged. Naruto raised an unimpressed eyebrow at him as more orange began to leak out. Kurama bared his teeth, and Naruto's brows climbed higher when the orange pointedly receded. He squinted. Was it...possibleto suck it back in? This felt like a biological anomaly."This filth is not from me, you idiot. This isyourmindscape. A reflection of your opinion of yourself, your emotional state of being, and mental condition."

Naruto looked around. The words sounded smart and smart things weregenerallytrue, but Naruto really didn't feel like a giant, endless puddle of pee and boundless darkness that extended out in all directions. He was actually quite happy most days. Sure, this place sort of echoed his longing and loneliness, but comeon. He didn't think he was like... he didn't know! He liked himself fine. Sometimes. Most of the time?

Naruto squinted, trying to draw parallels. Admittedly, he did still feel like an outcast. He felt like less because he was less. The villagers all treated him as such, why would he not believe them? Again, if enough people said it, there had to be at least some stock in it. He loved his dad and appreciated him trying reassure Naruto, but the opinions of the many outweighed the few. Still, he wouldn't say that translated into a horizon of pee. He'd have thought it more like... he wasn't sure. Fire and agony? Or something? Anything other thanpee.

"Um. That sounds not real atall." Naruto decided after a moment, frowning. Kurama groaned, loud and rumbling in a way that sent ripples through said urine in question. Naruto pressed his lips into a thin line and tried not to cringe. Literally so gross. Pee?Him? And cold pee, no less, which was somehow worse than warm pee.

Yeah, no. His mental state was probably more of a 'walls, floors, and ceilings made out of stained, ugly Persian rugs that were tattered and covered in old blood and spilled food'. Or something. Or maybe a fork that had been left perpetually in a really powerful blender, forever getting knocked around and dinged up by the unrelenting blades. Something more creative thandarknessandpee, thank you very much.

"Impudent runt."Kurama hissed out, though he didn't violently explode in his anger like he might've when they first met. Instead he just gave a harsh scoff, looking supremely irritated. Naruto praised the higher powers that there was no piss this time. Again, howhadhe sucked it back in before? Did his work like a straw or something?"I should've known you'd be too moronic to accept my words as the truth, as per usual. It's no surprise. Your ability to deny what's right in front of you is infuriating."

"Yeah, yeah. You're supremely smart and I will never reach your level of supreme intelligence, ever, in my short, measly little worm life." Naruto placated with an eye roll. His foot splashed through the water again. He growled a little, giving a petulant stomp. Defeat always tasted worse after a breakthrough. He'd gotten it to kind of stick before! "Dammit! Why can't I get this to work? I've been working on it for like, ever!"

"Because you aren't using enough chakra, you moron."Kurama snapped back at him. Naruto paused for a moment, slowly looking up at him. Kurama glared at him with narrowed eyes, his red irises seeming to nearly glow. Naruto glanced down-- no pee to be seen. Could he seriously have controlled that this whole time and just hadn't? Shamelessandnasty. Naruto should've known."You have just as much, if not more, than your pathetic mother did at this age! Use it and stop whining!"

"You know how chakra works?" Naruto was a little surprised, honestly. He probably should've guessed, what with Kurama being a gigantic, talking rat and all. Kurama was great at explaining things. If he knew how to stand on water-- or pee, in this case-- there was no way he wouldn't be able to explain it to Naruto. It was just a matter of actually getting him to do so, if he wasn't bluffing. Which was also sort of super possible.

"I ammadeof chakra. Which I've told you. Several times."Kurama's words seethed out through gritted teeth as though they hurt to say. Naruto stared blankly at him for a moment. What was he talking a-- oh, the whole 'I'm the nine-tailed fox thing'. Was he really still running with that? Naruto wasn't going to comment."I know more than you or any of your pathetic human companions will ever know in your lives collectively."

Naruto stared at him even more. He wasn't sure if Kurama was lying or not, honestly. He was a pretty prideful guy. But what if hewastelling the truth? He could totally help Naruto then! But not if Naruto asked for help. Kurama would never 'lower' himself to that standard. Naruto was going to have to approach this from behind, much like the whole matter of friendship in general. This could be a really good chance for them to bond! And for Naruto to learn!

"...No way." Naruto schooled his expression into a suspicious side eye, resisting the urge to grin. "Prove it."

Kurama's nostrils flared. Naruto knew, in that moment, that he'd won.

Chapter 18: Rats and Therapy


Jiraiya's here, Kurama deserves a teacher's award, and Naruto's therapist is rightfully horrified

Chapter Text

Third person pov

Jiraiya's eyes were puffy and red-rimmed from crying, but he was notably sober. Minato found this to be highly suspicious and unexpected. He'd been dead six years but he doubted Jiraiya had abandoned his love for a good drink in that time, especially not at a time like this. If this was a desperate attempt to try and 'be better' or something, he was about six years too late.

Minato's office felt stuffy, the air a little too humid and a little too strained. Minato's face ached from how tight it was, like it wasn't used to grimacing this hard. He resisted the urge to drum his fingers on the surface of his desk as he inspected the sannin, swallowing the scathing retorts he wanted to scream at him. This was someone he'd seen as a father. This was someone who had left Naruto here alone to suffer. This was someone who hadn't checked in on him evenonce.

"You showed." Minato let his disappointment over the fact bleed through, even if he knew he almost certainly needed Jiraiya's help for this. That didn't mean he had to like it. Why were things so complicated? He just wanted to go be a dad. Never mind all the casual terrorism and demons getting improperly sealed into poor, unassuming sand babies. If you were going to put a chakra beast in a kid, at least do it right. "How... wonderful."

"Well, don't sound too excited now." Jiraiya aimed for a smile, but his voice came out weak and the curl of his lips didn't even come close to reaching his eyes. Minato resisted the petty urge to dramatically scoff and instead sunk petulantly back into his chair, staring at the framed photo of Naruto on his desk for strength. "Kakashi said you, uh... th-that you needed my help with something important. With Suna?"

Minato swallowed his sigh and wished, not for the first time, that Suna had waited like, atleastanother month to come talk to him. He didn't have time for this. No, really. Leaving the village right now was a god awful idea. Things were too fragile and vulnerable, and the Uchiha clan had been teetering on the edge of staging a coup when Minato first got here. If they didn't resolve the issues they had fast, they may still take that leap. Naruto also needed stability and routine, and Minato prancing off into the rolling desert hills wasn't going to provide that.

"They're having an issue with their tailed beast. Though I was given few details, I believe they attempted to seal it into the Kazekage's youngest a few years back and failed horribly. If they're asking us for help, it's pretty obvious they've got absolutely no idea what the hell they're doing. It's not free as far as I know, but it might be if the seal isn't fixed." Minato grimaced, ignoring the watery way Jiraiya was staring at him. Like he was a ghost-- a gift he couldn't wrap his mind around. It made Minato feel cold all over. "As their allies, we're obligated to give them aid. Especially concerning something as dangerous as this. If the one tails were to break free, it could effect us too."

Jiraiya nodded in understanding, sniffling in a way that made Minato want to flip his desk so hard it flew and barreled his former sensei over. What right did he even have to be upset? He was the one who chose to leave the village and not return. He was the one who abandoned Naruto! Ifanyoneshould be crying in this situation, it should be Minato. Maybe even Naruto, but Minato didn't intend on ever telling his son what Jiraiya had failed to be for him.

This was hard. It was hard, because Minato wasangry, and he didn't want to talk to Jiraiya, and the only thing he really wanted was to curl up on the couch with Naruto at home. He wanted to listen to Kakashi humming in the kitchen, watch the ninken drape themselves across the living room like they owned the place. Listen to Naruto jabber in his ear, giving every detail of his day in the same, painstakingly explicit way Kushina always had. So in depth you might as well have been there yourself.

"They need seal masters." Jiraiya offered quietly, voice rife with understanding. There was a glint in his eyes. He knew this was an opening, and Minato hated that it was one. This was going to force them to interact. Were there not the possibility of a child being harmed, Minato would have barred Jiraiya from going anywhere near the sand village and simply handled it himself. Or maybe he'd have sent the sannin alone, since he was apparently so keen on avoiding Konoha. "You want us to go. To help."

Minato had never known one man's voice could make him so upset before. He reminded himself again that this was a two man job. That he couldn't wall Jiraiya out yet.

"I do." Minato lied because really, hedidn't. He had no idea what the hell he was going to do with Naruto during that time. Could he take him? His son was the village Jinchuriki, and as young as he was, it wasn't safe to remove him even if he would have the protection of a kage, sannin, and whatever ANBU accompanied them on the convoy. But leaving him here-- was that really any safer, the way the village treated his child in his absence? What if something happened? "You come to help, and you leave me and my son alone. Or you can turn in your headband. Your choice."

No matter how much Minato moaned and groaned, this situation was serious. They were desperate if they were asking, and if they were desperate then it meant things had to be at least somewhat dangerous. If it was that dire, Minato couldn't morally turn them away. Not after reading the reports of the resources they'd sent over after the destruction the Nine Tailed Fox rained down on the village. As shaky as their relationship with the other village had been in the last two years, that didn't mean they weren't still allied.

Minato had to be the bigger person here. It was sh*t and he really wished it weren't the case, but it was true. The rage he'd begun to feel simmering more often than not in his gut when he wasn't around his son wasn't normal. Minato had a lot of anger and resentment in him, and it only seemed to build the more he learned about what his son had been through. He had to wrangle it. He couldn't let this happen to himself.

"Of course I'll come." Jiraiya said it in an infuriatingly soft tone of voice. Minato's teeth clenched, and he refused to look at the sannin as his feet shuffled. He wasn't sure if seeing his former mentor's hurt expression would hurt him or just make him madder. Probably the latter at the rate things were going. "Do you know when we'll be heading out?"

"No. I still need to talk with my men and figure out what I'm doing with Naruto. You know. My son, who you abandoned even though Kushina and I trusted you to look after him. That one." Minato's voice came out less hostile than he'd thought it would, more flat and dry than anything else. He could practicallyfeelJiraiya tense, fresh guilt roiling through the air in waves. Good. Minato hoped he felt awful for the rest of his goddamn life. This was Naruto they were talking about. "I'll send someone for you."

Jiraiya didn't say anything else. If he had, Minato thinks he might've really thrown his desk at him.

Kurama is mean. He's grumpy, he really doesn't like when Naruto tries to make conversation with him, and he says some undeniably cruel things that would surely make Naruto's stomach curl had he not already had worse thrown his way. He likes his naps and hates humans, the Uchiha clan most of all. He's massive, he's old, and he's still having an identity crisis about his species.

He is also anamazingteacher.

He really shouldn't be all things considered, but Naruto has never been one to deny the strikingly obvious. Something about the way Kurama words things just clicks in his pea-sized Naruto brain. After days and days anddaysof trying to stick his feet to the piss water, Kurama's got him doing it in a single night. And out of spite, no less! All because Naruto had insinuated there was no way Kurama could possibly tell him anything about chakra that he didn't already know.

Turns out Kurama was right. Hedoesappear to know everything about chakra. Any question Naruto can think to ask, Kurama has an answer for it. None of it sounds like bullsh*t he's just spouting out as he goes along to sound smart, either. Kurama somehow knows what he's talking about and he knows how to word it in a way that Naruto will be able to understand, because nothing annoys Kurama more than having to repeat himself. Thus, it's easier for him to dumb it down the first time.

However, Kurama knowing all these things that Naruto doesn't know makes it very unlikely that this is actually a dream. Which means he really does have a giant rat entity living inside his brain that he only visits in his sleep. It also means that his image of himself really is, uh...sewer-like. Crappy, to throw in a horribly and wholly intentional pun.

Naruto's not sure how to fix that. All he knows is that he has to, and soon if he wants to save Kurama from having to live here forever. It's not fair; especially since Naruto's been blaming the whole nasty water thing on him from the beginning despite Kurama's insistence that it's not his fault. Rat or not, he doubts Kurama enjoys having to exist here. How does Naruto begin to view himself as... man, he doesn't know. Daisy fields and giant forests, or wherever big, egotistical rats like to live.

"I did it! I can't believe it!" Naruto shrieked in total delight, ignoring the way Kurama's abnormally long ears flattened in annoyance at the piercing sound. Could you blame him? He was no longer standing barefoot in literal sewer water! He was now standing ontopof it. Which was like, so much better. "I must be better at this stuff than I thought! I thought I'd never do it!"

"Not the case. You're still incompetent."Kurama insulted unnecessarily, but it was all in the name of friendship, so Naruto didn't call him out for it it. He just continued to bounce, reveling in the way he didn't fall through the rippling water. Who knew all he had to do was pretend the chakra flow coating his feet was malleable enough to absorb the ripples and changes in the water? Like memory foam!"Will you shut up and leave me alone now?"

"What? Why would I do that?" Naruto frowned, looking away from his feet to peer at the large creature whom he kind of wanted to pet but knew he'd get eaten for it. Kurama groaned is despair from where he had his head laying on his massive, weird hand-paw things, closing his eyes like not seeing Naruto would make the reality of him being there disappear. "You're like, the coolest ever! A great dude!"

Kurama had a low self-esteem, you see. He neededlotsof encouragement and praise, no matter how much he denied the fact. He was always calling himself a demon and a monster and terrifying-- if Naruto's dad said those were bad things to be called and that Naruto didn't deserve it, then Kuramaobviouslydidn't deserve it either. Not even coming from himself! No matter how ugly he was, he was still really nice deep down.

Like a grumpy old man screaming at people to get off of his lawn, but with better morals hidden in there... somewhere. Or something. Talk of eating Konoha's entire population and then burning it down aside. Alright, so maybe he's possibly a murderer based on the way he talks, but nobody's perfect! Naruto is getting through to him. He can feel it.

"Call me a 'dude' again and I will gut you in front of your entire family."Kurama seethed, but it was half-hearted. Proof that Naruto's growing on him? Naruto doesn't actually know enough about people and how emotions work to know, but he'll figure it out eventually."You are a pathetic worm. You should be grateful I allow your continued existence. The fact that you get to converse with a being of my stature is a gift someone of your minimal intellect will never be able to wrap their puny, pitiful, nearly non-existent little brain around."

"I know." Naruto chirped out, planting his hands on his hips. Kurama made a face at his lack of frustration at being insulted, eyes cracking open to squint at him in annoyance. As much rude stuff as he threw Naruto's way, Naruto never got angry over it. It was still nothing compared to the dozens of eyes the village pinned on him when he walked down the street. At least he was saying it to his face and not whispering it under his breath. "Now show me something else cool! Unless that was all you had, which I totally get."

"All Ihad? Me?"Kurama raised his hands off his paws, eyes fiery. He seemed less mad than he had last time Naruto subtly implied he was an idiot."I am an endless well of knowledge, you impudent little slug!"

Naruto grinned up at him excitedly and wondered if he imagined the subtle way the corners of Kurama's massive mouth briefly twitched up.

His dad wasweird. He'd wanted Naruto to go to therapy, but he'd also almost cried sending him in. He was upset enough that Naruto now felt somewhat dubious over the whole thing. He'd originally thought-- after seeing his reaction to Naruto going-- that it was some sort of chop shop and this was going to be the end for him. Getting in here, it sort of just looked like any other room.

He remained on edge. Naruto is really good at being on edge. One could even argue that it's what he does best. He's alert and plenty more observant than a lot of people presume looking at him. As loud and abrasive as he can be, Narutoknowshow to watch. He doesn't normally do it so openly, but right now it's only him and his new therapist in this room. There's nowhere to hide, even if there are lots of ways to escape.

There's the door, which is behind Naruto and not locked. There's three big windows too, covered in blinds that wouldn't be hard to get around if he needed to. He had no idea what the panes were made out of, if it was glass or the bendy, break-resistant stuff. Kurama had been showing him how to kick things with chakra. Sure, all he had to kick was dirty water, but he'd made some pretty big waves. Way bigger than should've been possible. Maybe it would be enough to break out of here if the guy turned out evil?

"My name is Ayumu Yamanaka. If you decide you don't mind, I'm going to be your counselor going forward." The man introduced with a (seemingly, but who knows these days) kind smile, hair pulled up into a tight bun and eyes just as pale as Ino's were. Naruto eyed him warily from where he was sat across from the guy, dwarfed by the plush armchair. "Your father thought you could benefit from meetings with me. Do you know why?"

"Because I'm traumatized and my brain looks like a sewer." Naruto said dutifully, because that's exactly why he's here. Ayumu blinked at him, evidently not having expected this level of self awareness from a six year old. Surprise, surprise. Most six year old boys don't have oddly philosophical and bitter piss rats living in their heads. "Don't worry. I figured out what love wasdaysago."

Ayumu stared at him for a beat, which wasn't the most confidence-inspiring thing in the world. Naruto's eyes trailed across the room. It was all bright colors, crayon drawings papering the walls, all of them held up by thumb tacks. There was a shelf full of toys, and a dollhouse on a table in the corner. The table that separated him from his new therapist had all sorts of drawing materials on it, along with clean paper. Naruto wondered if he'd be asked to draw anything.

"...Well, I'm happy to hear that, Naruto. Love is a very wonderful thing." Ayumu said, and yeah. He's not wrong. But he's also stating the obvious, which Kurama never does. Naruto had been wondering who was going to be the more effective advice-giver. Considering this guy's snail pace, it's looking like Kurama's going to have yet another thing to brag about. "Your dad cares about you very much. It sounds like we have a lot to talk about, but why don't we use this session to get to know one another first? I think that could help build a lot of trust going forward, and help us both understand each other better."

Ugh. That was super cool and all that, but a total waste of time. Kurama knew how to cut out the middle man. The middle man being patience, sensitivity, and empathy. None of which Naruto needed because a part of him has already been killed off by childhood trauma and it's not coming back anytime soon. It makes things like this a whole lot easier, at least. Wait, is that something he should bring up to try and fix via therapy? Maybe.

"Never mind all that!" Naruto all but crowed. Ayumu's brows raised. Naruto decided that he had to just go for it bluntly if he was going to get anything done. "Listen, I have like, practically no self worth. It's so low it probably doesn't even exist. A bunch of people used to call me a monster, and a demon, and horrible, and then my dad showed up and I realized I believed it all! I still can't really convince myself that I'm an okay person. I just grew up with it so I didn't even know it was wrong! So now I have to undo that so my brain can look like a field of pretty, pollenless flowers. Because I have seasonal allergies."

Ayumu stares at him for a beat, definitely contemplating whether or not he's paid enough for this. Naruto's good at waiting though and simply settles for staring him down intimidatingly, trying to convey the seriousness of the situation. Kurama's home life is at stake here. If Naruto gets to live in a nice house he feels safe in, shouldn't he get too also? Naruto wanted to be a responsible landlord!

"Okay... alright, sure. We can start with that. I'll do my best to help you, Naruto." Ayumu recovered with a smile. He leans forward and taps his fingers on the table in front of him, eyes imploring. "You described your brain as a sewer. Do you think you can draw that for me, and tell me why you think it looks that way?"

"I don't think. I know. It smells bad, it's gross, and it's really dark. Nasty water everywhere." Naruto said, but he slid out of his chair anyway and grabbed for the darkest crayon shades. "And it looks like that because I don't like myself. Nobody liked me before my dad, Kakashi, and the dogs, so I thought it was alright. But turns out it's not so I really,reallyneed to fix it. Do you know how I can like myself? Having a sewer as a mind seems really unhealthy."

Should he include Kurama in the drawing? No, he'd asked to see the sewer part. Besides, he didn't want to invade Kurama's privacy too much. Naruto didn't like being talked about behind his back, so he doubted Kurama would either. Naruto's not going to mention him unless he absolutely has to. Or unless Kurama says he's allowed to, but he kind of wants to keep the whole fixing his mind thing on the down low. It could be a nice surprise.

Naruto glanced up from where he'd been scribbling in the endless black of his mind, doing a double-take when he saw the look on Ayumu's face. The man looked perplexed and deeply concerned, observing Naruto and his drawing with pinched brows. Naruto searched his expression for hostility and found none, so he turned back to his illustration with vigor and continued to display its depths. The black crayon didn't seem dark enough.

"Well, Naruto, I happen to think you're a very likable young man. Thank you for opening up to me. I'm sure it couldn't have been easy to disclose such a thing to someone you've just met." Ayumu's voice was encouraging, and his smile genuine. Naruto blinked at him. "We're going to do our best. The first step to getting better when we're hurt is trying. I think you're doing wonderfully so far. I must tell you with full certainty before we go any further, though I'm sure your father has told you before, that those names you were called arewrong.You should've never had to go through such a thing. I promise that we will work through this together."

Naruto wasn't sure if he believed him, but he nodded and returned a smile anyway.

"Lord Hokage." Ayumu Yamanaka gave the smallest of bows as Kakashi swept Naruto out of the room on his hip, Naruto jabbering the whole way and leaving his father and new therapist to talk. Minato frowned at the grimness in the other man's voice. The door closing behind Kakashi felt like a guillotine slamming down on Minato's neck. "Naruto did wonderfully in his first session, but I must express that I am deeply concerned by some of the things we talked about. Naruto has conveyed some truly worrying information to me in the past hour."

Minato felt his heart drop, and his gaze unintentionally drifted down to the low table between the two seats in the room. There were a few drawings there, all but one of them dark. He felt his Adam's apple bob with nerves. He knew he should've suspected this was coming. He'd been trying to mentally prepare for it, but it didn't make it any less heartbreaking. He took a breath and steeled himself for the worst.

"I... I was afraid of that. He's been through a lot-- much more than any boy his age should. I don't know how he continues to smile the way he does." Minato's voice came out quieter than intended. He cleared his throat a bit and tried to keep the wobble from his tone, tearing his gaze away from the drawings to look at the man. "What can you tell me?"

"Has Naruto ever mentioned his mind being a sewer?" Ayumu asked carefully, sinking back into his seat and gesturing for Minato to do the same. The kage did so, taking a deep breath as he went. He had to stay strong for Naruto. They were getting him help. It was going to be okay.

"Briefly. He's described it briefly in the context of recurring dreams. He doesn't bring them up all that often. An offhanded comment here and there." Minato watched Ayumu's frown deepened. The man glanced down at his clipboard, and Minato felt the flame of anxiety in his chest flare. "Kakashi and I didn't think much of it. There's... There's more to it, isn't there?"

Had Naruto been presenting a problem to them the whole time and they didn't notice? He was just so cheerful, so upbeat. It was hard to know anything was wrong unless he outwardly said it. Minato felt ill. First him not knowing what being loved was-- though he now insisted he'd figured it out, it didn't little to soothe Minato-- and now this? What did it mean?

Minato felt like a failure. And he knew it wasn't his fault and it wasn't Kushina's, and that they did the best they could in the moment to ensure their son's survival, but to see him hurting the way he was now... it made Minato feel ill. He'dlefthim. Naruto had been alone and isolated, and Minato was never going to be able to forgive himself for it. Never going to be able to forgive the village for what they'd done, Jiraiya for his abandonment, the Third for his neglect.

Even if it's all he'd been able to do, Minato had still done this. He'ddonethis. He put the fox in Naruto, he died and left him alone. Nothing would ever change that fact.

"There is, I'm afraid. Naruto was very brave today, and more self-aware than any six year old child I've worked with. He expressed to me that he does not have a high opinion of himself. This village has been cruel to him, has called him names and thrown insults with no shame. Naruto has told me that he believes the horrible things he's been told to be true." Ayumu frowned. Minato's heart skipped a beat as the therapist hesitated for a moment. "However, healsotold me that he knows on an intellectual level that they're not true. He asked me for help believing that he is, as he put it, and 'okay' person. Hewantsto like himself."

"O-Oh." Minato squeaked out, horrified. He swallowed thickly and willed himself not to burst into tears right here, struggling to right himself. He shifted in his seat and tried to stay calm. Naruto didn't like himself. But Naruto... knew him not liking himself wasn't right and wanted to fix it? That was good, right? "And this... this is related to his dreams?"

"Yes. Though it exceedingly rare, it's not entirely unheard of for traumatized youth to recede into the deepest parts of their mind when they sleep as a defense mechanism against nightmares and hard to deal with emotions that would harm their psyche. This phenomenon is triggered by a bout of intense stress. Sudden changes can cause it to occur, and once it begins it can continue for any length of time, even after the child has calmed." Ayumu leaned forward and tapped on one of the drawings. The paper had been colored almost entirely black. Minato looked down at it.

It was desolate. Colored black meticulously to make sure not even a dot of white was left. The bottom half of the page was brown with hints of deep indigo and grey in it, forming squiggly lines that implied water movement. A sewer. A very dark sewer. Minato reached out to touch the drawing again, ignoring the way his hands shook.

"Our mindscapes reflect how we see ourselves. Naruto drew this-- a dark sewer that smells bad and is entirely quiet, with nothing but black for as far as the eye can see. This suggests a deep level of emotional trauma. It's likely he did not sleep well before his consciousness began to recede into this part of his mind." Ayumu said, voice soft and sad. "When he is here, it can be assumed he isn't afraid, even if it is dark and he is alone. Because it is his mind, he may even feel more at ease inside of it than he does in the real world, whether he realizes it or not."

And that was... f*ck, it was horrifying. Absolutely, bone-chillingly horrifying. Minato stared down at the paper before him and tried to comprehend the fact that he was looking at the equivalent to Naruto's emotional health. This was his opinion of himself, drawn by his own hands as he saw it. His son went here every night.

"I don't know how he knows what this sewer is. I'm not sure how he knows it's linked to how he thinks of himself, either." Ayumu admitted. He shifted another drawing forward. It was the only bright one on the table, depicting green, rolling hills dotted with flowers. "This is what hewantshis mind to look like. He wants to value himself more. I'm not sure where he's getting this kind of determination or awareness, but it's highly unusual. Though it's a bit severe, I think he could benefit greatly from daily sessions with me going forward as opposed to weekly ones."

"R...Right. Right, yes. Of course." Minato's voice came out hoarser than he intended. He shakily scooped up the bright drawing. Naruto wanted to feel this way about himself. Wanted his mind to be pretty and open, just as it should be. "Whatever you think is best. This is far more serious than I thought. If I'd... If I'd known, then..."

Ayumu gave a sympathetic smile as Minato drew the other drawings forward as well. The sewer one, and the two others. One looked like nothing but a blot of dark colors, the words 'how I feel' written sloppily under it. Another was the sewer again, but this time with a tiny figure dwarfed in it, showing the sheer enormity of the dark space to scale. Minato stared at the small, orange figure and wondered if anything could ever hurt more than this did.

"It's serious, yes, but not the end of the world. Naruto already knows, on some level, that what happened to him is wrong. That's the most important step of all. Hewantsto think of himself better, and that's half the battle." Ayumu reassured. He brought forward another paper from his clipboard, this one covered in colorful writing. "We made this list of positive things about him for him to focus on. In the meantime, I suggest staying positive and complimenting his achievements. If he does something good, tell him. But don't overplay it."

"D-Don't overplay it. Right." Minato took the list with a trembling hand, hardly registering what he was saying. He looked back at Ayumu, knowing his heartbreak must be shining through his eyes. This was his son's mind. His son believed all those things. And Minato couldn'tfixit, couldn't fixanything. "Same time tomorrow?"

"If that works for you." Ayumu said agreeably. He set down his clipboard on the table idly, meeting Minato's gaze head on. "We made alotof progress today, Mr. Namikaze. Let him know you enjoy spending time with it. Say it in explicit terms and give him lots of physical affection if he'll tolerate it. As determined as Naruto is, he'll have his mind on the right track in no time. I think I'll be able to build enough rapport with him to enter his mind myself within a few weeks to see how things are progressing myself. He's going to be okay."

Minato looked down at the tiny figure, alone in the sewer, and hoped achingly that Ayumu Yamanaka was telling the truth.

Chapter 19: In bloom


Honestly I'm not sure but people cry

Chapter Text

Third person pov

When his dad asks him if he'd be alright with talking with Ayumu Yamanaka everyday after school instead of just once a week, Naruto only has to consider it for a brief moment before he's saying yes. The more he meets with him, the faster he can get his mind into shape. And the faster he gets his mind into shape, the sooner Kurama can have a home that doesn't smell like literal ass.

Kurama had been nicer. Well, 'nicer' was misleading. He'd been a little less mean and hardly ever snapped at him anymore, adopting a tired, irritated tone of voice in place of his previous rage. Now he just sort of groaned and grumbled dramatically anytime Naruto so much as breathed too loud. It didn't sound like improvement when he said it like that, but trust Naruto when he says it is.

On top of his new and kinda-improved attitude, he'd continued to teach Naruto. Did Naruto have to goad Kurama into it by inciting his rage via subtle inferences that he maybe had no clue what he was talking about? Yeah... yeah, definitely. But it was so worth it! Naruto was learning lots of (admittedly random) stuff and he was learning itfast, and Kurama had seemed more awake and lively the past few times he visited. No more pee! The water was even beginning to clear up a little more!

Kurama still insulted him a lot, but the massive creature was smart and he liked to show it. Though he probably didn't realize, he totally preened anytime Naruto complimented him. Thus, Naruto made sure to heap on the praises. And tell Kurama he loved him frequently, even when Kurama's entire rat snout scrunched up in disgust when he did. Naruto would just have to keep saying it until Kurama believed him! He helped Naruto realize what love felt like, Naruto was determined to do the same for him.

"My dad says that your dad's leaving for Suna at the end of the week." Sasuke noted. They were standing outside for practice sparring. Naruto had just decimated a brutish girl two times his size by throwing dirt in her eyes and biting her in the shoulder. Oddly enough, Iruka-sensei had suggested maybe he needed to take a break for the next few rounds following his landslide win. "They're putting the rebuilding of the clan grounds on hold, but they're moving the police headquarters back into the center of the village before he leaves. Are you going with him?"

"He hasn't said anything yet. I don't think he wants to go. Probably because that creepy old man that sometimes lurks around the outside of our house is coming." Naruto's nose scrunched up. Sometimes he looked out the window and the guy was justthere. Naruto has had to sic Bull on the guy like, four times! "I think he's conflicted. That, and if I go with him, my therapist might have to come to. Or else I'll miss all my sessions I'm supposed to have, which is apparently bad. I have some 'concerns' that need to be 'regularly addressed', which I think is just nice-people code for me being halfway around the crazy bend."

Naruto didn't see the big deal. It had been three days since his first appointment, and things were going... well enough, he guessed. No real changes in his brain, but that was hardly his therapist's fault. Naruto had to focus and really,reallytry to believe he was better than he'd been convinced he was. It was just so hard! No matter how many times he went over their 'good things about Naruto' list, the sewer remained dark and smelly.

Why couldn't Naruto see himself as good? Probably because hewasn'tgood-- but then again, no, that wasn't right. He was good. His dad and Kashi and the dogs all insisted as such. Naruto just couldn't hammer it into himself. He wondered if he ever would. The way he thought of himself was so deeply ingrained it may as well have been embedded in his bones. Naruto didn't see how undoing that was possible.

"How do you get a therapist, anyway?" Sasuke frowned, arms crossed across his chest. He was trying to look cool like his older brother, but it wasn't working because his older brother wasn't cool either. Sucks to suck. Kurama's right: the Uchiha clan is full of pompous pricks.

"I don't know. Don't be a boring loser, maybe?" Naruto shrugged, ignoring the glare he got in response. In his arms, Pakkun craned his head backwards to look up at him in mild concern. Naruto felt himself bristle a bit defensively. "Don't look at me like that. I haveflavor. Even Kurama says so!"

"You mean the actualratin your head that supposedly wants toeatyou? Pardon me if I don't clap my paws together and give you a winning smile for that one, kid." Pakkun huffed out. Naruto opened his mouth to argue but closed it again because... alright, yeah. The doggies were the ones he'd told most about his rat companion. Pakkun being a talking animal made Naruto think maybe the ninken could give him better insight on how to get closer to Kurama.

Ayumu was a really nice guy, Naruto had come to find. He never raised his voice or overreacted to anything Naruto said. Sometimes he'd stop to think, but he never appeared to judge. Naruto had scrutinized him greatly over the past few days and felt safe in his conclusion that was Not So Bad. Naruto felt like they could really, really get somewhere! Ayumu was the type of dude who knew what he was talking about: believe it!

They talked more about the sewer, but had started to slowly broach the things Naruto didn't like to think too hard about. Some of the things the villagers had done to him and how they'd made him feel. Why he believed what they said specifically, beyond the surface level explanation of 'well, they told me it my whole life, so it just sunk in'. Ayumu wanted the deeper roots and digging those up kinda sucked, even if Naruto understood that it needed to be done.

There was just somuch, you know? For as short a time as he'd been alive, a lot sure had happened. Apparently meeting his dad and getting plopped into a different environment had sent him into some sort of emotional shock, hence the reason he was visiting his sewer. It would stop once his self worth improved. Naruto was a bit torn on that-- he didn'twantto stop seeing Kurama, but he couldn't leave Kurama in a murky cage forever either. It was too sad, too lonely.

"Whatever." Sasuke sighed heavily, eyeing him in a disgruntled manner. "Just tell me whether or not you're going to Suna as soon as you can, alright? I need to know in advance if I need to find a new buffer to ward Sakura and Ino off of me. Though, I don't think anyone has an ugly enough face to be as effective as you are."

Naruto didn't even have to tackle him. Pakkun was valiantly leaping forward and sinking his teeth into his arm before he got the chance.


"Your father mentioned you have an imaginary friend. Someone who appears in these dreams with you." Ayumu smiled at Naruto reassuringly even when the little boy's expression twisted. So much for keeping Kurama under wraps. "Do you feel comfortable telling me about him?"

Naruto frowned a bit, watching him carefully. Their session had started just as normally as always. He should've expected to be blindsided. Ayumu was always digging up fresh dirt on him. Naruto's not calling his dad a snitch or anything, since Naruto never told himnotto tell, but he feels like sometimes it's implied! He'll have to be more specific going forward. He knows his dad just wants to help.

He gets it-- really, Naruto does. The more Ayumu knows the more he has to work with, and thus the more he can help. It's pretty simple all things considered. Naruto... ugh, he doesn't know. It's not like Kurama's a secret or anything. Mentioning it to family is just different than mentioning it to a therapist is. A therapist is impartial, someone who sits outside the box looking in. Maybe that's what Naruto needs?

Ayumu has proved himself trustworthy. Naruto has only ever met a handful of kind adults, and Naruto's bullsh*t sensor has gotten pretty finetuned over the years. Ayumu wants to help him, and he doesn't share anything Naruto says outside of these meetings unless he absolutely has to or has Naruto's express permission. He'd disclosed that he talked about Naruto's sewer with his dad, but had promised he hadn't said anything else. Apparently the sewer was important pertaining to his 'long term health'.

Naruto doesn't think he'd talk about Kurama if Naruto asked him not to. Naruto needs help. He can't ask Kurama for advice on himself, so that means hehasto ask someone else, because there's no way his emotionally stunted, six year old brain is going to figure it out all on its lonesome. And it's Ayumu's job to be good at giving advice, even if he'll never be as good as Naruto's mind rat.

"...I can tell you a little bit, but not a lot. You can't tellanyoneelse though, not even my dad. It would be a severe breach of his privacy" Naruto said smartly. Ayumu nodded in full understanding, but Naruto really wasn't done yet. "And he's not imaginary. If he knew you'd said that, he'd pee and stink the entire sewer up again. So keep your opinions on it to yourself."

"Of course. I never meant any offense. If your mindscape is real and that's where this friend of yours resides, of course he must be real." Ayumu says very placatingly. Naruto can tell he doesn't actually believe that, but he's being nice about it so Naruto guesses it's fine. So long as he doesn't insinuate Kurama's not real anymore. Kurama might overhear. "I won't share anything you tell me without your father without asking your permission first, so long as it isn't dangerous to your life or anyone else's. What do you feel comfortable sharing?"

Ugh. Yeah, Narutoreallyhopes Kurama doesn't overhear any of this. He's started to do that lately-- will half-heartedly reference things or conversations that happened during Naruto's day. Mostly to insult him, but it's enough for Naruto to gather that he's starting to peek through Naruto's eyes. Maybe he's been doing it all along and has only begun mentioning it now because they're chatting a bit more. Who knows.

Naruto is kind of glad. It can't be fun to be stuck alone in the dark all the time, with nothing but your thoughts and your naps. Naruto doesn't mind sharing his life with Kurama. That way he can see and hear things other than the same-old same-old. As much time as they spend together, Kurama must still get lonely.

"Well. He's a really big rat named Kurama, and he lives in a cage in my brain. He acts really grumpy and mean, but he always lets me tell him about my day anyway." Naruto says as he colors in Kashi's hair on his page. "He's the one who told me how to know what love feels like. He givesreallygood advice, and he's very smart. Humans called him a monster too and hurt him, so he hates them. He says they locked him in there, so now I'm trying to get him to like himself too. That way we can like ourselves together. I don't think the sewer will look good until we're both okay, you know?"

"He sounds like a very good friend, Naruto. Is that why you want your mind to look like a flower field? So he can have a nice place to live?" Ayumu asked, pen already moving on his clipboard. Naruto felt his cheeks flush slightly and nodded, glancing down at his drawing of his family. It was hard to fit all the dogs on one page, but he was doing his best.

Ayumu made a few notes, pursing his lips. When the Hokage had first mentioned Naruto having an imaginary friend present in his mindscape, he'd been a bit skeptical. It wasn't anything he'd ever heard of, but they knew remarkably little about children who entered their mindscapes at a young age from trauma. It just so seldom happened that he had very little reference to go off of. It wasn't entirely impossible.

From what Naruto was describing, and from what Minato had said, Kurama seemed like... some sort of subconscious part of Naruto's mind calling for a friend. In a time where he was overwhelmed with the sudden love of his father and change in home life, it's possible his mind created someone for him to relate to. Rats lived in sewers, and the size could be a reflection of the magnitude of Naruto's hurt. It was hard to say.

Kurama had the same issues as Naruto did, however. He'd been ridiculed and hated, shoved away from the world and shunned into resentment. Could he have manifested as a way of Naruto's mind trying to encourage him to change his opinions of himself? Motivation to repair his mind before it was too late? Naruto had come in here determined to help his friend. He wanted to fix his mind not for himself, but so that this 'Kurama' could have a better place to live.

On one hand, it was incredibly sad. On the other, it was highly interesting. Unlike anything Ayumu had ever heard of, but he wasn't sure what else it could possibly be. The whole thing sounded like a massive metaphor: a coping mechanism put together by a troubled child's hurting mind. A friend who listened to him talk about his day, taught him things, gave him advice on his emotions and kept him company whilst he slept. The bare minimum. However little it was, it was probably all Naruto had ever wished for growing up alone.

"I know he's a good guy. He just doesn't see it." Naruto grumbled a bit, evidently spurred on by the sudden silence. Ayumu berated himself for getting lost in thought. Naruto peered up at him, eyes endlessly blue and full of questions he never seemed willing to ask. "Do you know how I can make him believe me?"

"Have you tried a direct approach? Simply telling him and giving him all the reasons why?" Ayumu suggested gently. Naruto snorted slightly like he'd just made a particularly silly joke, finishing his drawing by scribbling a sun up in the corner. It was more orange than yellow-- Naruto's favorite color.

"He's not big on emotions. He gets all grossed out and refuses to accept our friendship. I'mdefinitelygrowing on him, but I think he'd pee more if I tried to tell him." Naruto paused suddenly, wincing. "I really do love Kurama though, you know? He's great! I just wish I could convince him. He never takes me seriously because I'm just a puny human. He did call me a rat a few times though, and since he's a rat I think that means he's starting to see me as a friend."

Ayumu smiled. Naruto was incredibly mature for his age, and kind. After meeting him and having gotten to know him over this past week, Ayumu's not sure how anyone ever hated him to begin with. He's just a child like any other. Minato had assured him that the seal was airtight and from what Ayumu could tell, the man was completely right. Everything hurtled at Naruto by the village was cruel and severely unjust.

"Hmmm. That sounds like quite the problem indeed." Ayumu hummed. Naruto nodded widely in agreement. "There are many ways to tell someone you love them without explicitly saying the words. Sometimes actions speak louder than words. Can you think of anything that would show Kurama you're serious aside from trying to tell him directly? You know him a lot better than I do."

"I don't know." Naruto sighed, but it was more thoughtful than upset. He rolled his orange crayon back and forth on the table a few times, frowning a bit. "He's just... he's done so much for me, you know? When my dad first came and got me, I really didn't know what was going on. I was so nervous and unsure and I... I-I guess I kinda thought he'd get rid of me. But then Kurama came and he was never gentle with me like my dad and Kashi were. He was actually pretty mean. But he treated me like he'd treat any human, and he helped me. Alot. He explains things slow so I can keep up and he answers all my questions.I'm not sure what I.... I want to help him too. I-I just don't know if I can."

"Well, why don't we brainstorm some ideas together?" Ayumu suggested when he saw the tears building in Naruto's eyes. For all they'd talked, Naruto had never once looked like he was going to cry. This was important to him. It might be the breakthrough they needed to start repairing his mindscape. Ayumu slipped out of his chair so he could be on the boy's level, setting down his clipboard and smiling. "Let's start with what doesn't work and then we can try to figure out what does from there. How's that sound?"

Naruto's answering smile was weak, but it was there.


Minato hadn't originally planned on asking Naruto to come with him to Suna. It just seemed too risky. Anything could happen, and no matter how much he'd miss his son whilst he was gone, it simply hadn't seemed worth it. Taking a jinchuuriki out of their village was dangerous, one so young even more so. As much as he loathed the mere thought of being separated from Naruto for more than a school day's worth of hours, Kakashi had already agreed to watch him like a hawk for however long Minato was gone.

The whole thing had made Minato's head spin. He felt like he was being torn in two. The intense urge to sob his heart out had nearly won out whilst he paced outside the Yamanaka counseling office waiting for Naruto to finish his session, stress weighing heavy on his shoulders. Minato could hardly bear the thought of not being with Naruto. It made him ill to consider the week--possibly weeks-- that they might be apart.

Ultimately, it was Ayumu Yamanaka who'd nudged him the other direction. Minato hadn't seen much of a difference in Naruto since his son began talking to the man, but that wasn't saying much. Not only had it not been very long, there wasnevermuch change in Naruto in general. Which wasn't bad per se-- it just made it hard to know what the boy was thinking. He hid everything, all the good and the bad, behind big grins and sparkling eyes that were near impossible to see past they were so blinding.

Minato being swayed really all boiled down to Naruto's opinion of Ayumu. He was eager to go to therapy and thought Ayumu was smart and gave good advice. Naruto liked and trusted him, inclining Minato to do the same. His judgement as a professional that Naruto was willingly confiding in was valuable. Minato just hadn't expected this, you know?

"He's been stuck in this village his whole life. Even knowing he's your son, people are still cruel and shun him. They still glare in the streets, and whisper. He's safe from physical attacks and upfront verbal ones, but the way you look at someone can say a lot. Naruto is very observant and extremely smart. He knows what those stares mean." Ayumu had explained to him when Minato asked him what he thought he should do. "It may do him some good to get out and go to a place where no one knows him. If he's treated as a normal child by people who don't have any preconceived notions about him, it could greatly help his self image."

"Then you think I should bring him? That far?" Minato had asked anxiously, a little stunned. Ayumu had smiled a half smile. "Will you come with us?"

"I certainly can. I understand that it's dangerous for him to leave, but he will have the protection of some of Konoha's most capable ANBU, it's kage, a sannin, and anyone else who comes along. The visit is not publicized enough to worry about major, coordinated interference." Ayumu had said before hesitating, glancing at where Naruto and Kakashi were crouched looking at flowers nearby.

Ayumu continued, voice lowered once he was sure Naruto wasn't listening: "I also say this because... I know you're unsure of how long you'll be gone, but anything more than a week could be... detrimental to Naruto. Hejustgot you. I'm sure you've noticed how much he soaks up your attention. You are one of the only two people who give him affection and see him as the little boy he is. To have you gone that long could cause a lot of self-doubt and fear."

They'd gone on to talk about the threat the village posed to Naruto without Minato's protection looming over him. Kakashi was here, but he was one person. Minato could have more watch him, but there was no telling if they'd hold prejudice against his son. It had been six years and the ANBU force had changed. Troops Minato knew had died, retired, moved into the regular shinobi force, changed as people. In the end, there was nobody Minato trusted more than he trusted himself.

If Naruto came to Suna, it was a chance to see the world outside of the village that had harmed him so deeply. To escape those stares, and those whispers. The world wasn't a safe place, but they were in a time or relative peace and low risk. Minato would be there, and Kakashi, even Jiraiya. Ayumu would also be coming along, and so would a platoon of talented ANBU Black Ops. It... It could be good for him. He could meet amazing people, interact with children his own age who didn't look at him with fear and disdain.

On the other hand, they were going to deal with a tailed beast issue. How would Naruto react around another jailer? From what Minato remembered about Kushina's very, very few run ins with other jinchuuriki, she'd been... fine. Suna was an ally. Minato had faith they would be protected within its walls. Naruto didn't have to interact with the child that likely held the one tails now. If the situation was really as distressing as Minato had been led to believe, it would probably be best he kept his distance anyway.

"Do you want to come to Suna with Kakashi and I? They've asked for my help on something, and it's something only I can do." Minato pitched the idea, watching Naruto carefully for any signs of discomfort. "I don't know how long we'd be gone. If you want to stay here, Kakashi and the dogs can hang back with you too. It's your choice."

"Are you kidding? Of course I want to go. It'll make Sasuke-temesomad. And we can build a life-size sand castle." Naruto said with zero hesitation, looking up from the weapons Kakashi was organizing on the coffee table to beam at him. Minato felt himself melt a little. "Plus, I'd miss you a lot if you were gone a long time. I don't like crying or being lonely. It sucks."

Minato's heart gave a pang. As much as Naruto didn't tell them about how he was feeling, he never cut corners when hediddecide to share what was going on in his brilliant little head. He wasn't ever embarrassed or particularly shy about any of it. Just very matter-of-fact. Minato still wasn't sure how to feel about it. Was it healthy? Good? He just wanted to smother Naruto in hugs and plant dozens of kisses on his chubby little face.

"I'd keep you company." Kakashi reassured with a hum and a closed-eye smile. Naruto squinted at him in a way that forced Minato to swallow a laugh. Pakkun didn't even try to mask his bark of amusem*nt from where he was settled in Naruto's arms like a hideously deformed baby. They reallyweren'tKakashi's ninken anymore, were they?

"You're as emotionally stunted as I am and hardly count as adult supervision. We'd probably both end up crying." Naruto pointed out which... Minato hadn't thought about. Kakashi had been functioning when he got back from the dead, why had Minato assumed he'd also be fine taking care of Naruto and himself without Minato for that long? He'd never even thought to ask. "Besides, I bet it'll be totally epic and fun. Maybe we'll get to fight bad guys."

"Not if you want me to have a heart attack we won't." Minato joked, leaning down to scoop Naruto up by his armpits to hide how much the idea actually terrified him. His son laughed brightly, adjusting his grip on the pug in his arms as he was settled onto his dad's hip. Minato's heart keened painfully when he was struck by the realization that Naruto wouldn't be this small forever. "Then it's settled! We're all going on a road trip!"


Kurama has not moved once in the past several hours. He has scarcely dared to breathe. His mind has been turning a lot lately, but it is nothing compared to the way it is flopping about presently.

As an all-powerful tailed beast, he hardly knows what the concept of panicking is. Yet right now, he is almost certain that's exactly what he's doing. It's utterly pathetic for him to be caught off guard as old as he is, yet here he is. Struck so unexpectedly that he can't seem to right himself. He is lucky there is no one here to witness him in this sorry state.

This was not supposed to happen. How could Kurama allow this? The child was not old enough to be visiting him, a mere infant, practically a fetus he is still so small. Kurama's not even supposed to beawakeright now. That disgusting human kage had made sure of that when he sealed him in here! Namikaze had used the Reaper Death Seal, yet still walks amongst living men. Is that why? Kurama doesn't know. He doesn't suppose it matters. It's too late now, anyhow. The damage has been done.

That stupid blonde pest, so puny and weak and young, keeps showing up. And... ugh.Talking. It's all the retched thing does. He rolls his eyes and grins when Kurama attempts to convince him of his identity. Prattles on about the inconsequential details of his boring day, keeps forcing Kurama into conversation lest he whine in that grating, unbearably high voice of his.

Kurama insults him, seethes malevolent chakra into the sewers of this pathetic child's mind in an attempt to ward him off... and it doesn't work. It has never worked. The words bounce off of him because he's evidently 'heard worse'. The imp continues to insist that they're really not all that different, and the more Kurama hears as the boy blabbers on and on, the more he's horrified to realize that he's not as far off the mark as Kurama desperately wishes he was.

Konoha rebukes this child. The boy seldom ever mentions it and never for long when he does, but Kurama catches glimpses. Even with his infuriating father around, they continue to whisper loud enough to reach his vessel's ears. Naruto skips along, happiness mingling with undertones of other emotions: fear, sorrow, loneliness, self-doubt. Kurama should revel in it. Should taunt the boy. So why doesn't he? It's a line he always crossed with his other vessels, yet not this one.

It would be better if the kid had a thirst for revenge. Kurama could use that-- take him over entirely with sweet promises of those who hurt him, bloody on the ground. Yet the boy continues to adore his home. He is far from naive anymore, but still continues to shine like a compact, horrific ball of personified sunshine. Kurama is still bewildered by it. Children are supposed to cry when you insult them. Get scared when you bear your teeth.

This one, instead, asks millions of questions and hangs on Kurama's every word. He thanks him for his heated, sniping answers like they're a gift. He wrestled his name out of him-- when was the last time Kurama allowed anyone to address him by his name? Why had he even bothered to give it?! He had no idea how any one menace could be this overwhelmingly irritating. Naruto Uzumaki is perplexing and Kurama does notunderstandhim.

He continues to ask Kurama about himself, insisting they are 'friends' at every turn. He superfluously declares his love for him like the moronic, completeimbecilethat he is. He praises Kurama, bouncing with admiration and glee anytime he manages to wheedle the barest of details about... anything out of Kurama. About chakra, or about Kurama as a living being, about life in general, about emotion, about the sewer, about his past, about his opinion on whatever the hell pointless topic the brat was hung up on.

It wasn't right. It wasn't right at all. His jailers did notlovehim. He was a virus to them, a heartless beast, a monster. He is not valued. He is not treated as an equal, as an intelligent entity. He is not alive, neveralive, neverdeservingenough to beworthanything! This has never happened to Kurama before and for all the experience he has, he does not know what todo.

Kurama is not weak. He isnotweak, he's neverbeenweak, and he will neverbeweak. Yet when that stupid brat looks at him with those ridiculous eyes too big for his face and asks him how he's doing and if he got enough sleep, something in Kuramagives. Because this child doesn'twantanything from him. Doesn't believe that he's the fearsome nine tails for reasons Kurama will never understand. He isn't afraid of him, isn't disgusted by him. He just thinks he's good, and smart, and--

And Kurama, damn him, does not hate it. A mere six year old. Kurama is being swayed by ababy.

Now it's all coming to head. He wishes he never heard any of it. It would be much simpler if Kurama hadn't. Because for all that brainless little ape blathered on about friendship and loving him, it isdifferentwhen he is saying it out in the real world, to another human being, open and honest. With those pitiable eyes full of tears and his emotions all fragile and squishy around the edges. Genuine. Real.

I really do love Kurama though, you know?

He's telling thetruth. The realization makes Kurama feel sick, and suddenly he feels awful. Like he has somehow deceived and tricked this... thing. Which is stupid because Kurama should love to deceive and trick the child. But this is so viscerally wrong that Kurama's entire body ripples with unease. The child is attached to him. There is a child that has gotten attached to him, and in a remarkably short period of time.

He thinks they're friends. He loves him, actually feels warmth and blinding fondness for theKyuubi. Naruto goes into that useless therapists office trying to fix his mind for Kurama's sake instead of his own, because he thinks he deserves much better than a cage. Becauseif Naruto gets a home, why doesn't Kurama have a home? 'It's not fair' the brat says.Fair. ToKurama.

What's worse is that Kuramawantsto say with certainty that things would change if the stupid kid would just realize he wasn't lying about being the Kyuubi. That those obnoxiously bright grins would turn to sneers. But after talking to the kid and listening to him, he simply doesn't know. Hell, the kid takes things as they come so well he might just shrug it off and continue bouncing around like the cretin he is.

Kurama doesn't want to relate to the human stain. Kurama is a fearsome demon. Naruto is a pathetic, mortal child. Yet--

But he treated me like he'd treat any human, and he helped me.

Kurama cannotbreathe.

"K...K-Kurama?" That damning voice squeaks out, and Kurama almost thinks he's imagined it until his head swivels around. His entire body is tense, his hackles raised as the boy wrings his hands nervously. The boy's looking at him with a creased brow, eyes full of misplaced worry. Kurama can't stand it. Emotions conflict in his chest violently, clashing hard enough to send tremors through him. Why is this happening to him? "Are you... Are you okay?"

"I amfine."Kurama snaps out. As usual, the boy doesn't flinch. In fact, he only looks more concerned. Kurama's eyes track him as he hesitantly steps closer to the cage. Not within swiping distance, but close enough that Kurama might be able to get his chakra to him before he could back up."Leave me alone, runt."

"But you're crying." Naruto says in a small voice, not at all mocking. Kurama feels himself still, disbelief shooting through him. He does not dare blink, snout still pressed against a gap in the bars. His entire muzzle is too wide to entirely fit between them, but his nostrils flare and send breath ruffling the boy's hair and pajamas. It only agitates him further when the boy shows no fear.

Kurama knows he's intimidating. He's any human's worst nightmare. Gargantuan, barbaric, destructive. Capable of wiping out entire villages in a matter of hours. He is pure chakra, a being too viscous to tame. When he is angry, it is easy to forget he was originally made to create peace and balance amongst the nations. Worse, when he looks at the boy, it is nearly impossible to feel truly mad anymore. The boy's persistence should not have worked on Kurama the way it so clearly has. He does not know what to do about it.

"I am not."Kurama says decisively, and he is horrified when his voice warbles. Even more so when the brat approaches further, steps tentative and eyes round like a baby deer's. They're blue, a direct clash with Kurama's red. This is not supposed to happen. This is not right at all."I am NOT."

"Okay." Naruto agrees readily, and he's rightthere. So close Kurama could probably open his mouth and suck him in if he inhaled hard enough. Could swipe out a paw and scoop him up. Dig his claws into him and take over. The destruction of the leaf village is within reach. Kurama watches the shrimp down the length of his snout, not crying at all because he does not do that. He watches the boy peer up at him with a frown before determination seems to take over and he throws his embarrassingly twig-like arms over Kurama's dry nose.

He's hugging him. The brat is right in front of him,hugginghisnose. He's like a flea clinging on, so small his arms don't even span the length of it. It's pathetic. Kurama should eat him for daring to have the nerve to approach him. It would be terribly easy to do so, and then he'd be able to break free just as he's supposed to be. Kurama is fearsome and this insolent fool is somehow dense enough to think they arefriends.

He's brainless. Kurama takes a moment to comprehend the reality of the situation. What had Kurama done to earn this level of trust? Because that's all this can be. The boy holds him in high regard, believes for some inane reason that Kurama will not hurt him. Kurama doesn't know how he got on such a pedestal. In his several centuries of life, few have held the absurd notion that he will not murder them the first chance he gets.

Kurama stares for a moment and does not breathe. The child smells of human things he almost can't place-- ramen noodles, dogs, rosemary herbs. He's warm and presses his cheek against Kurama's nose, looking like he's been waiting for this moment his whole entire life. He looks happy through his worry, rubbing the side of his face against Kurama's nose like he's trying to comfort him. Kurama doesn't know why it hurts, but he's self-aware enough to feel something in him cracking.

Kurama closes his eyes and does not open his mouth, or swipe out with his claws, or flood the child with his chakra. And he does not knowwhy. He feels the tears now that he's finally shut his eyes, and his heart shrieks. The part of him that feels is raw, unsure of how to feel anything but angry. Kurama doesn't cry. Only he clearly does if it's happening right now. Nothing is how it's meant to be.

"I love you, Kurama." Naruto promises fiercely. Kurama does not think anyone has ever hugged him before. "I know you don't like me, but you're my best friend. I-I'm sorry you're stuck in a cage. I'm sorry it smells bad, a-and is dark, and I promise I'm gonna fix it. Ipromise. I-I'll put all your favorite things so you don't have to be sad anymore. I'm sorry they trapped you, a-and called you names, and that people were cruel to you too. I'm sorry you're hurt. I'm sorry."

Kurama has never been apologized to before. Not like this. It should be meaningless; it's coming from someone too young to have any clue what they're talking about. Yet Kurama still feels a part of him begin to warm back up-- a part he tucked away as deep as he could put it. Kurama hates it but he can't stop it. He can only watch in horror as it thrums back to life. It feels like it's washing through him. Kurama had forgotten the sensation entirely.

Kurama breathes in, deep and long, and exhales slow. No one has to know he did not eat the boy. He will get close again. Kurama will have plenty of chances. The boy's body is so weak and meager that it would probably break if Kurama tried to take it over now, which would defeat the purpose of possessing him. He is immortal. He has all the time in the world to plot.

Naruto hugs him for a long, long time. Until Kurama has settled and breathes evenly. Kurama doesn't open his eyes until the boy has slipped off his nose and backed up again, back into the murky water. Not until he hears the boy make a surprised sort of sound, a joyful gasp seemed to escape him almost against his will. Kurama refuses to be embarrassed as he imperiously cracks his eyes open and gazes at what could possibly cause such a reaction.

He blinks and raises his head a little. His head feels like mush and he is tired, though he will never admit it. Naruto is crouched down in front of... yes, that's a flower. There is a flower growing out of the water.

Naruto turns and beams at him. Kurama ignores him, laying his head down on his paws and pretending his heart isn't racing. Naruto does not mention him crying. Kurama likely would've lost it if he had. He simply launches into a retelling of his day, excitedly asking if Kurama knows anything about Suna and not minding when he doesn't deign to answer. He talks about the academy, about his dad, about a cool bug he saw, about this new jutsu he learned, enthuses about their new flower. Itmustbe a daisy, Naruto crows out excitedly. The boy is too far to reach now.

Kurama listens. He does not stop staring at the flower even once.

Chapter 20: Journey


Idk people are going places, Kurama's still kind of a dick,

Chapter Text

Third person pov

Naruto doesn't tell Mr. Yamanaka about Kurama crying. He doesn't tellanyoneabout Kurama crying, because he knows that would be a step too far. If he were to cry in a vulnerable situation, he knows he wouldn't appreciate it being spread around to strangers. Especially if he were someone like Kurama, who put on a rough exterior to try and seem aloof to things likeemotionandsentiment.

Because he was keeping the crying under wraps, it also meant he had to keep the progress of their hug to himself too. If people knew Kurama had allowed Naruto to hug him without trying to eat him-- or whatever large, grumpy rats in cages did-- they'd want to know why Naruto had hugged him in the first place.

Naruto could always lie about the reasons, of course. It just didn't feel particularly right to, especially since he was supposed to be as honest as possible in therapy. Therefore, it was his call to omit the details. Besides, he didn't think Kurama would really want people to know he'd allowed himself to be hugged either. It totally went against his whole though-guy image.

The one thing he did share, however, was the presence of their new flower. A mark of real progress that Naruto honestly hadn't thought he'd be seeing anytime soon. He'd told the doggies first upon rolling out of bed, since they were all sprawled about his bed and on the floor asleep. They'd been overjoyed to hear the news.

His dad had picked him up and spun him in a big, exuberant circle when Naruto had launched out of his room to make the announcement, nearly bowling him over in the hall in the process. Minato had nearly cried, he'd been so happy. Kakashi had grinned and lifted him up on his shoulder, and they'd spent the morning drawing fields made up of the same type of daisy that Naruto had seen grow in his mindscape, with the occasional guest appearance of a fruit tree or two. Kurama would need things to snack on, after all.

"I don't feel any different about myself." Naruto said contemplatively. Ayumu was sat next to him on a nearby bench whilst they watched the platoon of jonin and various ANBU who'd be accompanying them to Suna rush about with supplies, trying to get everything organized before they departed. "I know it's only a single flower, but you'd think I'd have noticed at leastsomethinghaving changed."

Honestly, Naruto had a theory that the flower wasn't actuallyhis, but Kurama's instead. That when he'd overheard Naruto talking to Ayumu, maybe a part of him had believed what Naruto said. Maybe he'd really taken it to heart, because it was being said out loud in the real world, and maybe he'd finally let some of the words sink in instead of him just allowing them to roll off his back when Naruto hugged him.

"Even if you don't immediately notice a difference, that doesn't mean no progress was made. This is only the beginning, Naruto. Now that it's started, I'm sure it's only a matter of time before the rest of your flower field follows." Ayumu smiled at him encouragingly. He was dressed in his jonin vest rather than the more casual clothing he normally wore in the office during their meetings, headband wrapped around his forehead.

"I guess you're right. I wish there was a way to make even more grow, even faster." Naruto pouted, kicking his feet out slightly. He rested his hand on Pakkun's head, the pug asleep in his lap. "Kurama deserves the best, you know? I think we're really getting closer! At least, I hope we are. He'ssocool, believe it!"

"I believe it, Naruto. He sounds like a good friend." Ayumu agreed genuinely, and Naruto felt a pleased sort of flame light in his chest. He liked it when other people said good things about Kurama. Kurama totally deserved it. If he'd really been shunned his whole life, called a monster, and locked away-- well, that was the worst thing in the world. Naruto knew first hand how sad and bitter that could make a person.

Naruto watched, excitement curling in the pit of his stomach as everyone rushed about. They were bringing a cart of supplies so that they wouldn't have to rely on Suna to provide anything for them when they got there. Apparently their alliance was 'definitely not doing as great as it maybe should be' according to his dad. Naruto had no idea what that exactly meant, but it probably wasn't good.

"Naruto!" Minato called. Naruto blinked rapidly as his father appeared in a (badass, really cool, amazing) flash of yellow right before his very eyes. Ayumu jumped slightly as the man bent down to lift his son up, beaming brightly at him as he did so. Naruto tightened his grip on Pakkun, grinning past his surprise at the sudden contact. "You ready to go?"

"Believe it!" Naruto crowed before he hesitated, eyes sliding past his father to the white-haired man loitering on the outskirts of the group. "Um. But you do know that stalker dude is like, totally here, right? I still think we should get a restraining order against him. Or atleastfind out where he lives so we can blow his house up. That'll send a message. We can even blame it on that one Danzo dude, since he's apparently a terrorist already."

"Jiraiya doesn't have a house in Konoha." Minato responded immediately, more on reflex than anything. Ayumu slowly pulled his clipboard out to write something down, but Minato thought Naruto's plotting was very clever and adorable! Especially since Danzo deserved it. And honestly, so did Jiraiya. "He's unfortunately going to be coming with us. If he bothers you at all, tell Kakashi or I right away and let us handle it. He's not dangerous-- just a little annoying is all."

"So he's ahomelessstalker. Do you know how much worse that is?" Naruto complained as Minato swung the boy onto his hip. Naruto adjusted his hold on Pakkun to make sure the pug was at maximum comfort. "Homeless stalkers don't have anything to lose. I would know. Some of them seemed to think I was the reason they were homeless-- crazy, right? Luckily, they were all sort of starved and not as fast as I am, so I was able to outmaneuver their shanks for the most part. It's the projectiles you have toreallylook out for, though."

Minato gave Naruto a horrified look. Ayumu began to write faster.

"Every word out of your mouth is another grey fur in my pristine coat." Pakkun noted in a desolate tone as they approached the group, who seemed to finally have finished their preparation. Everyone shifted, eager to get going and smugly thrilled to be accompanying the Fourth on his first excursion out of the village since his return. It was a high honor. "I'm not sure if I want you to stop talking or not, pup."

"By all means. Tell us more." Ayumu murmured distractedly, seemingly having moved onto a bulleted list of some kind. Minato could feel the dredges of his sanity slipping down the drain and held Naruto close, planting a firm kiss on the side of his son's head and deciding he wasn't going to put him down for at least three hours. The boy seemed largely unconcerned by his own claims. He wondered if the his son could hear how close his father's heart was to giving out.

"If he says anything else, everyone is going to see me cry and I'll lose what little respect I still have here." Minato said in all seriousness. Kakashi gave him an odd look at the lack of context. "And Jiraiya is-- well, I suppose he'stechnicallyhomeless, but he's not someone you need to worry about. He's just... someone who let me down is all."

Naruto look skeptical but didn't say anything more on the matter. He did shoot Jiraiya some nasty looks over his father's shoulder, pointing two fingers at his own eyes and then thrusting them his direction in the universal 'I'm watching you' sign. The sannin looked sufficiently weirded out and startled. Naruto would take what he could get. A boy of his short stature had to work with what he had.

The looming gates of Konoha opened with a mighty creak that sent Naruto's heart thumping faster than a jack rabbit's foot. He couldn't stop his eyes from growing at the sight of the long road outside, the trees lining either side of the wide dirt path. He'd never been outside the village before, and just seeing the entrance open sent something in him spinning with both apprehension and exuberance.

Naruto loved his home. The people in it hadn't treated him well and that's something he'd never be able to forget, even if he'd already deemed to forgive them, but he was born here nonetheless and it was all he'd ever known. Knowing how much more was out there beyond the walls was a lot different than actually seeing it. The idea that there could be places out there-- entire villages-- where no one knew or hated him... it was hard to wrap his head around, even if he logically knew it was true.

Everyone seemed to collectively hold their breath as they stepped past Konoha's main threshold, like they expected something to go wrong the moment they stepped foot out of the village with their Jinchuriki. The clueless Suna representative clearly had no idea why they were being so apprehensive, glancing back at them with raised brows as they awkwardly inched their way out. Minato held his son close, staying vigilant all the while. Kakashi's ninken sniffed at the air, ears pricked.

There was a moment of stillness, and then... nothing. Nothing happened. Naruto looked around curiously. It didn't look any different than the forests inside Konoha, yet it was unfamiliar all the same. Minato nodded to his men, sharing a look with Kakashi. The silver haired ANBU was coming along as a regular jonin this time around, mostly for Naruto's ease and comfort. Not that they'd told the blonde little boy that.

"Well." Minato blew out a breath of air and gave a lopsided grin, pointedly not looking Jiraiya's way. "I don't guess we'll make it to Suna standing around waiting for something bad to happen. Let's do this, everyone!"

"Yes, Hokage-sama!"

It was a lot of running, but Naruto didn't really mind all that much. It made it less monotonous, and he had his dad and Kashi to chat with. Pakkun too, but he slept for the most part, giving only the occasional grumbled comments. Ayumu was there too, and Naruto made sure to include him so he wouldn't feel left out. Narutohatedfeeling left out, and Mr. Yamanaka was definitely his friend, even if he was also his therapist at the same time.

It normally took ninja two days to get from Konoha to Suna, but they were estimating it would take three for them due to their cart of supplies and plans not to run the entire time. The first break they took to walk allowed Naruto to stretch his legs and get some of his pent up energy out. It also gave Minato's arms a break-- though, he'd hold Naruto forever if his son would let him.

"It already looks different! There are so many different plants, and I don't even know which ones are too poisonous to eat or not anymore!" Naruto gushed excitedly, earning a concerned glance from Kakashi, who had taken to tailing him whilst Minato chatted with some of the ANBU about formation. Off to the right, a group of jonin were already getting lunch started. "This one has really shiny leaves though, so it'll probably make you sick if you eat it."

"Did you try eating random plants often when you found yourself hungry, Naruto?" Ayumu asked, hovering with a disarming smile. Naruto squinted, feeling oddly psychoanalyzed. Which he knew was kind of the point, but it was still a little weird to have it happening out in like... the wild. Outside the office.

"I mean. Not that often." Naruto allowed, which was...technicallytrue. "I'm great at finding food."

"Say anything else and I think the guilt will eat me alive, little man." Kakashi hummed, reaching down to pat his head. Naruto allowed it to happen, reaching up to grab the masked man's hand and hold it right after. So he would feel better, of course. "You'll never have to worry about food ever again with us around. I think your dad even made sure to have ramen be our lunch today. They're boiling the water now."

"Believe it." Naruto breathed out, stomach already rumbling. He wondered if Kurama liked ramen or not. Ayumu gave Kakashi a contemplative look.

"...Do you feel guilty about things that weren't your fault often, Hatake-san?" Ayumu asked after a moment. Pakkun let out a bark of laughter. Kakashi stared at the therapist for a beat before spinning on his heel and beginning to lead Naruto towards where they were already beginning to serve ramen cups out to the group. "How regularly do you take on responsibilities that were never yours to worry about to begin with? Hatake-san? Hatake-san!"

Kakashi walked faster. Naruto squeezed his hand in solidarity. Ayumu was a littletoogood at his job sometimes.

Minato watched Naruto fondly, cooing over everything he did. How could a singular child possibly be so cute? Even when he was just breathing, he was perfect in every conceivable way. He knew his jonin were sharing amused looks at his expense but he couldn't bring himself to care, smiling dotingly as Naruto tore his way through six ramen cups all on his own, stopping only occasionally to slip Pakkun and the other ninken a few pieces of pork. Kakashi pretended not to see, smiling beneath his mask.

Naruto was clearly having fun, bouncing about but obediently never straying far from where his dad was stationed in the formation. He was bright and sociable, a ball of energy that Ayumu seemed to take great interest in observing. He'd never gotten to really see Naruto in his natural state, after all. He was taking a lot of notes, seeming a bit astonished to find that Naruto reallydidsmile and act cheerful a majority of the time.

It was lighthearted, and Naruto made what was usually a grueling journey fun and an experience Minato was going to cherish for the rest of his life. Not even Jiraiya existing on the outer dredges of their little group, watching but never approaching, could bring Minato down. Not when Naruto was so interested in everything, so cheerful and eager to ask his father and everyone else questions about anything that crossed his mind.

"Is the food different there?" Naruto asked, leaning as far left in his father's arms as he could to better talk to the Suna representative whilst they ran. The man looked pleased to have a youth so curious about his home, but also a little terrified. This was the Fourth Hokage's only child, after all. Just having the kid breathe in his direction was enough to have him sweating. "How do you even get food, if it's all sand? Wouldn't farming be really hard?"

Suna sounded really cool, but Naruto needed to know what to expect in all aspects of the place just in case. He knew Konoha and how it worked like the back of his hand. This? This was new territory, and as raring as he was to get there and go, Naruto couldn't deny the nerves climbing up the back of his throat that told him he needed to be readyjust in case. His ever-present edge felt sharper, even with his father, Kashi, and the doggies here to protect him.

"Most of our food is imported from outside the village. A great majority of it from the Land of Fire, in fact. Suna specializes in pottery, basket weaving, and textile creation. We trade product for product, often times dishes, blankets, and clothing." He informed the boy, who soaked up the information like a sponge. "We also manufacture construction material on a smaller scale, though that mostly gets used in the village to create new homes and businesses."

"I wonder if any ofourdishes are from Suna." Naruto murmured wondrously. Minato grinned adoringly down at him. The Suna representative could almost see sparkles flying around the man. "I sort of hope not, because I accidentally dropped and broke one the other day. If someone took the time to make that by hand then I'ddefinitelyfeel bad."

"You didn't drop it. You threw it." Pakkun noted. And then, after a moment of thought, "At Jiraiya, actually. I think it hit him too."

"Of course it hit him." Naruto gave the pug an offended look. "I haveexcellentaim. Just ask Sasuke-teme. I nailed him in the back of his ugly head with a rock hard enough to cause further damage to... whatever's going on up there. Believe it. I still can't believe his mom lets him leave the house with hair like that. Fugaku-san sort of has a mullet thing going on though, so I guess I shouldn't be surprised."

Kakashi swallowed his laughter, turning his head away. Minato glanced up and tried to smother his smile. They had to begoodinfluences. That meant not condoning throwing plates at people, no matter how much they disliked them. Though, one could argue Jiraiya deserved it if he was going to be creepy and linger outside their house like that was actually going to solve anything.

They set up camp as it neared sundown, and Naruto happily munched on the provided sandwiches as Kakashi and Minato got into a physical fight with their tent. They were all going to share one in the center. Minato wouldn't normally position himself in the most protected part of camp, but with Naruto along for the ride he wasn't willing to take any risks. He was his first priority, always.

The tent was cozy and the fit was snug, but it wasn't the smallest Kakashi and Minato had been forced to share with others either. The little boy fit between them perfectly, content to roll over into his father's space to give Kakashi more room. The dogs all laid themselves outside, surrounding the tent lazily and dozing off almost as soon as they laid down. Everyone was tired from their day of travel.

"Well, nobody tried to kill us. I'd count that as a win." Kakashi hummed, hands cushioned behind his head.

"That's a pretty low bar." Minato mused as Naruto wriggled, trying to get comfortable. Pakkun was sprawled out at his side, as Naruto absolutely refused to sleep without him anymore. Kakashi was past feeling betrayed. There was no point. "But you're right. It was a good day. I think Naruto had fun, too."

"My favorite part was where Mr. Yamanaka called Kashi out on his feelings and cornered him into answering a bunch of questions he didn't want to." Naruto announced boldly, shying into his father's side when Kakashi made to lightly swat at him. "I can't wait to tell Kurama about it. He'll be proud at you for being vulnerable."

Minato's laughter was loud enough that the entire camp heard it. Kakashi swat at him too.

"I could not give any less of a sh*t than I already do about your mutt man's progress in talking about his 'feelings'."Kurama sneered. He was laying down longways in his cage today, his tail stuck out between the bars. Naruto had no idea why it was so furry if he was a rat, but Kurama's ears were also a little long, so who knows.

Currently, the creature was pretending he didn't notice that Naruto had climbed on top of it and snuggled into the fur. Honestly, it was good it wasn't hairless. It was far more comfortable this way, fluffy and surprisingly silky. Naruto had been uncertain at first, but now he felt boneless and warmer than he ever had in the cold depths of his mindscape.

It had been a bit of a risky decision when he woke up in their shared sewer to find it sticking out in all its gargantuan length, but he'd quickly come to the conclusion that Kurama secretly wanted him to approach and give him affection. Seeing as he'd hardly twitched when Naruto climbed his way onto it and sunk into the softness, luring him to it had clearly been the plan all along. Naruto was fine with that. It meant he didn't have to stand the whole time,andhe got to hug his friend.

It was honestly a bit of a surprise. Not even a bit of a surprise-- alotof a surprise. It had been a few days since the crying incident and Kurama had been relatively normal ever since, if not a little more snappish. Their flower had grown little leaves though, so Naruto knew he couldn't possibly be mad for real. To find himself here on his friend's tail was only further proof of that.

"I'm not going to tell him you said that. I already promised him you'd be proud of him." Naruto responded, digging his hands into the fur. It was the most comfortable thing he'd ever laid on. Kurama radiated heat like a furnace too, successfully turning him to jelly. "I'm excited to go to Suna, though. Do you like the desert?"

"No. I don't like anything."Kurama's tone was flat. He had his massive head resting on his paws, his eyes shut. He'd refrained from looking at Naruto ever since the boy had climbed on him, likely so he could have plausible deniability if this ever got brought up again. Then he'd be able to argue that he didn't even know he was there, he was so 'puny' and 'flea-like'."Least of all you."

"If you don't like anything, that means you don't like killing people and destroying lives! Which you totally said were your favorite past-time, believe it!" Naruto exclaimed brightly, lifting his head to beam properly at him. Kurama didn't spare him a glance, though his ears did twitch irritably. "Iknewyou were a good person."

Kurama let out a loud huff of air through his nose, but the lack of immediate denial was practically enough to send Naruto shooting to his feet and bouncing off the nonexistent walls. Kurama was definitely in a good mood today. Which was great, because Naruto wasalsoin a great mood! It meant they could be in great moods together! Naruto thought that made everything atleastten times better.

"I'm not aperson, you impudent brat. I am the great Nine Tailed Fox."Kurama grumbled without heat. He'd sort of given up his passion for the whole nine tailed fox thing. Naruto squinted into the darkness of his cage in search of the other eight supposed tails but saw no evidence that they were there. Definitely suspicious."You are a mere worm in my presence. An ant, really. Not even one of the ones that bites."

"Argentine ants are sort of badass. They systematically murder other ant colonies, even ones with bigger stingers, with their massive numbers." Naruto noted, which was oddly the thing that made Kurama crack an eye open to glance at him. It was a rather nasty look. And a bit of a confused one, actually. Naruto took any new emotion as a success.

"Your shallow reservoir of knowledge is pathetic. There are things you should actually know that you're too incompetent to learn, and yet you hold onto useless facts such as this."Kurama closed his eyes again."You knownothinguseful. How such a thing is possible astounds me. It's a miracle you know how to breathe properly."

"I know how to hide a body. I've never done it before, but I definitely could if I wanted to. Trust me." Naruto informed helpfully. Kurama opened his eye again, seemingly affronted. Naruto felt his chest warm at the sight of his irritated companion, and he smiled perhaps a little too sappily for the creature's comfort. "You're the best friend ever, Kurama. Believe it."

He was immediately flicked off his friend's tail, but it was definitely worth it. Naruto caught himself on the water with his chakra, laughing all the way. And for all Kurama's huffing and puffing over his 'misplaced sentimentalities' and 'idiotic ramblings', Naruto didn't think the rat looked as annoyed as he was pretending to be to begin with.

Chapter 21: The Nine Tailed Fox


They arrive in Suna, the Kazekage sucks, and Naruto has an epiphany.

Chapter Text

Third person pov

Their trip to Suna went on without a hitch. Naruto remained energetic throughout all of it, and he systematically charmed every single member of their platoon. Minato thought it was adorable, and Kakashi found the whole thing hilarious. It was hard to resist a child as cute and radiant as Naruto was. He had a natural charisma to him that most his age couldn't pull off. And hell if Naruto didn't know how to use his.

Ayumu learned a lot about Naruto through observing him. It only convinced him even further of how unusual a case Naruto's was. The boy hadn't retreated defensively into himself despite how many times he'd been hurt as most youth in his position likely would. He was open, and bright, and seemed to roll over his hardships instead of letting them hit him head on.

Children tended to be more resilient than adults, but Naruto was unlike anything Ayumu had ever seen before. He was honest to a nearly brutal extent, but kinder and more analytical than any kid Ayumu had ever worked with before. He was more in-tune with his own emotions than you'd expect someone his age to be as well, which was the last thing Ayumu had expected to see in Naruto's case, especially considering how isolated he'd been up until his father showed up.

The blonde's ability to connect and empathize with others was something to truly awe at. Naruto had a genuine interest in others, and a genuine talent for putting himself in their shoes. He could meet someone and immediately begin to resonate with them. It was a rare skill.

Ayumu thought maybethatwas the real problem here, however. Naruto had been abused both verbally and physically his whole life, and in trying to see from other people's perspectives to better understand them, he'd unintentionally adopted their views of him. He was struggling not to look at himself through the eyes of those who hated him after having done so for so many years. Detaching oneself like that didn't happen over night.

It was tragic, but Ayumu was fairly certain that was the case. The good thing was that Naruto could bounce back from this. In surrounding himself with people who didn't look at him with vitriol, eventually he was bound to start discovering their positive emotions and comprehending their ways of thinking, and hopefully he'd begin to see himself as they did once it all clicked as a result.

"I have sand in places I didn't even know existed!" Naruto cheerfully announced as they marched into Suna. Minato laughed a little, and Kakashi ruffled the blonde boy's hair. As if to prove a point, a cloud of sand puffed up when he did. "The houses here look like big pots!"

Suna's rounded architecture was to prevent sand build up. There were no hard corners or angles if it could be helped. Even if the village was fairly protected from sand storms thanks to the massive walls surrounding it, that didn't stop breezes from naturally blowing the loose sediment through the streets. The last thing they needed were houses being buried for being too angular.

"Pretty cool, right?" Minato grinned, his hand curled around his son's. The boy had insisted on walking himself despite the sand. If Ayumu didn't know any better, he'd say the boy was using chakra to keep himself from sinking, but surely that wasn't the case. Naruto was still pretty small. He was probably just too light. "All the buildings here look somewhat like this. You'll see very few square structures."

"I guess that makes sense. They kind of remind me of beehives!" Naruto chirped out, observing the odd windows as they headed for the Kage building. There were all sorts of people gathered up along the sides of the streets, watching them curiously. Whispers ran rampant, eyes following Minato's figure. Naruto waved happily at them as they passed. "Do you think they're staring because we're dressed weird?"

It wasn't that they were dressed particularly oddly, but the clothing here was specially tailored to protect from the sun and keep sand off the wearer. Headwraps and flowy, long clothing, airy but with optimal coverage. The people here sported healthy tans and lighter hair than you might expect to see most commonly in the Leaf.

"I think they're staring because your dad, uh..." Kakashi paused for a moment, seeming to ruminate over his answer. Minato looked supremely unimpressed as the masked man floundered. "He was... gone for a while, and now he's back. So they're a little shocked."

"You can say dead. I'm six, not an invalid." Naruto pointed out. "I mean, I guess I get it. It's not everyday you die fighting the nine tailed fox and then come back six years la--"

Naruto stopped suddenly, squinting.Wait a f*cking second.

His dad was the Fourth Hokage, which yeah, Naruto obviously knew that. The Fourth Hokage had died defeating the Nine Tailed Fox. They'd learned all about it in history class, several times in fact, and far before his dad was ever back. The Kyuubi was the last of nine chakra beasts. Most hidden villages had one of these chakra beings to inspire 'balance' or whatever weird hippie crap Iruka-Sensei liked to blabber on about.

Tailed beasts couldn't be killed, so they were sealed. If they couldn't be killed... then what had happened to the Nine Tails? Because Naruto isprettysure he'd remember seeing it like, hanging around. He'd probably have heard rumors about it at the very least. About it eating people, or destroying villages, or setting things on fire.

So if the Kyuubi wasn't free, it obviously had to be sealed up somewhere. But where could his dad have sealed it in the heat of battle? The fight had happened on Naruto's birthday. As in, the day he was born. He knew because there was always a festival to celebrate the defeat of the Nine Tails on the day. Surely his dad couldn't have just sealed it into any old object.

Abruptly, Naruto flashes back to the dozens of times Kurama has insisted that heis, in fact, the Nine Tailed Fox. Feral chakra beast and demon, feared by The Land of Fire and all the nations beyond it. Thinks about how Kurama insists destroying things is his favorite hobby. Thinks about how he hates the Uchiha Clan and humans, and about how they locked him away for being a monster.

Naruto thinks of the piece of paper that holds Kurama's cage shut, so flimsy looking at first glance, but apparently enough to hold the doors shut. He thinks of the swirl on it. Damn. Maybe Narutoisan invalid.

Pursing his lips, he slowly turned to look down at his own stomach, suddenly suspicious. This is either a very large coincidence or Naruto is very, very wrong. He has a gut feeling it may be the latter, which is...awkward. Maybe he should just pretend not to know to save himself the embarrassment?

He'll investigate his options later. Ayumu has been telling him to take things a step at a time and to not stress out. It's not like Kurama is suddenly a chakra beast or something. If he is one, then he's obviously been one this whole time, so nothing has changed. Thus: he can totally agonize over it later, when he's not taking in all the new sights and sounds and smells of Suna.

"You okay, Naruto?" Kakashi asked when he noticed the little boy squinting, his expression twisted. Naruto gave noncommittal hum. Kakashi and Minato exchanged mildly concerned looks.

"Having an existential crisis, but it's okay! I can continue it later." Naruto looked up after taking a breath, grin bright. He gave his father's hand an insistent tug. "Now lets go! I wanna heavily compare this kage dude to you and then judge him when he doesn't measure up, believe it!"


Suna's dry air has a perpetually gritty quality to it, hot and stagnant. It's a vast difference from the thick, sticky humidity Naruto had grown to expect from Konoha's hotter days. It's not so bad once you get used to it, but Naruto's always been pretty adaptable in regards to the surrounding environment. It's a good thing, too-- who knows how long they'll be staying here.

The creepy old stalker guy with red stripes trailing down from his eyes lingers at the back of their little group, looking like a kicked puppy. Naruto is pretty sure he deserves it, even if he doesn't have the exact details of why. His dad is too nice to be mean to others without a solid reason. He gives as good as he gets, same as Naruto

Suna's Kage office is in the center of the village, and it's... well. It's a ball. It looks kind of really stupid, but Naruto doesn't want to accidentally offend anyone's delicate sensibilities so he keeps the comment to himself for the time being.

He can tell Kurama about it later, and he'll surely agree. He loves to rag on stupid looking stuff. Which is great, since he finds most things to be stupid looking. That means Naruto can complain about whatever he wants and find solidarity! Probably not healthy to feed into Kurama's negativity, but you know. Details.

"Why's the old guy have to come in with us?" Naruto asked, eyeing the white-haired man with disdain, now perched in his father's arms. He was going to meet with the Kazekage, since he counted as an 'esteemed guest', which sounded fancy and not at all befitting of him. Kakashi was coming too just on the basis that he's a badass. Why the Pervert gets to tag along, though-- Naruto's at a loss there. "Can't we just invite Ayumu? He can psychoanalyze and other therapy stuff."

Minato looked like he'd sucked a lemon, but Naruto could see the agreement flashing in his father's eyes. He gave him a consoling half-hug, leaning into his chest like Pakkun did for him. Did this make Naruto an emotional support animal? Has he been brought along to improve morale? Maybe he's fine with that. His dad looks more relaxed already.

"Sorry, Naruto. Unfortunately, Jiraiya has a very particular set of skills that are needed here." Kakashi said placatingly. Minato pursed his lips but didn't say anything, nodding stiffly instead. "He and your father are two of the only seal masters in the world."

Naruto brain did a full stop at that, even though he'd heard it mentioned before. He just hadn't thought about it until it was being brought up again. This was practically stone cold proof that his dad had been the one to seal the Nine Tails after its defeat, which had beenpresumed, but now it was confirmed.

This is also proof that Kurama probably doesn't have identity issues. Yikes. Not the point right now-- why doesSunaneed seal masters of that caliber? The obvious deduction is that they need something sealed. What if... What if they have a tailed beast of their own? One that they f*cked up trying to seal themselves?

Someone give Naruto a private investigator's license. He's great at this. The tailed beasts create balance and the core hidden villages all have one, as he'd thought on before. Well news-f*cking-flash, Suna is definitely one of the main ninja hovels scattered about the great nations. Give the boy a cookie, because he's cracked the case. There's totally another tailed beast here! And it's probably exactly why they're here!

That means one of Kurama's siblings is around, right? Kurama doesn't really talk about his family. Naruto knows he has them. He hadn't known they were like, real, but you know. He'd also assumed Kurama was a rat. Wow, was that stuff reallynotpee? Never mind, he couldn't afford to get distracted right now, no matter how juicy all these realizations were. There might be someone like him here!

But... if there's someone like him, what if they're... you know. Being treated badly. Because the Leaf absolutelydespisesNaruto. Clearly everyone else is in the loop about the fox thing, which makes literally so much more sense than just assuming they hated him for existing. He'd thought maybe they were offended over his love of the color orange originally, but Sakura's fashion sense is like, ten times worse than his is and nobody throws sh*t at her.

They could have the tailed beast in an object that's just not strong enough to hold it, or their current seals could be breaking, or any number of things. Just because one is here doesn't automatically mean it's in a person. Just... what if it is? Or-- Or what if it's not, and it's stuck in some dusty cage somewhere with no friends, alone?

If there's someone like him here, he has to make sure they're okay! What if they're being abused? What if they don't have an Ayumu to tell them they're worth at least two mini goats and a sizable plot of land?! Well-- okay, Ayumu hadn't said thatspecifically, but it felt really implied.

And even if the tailed beast's not in a person, he'd want to check on them either way. One must be here, and Naruto's going to find it no matter where it is or who it's in. A tall order for someone as short as himself, but Naruto thinks he can pull it off. He deals with Sasuke's imbecilic tendencies day in and day out, after all. How much harder can this be compared to that?

"Don't worry, Naruto. After this we won't have to see Jiraiya ever again." Minato reassured, pressing a kiss to the top of Naruto's head and drawing the boy from his train of thought, blissfully unaware of the scheming going on right beneath his nose. He shot the white-haired man a nasty look, adjusting his grip on his son almost defensively. "You don't have to talk to him at all, and after all this is over, he'll leave for good."

So Jiraiya was his name. Naruto sized him up, not for the first time. He looked regretful, but regretful enough? Who's to say. Not Naruto considering he's got absolutely no idea what the hell the guy did, but you know. His dad's a pretty capable dude, and Kakashi doesn't seem like the type to hold any serious grudges. Just petty ones.

Not Naruto's problem. He's got a new mission now: find the tailed beast holder of this place so they can compare notes and be best friends forever, OR find the object it's in and... be best friends forever also? Naruto has no friends aside from the doggies and Kurama. Sasuke doesn't count because he's f*cking stupid, and Kashi's more like a brother or uncle than anything. Ayumu's sort of a friend too, but he's being paid so he loses points.

"Sweet. Probably." Naruto decided, because if theyarebullying Jiraiya unjustly he's gotta cover his bases. Plausible deniability. Jiraiya silently shuffled his feet, looking like he wanted to say something but knowing he shouldn't. "After this can we go get ramen for dinner? I'm starving."

"Of course, Naruto." Minato cracked a fond grin as the door swung open, the ambassador who'd traveled to get them in the first place ushering them in. "Whatever you like."

Naruto could live with that.


Naruto's first impression of the Kazekage is that he's a dick. His second impression is that he's asuperdick. Can you guess what his third impression is?

He's a gruff guy, which there's nothing wrong with. There's just... something slimy about him. It's all in the eyes, Naruto thinks. Naruto peers into them and feels like a vat of cold, sickly oil has been poured over him. The Kazekage has a stormy and jaded disposition, the same one he'd seen in so many of his attackers back in Konoha.

The introductions are brief and sharp. Naruto doesn't say anything. Just squints, head co*cked as he observes. His dad is polite and open, donning a casual but respectful demeanor like a second skin. Kakashi is mostly silent as well, and what the old Pervert contributes is slow and mellow. The air is tense, taught like a guitar string. Naruto wonders what sort of noise it would make if plucked.

Another point in the designated 'Kazekage Sucks' box is the fact that he's butt ugly. Seriously, he's the plainest looking guy ever, with f*cked eyebrows and an even more f*cked hairline. Genetics have done himnofavors. Naruto's willing to give up his invalid status to this guy since he clearly deserves it more. He wonders if Kurama is gleaning any of this from through his eyes, as he's been doing more often as of late. He hopes so. Then they can call him ugly together.

The Kazekage gives a short thanks for their coming and agrees that he, Minato, and Perv will dish out the details of why they came in the first place tomorrow morning after they've gotten some rest. The sun is rapidly sinking outside, and the days of travel had left all of them a little heavy. Except for Naruto, but he was a child and had been carried half the time, so you know... non-applicable.

"That was... unexpected. I knew Rasa would be different-- six years have passed, but that..." Minato trailed off, looking troubled. "I'd prepared myself and tried not to expect too much, but that was way worse than I thought it'd be. He used to be looser and fairly genial."

"His wife passed not long before Naruto was born, if you remember the rumors." Kakashi pointed out. Suna's streets were beginning to flicker with lantern lights, awake even as dusk fell. "Could be why he's grown so harsh. I've heard it was particularly hard on him. She died in childbirth and left him with their three children and a village to lead."

"That's not an excuse to be a bitch." Naruto inserted, still in his father's grasp. Minato choked a little at the blunt words. "Why's he get to be mean to others just because he's upset? It's not like we did anything. It would be like me knocking Sasuke-teme's ice cream out of his hand just because I dropped mine. Which I would like,totally do, but only once. This guy sounds like he's just being mean to be mean at this point."

Minato looked stuck between reprimanding him for his language and agreeing, opening and closing his mouth a few times like a fish out of water, brows drawn slightly. Kakashi just nodded widely, single visible eye crinkling with amusem*nt. Naruto's touched and flattered but he's not joking. Genuinely, that guy was a total douchebag. Not the type of person you'd want leading a village at all!

And if he'd reproduced and had kids out there? Sucked to be them. Naruto was feeling incredibly grateful for his dad all of a sudden. His dad's soft and warm and has never once snapped at him or raised his voice. He doesn't make Naruto feel bad about himself, even if he accidentally breaks something or makes a mess. He's the epitome of dad-ness and of Kage... also-ness. You get it.

"You... are incredibly adorable." Minato decided that was a safe bet, nodding to himself. Sometimes it was easiest to just stick to the obvious facts of life. "Let's go get you some ramen so we can crash. We've got a long day tomorrow."

"Believe it!" Naruto agreed, beaming. Minato grinned back and held him closer.


Naruto tilted his head left. Tilted it right. Tilted it left again. The expression of focus on his face was met with one of disdain on Kurama's. The creature did not look amused in the slightest, head resting on his paws and eyes watching. Neither of them had said anything yet. Naruto had just popped in here and had immediately taken to observing him.

Now that he was asleep, he could finally process and try to come to a solid conclusion about the whole nine tails thing. Looking at Kurama and trying to tell himself that he was a fox, Naruto could... sort of see it. Like if you told him originally before he came in that he was a fox, Naruto might be able to shrug and vaguely nod.

The vision is there is what he means to say. The snout he gets, and the general shape of the head. Foxes are also orange, right? Appearance aside, the influx of evidence Naruto's received today make connecting the dots pretty obvious. Kurama having claimed from day one that he's the Nine Tails is the biggest tell, because believe it or not, Kuramadoesn'tlie.

Not about things that matter. Not since he'd tried to trick him during Naruto's first time here, calling him Kit--another nod at the, very obvious in hindsight, fox theory-- and beckoning him close. He had never tried to coax him forward with false promises after that, tried to trick him into opening the cage for any reason. He hadn't pretended to befriend Naruto just for his own gain, or anything of that sort.

So, Naruto's best friend is a chakra being that's killed thousands in the past. Who's done terrible things, and destroyed lives. That's feared by the masses, who's powerful enough to level Konoha if he's ever let out, strong enough to destroy even the most powerful of ninja. He is what most would call a monster, and Naruto is his jailer.

That should be the end of it. He's the nine tailed fox, a demon, a murderer,heartless. Naruto should turn his nose up. Maybe get mad, or try to leave. Naruto knows those would be normal and expected responses, but he just... can't muster it up. There is no hate there to feel, no disappointment, not when Kurama had been trying to be honest about who he was this whole time.

There's also the fact that Kurama has every right to hate him for being the one trapping him and he... doesn't. He's grumpy and snappy and a little mean, but he doesn't hate Naruto. Naruto's completely sure of this fact, and he thinks it's the most steadying thing of all. He thinks this certainty is the basis of why he's not afraid, and of why he's not going tobeafraid.

Kurama told him what love was in simple terms. Took the time to teach Naruto how to stand on the water using chakra, and let Naruto talk about his day night after night. Hefeelsthings. He gets angry, and he cries. He needs hugs just like everyone else. He is intelligent, sentient, with a real personality, likes and dislikes, a whole life's worth of experience and stories he shares in bare, grudging scraps.

Kurama is kind in his own way, and Naruto's... he's not sure anyone's ever taken the time to see that before. People call Naruto a monster and an abomination all the time, but Ayumu says that isn't true. Naruto doesn't think that's true for Kurama either. He isn't a demon, or a wild beast. He's hurt and trapped, and he's angry about it.

Naruto thinks he's allowed to be. He thinks about what Kurama has told him, and what he already knows. Everyone deserves a second chance. Naruto isn't sure anyone ever gave Kurama a first. Trapping him over and over again-- when was the last time he was free? Has anyone ever gotten to know him, eventriedto trust him and gain his trust in return?

Kurama's funny, and a little weird. He let Naruto climb and lay on his tail and didn't try to drag him in and kill him for it. Kurama is his friend, and he's not going to hurt Naruto. Naruto also knows this with certainty, solid as stone. There is not a doubt in his mind even with this revelation, because like he'd said before, it doesn't change much. Kurama was the nine tailed fox yesterday too. Naruto'd just been too stupid to see it.

He can't--won't-- condemn Kurama when he's been trying so hard. He's accepted Naruto despite being trapped, taught him, befriended him, and hasn't tried to trick him. Kurama's hurt and Naruto refuses to let him hurt anymore. Kurama can come back from whatever he's done before. It's not his fault he was locked away originally all those years ago, or manipulated, or used like he's some kind of tool. Him defending himself-- how could Naruto hate him for that?

How can anyone?

If they just met him and talked to him, they'd know. If they thought about what it must be like for him, to sit alone in a cage day in and day out, scorned and confined-- they'd emphasize! Narutoknowsanyone with a heart would. He swallows, hands curling into fists and determination lighting up in his chest.

He's going to make sure Kuramaknowshe's loved and that's he's worth something, and that it isn't too late to be good. That he already is good, and that now he has the chance to be. He won't let anything happen to him. Naruto will be different, Naruto will care. And that... that means that for right now, nobody can know. If Naruto's dad ever found out-- he might redo the seal, and Naruto would be separated from Kurama forever.

Kurama's worth it, though. Narutoloveshim. He wants to know him more, wants to see him happy, thinks he deserves peace for once in his life. He doesn't care what anyone says or thinks. He made a vow to himself to befriend Kurama and give him a better life. Even with Naruto's incessant blabbering and ignorance, Kurama has not been cruel in the same way the villagers have. That means something.

"Why the f*ck are you staring at me like I sh*t in your cereal, brat?"Kurama snapped out, yanking Naruto back to the present abruptly. He blinks rapidly, staring up at his friend as he raises his head to glare disdainfully down at him. He looks imperious as ever. He suspects nothing."Did you lose your voice? I was hoping this day would come."

Naruto blinks again, turning to look down at the flower at his feet. It's a little bigger, he thinks, and now has little leaves beginning to sprout from its wiry stem. It's bright and bouncy. It's Kurama's flower, Naruto knows. It's a hope-- it'sproof. If Kurama were truly evil, there's no way he'd produce something this soft and pretty.

Naruto took a breath, shaking his head and looking back up with a grin. Joy and warmth rushed through him all of a sudden, love bursting through him unbidden. Kurama's entire snout crinkled at the abrupt shift in his expression, his eyes narrowing and ears flicking irritably. One of his tails snaked out from between the bars in a way that was probably supposed to be subtle, and a laugh bubbled out of Naruto, high and bright.

"Nothing like that, Kurama!" He chirped out, feeling energized. Kurama is his friend. He's his friend and he's doing so well and Narutoloveshim. He bounces towards the tail happily, chakra-coated feet only causing the barest of ripples in the water. "Did you see the Kazekage earlier? He's so ugly!"

Kurama snorted a bit, lips twitching. Naruto felt his resolve harden. Naruto's going to save Kurama, and if that means he has to lie about his dreams? That nobody can know?

So be it.

Chapter 22: Gaara

Chapter Text

Third person pov

"You be safe, Naruto. Listen to Kakashi and Ayumu and don't go wandering off, okay?" Minato swept down to press a kiss to Naruto's forehead. The blonde haired boy received it with grace. "I'll be back later and we can go try out another one of the restaurants here! Trying some traditional Suna cuisine could be fun, right?"

"Believe it!" Naruto agreed eagerly, giving his best smile in hopes of reassuring his dad that he would, in fact, be perfectly fine if he went off and did whatever important kage stuff he had to do. Presumably talking about sealing things and boring treaty stuff. Naruto wished he could go with him. If his dad did have to do any sealing stuff today, it would probably be on the very Jinchuriki he was looking for, right? What else was there to seal?

His dad had made it clear that what he was doing was too dangerous and too secret for Naruto to tag along, though. Even Kashi couldn't go. Just his dad and the creepy old stalker dude that none of them liked, and that was it. Which Naruto understood, but that meant he had to try and find his fellow tailed beast jailer out in the wild. And that was assuming said jailer was even aperson, too.

The main issue with this was that Naruto has to be extremely, extremely subtle about it. Saying anything out loud would alert... well, everyone-- his dad, Kashi, Kurama-- that he knew about his own predicament. He had no other excuse as to why he'd be seeking out a tailed beast container. He'd totally give himself away, and if he did that, he could put Kurama in danger. What if his dad found out and tried to put another seal on top of the other and Naruto wasn't able to talk to his friend anymore?

The thought of Kurama trapped in complete isolation, lonely and with no window to the outside world? Naruto's heart was normally pretty sturdy, up to taking every manner of hit, but even he felt like it could crack right down the middle at the mere notion of Kurama being left in the dark like that. Naruto had only been alive six years and has known intimately the effects of disdain and malice, the grief that can come with being completely alone.

Kurama had experienced that for so much longer, and in so much more depth. Naruto has worn the label of monster, but Kurama has had it seared into his very identity. He'd been around a long time, alone and locked away as though he weren't alive and a thinking, feeling being. He was big and he was terrifying, but that'sallpeople saw. They didn't care that he was so much more.

If Kurama was misunderstood, the other tailed beasts probably were too. Naruto was sure they'd done bad things, but so had other people! They'd imprisoned them as weapons and abused their powers as their own. It wasn't fair. Besides, if Kurama could change and be nice and not hate Naruto, maybe his siblings could too! He just had to be very,veryround-about in his approach. So that nobody caught on.

He watched his dad go, trying to formulate some sort of plan. If it was a person the tailed beast was sealed in, they'd be naturally easier to find, probably not as secret. Naruto's own status was clearly not well known, but some sort of rumor had to have spread if people were calling him a demon. Naruto could see now that it wasn't just him they were calling a monster-- indirectly, it had been Kurama too.

It was odd to realize that it had never actually been about Naruto at all. It was nothing he'd said or done. Some people obviously knew he had Kurama in him. Others had just gone along with the animosity of those who were aware of his condition, jumping on the bandwagon to fit in because they couldn't see any reason not to. Naruto felt oddly at peace to finally have a real reason for the way he was treated, even if none of what they'd done was justified.

Not the point right now. Point was, if Naruto had been mistreated and people had inevitably known despite efforts to keep it a secret, there was a good chance people here knew about their own Jinchuriki too. And if people here knew it too, then all Naruto had to do was find someone who was being very obviously avoided in the village. Someone people were repulsed by, who created a berth in the crowd wherever they went.

It was a shoddy plan at best. It was an assumption that whoever was here was being treated the same as Naruto, if they were a person at all-- for all he knew, the tailed beast could be sealed in a cookie jar somewhere. But it was all he had and it was the only way he knew how to keep an eye out without drawing attention to his newfound awareness, so he'd have to roll with it and hope for the best.

Suna was big, though. Not quite as large as the Leaf, but close enough that there was no way Naruto could possibly explore the place fast enough to find whoever the heck he was looking for. People liked to talk, though. Naruto was the subject of many hushed, disdainful whispers. If he could follow those, no doubt he'd find who he was looking for! He'd find his fellow tailed beast holder in no time, believe it!

"Kashi, Kashi!" Naruto spun on his heel, leaping to wrap his arms around the man and beam up at him in a move he knew would sway him. The man's one visible eye crinkled, hands coming down to grapple at him and pull him up into his arms. Naruto went willingly, throwing an arm around his neck. "Can we explore? I wanna see everything, believe it!"

Naruto could see uncertainty flash across Kakashi's face, the man sharing a look with Ayumu, who gave a kind smile and a shrug. The masked man seemed to purse his lips behind his facial covering in response. Naruto kept his expression open and bright, his fingers internally crossed. His dad had come here on a specific mission, yeah, but Naruto had a mission of his own now! And he was determined to complete it no matter what.

"...Alright. We can walk around a little, Naruto. Just so long as you stay with me at all times." Kakashi hummed, cradling Naruto like he was still a baby. Naruto's grin grew to blinding levels. Kakashi squinted against the shine. "We should be safe here, but it never hurts to be careful. You're the Hokage's son, after all."

Right, heisthe Hokage's son. Which he like, knew. It just felt weird to think of the implications was all. Naruto Uzumaki, son of the Legendary Fourth Leader of The Village Hidden in the Leaves. The infamous Yellow Flash! It still seemed like something out of one of his daydreams.

"I get it, I get it. Stranger danger is very real, don't get kidnapped, don't follow anyone back to their house because they tell me they have puppies. I've totally got the memo, believe it." Naruto gave a mock salute, wriggling in Kakashi's arms excitedly. "Dad's gonna be busy for like, ever! No way can we just sit around doing nothing! Let's go! I'll be careful!"

Kakashi sighed and gave a reluctant nod, and Naruto's giddiness grew.


It was weird to walk around a village that didn't hate him. They had no preconceived notions about him, no ideas about who he was or wasn't supposed to be. They smiled back at him and waved in the face of his friendly enthusiasm, seeming curious but not malicious in any way. It filled Naruto with an odd, almost bitter sense of freedom. One he wished he could have at home.

He'd get it, though! One day he'd prove himself, prove he and Kurama weren't the monsters everyone had branded them. With Kurama and his dad and Kashi and Ayumu and the doggies as his friends, he was sure he'd get there. And Sasuke maybe. Naruto still wasn't sure if they were actually friends or not. Sort of? It was definitely an I piss on you, you piss on me type of relationship.

Naruto made sure to hold Kakashi's hand at all times. That would prolong the amount of time they were able to be out and about since he'd feel reassured Naruto wasn't going to-- he didn't know. Get snatched up or something. If Naruto could outrun a bunch of jonin after playing his pranks he could probably kick some kidnappers in the nuts and scream at the top of his lungs if need be, though.

Still, knowing he had a tailed beast in him... it was no wonder his dad had been so reluctant to the idea of bringing him out of the Leaf. He wasn't a very well guarded secret in all honesty. Like, sure, nobody was screaming that he had the Nine Tailed Fox in him from the rooves or anything, but it didn't take a genius to figure it out with how all the villagers treated him. Someone could totally come snatch him up in an attempt to get Kurama.

"Is there anything in particular you wanted to see, Naruto?" Ayumu asked kindly. It was just them three on the streets, but Naruto had to wonder how many of the ANBU they'd brought were tailing them right now. "Suna's pretty big. It's split into different districts, a lot like Konoha is. There's a lot to do. We probably won't get to even a quarter of it today!"

That meant he had to be careful to pick an effective area. He needed gossip, and if he wanted gossip, he needed people. The shopping district could be good, but... if this Jinchuriki was treated anything like Naruto was, they'd be as far away from there as possible. Unless they wanted to get themself beat up that is. The different vendors hadn't been forgiving to him, refusing to sell to him, and sometimes chasing him with various weapons of choice if he dared cross the front of their store or booth.

But Naruto needed information. He could try to find a playground. Children loved to blabber, especially about things they found scary or interesting. Naruto wouldn't be able to directly ask questions about it, though, nor could he coax it out of them. Kurama would pick up on that if he did if he were listening. Talk about tricky, but Naruto was nothing if not dead set on finding Kurama's sibling.

"Can we go see the shopping district? After all that talk on the way here about pottery and how they make all sorts of different stuff, I totally wanna see some!" Naruto infused his voice with as much enthusiasm as humanly possible. He was nothing if not a good actor. "Maybe we can get a present for dad! Since he's stuck with that weird pervert dude all day. We could buy a plate for him to throw at him!"

"That sounds like a great idea, Naruto!" Kakashi looked delighted, so Naruto knew he'd made the right choice. Ayumu made a face that suggested they may be talking about this later. "Let's go! Your dad's favorite color is red, so keep an eye out, okay?"

Naruto hummed in agreement, glad he was able to get Kashi so pumped up. Definitely helped his mission. One point Naruto, zero points whatever opposing force was against him this time. He was sure there was one out there somewhere. Probably several. He'd not going to think too hard about it, half because it might make him cry if he does, half because optimism is key and he refuses to let anyone or anything rain on his parade.

Suna's different. Pretty in its own way, but different. Naruto definitely prefers towering trees and thick canopies of leaves. How they survive without rolling hills of grass and an abundance of rivers, Naruto has literally no idea. To each their own, he guesses. He's not about to culture shame them, no matter how unappealing living in the desert sounds.

There's a lot to see and buy. The sellers here are just as enthusiastic as the ones in Konoha, maybe even more so due to the lower tourism rate. Suna's hard to get to, is in the middle of bumf*ck nowhere, and it's hot. They do make really badass pottery though. Some of their incense cone burners are insane. Naruto wants the three headed dragon one with individually carved scales all over it.

Naruto keeps his ears carefully open. He disguises his wandering gaze as natural curiosity, head whipping every which way in search of anything that may lead him to his target. They find several plates-- some for his dad to keep, some prime for throwing at the old stalker's head. Naruto can't believe his dad's being forced to deal with that guy all day. That's got to be classified as torture of some kind, right? Maybe they can sue.

People are curious about them. Leaf ninja aren't common visitors to their village, apparently-- especially not after the Fourth, uh... died. That still felt awkward and uncomfortable to say. At least he'd come back! Now everything was great! Except for the part where Kurama's like, you know, sad and stuff. But they're getting there. They'll have more flowers in no time!

Naruto almost doesn't think he's going to pick up on anything at all as they go about. He lingers in booths and around restaurants where people are more prone to chatter, taking his time looking at the goods and inspecting them. His interest isn't entirely feigned. Things really are different here. There's an abundance on the arts just like Naruto was told, and the skill is translated through almost every product he lays eyes on.

He's got his hands on what is simultaneously the ugliest yet most well made vase he's ever seen in his entire life when he hears the first inkling of what he needs. Kashi hovers right at his side, looking between two mugs trying to decide which one he wants to purchase. Ayumu is on the other side of the very large, canopied booth, which is more of a tent than anything.

"Did you hear?" A hushed voice murmurs just outside the booth. Naruto stills imperceptibly, squinting and pretending to look into the vase he's holding. His attention zeroes in on the woman talking. "That child-- he attacked someone else. He's gone completely crazy since he killed his uncle."

"He wasalwayscrazy, Mishi. And he's no child." Another woman muttered back. "He's a monster. He'll kill us all if we're not careful, just like he did Yashamaru. Why the Kazekage allows us to terrorize us all, I still don't know."


Child-- that meant they were younger than eighteen at the very least. The monster thing was familiar. He couldn't believe his prediction had been right! Whoever they were, this boy was mistreated just like Naruto was! Which wasn't a good thing in the slightest, of course. And the killing thing was also super concerning, but Naruto was willing to bet he had a reason. Kids didn't go around killing people for no reason in Naruto's experience.

"Just don't take Kimiko to Jakun park for a while. I heard he's always there." The voices were fading. Naruto wanted to jump in place he was so excited. A name! The name of a park! Hours of walking around looking at varying qualities of pottery had all been worth it, even if a quarter of his brain had melted! "I've heard he attacks anyone who gets too close. He could crush her if you're not careful. It's not worth it."

If he was always at this park, that meant Naruto could probably find him there at any given time-- including right now. But he was willing to bet Kashi had heard what was said too, as observant as he was. Not to mention his ears were way, way better than a normal person's. That meant Naruto had to delay. Besides, he had no idea where Jakun park even was. He had to play the long game.

Being patient had never been Naruto's strong suit, but for this he could persevere. He settled down his vase as casually as he could manage, reaching out to grab a different one. He wondered if this guy was around his age or if he was older. He had to be old enough to go to a park on his own-- but then again, Naruto was a tailed beast container and nobody had ever cared whereheran off to.

It's a little painful. And by a little painful, Naruto means it's literally excruciating to stop himself from showing how he feels outwardly. Kurama could pick up on his behavior, or Kashi could, or god forbid,Ayumu. He'd probably smelled it or something with the way he kept glancing down at Naruto, even though he'd been too far away to even hear what Naruto had overheard from those women. Him and his therapy powers were insane.

They stop for lunch and don't hear from his dad at all. Naruto tries to focus on his ramen as best he can. He'd paid attention to as many street signs as possible. From what he can tell, Jakun park is somewhere closer to Suna's southern wall, the one right behind the residential area of Suna. Close to where they're staying. It's perfect-- almost like fate, Naruto is pretty sure.

Dropping off their bags, Naruto doesn't have to fake being energetic enough to bounce off the walls. Ramen always gets him gears turning, what can he say? It's like oiling the hinges! Kashi seems exasperated by his intensity, but he goes along with Naruto anyway. Ayumu decides to stay back and take a break. Naruto tries not to feel too relieved. No way the man wouldn't know something was up.

Naruto can tell they're going to find him. His gut feelings rarely ever lead him astray. His palms feel sweaty with anticipation, his nerves spiking. Naruto bottles this all up the way he used to bottle up everything, putting on a mask of joyful normalcy like it's a second skin. He's not sure what he's going to do when he finds Kurama's sibling. He honestly hadn't thought that far ahead. He's sure it'll come to him on the fly.

"Look! A park!" Naruto crows out, thrusting a finger in the direction and immediately dragging Kakashi behind him. "Let's go! I bet ours are better, but I've got to see for myself! This whole place is a giant sandbox already, so they've got to have something cool to make up for that!"

The park isn't much of a park at all. There's an old swing set and a sectioned off sandbox, which Naruto is pretty sure is cheating considering this is the actualdesert. Mostly the place is just a bland, leveled field, two sad soccer ball goals made out of rickety wooden posts sat at opposite ends. It's just about the most depressing park he's ever seen, only a few benches scattered about. Kashi seems less than impressed. Naruto's eyes climb the area.

There are only a few kids present, but they're far off to the side, kicking a ball back and forth between them. Naruto's eyes automatically shoot to the opposite side from where they are, searching. There are a few pathetic excuses for trees, a little shriveled and sad. They look more like tortured bushes than anything, but they still provide some minimal amount of shade.

"Let's head out, Naruto." Kakashi hums. "It looks like there's not much here."

Naruto slips his hand out of Kakashi's, eyes zeroing in on a small form. It's familiar, and something in him clicks into place.There.

Sitting hunched between two of the sad trees is a boy around his age, terribly small and with the saddest eyes Naruto has ever seen on someone other than himself. There are dark rings around his eyes that tell of little sleep, a bandage taped to his forehead. His hair is a bright red and hangs over it slightly, but Naruto can still make it out even from a distance.

He sits huddled up, one arm wrapped around his legs, his knees drawn up to his chest. His other hand is occupied with a stick that he uses to draw lines in the sand in front of him. He looks tiny, and Naruto wonders if he ever looked that small and alone. Something in his heart aches desperately, and he finds he can't look away.

Thathasto be him. And even if it's not, Naruto isn't sure he'd be able to walk away. The boy is an echo of himself. Loneliness seems to roll off of him in waves. Naruto finds himself trudging forward like a man possessed towards where he sits, his focus so single-minded that he doesn't hear Kakashi call for him. His sandals don't sink into the sand, the chakra control Kurama taught him keeping him from doing so, but an abundance of sand still gets uncomfortably between his toes and under his soles.

Naruto can see the moment the boy hears him coming. His head snaps up, seafoam green eyes wide and alarmed, maybe a little scared. The emotions are overcome with hostility just as fast, his eyes narrowing and lips twisting into a defensive snarl that would look aggressive to anyone else. Naruto can tell he's more afraid than anything. He knows because he's felt that way too.

It feels odd to see someone just like him, in age, in demeanor, in circ*mstance. Naruto feels... weird. He's never run into anyone just like him, and he feels oddly emotional as he stops a good six feet from the boy, peering down at him with a smile he can't stop from growing. Something warm bubbles in him, starting in his feet and making its way up into the base of his chest, filling him completely.

He wants to laugh, but Naruto knows that would give the wrong impression, so instead he just smiles. The boy looks confused, shoulders tense and hand clenched around his stick so tightly his knuckles are white. He pulls his knees even closer to his chest, like making himself smaller will cause Naruto not to see him. There's confusion there, his initial burst of rage fading to make way for it.

Naruto notices then that his eyes aren't just rimmed with dark, but with red too, like he's been crying. Naruto can't count the number of times he curled up somewhere secluded just to let it out for once. He wonders if it has anything to do with the injury on his forehead or not. It would be rude to ask, he knows, so he doesn't. Even if the nosy part of him wants to.

Kakashi stops a ways behind him but Naruto doesn't turn to look. He releases a breath he knows comes out a little shaky, crouching down to be at the same height as who he's certain is going to be his new best friend-- in human regards, of course. There's a warm feeling in his bones that reminds him of Kurama, and he wonders if the old fox maybe knows who this is, knows what he hold inside of him.

"Who are you?" The boy demands, his voice soft but not lacking in aggression. He sounds as tired and defeated as he looks, empty. "I'll kill you, you know. I can crush you in seconds."

"That's super sick." Naruto decides, because it is. He wonders if he'd crush Sasuke if Naruto asked him to. Maybe once they're a little closer. "My name's Naruto Uzumaki! What's yours?"

The boy looks... flabbergasted to put it simply, reeling back slightly. Like he's got no idea what to think of Naruto or what to do at his nonchalance in the face of a literal death threat. Kakashi is very still behind him, watching with keen eyes that Naruto can feel burning into the back of his head. Naruto's determined though, refusing to let up. He holds his new friends gaze.

He can almost feel it if he reaches out. There's a pulsing, unusual undertone in the air, one that mingles with his own like a pair of in-tune heartbeats. He wonders if the boy can feel it too to an extent. The redhead unravels slightly, the arm around his legs loosening. He rests his stick on the ground cautiously, never taking his eyes off of Naruto, searching his eyes for signs of some kind of lie and frowning when he finds none. He looks at Naruto like a prey might a predator, waiting for him to pounce.

Naruto doesn't move. Doesn't say anything else, doesn't ask any questions. He just sits there and he waits, his gaze boring into his new friend's, trying to communicate that he means no harm. There's an sense of immediate kinship Naruto feels, one that tells him he isn't wrong. His esteemed detective work has paid off. He's found one of Kurama's siblings, and just like him, this boy is jailing them.

His fellow jailer is distrustful. Someone hurt him deeply, Naruto can tell. Beyond what the scornful words of the village could do. This damage has split him right down the middle, leaving his emotions open and raw in his expression. He seems so much older than he's supposed to be, and Naruto's chest aches for him. He thinks that if this boy isn't a monster, then Naruto definitely isn't either. Which he knew, but now Naruto thinks that maybe he can really, actually believe it.

"...Gaara." The boy finally says after what feels like forever. Naruto's grin widens. Gaara looks perturbed.

"It's nice to meet you, Gaara!" Naruto chirped out, contentment curling through him. He stood, perhaps too fast based on the way Gaara flinched, stepping forward and offering a hand. Sand swirled ominously around them but Naruto did react to the stir. "Do you want to be my friend? I don't have many, and I really want someone to show me how to make a sand castle. I'm from Konoha, so I'm not very good at making them, you see?"

Gaara stares at the hand like it'll bite him. There's something about the fear on his face that makes Naruto's determination swell even higher, like a flame fanned. He wants to help him. He will help him, and they will be best friends, and f*ck if Naruto'll take any criticism. Gaara is like him. Naruto's never... he's neverhadthat before. He's never had a person he can look at and feel like he's looking in a mirror.

Gaara's expression twists then, with distrust and perhaps anger. He reaches forward with his face set darkly. Naruto doesn't so much as flinch as sand swirls together at lightning speed, pulling closer and closer as Gaara's hand approaches his. He hears Kakashi make a noise of concern behind him as the sand swells. Naruto feels his grin grow, something in his bones warming further even in the face of Gaara's contempt.

And then the boy's hand is in his all of a sudden, the sand halting less than an inch from Naruto's wrist. Gaara's face crumbles in surprise as Naruto wraps his fingers around him before he can yank back. Alarm and shock race through the redheaded boy's expression, his seafoam green eyes dropping to look at the still-hovering sand with something akin to betrayal. It was supposed to block him, Naruto realizes. It was supposed to crush him.

Naruto yanks Gaara up before the boy can react, not letting go. Gaara stumbles to his feet like a newborn fawn, unstable and a little shaky. He stares at Naruto's hand wrapped around his with big eyes, his disbelief blatant. When he looks back up to meet Naruto's gaze, Naruto beams even wider. He's got him. He's actually, really got him. And he's not even dead for it!

"Awesome!" Naruto chirps out, glancing down at the sand, which warbles awkwardly. Like it wants to encase Naruto but can't quite. He wonders if it's Kurama's doing. The thought makes him even giddier. "Let's go, Gaara! Kind of weird that you guys even have sandboxes when the whole village is literally a pit of sand, but I didn't come here to judge, believe it. I can already tell we're going to be best friends!"

Naruto drags the speechless boy off to go build their sand castle, ignoring the sand that tries to rise up at him again only to quiver and slink back. Kakashi trails at a distance, anxiously fluttering and obviously wanting to approach but not wanting to risk Gaara reacting with violence. Gaara is too surprised to do much other than let himself get dragged along. Naruto bounces along, ignoring the trio of mothers that quiet and grow pale as soon as they see who Naruto has with practiced ease.

Naruto deposits Gaara in the sandbox, plopping down right across from him with a beaming grin. Gaara blinks rapidly at him, drawing his shaking hand close to his chest. He glances down at it like he's trying to wrap his head around the fact that Naruto really just held it. Naruto wonders when someone was last able to touch him. Maybe the sand knew Naruto meant no harm! Or maybe that was his tailed beast and it sensed Kurama!

"Alright! Sand castle!" Naruto beamed, clapping his hands together. Gaara peered at him, expression still slack and eyes still rounded. "Where do we start?"

Chapter 23: The Monster Alliance


Just uh... friendship stuff


fair warning I backspaced somewhere in here and idk where

Chapter Text

Third person pov

Minato had been right. Rasa had the One Tails sealed in his son, and the elders he had perform the ritual did a horrible,horriblejob at it.

The kid gets possessed if he dares to fall asleep and will go on killing rampages. No person or thing can touch him physically, the tailed beast's sand apparently some kind of ultimate defense. He's grown more violent since the death of his uncle, which Rasa (suspiciously) refuses to elaborate on no matter how high Minato raises his eyebrows. The Ichibi needs to be resealed, or else it will break free and lay complete waste to Suna.

Minato supposes this means they're justified in asking Minato to not only make the journey all the way here, but to put up with Jiraiya in the process as well. Maybe. He could be spending quality time with his son right now, framing Danzo for a crime heprobablycommitted anyway and giving the Uchiha back their place in the village. Restoring order. Fun little Hokage things, you know?

Instead he's here. Jiraiya keeps staring at him like Minato kicked his puppy. Minato's got sand in places he didn't even realize existed, and he has no idea what his son is doing. Probably being cute and perfect, and literally everyone else in the whole entire world is getting to witness itexceptMinato.

What's worse is that he has no idea how long this is going to take, but he knows it isn't a one-day-long type of deal. They're going to have to catch the kid to inspect his current seal first, which is going to be real f*cking hard when it's apparently impossible to touch him. Minato has no idea how they're going to pull that one off, but he volunteers Jiraiya to try first.

After they catch him-- if they even can-- they're going to have to paint intricate symbols on him, and the slightest aberration in said intricate symbols will f*ck the entire thing up. Which means he has to be dead still the entire time. The only way Minato sees that happening is if he's knocked out for it, but oh, wait! He gets possessed by an actual, literaldemonanytime he's asleep. So.

"Why aren't we being paid for this?" Minato wondered aloud, though nothing could ever make up for the surely very important chunks of Naruto's childhood he was actively missing. "Why aren't you paying us for this? This sounds life threatening. To us. And everyone else. Ijustcame back to life."

"We have an alliance." Rasa responded, tone just as dry as the sand coating this godforsaken village. No hate to Suna, but alsoallthe hate to Suna. Minato should've lied and said he was sick. Then he could not only stay in Konoha, he could also stay home. And then he could lie and say Naruto was sick too, and they could stay home together, coloring and bonding.

Minato stared at the ceiling into an empty heaven with an absent god in search of guidance that would never come. Why did he ever want to be Hokage again? Fatherhood was the only career he needed. Naruto was surely more important than an alliance.

"Right. Of course." Minato eyed him dubiously after a moment of gathering himself. He should've send Jiraiya all on his own. If he couldlaboriouslyspend years and years tracking down whoever this potentially imaginary 'Akatsuki' group was, he couldlaboriouslycome catch a demon-possessed child and seal the evil forces within them. "Then, do you... happen to knowwherethis child is? Or how to catch him?"

Rasa made a face, and Minato resisted the urge to find the nearest wall and slam his head into it.


Gaara, Naruto has decided, is a far better friend than that moron Sasuke couldeverhope to be.

Has he tried to kill him a minimum of six times now? Yeah, but he was subtle about his attempts, and Naruto can respect that. Gaara was just testing the boundaries was all! He had a right to be suspicious. Naruto would be wary too if he were in his shoes. Some random kid from an entirely different village showing up out of nowhere and befriending you, impervious to your murder sand? Yeah, talk about shady.

See? Naruto can be socially aware when he wants to be! Sometimes. Vaguely. Sakura-chan says that he has the emotional comprehension of a slug, but she has a forehead the size of the village gates, so what's her opinion matter? Only Shikamaruhadagreed with her, and Shikamaru's the smartest in their class whether he shows it or not. So maybe Naruto's lacking in tact, but Gaara seems to be taking in stride! Barring the murder!

There's something magnetic between them. Naruto can feel it, and that probably means Gaara can too. There's an ingrained familiarity that shouldn't exist but does, an immediate kinship Naruto can't shake. He knows that this is because of Kurama, and that this is confirmation that Gaara must host one of his siblings.

Naruto wonders which one it is. He wonders if Kurama will tell him-- if Naruto asked, he'd be admitting to knowing he was the nine tails, and... well, that didn't really fly with his current plans. He needed more flowers in their mind field to let that little tidbit of information spill.

Kashi is a constant presence on the outskirts of Naruto's awareness, hovering anxiously. He obviously knows something isn't right with Gaara but he doesn't want to say it. Naruto ignores him, ignores Gaara's skepticism, ignores the sand that sometimes tries to creep up on his back only to once again warble, unable to quite reach him-- again, likely due to his own tailed beast.

Kurama's getting so many hugs for that. Can you imagine? Getting strangled to death, crushed slowly until the blood pops and oozes out of his body, and his eyeballs fall out, and he bites off his own tongue off on accident from the pain, and all his bones slowly begin to crack and shatter and shove inwards, piercing his organs which would compress and squeeze out of his body in the form of fine mush? That would like, suck. And probably not feel all that good.

Gaara didn't seem to know what to think of him. He eyed Naruto like he was some strange, alien creature. He'd probably never had a decent conversation in his entire life, so meeting someone like Naruto--who was the greatest and best conversationalist to ever walk this earth, obviously-- had to be pretty overwhelming. He seemed a little hopeful, but mostly skeptical and fearful, waiting for the other shoe to drop.

Naruto knew how that felt. That's how he'd felt with his dad in the first days after his return, living with the constant expectation that it would all turn around for the worse and bite him in the ass so hard he'd feel it for weeks. Gaara hesitantly followed his lead and seemed to somewhat enjoy himself between all the uncertain glances and quiet attempts to get his sand to touch him.

"So like, therapy is all about opening up about your feelings, you know? And then you talk about them and it fixes stuff." Naruto made another sand brick and stacked it atop their growing wall. Even if Gaarawastrying to kill him, he was a great sand castle builder. "I really don't know how it works. Mostly he just invades my privacy and then it makes me feel better. It's super weird, but you should totally give it a try. Ayumu has great rates."

Gaara didn't respond, staring at him. Their life-size sandcastle was beginning to slowly take form. The first few times he'd tried to make and stack bricks they'd fallen apart, but then Naruto had requested Gaara's help. Or... demanded it, kind of. But Gaara was listening and doing whatever it was he did to keep the walls from collapsing in on them, so he was all here for it!

"But my dad says therapy isn't for everyone. Apparently he tried to get Kashi to go to therapy tons before he died, but Kashi would just sit there in silence and refuse to speak." Naruto blabbered on. He was doing most of the talking. Or reallyallof the talking, but that was fine too. "Now he mostly just runs when Ayumu tries to confront him about his feelings. Or pretends he's gone deaf."

Gaara paused, then, squinting at him. Naruto blinked back, smiling brightly. That was like, way more of a reaction to what he'd said than he'd gotten for anything else! Way better than the small frowns and nervous looks he'd been getting shot his way since they started!

Wait... that made it sound like he'd kidnapped Gaara and was holding him hostage or something. Which he definitely hadn't done. Right? Was Gaara here of his own free will? If Naruto asked, that might pressure him into saying yes when the answer was actually no. Oh, wow. What if Naruto's a horrible person? His conscience is whispering to him and it doesn't sound happy. He must've misstepped somewhere.

"...You said that was Kashi outside." Gaara's voice came out quiet and relatively hesitant, but there all the same. Naruto swallowed a scream of sheer excitement and nodded encouragingly, perhaps a little too eager if Gaara's gulp was anything to go off of. "But you said you came here with your dad. But... you just said he died."

"Oh, yeah. He died the day I was born and then like, came back six years later." Naruto waved a hand flippantly. Gaara squinted a little harder, clearly trying to figure out how that worked. Naruto shrugged. "I have no idea how it works either, but he's really nice! He doesn't call me a monster,andhe gives me great hugs. He also feeds me!"

Gaara straightened up abruptly at his words, looking at Naruto like he'd never seen him before. Naruto backtracked. Okay, maybe hewassocially inept. What had he said this time? Is it because he has a nice dad and Gaara's is probably a sh*thead? Does he even have a father? Oh god, is Gaara an orphan? Naruto should've asked, they could've had some bonding!

"A monster?" Gaara asked, strangely attentive now. He leaned closer, almost uncomfortably close, actually. So close there were mere inches between their noses. His eyes were wide and unblinking, something in them sparkling. "Does your village call you a monster too?"

Naruto probably should've led with that.


By the time Kakashi puts his foot down and decides it's time for them to go home and get some sleep, the sand castle has taken form into more than just a castle. It is afortress. Apparently the key bonding point between Naruto and Gaara was their shared experiences in discrimination. They'd started a club. A two person club, but still a club.

Gaara seemed relieved. Naruto talking to him out of kindness and a wish to get to know him hadn't made sense in his mind, but Naruto talking to him because they werethe samedid. He'd relaxed, ceased his murder attempts, and they traded war stories. Gaara's had a little more murder in them than Naruto's-- the blonde felt a little one-upped, actually-- but whatever.

Gaara is like, definitely sort of a psychopath. Who doesn't have character flaws, though? Besides, it's not Gaara's fault. His uncle tried to totally murder him and that's so not cool. Naruto would go psycho too and start killing people. Gaara had been sad over his death, but Naruto had fist bumped him for it. They were survival of the fittest conquerors. Top of the food chain twins.

Minato gets back just after Naruto does, and he looks like every ounce of life has been drained out of him. His eyes are empty up until the moment he sets sights on his poor, unsuspecting son. Naruto doesn't so much as blink as he's snatched up by what is essentially nothing more than a yellow blur at that point, but Kakashi and Ayumu both visibly jump.

"How was your day, Naruto?" Minato asks, sounding hyper-focused and strangely desperate. Naruto raises his brows at the haggard look on his dad's face. What did they do, throw him into a gladiator ring and force him to fight for his life? "God.Howdid I last so long without you?"

"You're super strong." Naruto responds immediately, patting him in a consoling manner. His dad gives what sounds a little too close to a sniffle for comfort, so Naruto jumps to change the subject before he can start the water works. "I made a new friend today! He's my best friend in the whole entire world now and I'm gonna go meet him again tomorrow! He promised to show me around!"

Minato visibly brightens at the sight of his son's beaming grin. Kakashi snorts a little, lounging back against the couch. Chasing Naruto around all day had left him relatively worn out. The park had been a nice break, even if Naruto's new friend was a little... off. Something about his chakra rubbed Kakashi wrong.

He had his suspicions. Naruto had been surprisingly tight-lipped about the fine details of his new friend, giving a bare-minimum explanation along the lines of "his village doesn't like him either" that implied some things Kakashi wasn't sure he was ready to think too hard about. Naruto seemed safe. Kakashi'd thought a few times that the redhead might attack him, but the sand he seemed able to control never quite touched, always stopping just before it could.

It left Kakashi unsettled, but they'd seemed to really start to get along near the end. Besides, Naruto had been too genuinely overjoyed for Kakashi to intervene. In the end he supposed it had worked out. Nobody had gotten hurt at least, even if the redheadhadlooked like an abandoned kitten left out in the rain when it was finally time to leave. One that had gone still in shock when Naruto dragged him into a hug, promising to find him tomorrow morning so they could explore Suna together.

That meant Kakashi wouldn't have to come up with ways to entertain Naruto, at least. Besides, it was good for Naruto to socialize. He seemed to have a...nicerrelationship with this new kid than he did Sasuke. His friendship with Sasuke was built on a foundation of insults, whereas the one he was building with this Gaara kid was constructed of something a little more wholesome.

"That's amazing, Naruto! I'm glad you're making friends." Minato pressed a hard kiss to his son's cheek, laughing when Naruto's nose scrunched up. "You'll have to introduce me before we leave! I'll be stuck for the next few days working with Jiraiya, but hopefully I'll get at least a day of downtime when we're all done."

"Believe it!" Naruto chirped happily, reminding him so potently of Kushina that Minato had to blink back tears. "I still don't think we should've invited that pervert guy, though. We could've just lied and said he was dead or something. What are they going to do? Accuse the Hokage of lying? They never would've known!"

Ayumu sighed, pulling his clipboard back out to make another note. Minato swallowed another laugh, settling for a grin so wide it ached. He'd been right to bring Naruto along with them. Without him, Minato's not sure he'd have had to willpower to survive this.


Kurama is too goddamn tired for this.

It should be impossible. Of all the brats for Naruto to befriend, what are the chances that he'd end up buddying up with the container of one of Kurama's siblings? Kurama had very little awareness of where his siblings were at any given time, and he certainly hadn't known the youngest of them had been extracted from his previous artifact and also locked away into an insufferable child.

It was clear the foolish ninja of the Sand village hadn't known what they were doing when they sealed Shukaku away. His influence on his host was clear, though it left Kurama with an odd feeling in to pit of his stomach. Though the seal on Naruto was strong, would he do the same things were it weakened? Would he possess him and wreak havoc?

The idea, for some reason, made him feel sick. He thought of the little rat's beaming grin and was horrified to find himself shuddering at the mere notion of taking advantage of it. It was a weakness, or-- was it? Kurama told himself it was because he was above such things. He was a prideful beast. He wouldn't sink so low as to try and control something that pathetic.

Deep down, he knew it had to be more than that. Shukaku's ill effects on his suffering host made him distinctly uncomfortable because that just as easily could've been him in and Naruto were that damned Namikaze and his wife not so good at sealing. It was odd, to feel suddenly so thankful towards a man he had once hated, towards a woman who had once contained him so harshly. Had they not been as skilled as they were, Kurama never would've...

Nevermind that. Naruto washis, irritating as he was. Kurama was powerful, above all other beings, and he had the ability and authority to claim whatever he so wished. His jailer's nattering was so incessant and stubbornly consistent that he had begun to fold, and so what if he did? There was no one here to judge him. Naruto was a genuine child, if not an incredibly, incredibly stupid one. He... liked Kurama.Lovedhim, even.

Kurama had not been loved in a very, very long time. And never with such determination and naivety.

There was a certain sense of shock that came with feeling his brother's chakra again. It was furious and angry, but it too had stilled upon feeling Kurama, upon realizing he was near. Kurama had not been so close in proximity to one of his siblings in what felt like forever, barring the brief brushes during the third war. Though there was no way to communicate with Shukaku, simply being near had brought warm and nostalgic emotions bubbling in him.

Kurama couldn't help but laugh, full and hearty. It was a booming thing that shook the bars of his cage. His jailer was anidiot. An idiot that had claimed Kurama so willingly and without fear, and that had forced Kurama into claiming him back to an extent. Kurama was still wary-- he likely always would be, with the child refusing to acknowledge his status as a tailed beast. One day he'd realize the truth and that would be that, he knew.

But for now, there was a peace between them. Companionship. Friendship-- Kurama had not had that in a long time either, but Naruto was unrelenting. He talked and talked and talked, night after night, and Kurama got to know him against his will. He was the most persistent little thing Kurama had ever met.

"Kurama!" Case and point, the boy immediately shrieked with joy upon falling asleep and opening his eyes in their shared sewer. He charged towards the bars with gusto, as though Kurama couldn't snap him up in his maw in a single, miniscule bite. "I made a friend today! His name is Gaara, and he totally murders people! Just like you!"

He sounded a little too happy about that fact, actually. Kurama let out a huff of hot air as Naruto scrambled up onto one of his tails, which wascoincidentallysticking out of the bars of the cage. It was just the position Kurama found most comfortable to lay in these days was all. The cage didn't have much room, and certainly not enough for all his tails.

"I do not care."Kurama droned, as he did every night. As usual, he was ignored. Naruto snuggled into his fur, and Kurama glared half-heartedly at him. When had his glowers lost their heat and rage entirely?"Off, you flea."

"You're soft and I love you, so no." Naruto responded with that happy bluntness that always sent a jolt through Kurama whether he wanted it to or not. The boy was never ashamed or reluctant to say exactly what he thought or felt, which was... jarring. "Anyway, Gaara and I are going to meet up again tomorrow! Turns out his village hates him too. Who knew! I wonder if there's a child pariah in every one of the hidden villages. I wonder if we could go on a road trip and find them all. Gaara and I started a club, you see, but it only has us two. So obviously we need to launch a recruitment campaign to grow our forces--"

Kurama's lips curled ever so slightly, his eyes sliding shut as he listened to the brat ramble on, the ghost of his brother's chakra lingering in the back of his mind.


Rasa's youngest son is a murder-prone, highly dangerous individual whom is impossible to physically touch without being blocked by a wall of sand or strangled to death, so ofcoursethey find him and Naruto holding hands like they've been friends their whole lives after hours of searching.

From the accounts of Suna's ANBU force and the Kazekage, Gaara was supposedly sociopathic and incapable of love or connecting with children his own age. Getting their hands on him was a rusty pipedream, and they'd really had no idea how they were going to safely bag him, let alone how they were going to get a new seal on the kid.

The plan had been to track him down and try to peacefully approach first. Minato had insisted despite Rasa's multiple suggestions to go in guns blazing and just forcibly restrain him. That would be a last resort. If they could keep him some level of calm, even just looking at his current seal from a distance without him thrashing about and terrified could be beneficial.

Shown a picture of Gaara beforehand, he immediately coins the boy when he spots him and Naruto trailing along, Kakashi casually walking behind them. Naruto's got Pakkun cradled in his free arm and is bouncing down the street happily, talking a mile a minute in that adorably excited way of his. Gaara allows himself to be dragged, looking a little awed and a little lost in Naruto's brightness.

Panic comes first, because Naruto is holding hands with a child serial killer who often becomes possessed by the demon inside them. Double the panic comes second, becausehow did Naruto find him in the first place?Of all the children Naruto should befriend, how had he somehow ended up with his fellow tailed beast container?

Minato's never really seen two jinchuuriki interact before outside the brief scuffles in the war Kushina had with Kumo's jailer. Is this a bad sign? Will Naruto's seal be weakened? Will the nine tails in him wake up in the presence of its clearly-conscious brother? The mere thought is almost enough to make Minato shriek in terror, but Narutolooksokay. Perfectly happy and normal. And Gaara, for the record, doesn't look all that murderous.

"This... This is impossible." Rasa sound as flabbergasted as Minato must look. "Nobody has ever been able to touch him. Not since he was a mere infant. Anyone who tries-- they're crushed to death immediately."

"Oh! Great! Crushed-- that's lovely!" Minato's voice comes out a pitch too high, slightly hysterical. He tries to calm down. Naruto's fine. He's fine! Not being strangled! "This... This is good. This is good! Clearly he can be touched. This makes our job easier, right?"

Jiraiya nods wildly in agreement, not daring to speak lest Minato try to kick him in the balls again. Only his opinion doesn't matter and nobody else gives any indication that they evenheardMinato, instead staring at the two boys like they're the eighth wonder of the world. Minato fervently tries to dash the horrifying images of Naruto getting mangled by sentient sand from his mind.

Kakashi notices them as they draw closer, his posture straightening and his lone eye scanning the small platoon. His eyes linger on the ANBU, who are coiled tight and ready to leap into action. He meets Minato's gaze only briefly before he seems to realize why they're all paralyzed, gaze dropping to Naruto and Gaara both.

Naruto and Gaara who are both staring at them too now, Naruto with raised brows and Gaara with a cold, defensive expression. His grip on Naruto's hand is so tight his knuckles are white, his lips twisted into a frown at the sight of his father. He looks like he isn't sure if he wants to hide behind Naruto or step in front of him in defense.

"Oh, hey! That's my dad. I told you all about him." Naruto chirps out as though nothing is amiss. Though he does eye the Kazekage with open disdain. "Wait, isyourdad the Kazekage? Because that would actually make a lot of sense. He looks like the type of person to send assassins after his own son for fun."

Minato turns to give the Kazekage a look. Rasa pointedly avoids his gaze.

Okay. Okay, a picture is being painted and it's not a very pretty one. If Rasa is sending assassins after his own child, maybe said child has a good reason for not wanting anyone to touch im. Rasa had called the sand an ultimate defense, and it was just that-- adefense. Naruto obviously meant no harm, and now he was able to make contact. That made sense, right?

That, or Naruto was just amazing. He was impossible not to adore. Even if the physical contact was unique to Naruto and Gaara's relationship, this was an in they hadn't had before. Gaara obviously wasn't cautious of Naruto in the same way he was of everyone else, seeming like he was enjoying their adventure through Suna before they showed up to ruin it.

That meant Gaara probably wasn't going to strangle Minato's son. Gaara was just a kid himself, small and hurt and looking like he probably needed a hug from a trusted adult. Minato took a breath and braced himself, forcing himself into calm. This would work out. He was here to do a job and he'd do it. This could work out. Yay alliance, or something.

So, donning his best smile, he carefully squatted down to put himself on their level. Naruto beamed, dragging Gaara closer even when the redhead dug his heels in. The poor kid looked terrified, entire body locking up and eyes darting about. The foretold sand lapped around his feet, agitation clear.

"It's nice to meet you, Gaara! I'm Naruto's dad, Minato. I heard a lot about you last night." Minato gave a grin. Gaara blinked at him, glancing between his smiling face and Naruto's. "We actually came to Suna to give you a helping hand! You see, me and my...friendJiraiya are seal masters. We specialize in blocking things off and containing things, and we hear you've been having trouble sleeping. We think we can help with that, if you let us."

Gaara stared at him, swallowing thickly. His sand rose a little and the ANBU all tensed behind them, but Minato didn't so much as twitch. He watched carefully as the redhead glanced at Naruto for apparent direction. Naruto gave an encouraging grin, looking happy and unconcerned.

Minato would probably have to explain later why Gaara even needed a seal master badly enough for them to come all this way. His son didn't look confused, though. Did he... know something? No, he surely would've mentioned it by now if he did. Minato had just mentioned the sleep issue. Naruto probably assumed it was that.

Or maybe Gaara had told him something. Naruto was a very accepting and nonjudgmental child. Suna scorned Gaara in the same way Konoha had Minato's son, so there was undoubtedly a kinship there. The thought made Minato's heart hurt. The man resisted the urge to scoop Naruto up and smother him in kisses. He'd probably get speared through the chest with sand if he tried right now, actually.

"My dad is really, really nice.Andyou'll be able to sleep, which means we can have a real sleepover!" Naruto reassured exuberantly, tugging Gaara a little closer to draw his attention back to him. "Plus, I bet I can even go with you! If there's somethingyou decide you don't like, you can always say no and he'll stop. My dad never makes me do stuff I don't feel comfortable with. It'll be fun!Andwe can get ice cream after, believe it!"

Minato's son is the best thing to ever have graced this planet. Minato feels like the gates of heaven just opened right before his very eyes and he's being allowed to bask in their glow. Naruto's an angel. He grew up so kind despite the way people treated him andgod, Minato loves him so much he could burst.

There were a few tense moments in which they waited for Gaara to say something. The boy's sand thrashed, tendrils sometimes snapping against the ground like sharp whips. A few almost reached out to Minato, but a look at Naruto's patient but excited expression had him faltering. He looked like a cornered animal somewhat, but also intrigued. It was obvious he wanted to believe Naruto-- he was just afraid to.

"You'll come with me?" Gaara's voice came out raspy, the redhead frowning. Naruto nodded with enthusiasm. "But... but he said Jiraiya-- the pervert stalker man? Can I kill him?"

Minato's lips curled inwards into a thin line. Behind him, Jiraiya choked. Kakashi had to look at the sky to avoid laughing out loud.

"After." Naruto responded without missing a beat. Kakashi closed his eyes and took deep breaths. Minato didn't even bother breathing, afraid of the noise he'd let out if he did. Gaara immediately relaxed, expression smoothing out. He gave a nod. "Sweet! This can be our first club activity!"

Gaara's lips curled into a small smile, and suddenly the prospects of a successful sealing seemed a whole lot more obtainable.

Chapter 24: Hypothetically


Gaara's here doing Gaara things ig, so is Kurama

Chapter Text

Third person pov

Looking at it, Minato's genuinely surprised Gaara's seal hasn't broken already.

The candlelit chamber they're in has no windows, with a flat floor and curved walls that come up to form a domed roof overhead. Minato hovers by one of the walls with Jiraiya by his side, Naruto and Gaara stranded somewhere in the middle. It's as close as they can really get without Gaara's sand mobilizing. Whilst Naruto can touch him, nobody else can.

Still, the redhead reluctantly holds his shirt up and-- after some trial and error-- manages to gather enough chakra at his core for the seal to reveal itself. The boy doesn't seem very happy about this turn of events, but he reluctantly complies because Naruto asks him to. The peace they have right now is shaky at best, however, and Minato has no actual idea how they'reactuallygoing to do this.

Gaara acts like a skittish street dog who's never known love in its entire life. His eyes are constantly darting about in search of ways to escape even if nothing particularly bad is happening yet. They're the only ones in here, with everyone else mobilized outside in case something goes terribly wrong. Sealing is a delicate art, one that requires as little interference and distraction as possible.

Minato has no idea how they're going to do said delicate art. It's a bridge they're rapidly coming upon, and he's not sure crossing over it is even an option. Gaarawillkill them if they get too close. He'd almost gotten Kakashi earlier for moseying his way just a little too close, and the only reason he hadn't was because Kakashi was one of the few who could rival Minato in both speed and reaction time.

Minato has no idea if the sand is thanks to the tailed beast or if it's some other defense mechanism born in response to the abuse Gaara had faced.Ifthey ever manage to redo the seal and tighten it, Minato supposes they'll find out. Emphasis on if-- things really aren't looking great, no matter how friendly Naruto had made himself with Gaara.

"Wow. Could you guys have like, picked a less creepy place or something?" Naruto frowned, glancing around the chamber idly. He still had his hand locked around Gaara's in support whilst his redheaded companion kept his shirt raised. "This place sucks. And it smells like stale corn chips, believe it."

"Even the faintest breeze could disrupt the sealing process." Jiraiya noted absentmindedly, squatted awkwardly so he could get a better look at the seal in the low light. It was wobbly and missing several of the layers it should have had. A total train wreck. "So could too much light."

"Yeah, that makes sense.Wait, that reminds me! Hold on. I had something for you." Naruto gasped, tone a little too exaggerated to pass as genuine. Minato closed his eyes to stifle a laugh as Naruto shoved his hand in his pocket, pretended to dig around, and then slowly pulled his hand back out with his middle finger raised. "f*ck you, old man. Nobody askedyou."

Jiraiya made a hysterical sort of noise in the back of his throat. Minato took a few deep breaths. He was a professional in a professional setting doing professional things. He wasnot(read: NOT) going to laugh so hard he burst a lung and have to be carted off to the nearest hospital when he was supposed to be sealing away a literal demon.

Gaara glanced between Naruto and Jiraiya both for a beat before he nodded in agreement.

"f*ck you." The sand Jinchuriki proclaimed, sounding like he had absolutely no idea what that even meant. Minato made a sound like a deflating balloon, cracking his eyes open to risk total annihilation and glance at his former teacher. Jiraiya looked utterly defeated. It was the least he deserved.

"Believe it." Naruto held out his fist. Gaara stared at it for a moment, squinting. Naruto brought it forward and bumped it against Gaara's hand, which was clenched around his shirt still. Minato wished he had a camera. "This means we're best friends forever and ever now."

Gaara looked surprisingly smug at the declaration. Minato had a feeling this was going to be a very long day.


Naruto really has no idea what the hell anyone's doing, but he'll summarize for you anyway!

The first thing his dad and the pervert dude did was draw a giant circle on the ground. They made it as small as they could without Gaara's sand going totally crazy, which was still pretty big, but at least it fit in their weird chamber. It took them literally forever. Probably because they had to draw all these really ugly symbols while they did it, but whatever. Not his business.

It felt a little like they were being sacrificed. Naruto had almost been sacrificed once. When he was first kicked out of the orphanage and living on the street, some homeless dude got a totally lucky hit in on him, believe it! He was out like a light! And when he woke up, he was in the middle of the woods in a gigantic circle of chicken blood. There were candles everywhere, some chanting-- it was a confusing time.

Enough of those fond memories, though. Naruto and Gaara have very little to do aside from sit there. It's lucky that Naruto's a genius and a master at occupying himself, or else they might've just died from boredom right then and there. This is for the greater good. He can hold out for Gaara's sake, so that his friend can actually sleep for once!

Naruto talks about everything he can think of. Gaara's still quiet as ever, but that's fine. At least he's not an obnoxious idiot likeothercertain people. Specifically ones that have hair comically shaped like a duck's ass. Does it just grow like that? Or is he styling it that way on purpose? It's tragic either way, honestly.

"If Ayumu were in here, he'd be takings lots of notes. I still haven't figured out what his pattern is." Naruto explained. "Like, sometimes I'll say something totally normal and suddenly he's writing a whole essay on it! Yet somehow he's always right. Maybe it's a kekkai genkai. Wait, is your sand a kekkai genkai? I don't think I have one, so that sort of sucks, but it's okay. I'm still better than Sasuke-teme."

"If you do not like Sasuke, you should just kill him." Gaara offered. Guy was a total psychopath, but that's fine. Naruto gets it. They've all had their lapses in psychosis! Maybe that's like, a tailed beast container right of passage. Yet another club activity! Or... requirement? "You can crush him to death."

His dad was looking notably concerned, but he didn't have anything to worry about. Naruto had no real plans to commit murder. And if he did, he wasn't stupid enough to do it in such a way that he'd be a suspect. His dad would be none the wiser if Naruto did decide to end that rat Sasuke once and for all. If he stole his jello cup out of his bag again, Naruto might just have to resort to drastic measures.

"Nah, that's way too messy for someone without sand to soak it all up. I'd probably just snap his neck." Naruto said in all honesty. Gaara paused for a moment to think about it before nodding in understanding. See? Someone gets it. "My friend Kurama says all the best murders end with the victim screaming, though, so maybe I could light him on fire?"

Kurama was full of solid advice. Naruto was going to be the best ninja literally ever because of it. Naruto knew fifty ways hownotto kill someone with a pine needle. That wasn't because of Kurama, though. It was because in his youthier-youth, someone had failed to kill him fifty different ways with a pine needle. Obviously.

So not the point right now. Murder! Again, Naruto's not really having a lapse in mental health right now, so everything should be fine! But if he does-- well, he has plans, at least. You have to vent somehow. All human life has value... but some things are worth losing. Sasuke should watch himself, really. Anything could happen.

"He saidwhat?" His dad looked utterly horrified, holding a dripping paintbrush and staring at Naruto with wide eyes. Naruto didn't allow himself to outwardly freeze. Right! Kurama was supposed to be his emotional brain rat or whatever. Not a serial killing chakra demon who liked to destroy villages in his free time!

"Nothing!" Naruto chirped out happily, if not with a little more zeal than normal. He turned pointedly back towards Gaara. "Let's talk about flowers!"

Gaara looked confused but obliged without much reluctance. He seemed to be happy someone was talking to him at all, and Naruto understood the feeling. There'd been many times he'd wished for someone to say... well, anything to him. Anything without venom or ill intent. Even if it was just a passing hello in the street, Naruto thinks it would've been worth it.

In hindsight, he should've tried to disguise himself. Maybe dyed his hair and tried to cover up the markings on his face. Konoha was huge! Huge, and full of orphans! It wasn't an issuenow, but looking back, Naruto wishes he'd had to the idea. Even if hiding who he was did make him feel a little ashamed. For food, it would've been worth it.

Something was beginning to hum in the air of the sealing chamber. There was a build up of energy swirling within the circle Naruto's dad and the old pervert had slowly constructed. Naruto was glad he'd gone pee before this, because wow. Hereallydidn't want to pull a Kurama and just let it all out.

Naruto and Gaara sat. Naruto ignored the itch growing near his abdomen, knowing that if Gaara's seal was on his stomach, his was probably in the exact same place. No need to risk it for the biscuit, right? Even if it was sort of driving him mad. He wasn't sure how to describe it. It felt like someone was lightly running their fingers across it, just barely skimming his skin enough for him to feel it. It left him feeling antsy, and with the urge to squirm.

Gaara was much less shy about his discomfort. His agitation seemed to grow with each passing second, his fingers curling into his shirt and his teeth gritting. Naruto wasn't sure where he was getting the sand when the chamber was so clean and empty, but the sediment he did manage to gather up ran tight laps around the pair of them, jumpy and jerky in its movements.

There was a faint burning in Naruto's veins. His dad kept glancing his way, clearly waiting with bated breath to see if it was effecting him. Naruto was good at keeping his discomfort hidden however, and he did it now with only mild trouble. It helped that he had something else to pour his focus into. Gaara needed his full support right now! Believe it!

Naruto could only guess how scared he had to be. Some random blonde guy and his pervert shadow they can't seem to shake pull up with your abusive dad, drag you to some windowless room where time means nothing, light a bunch of candles, draw a circle around you-- that would set Naruto's nerves on edge too! They could be the nicest strangers in the world and he'd still be raring to get out.

It seemed like a small eternity before his dad came to a stop as close as he could get, just on the inside of the ring he'd drawn with the help of-- you know, no need to mention him any more than Naruto already had. You get it. Fact was, it was pretty obvious that the time for Gaara to get his seal poked at was nigh.

From what little Naruto understood, seals were sensitive business. Whatever this circle thing they'd drawn probably couldn't be disturbed. It could mess everything up if it was. Unfortunately, this was an enclosed area, and Gaara was very much not shy about the prospect of throwing people into buildings.

"Well." Naruto grimaced a little as Gaara's proverbial hackles raised. "This is going to suck, isn't it?"

His dad tried for a reassuring smile. It wasn't very convincing.


Naruto had been right, as per usual. It sucked. It sucked alot.

Turns out to redo Gaara's seal, they had to get rid of the old one first. Hence the massive circle. It would keep the tailed beast in Gaara from getting out whilst they redid it or something. Super reassuring! That meant the whole itching on Naruto's stomach was from him beingdouble sealed. Kurama probably wasn't a huge fan.

Super not reassuring: the sand thing was, in fact,notthe tailed beast in Gaara. Which meant they had to work around it.

Originally they'd wanted to knock him out. The only problem with that was that the tailed beast could like, totally still possess him apparently. It just... couldn't get out of his body, that was all. Don't ask Naruto for the logistics. He's too stupid to tie his own shoelaces most days-- it's why he wears sandals.

Point is: they needed Gaara to be both awake and cooperative. At the same time. And as much as Naruto already loves Gaara, he's only known him like a day and can already tell that he can be neither of those things in tandem. That means sealing his stomach demon wasn't happy fun times at all.

Beyond the fact that he was fighting them, and that they had to restrain him-- there was something else about it that just... bothered Naruto. Naruto knew it had to be done. He knew it would improve Gaara's quality of life, that he'd finally be able to sleep in peace. But his friend was soscaredwhile it was happening, absolutely terrified down to his bones.

It hurt to see. It was like looking in a mirror in some ways. Naruto could recall times where he'd been so scared he thought he was going to drop dead right then and there. It's why he'd stayed, putting his foot down even when his dad insisted he leave for his own safety. Gaara was his friend, and when he looked at Naruto with those teary, wild eyes?

He couldn't fathom the thought of ever abandoning someone who looked at him like that.

Ayumu would have a total field day if he were here. There was so much material! Call Naruto a sap for staying or don't. Either way, he stuck by Gaara's side and didn't let go of his hand once. The sand licked against him a few times, but never hard and never for long. Naruto could feel a buzz beneath his skin, one that felt like Kurama.

The thought of Kurama protecting him was actually pretty flattering. Naruto pretended to be shocked by the whole Gaara having a tailed beast thing, because eventually theydidhave to explain. Or rather, his dad did. The other guy that nobody likes literally ever was just sort of there. Naruto's pretty sure he and his dad could've handled it without some pervert looming over their shoulders, but whatever.

Naruto could see why his dad was muttering about hazard pay now. They're lucky Gaara didn't manage to crush them all to death. Not that Naruto would'vemissedthe pervert stalker guy, but you know. He's trying to make a point here. Vaguely. Somewhere in there.

Naruto isn't sure if he felt the other tailed beast's chakra or not. Kurama had always had a certain feel about him. It had been scalding at first, overwhelming and oily, like a heavy and sticky humidity in the air. Now it seemed more like a soft and cradling warmth-- not that he'd tell Kurama that. The fox had an image he was trying (and failing) to uphold.

At one point near the beginning, when they first got the old seal off, there'd been something... strange. A gritty, angry feeling that had reached out to Naruto in prodding tendrils. It had filtered mostly through Gaara's hand and into Naruto's, since they were in physical contact despite his dad's continued stressed insistence that Naruto go.

Too bad Naruto's stubborn as a mule. Turns out using chakra to walk on water can help you stick to stuff too! His dad and the pervert hadn't had time to try and dislodge him and had been forced to get to work. Yeah, you can applaud, Naruto knows he's a genius. Back to the tailed beast thing.

The chakra had felt sad. Wistful, a little yearning beneath the surface. Naruto had focused in on it as hard as he could at the time, and he'dswornhe felt something inside himself reach out too and brush against it. A faint hello. Had Kurama been trying to talk to his sibling? Did he maybe want to after so many years, despite his insistence that his brothers and sister were all annoying?

Could... Could Naruto make that happen for him? Somehow?

"Well. That sucked and was awful." Naruto said in a considering tone. He was sat on a barstool next to Gaara, both of them holding twin ice cream cones despite the fact that it was around two in the morning. Naruto glanced at his friend. "Are you okay?"

They were back at the place Naruto was staying at. After his dad had dragged himself out of the chamber, Naruto skipping out behind him with Gaara in tow, they'd bypassed the questioning Kazekage entirely to go get their waffle cones. Then his dad had stumbled home and collapsed facedown on the couch.

Naruto wondered if he should check and make sure he was still breathing, actually. It wouldn't hurt to be sure. Though, Kashi seemed unconcerned, and he could hear everything. Naruto shrugged a little. At least the Kazekage wasn't here. They'd left the stalker dude behind to talk to him in their place. They had other, more important things to do.

"No. I am not." Gaara responded without hesitation before taking a giant chunk out of his scoop of cookies and cream. With his bare teeth. Naruto's nose scrunched up. Yeah, alright. Fair.

"Same. At least it's over, I guess." Naruto yawned briefly before he brightened suddenly, turning to Gaara with renewed vigor. Gaara blinked blandly at him as Naruto beamed. "Hey! Now we can have our sleepover! And we'll totally get to see if you get possessed and kill a bunch of people, believe it!"

Gaara looked excited by the prospect. On the couch, Naruto's dad groaned. Naruto felt like that was proof of life enough.


There isn't just one flower anymore. There's several. Eleven of them, total.

It's not the most, Naruto knows. It's not a sprawling field, but for a moment all Naruto can do is stand there and gawk down at them anyway. They're a tiny patch, the beginnings of grass sprouting between the wiry stems. The petals are all delicate and lively, brightly shining up at him. They... are the most beautiful flowers Naruto has ever seen in his entire life.

His sleepover with Gaara was fruitful. Kashi had cheerfully helped them make a pillow fort. They'd had to work around Naruto's dad, because he refused to un-collapse from the couch. That was alright. They'd made him a part of the architecture, tucking one of the corners of their sheet roof under him. He was a living anchor.

Gaara had been scared to fall asleep. Naruto had laid there on his back, staring up at the linen sheet overhead and holding his friend's hand until he faded out. He'd thought about Kurama during that time, thought about what he might be like after being so close to a member of his family, but he'd never assumed it'd be anything like this.

But it made sense, didn't it? Family was something Naruto had yearned for all his life. The thought of losing his father after just having found him made his mind scream with panic, even if he knew his dad wasn't going anywhere anytime soon. He couldn't imagine being separated from him for any long amount of time.

How long had it been since Kurama saw his siblings? Not even saw, but justfelt? Kurama was far from heartless. As aloof and malicious as he tried to act, he was golden beneath all the dust he donned like a shield. He was brilliant, and Naruto adored him for it. A part of the reason he was brilliant, however, was because of thewayhe felt things. And why wouldn't he feel this?

When Naruto gets his head screwed on straight enough to look up, he finds Kurama already staring at him. The fox normally has his head tucked away, lurking just on the edge of the shadows and barely visible. Today it's right by the bars, snout resting between two of the massive bars. His eyes are massive and red, and he lets out a huff of heavy breath that ruffles Naruto's hair and smells like ozone.

Naruto blinks wildly at him for a moment before he starts to grin. The realization of what he's looking at settles on him in a sudden instant, leaving him feeling strangely winded. Kurama's own lips curl just barely, one of his large tails sticking out between the bars and thumping lightly in the water.

The water-- it actually looks a little clearer. A little less dark and murky. Naruto hadn't even thought that possible, but when he notices it, his heart soars. Suddenly he's smiling so wide his cheeks hurt, his entire face lighting up with excitement.

"Kurama! Flowers! We grew more flowers, believe it!" Naruto crowed out, charging across the water to tackle his nose. After all, him having his snout out his practically an invitation for a hug. "Where did they come from?! There's so many!"

He knows where they came from. But Kurama doesn't know he knows that, and though Naruto feels a little bad about keeping it from him, he refuses to ruin a good day with potentially shocking news. He doesn't want to make Kurama upset! Not when he's genuinely happy. Because if anyone deserves to be happy for once, it's definitely him!

"Get off me, you maggot."Kurama snorts more out of obligation than anything as Naruto hugs him, his short arms still nowhere near the span of Kurama's dry, warm nose. Kurama's eyes curve a little as his smile widens, and Naruto beams back, feeling tearful."When your pathetic father collapsed I thought he'd really died this time. It put me in a good mood. Not to mention that murderous little stray you've picked up. At leastsomeone'sgot the right idea, though I prefer to set villages aflame as opposed to crushing individuals. More destruction."

It's the most Naruto's heard him say in a while, and his gravelly tone comes out lighter than ever and without a hint of agitation. Not even fake annoyance or anything, like he always conjures up when he talks to Naruto! There's no natural defensiveness, no irritation, no nothing. He just-- seemshappy. And that makes Naruto happy.

"This is the best day ever! I'll have to hang out with Gaara like, way more often, believe it!" Naruto crowed out, pushing himself up so that he was more on top of Kurama's nose. He beamed. "I'm happy you're happy, Kurama! I love you, and you're my best friend, and--"

Kurama flicked his head a little, sending Naruto tumbling backwards off his nose. His shriek turned to laughter as he landed on Kurama's tail, which was big and fluffy and more than enough to cushion his fall. Naruto's chest felt full and warm, his heart swelling ten times the size it normally was. He looked at the flowers again, smiling.

Call him crazy, but it sort of felt like they were maybe smiling back.


Kurama should not be smiling. It's beneath him to be showing a positive attitude towards such a runt, but he supposes it's far too late for that. It's already been established that though the little moron is vermin, he is nowKurama'svermin. How that happened, he's still not sure. Again, probably due to the nuisance's sheer stubborn determination and tendency to chatter.

If anything, it is what the humans call Stockholm Syndrome. Kurama has accepted this and now cannot help but peer down at the chattering brat with fondness bubbling at his core. Sage help him, but the idiot has grown on him. Enough so that Kurama's lips curl and his tail thumps a little, his ears twitching without his permission and his snout scrunching.

It's been a long time since he's felt joy in such a way. He has not always gotten along with Shukaku, but he has always loved his youngest brother and he's certain he always will. No matter what feuds they did or didn't have in the past, seeing him after so long had only brought on feelings of relief and-- as can be seen here-- happiness. His brother was alive and okay, and to feel that familiarity even for just a moment...

Well. He had the little brat to thank, even if the kit had no idea what he was doing. Kurama was beginning to understand that that's just how Naruto operated. The kid seldom ever knew what was happening at any given time, yet he marched forward anyway and would always come out on the other side one way or another. Kurama had no idea where the dumb luck came from, but it was astonishing to witness.

The boy should've died by now, by all accounts. Kurama will begrudgingly admit that he's glad the brat didn't. You would think a tailed beast of his caliber and fearsomeness would have more... dignifiedfriends, if any friends at all. Kurama believes he should be given a pass here due to the fact that his options are severely, severely limited. And he is being held against his will.

Isit still against his will? Kurama props his head up on his paw and watches Naruto jabber away and isn't as sure as he used to be. He thinks, if those gates opened, he would stay right where he is. In here is far better than an existence out in the woods, alone and to be hunted for all eternity until he is inevitably jailed again. History is always bound to repeat itself, no matter how many of his enemies he might manage to raze.

Naruto is bright and alive. He is a child, full of enthusiasm and with a twinkle in his eye that most struggle to hold onto. After all the brat's been through, it's astonishing that he still has his, even if Kurama can't imagine the little rat without it. Naruto Uzumaki withoutsomesort of spark is a laughable concept at best.

The boy is at least not naive. Kurama is the eldest of his siblings. He has dealt with stupidity in leaps and bounds. He's taught, he's watched, he's protected. Humans are far different than chakra beings, but not so different that Kurama feels terribly out of his depth. You see, Kurama knows much, and he's good at most things. Including drilling information into pea-sized brains.

"Eleven flowers! Eleven, Kurama!" The boy was currently half-buried in the fur of one of Kurama's tails, hugging some of the orange fluff and kicking his feet with boundless energy. He sounded like he could hardly contain himself. "That's like, so many! Ayumu's going to freak out! This is the best dayever."

Kurama hummed in acknowledgement, just as he'd been doing every so often for the past hour, only half-listening. His eyes tore away from the miniscule creature to peer at the flowers, which lightly bobbed in a breeze Kurama couldn't feel. He would sooner die than let Shukaku ever know feeling him again had brought this much joy to him.

The thought of getting to perhaps one day soon talk to his brother again made Kurama want to smile some more, which was pathetic of him. If Naruto really was this redheaded child's 'best friend ever', that implied they'd be seeing one another again in the future. That meant... well, maybe Kurama would get to talk to Shukaku one day. If he could ever convince this brat he really was the nine tails and not some orange sewer rat.

Kurama had been thinking it for a while. It had been a very long time since he had allied with any human, let alone shared his chakra with them. Naruto was too young now. It could hurt him, and for all his talk, that was the last thing Kurama wanted. His chakra system was still young and underdeveloped. With the seal, he could either push lots of chakra out at once or none at all. There was no way to slowly trickle it out in bits.

Perhaps he was foolish for thinking Naruto may one day remove the seal. Once he found out what Kurama really was, would he turn away from him? Turn his nose up, step back in fear and refuse to talk to him? Kurama tried to imagine it but couldn't conjure up the image. These days, it sometimes felt like that was all he thought about.

"Brat."Kurama interrupted whatever spiel the boy was in. The boy paused, blinking up at him with questioning, impossibly blue eyes."If I...werethe nine tailed fox, what would you do?"

The lows he dropped to. He was the fearsome, revered Kyuubi! The brat was just too blind to see it. Now here Kurama was, asking quote-on-quote 'hypothetical' questions that weren't hypothetical at all. And what was worse, he was worrying over what the answer might be. From a mere runt! His dignity had been speared and dashed.

"This again?" The boy made a face. Kurama's eyes narrowed dangerously, and he held his hands up in surrender, still seated in the fox's fur. It would be all too easy to flick his tail and send him flying off into the abyss... "Okay! Hypothetically if youwerethe nine tailed fox, I would remind you that I love you no matter what species you are or aren't. And that you should accept yourself for who you are no matter what. Believe it."

Naruto nodded with certainty. Kurama's eye twitched, and he wondered why he even bothered to ask.


Was a bit fillerish but next chapter it boutta get so real dawg

Chapter 25: In which sh*t hits the fan

Chapter Text

Third person pov

The session with Ayumu is more informal than the ones they had back in Konoha. Naruto sits cross legged on a pillow across from the man, beaming a grin in response to the kind smile he's given. There hasn't been much time to hang out with Ayumu with all that's been going on, but the man's still been diligent in his note taking and advice-giving.

They're closed up in one of the backrooms of the guest house they were given to stay in. Naruto wasn't sure where his dad had gone, but Kashi was just outside, watching over Gaara whilst the redhead napped. He'd been doing that a lot lately. Probably catching up on all the sleep he'd missed over the past couple of years. If Naruto were in his shoes, he'd probably just fall straight into a coma.

"You've had a pretty busy week, Naruto." Ayumu points out invitingly. A pretty open understatement. Busy doesn't even begin to cover it. Every ramen stand in Suna isn't going to try itself, after all. And there was the whole sealing thing too but whatever. "Any updates you want to share? I know you've made a real friend in Gaara. How's that make you feel?"

That was one of Ayumu's favorite questions as of late. He was always asking Naruto how certain things made him feel, and then he was writing those things down. Naruto didn't really knowwhy, but he figured Ayumu did and that was sort of the whole point anyway. As long as one of them knew what the hell was going on.

This week had been one of the best of Naruto's life, beat out perhaps only by the nights he spent with Kurama and the moments his dad would scoop him up and spend time with him. Gaara felt like, as Ayumu had said, a real friend. Like someone Naruto could genuinely connect with on some deep level most could never hope to reach or begin to understand. There was a kinship there-- like maybe Gaara was his brother in the same way his tailed beast was Kurama's.

Kurama had been brighter. Not just in the way he talked more and the way he poked his snout out from between the bars, but his fur had a healthier sheen, not such a dull orange. It wasn't so scruffy, soft and shiny and so silky Naruto wished he could spend a lifetime faceplanted in it. His ears spent more time perked up than they did pressed down, expressively twitching and swaying when he spoke.

He just seemed... happier. And that made Naruto happy. Seeing his friend smile, his red eyes crinkling and snout scrunching. He didn't talk aton. More than usual, but for the most part he just hummed along to whatever Naruto was saying, watching him with eyes that were softer than Naruto thought possible from the old fox.

It was blissful. The elation that filled Naruto seeing Kurama so content-- he felt like he was really getting closer to giving him the home and life he deserved. Maybe he couldn't be free right now, but Naruto wanted to have a healthy mind for him to stay in if that was the case. He wanted to be the best friend he could, and he wanted Kurama to know that he was worth it! Each day was a step nearer to that goal.

"Well, Gaara and I are best friendsforever. But you already knew that." Naruto rubbed his hands together gleefully. "You better get your pen ready though, Ayumu. You're not gonnabelievethis. Not only has the water in my brain sewer gotten less murky, Kurama and I haveelevenflowers now. Eleven of them!"

These days, it felt as though Naruto could feel Kurama even when he was awake. He was a warm ball in the center of his chest, a constant comfort and presence. Naruto wasn't sure what that meant, but it didn't seem like a bad thing. If anything, it just indicated that Kurama wasn't sleeping so much. And wasn't that a good thing? That he was more alert?

Ayumu perked up at his words. His pale eyes shone as Naruto struggled not to all but vibrate out of his seat in his excitement. Everything was just-- it was amazing. Kurama was teaching him so many new things. Naruto could make clones now! Not the illusion ones they taught at the academy, but real, solid clones! Apparently Naruto had a lot of chakra and that's why he was able to make them-- who knew!

"Eleven? That's a big leap, Naruto! Congratulations!" Ayumu looked genuinely happy for him. "This shows a lot of progress and in a very short amount of time. Do you have any idea what caused them to grow?"

He did, but it's not like he could tell Ayumu that Kurama was happy to see his sibling. Brother? It felt like it was a brother, but Naruto guessed it was probably rude to assume.

"Well, Kurama really likes Gaara." Naruto decided. It was close enough to the truth. "He's a really good friend! Believe it! He just-- he really gets it, you know?"

Ayumu's smile saddened just slightly. It was a subtle thing, but Naruto saw it anyway. There was no pity there, which is the only reason Naruto didn't reflexively bristle at the sight of it. Ayumu just seemed genuinely upset that this was the cards that had been dealt to Naruto and Gaara both. And Naruto could respect that-- admired it, even. Ayumu was one of the least judgmental people Naruto had ever had the pleasure of meeting.

"Gaara, huh?" Ayumu's voice was just a tad lower, but in a tender way. "You two really have gotten on fast. Why don't you tell me a little about him, Naruto? Kakashi tells me you two spend a lot of time together in that sand castle of yours."

Naruto's joy returned tenfold, a near-physical buzz in his chest. He was happy to oblige.


It doesn't feel quite so chilly in the sewer today. It's not swelteringly hot either. It's a comfortable warmth that tickles his skin, like a breeze at the beginnings of summer. Naruto basks in it, and he thinks he sees Kurama do the same as the big fox closes his eyes and takes deep, even breaths.

Kurama doesn't look quite so scary when he's all relaxed like this. In fact, one could even call him cute. Naruto's obviously never going to verbalize this out loud for fear of beating eaten alive, but the observation still stands. He looks at Kurama now and wonders how anyone could ever call him a heartless demon.

He knows he's privileged to see this side of the tailed beast. He feels honored to talk to him and get to know him. Which he knows he's said before, but comeon. Kurama's ancient! And no, that isn't an insult. It's super badass is what it is, believe it! It's like talking to an immortal. He's been around since the beginning of practically everythingever-- him and all his siblings have been.

Has no one ever wanted to talk to them? Wanted to know? History books are great and all, but what about someone who was actually there? Naruto's no history buff, and he's far from an academic, but that doesn't make it any less cool. It doesn't makeKuramaany less cool. Naruto feels endlessly lucky to have a friend like him at his side.

"Say, Kurama." Naruto was laid out on the end of one of his tails again, splayed out on his back and staring up into the endless darkness overhead. It was a little disorienting. If he looked at it too long, he lost sense of his orientation and almost felt like he was falling. It was kind of cool. "You're my best friend ever. Am Iyourbest friend ever?"

He's half fishing for information. If Kurama had other friends before, he so wants to know! Especially if any of those friends are still accessible somehow. Naruto's already planning a whole road trip to take when he's older! Not a road trip for himself, but one for Kurama. One where they can visit all his siblings and go anywhere else Kurama wants to go or see.

So far he only really knows Suna is on the map, but don't the other big villages also have tailed beasts? To promote balance or something stupid like that? They act like the tailed beasts are mindless weapons that can be wielded. Do any of them realize that they're living, feeling things? Or does everyone just use them for their own benefit?

He expects Kurama to snort at him derisively and tell him he's like, the worst friend ever or something. Good mood lately or not, he definitely still snipes at Naruto. It's pretty much an ingrained part of his personality. He can get away with it though since his comebacks are actually good. Unlike, say, Sasuke's or something.

Instead, Kurama cracks an eye open to peer at him. He doesn't look annoyed. He rarely looks annoyed or irritated at Naruto these days, used to his endless stream of chatter. He's probably an expert at tuning it out by now. Or if he's not, he's at least close to one.

"Quit asking stupid questions, brat."Kurama grumbles shortly, observing him. Naruto gives his best grin, feeling hopeful. Kurama's lips curl up at the corners just the barest amount. He snorts, closing his eye again. His ears flick."Who else do I have to talk to? What, you think the flowers are my friends? Don't be impudent."

That's as good as a yes in Kurama's language. Naruto's smile follows him all the way to the morning and into his wakefulness. His whoop of elated joy wakes Pakkun from a dead slumber, the pug bolting upright like he's just been shocked. Naruto's too busy jumping up and down for joy to apologize.

In his chest, the ball of warmth grows a little larger, a little brighter. And Naruto smiles all the wider for it.


The rest of their stay at Suna is like a vacation. With the sealing stuff successful and out of the way, Naruto and Gaara both are left with several days to frolic and play. And by play, Naruto means expand their sand fortress and plot the hypothetical murders of Suna's corrupt council members and other various douchebags. For all his psychotic tendencies, Gaara knows a surprising amount about the political climate of his village.

Naruto doesn't really want to leave. As tiring as it is to wake up with sand in places he didn't even know existed, Suna's still great. Kurama's mood had stayed consistently improved. Him getting to coexist in the same vicinity as his sibling had been nothing but positive as far as Naruto could tell. He didn't want to take that away.

It was also nice--and maybe this was a bit selfish of him-- to walk down the streets and to be stared at with somethingotherthan contempt and disgust. If people look at him now, it's either because he's the Hokage's son or because he has Gaara with him. It's not because they think he's a monster, or a blemish on their home, or a demon. They look at him with curiosity and see him as a child and nothing more.

He misses the towering trees and rolling grass hills of Konoha. The clear rivers and the muddy banks of them. Leaving is hard, but Naruto's first bout of homesickness ever is admittedly hitting him hard. Besides, who knows what Sasuke's been up to in his absence. He's probably f*cked something up that Naruto will have to fix when he gets back.

He jabbers all this to Kurama. He tells him everything, barring the fact that he knows he's the nine tails, and Kurama seems happy to listen. Well, maybe nothappy-happy. But content to, which is more than enough of a greenlight for Naruto! It's great-- he gets to hug him whenever he wants, and learn from him, and talk to him.

Kurama is a treasure trove of life experience. He's gruffly told Naruto stories before, but never in wide detail like he seems willing to now. He talks about the places he's been, some of the people and entities he's met. Naruto feels like he should be writing it all down to make into a history book or something, it's all so cool.

Leaving is bittersweet. Gaara looks like he might cry, which makes Naruto want to cry, which makes Ayumu clutch his pen and slowly raise his clipboard. It's a bit of a surprise that the redhead not only hugs him, but moves and hugs Kakashi around the legs too. The sand barely even nips at the masked ninja for it! It's like, the best thing ever, and Kashi lookssuperflattered too.

Naruto leaves Gaara with promises to see him again soon. He tells him that it'll all be okay, and that he's going to be awesome. That now that his tailed beast is sealed, everything will get better. Maybe he can reconnect with his older brother and sister! He'll make friends. Naruto is sure of it. After all, it'sGaara. What's not to like?

They barely see the Kazekage. He comes to see them off, but the way he interacts with his son is awkward and stiff. Naruto has no idea what his dad said to the guy but it must've been something insane. Which is totally on brand for his dad-- he even gave the Kazekage that super scary smile that lets you know he sort of wants to strangle you!

Even though Naruto is reluctant to leave, it's evident that his dad is... well. Not. He's ready to go home, and so Naruto tries to keep his complaining down to a minimum. Nottoomuch of a minimum, or else Ayumu may get suspicious and ask if he feels his feelings are inadequate or a bother or something.

"This sucks." Naruto whined in a way he knew was annoying but couldn't help. His dad was carrying him again, and Naruto had his chin hooked over the man's shoulder so he could watch Suna's massive gates fade off into the distance. Gaara had waved for as long as he could before they had to close the gates, and Naruto had waved back with just as much vigor.

"We'll come back soon, Naruto. Don't worry." His dad reassured with a grin, adjusting his grip on him. Naruto really was getting too big to be carried, but his dad had never gotten a real chance to. Naruto hadn't either when you think about it. "Who knows! Maybe Gaara can come visit you next time. Konoha's a pretty cool place to explore, don't you think?"

Boy was it. Was a pretty cool place to get rotten tomatoes thrown at you too. At least the Suna civilians had been too afraid of Gaara to provoke him. If his dad weren't alive, Naruto would probably have to take notes. Kill a couple people in public and suddenly no one bothers you! He's glad he won't have to employ such messy tactics.

Most of their journey is spent talking about Suna and that Kazekage dickhe*d. Naruto is quick to slander him, even more so when his dad grumbles agreements. His behavior towards Gaara, his own son, was utterly appalling according to Ayumu. Naruto had to agree. The thought of his dad ever treating him like that made him feel sick to his stomach.

The trip back is as fun as the one there was. The resounding success of Gaara's sealing had lifted everyone's spirits. Their bond with their ally had strengthened just from this, after all! There was a lot to celebrate. Things had gone well-- way better than anyone had thought they might.

Perhaps that's why Naruto should've expected something to go wrong.

Somethingalwayshas to come along and ruin things. If something is too good for too long, it's probable to assume something bad will happen. Everything had been a going a little too smooth. Normally there were little bumps in the road, but they'd hardly had any at all. Everything had worked out and fallen into place.

So of course all those little bumps they hadn't gone over had to accumulate into one massive one to wreck the entire experience. Because naturally, things had to go to sh*t eventually. Naruto's supposed to be smarter than this-- he's supposed to see stuff like this coming! His whole life has been one big cycle of bad luck. Why would that change just because his dad showed up?

Things had been amazing since his dad came back from the dead. He felt loved, and cared for, and protected. Naruto was safe and he was happy-- two things he hadn't thought would ever coexist for him in any steady tandem.

It happens when they finally exit the desert and make it to the tree line, entering the wooded area that marks the beginning of the Land of Fire. There is no immediate shift that puts people on edge, but there are more places to hide in the reaching branches and towering trunks than there are in the endless dunes of sand.

They make camp shortly after making it to the nearest river. The start of the forest was an unofficial border, but the river wasn't. It was marked on every accurate map of the great nations, and everyone all but collapsed in relief, ready to take a break from running. Even Naruto was exhausted, his face lightly sunburned despite the cream his dad had slathered him in.

Everyone was tired. Everyone was ready to go to sleep. That's probably exactly why the enemy had decided to strike then.

The fireball they shoot into the center of camp is massive. Or, at least, the way it implodes is. The ground is dry and the brush takes the light rapidly. Shouting immediately starts. Naruto is up in seconds, heart thundering in his chest. Adrenaline shoots through him as the flap of his tent is pulled open, his dad's terrified face crumbling with relief at the sight of him still there and decidedly not burning to death.

The sweltering heat makes sweat pour down his face. Before Naruto can succinctly ask 'what the f*ck?', his dad-- lit orange from the glow of the flames-- is yanked away from the tent opening and out of sight with a parting shout of rage. Naruto's words catch in his throat in an odd choke, and he scrambles out after him as the sounds of fighting start up nearer.

His dad is nowhere to be seen. Naruto wagers this is probably a pretty bad sign.

They're being attacked by whatlookslike ANBU from their own village almost, though something about the way they're dressed is off. Clearly they're not friendly whoever they are. Naruto tries to push his panic down and keep his head on straight, stood paralyzed in front of his tent with no idea where to turn. The fire seems to surround the entire camp, and it's rapidly closing in.

"Naruto!" He hears someone shout, though he can't tell from what direction. He curses to himself under his breath, a scowl settling over his face and pushing back the shock. He looks the direction his dad was yanked and just sees a wall of fire, so that's great. Very helpful.

He'd rate the situation an overall one out of five stars. The only reason it isn't zero stars is because he's not currently on fire. He'll take his wins where he can get them, believe it. Naruto's an optimist at heart! Someone around here has to be. It's hard work. Especially when people are pissing on your camp.

So much for getting some sleep. He'd beentired, too. Still was.

Deciding that standing in one place like an idiot is something that moron Sasuke would do, Naruto turns on his heel and darts the direction with the least fire. The smoke is insane, but Naruto doesn't let himself close his eyes completely. He stays low and squints, his shirt drawn up over the lower part of his face so he can keep from coughing a lung up. If he gets brain damage from this...

There's the briefest shift in the air behind him. Naruto ducks on instinct, diving forward and rolling as he does. He pops back to his feet and whirls around just in time to see one of those weird not-ANBU guys whipping towards him again. The kunai they have in one hand isn't very reassuring, but they don'timmediatelychuck it at his head. So that's nice.

"We can talk about this, believe it!" Naruto yelped, already scrambling backwards. There's practically no visibility with as much smoke as there is. The canopy overhead is so thick it's not escaping into the air at the rate it should, shrouding what little light the moon might've provided. "Are you guys cannibals? Please don't be cannibals! I'm just a skinny little boy, man, I won't taste good! I've lived off instant ramen for like, my whole life so far!"

There's no response. Which is just-- so lovely, really. Naruto leaps out of the way of a kunai. These guys aren't messing around. Naruto launches himself off again, darting into the bushes nearby and taking off as fast as his feet can take him. He has to find someone. His dad, or Kashi, or Ayumu-- or hell! Even that old pervert guy everyone likes to rag on!

There's a lot of noise. It's pitch black out aside from the flames, but Naruto is sort of trying to avoid those funnily enough. Who would've guessed. The ball of Kurama's warmth in his chest burns, a faint prickling that speaks to nerves and apprehension. He's glad he's not the only one feeling uncertainty here. What the hell gives, anyway?

Maybe he shouldn't have run. His dad was probably looking for him in camp which is the exact place Naruto is no longer in at the moment. He can't really hear the person following him, but he can feel them vaguely. Kurama says he's chakra sensitive, and apparently that's doing him some good right now.

He knows he's not going to get away. It should probably be scarier than it is. He just-- doubts these people are trying to kill him. He's sure they would've done it already if they were. Maybe they're after his dad, or maybe they want him for ransom. Or maybe--

Maybe they know about Kurama.

Most of Konoha clearly does. It's obviously not a very well-kept secret. People calling him a demon and a monster made it fairly obvious. Some had even called him the Nine Tailed Fox directly to his face before, spitting venom at him. PeopleknewKurama was sealed in him. He had no doubt those rumors had likely leeched out of Konoha's towering walls one way or another. That was assuming these masked individuals weren't from Konoha to begin with, of course.

Tailed beasts are strong. They're masses of chakra that are nearly endless, all-powerful and used to create tentative stability between the nations. The period of peace they're in is rocky at best, but it is there. There's a mutual "you don't set your nuke on us, we wont set ours on you" understanding they seem to have.

What about the villages that didn't have a tailed beast though? They'd definitely want one. Or what about the enemies of Konoha who didn't want the Leaf to have one? Killing Naruto would only spring Kurama. Kurama couldn't die in the sense that he could be stabbed and his heart would stop beating. He was a mass of chakra so large and so old he was cognizant and had awareness. A mind and thoughts and feelings.

He was alive, but he hadn't been born the same way most living things had been. He'd been created. People probably knew this, right? Rumor that the Hokage left for Suna must've spread, and rumor that Naruto was with him... He's vulnerable outside the village. All of them are. It's just them and the woods, none of the security Konoha provides to buffer them.

So basically... sh*t's totally f*cked.

"Naruto!" He heard someone bellow close by. It sounded like Kashi and was enough to have him hesitating, trying to pinpoint the exact way it had come from. That was more than enough time for his pursuer to catch on.

The kunai piercing the back of his calf was far from the worst pain he'd ever had. Naruto grunted, immediately springing towards the nearest tree without wasting another second. Chakra flooded through his feet just like Kurama had taught him. He scrambled part of the way up, springing off of it and to the next tree. His leg screamed at the movement, but pulling out the blade would only make it worse. Naruto took off.

He wasn't sure what had been hit to make it bleed as much as it was. Or maybe his constant movement was jostling it. Naruto couldn't tell if it was the smoke or the fluid loss that was starting to make him lightheaded. You were supposed to stay close to the ground in the case of a fire, but pinging between the trees like this was faster and was better than letting his enemy have the high ground.

The heat in his chest was growing stronger and more insistent. He thought, almost, he could hear Kurama's voice frantically calling out to him. Or maybe he was getting delirious. Man, Naruto wished he had some kunai of his own to fire back. Not that his aim would likely be all that up to par with him bleeding like this.

A gust of wind from behind knocked him off the branch he'd been about to leap off of and sent him plummeting. Even putting chakra into his hands did little to brace his blow. He felt some part of his arm snap and hissed loudly, even more so when the kunai in his leg was punched deeper. Damn. This is ass.

He moved to scramble up again but was hit with a wave of dizziness. His leg buckled, feeling numb and tingly. Naruto's world spun, a myriad of colors. Had... was the kunai poisoned? It had to be poisoned, didn't it? No way it'd be doing this to him this fast. Not unless it had hit an artery or something. Where were those again? Iruka-sensei had tried to teach them where in the body, but he'd zoned out.

Naruto tried to shove himself up again but the world teetered. He let out a noise of pain as he was yanked up by the back of his shirt hard. His arm jostled, already turning a gross purple that made him wince. It was bleeding too. Had his bone punched through his skin? He really hoped not. Last time that had happened it had taken like, a full week to heal. He didn't have that kind of time.

The burning in his chest was strong enough to make his eyes sting. Something hot rushed through him and started to numb the pain, something that felt like Kurama. Naruto struggled weakly against the hand holding him up, twisting to try and bite at the wrist of whoever'd snagged him. The not-ANBU just held him out further, like he was an angry wet kitten he didn't want to claw him.

"I've got him." He heard the man speak in an artificially distorted tone, though to who, Naruto couldn't tell. A syringe slipped out of their sleeve. It was full of a green liquid that looked like it probably shouldn't be injected into a body. "Don't fight it, kid. Just let yourself dream."

Naruto heard Kashi, closer this time. He felt like there was cotton in his ears. Kurama roared in his chest, the noise pinging around in his head as the syringe was jabbed hard into his neck. Somehow, it hurt more than the kunai had, more than his arm. It was fire in his veins, hotter than the flames at camp were.

Naruto's eyelids drooped. He spotted Pakkun running towards him, fear blatant on the dog's face. The last thing he did was reach out with his good arm, desperately reaching.

He was out cold before he could even hope to make contact.


By the time the fight's through, Minato's missing two fingers on his left hand, has broken a majority of his ribs, and has several kunai sticking out of him.

They'd come out of nowhere in the dead of night. They weren't ANBU, but they fought like they were. They'd come in and hit hard, sending a majority of their forces after the two biggest threats-- Minato himself and Jiraiya. They'd brought a small army with them. They hadn't stood a chance against so many enemies.

The kunai were poisoned with... something. Minato didn't know and didn't care. He felt like his chest was collapsing in on itself. His heart had been racing like a jackrabbit's since it happened, a heavy, fast thumping. He could hardly breathe, and it had nothing to do with his injuries. He was gone. Naruto was gone, gone,gone.

The last time Minato had seen him had been in that tent. Looking wide-eyed and alert, fear beginning to seep into his youthful face. He'd looked so relieved to see his dad there. He'd trusted him to get him out and Minato had failed. He'd failed his son.

He'd known taking him out of the village was a risk. Even if they'd kept where they were going and why on the downlow, there'd been more than enough time for rumor to spread. The wrong people had heard and now-- now his son wasgone. They'd taken him. Kakashi had seen it, had been mere yards away when the not-ANBU vanished into thin air.

Naruto had been in bad condition according to his student. A kunai to the leg, an arm bent the wrong way with exposed bone sticking jaggedly out. Apparently they'd injected him with something. Minato had already thrown up twice at the thought. The mere notion that Naruto was hurt was enough to make him sick. What if he-- what if they killed him? What if his son wasdead?

He never should've brought him out of Konoha. Or-- he should've protected him better. He should've stuck to his side like glue. Better yet, he should've taken him and run when this happened. Flashed in and flashed out. Gotten him to safety before trying to fight. Maybe then he'd be okay. Maybe then he wouldn't be hurt somewhere, knocked out and to be taken god knows where for god knows what.

They'd done it for the tailed beast in him. Minato should've known. Naruto was a high-ticket individual. Son of the Hokage, holder of the revered nine tailed fox, and still young enough not to know how to effectively defend himself against highly-trained adults. Minato felt like he was being melted from the inside out. He wanted to scream and throw things. He wanted to set the world on fire.

This was all his fault. He was supposed to protect his son, but Minato hadn't been able to do even that much. Now he was here instead of out there looking for him, surrounded by his injured men. What kind of Hokage was he to be beaten so easily? Ambush or not,poisonor not-- he should've been better than this. He should've been able to...

The whole thing had been a blur of dizziness and colors. Minato had no idea what was in his system or how he hadn't died from the sheer combination. He'd had a co*cktail of poisons in him, some the healers on staff hadn't ever seen before. It was a miracle they'd lost so few of their own. It was a miracle Minato was still here, as heavy as he was hit.

(It didn't feel like it.)

Kakashi was agonizing over it. He hadn't said hardly a word since they got back to Konoha. Minato hadn't wanted to leave, but poisoned as they all were, bloody and broken-- they'd just die before they could save Naruto, and Minato refused to let that be an option. If they wanted the nine tails, they needed Naruto alive. His son was alive. He had to be.

Kakashi blamed himself. He was always quick to do that. The simple reality was that if someone as fast as the yellow flash couldn't catch Naruto and save him, it was far from Kakashi's fault that he hadn't been able to either. They'dalltaken a beating. Around thirty enemies, maybe even more, all of them high-level and ready to play dirty...

"It's a miracle you came back when you did. This much poison in your system-- a few more hours and you all would've been dead. Minutes for some of you." One of the nurses clucked. Minato stared at her with dead eyes, and she gulped a little, straightening slightly at his flat gaze. "Y-You should be healed up in no time at all, but you must be careful with those ribs, Hokage-sama. They're--"

A hand whipped out and grabbed Minato's wrist, startling the healer. The blonde turned, expressionless, rage simmering.

Jiraiya had been beat up pretty bad. They'd knocked him out fast and had tried to kill him, and he'd been out cold for much of the fight and journey back. He was awake now, hazy eyes bloodshot. He struggled to sit himself up, tightening his grip on Minato slightly. He opened his mouth to say something and a wheeze escaped him.

Abruptly, Minato wanted to strangle him. He wanted to strangle everyone. They had no idea who'd taken his son. The enemies they'd managed to kill-- a hefty amount-- had turned toashthanks to some sort of cursed seal on their person. Their bodies were gone, and now all they had was--

"M-Minato." Jiraiya choked out, looking like he was struggling to breathe. "T...Toad. I put... on--"

Minato's heart all but stopped in his chest. Kakashi's head snapped up. Minato twisted his wrist out of the sannin's grip, grabbing him by the shoulder and yanking him up. Jiraiya winced but didn't protest at the furious motion. The nurse looked like she was about to go into cardiac arrest a the harsh handling, however.

"A toad?" Minato asked with almost hysterical desperation. "You got a summon on one of them?! A toad?!"

Jiraiya didn't speak again, but he did nod, his eyes grim but glittering. And that... that was something.

Chapter 26: Fear

Chapter Text

There's no real logistics in this guys, just plot devices dajklsjdla

Third person pov

There's fear that's as soft and slow as the faint patter of rain. It's more background noise than anything, so light you hardly feel it until it's soaked you through and left you weighed down. It is harmless at first, but without shelter, eventually you'll begin to shiver. It'll nip at your skin, make you ache all over. Until you're too cold to move at all. Until you're frozen solid.

Some fear is sharp. It can be one needle, a quick prick that makes you jump. Or it can be hundreds, all jabbing at you, drawing dots of blood and sending you springing forward. It can be a frenzy, a scramble toget away. Something chasing you at your back, points honed to stab if you slow down for even a second.

Fear can be a creeping sort of dread. One that wraps around you like a blanket and leaves you gritting your teeth. It can be the precursor to an inevitability. Something inescapable. It can be hopelessness, something you've resigned yourself to, something you don't even try to brush off-- all because you know that no matter what you do, it'll be there waiting either way.

The fear that Kurama is most acquainted with is the kind he has embodied for much of his existence. His is fiery and angry, and it sinks into the very bones of those who quiver before him. He inspires an awing sort of fear, for as terrifying as his gargantuan size and near limitless power is, it is somewhat amazing as well.

What doyouknow about fear? Because Kurama, for all that he brings it... he's beginning to think he never truly knew anything about it at all.

Fear precedes him. It is something that already existed when he came into this world, and it will be something that exists if he ever goes out of it somehow. Fear is constant. It is something felt by all, for can something really be considered alive if it does not feel something so fundamental? Fear is a protection against stupidity, an alarm the body sets off when something is perceived to be wrong or detrimental.

It is a warning. It is one Kurama heeds.

Kurama has felt fear despite what some may think. It's something he would never admit, but he has thoughts and feelings too, and he is not immune to the concept of being afraid. The thought of an eternity jailed, tucked away, had always loomed over him with an intensity that made him gulp and flood with trepidation. Trepidation he'd become so used to, he'd only noticed it was gone when Naruto took it away from him.

Naruto is bright. He is young and foolish, by far one of the stupidest humans Kurama has ever met, but he is... well, he is a child. Not quite naive, but needlessly hopeful enough to make up for it. He throws himself into life with reckless abandon. Fear is not something he feels enough, perhaps because he'd felt so much of it for so long that it had lost all meaning.

Fear is something Kurama has seldom ever felt from the boy since their unconventional friendship first began, with a murky sewer and endless insults quipped back and forth up until the point where Naruto wore Kurama down out of his lethal rage and into a rounded, soft fondness. Naruto is brave almost to a fault.

It's why the attack is so much starker. It's why the alarm bells doing just ring in Kurama's head, butscream. It why when Naruto grows afraid, Kurama is helpless to do much but do the same.

The fear that shoots through the boy is overwhelming. It's a shock to the system, a shot of adrenaline that has Kurama rousing and peering out through the boy's eyes in that strange, roundabout sense that allows him to see and hear what happens in the outside world. Not an open window, but rather one with slatted wooden shutters over it. Shutters that have been cracked just so-- to allow in a faint amount of light, fresh air, and noise from the outside.

Naruto in distress does not seem possible. The boy gets irritated, gets exasperated, even gets angry at times. But distress, no, it doesn't fit. Kurama canfeelit. He can feel the blade that pierces the leg of his container, of his first real friend in centuries. His chakra bubbles piping hot, pushing out as far as he can get it to go. But it's not enough. Sometimes, it feels like nothing Kurama does will ever be enough.

Naruto's fear is there, but it feels like very little compared to the tidal wave that courses through Kurama. He's stuck behind bars. He isuseless, unable to do much more than slow the poison he can feel entering the bloodstream of the boy as he scrambles fruitlessly away from enemies that are older and more skilled than he is. Kurama pushes as hard as he can, but the seal holds strong even as he throws himself against the bars with all his weight.

He knows his unforgiving chakra would be a stun to Naruto's system. It could hurt him. It could permanently damage his pathways, and could prevent him from doing jutsu if it were severe enough. Kurama could ruin his future as a ninja, could dash the boy's dreams and truly backlist himself from Naruto's mental 'friendship' list.

But the boy is dying. And the sheer terror Kurama feels is unlike anything he's ever felt before.

It's crushing. This frantic sort of push that urges him to do something, this screaming in the back of his head because hecan't. He can't do anything! They are killing him. They've hit something vital, and nobody is there to help. Naruto needs help. He needs to be saved but he'salone, and Kurama can't--

He can't do anything but watch and listen. It is the worst kind of torture.

The sewer is awash with putrid orange that mingles red. A sea of heat so sweltering it makes his fur stick down and his maw drip. His fear mingles with fury, because howdare they. How dare they touch what Kurama has deemed as his.

How dare they mess with the one thing he's had to claim incenturies, the one thing he's gotten for himself. His only friend. Someone who has accepted him and his poor attitude. The only thing, only person, he has to love anymore.

The only person that has ever lovedhimin a very, very long time.

He taught Naruto how to recognize the feeling of being loved, once. He had never expected the brat to give it back to him tenfold. To want to giveKuramathat feeling. Kurama is no good. He doesn't think he ever has been, and if he once was-- that time has long since passed.

Naruto makes him better, though. Naruto makes him want to at least try. Kurama does not have to live a life of anger. If Naruto can smile despite the hand the village has dealt him-- the called names, the attempts on his life, the isolation-- then... maybe Kurama can smile too. Because all Naruto has ever known has been harsh edges and lines, and hestillmanages to show softness despite it.

The thought of losing that so soon after he's gotten it makes him claw at himself. He howls his agony out, panic soaring through him. The flowers are swallowed in the crashing waves of his terror. Kurama's unease is as destructive as his anger, perhaps even more so. And it rises tenfold when Naruto is picked up by his scruff and has something vile injected into his neck.

Perhaps the fear is partially Naruto's, and perhaps it feeds his own. It matters very little. The window to the outside goes dark when Naruto does, but he knows without a shadow of a doubt that the boy is still in danger and has been taken. They'd gotten him. And it's probably all Kurama's fault.

He is valuable. He knows he did not exactly seal himself in here, but this-- this never would've happened were he not in here. Now Naruto isdying. Kurama can feel the way his heartbeat starts to fade. The blood loss and the poison is too much for a body as small and young as his, and he feels sick. Genuinely and truly sick.

Naruto is human. He's so little, so vulnerable. Still just a kit, and he could die at any time. His container's mortality hadn't occurred to him before. But Naruto could-- he could leave and Kurama would be left behind withnothing. No flowers, no nighttime chats, no endless jabbering, no one to teach, no best friend. No one to love, and no one to love him.

It seems like a simple thing to lose. It seems like it should be below Kurama to hold such things dear.

(It is not.)

Naruto appears in the sea of red in the same place he always does, though it takes himhourspast his fall into unconsciousness to for reasons that terrify him. Kurama spots his head of shock yellow hair and something in his throat catches. There's no smile to greet him, no immediate launch into half a million questions and things to say and tell Kurama all about.

Instead Naruto is still as a corpse, his face slack and an unusual, pale shade that looks almost blue in contrast to Kurama's raging chakra. He's not sure how long he gazes out at him. He's never looked further away before.

The chakra does not burn the boy like he feared it may. It ever so carefully carries him closer instead, slow and taking its time. It seems wrong to see him like this. There is an uncanniness that comes with Naruto looking so ill and so hurt. Kurama stares with big eyes at the morbid sight. There is no visible injury-- not here in the dreamscape-- but the effects are obvious.

It is terrible. The most terrible thing Kurama thinks he has ever had the displeasure of experiencing. The emotion he feels comes in huge, arching weights that crash down on him with force enough to break bones. His thoughts scurry. He searches for a solution. He can't just let this happen. Kurama can't.

He doesn't realize he's crying until the boy is right in front of him, hovering just beyond the bars. He'stiny. Kurama stares at him, memorizes the planes of his face and the spiking of his hair. Someone has taken him. Naruto's life is hanging by a thread, his heart struggling to keep up, his organs fighting against whatever they put in him. Kurama's chakra slashes at it furiously, but it's not enough.

He's supposed to be all-powerful. The demonic nine-tailed fox, revered by all. He is the strongest of all the tailed beasts, the oldest. Naruto has trusted him with so much. It feels agonizing to let him down in such a way. To sit here and watch more and more color fade from a child who issupposedto be so vivid he's blinding.

Kurama wants to see him smile. He wants to hear Naruto gush about his day, about the inconsequential details of his time at school and his interactions with his peers. He wants Naruto to hug him in that stupid way of his, where he plasters himself to Kurama's nose any time he deems to stick it out and within reach. He wants to hear the boy blabber about friendship, and love, and road trips, and clubs, and fields of endless flowers.

Hewantsfields of endless flowers. Kurama wants a home. But not if Naruto isn't going to share it with him. Not if he cannot have his only friend. He doesn't care if it's weak of him. He doesn't care that this is taking reign over him, controlling him. It doesn't matter anymore. Not when Naruto is... whenhe's--

Kurama can't heal him like this. He can't keep his life in stasis, can't shroud him in a protective layer of chakra that will hold until someone can save him. Not with these bars in the way.

The chakra brings Naruto closer. It's a bad idea. But he's right there, and Kurama just wants... he just wants to hold him. Even if he's tiny, Kurama has to save him. Hehasto save him. Naruto has given his life meaning. He's given him unconditional friendship. He's ignored every one of his jabs and has praised him. Has felt sympathy for a monster no one has ever considered the feelings of, and he has committed himself to saving him.

Kurama will save him too.

The seal flashes blindingly as his chakra carefully carries the boy through the bars. It is meant to keep things inside, not keep them out. It sparks at the intrusion but does not seem to do much else, and Kurama blinks away the spots in his vision. The burst of energy that had come from it hadn't negatively effected him, and it hadn't negatively effected Naruto either.

Kurama backs up. He sits back on his haunches, shaking rather pathetically all over. Naruto was a speck in his paw, but Kurama cradled him gently in it nonetheless. He curled himself into the furthermost corner, taking deep breaths, keeping his chakra gentle and soft as it slowly surrounded the boy.

There was no sealinsidethe cage to stop the gentle orange from entering through the boy's pathways. The chakra Kurama gave was nothing like the red storm raging beyond the bars. This chakra was light. It was love, was fear of a different kind, was grief. Naruto's expression scrunched briefly as it surrounded him, and Kurama's breath hitched, tears still bubbling from his eyes.

It was deafeningly quiet. There was no way to know what was going on outside. Kurama was in the dark, no idea if Naruto was still captive, if someone had come to get him, if there was a fight, if there wasn't one. Without Naruto's chatter to fill up the darkness, the world felt empty. No connection to... anything.

There was a brief moment of stillness before Naruto's expression smoothed out. Kurama felt a lump form in his throat, relief crashing into him all at once. Because on Naruto's face, faint as it was, was asmile. And that... that was something. His chakra couldn't leave the seal to go to Naruto, but Naruto could enter the seal to come to the chakra.

Kurama could feel Naruto's heart begin to beat a little stronger. His lungs expanded and released in full, and the breath he let out was small but seemed so relieved. Kurama drew him in closer, curling over him and keeping his chakra a steady stream as it did what it was meant to. He choked a little on his tears, bowing his head. He felt like laughing, almost.

Kurama could protect him. His chakra-- he hadn't thought it possible for him to shield something like this, but it was working.Nothingwould touch Naruto while he was here. Kurama's chakra could do more than just destroy, it seemed. Kurama had forgotten that. He feared he might burn straight through the boy, but had been willing to risk it if it meant saving him.

This was better than he could've hoped. This was achance. And Kurama? He was going to take it, and he was going to hold onto it for as long as he could.


It's rather simple when you think about it.

ROOT as it is will not stand up under the steady leadership Minato Namikaze provides. It is still too small, too insufficient to be called anything of worth. Danzo needs more forces to combat him. More loyal men and women, morepowerfulones. Ones that know their place.

The ones he has in training are not enough. Not only are they not ready for the field, but many are still young-- unconditioned and likely to break under the strain. Their abilities are underdeveloped. Hiruzen was an old fool who couldn't see what was going on right in front of him, but the Fourth is already suspicious of his plots. Danzo refuses to let it be his downfall.

There are a lot of things that can break a man. He'd already lost his wife, and surveillance suggested he wasn't as over this as he acted. He presented a fortified front to Konoha. He took the mantle back up with gusto! It was those quiet moments in his office alone, according to his active ROOT members, that the man spent gazing longingly at a photo of his long-dead wife.

Danzo does not know how he came back. It's unnatural, a complete freak accident he wishes he had answers to. One day the man is dead, a legend very few speak of barring the anniversary of the attack. And the next suddenly he's-- what? Comingbackfrom the dead, unaged, unchanged?

It simply won't do. Namikaze has to go. The man really should've stayed dead-- he's thrown a wrench in all his plans, moving the Uchiha the way he's been, disrupting the unrest Danzo has purposely caused towards them. The whole coup has been put on complete hold whilst the policing clan of Konoha positivelymoonsover that blonde idiot. Them and every other clan in the village.

There will be no taking over the village. No Sharingan, no elimination of the Uchiha clan, no Danzo taking his rightful place as the next Hokage, no nothing. Not with that buffoon running things. He thinks he's fixing things, but he has beendeadfor six years. He has no idea the depth of the problems Konoha faces. Problems that only Danzo can fix.

The solution falls into his lap rather suddenly, in the form of Orochimaru and the very experiments that got the man kicked out of the village to begin with. Experimentation is uncouth, but it does breed loyalty. Artificial, or borne out of fear, or perhaps trauma-- but loyalty all the same.

Heneedsmore ROOT members. He needs a bigger faction at his back. Similarly, he needs to take Minato Namikaze down. And how better to do it than to kill two birds with one stone? Orochimaru is a man Danzo has kept in some loose contact with since his rebellion. Though slimy and not to be trusted, a deal with him is not so remiss. Danzo has something he wants, and it's something he is willing to give for a price.

Orochimaru wants a Sharingan. The Akatsuki wants the nine tails. These are two things Danzo can work with.

The nine tails is a balance. A failsafe Danzo never would've considered letting fall into the hands of anyone else in the past. Desperate times call for desperate measures, however. Whatever they want the nine tails for, they are not ready to enact the plan. That means Danzo will have more than enough time to retrieve it once the Leaf has stabilized again. And if not? It's no matter. Under Danzo's rule, Konoha will be stronger than ever, tailed beast or no.

Orochimaru offers the bulk of his little lab rats to ROOT. With Namikaze out of the village, the time to strike is crucial. He's vulnerable, and so is his son. With a sedative and poison synthesized by the snake sannin specifically to stop them in their tracks, killing him and taking the boyshould'vebeen a cut and dry case. In one fail swoop, they could take out Jiraiya the Sannin, the Hokage, and his little lapdog-- Hatake. If they were lucky, they could even get that borrowed eye of his.

They were... not very lucky. Unfortunately.

Sure, they get the boy with little to no hitch. One of the ROOT members makes chase through the woods. Foolishly, they use one of their poisoned kunai instead of just the provided syringe, meant specifically to put the boy into a deep sleep from which he would be unable to wake. It would presumably keep the nine tails from seeping out, help contain it should its chakra start to lash out in defense and attempt to escape.

The kunai the boy is stabbed with has poison designed to take out a full grown adult, not a brat who's forty pounds soaking wet. It's a miracle he does not die on the journey back. He, in all likelihood, should have. It is only thanks to the monster inside him that his heart and organs do not give out. When he arrives, his breathing is unusually even. Though pale and sickly, his heart beats strong.

Danzo supposes he forgot what Namikaze was capable of. He'd been named kage for a reason, so perhaps it's not surprising he survived. Enraging, yes, but an outcome that should've been expected. What he finds himself less content with is the fact that Jiraiya and the Hatake boy survived as well. The fact that all three of their main targets made it out alive is rather unacceptable.

The disappearance of his son will at least break him. Danzo wagers that's better than nothing at all. He's seen how the man acts with the boy. He adores him. Naruto Uzumaki is hisworld, one that has been snatched away and will be destroyed at some point in the future. With no way to track them, Danzo is confident that Namikaze will crumble like a house of cards.

The enemy is hurt. With no leads, Danzo's victory is secured. He sees no real problems along the road ahead. He haswon. Watching Namikaze fall this way will be far more satisfying than just killing him would've been. Orochimaru seems to agree, inspecting the jinchuuriki, administering the antidote to the poison to help secure his health.

He didn't account for the fact that maybe, just maybe, theboymight cause problems. He's unconscious. The demon in him is sealed away tight. Orochimaru is confident he will not wake. And technically speaking, the boy does not.

Something else does. Something that blinds them with a flash of fiery, orange light.


Waiting for Jiraiya's summon to report back is agony.

There's fear that maybe the toad has been caught and killed. It's a possibility, one that has Minato pacing like a lion in a cage despite the healer's insistence he sit down and rest. Rest does not seem possible at a time like this. Naruto is out there somewhere, hurt and alone, and Minato can hardly stand the thought.

The summon can't leave until whoever took Naruto gets to where they're going. It can't give them updates, can't do anything. Once it leaves-- it'll be gone. It has to be sure Naruto isn't going to be moved. Because if it wasn't... they could lose Naruto forever. And that wasn't something Minato was ready to face.

The tension was insane. Everyone was subdued from the hefty loss, and antsier than ever with their Hokage as angry as he was. Minato had never been quick to rage, but this was... this was different. This was his son. His and Kushina's baby, and he'd beentaken. Minato wanted to rip his own hair out and scream. Wanted to throw things, wanted to destroy who'd dared do this.

The healers focus greatly on his hand. They're able to find and reattach his ring finger, but his left pinky will forever be half gone unless he finds a way to construct a new one. Minato wasn't sure if it would impair his ability to cast jutsu or not. He was fairly proficient in one-handed signs, and his right was his dominant anyway.

What were a couple fingers compared to his son? Minato would give his whole damn arm just to know he was okay. He'd giveanything. His time getting to know Naruto had been some of the happiest weeks of his life. This second chance he'd gotten was a blessing, but what was the point of having another chance to live if his son wasn't there to live with him?

Kushina was hard. Her absence hit him at the strangest of times. Sometimes it was easy not to think about it, or to pretend she was just out on a mission somewhere. She'd been a blazing flame in his heart that had kept him going for a long time, and the embers of her still remained strong. They likely always would.

She'd been it for him. Losing her was like losing a piece of himself. There was a gaping hole in him that only she could fill, and sometimes that wound festered or burned. It would be easy to break down over her death and let it take him over. A few times Minato had almost let it, in the quiet moments he got alone in his office to gaze at her photo.

But Kushina would never,everforgive him if he let her death negatively impact their son in any way. He knew this. Had known this-- had repeated it to himself several times. From the moment she learned she was pregnant, Naruto had become the center of their universe. He was everything. He was the future, their child. The most important thing to both of them.

If anything happened to him, Minato wasn't sure what he'd do. He wouldn't be able to keep going. He knew that much. Kushina was probably screaming at him from beyond the grave. She was probably screaming at everyone, actually. He had no doubt she was out there watching out for him and Naruto still.

Hehadto stay strong. It was just hard to. He wasn't alone-- he knew that. He was surrounded by people who wanted Naruto back just as badly as he did. The guilt in Kakashi that was quickly beginning to solidify into cold determination. The grimness in Ayumu, who'd sustained a massive gash to the back, the leg, and a punctured lung. The quiet faith of Jiraiya, who hadn't been there for Naruto when it counted but was trying to do right by him now.

If they wanted the nine tails, they needed Naruto alive. The seal wasn't easy to break from the outside. Minato just had to keep hope that Naruto was still okay. If he was alive, that's what mattered most. That meant he was obtainable. It meant Minato could get him back.

There's no telling just how long it is. The sun rises. The nurses force them to eat, but it all tastes like cardboard. Minato's chakra simmers almost visibly in the air around him. He's quick to snap, agitated and uncouth. He know he should be level-headed now more than ever, but...

The sun sets again. They're all healed more. It's not nearly enough time to get them all back in total working order, but it's enough that Minato thinks he could stand up decently in a fight. Any attempts to get him to sleep are fruitless. And, in his defense, it's much the same for everyone else. Kakashi stands still as a sentry and doesn't doze, and Ayumu and Jiraiya remain wide awake as well.

It's unbearable. Minato has been tortured before. He's been injured in many number of ways, has come close to death more often than most. He knows pain. This is something else entirely. A new kind of beast that he's never felt with this intensity before. It threatens to choke and drag him down. It would be so easy to let it.

In the silence of their hospital room, Ayumu writes. His pen scratching against paper is a constant sound. Nobody knows what it is he's writing down and they're not going to ask. Once this is all over, they'reallgoing to need daily sessions with the man.

It helps to think about after, because it implies Naruto will be around. Though, Minato has no idea how Naruto will take the whole thing. Will he bounce back from it with the same tenacity he does everything? Surely not. This was-- this was a whole other ballpark. This was more than harsh words from the civilians and thrown stones. This was the type of trauma that would likely follow him into adulthood.

The thought made Minato's jaw clench. He doesn't know whose done this, but he'll kill them for it. He will. Even in the war, he'd been merciful whenever he could. Sure, he never left any unnecessary threats behind, but he didn't take lives he didn't absolutely have to.

He didn't care if they surrendered. He was going to destroy them. Leaving them alive meant risking this happening again, and f*ck if Minato was willing to take that chance. They'd pay the highest price for this. And if Naruto wasn't okay? If he was-- if theytookhim from Minato?

He'd do a lot worse than just kill them.

The sun is just beginning to rise when there's a pop. The smallest puff of smoke appears at the end of Jiraiya's hospital bed and has them all flying out of their seats to attention. Minato, who'd still been pacing, whirls on his heel so fast you'd have thought he used one of his three pronged kunai to do it. The toad looked utterly exhausted, but unhurt.

"Did you find him?!" Minato burst out before Jiraiya could speak. Whatever poison they'd used on the sannin had caused his throat to swell up, and it was still hard for him to talk. Maybe that was for the best. Minato's feelings on him were still so mixed-- but there was no time or place for grudges now. Any issues he had could wait.

The toad really was a tiny thing. Young, probably. Minato couldn't feel any chakra coming from it. It probably specialized in hiding itself. He refrained from the urge to grab the thing as Kakashi materialized at his side. He'd hardly said a word even now, but his gaze held terrifying focus that would make anyone wither.

"I-I did. I-- I'm sorry it took so long. I was sure they were going to move him again, but... it seems not. At least not for now." The toad's voice was squeaky and high pitched. She looked pallid, tone coming out a little hysterical and frantic. "He's-- he'shere, Hokage-sama, Jiraiya-sama. He's in the village! They have him in--"

Before the toad could finish, the door to the hospital room slammed open. Minato bared his teeth in a snarl at the interruption but Shikaku hardly flinched. The man's face was drained of color entirely. He looked like he'd run the whole way here, which was odd considering the laziness his clan was characterized by.

Ayumu straightened as Inoichi appeared behind the man, looking just as winded. Minato felt his heartrate begin to speed up at the panic in their expressions. The way they were looking at him-- this had something to do with Naruto, didn't it? If he was in the village... then someone inside had taken him.

Minato had a feeling he knew who.

"Hokage-sama." Shikaku choked out. "The forest to the west, it's-- it's on fire. It's burning. There's a fight ensuing and Orochimaru has been spotted at the scene. We also have word that-- we think... we think someone saw your son. Unconscious, but--"

The toad gave a squeak, but Minato was already gone, nothing more than a flash of yellow.

Chapter 27


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

STILL no logistics, only plot devices

Third person pov

Minato balances on a line pulled taut.

Have you ever been so scared you can't breathe? Have you ever been so angry, that your lungs expand and contract with all the force of a huffing bull?

Minato has, but never at the same time like now. It feels like two unstoppable forces pulling against one another. Opposite sides of the same coin, and each wants to be flipped right-side up. It leaves his breaths coming out in a stuttering, uneven pattern. The ones that do escape him are great, heaving gusts. The ones that don't strangle up in his throat.

There is no information. Someonethinksthey saw his son. Theythinkhe was alive, theythinkhe was just unconscious. Minato wants to put hope in that, but the simple fact of the matter is that thinking is not knowing. Nobody has any idea of Minato's son is still breathing, and that drives through his middle like a stake.

Minato cannot tell whether or not fatherhood is abstract or not. In some ways he thinks it is. It's different for everyone, yet the same in so many ways. It does not follow any strict guidelines that Minato can see. It's wild in its abandon, constantly yanking him every which way and giving him no time to even think about getting himself steadied on his own two feet.

He knows a few things for certain. He knows he loves Naruto more than he's ever loved anything. He knows he would do anything for him at the drop of a hat. He knows he fears for him every day, fears for the instability of the village and the world his son will grow up in. He knows he is proud of him, of everything he does no matter how big or small.

He knows he will break into something unrecognizable if Naruto is not alive. He knows he will become someone else. He knows that, once his rage subsides and the full force of his grief hits, it will shatter him entirely.

(He hopes,begs, it will not come to that.)

The forest his halfway burned through by the time Minato gets there. Considering that his reputation is based around the fact that he's probably the fastest man alive, it's a real testament to the ferocity of the flames. They reflect his anger in their boundlessness, in the way they eat away at everything around them.

Chakra saturates the air. It's so heavy he can almost taste it. It's like a layer of sticky humidity, and his skin buzzes at the feel of it. It's like pins and needles all over, but Minato doesn't so much as bat an eye at it. All he does is gulp and steel himself, sensing about for any sign of his son as he traverses the burning forest.

The chakra that surrounds him as he does is angry. At first he fears it might be the Kyuubi's. That maybe Naruto did die and this is the nine tails releasing, dissipating to reform miles upon miles away who knows how far in the future. He considers that perhaps the seal was tampered with, that this is what leaked out. But no... no, that doesn't feel right.

Something about this charka is familiar, but it does not bring the same fear the Kyuubi's would. Minato has always been sensitive to different signatures. He's felt the latent energy of more tailed beasts in his time than most have thanks to his active role in the war. He knows what they feel like, knows the heady power they have and the spikes they dig in right to a person's marrow when their aggression starts to leak out.

This is not that. But this is-- almost close. In a rounder sense. Just as angry, maybe even just as dangerous, but it's not... it's not directed at him. He's not sure it's directed at anything at all, the way it's bleeding out in every direction uncontrollably. An automatic response of a sort. It scratches at the back of his mind like a dog wanting in the back door, but Minato can't get the knob to turn no matter how much he pulls.

Minato veers left, trying to follow the chakra to its source. The air is sweltering hot, heat licking at his skin and leaving him drenched with sweat and flushing. He feels Kakashi arrive and sees him somewhere in his peripheral, but he doubts he'll be able to do much better than Minato in terms of tracking. There's too much smoke blinding his nose here.

There's a sort of single-minded focus that takes control of Minato. His fear drives one foot in front of the other. His anger pushes him forward from the back, and his hope-- however hesitant it is to exist at a time like this-- pulls from the front.

He feels a bit like a drifting ghost. The flames sometimes get too close for comfort, but Minato hardly registers it. He feels as though he is moving under water. He thinks he's past drowning now. The water has filled his lungs and his head, weighing him down and clouding his mind. His thoughts reflect in fractals, and he recognizes this distantly as all-consuming panic of a type he has only felt a few times in his life.

He is the static of a broken television. He walks through a storm of epic proportions, feels every pelting drop hit him and leave a bruise. His son is somewhere in this. Naruto is so small. As strong as he is, as resourceful, as smart-- he is still young, and more than that, he ishurt. And if Minato is barely making it through, barely able to weave through--

No. Minato can't do that. He has to see for himself. He has to keep going. Kakashi mirrors his steps behind him, and Minato thinks that more must follow. Tree branches crack, brittle and burnt black as they crash down around them precariously. The ground is ash beneath his feet. It reminds him of the Kyuubi. It reminds him of his death.

The chakra grows stronger. He plays a game of hot and cold in a world on fire. A few water droplets hit him. People, allies, trying to combat the flames. All it does is produce steam that billows up in an obscuring manner, but Minato thinks he's been blind from the moment he first stepped foot in this forest.

It is a small eternity before they make it to the eye of it all. Minato hadn't thought there was one, but he supposes any respectable storm would have a center. It's calm here. Minato feels like he breaks through a tangible barrier when he steps into the untouched clearing. The fire does not reach here, spreading out and away instead of tinging within. His breath catches. He stares.

His world falls apart. It comes back together. He feels Kakashi stop at his back, frozen in place. Minato feels strangely lax, standing there with his arms hanging limply at his sides. A sense of helpless disbelief comes over him. He doesn't want to be confused, but there's very little else he could be in a situation like this.

He'd thought... well. He'dknownDanzo would be at the root of this. When he was informed Naruto was still in Konoha, that's where his mind had immediately gone. Orochimaru is a bit more of a surprise. Not a big one-- he supposes he should've suspected, really. He seemed like the type to want a Jinchuriki.

Naruto his here. His chakra is weak, almost like its been sucked into itself somehow, but it'salive. The boy's bloody and limp, pale as a bone. Minato can see the rise and fall of his chest from where he lingers, unable to move and hardly able to think. He blinks rapidly a few times, trying to clear the illusion. His blue eyes meet a pair of confused indigo.

He recognizes the chakra now.

"K...Kushina?" He rasps out, throat sore and scratchy from the smoke in the air. He takes in her maternity dress, the same one she wore giving birth to their son. Traces the flow of her fiery hair, starkly red even against the flames. She blinks at him a few times, as though she too thinks he's an illusion.

It's surreal. She stands there, a vision of the past. She looks exactly as she did the night of the Kyuubi attack, right down to her missing shoes and the dirt staining the bottom of her dress. Minato can't look away, his eyes stinging as they exist in a stand-still. It feels like it's just the two of them in a bubble.

His wife. That's... That's hiswife.

"Oh. There you are." She says back, sounding a little lost as she cradled Naruto closer. She squints, and now that he's closer, Minato can feel her carefully feeding her chakra into their son. "...You didn't seal yourself into Naruto too, did you? Because me doing it was an accident, ya know. Also, can someone tell me what thef*ckis going on?"

The line Minato has been so precariously teetering on snaps, but he doesn't fall. Instead, hesoars.



Kushina had only meant to sealsomeof her chakra in her baby. A last ditch attempt to leave a part of herself behind for him, ya know? If she'd known she'd somehow manage to seal herself-- as in, herself as aperson-- in him... well, she still would've done it. No regrets there. She's just a little shocked is all.

There is no awareness in being sealed, she's found. One moment she's protecting her baby from a giant demon fox. Then she's sealing said giant demon fox in said baby to protect said baby and adjoining village. Then she's thinking something along the lines of"Wait a second, I don't think I did that seal right. Did I just--", and then her world goes dark.

It's like blinking but with a little more information, ya know? One moment she's there, the next she's not. Insert a little base knowledge there. She knows she was sealed. She knowswhereshe was sealed. She knows that the whole sealing thing was her fault. She knows... okay, not much more than that, but what more is there to say?

Sealing people wasn't supposed to be possible. Maybe it had something to do with her being an Uzumaki, or maybe it was because she was a former jinchuuriki. Maybe when she sealed the Kyuubi, her f*ck up in the seal had just taken her along for the ride in some weird sense. She doesn't know and quite frankly doesn't really care at the moment. She has bigger fish to fry.

The orange flash of light she comes from is disorienting. It's jarring, going from standing in front of your infant son to suddenly standing over the six year old version of him. Kushina recognizes him immediately. Suddenly being snapped forward, having just looked her baby, it's easy to pick out the slope of his nose and the spiking of his hair.

She likes to think that maybe it has something to do with her being a mother, too. Kushina thinks she'd recognize her son anywhere, at any time and at any age. She thinks she'd feel this overwhelming amount of crushing love no matter what.

The sight of him should warm her. It should bring tears to her eyes. He looks just like her-- but just like Minato too, and it fills her heart to the brim. In any other circ*mstance, Kushina is sure she would break down and simply sit and hold him. Introduce herself and just-- watch him. Trace the whisker marks on his face and smile so wide it hurts.

But Kushinacan'tdo that right now. Because right now, Naruto's face is far paler than it should be, the unnatural pallor making him look washed out and sickly. He's covered in blood and lays entirely limp, the rise and fall of his chest being the only physical signs of life he shows. His chakra reaches out to her tentatively, familiar and so warm she could drown in it.

That's where she's spent the last-- however long its been. She may not remember it, but her body does. Her chakra reaches back, seeking to intertwine in a way it no longer can now that it's been pushed out. And howdidit get pushed out, anyway? How is she here?

His chakra islarge, and the very same as it was when he was born-- if not higher capacity. Kushina has always been chakra sensitive. It makes the switch into the future a little less rattling she thinks. Naruto's in front of her and the forest is burning around her. Naruto is in front of her and the forest is not burning, and he's also bigger, and-- yeah, she doesn't know. You get it, right?

He's so big now. Little, but... bigger. The memories of his birth are fresh, and the terror of having the nine tails free only just now starts to fade. There is no fox running rampant here. She can feel it, like a raging maelstrom, locked away deep in her son. Sealed. At least she and Minato had done that much right.

She stands there for a moment, opening and closing her mouth in search of words. Kushina thinks maybe there were some flashes that don't fit in. The smell of ramen, only it wasn't her smelling it. The color orange. Some flowers, maybe. She doesn't know, doesn't try to understand. Kushina's not stupid, but she's not super smart either. That's Minato's job.

Speaking of Minato, Kushina blinks a bit and stares some more. Realizes that something is obviously not right here if her son-who-is-no-longer-a-baby is bleeding and pale and sort of looks like he may be dying. Which is not good. Kushina doesn't like that at all, actually.

If Kushina is free, something is wrong. Very wrong. Something had to have triggered her release. Originally, she'd wanted to place a part of herself in her son to protect against tampering with his seal. A sort of failsafe. If something from the outside got too close to the release, it was supposed to activate and allow a piece of herself to intervene.

Sure, she'd given a little more than she bargained for, but she's willing to bet that she didn't f*ck up the rest of it. And if she didn't f*ck up the rest of it... that means something got close to Kyuubi's cell. Or tried to, at least.

Kushina blinks a few more times. Feels fear settle in her chest when she realizes how shallow her son's breathing actually is, even if it is steady. She looks up.

She's not sure what she expects to see, but it's definitelynotOrochimaru. He's in an ugly cloak, black with red clouds. There's a council member with him too. The one Minato hates and constantly whines about-- Denzo, or something like that. She doesn't know, doesn't really care about the specifics.

She's not caring about much of anything right now aside from the fact that her son-- her baby, herchild-- is currently injured, bleeding out, pallid, hardly breathing, chakra fluctuating, laying on a disgusting slab of stone between a known rogue ninja and the slimiest member of Konoha's inner circle.

"What." Orochimaru more says than asks. Kushina's rage lights like a firecracker.

Minato's rage is pretty quiet. He lets it build until it bursts. It slowly spreads, like ice climbing across the surface of a pond. The frost speeds up the further the temperature drops, the more of it forms, and soon everything's frozen solid. The ice cracks into place, solid and growing harder and harder to break the more time passes.

If his anger is cold, Kushina's is boiling hot. Beyond boiling, even. It is volcanic, explosive, meteors falling and setting things aflame, crushing buildings and ruining lives. It blazes, flames arching higher, destruction spreading wider. Her anger is like a chili pepper, red and furious.

It does not fail her here. She doesn'tneedthe full story. She can get that later. What she needs right now is for these two to get the f*ck away from her son.

Yeah, she's still in her birthing dress. Yeah, she has no shoes on. Yeah, her hair is a mess, her body is sore from having the Kyuubi ripped out of her, and she's also pretty sure she may've gotten impaled at some point. At least that part didn't stick. The pain did, still stabbing through her middle. A phantom of an injury she's lucky to no longer have.

But even despite all that, Naruto is in clear danger. And no matter how old or young he is-- it doesn't f*ckingmatter. Because Kushina is his mom no matter what. No matter when. No matter where.

She fought the Kyuubi. She sacrificed herself without a second of hesitation. She threw herself into the direct line of the Nine Tail's malice over and over again, even when it seemed hopeless. She got up on her two feet after giving birth to an entirehuman beingand she sealed atailed beast.

A tailed beast that had been ripped out of her. And after that? Orochimaru and Dengo really don't look all that intimidating.

"You." Kushina hissed out, eyes narrowing. Her chakra flared. Even if her physical body had been sealed and unable to full recover, her chakra was back tenfold. Orochimaru and Danbo (Probably his name?) stared at her with blatant shock. "Get thef*ckaway from my son."

Despite her affinities for water and wind, fire sure does have a habit of following her wherever she goes.


Minato does briefly wonder if he's perhaps hallucinating. Maybe he died in that forest, when Naruto was taken from him, and this is the after. A reunion surrounded by a wall of fire on all sides, with his wife standing in the dead center of the chaos. She is the personification of the destruction surrounding them, piping hot and with hair so red it blends with the flames behind her.

Kushina's chakra is alive. Proof she is not an illusion, for an illusion would not pulse with such ingrained energy. Kushina has always been a walking powerhouse, her signature larger than life itself, all-encompassing in its sheer volume.

It is an Uzumaki trait she has always worn with pride, even if it has meant stealth has never been her strong suit. You don't need to be a sensor to know she's coming. Minato had not realized how much he missed it until right this very moment. Of course he'd ached for her desperately, but the burn of her chakra against his skin and in his throat was a sensation you didn't realize you yearned for until you had it back.

Minato's emotions whip around him like a war banner. Kushina does not look nearly as devastated to see him here, more confused than anything. But then, she hadn't gone all this time thinking he was dead, either. It's obvious what's happened. Impossible to think about, but clear all the same.

Dressed in what she wore the night of the Kyuubi attack, and with her peculiar question asking if Minato had somehow sealed himself in Naruto too... some variation of what happened to Minato must've happened to her as well. She must've been suspended in time, dropped here six years later in Naruto's time of need.

If she was here, if she had somehow achieved what was thought to be an impossible feat-- her sealing herself, a living being, into another in stasis-- then that meant someone must've tampered with Naruto's seal. Minato had known Kushina'd studied a failsafe to put some of her chakra into their son in case something happened, in case the worst case scenario came to pass and they died and had to seal the fox in him.

They'd prepared. Hoped for the best, braced for the worst. Kushina must've done her part a little too well. In a situation like that, where emotions were high, he can't blame her. He'd clearly messed something up too if he was here. They'd fumbled the ball and overshot their goal, but that wasn't a bad thing.

If she was here... If she'd saved their son, if she was getting the chance to hold him... that couldneverbe a bad thing. And neither could Minato scooping him up and giving the loving home he deserved.

Kushina doesn't so much as flinch when he appears in front of her, his arms wrapping around her hard and his breath escaping in a shuddering gasp. She can't hug back holding Naruto the way she so carefully is, but she does tilt her head into his shoulder, nose warm against the crook of his neck. Minato breathes in deeply despite the smoke in the air and gives himself five seconds to drown in her chakra.

One. She still smells like the burnt char of the Kyuubi's vitriolic chakra, which had rolled over them in thick waves after Naruto's birth. It was a smell that reminded Minato of war times, of the times Kushina would get so mad the nine tails' power would leak out and leave her skin and clothes stained with the scent for days after.

Two. Her hair is just as soft as he remembers, and it's almost like she was never gone at all. Like she was just off on a long mission and is back now. In some ways, it is a blessing she has appeared now and not sooner. If she'd seen the way the village treated Naruto before, she'd have... well. She'd have burned it down.

Three. His mind struggles to wrap around the fact that she is here at all, even with her in his arms and her chakra pulsing around them like a separate, living beast with a mind of its own. His relief is like the ocean, vast and full of crashing waves and riptides that pull him under into the endless abyss of his own overwhelming love for someone he thought was gone.

Four.Kushina lets out a breath of air, and he lets one out with her.She'sback. It's okay. It's all going to be okay. She is a missing puzzle piece he feels slot back into place. A chunk of his soul returned, sliding back where it belongs and leaving him complete and able to breathe for what feels like the first time in forever.

Five.She came back. Minato never should've doubted she would. Because if Minato had, it only made sense that Kushina would find a way to follow. His family was complete with her here to help him raise Naruto, to help him cradle Kakashi the way he deserved to be after having to stand on his own so long. Now, they could be together. Now, Naruto would know his mother through more than just stories of her mischief and bright grin.

But all of that can wait. As hard as it is, Minato can put that on pause. Because Naruto is small and hot to the touch, and though his wounds are no longer bleeding, his face remains pale and slack. And that simply won't do.

Naruto's chakra does not feel right. Yes, he's breathing. Yes, his heart is beating. Yes, he's alive. But he's not... awake. His chakra feels strangely buried. Not as though it has depleted, but rather like it has sunk into him so far that it can barely be felt. Occasional spurts of it escape, but he feels unnaturally empty as Minato pokes and prods at him.

Fear fills him. Kushina is alive and here, and that's wonderful. It is something he will break down over. He will hold her and sob into her hair, and his relief will radiate out from his every pore. He'll wear it like a cloak, and he'll let the weight her absence brought lift and dissipate into the air. He knows this all to be true, but all of that-- it is forlater. Not now.

"It's a long story." Minato chokes out, pulling away from his wife. It feels like ripping he's himself in half as he does. His shaky hands drop from where they'd come to rest on her upper arms, his eyes coming down to glue onto Naruto's face. "They... They took him. I-I need to get him help. I need--"

Kushina's face goes grim, a scowl twisting her face. Her grip on Naruto tightens just so, a show of protectiveness that makes Minato's heart sing. Like him, she had recognized him right away. She probably had even faster than Minato had knowing her. Because if Minato's love for Naruto had been a steady and unending stream even before he was born, hers had been a perpetual storm of pelting rain and intense wind that would tear through anything in its way.

Naruto is everything. Kushina being back does not change that in any way, in any shape or any form. Minato would still give anything for him, and he knows his wife would too. That's why he has to be the main concern right now. That's why he's most important, above any and all else.

"Kakashi-kun can give me the details." Kushina shoved Naruto into his arms, gently as to not jostle him, and Minato received him with a shaky breath of relief. "Take him and go, Minato. H-He's okay, but his Chakra, it-- it's sinkingdeeper. Something is drowning it out. I think they-- somethingtouchedthe seal. Something let me out."

The implications of what that could mean, for them, for Naruto, for the village-- they are terrifying. Minato nods. Having Naruto in his arms again makes it easier to breathe and think. He's not lost now. Minato has him, and that means he candothings. He can protect him, can get him help, can see him and have him. That's everything.

Holding Naruto close, Minato twirls one of his three pronged kunai in hand. He meets Kushina's eyes one last time. Indigo against blue. Parting so soon after finding her again feels viscerally wrong, but Naruto needs help that Minato doesn't know how to give. He has no idea what's wrong, and not knowing is one of the most dangerous things of all.

So he smiles at her, as reassuringly as he can, and he's gone in a flash.

Kushina watches him go, heart pounding hard in her chest. She feels cold without Naruto in her arms. Which is a bit ironic considering the world feels like it's quite literally burning around her, the fire close but not so close that it scalds her skin. Minato's a yellow blur that vanishes back into the towering flames she caused.

She feels... a little lost. Out of the frying pan and into the not even proverbial fire, because like she said, the entire forest is-- you get it. Anyway. She just sort of... spawned into all this. What the hell is going on? The only things she knows for certain is that she sealed herself in Naruto, someone messed with the seal and sprung her, and she's been in there atleastfive years. Probably closer to six, maybe seven.

Maybe it was out of the fire and into another fire. After all, the last thing she remembered was the Kyuubi's rage surrounding them. The desperation she'd wielded like a sword back then is still somewhat raised, though in uncertain hesitation. She has no idea what happened while she was gone, or why Naruto was here.

She's going to find out.

"Well. This is terrible." Kushina decides, because it is. She feels raw, like an exposed nerve, and still lost. It's disorienting. She turns to look at Kakashi, who stands there gawking at her. "You're bigger. Bring it in and tell me what happened?"

It's crass and blunt the way she says it, but that's just how Kushina is. Straight to the point, cutting every corner to ever exist and not bothering to beat around the bush, leaping straight over it instead. She opens her arms to the Hatake the same way she always used to when he'd get back from missions.

He didn't shy away from it or grumble this time. Didn't try to dodge and take off running, didn't make her chase him and tackle him to the ground. Instead his shoulders slouched out of their tense rise. He let out a vague choking noise-- a keen half caught in his throat. Kushina's expression twisted at the way tears welled in the younger ninja's visible eye.

She had no idea what had been going on while she was gone. She didn't know what she'd missed, or what she'd left behind. She had no idea if Minato had been here the whole time and just hadn't visibly aged or if he'd been gone too. She had no idea if Kakashi had been left alone, or where life had taken him in her time gone. But clearly... clearly he'd missed her.

And even though Kushina doesn't remember being gone, even though she blinked and was here... she missed him too. Not in the traditional sense, but in the sense that she wasn't there for all the growth he obviously went through. She wasn't there to see who he became. She wasn't there to force hugs on him or meals, to drag him around whenever she could get a hand around his arm.

She descends upon him the same way she always had. He's taller than she is now, so Kushina can't quite hug him hard enough to lift him off his feet anymore. She tries anyway, and he hugs back just as firm.

Neither pay any mind to the jonin and chunin who watch with varying degrees of shock. Neither react to the efforts to fight back the blaze of flames, water jutsu splashing about and sending droplets flying. Neither react to the manner in which Jiraiya trembles at the tree line of the clearing, staring at Kushina's bright hair like he's seeing a ghost.

They just stand there and hug for as long as they need to. And after a moment, that seems to be enough. Kakashi swallows and he braces himself. His voice comes out scratchy and low, his hands curling into the fabric of Kushina's dress as she rubs up and down his back.

He starts at the beginning. He starts six years ago, when two empty caskets were buried side by side and a blonde baby was left in a cold, empty room at an orphanage. When Kakashi came back from his mission to find Konoha in shambles, his sensei gone and Naruto barred from him, hidden away from the public and Kakashi included.

Kushina does not interrupt, but her chakra pipes hot and thick all over again. She shakes as her rage rises and rises. Because if Kushina is not going to beat around the bush, Kakashi won't either. He tells her everything, hugging her all the while, like his arms can contain the force of nature she will become as soon as he's finally done.

(They will not. But standing there, speaking in that low tone, it's easy to pretend.)


The world is quiet, and he will not wake. No matter what Kurama murmurs to him, no matter how he gently shifts his chakra, no matter how he pulls him closer and curls his body around the child. He is still as a corpse, and it is only a small solace that he is not as cold as one too.

Kurama knows how to be patient. As old as he is, as much time as he has spent doing nothing whilst sealed away, he must be. Patience is waiting. It is having nothing but your thoughts. It is forcing yourself to occupy yourself, to fill the silence, because you may go crazy if you do not.

Mostly, Kurama has slept in these quiet moment. It's easy to drift. Being sealed takes a lot out of him. He is the equivalent to a malnourished, neglected animal like this. Contained in such a way, there is no room for him to spread out and stretch the way he is meant to. His fur is flat and dull, and he holds a skinny, wiry frame where he should have fat and muscle on his bones.

He cannot sleep now. Cannot even fathom the thought. He feels if he so much as blinks, Naruto's chest will stop its steady rise and fall. He has repaired what he can, but there's only so much he can do with the seal as strong as it is. Though Naruto is in here with him and Kurama can reach him as a result, his inner body is not the same as his physical one. It is more of a... door. One Kurama can barely fit through.

The seal is a barrier that prevents him fromfixing this. And Kurama wants to do that. He wants to open the windows back up so he can know what's going on outside. Naruto could be ripped away from him at any moment, at any time. What would he do if someone decided to plant a kunai right through the boy's temple?

The uncertainty makes him nervous. It makes his tails and chakra thrash, hitting against the sides of the cage and precariously leaking out. He tries to slowly count backwards to calm himself, tries to take deep breaths. It is to no avail.

Naruto's expression does not change. Kurama wills it to. Wills him to scrunch his nose, or frown, or smile, or twitch, or-- or giveanyindication that he is still in there. What if this is fruitless? What if he is gone, and all Kurama is doing is keeping his body alive?

The thought scares him more than he thought possible, making him bare his teeth and squint teary eyes. It itches him down to his core, agitates him more than anything has in a while. How has this child wormed his way so deeply into Kurama's sense of being? How has he made existence itself seem impossible if he is not a part of it?

No. No, he has to believe he's going to be okay. Kurama will fall apart otherwise-- and who will hold Naruto if he does that? The boy's impudent fatherwillfind him. Maybe he even already has. Maybe Naruto is resting in a soft hospital bed right now.

Maybe he will wake up soon and pop right out Kurama's paws and back into reality, complaining loudly about how he's hurt, and hungry, and how the hospital blanket "sucks" and is too scratchy. Maybe he'll remember some, and maybe he'll talk about how Kurama is his friend and held him while he was under.

Maybe after that he'll fall asleep later, when he's been fed and checked over. He'll appear. He'll thank Kurama for saving him, and complain about how "uncool" the whole thing was, and relate it back to some other abhorrent incident he experienced before his father reappeared. Maybe he'll call Kurama his best friend ever, like he always seems so keen to. Maybe he'll hug Kurama's nose and tell him he loves him.

And maybe Kurama will say it back.

"I've got you."Kurama breathed out. He could do this. He is the nine tailed fox. He can do anything. He has Naruto, he's got his chakra healing him, holding him. Hewillwake up. He just needs time. Kurama can do time."I've got you. Just-- Just wake up, you little brat. That's all you've got to do."

Kurama curled deeper into his cage, deeper around Naruto. He ducked his head into the corner, eyes trained on the young boy. If anything in Naruto changed, he was going to see it. No matter how small it was. This is what best friends are for, isn't it? His focus was unshaking.

So unshaking that he didn't notice the seal beginning to glow with a soft, orange light-- one that is lost in the sea of his frothing red chakra.


I know it's dragging but bear with me jajdj

Chapter 28: Wake


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Third person pov

Physically, Naruto is fine.

They get to the hospital in record time, as journeys have been known to be when Minato Namikaze is involved. Naruto's breathing deepens by the time a nurse is able to take his vitals and his heartbeat is strong, already recovering from the blood loss. Minato hovers anxiously by as they gently wipe the mess of remaining red from his son only to reveal smooth, unblemished skin beneath. Not even a scar.

So, he's okay inthatregard. Any arteries that may or may not have been nicked have already closed. There will be no lasting internal trauma from the poison, which has somehow been expunged from his body. All his biological facilities are functioning at their very best-- maybe even better than before. His previously high blood pressure, taken a few weeks after Minato came back to life, has levelled out into the normal and target range.

It should be good news. And it is, really, it is. The only issue is that despite being perfectly fine, with brain activity recorded as regular, with lungs expanding and contracting, with his heart thumping to a steady rhythm... he won't wake up.

They try everything. They give him a medication that triggers a burst of adrenaline, one that would have anyone else's eyes shooting open with alertness. They try to gently call out to him, and Minato's throat goes tight when his brain activity doesn't fluctuate in response, proving he's not hearing them. They even have Minato jolt a little chakra into his system to see if that'll get him up, but the blonde boy doesn't so much as twitch.

Chakra is what it really all comes down to. It's the problem here. Minato knows that, he just doesn't knowwhy. He has no idea what they did to his son. It feels like his chakra gets further and further away the more time that passes, like it's sinking further beneath the surface.

Dread fills him. Minato can't sit still, pacing through his exhaustion, through his anxiety and his fear. Attempts to draw Naruto's chakra back forward are all to no avail. It's stuck, held in place behind what feels like an impenetrable wall. If Minato didn't know any better, he'd almost say... he'd almost say that Naruto, somehow, was sealedinsidehimself.

"Do you think he's what touched the seal?" Kushina asked, looking entirely stressed over the idea. She was covered in soot, her hair a wild scarlet curtain that frizzed out behind her. "What if I swapped places with him accidentally? Wh-What if I did this to him, Minato?"

Having Kushina back made this whole thing feel a whole lot like a fever dream. Minato looks at her and nothing feels real. He wants to laugh and cry and hug her and never let go. He never thought he'd get the chance to scoop her up into his arms again, yet her she is. Present, tangible, and... just as afraid as he is.

Minato cannot fathom the thought of focusing his full attention into anything aside from his son right now, and he knows Kushina feels the same. Later, when this all ends and Naruto can smile at them again, he knows he'll break down. He knows he will feel a drowning sense of elation and relief, and he knows he'll cry.

That will come later, though. Right now Naruto is what's most important. Getting him out of-- whatever this is... they have to find a way. And to do that, they have to find what caused this.

"He shouldn't be able to access the seal at all, even if his body did go into crisis mode. The Kyuubi is asleep-- he should stay that way for at least a couple more years." Minato gnawed at the inside of his cheek. Even saying it, he knew how uncertain he sounded.

"That was before I f*cked up and sealed by entire body in him like he was some sort of scroll, Minato." Kushina tugged at her hair, throwing it into further disarray. "Is the-- I mean, is the seal still even intact? What if the Kyuubi woke up, or- or Naruto is stuck in there trying to get out and... and can't?"

She sounded so defeated as she said it, and Minato understood why. The mere thought sent a shiver down his spine. Was Naruto trapped in his own body fighting for a way out, alone and scared and unable to hear them? It made Minato sick to dwell on it to long-- the possibility that his son may be crying out for him in a way they couldn't hear.

If the Kyuubi is awake, Minato can't tell. The Kyuubi awake suddenly would almost certainly mean rage, would mean it trying to ram its way through the seal in the midst of Naruto's weakened state. Minato can feel none of that now. The Kyuubi's chakra rests still inside the seal, not burning through Naruto's pathways with anger and spite and intent to harm like it used to Kushina when she's slip.

The seal stands out as Jiraiya lightly channels chakra into it. It's inky and stark as ever, all its layers in the same condition they were before this whole mess started. The sannin looks as tired as Minato feels, and the blonde kage can hardly find it in himself to feel bitter towards the man anymore as he looms over his son, brows drawn in contemplatively.

Kakashi, not unlike Minato, is restless too. He wants to help but knows there's little he can do with his arbitrary knowledge on seals, since they're nearly certain that's what's causing this issue to begin with. Kushina had already tried to get the Hound nin to rest but it was pointless. None of them could fathom sitting still for more than a mere moment right now.

What do you do when you're faced with solving an issue, but you don't even know what the issue is to begin with? There's some vague sense of an idea there. The beginnings of an explanation lay spread out before their fingertips, but there were no directions for them to go. Not yet.

It was driving Minato utterly insane.

"I don't see anything off. There's nothing. The seal-- it's flawless. I don't think they got the chance to eventryand tamper with it. Orochimaru may not be a master, but he knows his stuff. If he'd really wanted to, there'd be some sign left over." Jiraiya huffed out in a frustrated tone. "I wish there was a way one of us could go inside. Look for him or something, maybe see what's going on in there."

The man punctuated with a sniff, leaning back. He then paused. Minato paused too, blinking. They looked at one another.

Ever so slowly, everyone turns to look in the corner of the room where a droopy-eyed Ayumu sits, slouched and with his foot anxiously tapping along to an uneven beat. He perks up slightly when he realizes attention is on him, shoulders drawing up and spine straightening somewhat. He looked between them all, clearly not having heard what they were talking about. To his credit, theyhadbeen prattling on about to same dead-end theories for the past hour or so.

There was a moment of silence, the sound of Naruto's heart monitor steadily beeping the only sound. Ayumu yawned a little, dragging a hand down his face as he inspected their expectant gazes with a squint. Kushina cleared her throat.

"Uh." She leaned forward a little. "Is there... a reason we're all staring at the random guy in the corner?"


In Ayumu's professional opinion, this probably isn't a very good idea. Unfortunately, he's not the one who gets final say.

Something is wrong with Naruto. They don't know what or why it's happening, just that it is and they've got no way to fix it. How do you heal a person if you don't know what part of them is hurt? How do you wake a boy from a coma if you don't know why he's asleep?

Minds are fragile, delicate things. It is dangerous to try and delve too deeply within them without full acceptance and permission from the one being invaded. The Yamanaka are skilled-- their kekkai genkai allows them to possess, to seize minds and control of chakra pathways. This is similar, but not similar enough for Ayumu to feel certain.

Controlling and delving into are two very different things, after all. The Yamanaka's signature move lets them wrap around and contain, but to truly enter one's mind? It is something Ayumu had one day wanted to do with Naruto, once they knew one another better and had formed a thicker bridge of trust.

It is a risky process. One Ayumu had planned on explaining the process to both Naruto and Minato very clearly. Walk him through the sensations so Naruto would not panic and reject him. Take a look at the inside of his mind and the state of it, just so Ayumu could learn how to better help him, so he could maybe talk to--

The rat. So he could maybe talk to the rat.

How could Ayumu haveforgotten? Naruto's friend, Kurama, a reflection of himself! Such a unique way for trauma to manifest-- something that had utterly fascinated Ayumu with its rarity and vividness. Naruto's image of Kurama was so lucid, a driving force in his recovery that pushed Naruto further and further along the path of understanding what it meant to be okay.

Honestly, sometimes Ayumu felt like Kurama was doing his job for him. He sounded entirely strange, so strange that Ayumu had ambitiously hoped to one day observe him before Naruto became secure enough to no longer need the construct. A large rat in a cage, one that taught him about love, one that Naruto considered a friend.

Was that rat in there now? Ayumu didn't know. If it was... perhaps Naruto had retreated into the safety of it. Was that a thing that could happen? He didn't know enough about what the rat even was to answer that question, and he doubted there was anyone else in the would that did either. They were flying blind.

Ayumu didn't like flying blind.

The rat could make things easier, or it could complicate them. As an extension of Naruto, would it reject him? Did it have a degree of sentience, or was it only active when Naruto's mind was? If Naruto was conscious within his mindscape, the rat likely was too. If Naruto wasn't... then in theory, he shouldn't be confronted with any large animals in cages. Unless, of course...

"The Kyuubi." Ayumu frowned, eyeing Minato dubiously. "How will it play into this?IfI agree entering his mind is the best course of action."

As bad an idea as it was, it may be their only choice. Sleep deprived as Ayumu felt and still weak from the attack, him entering someone's mind-- especially a child's-- was a poor plan. But Naruto's chakra was so far away, and leaving it that way for a prolonged amount of time? There was no telling what that might do to him long term.

"The nine tails will be unconscious when you go in. And on the off chance it's not..." Minato grimaced. "Well, it won't be able to get to you anyhow."

"It should be staked and chained down." Kushina added in. "That's how it was with me. It was starfished on its back, on a round stone slab. Zero mobility whatsoever. Other than spit mean words, it'll be harmless-- and again, that's if it's even awake. I doubt you'll go to the area in which its sealed anyhow."

That was... somewhat reassuring, Ayumu supposed. The man took a breath, trying to steady himself and his roiling nerves. Naruto was not some sort of science experiment they could set up and try again if they failed. If Ayumu slipped in the wrong way at the wrong time, he could hurt him.Permanently.

"Doesn't seem like it's awake. We'd feel it if it were." Jiraiya grimaced, eyes sliding over to the harried redhead woman and her pinched brows. Her expression has stayed twisted into the same face they all share-- one of growing worry and panic. "If Naruto sinks low enough that we can't feel his chakra anymore, I fear what will happen to his pathways. We need information more than anything right now. This has never happened before and that's a problem-- we just don'tknow."

In this world, not knowing is awfully dangerous. Ayumu knows this and he still hesitates. Just like they don't know what will happen if Naruto's chakra continues to recede away and out of their view, they don't know what will happen if Ayumu tries to enter his mind whilst he's in this state. He wonders which is worse.

Ayumu gnaws at the inside of his cheek, eyes dropping down to the boy again. He looks so much smaller in the hospital bed, drowning in white. His hair is a shock of yellow against the starkness of his pillowcase, his face sallow and devoid of the life and energy Ayumu had grown so accustomed to seeing him laden with. His heart clenches at the sight, and Ayumu's forced to look away.

He blinks back the sting in his eyes and he thinks. Is it odd to consider a six year old a friend? In his line of work, perhaps not. Naruto has always been special, though-- he was far before Ayumu ever met him. He is a flame that has burned strong for his whole life, ambitious and determined to stay alight no matter what was thrown his way.

Naruto is selfless in a way Ayumu did not think children could be. The way he thinks, the way he acts... he is spectacular. Children are precious, and Naruto is no different. He is a torch meant to be carried, a brilliance so blazing it blinds.

To see that start to dim, to know there is a true risk of that light going out?

"...Okay." Ayumu breaths out, and Minato's shoulders slouch with relief. "Okay. But if I think something is going to go wrong, if I feelanyresistance... I pull back, and I don't try again. I do this slowly and carefully."

"Slowly and carefully." Minato agrees, his voice hoarse, and that's... that's that.


Kushina wonders if any of this is real, or if maybe she's just landed herself in a nightmare.

Kushina has always considered herself to be emotionally strong. She's hardheaded, slow to cry, quick to step up. Some would call her stubborn, but Kushina has always preferred Minato's way of putting it--spirited, he used to grin when people asked if she was always like this,she's just spirited is all.

It felt like she hadjustsaved her child. Like she had just fought tooth and nail, knowing she wasn't going to come out on the other end of things but not caring so long as Naruto did. She had carried him for nine months, had felt his chakra signature grow and twine with her own. Kushina can still remember the first time he kicked, the way she's stopped and closed her eyes and just... felt.

Naruto had been somewhat of a miracle. With the Kyuubi locked away inside her, she and Minato had both been afraid to try. Would the seal weaken? Would the baby be harmed, be changed by the beast's chakra hovering so near it as they developed? Kushina had stayed uncharacteristically insecure throughout her pregnancy, wrestling with doubts and fears almost constantly.

To have Naruto come out so perfect had been a miracle. The elation upon seeing him for the first time is still fresh in her mind, something that occurred not six years ago, but rather less than a day instead. Kushina peers at him now and her heart twists. Unlike the the Kyuubi's attack, she is powerless here. She can do nothing.

Kushina's never been good at standing still. She's a lively person, the type that keeps going and going until she's too tired to anymore. She does not like to be stopped. Like many forces of nature, often times shecannotbe stopped. It takes a lot to make her immovable. This, Kushina things, is a far more than simply 'a lot'.

This is fear deeper than what she felt the night Naruto was born. She could've lost him then, yes, but at least she was able to fight. At least she was able to win.

How do you win against something like this?

(You don't, Kushina is beginning to realize. You just cross your fingers and you wait.)



Slowly and carefully had not been an understatement.

Ayumu does not plunge in. He takes his time, skirting around the edges, prodding and feeling to see if anything is going to push back. When he finally does start to slowly sink below the outer surface, he starts with a mere fingertip, slight and cautious.

He holds his breath and waits for resistance that does not come. Naruto, for all his openness, has always locked certain parts of himself away as well. If anyone knows how to keep a secret, Ayumu knows it would be this boy. There are parts of Naruto's life before Minato's time that he still has not told anyone about, that he may never.

It is why Ayumu goes in fully expecting rejection. Naruto shares only what he wants to share, and though that is a lot by the standards of most, that does not mean the blonde boy likes his privacy infringed on without his express permission or knowledge. He's careful about what he says and what he shows, and Ayumu has always found his skittishness to be somewhat saddening.

Asleep or not, the subconscious is a powerful thing. Ayumu enters Naruto's mind slowly, keeping his chakra and his presence soft as he sinks out of his own body and into Naruto's own. He does not go in with the intention to pilot or touch, but simply to see. To look, and to hopefully discover.

He knows his body in the physical world will crumble like a ragdoll, but he expects at least one of the present ninja will have the mind to catch him. Ayumu focuses on the distant feeling of Naruto's chakra, letting it act as a beacon in the darkness of everything else. With Naruto knocked out, none of the lights Ayumu is used to seeing within the human mind are on. It's all just... nothingness.

Naruto's chakra rests at the end of what feels like a very long hallway. Or-- no, not a hallway, he realizes with a start once his feet finally hit the ground. Ayumu stands at the mouth of a tunnel. Asewertunnel, with craggy sides that come up to form an arch. Ayumu is in a tube, one with an atmosphere not unlike the one Naruto described his mindscape to be.

The air here is drenched with thick humidity. Heat pours from down the way, and Ayumu is struck with the sudden fear that perhaps the Kyuubi is not as asleep as it feels on the outside. That if Naruto's chakra has sunk back, perhaps it has too, enough so that they are unable to tell the status of it. Or maybe the heat is Naruto-- he always has been a bit of an inferno.

The ambiance is tense.Somethingis coloring the air, too far to quite make out the specifics but present enough for Ayumu to know how strong it must be. Turmoil washes over him in swathes, the smell of ozone so thick and acidic it nearly burns.

It would be easy to back out and leave. To say that something wasn't right and leave, because really, somethingisn't. The water is murky, lapping at his ankles. He does not dare try to stand atop it. A fluctuation in his own chakra could set off a cataclysm that Ayumu will be unable to control or prevent, and thus he does not risk it.

He remembers Naruto speaking of this. The water he spoke of was usually clammy, sometimes even cold according to him. This is nothing like that. It's hot enough to turn the skin it touches an irritated red, the temperature leaving him feeling raw and prickly. Steam lightly wafts up, painting everything in a foggy sheen.

Ayumu doesn't back out, though. His instincts scream at him to, not because he thinks Naruto is going to fight back, but because it feels as though something else is. Ayumu's not sure how to feel about that.

What he does feel for certain is a growing concern. Because whatever's causing that heat down there? Naruto's right smack in the middle of it. And Ayumu doesn't feel strong enough to leave him behind knowing that. He has to at least see. He has to at leasttry. They're all counting on him to do just that much.

The water grows uncomfortably hot in a way he forces himself to ignore. Ayumu's throat is tight, his brows drawing in as the murky color begins to bleed into a muddy red. It reminds him of blood, and his unease grows in time with the rapid thumping of his heart in his chest. Sweat beads at his forehead as the light at the end of the tunnel, all too telling, approaches.

It feels fast. Long as it was, Ayumu would've thought the tunnel would've taken more time to get down. Perhaps that had been wishful thinking on his part. The delaying of something inevitable, for Ayumuisgoing to do this, and he's now committed to seeing this through to the end.

Somewhat belatedly, he realizes he's really,reallynot paid enough for this. Naruto's life seems like payment enough, even if Ayumu grows more and more doubtful that he'll be able to do anything. He berates himself, reminding himself that all he has to do is look. All he has to do is see and then he can leave. That's it.

(Maybe if he tells himself that enough times, he'll start to believe it.)

The eerie light casts an orange, angry glow across his face. Ayumu steadies himself against one of the uneven walls of the tunnel as a fresh wave of heat washes over him, this one far more intense than anything that drifted its way down the tunnel before. Naruto's chakra is stronger here, more in reach. Ayumu has reached the center of the sewer.

The first thing he sees is just... orange. Orange and red and hints of yellow, all deep in shade and full of fear and anger. Big, heaping,crashingwaves tear across the vast space. Inky darkness extends out in every direction, no walls to contain the seemingly endless chaos. The darkness seems strangely stormy, and Ayumu is overcome with the strange sense that it is likely meant to be brighter than it looks now.

He has never seen anything like it before. It's almost beautiful in some twisted, morbid way. It's like watching flames dance. It feels very alive in its movement, and Ayumu can't do much but stand there in the face of it, taking the gargantuan sight in as these arching, towering plumes reach up to a sky he can't see the start or end of just to slam back down mere feet away from where he stands.

There are emotions laying sticky in the air, so intense he struggles to breathe through them. Ayumu is accustomed to feelings-- it is the very crux of his profession. Yet, in all his time, he hasneverfelt anything on this grand a scale. This is fear at an intensity he did not know was possible.

It's strange that it's fear he feels from all this because it seems so obvious to him that this chakramustbelong to the Kyuubi. Because that's what all this is, isn't it? Chakra? Ayumu has never felt any this lively before, has never seen it in such a physical form. This was not the soft glow of healing, the sharpness of wind, the blaze of fire, the roundness of water, the harsh edges of earth. This was... this was beyond all that.

It's pure, raw, and powerful. So powerful Ayumu cannot fully wrap his head around the entire scope of it. There's somuch-- much more than Ayumu will ever feel, ever see again in his lifetime, he thinks. This is the power of a tailed beast. Naruto, small as he is, holds all this and more inside of him. Has since he was an infant.

That... is amazing. It's terrifying. It seems, like most things do when it comes to Naruto and his peculiar life, utterly impossible.

Ayumu lets it strangle him a little. It's not like he has much choice in the matter. It is nearly impossible to see through the snaking peaks, the ones that climb high just to crash down again. It feels a lot like grief, though Ayumu can't fathom why. He swallows thickly, tongue heavy in his mouth.

He half expects the Kyuubi to emerge and snap him up. To slink out of the orange, to morph out of it, and to roar its rage out at him. He swallows and recalls Minato's words and Jiraiya's certainty. Kushina's promise that it was still locked away, held down tightly and immobile. He thinks of the seal, about how long they'd observed it.

It'll be harmless.

Looking out at all that chakra, Ayumu wonders how true that is.

Ever so hesitantly, he steps forward, not reallywantingto enter the maelstrom but knowing that standing still wasn't going to do much. And the moment his shoe makes it an inch past the threshold of the tunnel, the world around him comes to a halt.

It all juststops. Ayumu stops with it, startled with the suddenness of it all. He stands, frozen, sweat beginning to soak through his shirt. The fabric sticks uncomfortably to his back, his hair a frizzed out mess he doesn't bother trying to push out of his face. No, his focus is stolen by something else.

With the angry chakra stilled, Ayumu can see across the main chamber. He sees flowers, barely visible in the orange even with it momentarily halted. This is where Naruto goes when he sleeps. Ayumu feels a cold seep of dread begin to snake up his spine, the cusp of a realization teasing him. He tears his gaze from the flowers and looks up.

Across the way in a not a stone slab with a beast chained down and staked through the hands and tails. Instead what greets him is a massive, toweringcage. One with thick metal bars so big around he doubts he could get his arms even halfway around them if he tried. The gaps between them are plenty large enough to walk through, proving it is host to something far greater in size than any human.

Ayumu's eyes climb the bars. The orange chakra sifts slow as it sinks down, and Ayumu's brain follows in suit, thoughts moving through molasses. He does not breathe, can hardly even think. Everything in him grows paralyzed, and understanding settles in the pit of his stomach like a cold stone.

A pair of massive red eyes glare out at him, wild and furious. They glow in the dark recesses of the cage, and he can just barely make out a muzzle and the glint of bared teeth. The Kyuubi is very much awake and very much upset, and Ayumu's heart drops. Because Kurama...

Kurama was never a rat in a cage. Was never a construct, was never a manifestation of Naruto's trauma, was never a coping mechanism for him toheal. Kurama had always been the nine tailed fox, an ageless monster, a caged beast, a demon to be feared.

And Naruto? Naruto wasn't resting before the bars and out of reach. He wasn't unconscious, wasn't fading away.

No... No, Naruto was in therewith it.

The flowers, the description of the beast, the cage-- evidence had all pointed to an obvious explanation all of them had missed. You could not blame them, not when Naruto had been so certain about the creature's species, and Minato so confident the Kyuubi still lay dormant. After all, Naruto claimed this thing a friend, one he wanted to give a good life. Who would ever assume that to be a demon?

"You."The beast snarls, and Ayumu braces. For an attack, for a threat--take the seal off or I eat the child whole. Something along those lines. Maybe for the chakra to burn him alive right here and now before he can even escape."You..."

The Kyuubi, strangely, pauses then. Ayumu can't tear his gaze away as that muzzle comes into the light, just as terrifying in person as the stories say. The fox looks furious, though the way it glares at him is... almost contemplative. It looks almost angry. And as it comes forward--

There. Cupped in its massive claws, just barely visible... is Naruto. Tiny and curled up, but seemingly whole. Ayumu sucks in a breath of air so fast he almost chokes on it. The Kyuubi's ears flick, and Ayumu does not think he's ever been so afraid in his entire life. The glare he gets is oppressive. Something this old, something this powerful...

So much for it not being awake.

The Kyuubi's voice is grating. It's presence fills the space, inciting terror. He feels like prey before a predator, and isn't that exactly what he is? Ayumu's pale eyes stay locked on Naruto, watching the distant rise and fall of his chest. He feels grief fill him. How are they ever going to get him out from behind the bars unharmed? How will they get the Kyuubi to release him?

Only... if this is the rat... Narutohadn'tbeen lying. Naruto is many things, but a liar? No, that boy is almost brutally honest. Ayumu's brows draw in. The Kyuubi teaching him about love? His... best friend, Naruto had said? Naruto had claimed to love it. Is it possible that Ayumu's wrong? That this isn't the rat?

(Giant cage. Flowers. Orange. But how--)

"...You are the boy's... therapist. The Yamanaka."The Kyuubi says, and Ayumu flinches so hard he nearly falls. The Kyuubi draws even closer to the bars, seeming almost hesitant. It huffs out a blast of air from its nose that ruffles Ayumu's hair with its force even at this distance. Up closer, Ayumu can see... tears tracks. Tear tracks in its fur, darkening it into a more burnt orange."Then you impudent mortals finally found him, then?"

Ayumu stares at him, eyes big. The Kyuubi's eyes narrow further, though he can see its body slouching with what seems like relief. The silence is nearly deafening, the gently lapping of the calming chakra the only sound.

The nine tails is a monster. Ayumu knows this-- the tailed beasts are weapons that seek only destruction, constructs of pure hatred. Ayumu did not expect the intelligence with which this being levels him with. There is hostility there, but something else too. Something defensive, something territorial.

The Kyuubi is waiting for an answer. Ayumu's eyes climb back to Naruto, and somehow, he digs out his voice.

"H-He--" He clears his throat when it comes out dry and uneven. "H-He won't... H-He won't w-wake. He... He h-has healed, but he--"

He stumbles over his words, which catch anew in his throat. He stays still as a stone. The only thing that keeps him from running is Naruto, an anchor. One Ayumu can't justleave. Not when he has not even been attacked yet, and certainly not after seeing where he is.

The Kyuubi's ears seem to droop. It shifts, sending ripples through the water. And then, absurdly, it... laughs.

It is not a laugh like any Ayumu has ever heard. It's like gravel, grinding and deep. Even soft as it is, it comes out like a growl of booming thunder. Ayumu feels dizzy as he parses out the pure relief that coats the sound, taking in the way the Kyuubi seems to hunch.

"Safe, then. Yet after this..."The Kyuubi trails off, and the beast sounds bitter as it does."He will leave, or you fools will take me. Perhaps both. He will know either way."

His voice is quiet and echoes. Ayumu watches, not moving forward nor back, as the Kyuubi peers down at Naruto. There is something buttery in its glaring red eyes, something Ayumu did not think could exist in a place like this. He breathes in shakily, eyes flickering back to the flowers.

They are soft and whole. Ayumu glances back at the Kyuubi, who bows its head over Naruto's still form, lips curling with a show of teeth. It looks dangerous, yet the monster does not open its maw to devour him. It just.. sits like that. Holding him, so close its forehead nearly touches the boy.

Another flower sprouts, and then another. The Kyuubi snorts wetly, shaking its massive head. It turns back to Ayumu, pinning him under its terrifying focus again. Ayumu does not know how to feel in the face of it as it grins at him, ears and body slouched.

"He is a the stupidest idiot I think I have ever come across."The Kyuubi says, or perhaps it is telling Ayumu."But he is also the brightest."

The Yamanaka watches in disbelief as the Kyuubi's arm passes between the bars, Naruto held out carefully. The boy's muffled chakra explodes back into place like it never left. A sudden snap and it's like the lights have been turned on, a switch flipped just like that. His chakra floods back into place, filling out the boy's system the way it was supposed to.

Their theory had been right, Ayumu thought to himself in a distant and detached sense. Narutohadbeen sealed inside of himself in a way. Or rather, he'd been behind the Kyuubi's seal.

The orange chakra coating the ground bubbles up to meet the demon, carefully curling around the blond. It lifts him in a gentle cradle, supporting his head and all his limbs. It feels like a trick, the easy way the boy's body is carried over. The Kyuubi watches, seemingly satisfied as Ayumu stiffly reaches out his arms on reflex to receive him.

Ayumu wonders if this is real. Maybe he died in those woods and this is the weird after. Or perhapshe'sthe one in a coma, and this is the way it's manifesting.

The Kyuubi stares, and Ayumu can feel the way the chakra reaches and prods about. He watches the beast settle down, head coming to rest down on paws. It looks... tired. Tired and sad, watching Naruto with longing. It had not wanted to give him back, but it had. Ayumu can't figure out why.

It doesn't make any sense. Why hold onto Naruto in such a way? Why release him with such ease after seeing Ayumu? How did it even recognize him? It only had to look at his face and it'd known immediately who he was, and it seemed... relieved. Glad.

Demons are not supposed to be glad, are they? The Kyuubi, who sought to destroy the village above all else, to reign with terror...

"He will wake up with you, I believe."The Kyuubi-- Kurama-- sighs. It sounds mellow. Like a goodbye. His gaze sharpens for a moment, and Ayumu shrinks under the irate glare."Donotallow this to happen again or I shall rip your intestines out through your throat."

Ayumu believes it.

"You... You're j-just going to... to give him to us?" Ayumu will have a heart attack over the fact that he talked to the nine tailed fox later. He thinks the only reason he is not spiraling entirely is because of the seal, still clearly in tact, holding the cage shut. He finds solace in the sight of it. "...Why?"

The Kyuubi's eyes drop to the flowers. Ayumu follows its gaze. Another flower pops up, and then another. Grass sprouts between the delicate stems, and the Kyuubi's snout pops between the bars, eyes trained on the sight of the growing plants. They are a soft contrast to the harshness surrounding them. They do not belong.

"Perhaps I am the fool."The beast muses, and then its furious gaze is back on Ayumu again. It bares its teeth halfheartedly, and there's... regret there. Resignation to something Ayumu does not yet understand."Now. Getout."

Ayumu feels something shove him, and his eyes fly open with a gasp.


every fic I write makes me physically cringe when I read it back

Chapter 29: Awake


sorry this is like all dialogue I tend to ramble

Chapter Text

Third person pov

It occurs to Kurama, as he holds his kit, that he has known the boy for every moment of his existence.

He felt him first in the womb of his previous jailer, a mere flicker of a thing. The beginnings of a concept not yet fully formed, a spark of something that could be larger if allowed to grow. He had watched the fire build. Had watched his soul come into shape, had seen it brighten. Since Naruto's coming into being, they have never been apart.

Kurama wonders if that makes Naruto just as much his an anyone else's. Perhaps that is wishful thinking on his part. Maybe he really is just some sad, old fox. He feels like one rather suddenly, like a coward, an imposter in his own skin. Kurama feels so much like nothing that he thinks maybe he was never much of anything at all.

He's not sure how to explain what he feels when the man comes for him. Ayumu Yamanaka looks different in person. Through Naruto's eyes, he is a towering man with pale hair and eyes. One with a sharp gaze who constantly analyzes, who sees patterns where others do not. He is a pen and a clipboard, and the smell of mandarin oranges.

Through Kurama's eyes he is a grand contrast, one so great that Kurama almost doesn't not recognize him. He's a shaky, puny thing. Not as small as Naruto but comparable, a flea next to Kurama's massive size. He quakes but does not run like most would, and Kurama has to give him credit for that much.

It's a testament to his distractedness that he did not feel him enter. Kurama has always been a somewhat territorial beast, his chakra sensitivity existing on a hairpin trigger. To think this human made it all the way down to the main chamber before Kurama noticed him. Perhaps it's a good thing. He may've expelled him prematurely otherwise.

(A part of him wishes he had.)

But he doesn't. It would be terribly easy to keep holding Naruto, but the longer he stays here, the more precarious his situation becomes. As much as Kurama wants to keep him in his grasp forever, Naruto is not alive like this. He is stuck in a slumber held by the seal he'd been pulled behind, his body in stasis as Kurama healed his wounds and preserved his health.

It was a relief to see the therapist come in to retrieve him, to hear that Naruto was safe. It meant they'd found him. He was okay, in a secure enough position for them to enter and investigate. The chaos and danger had passed. Naruto would be just fine.

That's why it's rather pathetic that Kurama should feel such complete, all-encompassingdread.

He knows the moment those pale eyes land on him that this is it. After this, everyone will know, Naruto included. He will know what Kurama is. No longer will he be the quote-on-quote 'friendly rat in a cage that helps Naruto heal from his trauma'. He will once again be transformed into the monstrous, demonic nine-tailed fox.

A murderer. Incapable of love, of real thought. A tool, a weapon to be locked away. Kurama feels panic begin to claw at him as he bows his head over Naruto's still form, teeth clenching and breath coming out in heavy puffs. He did not lose Naruto permanently. He will continue to exist in this world, but--

Well. Kurama will be losing him in another way. It is entirely possible, he knows, that this will be the last time he sees him.

It's worth it. Of course the kit is worth it. Kurama is being a coward, is being dramatic and overemotional. He'dknownthis wouldn't last. He'd be a fool to think it would. He had known this day would come, and that when it would, Naruto would slip from his grasp forever and that would be that.

It is enough to know he will live. That has to be enough, because Kurama has little else. What he's been given is more than he deserves, and he thinks the memory of it will make the scorn to come, the loneliness, easier to bear. They will seal him deeper after this, may even try to extract and move him completely.

Even if they didn't, Naruto would not... Naruto is kind, yes, but he is wary. Kurama takes solace in the fact that he has at least not lied to the boy. He hasn't deceived him-- or perhaps he had? At some point, Kurama had stopped arguing. He'd fallen into the role of sewer rat like an obedient dog and he had reveled in the companionship and light it brought him.

It is nearly comical to think that these days have been the best of his life. To think that, in all his time,thisis the brightest his world has ever been. And even more comical that he should be devastated over a loss he knew would inevitably come.

He his not sure he's ready to feel Naruto's horror, but he guesses it doesn't matter what he is or isn't prepared for. It is time for Naruto go now. Kurama mustn't linger. If he does, he fears he may never be able to let go.

So he does. His throat tightens and his eyes sting, but he lets Naruto go for one last time. He watches sorrowfully as he is carried across their field, past the growing patch of flowers that has begun to blossom in the light of Naruto's assured survival. To think Kurama would ever care this much about the continued existence of a mere human.

His siblings would laugh if they could see him. Kurama feels stuck between two emotions, like he is being pulled apart. Opposite directions war for dominance, splitting him right in two. Relief, love, joy, because Naruto will smile again. Fear, anger, bitterness, because that smile will never be directed at him again.

The therapist receives the boy gently, and Kurama takes one last look at his friend before he tells them to go, lest Kurama foolishly change his mind and try to keep him a little longer.

In a snap, that's exactly what the therapist does. He vanishes, and he takes Naruto with him when he does. It leaves the chamber quiet, deafeningly so. The sound of Naruto's even breathing continues to echo in his ears as he lays his head back down onto his paws, feeling heavy and distant, like he is perhaps existing outside his body.

Gaze coming to rest on their patch of flowers-- how many are there now? Fifteen? Twenty?-- Kurama settles in and does something he has become rather good at over the years. He sits, he waits, and he thinks.

His thoughts are not kind, nor are his expectations, but the petals of the flowers are. Kurama takes his time memorizing them, cataloguing their different shades. There's more grass now, and little sprouts of weeds and other fauna just beginning to show itself. Kurama soaks it all in, ears drooping.

After all, it won't be long before it all wilts.


The forty-five minutes Ayumu is in Naruto's mind are some of the most terrifying of Minato's life, and considering he'd faced down the nine-tailed fox and (apparently?) lived to tell about it, that was truly saying something.

Kushina wasn't faring much better than him, wringing her hands. Nobody could find the words to speak in the heavy silence, all of them waiting with bated breath. The sound of Kakashi's sandals occasionally squeaking on the floor as he continued to walk back and forth, back and forth was the only real sound aside from their breathing and the beeping of the heart monitor.

The feeling that sings through Minato when Naruto's chakra rises back to the surface is indescribable. It's like the sun's rays have broken through the clouds, and he knows without a shadow of a doubt that whatever was wrong to begin with, Ayumu has just solved it. Kushina gasps with relief, and Minato can't stop himself from collapsing back into the chair he'd pulled up to his son's bedside.

It is not a gradual return. His chakra just rushes back as though it were never gone to begin with. One moment it isn't there and the next it is, just as big and beautiful as it always has been. Minato closes his eyes and basks in the warmth of it, in the tingle it brings to the air with its sheer magnitude.

Now that it is closer, not so hidden away within him, it is easier to feel the state of it. It feels clean and full, not depleted or damaged like Minato had feared. Kushina's hands hover, glowing an assessing green as she inspected his pathways. The smile that broke across her face spoke to good news that Minato had feared they wouldn't get.

He's okay. He's going to be okay. His chakra-- wherever it was, Ayumu has somehow brought it back. It is the best possible outcome they could've hoped for. Minato's lip wobbles, his eyes wet as he struggles to hold back an onslaught of tears. He buries his face in his hands and takes deep breaths, telling himself that even though he failed his son, at least he would not suffer long term for it.

Naruto would need-- extra therapy. Definitely extra therapy. This had been highly traumatizing, hadn't it? Only six and he'd been nabbed away, sucked into his own body through means Minato does not yet know but is determined to understand. He prays there are no lasting effects, that Naruto will be able to move on from his father's failure of him healthily and happily.

Minato should've been there. He should've been able to save him. This never should've happened to begin with. Minato... instead of fighting, he should've found Naruto, taken him, and he should've run. Gotten him to safety before he tried to engage with the enemy.

That will forever be his fault. Minato is not a man who lives with a lot of regrets, but when he fails those he loves... it cuts deeper than anything else could, and he thinks that he will always blame himself for this. For his son, whohechose to take out of the village, ending up in this hospital bed suffering.

When most Yamanaka come out of others mindscapes, it is as easy as waking up. Minato has seen it a handful of times. There'll be a slight shift as they return to their body-- usually a tensing of muscles-- before their eyes flutter open. As though coming out of a deep sleep of a kind.

That is... decidedly not what happens with Ayumu.

Rather than shift back into consciousness, he seems to fly into it. His eyes snap open, and he gasps for air, jolting up out of the slouch he'd been in. He nearly knocks his chair back as he does so, and its only his white-knuckled death grip on the arms of it that keeps such from happening. The color drains from his face and he looks inexplicitlyscared.

Minato's light mood drops. Apprehension fills him, dread pooling through his veins as Ayumu struggles to catch his breath. His head whips around as though looking for a threat, his pallid complexion turning a little green. He looked disoriented and a little sick, fear plain as day on his face.

Kakashi was at Ayumu's side in a flash when the man released the chair and stumbled to his feet, shaking all over. His reaction made Minato think maybe everythingwasn'tfine. Was something wrong with Naruto? Something had to be if Ayumu had come out of it looking like that.

But what was there to fear in Naruto's mind? Unless... no. No, they'd been certain it wasn't--

"Why's Ayumu look like he just saw a salamander? He's like, deathly afraid of those." A familiar voice chimed. Minato turned so fast he almost got whiplash, eyes wide. But Naruto wasn't looking at him-- his eyes had drawn to Kushina, who stared down at him in surprise. "Um, aren't you supposed to be dead?"

He was just... sitting up in bed. Awake, alive, color returned to his skin. He furrowed his brows as he observed Kushina's red hair and stunned expression, gaze shifting momentarily over to Jiraiya before he scrunched up his nose and averted his eyes again, raising a brow at his father as if to say'what the hell is this guy doing here?'

It was as if nothing had happened. Like he'd just... woken up from a regular sleep and not a coma nobody could find the cause of. He blinked, looking... fine. He seemed fine. Normal. He didn't look afraid, didn't look green in the face like Ayumu. He seemed perfectly spry.

Minato's eyes flooded with fresh tears. Naruto made a face.

"Is he going to cry?" He asked lowly out of the corner of his mouth, glancing to his mother. Who also had tears in her eyes. Naruto made a face at her too. "Alright, someone explain. I don't know how to comfort people when they're crying so you're all going to be on your own if that starts up."

Ayumu stared at Naruto look he'd just said something devastating somehow. Naruto stared back, a feeling of distinct sense of unease falling upon him at the look on the man's face. He looked incredibly distraught, which was unusual for someone as level-headed and emotionally stable as Ayumu was.

Naruto's eyes climbed across the room. Kashi was looking at him with heavy relief as well, his lone eye soft with emotion he didn't usually show so openly. The room they were in-- it was a hospital room. Naruto was the one in the bed, and he vaguely recalled the memory of getting attacked in the woods. That had sucked.

So he must've been rescued and brought here. He doesn't remember being asleep-- he'd have visited Kurama if he had been-- but he must've been out in some degree for them to be reacting like this. Not to mention the massive gap in his memory. He had no idea how he'd gotten here or when. How long had it been?

Ayumu's eyes were eerie and unblinking, and it was the first time the paleness of them had unnerved Naruto. He shifted under the gazes trained on him, fingers curling into the edges of the scratchy hospital blanket draped over him. The gown they'd put him in was papery and looked like something a loser would wear. Hopefully they'd get him something to change into soon.

But before that, there were more pressing matters to attend to. Naruto felt fine-- great, even! Any injuries he remembered getting were either pleasantly numbed or they'd vanished entirely. He was willing to bet the latter, since everyone else looked fairly patched up too. Healing chakra and all that, not to mention Kurama-- he'd probably help if Naruto was hurt, right?

Ayumu's fear was stark though. Naruto recognized it with ease, because being afraid was something he was so closely acquainted with. There was also this redheaded woman he was like, 80% sure was his mother. She surelookedlike the photos he'd been shown.

Was Naruto really lucky enough to have two parents come back from the dead? Seemed kind of impossible, but not entirely so if his dad was back. Two for two, then. That was... well. Sort of super epic, actually. Fate must've felt bad for being a dick and had done him another solid. Two living and breathing parents? Naruto should've got kidnapped sooner!

"Y-You're awake." His dad sputtered out, face crumbling. "You-- You wouldn't wake up. We couldn't... and... so Ayumu..."

He trailed off helplessly. Naruto felt something in him grow cold.

He wouldn't wake up. They couldn't get him to wake up, and Ayumu... no. No, hehadn't. He couldn't have. He'd talked about it in the past, about one day going into Naruto's mind, but surely he wouldn't have. Would he? But he was shaking, staring at Naruto with desperation, and...

And f*ck. f*ck, heknew. He had to know. He'd gone in and-- well. Maybe Naruto had been too stupid to see Kurama for what he was at first, but Ayumu would've recognized him in a heartbeat.

Naruto felt himself begin to panic. His shoulders drew in and he cursed the thought that fate had ever been on his side, since it very clearly was not. He stared at Ayumu with wide eyes, feeling like a deer caught in a floodlight. He held his breath, internally begging but knowing it was helpless.

"It was awake, wasn't it?" The old pervert asked, because apparently he loves to ruin everything. "It was there when you went in?"

Naruto could see the way his dad tensed, the way his maybe-mom froze. Should they address that, by the way? It seemed like a good subject change. Naruto could do subject changes. He could, uh, he could deflect! Right? f*ck, this was so totally bad! He wasn't ready for this yet!

What did he say? What if they tried to take Kurama away? What if they tried to seal him deeper so that Naruto couldn't visit him anymore? The mere thought made him want to tear up. He knew he was a big kid now, six years old and all, and six year olds didn't cry easy. But the idea that Kurama could be taken from? His best friend?

Hecouldn'tlet it happen. But Ayumu didn't seem to be registering Naruto's pleading look, dragging a trembling hand down his face. Naruto swallowed thickly and braced for what was going to, in all likelihood, be a total sh*tshow. Yay him.

It felt like a death sentence as his therapist took a deep breath in and finally nodded. Naruto internally shrieked, cursing up a storm. He felt something in him shift and knew without a shadow of a doubt that Kurama had just heard that.

He also knew that Kurama was likely been the reason he wasn't hurting now. The reason he was even alive. Hopefully, that would help him in the fight he was about to have ahead of him.

"K-Kurama was never... it was never ar-rat. It wasn't a construct." Ayumu's voice trembled. "Kurama wasitthe whole time. It's had access to him, has been talking to him. And we didn't-- none of us knew. When I went in... N-Naruto was behind a seal. I-It had him, unconscious, and... Kurama... K-Kuramaisthe nine tails. The Kyuubi, it's-- i-it'sawake."

Ayumu looked green again. Ever so slowly, everyone's horrified gazes drew to Naruto. Ayumu's mouth snapped shut so hard his teeth audibly clacked together. Everyone looked expectant, scared of Naruto's reaction. His maybe-mom reached out and squeezed his shoulder. Minato sucked in a sharp breath. They all watched.

But Narutowasn'tshocked. Instead, he deflated like a stuck balloon, arms snaking around his middle protectively. He scowled in defeat, rather exhausted all of a sudden. Dammit. He'd been having a great day too. Well, before the whole getting stabbed in the woods. At least they hadn't actually turned out to be cannibals, right?

Seeing Naruto's pursed lips and petulant expression, Minato blanched. Kakashi's brows climbed. Ayumu, the f*cking snitch, had the audacity to gawk at him. The old pervert choked a little, and his (again, maybe) mom just blinked cluelessly. Naruto sighed heavily.

"...Naruto?" His dad asked, voice small.

Naruto blew out a puff of air. Debated not answering. Decided that he'd been caught and to just give up. It's just... what if they did to him what they did to Gaara? What if they locked Kurama up deep, alone in the dark, where Naruto could hardly hope to ever reach him again?

What if they took him out?

He knew it was only a matter of time before they found out who Kurama really was, but Naruto had hoped for more time. Stupid kidnappers thwarting all his plans. Stupid Ayumu invading his privacy, even if it was out of the goodness of his heart. This was bad. Like, so bad.

But if Naruto was anything, it was determined. They were going to see what Naruto saw whether they liked it or not, and they weren't going to lay a hand on Kurama in the process, either. Kurama wasgood. He was Naruto's friend, and friends protected each other. Kurama had saved him in so many ways-- it was time for Naruto to return to favor.

"...Damn." Naruto grimaced, still kind of bitter he'd been found out despite his hardening resolve. He winced at the way his dad's jaw all but dropped. "I was going to tell you eventually?"

Minato made a high pitched sound like a tea-kettle. Naruto decided that was probably fair.


He'd already known.

When Ayumu had blurted out the truth of Kurama being the Kyuubi, shaky and off kilter, Minato had immediately felt his heart seize. Because they all knew that Naruto hosted the nine tails, butNarutosure hadn't. Or, none of them had though the did. Minato had braced for the worst, for a total mess.

He'd expected tears. Expected him to break down, to deny it, to say that there was no possible way Kurama could be what they claimed. Ayumu was certain though, and Minato trusted what he had seen to be true. It was devastating to know that Minato had failed his son in yet another way, that he'd exposed him to this monster, let it trick him.

These talks of friendship, of flowers-- they had to be false. The manipulation of a lonely child, a vulnerable one. One who was just now coming into himself and growing into his new life with parents and love. The fact that Minato had never noticed hurt, but who would ever assume Naruto's friendly rat companion would be the Kyuubi itself?

But Naruto doesn't freak out. Hepouts. He gets a petulant look on his face, slumping with defeat and scowling like he's just been found out. He looks perhaps a little guilty, but more than that, he just looks put out. Minato... doesn't know how to feel about that.

The tension is so thick you could cut it with a knife. They get Naruto clean clothes, and Kushina introduces herself softly and with a smile. Naruto ducks his head and hardly responds, eyeing them with a wariness he hadn't held since the first time Minato met him. It hurt to see it on his face now, to have it directed at him once more.

Naruto was stubbornly silent. He wouldn't look anyone in the eye and was giving Ayumu the cold shoulder, huffing to himself and jumping at every sudden movement. Minato felt a little ill as his son kept an arm around his middle as though to shield the monster from them. Liketheywere the dangerous ones.

Just what had it told him, what lies had it spread, to make Naruto act in such a way? And what kind of father was Minato to have let it go on so long?

"I hosted the Kyuubi for most of my life, ya know." Kushina said softly as they ventured back towards Minato's home, all of them a little pale and stunned. "I didn't interact with it much. Maybe you can tell me a bit more about what it's been like and we can compare stories. What do you think?"

Naruto had agreed to hold her hand, tentatively awed by her but still wary all the same. Her lack of hostility and open expression seemed to coax him into some sense of security. She was the only one who didn't look like the world was ending, and Naruto seemed to take to that better than he did the shock of everyone else.

It's just that he... he was so small. Too young to be exposed to an entity of evil like the Kyuubi. Minato's mind went rampant trying to catalogue all the lies it must've told him. Naruto had hid this from them.

Had it told him too? It must've. Naruto was so quick to share everything else... how much more had he hidden? Were his recollection of their dreams even true, or were those made up too?

"He's ahe, not anit." Naruto scowled as they approached their house. Minato's stomach turned a little. "And why should I? It's not like you guys are going to listen to me anyway. You've already made up your minds. The whole village has-- I don't know why I thought you guys would be any different."

He muttered it out bitterly, with scorn. His words hit Minato square, and suddenly he felt lost. He stared at his son, at his bowed head and watery eyes, and he felt... ashamed. Ashamed to be the cause of such discomfort, of such distrust.

Of such fear.

His son is afraid of him. He's afraid ofallof them. Not of the nine tails inside of him. Maybe that says more about it than anything they can come up with ever could.

"Hey! Don't say that." Kushina said good-naturedly, the blessing she was. She didn't bat an eye at his defense of the nine tails. "I want to hear all about him. I'm pretty open to new ideas, ya know, and so is your dad. I'm sure we can work this out together."

Kushina sent him a warning look at that, and Minato realized that... yeah. He needed to calm down and he needed to open his eyes. Nothing bad was happening right now. Naruto was looking at them like they were the enemy and f*ck, maybe they were right now.

They were being no better than the rest of the village. Kushina was in a unique position to understand exactly how Naruto was probably feeling. Konoha had not always been so kind to her. They had thrown things, they had shunned her, they had insulted her. For a time, she had no one on her side, and she had closed in on herself.

So, she knew. Minato needed to remember that and he needed to pull his head out of his ass.

He took a deep breath. This was his son. This was the light of his life, a living, breathing human being. He had thoughts and feelings, and contrary to what some may think? He was about as far from stupid as a six year old could get. Nobody knew his situation better than him. Minato had to hold onto that and give him a chance to speak for himself.

If he didn't, he could lose his son entirely. Minato refused to allow that to happen. He could be calm. They could all be calm and they could all listen. Naruto deserved that much from them.

"She's right, Naruto." Minato cut in, voice strong. He pulled out his house key and gave his son, who looked upon him with uncertainty, a smile. "You're our son and we-- wewantto listen and hear what you have to say. We won't do anything until we have your side of things, okay? I promise."

Naruto didn't look too sure, but he did smile back. Minato thought that was better than nothing at all.


The ambiance in the room is fierce. There is steely resolve against his son's face. Nobody can seem to look at one another, and nobody is sure exactly what to say. They've never been in this situation before. Minato reasons that very few probably have.

It would be easy to just seal it again. To make a decision and go with it, but he knows from the look on Naruto's face that such a thing simply isn't going to slide. And maybe-- maybe it shouldn't. Maybe there's a point to be made here if they just listen.

"Are you going to let me talk? Like, for real?" Naruto asked grumpily, sunk into the couch cushions with his arms crossed over his chest. He looked absolutely adorable. "Kurama is already gonna be like, super pissed I didn't tell him I knew. Since that means I've been calling him a rat this whole time for literally no reason, believe it."

Kushina turned her head to the side and disguised her laugh with a cough. Minato rolled the statement around in his head. The Kyuubi didn't know... that Naruto knew it was the Kyuubi? That ruled out it telling him not to tell anyone. Naruto must've come to the conclusion that he needed to keep it a secret himself.

Considering their reactions... yeah. Minato winced a little. He guessed he couldn't blame his son for not saying anything if this is how they were going to act. Like the moon had just blown up and was about to rain meteors down and kill them all.

Ayumu straightened in his seat. After some deep breaths and a re-examination of the seal from a very reluctant Naruto, who'd hissed if anyone tried to do more than tap it, everyone was reassured that there was no danger of the nine tails jail-breaking and murdering the village. Ayumu had relaxed greatly after that and collected himself.

"Of course, Naruto." Ayumu placated, giving a small smile. "But first, I want to apologize to you for entering your mind without your permission. I wouldn't have done so were it not necessary. We were... very concerned with the state of your health when you failed to wake up, and we were unable to tell what was wrong. That's why I entered-- to investigate."

Naruto's face grew smug all of a sudden. Like Ayumu had just fallen into some unseen trap. The man paused, clipboard and pen out. He poised to write. Naruto sat up a little taller, victorious.

"It's fine. You're evidence anyway. My star witness." He rubbed his hands together in a scheming manner. Ayumu blinked at him curiously as Naruto grinned. "Kurama could've eaten you! Instead he gave me back and let me wake up,andhe let you go without yelling at you even once. After saving my life and healing me too. You saw the flowers-- you can tell everyone that they're real. Everything I said about Kurama is super true and you're proof! You sawandyou talked to him!"

Minato... hadn't thought about that, actually. The Kyuubihadgiven Naruto back. Naruto had been behind its seal. The nine tails could've easily held him hostage and what would they have done? They'd either have to give Naruto up or submit to whatever demands it had, but as soon as Ayumu went in... yeah. It--he-- had handed Naruto back over.

Ayumu paled a bit at the reminder, though his brows did furrow. Everyone turned to look at him for his input. He looked consideringly at Naruto, who peered back with challenge in his eyes. Maybe Naruto wasn't wrong. But it as the Kyuubi-- how could they be sure?

The whole thing felt like it wasn't really happening. It sounded entirely fake, that Naruto had been in cohorts with this creature for so long, but... well. Naruto was strange, his life was strange, and was it really any weirder than Minato and Kushina coming back from the dead?

"That... is true." Ayumu said in all honesty. Kushina whistled lowly. "And he did return Naruto. The only threat he gave was not to allow anything like this to happen to him again, or else he would, ah... r-rip my intestines out, as he put it. But he did seem... relieved... Naruto was safe."

Naruto looked even smugger even if Ayumu's tone was reluctant. Kushina co*cked her head. Kakashi seemed sold already, nodding along like he was ready to make the nine tails a custom fruit basket as thanks. He was lounged back, seemingly unconcerned with the proceedings now that Naruto was deemed safe. Minato glanced at the ceiling, imploring the gods for strength.

"He tried to kill you as a baby." Jiraiya pointed out, which... yeah. Naruto looked affronted that he'd spoken at all.

"He was beingcontrolled. Believe it. And then after that, he was pissed you were trying to lock him up again. Who the heck would want to get shoved in some tiny cage for like, hundreds of years? I'd be mad too!" Naruto scoffed. "Nobody has ever even tried to get to know him, believe it! Kurama is the bestever, and he hasn't tricked me into doing anything. I tricked him like, tons of times into teaching me cool stuff. And if you could just talk to him, you'd see how great he is."

Kushina and Minato shared a look, Minato more uncertain and Kushina more contemplative, like she was on the cusp of something. The fact that she wasn't immediately calling it all out as false was promising. She'd lived with the nine tails for more of her life than she'd been without it. She would know better than anyone here.

It seemed too good to be true, though. Naruto couldn't be completely lying-- not if the Kyuubi had really let him go just like that. But all the tales of its destruction and hate couldn't be false either. Minato frowned, stuck. His six year old, friends with a chakra beast... if he were older, maybe, but as young as he was...

But he said all the stories he told them about Kurama were all true. And honestly? They'd all sort of loved Kurama before. They just knew his identity now, but how much did that change things? It didn't falsifyallof what Naruto had jabbered on about, did it? All the help Naruto had gotten from the Kyuubi... maybe they should be making the thing a fruit basket.

"Alright." Kushina says, clapping her hands together. "Then let's do that. Let's talk to him and see for ourselves. We've got two conflicting stories, right? We need to investigate, then! Naruto and Ayumu's accounts don't lie, but we need to be sure, ya know? So lets go have a talk, see if he's really changed! If he's behind a seal he can't reach us either way, and we're all pretty capable!"

"Jiraiya and I can stay back." Kakashi hummed in agreement. "Monitor from the outside."

It... wasn't a bad idea. And by the beaming grin growing across Naruto's face, by the open excitement, Minato knew his wife had done what she always did best. She'd found the right path to take and she'd gone for it.

They all turned to look at Ayumu expectantly. The man looked like he'd sucked a lemon.

"He's thebest." Naruto repeated, eyes pleading. He scooted to the edge of the couch, puppy eyes trained lethally on Ayumu. "Everyone--everyonegets second chances, and chances to be good, but Kurama never got a first! People just-- they trapped him, and used him, and called him a monster, and they never eventriedto get to know him. He thinks things, and feels things! And I-- I love him. I love him a lot, Ayumu, please don't let them--"

"Fine! Okay!" Ayumu tossed his clipboard to the side, caving immediately. The tears that had been building in Naruto's eyes immediately vanished as though they'd never been there to begin with. Kushina snorted at the blatant manipulation. "I'll do it. But... Naruto, are yousure?"

Naruto's expression didn't turn serious, but rather sad, almost. He looked down not because he didn't seem certain, but because he seemed... mellow, almost. It was a shine of insecurity he hadn't allowed himself to show this entire time, stress lining his face in the scrunch of his nose and squint of his eyes.

Naruto, once again, looking afraid. His arms curled around his stomach again. Whether the Kyuubi was good or bad, Naruto saw him as a friend. Minato didn't see that changing. He hoped against hope that it wouldn't have to. Naruto was an amazing judge of character, so intuitive and smart. He was usually right... maybe he was right about this too.

"He used to get so mad at me." He admitted. "He'd call me puny and a runt, and... and he was pretty mean. He used to threaten to eat me, and his chakra would come in the water and try to get at me, but it never bothered me. I was just so happy that he was treating me like he'd treat any other human, like I was normal. But after a while... all I could think about was that... well. We were thesame, I guess. He thought he was a monster, and nobody had ever been kind to him. So I decided to be his friend."

Naruto smiled, then. It was a little brittle and faraway. Minato swallowed thickly at this window into the six years he was gone. Naruto had told him a lot about the experiences he'd gone through while Minato was gone, but how he'd felt during that time? How it had effected him?

It was something he seldom ever shared. Not to this degree.

"He was really lonely and upset. So I'd tell him about my day. I'd talk and I'd talk and... eventually he stopped getting mad and he'd just listen. Sometimes he'd teach me things I didn't know, and he never made me feel stupid about it." Naruto's voice was very quiet. "That's... That's why I didn't tell you I knew who he was, and it's why I never told him. I got the chance to be more than a monster, more than what everyone told me I was, so... so I wanted him to get the chance to be something else too."

Naruto felt something warm flood through him and sniffled, face flushing with embarrassment. His mom's hand came to wrap around his own and he squeezed back. He didn't know her, not yet, but he could tell she understood. She was just like him, and maybe that meant she'd be able to see Kurama the way he did.

He ducked his head under the eyes on him. His dad's hand slid across his shoulder and cupped the back of his neck comfortingly. Naruto could feel a part of his finger missing, something he'd lost in the fight to get Naruto back to begin with. They loved Naruto. And if they loved Naruto, they could love Kurama.

(They had to. Because Naruto wasn't sure what he'd do if they didn't.)

"Alright, Naruto." Ayumu murmured. Naruto looked up and the man was smiling more strongly now, looking more sure. He held out a hand. "Let's do it, then."

With thoughts of flower fields on his mind, Naruto grinned and took it.

Chapter 30: In Mind

Chapter Text

Third person pov

Flowers, Kurama has come to find, are far more resilient than he thought.

There is no sun here. It is dark in the sewers of Naruto Uzumaki's mind, and Kurama had idly wondered time and time again where these flowers get their nutrients from. They have yet to wilt, still spry and with petals that bounce, their wiry stems swaying in an invisible breeze.

They are all different shades of pastel, whites and pale pinks and light yellows. The grass that pokes up between them is a bold contrast, but then, grass has always been known to be a little pushier. It's not as sensitive, able to grow up through thin cracks in the concrete, able to thrive in even the worst conditions.

Maybe it's because the flowers aren't real. They-- theyare, but not in the sense that they are a part of nature, in the sense that they are physical. They are mental constructs, solid only within the confines of this mind. And yet...

Here, it is sour. Kurama feels that anything that exists in too close proximity of him, for too long, should rot away. It seems only natural that they should. He is putrid, monstrous and cruel. He is a poison, and the flowers should be his victims.

Shouldbe, butaren't.

They remain untouched by his storm from earlier. The crashing waves had not left the destruction Kurama had expected in their wake. Instead... Instead, what is left seems to be more.Moreflowers, continuing to rapidly sprout and spread. There is a long strip of them now, thin but present, that stretches the entire length of his gargantuan cage.

Kurama is known to lay waste. He wreaks havoc and brings only despair wherever he goes. He is fear in solid, tangible form. He is used to bringing forth only ruin. For as long as he can remember, all he's ever done is burn things down. Never has he created, and never something so fragile.

He hadn't thought he had the potential for it. Not really. But these flowers-- hefeelsthem as they rise, in a way he did not feel the first ones. Those one's came from Naruto, he is certain. From some sort of acceptance, some sort of equilibrium the brat had reached far before Kurama did.

Now, Kurama feels level. The cards are all on the table. And as he listens to Naruto talk, as he listens to Narutodefendhim?

More flowers spindle out alongside other plants, still young and budding. They flourish, all life and warmth and things he never thought would exist for him in a place like this. Strangely, his cage feels less like it's barring him and more like a home-- something he has not had in a very, very long time.

A den, his mind supplies. A place in the world. Somewhere he belongs. Somewhere he is supposed to be. It is impossible to think it, but it is true. Here, Kurama is wanted as he is. He doesn't knowhow. He doubts he will ever fully understand, and he is not ashamed to admit it.

More flowers spring into existence, blossoming larger and taller, small bushes that rustle and expand with eager consistency. Kurama watches them and he laughs. He laughs and laughs until he cries, hunched over, paws over his eyes and ears back. He bares his teeth in a smile and a sob, unable to pick between the two.

In the ground, the roots of a tree begin to take, still a thin sprout on the surface with no more than two tiny leaves. It has found a home here too, a place to be lovely and anchor itself, a place to settle and stretch. To rest weary bones, to simplybeand not be axed for it.

The roots are still new. They could still be plucked out, not strong enough to fight for their place just yet. If allowed, they will lengthen and climb across Naruto's mindscape. It is still young, but it is not hesitant. It wants not just to live, but to thrive.

Kurama is old, large and fairly terrifying. But maybe that's all he is too: maybe he's just a sprout. Maybe he'salwaysbeen a sprout, one that has never touched soil. He had thought himself sturdy and unshakable, but perhaps he didn't know any differently. After all, how can one know if they've never seen, if they've never experienced?

(Maybe, now, he will get the chance to be a tree.)


The heat from the last time Ayumu entered is absent, and the waters are almost eerily still.

It's not easy to bring other people into a mind. The mind they're entering has to be entirely open, for one thing. Naruto rejecting any of them at any given time could have irreversible consequences, and he had warned the boy of such in a stressed, careful tone in order to convey the severity of the risk being taken.

Naruto had nodded in all seriousness, just as determined as he was with just about everything else he put his mind to. It had taken some prodding and gentle direction, but he'd managed to open up his mind fully. Ayumu wasn't sure why he was surprised the blonde had managed to do it so well. Naruto was an expert in the unpredictable.

Taking the minds of other people out of their own bodies and into another's mind was a careful and uncommon art. Ayumu was one of the few proficient in the act, and that was purely because of his work in the field of psychology. It had little practical use on the field as a ninja, but in situations like this--

Well. Ayumu supposed he'd never actually been in a situation like this before. Anyhow, he thought the point stood. It was a precise, delicate sort of practice that was more dangerous the more people you were bringing along. Ayumu hadn't done it in a while, so bringing just one was pushing it enough. To take along two?

That's not to say he couldn't do it, of course. It was just... slower. Ayumu is no prodigy, and he's never claimed to be. Minds are unique, are intricate constructs that one must know how to movearound, notthrough. A single bolt knocked out of place, a single beam downed, and the entire structure could collapse, and its magnificence with it.

It is far more disorienting than it was the first time. It feels like it's been ages since he last entered Naruto's mind, not mere hours. It is almost deathly silent, the faint roar from last time no longer present. The only noise is their own breathing, and the faint drip of water somewhere further down the tunnel.

Kushina and Minato stumble to more hazily than Ayumu does. Being in a mind is murky, not like being out in the real world is. It takes a moment to orient oneself when you are not in physical form, but instead in the unclear shape of just your conscious.

Unlike his parents, Naruto appears to have no trouble.

He stands there with his hands planted firmly on his hips, looking no worse for wear. He seems relieved to be here, maybe even happy behind the obvious nerves shining through his expression. He's afraid that this will backfire, Ayumu can tell. His emotions pulse in the air around them in a way they did not when the boy was unconscious, steady as a heartbeat.

"Did-- Did you do it?" Kushina asks dizzily, no doubt unused to the innate energy that comes with being in the mind of a child despite having apparently been dormant in this very one for six years. She steadies herself on the moist wall to her right, blinking rapidly. "Is this--"

"My sewer!" Naruto grins, evidently not ashamed that his mind has taken on the form of a drainage system. Minato blinks down at the water beneath his feet rapidly, taking in its murky quality in the low light. "I don't think I've ever appeared in a tunnel before, though. Believe it."

Interesting. Ayumu files that piece of information away for later and takes a deep breath. The air is not foul, though it is humid and sticky. No longer sweltering with its heat, but the remnants of such remain.

He tries not to be scared. He reminds himself of the cage, of the massive, thick bars. The fox is held back by a sturdy seal, one Jiraiya and Lord Fourth were both certain was still in perfectly in tact. The Nine Tails, should it be truly hostile, could not get to them. He had to keep faith in that if he wanted to do this in a calm, controlled manner.

Besides, as insane as it seemed, he truly didn't think Naruto was lying. He was too genuine, too earnest. And he was right-- the more Ayumu analyzed his last interaction with the Kyuubi, the more it seemed to line up with Naruto's reported image of him. The fox had protected Naruto, and had seemed truly upset that this had happened to him in the first place.

That...probablywasn't an act. Ayumu's no expert on Nine Tailed foxes, but hell if he doesn't know how to psychoanalyze. Of course, he's sure chakra constructs are somewhat different than humans are, especially as old as...Kuramais, but you know. He'd seemed worked up enough about Naruto's well-being.

"It's... dark." Minato cringed a little at his failure to come up with a solid compliment. Kushina elbowed him in his side, hard. He swallowed a yelp, his expression somewhat pained as he forced a smile for his son, rubbing his ribs as he did so. "So where is-- ah, Kurama? We shouldn't stay in here any longer than we have to, right?"

The question was directed at Ayumu, who nodded.

"Correct." He peered down at the water. It was notably lower than last time. "Though Naruto has been given a clean bill of health, the human body isn't meant to host more than one mind. It's best we don't poke around anymore than we have to."

"Then let's get to it!" Kushina crowed. "Anyway, is anyone going to give me a crash course on the whole sewer thing? Not that I'm not totally digging the vibes, really, it's kind of nice. A little drafty, but this brickwork is--"

Minato elbowed her this time, earning a hiss in response and an even harder jab in response. Ayumu felt some of the tension leak out of his shoulders. It was hard to feel scared with the two of them bantering about. Not to mention the fact that they had defeated the Nine Tails once before. It wasn't so remiss to think that they couldn't subdue it again if it somehow came to that.

(Ayumu really,reallyhoped it didn't come to that. Looking at Naruto's sunny, determined expression, he found comfort in the assumption that it wouldn't.)


In the spirit of total transparency, Kushina is going to come out and say she doesn't actually know much about the Kyuubi. Which, considering she hosted it for more of her life than she didn't, is actually sort of sad.

Honestly, she's not even entirely sure what's going on. She's got total whiplash. She probably needs a nap or something, and Minato really looks like he could use one too. The bags under his eyes seem darker and darker every time she manages to tear her gaze away from their son to glance at him.

Naruto is... everything. He's everything she knew he'd be, sassy and bold and so brilliant she has to wonder how she possibly made something like that. She hadn't thought herself capable of producing something,someone, that amazing. Yet here he was, with steely determination and stubbornness that reminded her of herself at that age.

She still hasn't entirely wrapped her head around whatever it is that she's been dropped into. Something about Naruto being in cahoots with the Nine Tails. Which was admittedly worrying, but not when you really looked at the kid.

Naruto didn't seem particularly concerned, which was her first sign that things were probably fine. He hadn't been persuaded to hurt anyone, nor was he acting possessed by... evil chakra, or whatever weird mojo the Nine Tails had swimming around in there. He wasn't hurt, or disillusioned, nor had he done anything to indicate there was some sort of problem amiss.

Six years old or not, nobody knew Naruto as well as Naruto knew himself. The same could be said for literally anyone. You were your own person-- only you yourself could truly know the full encompassment of how you felt at any given time. If Naruto said the Kyuubi wasn't-- pardon her french-- f*cking things up, then it was probably safe to assume it...

Well. That itwasn'tf*cking things up, she guessed. She'd never been eloquent with her words.

Anyway. They're going to go talk to it now. Minato's acting like it's going to eat them, and Naruto's therapist is acting like it's going to eat them, spit them out to torture them, and then eat themagain. As if it isn't behind a seal or something. Do they think the Nine Tails is just free roaming or something? Naruto had said it was stuck in a cage, and Ayumu had reported the same.

Maybe she's so calm because Kushina had seen the Kyuubi sealed in herself. Not often, but on a few occasions she'd found herself in her mindscape long enough to sort of talk to it. It was never particularly happy to see her, so there's not much conversation to look back on, but it had never been able to reach her in any harmful sense. Not whilst she was inside herself, anyway.

On the outside, though? Different story. It hadn't gotten to her often, but a few times she'd been hurt enough for it to leak through and take the wheel. Kushina hardly remembers it beyond the distant memory of burning pain and all-consuming rage, and she's sort of relieved about such. She's not sure she'd want full clarity about what she'd done during those times.

So, she doesn't know the Kyuubi. She has what she's been told about it and her own experiences, but Naruto is right. Kushina never went out of her way to actually, really talk to it-- tohim. Him. That was going to take some getting used to, but it was just another sign that Naruto was right-- nobody had ever put any effort into seeing the Nine Tails as anything but a monster.

Sort of stupid, really. Even the most evil of villains weren't absolute devils through and through, without a single good quality. It's been said that Madara Uchiha was very charismatic and had a dark, but admittedly hilarious, sense of humor. He liked tempura and could drink his weight in vodka before he started to feel tipsy-- or so Hashirama's written accounts say.

Even Orochimaru hadn't been born evil. Jiraiya, when plied with enough alcohol, would reminisce fondly about their younger days. They had been teammates, and Orochimaru had been... normal. A little creepy and off-putting, but a genin just like them, with aspirations of being strong and great enough to protect the village.

Kurama wasn't a human. But he was intelligent, and if he could feel anger, why not other things? Kushina's few interactions with him were still fairly vivid in her mind, and it wasn'tjustrage she could recall. Annoyance, irritation, maybe even exhaustion. Clearly, the fox felt things other than pure, unadulterated anger.

Naruto was enthusiastic. He obviously wanted this to work, and the last thing Kushina wanted was for him to be hurt in literally any way. She hadn't known him very long, but she'd kill for this kid, and she'd rip the throat out of anyone who dimmed his light.

At the thought, she gave Minato a pointed look. He rose an eyebrow in question, to which Kushina rolled her eyes.Men.

Even with the seal in place, and even with Naruto vouching for him (Not it! Be progressive!), Kushina can admit to... some unease. She's not about to break into hysterics, teeth chattering, body shivering, pupils dilating with fear or anything. She's too headstrong to have that kind of reaction. But, behind bars or not, thisisthe ancient and revered Nine Tailed Fox.

One Naruto had apparently been calling a rat almost this whole time, barring the brief period of time in which he had assumed him to be a dog of some kind. Kushina still has to resist the urge to guffaw at that. Her son is something else, and she wouldn't have it any other way.

The Kyuubi has presence. It's heavy and oppressive, probably through no fault of the fox's own. After all, it is a chakra being. It's not like it (He! He, Kushina!) can juststopbeing made out of pure energy, ya know? It hits full force about halfway down the tunnel, which Naruto has taken off down with reckless abandon.

"N-Naruto! Maybe we should slow down!" Minato had his hand clasped tight with hers. Presumably for moral support. It would be sort of hard to get lost and separated in a tunnel with no branching paths off of it. "We don't want to-- uh, spook him, or anything!"

Naruto throws a look so judgmental over his shoulder that Kushina has to swallow a bark of laugher, as well as the sudden, overwhelming desire to scoop him up and plant kisses all across his tiny face. This is her baby, and even though she didn't get the chance to see him grow into what he is now,godhe is perfect.

And, if you want to get technical, shewasthere for all of it. In a sense.

"I really don't think it'susthat's going to be doing the spooking." Naruto said derisively. Minato choked a little. Naruto rolled his eyes in the same way Kushina had just moments prior, and she resisted the urge to squeal. "Hurry up! You don't want me to be mentally impaired for life, right? It's your fault if I become a vegetable because you guys walked too slow!"

Kushina laughed as Naruto took off with renewed vigor. Minato groaned and followed, tugging her along. Truly, she didn't have a clue what the hell was happening, or what her life had suddenly become. She'd just given birth to Naruto less than a day ago, had just fought and sealed the Kyuubi! And now she was-- she was here!

Ayumu muttered something about wishing he had his clipboard, and Kushina decided right about then that she didn't really care if everything was all out of sorts. There wasn't any other place she'd rather be.


Naruto's not panicking because that's simply... not what he does. Isn't in his repertoire, if you catch his drift. He's just a little wrong-footed. That's all.

Look, he's notscared. Obviously he'd never be scared of Kurama. Even with Naruto lying about knowing he was the Nine Tails, he genuinely believed the fox would never try to hurt him. He just sort of wishes they'd,you know, saved this for tomorrow! Or something!

A chance to sleep and talk to Kurama first would've gone a long way. Right now, Naruto's got totally no idea what the old fox is thinking or feeling, believe it! Which is so totally fine and all, but also it sucks ass and Naruto's skeptical. What if Kurama is feeling a little tetchy about the whole rat thing and like, eats someone?

Naruto's not super sure what to expect. Though Ayumu had (nervously, and very quietly, as if expecting Kurama to charge down the tunnel and gobble them up) reported that the heat from before was absent, Naruto had still half anticipated the sight of an orange ocean of angry chakra to meet them. He'd dreaded it, fearing the worst possible impression might be made.

Kurama getting taken from him wasn't an option, even if the fox may be pissed at him for his deceptions. It just-- wasn't. They had to make this pitch a good one. He had to go full shady business man to crack this deal! Naruto was a fairly good negotiator, right? Besides, what else would they do with Kurama if not leave him sealed in Naruto? Put him in a teapot?

...Maybe he shouldn't jinx it.

Anyway, totally besides the point. Point is, he'd expected like, a miniature hurricane. Maybe Ayumu had been being dramatic and was playing it up, but honestly> Kurama was sort of a powerhouse, anddefinitelya drama queen. If he wanted to make a giant sea of upset chakra, he so could, seal or not.

It's strange to be here with other people. It feels wrong, an undeniable pressure in his head, but Naruto ignores it completely. Trying to mess around with the feeling or get rid of it would probably give him brain damage, and he already had enough of that from the many times he was probably dropped on his head as a baby by daycare attendants. Believe it.

What Naruto finds at the end of the tunnel... it's not unbearable heat, not rising pressure enough to make his temples ache, not tremulous emotion. It's none of those things. In fact, it's better than Naruto could've ever expected, because when he rockets out of the tunnel with his dad and apparently-not-dead mom on his heels, it's--


The sewer isn't filled or anything, but compared to the modest few from before this is practically a field in its own right. It's a stretched, oval-shaped patch spanning the same length of Kurama's massive cage. Naruto's feet skidded in the water, his control over his chakra nearly waning in his surprise as he gaped.

More than just flowers, there were other plants there too. Leafier ones, still small but telling of a future full of diverse fauna and brush. Naruto felt the tight coil in his chest unwind, a grin splitting his face unbidden as excitement shot through him like a bolt of lightning.

The chamber felt warm and comforting, the chill Naruto had grown used to gone completely. The water had lowered and was almost completely clear now, rippling ever so slightly, almost like the beginnings of waves were beginning to lap about. He heard Ayumu make a noise of slight surprise and looked up. His dad sucked in a sharp breath.

Red eyes blazed out at him from the dark recesses of the cage, just as intimidating as ever. They watched him carefully, flickering away from Naruto to eye the company he'd brought with him. The silence wasn't exactly uncharacteristic of Kurama, who was usually quite content to let Naruto prattle on.

In this context, however, it just seemed intimidating. But... But not fiery. Notangry.

A heavy silence falls. It's charged with something even Naruto can't name. It's not often he's struck speechless, but he can't seem to find the words as he looks at the plants before him. They're all so vivid, a stark contrast to the darkness of the rest of the sewer's main cavern.

Ayumu gulped somewhere at his back. His parents were stiff in the shoulders, though his mom offered a smile when he peered back at her to check. It was a warm and reassuring thing that made him think maybe this would all be okay and that it would all work out. She, he decided, was about a million times cooler than his dad was. And his dad was pretty cool, so that's really saying something, believe it.

Being here was strange. Naruto was aware that something had changed, obviously. He just hadn't expected to feel so emotional about it. Maybe he was afraid that Kurama would hate him. That he'd lose the friendship he'd tried to hard to forge, and that... he doesn't know. He just wants this to work. He wants Kurama to want to stay with him, wants him to see himself the way Naruto sees him.

He looks at the flowers and dares to tearfully hope. He lets the elation inflate in his chest, aware that if Kurama chooses to pop the bubble, it'll just hurt all the more. Naruto doesn't really care. He steps forward once, and then twice, and then he's walking. His parents skirt close behind.

Ayumu waits at the mouth of the tunnel. Naruto doesn't begrudge him for it. He's brave for coming this far-- they definitely owe him like, a lifetime supply of ramen for doing them this solid. Or something. What food does he like, again? Day old sushi, or somewhere along those lines?

Kurama shifted as Naruto approached. In the silence, the sound of his movement seemed deafening. His parents immediately stopped, but Naruto didn't still until he'd reached the edge of the patch of grass and other assorted plants. It was so much bigger up close, and Naruto resisted the urge to laugh and faceplant into it, arms spread wide.

Kurama's as big and imposing as ever as he comes into the light. His eyes are redder than usual, and Naruto thinks they look a little watery, just like his own are. The fur around his snout is wet, and Naruto wonders for how long he was crying. He wonders if the tears were good.

Naruto can tell his dad wants to say something. His mom once again proves herself the be the best ever by grabbing his arm, stopping him as Kurama lowers his head to better look at him. His ears twitch as he gazes down at Naruto. Naruto peers back with big eyes, unable to halt the sheepish grin that cracks across his face.

Suddenly, he feels like he wants to break down for some reason. He's six, not a baby, but he can't help it. It's not that he feels like he's-- he'sbetrayedKurama or something. He doesn't feel guilty. It's just that he loves him so much, and they want to take him away. They want to take Kurama away.

Naruto really, really,reallydoesn't want Kurama to be taken away. Believe it.

His expression wobbles, and Kurama huffs out a puff of air that makes his dad tense even further and his mom squint. It ruffles Naruto's hair and clothes the same way it always does, smelling of something burnt and ozone. It's familiar and it only makes him feel like he wants to cry even more.

Kurama saved his life. Naruto would've died without him. He'd risked everything just to keep him safe, and then he'd given him back when Ayumu came looking. He could've eaten Naruto, or-- or could've tried to get out. But he'd chosen him without a second thought, and now he might get punished for it. Might get sealed deeper, or taken away from the little patch of growth they've made together.

Naruto sniffles, bringing a hand up to wipe at his eyes. He doesn't look away from Kurama even as he does, helplessly stubborn. Kurama settles down further, tension rising as his long snout pokes out from beneath the bars. His parents step up behind him, looking at him, waiting.

Kurama, looking imperious, grins at him. And Naruto feels the tension in the air snap like a rubber band, a sharp slap before it's gone entirely slack. Something in him falls apart with relief. Something tight and fearful he hadn't fully realized was there.

His parents both bristle. To be fair, Kurama's grin is a little threatening if you don't know him very well, a thing of sharp teeth and slitted eyes. To Naruto, it is an invitation, a sign that he didn't royally f*ck up their friendship. It is the words"it's okay"without anything having to be spoken aloud.

Naruto, embarrassingly enough, hiccups at the sight.

The first one takes him off guard, and the second is just offensive. Naruto isn't supposed tocry. Again, he'ssix, not a baby who cries at the drop of a hat because he's dramatic and loves attention. That's Sasuke. Yet, Naruto can't seem to keep himself, cracked open like a particularly hearty geode that had finally given under the persistent blows of a sledgehammer.

"You stupid brat. Stop crying."Kurama scoffs out, though his words are fond and perhaps a little shaky. They rumble and fill the cavern in an echo, somehow louder than normal. Naruto is pretty sure he's doing it for effect, since there's company."Though, call me a rat again and I'll eat you, you little moron."

He's not mad. Of course he isn't mad. They're best friends and even though he's stingy about it, Kurama totally loves him too.

"Eathim?!" His dad sounds absolutely horrified.

"Moron?" His mom bites out at the same time, sounding utterly offended on his behalf.

That doesn't really matter, though. Naruto bursts into full blown sobs because who gives a sh*t anymore when the only people here to witness it will have no real proof that it happened and that he was a loser? He throws himself forward before either of his parents can think to lunge forward and grab him.

(Apparently they'd thought he'd meet threats to his life with less enthusiasm. Weird.)

Kurama obligingly dips his snout as Naruto dives at it, bounding over flowers and grass and across water the short distance. Kurama's big nose is just as dry and warm as he remembers, just on the lower side of too hot, but Naruto has never cared before and certainly doesn't now.

Kurama doesn't hate him. And if Kurama doesn't hate him, if Kurama is on his side, then that means--

That means they can do this. That means they can work together. And that? That'severything.


There is something absolutely earth-shattering, in the worst way possible, about watching your six year old son sail onto the nose of the Nine Tailed Fox like it'snotthe nose of a beast that could kill him in seconds.

Minato and Kushina both go very, very still when he lands. Naruto, crying and emotional, spreads his arms out in what Minato faintly registers as some sort of hug. The Kyuubi could easily retract into the cage if they dared move to take him. Could even flick Naruto into the air and swallow him in a single gulp if he wanted.

Minato half expects him to. Some crazed part of his brain immediately assumes that this will only end in blood and grief, never mind Naruto's passionate rants about how 'awesome' and 'really nice' the fox was. His heart thunders, and despite having fought the Kyuubi once before, he still doesn't think he's ever been so afraid in his life.

As an infant, Naruto had gotten close to the fox. He'd had several near calls. This, though-- this isn'tjustclose. He is ontopof the Kyuubi. And--

And instead of eating him, the Kyuubi instead... closes its eyes?

It's a strange enough sight to break through Minato's haze of panic and make tilt his head a little. All at once, the tension coiled in the Kyuubi's massive body seems to deflate. He takes in a deep, slow breath: one he releases in a whoosh. Behind them, more flowers audibly pop up, and Minato finds himself a unable to look away.

The Kyuubi almost seems to shrink. The regal aura it--he-- had given off before vanishes, and left behind is something weary and heavy. The Kyuubi's snout dips, ears falling back and tail curling ever so slightly inward. Minato can't see the other eight no doubt piled behind it (him!!!) in the dark, but he's sure they're doing the same.

Kushina holds her breath, visible in the way her cheeks bubble and grow slightly red. Naruto brings an arm up to scrub at his own face, sniffling as he lightly pats at the leathery texture of the Nine Tail's nose. The moment is warm and seems almost private enough for Minato to look away.


Nobody says anything. Nobody has to. Minato realizes, then, that Naruto was right. It strikes through him with startling clarity, the dawning understanding that the Kyuubi truly isn't a construct of pure hate and energy, because it (he) would not be capable of this otherwise. There is intelligence and feeling here that Naruto has tapped into.

And if anyone could do it, it would be Naruto, wouldn't it? Minato watches the quiet moment, his hand still clenched tight around his wife's. Their palms are both sweaty but neither care, watching with their jaws set in place and brows drawn ever so slightly. Worried.Waiting.

Minato thinks the Kyuubi would stay there forever if he could. Just drifting. The Nine Tails is basking in Naruto's presence and in his chakra. Minato can feel it, can feel the way the Kyuubi pokes and prods, gently checking Naruto out to see if he's truly healed in full.

Minato relaxes slightly and opens his mind to the chance of the impossible.

Kushina has never been all that patient. Naruto gets that from her. She likes to stay in motion, always advancing forward, forward, forward. She's always been the braver one out of the two of them as well, and Minato isn't ashamed to admit it. He's glad for it now, so relieved she's back he could cry.

(He's not sure he could've done this alone. But then, she always had balanced him out perfectly, hadn't she?)

"We don't have that much time. The longer we stay here, the more dangerous it gets, ya know?" Kushina's tone is bordering on light, yet somehow it keeps a cool undertone at the same time. How she does it, Minato doesn't know. "We came here to talk to you. I assume you know why?"

It's almost formal the way she says it. The Kyuubi's eyes fly open as though it forgot they were even there only to quickly narrow, and Minato jumps as its (his, Minato, his!) lips peel back threateningly, all semblance of relaxation and relief gone. Naruto is jostled slightly, and he immediately props himself up in surprise and slight alarm, head swiveling as though he expects to turn and see one of his parents holding a knife or other threatening item.

"Of course I knowwhy, you runt."Kurama growls out, sounding supremely irritated and incredibly threatening. Minato swallows thickly as heat floods forth, stinging his face and eyes."And thoughyouseem incapable of caring for him, no harm is going to befall Naruto-- not here. You think I spent all that time healing him just for you to take him away thanks to a botched mind mission done by a band of completeidiots?"

Minato blinks rapidly. Naruto slides down the Kyuubi's nose, skipping backwards so he can be seen by the fox in better view. He's not crying anymore, though his face is still sticky with the remnants of such, and his eyes puffy. The redness makes the blue of his irises stand out boldly.

"Kurama! Y-You've gotta be nice!" Naruto cried out in, scrubbing at his cheeks again. Kushina planted a hand on his shoulder and dragged him back, further away from the fox. "They wanna take you away! Believe it!"

The Kyuubi scoffs again. Minato's face simultaneously tries to flush with outrage and pale with something else. He almost wants to tip over. Obviously, he'd known the Kyuubi could talk and such, but the obvious irritation and apprehension tells of the personality Naruto has spoken about so affectionately.

It makes the Kyuubi seem, quite suddenly, very capable of all the feelings Naruto had cited him to have. Minato takes a deep breath and steadies himself. They're here to talk. And have a civilized conversation. It just-- feels realer, now. A challenge to what he knew.

"Nice?! You almostdied!"The Kyuubi's tail thumps hard enough to make Minato and Kushina both jump. The fox's head raises, red eyes glaring down terrifyingly."Your moronic father should've never taken you beyond the confines of the village walls. What if I had not been able to reach you? You'd have been gone!"

Naruto sends Minato and Kushina both a panicked look, one that makes Minato's heart hurt a bit.

"Andyou'llbe gone if you don't start being nice! Like I said you were!" Naruto cried out back in argument. He shot a another slightly panicked look at his dad. "Because you uh, totally are. Usually. All the time. Super nice! And you're going to tell them all about that so that you get to stay here and we get to have flowers and I get to tell you all about my day for the rest of my life."

All about his day. It's such a simple thing, but something Naruto holds to astronomically high value. And after seeing the way he'd all but collapsed, opening up like one of the flowers behind them upon their coming here? Minato... Minatocan'ttake this from him.

He doesn't think he has the heart to.

The Kyuubi sighed. Muttered something to itself (Himself, Minato. Come on now.). Minato's not sure what, but most of the words he caught can't be appropriately repeated. Minato decides right about then that he can't continue to think of Kurama in the same context he used to think of the Nine Tails. Because though Kurama is the same nine tailed fox he fought, Minato has never actuallyknownhim.

This is an exasperated creature, not a mindless and thoughtlessly cruel one. He is an annoyed one, a fond one, one that looks down at Naruto and softens the razor edges of his gaze so they won't cut. It is a look of rounded corners and something sappy, and the only reason Minato recognizes it is because he has given the same look to Naruto himself a thousand times.

There's love there. Kurama is exactly what Naruto said, possibly more than the words of a six year old could convey. Minato sees that and he slouches with relief. The tension locking his shoulders drops, and he stares. Because though terrifying, though absurd, he is certain that this entity means his son absolutely no harm.

Which, in hindsight, should have been obvious. But hearing and seeing for yourself are two vastly different things. This new Kyuubi overlays atop the old one, but this image of it is more sure and opaque. This is no lie. Minato has always prided himself on being a fair judge of character-- or, in other words, for having (what Kakashi has called on several occasions) an impeccable bullsh*t sensor.

Said sensor isn't going off. And by the way Kushina's lips are beginning to curl, a bit disbelieving and on the edge of hysterical, she's getting the exact same message he is. They share a look.

"Super nice, huh?" Minato asked in a raspy tone. The Kyuubi's eye twitched. He reared back a little further, seemingly warring with himself before he sighed again.

Naruto beamed. Apparently, some unspoken battle had just been fought. And the Nine Tails hadn't won. Naruto bounced in place.

"...Fine."The Kyuubi glowered. Or maybe... pouted?"I dislike you both and likely always will to an extent. I don't wish to speak to you, or interact with you.Especiallywith you.

Kushina didn't look offended by the venomous glare she got. The Kyuubi sighed once more, looking quite suddenly rather tired then. Its (his!) claws drummed against the cold floor of its (dear god,his) cage. It made the fox seem almost smaller, almost... sadder. In a way Minato never thought a tailed beast could be.

Naruto frowned. His mother's hand still on his shoulder was the only thing that stopped him from moving forward to try and hug the fox again. Minato watched his son war with himself before seemingly deciding not to speak, crossing his arms tight over his chest and waiting with bated breath.

The fox grumbled something again, this time about dignity and humiliation. Minato entertains the brief idea that this may be a fever dream. Plausible theory after your dead wife comes back to life and your comatose son awakens and brings with him the revelation that he is apparently best friends with an all powerful chakra beast.

"I do not seek to harm your son."The Kyuubi decided on after a moment of deliberation. There was fierce conviction in his tone as he peered down at them with intent red eyes, just daring them to doubt him."I do not wish to leave him, either. There is little I can say to convince you; you humans have a tendency to hear only what you want to hear, you narrowminded cretins. Just know that if you attempt to remove me, I will dig my claws in as hard as I can, and if youdopull me out by some sage-given miracle, I will be coming outteeth firstso that I can rip your--"

"Dude." Naruto cut off flatly, brows furrowing. The Kyuubi shot him a glare, mildly incensed by the interruption. "Just say you love me or something. This is the worst sales pitch I've ever heard. I thought we were a team."

"Yeah. Wehavea checklist, ya know." Kushina noted idly, lips curling. "You're supposed to be kind, aren't you? Why shouldwelet you talk to our six year old?"

Kushina was actually trying toteasethe Nine Tailed Fox. Because of course she was. That's exactly something Kushina would do. The Kyuubi at least didn't seem like he was about to make any sudden movements, tense but not coiled and ready to strike. It was odd to see it (him) so benign.

"Because I will kill you if you do not?"Kurama sounded genuinely confused as he said it, as though the answer were obvious. He sniffed with authority and pomp, snootily looking down his snout at Kushina. Like she was a bug he wished to squash."And he ismysix year old. More than he is yours."

The Kyuubi sounded absolutely certain of this. As though it were an undisputable fact. Minato blinked rapidly. Behind them, there was the click of a pen. They all turned.

Ayumu had approached at some point. He wasn't shaking any longer, nor was he particularly pale in comparison to his usual complexion. Naruto's brows shot up at the sight of the clipboard he had (apparently?) spawned into existence out of absolutely nowhere. Which was... not super surprising. Wherever Ayumu was, a clipboard would surely follow.

The man stepped up. He seemed more confident than Minato did, a speculative look in his eye. It was the same sort of fascination he got when he tried to corner Kakashi and interrogate him about his past traumas, ready to wring out any details he could, no matter how miniscule they may be.

If you looked, there was the faintest of tremors in his hand. The Kyuubi did not look very impressed to see him standing there. The fox shot a look at Naruto, and Naruto shot one back, shrugging. Minato, feeling a little lost, stepped back and let Ayumu take the stage.

And take the stage he did. Kushina silently tugged Naruto back as well, and they watched quietly as Ayumu glanced up at the fox for a moment before beginning to write. The Kyuubi's ears flicked, eyes growing half-lidded with boredom. It (heeeee) seemed to be growing more agitated the longer they were there.

(Some foxes were rather territorial. Especially when a perceived unknown was hanging around their young, by birth or simply chosen.)

Ayumu shifted a bit. Nodded to himself. Took another deep breath and looked up.

"You claim you mean him no harm and that he is yours." The pen clicks again. The Kyuubi's ears lay back flat against his head. "If that's the case, then I'm sure you won't mind a short interview. Just a few questions to get a feel for where we are, and then we can be on our way. I'm sure you understand our caution. We want to be thorough for your sake and Naruto's.

Naruto peeks at the clipboard and immediately bursts out laughing. Kushina clearly doesn't know why, but Minato does. After all, it's the exact same survey he'd been given during Naruto first appointment. The same one he kept trying to give Kakashi.

Kurama's resounding growl is bone-rattling and will probably haunt Minato's nightmares for the next several months, but you know what?

It's not a no.

Chapter 31: The interview

Chapter Text

Third person pov

Ayumu's interview with Kurama goes better than Naruto though it would. It would help if the fox wasn't a massive dick bag, but beggars can't be choosers. Naruto's just glad he didn't try to eat anyone, or start pissing chakra.

His parents at least seem on board.. ish. His mom, because (again) she's a total and complete badass, seems more at peace with Kurama than his dad does. Seriously, the guy looks like he's on the verge of a mental breakdown. If Kurama was going to kill Naruto, he'd have done it ages ago!

Ayumu's therapist mode proves to be pretty efficient as far as moving things along goes. It's like he becomes another person entirely. It's actually kind of fascinating to watch. Even Kurama doesn't seem to know how to respond to it, and Kurama knows like, practically everything.

He's a begrudging participant. Probably because he doesn't want to deal with Naruto complaining about his lack of cooperation later. Jokes on him: if there's something to whine about, Naruto willalwaysfind it.

"Do you love Naruto?"

"Don't ask stupid questions."

"What sorts of things do you talk to him about?"

"None of your business, roach."

"What is your relationship like when it's just you two?"

"He talks a lot, I tell him to shut up, and then he keeps talking."

"What are your long term goals?"

"To never see your ugly mug again."

"Why flowers?"

"Why would I know that? Ask the brat."

"Do you plan to act on your ill will towards the village?"

"Do you plan to keep wasting my time?"

"You claimed Naruto was more your six year old than anyone else's. Can you elaborate on that?"

"What the hell is there to elaborate on? I thought I told you to stop with the stupid questions."

Overall, it's like, a super productive interview! Kurama is slightly less mean than Naruto assumed he would be, and he's not even that upset over the whole rat thing. Naruto's honestly flattered. Kurama must like him way,waymore than Naruto originally thought he did.

They don't stay long. Naruto wants to-- wants to flop down into the new grass, surrounded by all the flowers, and tell Kurama about everything that had happened in the past few days. Kurama had saved his life, had protected him when there was no one else there to. Naruto wants to hug him forever and ever.

Naruto wonders, vaguely, how he got so lucky. Two parents back against all odds, and the best friend he ever, ever could've asked for. It's almosttoogood. He wonders what terrible thing is going to happen next to balance it out!

One of Kurama's tails steadily snakes it's way out as it grows closer to time to leave. His dad and Ayumu eye it warily, and his mom with a slight frown, but Naruto can't resist leaping onto it with a grin. It seems softer somehow, and Naruto wonders if the lightening atmosphere is somehow healthier for the tailed beast.

"Naruto." His dad says, distress tainting his tone. Kurama snorts, head resting on his paws. He looks impossibly smug, grinning with all his teeth. He seems tired, but relaxed. At peace, maybe.

Naruto understands. Something feels lighter, knowing that there's no secret hanging in the air anymore. It's all out in the open, and Naruto breathes a little easier knowing that they're all on the same page. Knowing that Kurama knows he's loved, and that he's accepted. Knowing that his parents don't... well, don't seem like they'reasagainst him as they were coming in.

Kurama seemed... strangely sluggish. Naruto turns his head to the side, cheek squished into the orange fur of his massive tail. Kurama's red eyes pierce into his blue ones, and the moment feels quieter than it should be with his parents muttering to one another and Ayumu furiously scribbling against his clipboard the way he is, flipping furiously through the pages.

Kurama loves his naps. He sleeps like, seventy-percent of the time. Since he's old and stuff. He's probably about to pass out if he's been awake since Naruto got taken. More proof that he's like, the greatest ever. Naruto's grin turns goofy in its wide crookedness. Kurama huffs and closes his eyes.

Naruto feels like jello, all wobbly and see through. Kurama's ears droop, his breaths calm. The panic of the day is beginning to leave, and suddenly Naruto rather wants a nap too. It's strange. He's never felt tired inside his own mind before, always energetically able to go on and on.

Now, he sort of wishes he could stay here forever. Kurama is so warm and inherently safe. With his parents a few feet away, it feels... just nice, Naruto guesses. He likes nice things.

"Hey, Kurama?" Naruto hums as he reluctantly pushes himself up. The fox gives a grunt and nothing else. "You know you're my best friendever, right?"

Kurama cracks an eye open, just a sliver. Naruto looks at him earnestly, willing him to believe him with everything in him. His chakra-coated feet send ripples through the water. In the grassy patch, more flowers pop up, more telling than words could ever be.

His dad lightly tugs him further away from the tail. If Kurama were going to do anything, Naruto stands by the fact that he definitely would've done it already. Oh thine of such little faith. They're acting as though Kurama killed them and like, dozens of others in the village or something like that. Jeez.

"...Brat."Kurama snorts derisively, tone short as his eye slides back shut."You're my best friend too."

Ayumu stops scribbling, looking up with surprise. A smile breaks across his face.That, as it happens, was exactly the type of answer he was waiting for.


"I can keep him?!" Naruto all but shrieked. He was in Kashi's lap sideways, Pakkun resting in his arms. Naruto shoved himself up slightly, ignoring the way his dad cringed a little. "Really?!"

"He cankeephim?" The old pervert echoed back, sounding utterly flabbergasted as he did. He lowered his sealing brush and the parchment he'd been practicing on, looking like he couldn't even begin to understand what the hell they were talking about. "Why?"

In the end, it was his mom who had turned the decision over to Ayumu. Ayumu had been acting as Naruto's therapist, had been the one to ask Kurama all those questions, and was a professional in his field. Kushina didn't feel she had a right to decide.

Apparently, she'd-- in her own words--only been here all of five minutes, and Minato had only been here practically fifteen. The concept of guardians were all a still semi-new structures in Naruto's life. He'd been alone up until that point.

What did they know about what was best for him? They hadn't gotten any real chance to be parents, and she didn't want to start motherhood out with a decision of this caliber. Her past experience with the Kyuubi had been too brief for her to know. He'd been sealed in her, but it's not like she'd said more than a few things to the fox.

"I believe it would be mentally detrimental to remove Kurama from Naruto at this time." Ayumu had recopied all the notes he took in the mindscape with vigor. In orange crayon, because no one could figure out where his pen had gone and that was all they had. "From what I understand, they've truly befriended one another, and Naruto has found a close confidant and comrade in him. Sealing Kurama, who means Naruto no harm, would cause great emotional strain on him."

Great emotional strain. Naruto would claw his own stomach out trying to get the seal off if he thought it meant Kurama wouldn't be trapped anymore. Like hell Naruto would sit by and just let him be locked away! Believe it!

The old pervert dude opened and closed his mouth in shock a few times, gaping like a fish. Kakashi didn't seem to care at all, humming to himself like this was all something he'd foreseen. Knowing him, he probably had. That or he just genuinely didn't care. That was another viable option.

Naruto knew wanting to cry again was stupid, but you really, really couldn't blame him! Even though he'd done it a lot lately and that was super lame, akin to something Sasuke would totally do, but comeon.

Doesn't he get a free pass for being stressed lately? Like, he almost died and stuff, and then his best friend was almost abducted. That sorta sounds like he should get a pass.

"This is all under a few circ*mstances, of course." Naruto's dad jumped in. Naruto nodded vigorously. "We expect you to keep up with your sessions with Ayumu, alright? And to keep him somewhat updated on your conversations with... Kurama. We also want Ayumu to meet with the fox every so often. Just to gauge things."

Ayumu looked like that was probably the last thing he wanted to do, at all, even slightly. Despite the look on his face, he still didn't say anything. Talk about professionalism. Naruto was going to have to really buckle down with Kurama. Knowing him, he'd threaten to eat Ayumu next time he saw him just for fun.

The old stalker dude looked more thoughtful than he did upset now, though he was still frowning. Naruto wasn't super sure how to feel about him still. His dad seemed to have softened up towards him, so maybe Naruto would cut the guy some slack.Bigmaybe-- his dad was a great judge of character, you see.

The guyhadcome and tried to help save Naruto. Of course, he'd done a downright terrible job and Naruto's mom and Kurama had to handle everything, but sometimes it's the thought that counts! Him sleuthing around outside their house is still totally weird, though. Believe it.

"Maa, I trust Naruto's judgement." Kashi said with a closed-eye smile. Naruto beamed at him as he shifted to hold him a little closer. "So long as he's happy--"

"There is another condition." Ayumu interrupted primly. Everyone froze. "Meeting with the Kyuubi is rather dangerous. I am confident Kurama will not turn against Naruto, but if you want me to go in regularly to speak with the fox, I will need the cooperation ofallparties. I want to make sure Naruto is in thehealthiestenvironment he can be. If I am going to do this, I am going to do it all the way."

He was staring directly at Kakashi as he said this, that same, weirdly intent look on his face. The one he got anytime he chose to chase the masked nin around with his clipboard and pen asking millions of questions Kashi pretended he couldn't hear. Naruto sucked his lips inwards, leaving his mouth a thin line.

Ayumu didn't let up. He can go totally stone-walled when he wants to, believe it. Everyone shifted, eyes turning expectantly to the silver haired man. He was sitting tensely, pointedly not looking Ayumu's way. In Naruto's arms, Pakkun let out a wide yawn.

Naruto met his mom's eyes. She looked completely lost, which was pretty understandable considering she'd been dead like, uh... a day ago. Were they going to talk about that by the way? Or were they just pretending her being back was like, totally normal? Not the point right now? Okay, yeah, not the point right now.

Naruto drove his elbow back into Kashi's side. Not because he's a traitor, but because therapy has benefits Naruto never could've foreseen. Benefits someone as mentally ill and traumatized as Kashidefinitelyneeds.

He's not an expert or anything, but Ayumu is and has been hunting Kashi for sport from the moment he saw him. Naruto doesn't have the full story, but he's also not blind. That has to mean something.

"I need ahealthy environment." Naruto repeated in his most pointed and annoying tone he could muster. Kakashi sighed with exaggerated loudness, slouching. The noise effectively broke the tension. It was the sound of Ayumu's victory.

"Once a month." Kakashi grumbled out. It was the most begrudging Naruto had ever heard him.

Ayumu's hard expression turned pleasant in an instant, a benign smile forming in place of the previous expectancy. Naruto shivered slightly, sharing a look with his dad, who looked scared that he might be next. It could be any of them at this rate. He had money on it being his mom, though-- she was fresh meat.

"Excellent! I'll see youeveryThursday, right after Naruto-kun!" Ayumu chirped, earning another groan from the copy nin as the Yamanaka settled down his orange crayon. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I will now be returning to my home to sleep. For the next fourteen hours. Preferably without interruption."

Nobody tried to stop him as he swept off, strangely put together and graceful in his movements despite his obvious exhaustion. Naruto watched him go and decided right about then that he wanted to be just like him when he was older. Ayumu was terrifying!

The silence left in his wake was a little tense in the sense that nobody seemed sure what to do or say afterwards, shifting awkwardly. Naruto could feel his own tiredness beginning to settle down around his bones now that things were decided. That same warm feeling was spreading through him, the one that told him Kurama was probably listening and likely content with the decisions made.

"...Well, I like that guy!" Kushina decided chirpily. "Wow, today has been crazy! I came back from the dead, Naruto is six and best friends with the nine tailed fox, we're all anti-Jiraiya now for some reason, Kakashi-kun is finally,finallygetting some therapy. What do we say we wrap this all up with a nap?"

And yeah. Naruto could get behind that.


No, no,no. No! This-- this wasn't how this was supposed tobe! This wasn't-- this wasn't how thingsworked. Heknowshow things work, and it's not like this-- not anywhere close to this.

He knows! He knows better than anyone, you see. He's looked into the eyes of it, knows it better than he knows himself. In many ways they run parallel, so close that he can nearly skim is fingers into the meat of it. Hatred, he is well acquainted with. Hatred, he knows.

It fills him. It's a burning ball he will one day rid himself of, but for now it serves him well. All things have a function, and this is no exception. It's a hard thing to accept, to live with this sickly feeling building within him day after day, but it is necessary. To get what he wants, he has to suffer some.

And suffer he has. Agony is an old friend. It rests on the horizon, waiting to descend upon him again. Already, its tendrils are beginning to pierce through him, strung tight with accompanying agitation and something he has always hated-- confusion.

He likes knowing, you see. Being aware of what to expect is invaluable. And yet, he does not think he's ever been as blind as he is right now. Even in the impossible, stifling darkness of that cave, he'd still had more perception than this.

He'd had aplan. They had paid for it-- they'd paid for it in their blood, and really, it was all for the greater good. Some people didn't deserve happy endings at the head of it all, and he was ready tocullthose people, to make sure they never got what he was willing to give. They would have to go onwards where they would never get the chance to see him do the impossible.

This world favors no one. It is brutal, and unforgiving, anddark. It does not know kindness. There's only luck, and those unfortunate enough not to have any. He's lucky his eyes were opened to the harsh reality he was living in. If they hadn't been, he'd never would've realized just what he had to do.

Peace wasn't achievable. There would always be blood, and war, and suffering. Unjust deaths at the hands of those who were supposed to stop them, who were supposed to protect. This world was rotten, but he-- he could unite it. He could bring it into one. He, with a little work, could make itperfect.

Then, everyone would be happy! That's all he'd ever wanted, really. Everyone could have what they wanted. He would have all of them back-- all those he'd lost, all those who'd dared betray them. They would never hurt him again where he was going. His heart would be filled! Everything would be to his ideal, and everyone else would be gifted the very same.

He was doing this because he had to. It was the only way! Not everyone would understand his vision, but did thattrulymatter? They would thank him, when it was all said it and done. Whether they wanted to or not, they would see.

He saw the world for what it was. Which was why this didn't make anysense.

The dead did not come back to life. Not in this world. If they did, it was never happily. The only technique he knew of was the Edo Tensei, and it wasn't as joyful and warm as what he was witnessing. He hadn't believed the rumors at first, but now he can see that they're true.

Sensei is here, laughing and smiling as though none of it was his fault. As though he wasn't part of the reasonshewas gone. As if, somehow, he deserved to be back when so many others couldn't be.

A shock of yellow, fast and breathing, alive. A curtain of fiery red. Somehow, they have come back to life. Kushina makes some amount of sense. There are explanations for that, ways she could've perhaps saved herself. She was always bold, intelligent in the loudest of ways.

But Sensei? Whose body he stumbled upon himself, already pale and gone cold by the time he got there? It was an impossibility. One he did not know how to deal with.

He'd been told that this was the only way. The laws of this world had been laid out before him, and he'd thought he understood. He couldn't have itall, the way things were. He couldn't find happiness here. It was already long since gone. Some, he could keep. But everything?

That's why they were doing this. Only-- only now, he wasn't so sure. It... didn't make sense. This new variable had him pausing, had him considering. Because if Sensei could come back from the dead, if he could somehow rise up--

Did that mean... Rin could too?

(In his chest, against his heart, something wrapped around it and burned. Somethingangry.)


It sort of hits him all at once. Like a bucket of ice water tipping over his head. The splash and following chill are instant, a shock to the system that has him freezing in place. His limbs lock and his lungs seize, and for a moment all he can do is stare.

Kushina looks no different than the last time he saw her, her hair a fall of lava down her back. She's perhaps a bit paler, but a look in the mirror tells Minato that he too has lost most of his color, pallid from the tension of the day and lack of sleep.

Today has been one of the scariest days of his life in many ways. Similarly, it has also been the best.

It's stupid that Minato's hands shake as he reaches out to touch his wife's shoulder. He has held some amount of contact with her from the moment she arrived, whether it be their sides pressed together, or their hands linked. But those were all moments spent holding his breath, attention focused solely on Naruto.

Only now Naruto is asleep, passed out in the middle of their bed curled into the smallest ball he can make himself into. There's a low thrum of anxiety that sings through him knowing where his son is and what (who?) he's talking to, but he forces himself through it and pops out on the other side only slightly unsteady.

Kushina is a vision, even more beautiful than he remembered her. He doesn't know when his memories of her began to gray around their edges, color leeching out as the days passed without her here to light them back up. She, like Naruto, is impossibly vivid. A shock of everything all at once, and Minato--

Minato can barely believe his luck.

Somehow, she is alive. Somehow, theybothare. They lost time, lost valuable years, but they are here now. Under slightly different circ*mstances, they may've never been. That could've been it, and Naruto would've been alone forever. Kakashi could've.

Their family might've stayed broken and scattered. It seems impossible that they should come together like this, yet here they are. Minato's mind spins. He's so tired and happy and scared. Scared, because someone took Naruto and someone might take him again. Happy, because Kushina is here now, and she saved him, and--

"Alright, I've got a totally logical explanation for howIcame back from the dead, but what about you?" Kushina asks loudly as she plops down on the bed next to Naruto, not caring of her volume or how she jostles their son. She eyes Minato skeptically. "Are you a zombie? A ghost? If you are, I need to know, ya know?"

Her hand threads into Naruto's locks with a gentleness that is nearly reverent, attention stolen by the way he snuffles and snuggles further into the covers. It's a distraction that leaves her enchanted, her eyes glued to his whisker-marked face. It's a brash contrast to her previous loudness that makes Minato smile.

Minato understands the feeling. Naruto is like the sun. And Minato is a planet helpless to do much more than orbit him. They all are, really.

"I..." Minato choked out. Because Kushina's here, and their son is here. Kakashi is asleep in the other room with all his dogs. Jiraiya is laid out on the couch dead to the world, as complicated as Minato's feelings towards him still are. It's... It's perfect. It's all perfect. "Iloveyou. I-I love you both."

Kushina's face softens as she smiles, and Minato lets himself break.


"That was so stressful." Naruto flopped back onto Kurama's tail. He had observed every single flower with pointed intent. It had taken a lot longer than he'd thought it would, but it had been worth it to memorize every single one. He wondered if he could get some books on flower identification. "Wasn't that stressful?"

"Shut up."Kurama grumbled, eyeing him like he was a flea."If you try to die on my watch again, I'll kill you myself."

Naruto felt something in him warm. Kurama cared so much about him. Compared to when they'd first met, they'd both come leaps and bounds. Naruto still couldn't quite believe this was his life. Sometimes, it seemed like a fantastical dream.

It wasn't as strange to come back here again as he'd feared. Things weren't all out of whack. Kurama's tail was still waiting for him, and Naruto still jabbered on about his day in gruesome detail. Kurama still called him stupid, and Naruto still told him he loved him, and Kurama still pretended he wasn't a little bit flattered by it.

Now that people knew, Naruto wondered what was next. Something was going to change. Naruto could feel it on the horizon, about to breach over the very edge of it and into sight. His mom was back, and though Naruto didn't have the details, he knew whoever had tried to take him was apparently a big deal.

Whoever had tried to take him... probably wouldn't be the last to try. And that meant Naruto had to get stronger. He had to getfaster. Kashi had already graduated by the time he was Naruto's age, hadn't he? If he could do that, then that meant Naruto could do better.

"Soon we're going to have fields and fields of flowers, Kurama." Naruto hums instead of voicing his concerns. Kurama's so smart that he's probably already picked up on them anyway. "And then I'm gonna open that cage. You better let me ride on your head when I do, or I'll cry really, really, really loudly until you do. Believe it."

A part of Naruto is scared of what's to come, but it's hard to stay like that. He's got two parents, both of which were so strong he could barely fathom it. He had Kashi, who was insanely capable no matter how lazy he acted at times. And he had Kurama-- the most powerful of them all, a pool of chakra and intent who Naruto knew would help protect him until he could do it himself.

Kurama hummed, smiling. He'd been doing that a lot since Naruto came in. Not big ones, not even particularly nice smiles. But he was happy, and that was one of the things Naruto had been gunning towards for as long as he'd decided to befriend Kurama.

"Fine, brat. It's a deal."Kurama's ears flicked as he smoke, eyes going to the flowers. Something in his eyes softened. Naruto pretended not to notice."Your luck is something else, kit.Twomeddling parents?"

"Three." Naruto rebutted, grinning. "You're here too, aren't you? And you said that I'myoursix year old."

Kurama flicked him off his tail. Naruto laughed even as he splashed into the water.


Sasuke was just as weird looking as the last time Naruto saw him, with hair like a duck's ass and beady little eyes. What a freak. Were people supposed to be that pale? No, really, was that healthy? Naruto was genuinely asking.

It was a few days after... everything, really. It finally felt like things were starting to settle. It felt somewhat wrong to resume their regular routines as though nothing had happened, but Naruto didn't guess there was anything else to do. Besides, things weren'tallthe same now that his mom was here too.

Apparently, she'd been best friends with Sasuke's mom before she accidentally sealed herself into Naruto, or whatever the hell happened there. He really doesn't want to hear the logistics of it. It's kinda gross. He knows that it's no different than Kurama being sealed in him, but ignorance is bliss. Believe it.

The Uchiha Compound-- the old one that had been bombed by that old dude that tried to kidnap Naruto-- had resumed construction at an accelerated pace. They were making great time. Naruto was glad to sit here and play in the clay with Pakkun whilst his parents went about their business.

"So." Sasuke snipped out shortly, eyeing him up and down like he had any room to judge. "Youwere gone a long time."

Naruto wondered if he'd get in trouble for kicking him in the knee. Probably. Or maybe not? His dad had run off to go help Sasuke's dad with something, so really it was his mom watching him, and she seemed like the type to encourage a little rough and tumbling. Which is code for Naruto kicking Sasuke'sass, if you were wondering.

Sasuke plopped down a few feet away from him. Uninvited, mind you. Naruto eyed the ball of clay he'd been molding into Kurama, contemplating the pros and cons of chucking it at his head. Three bowls of ramen says he hits him square between the eyes.

"Suna was badass. I met my best human friend ever." Naruto noted specifically, because he needs to make sure Kurama knows he's number one. "He's way better than you and not a loser. On the way back some dude kidnapped and almost killed me though. Luckily, my mom came back from the dead and saved me, so that whole plan failed."

"Shame." Sasuke sighed. Naruto lashed a foot out at him, nailing him in the shin. Sasuke kicked back just as viciously grimacing at him. "Why do your parents keep coming back from the dead? Normal people's parents don't do that. I read it in a book."

Naruto gave him an incredulous look. Was he trying to imply that Naruto was normal in any way, shape, or form?Hello? God, Naruto's got no idea how he manages to exist surrounded by such stupidity. He should go find Shikamaru. All he does is sleep and be smart without flaunting it. Way better than... this.

"f*ck you." Naruto ended up chucking the clay at him. Sasuke let out a squawk as it smacked him dead center, as Naruto had predicted it would. It left a terracotta colored mark on his skin. "I'm notnormaland neither are my parents, unlike you, you plain-faced weenie. Just because you're so lame you have to ride your brother's coattails to seem even a little bit cool doesn't mean me andmyparents have to."

When Naruto goes for it, he goes for the throat. Believe it. The blow looked like it had landed hard too if Sasuke's slowly twisting expression was anything to go off of. He looked absolutely downright furious, teeth grinding, hands clenching into fists, entire body coiling. Naruto tensed, ready for action.

And then something... happened. Something horrifying, because it's Sasuke, what did you really expect? His bottomless pits masquerading as eyes... changed. Naruto paused, staring as they slowly started to bleed red around the edges, swirling in towards a pupil that was nearly lost in the darkness of his iris.

A comma came into form, one in each eye spinning so fast he could barely make them out. Sasuke snarled. Naruto, never one to be shown up, bared his teeth like Kurama did and snarled right back. Was this how he wanted to play? Because f*ck himandhis red eyes! Believe it!

"I'm going to finish what the people who kidnapped you couldn't." Sasuke hissed out with shocking venom considering they're both six, and then he was lunging. Naruto shrieked as they went down, clawing at him furiously.

Naruto and Sasuke's mothers both looked over in the face of the commotion, blanching as the pair rolled across the ground. They stained their clothes and dirtied their hair as they went, but that was nothing compared to the profanities they were spitting. Naruto had spent six years on the streets, after all. And Sasuke... well, he knew NarutoandShisui, which was enough said.

Sasuke was fighting dirty with his Sharingpan, or whatever the hell it was called. Naruto channeled chakra in to his feet and kicked, sending him flying off. He was up seconds later and leaping after the dark haired rat, ignoring the way Sasuke flailed like a cat dunked in water as he barreled into his gut.

"Sasuke! You-- You got your Sharingan?!" Mikoto shrieked when she spotted the flash of red in her son's eyes. "Oh my word. Itachi didn't-- he didn't awaken his until he waseight. What--"

Naruto reeled his fist back and socked the Uchiha boy straight in the face. Deep in the pits of his stomach, Kurama cackled gleefully.

Chapter 32

Chapter Text

Third person pov

There's a smell in the air. One Kurama thinks he may recognize.

He doesn't like what that implies.


Ayumu's office is filled with only the quiet fluttering of the curtains, brushed by the barest breeze fluttering in through the windows, which have been cracked to bring in fresh air. Kakashi is perfectly still, his posture textbook and his lone eye trained on a single spot on the wall behind Ayumu's head. It's pretty clear he's not going to cooperate.

Ayumu smiles nonetheless. Getting Kakashi to talk had never been his first priority. Just getting him in the room was a momentous occasion-- one he would very likely be popping a bottle open to later.Kakashi Hatakewas attending a therapy appointment in a therapist's office, and the manhandling it had taken to get him here had only been minimal.

Scheduling him in right after Naruto had been a stroke of genius. Everyone had their eyes on the boy right now, wary after his kidnapping, wary because of the fox. Kakashi was one of the ones most dogged in his pursual of Naruto's safety, always lingering, not wanting to fail again.

He'd been right outside the door as soon as Naruto finished. With the help of Kushina Uzumaki's fiery temper and willingness to full-body tackle, dragging him through the door had practically been cake compared to Ayumu's past attempts to ask him... well, anything, really.

Slightly giddy with his success, Ayumu couldn't help the way his smile widened slightly. Kakashi twitched slightly. Was that irritation? Ayumu jotted it down, half to annoy him more. Showing emotion was good considering they'd already been here twenty minutes and he'd hardly blinked twice, letaloneshowed emotion.

Then again, Ayumu hadn't said anything either. It was a bit of a powerplay, trying to get Kakashi to start the conversation, but Ayumu doubted he'd reply if he tried to speak first anyhow.

He had around three clipboards worth of questions and notes on the young man, who had about as many problems as you'd expect from someone lost everything and then joined ANBU at13, of all ages. Honestly, what had they been thinking?

Ayumu stared intently at Kakashi for another moment before humming and nodding to himself, looking down to doodle a few flowers on his clipboard. Kakashi twitched again, and Ayumu pursed his lips, nodding some more as though he had just written a profound and riveting observation.

The silence continued. There was the faintest tinkling of windchimes from somewhere outside further down the road, and Ayumu could see Kakashi shift in his peripheral, almost as though the man were considering making for the windows. He'd find very quickly that the glass was reenforced and that, despite being slightly open, they were very much still locked and would not go up anymore than that.

Ayumu paused, considering. He wouldn't put it past Kakashi to blow a hole in the wall just to get out of the suffocating aura that was beginning to build. He shrugged to himself. If he did take that route, it would tell Ayumu plenty-- probably at least a page's worth of more notes.

The image he had of Kakashi's psyche was still a blurry one, but it was a clearer image than anything anyone else had gotten before. Kakashi Hatake was a notorious mystery, closed off from the people and world around him. His constructed front was impeccable for a man his age; especially considering all he'd gone through.

But Ayumu is very,verygood at his job. And in this room? It's his court, and no one else's.

He draws some more flowers. He wonders if he can get a field to sprout in Kakashi's mind too, the same way Naruto's gotten one going in his own scape. Speaking of-- he's set to talk to that fox again soon.Notlooking forward to that, but he feels he's gotten past the fear of it and is now healthily numb to his circ*mstance.

Kakashi shifts some more. Ayumu glances up, stares for a moment, and looks down to doodle his flowers more vigorously. He couldn'tseeKakashi's eye twitching, but Ayumu's got a second sense for these things and can practically feel it.

A few more minutes tick by. Kakashi clears his throat. Ayumu hums again, a bit louder, and adds some bushes to his flower field. Apparently, that's the straw that breaks the camel's back, because Kakashi's entire expression twists under his mask.

"Alright." Kakashi snaps out harshly, glaring. "What the hell have I done that you couldpossiblybe writing down?"

Ayumu looks up, smiling brightly. He settles his clipboard down onto his knee, completely ignoring the question as he folds his hands together. The picture of polite, kind professionalism.

"Kakashi! I'm so glad you felt ready to start the conversation. That was very brave of you." Ayumu commends. Kakashi's expression does something funny in response. "Now, I'm told you graduated as a genin when you were only five. Quite a young age to become a ninja, wouldn't you agree?"

Kakashi groaned. Ayumu smiled wider and started writing.


Things had taken some... adjusting to.

It's strange to drop into a world that's lived over half a decade without you. Kushina had never been one to have many friends. She was social and she was loud, but her brashness didn't' mix well with others sometimes, and her passion was often too much for any regular person to handle. Add her (previous) status of Nine Tailed Fox container on top...

Well, she'd never beenthatpopular. Perhaps more so when Minato became Hokage, and her status inevitably rose with his. But that was almost solely political. People who wanted to make nice with her as the wife of the village's leader, not because she was Kushina Uzumaki.

Mikoto had gone so long without her. She was more mature now, Kushina could tell. There was a rift between them, a divide she wasn't sure how to breach. It made her ache a little inside, because Mikoto was the one friendshemade forherself, and she'd been the absolute bestin all ways.

Having her at a distance now didn't feel right. But Kushina didn't know how to fix it, or if she even could. On the surface things were fine-- they still talked and chatted. But Mikoto had gone through so much without her, had been without Kushina's companionship for over six years. And for Kushina--

It was just like yesterday. Mikoto looked a little older now, lines beginning to show around her eyes. Kushina's years absent had been stressful ones.

She and Minato were determined to fix it though. The Uchiha were about to move back, and the Uchiha Police Force was getting a revamp that would hopefully paint them in a better light. They were the glue of the village in many ways, a way to uphold peace. They served the community, a power that existed outside thegenin, chunin, jonin, ANBUthat made up the military.

It wasn'tsobad. Kushina was glad to be back at all. She had everything she needed, minor complaints aside. She had her son and she had her husband, and she had Kakashi, and what more could she really want? It was hard, but not as hard as it might've been if she were alone.

(If she were alone... she's not sure she would've made it at all, actually, even with as hardheaded as she is.)

Naruto is a tiny ball of energy, just as hyperactive as she was at that age, but with Minato's whip-sharpness. Learning about some of the stuff he'd been through while he was alone... it wasn't easy to stomach. It made Kushina mad-- at herself, at the village, at theworld.

She understood the civilians' fear, but her understandingwhydidn't justify a thing. The fact of the matter was that Naruto never, ever should've been treated in such a manner. Kushina wasn't sure how to feel towards Konoha. She was conflicted, glad to be back, loving her home, but hating it for what it had done.

A sewer. Her six year old son's mind... it was asewer. And how was that acceptable?

"It looks like it's just you and me today, ya know." Kushina rubbed her hands together in a scheming matter, grinning down at Naruto, who mirrored her expression exactly. For all he looked like his dad, that smile was undoubtedly hers. "Our first mother-son outing. Unsupervised. What shall we do with our time?"

"That old pervert guy's still running around." Ah, yeah. Jiraiya. Kushina had jumped onthathate train too after hearing of the abandonment. "I vote we water balloon him. Believe it."

"With paint." Kushina added, grin growing.

"Bright orange." Naruto contributed. He glanced over his shoulder, as though to make sure there was really no one else around to listen, before he leaned closer. He lowered his voice significantly. "...Do you think we could stop by and nail Sasuke with one?"

Mikoto would kill her for it later, because it turns out that neon orange paint isreallyhard to get out of clothing. And hair. And off skin, but really, the splotches on his face are hardly noticeable!

(Naruto's laughter makes it worth it. Kushina lets herself listen, lets herself memorize the sound, breathes, and adjusts. Kushina Uzumaki is a lot of things. Adaptable, as luck would have it, happens to be one of them.)


Naruto's dad had been cool enough on his own, but add his fiery mother into the mix? They're quite possibly the coolest thing like,ever. It's like his father's the kindling and his mother's the flame. Together, they're electric, a towering blaze so large and bright it's hard to wrap his head around at times.

Their love for each other is explosive. Naruto struggles to comprehend it, but somehow their love for him is evenmore. It's all-encompassing, and Naruto realizes that it's exactly the reason his dad was able to pick up without his mother and keep going at all. He's still not super sure how to feel about it. Abashed, confused, tearful.

(Undeserving, but that's a detail for him and Ayumu to analyze later.)

He doesn't regret learning about love, because it truly is wonderful in all its incomprehensible glory. He just has no idea what to do with it or with himself. He revels in it, soaks it up like a sponge, but he also cringes in the face of it. Now that he can recognize it, now that he knows--

Let's just say he needs to work on his self worth issues and leave it at that.

It takes some time for his parents and Kashi to calm down after the kidnapping, and even then they're still strung tight. It helps that his mom totally f*cked the ones who did it in their metaphoricalasses, so they all know they're not coming back anytime soon. It still doesn't stop them from checking on him in regular intervals.

Having a dad that can travel from one location to another in literal seconds is cool until it's not. Every twenty minutes there's a flash outside the academy window. His dad will squint in briefly, usually jump-scaring a few of his classmates in the process despite having done it so many times that theyshouldbe used to it. Iruka-sensei will make a sound like he's just been stabbed, and then his dad will leave again.

Which is totally fine! Naruto sorta gets it. Like, he doesn't, but the idea is there. Parents like their kids, they don't like their kids getting kidnapped. So if one does get kidnapped, you'd sorta be worried about them after they were retrieved, right? Because it happened once, who's to say it wouldn't happen again?

Had he just jinxed that? Maybe. Not the point-- he's getting to that. The point is that he understands why his dad wants to check in. It's just that it makes absolutely no sense, because Kashi and the dogs already watch him every waking moment of the day, making his flash-steps past the windows entirely unnecessary.

"This is a drag." Shikamaru drawled as the room erupted in yet another round of unnecessary screams. The thunder beginning to roil outside and dim the room wasn't helping the atmosphere. "Why're all these dogs here if he's just going to show up anyway?"

Naruto looked at the ninken all lounged about. Bull had been splayed out on his back snoring like a garbage disposal for the past thirty minutes or so, but Iruka-sensei was too afraid to try and get him to stop. Probably because every time he skirted near any of the dogs, suspicious creaks would come from the ceiling, signaling Kakashi's ominous moving. Again,nothelping the atmosphere.

"I don't know. They all think I'm going to get kidnapped again." Naruto sighed. Shikamaru gave him alook. "Like, the guys who did it got totally murked anyway, so I'm not sure what they're so worried about. And I didn't even die, believe it!"

"If only." Sasuke muttered, only to shriek when Bisuke snarled and faked a snap at his leg. This of course caused the room to fill with even more screaming. Naruto wasn't one to get headaches, especially not in response to sound, but this level of noise was beyond even his typical loudness.

Iruka-sensei looked completely defeated, shoulders slouching in a way indicative of his lack of will to even try anymore. Naruto didn't blame him for giving up. Honestly, he's surprised it didn't happen sooner. This has been going on for way longer than it should've.

Naruto sighed, slouching into his desk and shooting another glance at Shikamaru. Only Shikamaru wasn't doing normal Shikamaru things, like muttering about how troublesome things were and burying his face in his arms. He was sat up straight, staring at Naruto with attentiveness Naruto was pretty sure he'd never actually seen him show before.

Naruto raised an eyebrow. Shikamaru squinted at him, frowning ever so slightly. Which was apparently an odd enough occurrence that evenPakkunraised his head. Concerning? Maybe. A lot of things are concerning these days, but Ayumu says a lot of problems aren't really problems, we just perceive them that way. If Naruto pretends everything is fine, he can fake it until he makes it!

After another moment of eye contact, Shikamaru made a face. Naruto wasn't sure if he was offended or not.

"...Are you meaning to tell me youactuallygot kidnapped?" Shikamaru looked him up and down, like he'd find physical evidence of it. Scratch what Naruto said before, he's definitely offended now. "Really?"

"Why would I lie about something like that?" Naruto asked, genuinely bewildered. He gave Shikamaru the judgmental look he deserved. "That'd be messed up. Kidnappings are no joking matter, Shikamaru. Believe it."

Pakkun nodded in agreement. If Pakkun was agreeing, then there was no doubt that Naruto was in the right here. Did this officially make him smarter than Shikamaru? Quite possibly. He wonders if he'll be allowed to get ramen to celebrate. He knew Kurama's smarts were bound to start rubbing off on him at some point!

"You've lied about it before." Shikamaru said, which was absolutely the least true thing he'd ever heard in hislife.

Look. Naruto knows lies. He used to smile all the time without meaning it, and that was a lie. He used to say he was fine, and those were lies! He didn't tell the truth about Kurama, and he omitted knowing he was a fox at all to his face, andthosecounted as lies. He gets it-- he's not the most honest person in the world on those fronts.

But when it comes to other things? Like-- like serious stuff? He'd never lie about that. Like, come on, man. Who was f*cked up enough to f*ck around about kids getting taken? Because that's not a list he's on, nor is it one hewantsto be on.

"I wasn't lying about those either." Naruto said in the most affronted tone he could muster. Pakkun whipped around to look at him. Shikamaru made that face again. "I wasn't! It's not my fault those kidnappers were so sh*tty I was able to get away on my own!"

There was a thump from the ceiling that made Naruto immediately regret opening his fat mouth, but what the hell else was he supposed to do? Let Shikamaru slander his name? Um, yeah, absolutelynot. Kurama would get all huffy if Naruto didn't uphold the illusionary reputation the fox thought he had. Something about pride and dignity-- he had no idea.

"You've been kidnappedbefore?" Pakkun asked, seeming overly distressed by the idea. Which sure, sort of horrifying to think about, but they obviously hadn't succeeded in doing anything everlasting. Aside from traumatizing him a little, but Naruto felt like that just added to his character development more than anything.

Besides, if he hadn't been traumatized, he never would've met Ayumu! So it was a... uh... not awin-winsituation, but definitely something. At least he has Kurama. He feels like having Kurama and not being traumatized in some way physically went against the laws of the universe and was thus statistically impossible.

"Just a few times." Naruto's nose scrunched. Shikamaru co*cked a brow.

"You've mentioned being kidnapped on atleastfive separate occasions in the time that I've known you, Naruto." Shikamaru said drily, though there was a concerned glint in his eyes. "I think that qualifies as more than a 'few' times."

Naruto gave him a dirty look as another creak overhead sounded. Somehow, this creak sounded more frantic. How could creaking wood sound frantic?

"It hardly matters now." Naruto sulked grumpily, sinking down into his chair. More thunder boomed outside. "It's not like it's gonna happen again. Not with all the eyes on me-- believe it!"



He'd been f*cking asking for it, really. Remember when he said he'd probably jinxed it about the not getting kidnapped again thing? Again, asking for it. He should've known better not to tempt fate like that, since it apparently hated him.

Honestly, all he'd been through in his six short years on this planet? Inconceivable. It's a miracle he's still alive. Or maybe not a miracle and just Kurama's crazy healing factor, which is definitely a possibility and probably the most likely one, but you know.

There are eyes boring into the side of his head. Naruto very valiantly ignores them, lips pressed into a thin, firm line. At least they haven't outright attacked him this time like the ones in the woods did. No injuries here. Actually, he's doing great when you look at things comparatively.

Nevermind that his parents are literallynevergoing to let him out of their sight again. Goodbye to the rest of his childhood, because he can already tell it's going to be spent indoors, likely handcuffed to a responsible adult or his mom.

He's not even entirely sure how this happened to begin with, with Kashi and the ninken and his dad all looming around. Maybe Kashi had still been reeling over the bomb he dropped on Shikamaru about having been genuinely kidnapped before or something.

Surprise, surprise. Add another tally tothatunpleasant list. Does he get bonus points for not getting kidnapped alone? He thinks he should like, so totally get points for that.

"This is a drag." Shikamaru says after a beat of silence, likely after carefully trying to figure out if their kidnappers were in earshot enough to beat him for opening his mouth. "I never should've talked to you, or asked. This is all your fault."

"And yet you still did. Mores a pity." Naruto had no idea if he'd used that in the right context, but Kurama had sarcastically said it once, so it had to be good. "We should totally escape. Believe it."

Before they decided to do some weird ritual on him, or stone him to death, orwhateverthese people had gotten in their heads that they needed to do. This was starting to get old. Was abduction going to become a regular part of his routine? Kurama wasnotgoing to go for that.

Speaking of Kurama, f*ck. He was going to be somad. He'd given Naruto like, explicit instructions not to get into anymore trouble. And what does he do? Gets kidnapped. Immediately. Naruto should be better than this by now!

Shikamaru looks like he wants to say something else, but his mouth snaps shut before he gets the chance. Just seconds before the door opens, too. The masked man has no identifiable headband on his person, and Naruto has to wonder if they're ninja at all. Their footsteps had seemed too loud for it the whole time they'd been here, but maybe they were just confident and comfortable.

Naruto's got no idea where the hell they are. In truth, he hadn't even been the first one grabbed. Shikamaru had gotten scooped up, a hand chopping at the back of his neck and sending him limp, and Naruto had followed half a second after. So really they could argue that Shikamaru was the one kidnapped, and thatNarutowas the extra accessory here. If they wanted.

But anyway. In true kidnapping fashion, they've been taken to a dusty, dank, windowless room. Probably a basem*nt somewhere. It smells like cat piss and damp soil, so it's either that or the poorly made home of some unsuspecting grandma.

The man paused, staring at the two of them. Naruto and Shikamaru stared back, tied up and huddling shoulder to shoulder. Shikamaru was squinting, trying to get a better look at who they were dealing with. Naruto was too hungry to really care, glancing past the guy and out the door. It was a dimly lit staircase leading up-- definitely a basem*nt, then.

He'd been taken to basem*nts before. Sorta sucked since there was usually only one way out of them, but whatever. They could deal with it-- would have to if they didn't wanna die, or whatever.

The tension is stifling. Naruto shares a look with Shikamaru as another dark figure comes down the stairs, dressed just as obscurely as the first. It's a woman, probably about as tall as Kashi is if Naruto wanted to compare. Her eyes were the only thing visible, a nondescript hazel that narrowed contemplatively.

They were staring at Shikamaru. Which was like, totally another point in the 'they probably weren't after me' category for Naruto. Yay, go team! It probably won't make Kurama any less upset, or his parents any more reassured, but Naruto is taking what he can get these days.

"...Rabbit." Yeah, definitely a code name, but at least they had something. "Do either of these children look like Sasuke Uchiha to you?"

He should've f*ckingknown.

A mile away. Naruto should've seen this from a mile a-goddamn-way. Were they serious right now? They seemed serious right now. Naruto couldn't believe this was happening. Was he properly processing this right now? Because if he was, it had just implied that all of this was Sasuke's fault. Which was no surprise, but Naruto also can't wrap his head around the fact thatthisis how he's being victimized.

When are things not Sasuke's fault? Trick f*cking questions, things arealwaysSasuke's fault, and f*ck him. He got them kidnapped? Are you for real? Naruto felt his jaw drop, affronted that they'd want a loser like that chicken ass, offended that somehow they'd been taken instead, pissed that Sasuke even existed to put them in this situation.

Shikamaru grimaced at his side, muttering something about Sharinpans and young people. f*ck if he knew. Naruto was too busy being angry that his entire whole complete total undividedlifehad just been ruined by the likes of that little rat bastard.

Just-- look. Sasuke's not theworst. But Naruto also hates him on principle, you know? Legally required, don't ask him why. Everyone needs a little healthy rivalry in their lives, and Sasuke practically begged for it the moment he told Naruto he smelled like stale ramen and a dumpster of flaming sh*t.

They had an unspoken scoreboard. And Naruto getting kidnapped because of him? Absolutely pathetic. That was like, so many points to Sasuke. Naruto was going to get laughed at later! It was going to be humiliating!

Unless he could get himself and Shikamaru out of here on his own. Without anyone ever knowing. Which really, now that he knows what he knows, that's the only viable option.

"Y-You said that he was friends with the Hokage's son. S-Spikey black hair, black... black eyes? Pale?" The man, Rabbit, stuttered out. Naruto audibly scoffed.

Great. So definitely Sasuke's fault Naruto was taken, but Naruto's fault Shikamaru was taken. This is the lamest situation he's ever been in. As far as kidnappings go, he's an expert, and this one sucks actual, literal balls. Take it from a seasoned professional.

"Me and that asswipe aren'tfriends." They were bitter rivals 'til the end, actually. "How'd you even mix that asshole up? He wears a giant Uchiha fan on his back like, every day."

Uchiha pride was a real thing and Sasuke had it in spades, because he's a loser. But genuinely, actually, howdidthey mix him and Shikamaru up? They look absolutely nothing alike. Shikamaru isn't even that pale, for all the time he spends in the sun cloud gazing and taking naps.

The woman gestures to him pointedly in agreement. Shikamaru shifts, testing the tightness of the ropes. The Rabbit dude twitches uncomfortably. Naruto hopes he expels his bodyweight's worth of sweat. He deserves it.

"Yep. Got the wrong kids." Shikamaru drawled, sounding both tense and bored at the same time somehow. "Luckily we haven't seen your faces, so you can just let us go and try again later."

Naruto nodded in agreement, ignoring the way the seal on his stomach was starting to burn. When he'd been knocked unconscious earlier, had he ended up there? Was it a replay of what happened before where he wasn't awake in the mindscape either? f*ckkkk. Probably. That made things so much worse.

Rabbit shakily jerked, like he was thinking of actually letting them go. Naruto hoped so. The guy deserved a good punch to balls, and as soon as these ropes came off? Naruto was hashing it out.

Speaking of the ropes, they actually weren't that tight. Naruto wriggled his wrists a bit, ignoring the burn of the fibers chaffing his skin raw. Compared to getting stabbed a few weeks ago, the minor pain was nothing. If they weren't the kids these guys wanted--

Theycouldbe let go. Or they could not be. And if they weren't, Naruto really,reallywasn't liking what that was probably going to entail.

The woman grabbed Rabbit before he could get any closer, her grip on his upper arm hard. Naruto watched the interaction with intent eyes, shifting slightly so he could reach where Shikamaru's hands were tied. Shikamaru tilted to accommodate, subtle and pulled taut like a bowstring.

"Are you crazy? We'll have the Nara clan head and Yellow Flash coming down on our heads in minutes if we let them go now!" The woman snapped out. Which was absolutely correct, but Naruto sorta wished she hadn't come to that conclusion. "We can't let them go. Not until we have the boy."

"How are we supposed to get him now? Two kids are missing-- no way they're not watching all the others." A new voice claimed, deep and gruff. Heavy footsteps lumbered down the stairs. "This was our one chance and you f*cking blew it. No one has ever awakened a Sharingan so young. And the boy's not even a prodigy-- not like his brother. He'd be helpless against us."

Alright, Naruto could appreciate the sick burn. He could also appreciate that he'd just gotten Shikamaru's right hand free. Up top, side-to-side,anddown low. Is he skilled, or is he skilled?

The seal on his stomach started to burn hotter. Kurama was definitely mega pissed. Naruto was feeling pretty awake, so he gave himself a solid amount of time before he had to inevitably succumb to sleep and face the music. A problem for future him.

He should probably be panicking more, but it was hard to panic when he'd been through this so many times. Not to mention that his kidnappers were all very clearly idiots. That definitely helped. Besides, having Kurama inside of him... well, it was reassuring. Having a giant, all-powerful fox that would go to bat for him.

Shikamaru was reassuring too. Not that Naruto'd ever wanted anyone to be kidnapped because of him. It was just-- kinda nice not being alone. Shikamaru was also majorly smart in a lot of ways that Naruto simply wasn't and likely never would be, so he was Naruto's best bet at getting out of this alive, Kurama aside.

"We'll figure something out!" The woman snapped. Touchy, touchy. "In the meantime, we can't keep them here. The demon brat's chakra is too big, even with the barriers up."

Alright, so probably still in the village. Naruto got Shikamaru's other hand free, ignoring the way Kurama's chakra was beginning to swirl and swirl within him. He furrowed his brows at the sensation, turning himself so Shikamaru could carefully free him as well. Kurama wasn't normally so present.

It was harder to feel the fox when he was awake. Naruto had felt his presence more often since the sprouting of their newer flowers, but this was different than just a vague awareness of his being there. This felt like fire climbing up through him. It didn't hurt, per se, but it was filling him rapidly and making his skin tingle.

"C-Can we just kill him?" Rabbit asked before freezing, eyes widening through the holes of his mask. "O-Or will that release the fox?"

Well, sh*t. At least that confirmed that they were probably Konoha natives, or at least working for one.

Shikamaru's hands stilled. He turned, giving Naruto another scrutinizing look. He immediately blanched for some reason, which was super strange considering how straight-faced he'd stayed this whole time. Naruto blinked back at him, his eyes burning slightly. Was it getting warmer? He felt like he was getting warmer.

Shikamaru stared at him, very still and not blinking. Naruto rose a careful brow at him, wiggling his hands the rest of the way out of the ropes he'd loosened. Was there something on his face? There was probably something on his face, knowing his luck. Great.

"We have to assume it will. We can't risk that." The woman sighed, audibly annoyed. Maybe don't kidnap children if you don't want to deal with the complications that come with it? Believe it. "We can knock him out, but the Nara is too dangerous to keep. Young or not--"

"His father's going to be on us. Jonin commander and all." The gruff man said. "Though, I'm not sure he's any worse than the Fourth. Apparently he all but strangled a guy in the street just for touching the little monster."

Naruto massaged his wrists, lips peeling back as he scowled. Shikamaru leaned away from him slightly, still staring at his face. Naruto tried to calm his breathing, telling himself he wasn't going to get overly upset to the point of irrationality.

He'd gone his whole life being called a monster. This was no different--theiropinions probably mattered least of all. Child kidnappers were the bottom of the barrel.

It was just different now that he really knew about Kurama. Now that he loved him. Because when they called Naruto a monster, it wasn't reallyhimthey were talking about. It was his friend. And that only made the roiling of Kurama's chakra through him worse.

"In that case we're f*cked!" The woman grit out, throwing her hands up in her frustration. Naruto shimmied himself a bit, feet planted. "We should bail out now. Leave the kids here and get as far away as we can. This whole thing is pointless if we're just going to end up dead anyway!"

Naruto nudged Shikamaru imploringly, ignoring the strange jolts beginning to go through him. Kurama's anger was like a storm brewing up through him, sporadic flashes of lightning rushing up through his chakra pathways like the pulsing of a heart.

Shikamaru shook himself off, slack expression tightening back up. He tore his gaze away from Naruto's face, muttering about how troublesome things were and shaking his head. He shifted his feet similarly to Naruto's, though neither of them did more than that. There was no telling what the skill level of these three was.

There was no telling if they were the only three.

Naruto turned his eyes to the cracked, water-stained ceiling, silently questioning his life and what it had become.Kidnapped. Sasuke's a goddamn plague. Maybe all Naruto's bad luck isn't even his own-- Maybe Sasuke's been spreading it to him.

These guys couldn't be worse than that snake dude and the other terrorist guy, probably. Again, Naruto has so far remained unharmed aside from maybe his ego over the whole Sasuke thing. Literally the most humiliating moment of his life, thanks. Aside from that, his growing hunger is probably the only real issue.

"We won't make it a mile before Hatake coins us." The gruff ninja sighs. Rabbit squeaks in terror. "This was a sh*t idea. I don't care how goddamn fast Rabbit is, we should've--"

Naruto's seal flares, hard enough that the light shines through his shirt. Their heads snap over. Similar to the way Shikamaru had stopped at the sight of him, the three of them seem to blanch as well, though it's harder to tell with the face coverings. They stop breathing, that's for sure.

Something orange and angry has begun to leech out of Naruto, encasing him like a hesitant shell. It mostly hovers around his arms, though he can feel it crawl up the sides of his face and thread through his hair as well, like an extra set of ears layered over his own, longer and more vicious. Shikamaru gulps.

Naruto pulls his hands forward, staring at them, all pretense of pretending to be still tied up gone. The ropes fall slack and pool around him, and Naruto is pretty sure he witnesses the three kidnappers lose their actual souls in real time. The orange chakra bubbles, starting to turn red.

In his ears, his swears he hears Kurama roaring. He's not surewhyhe's so mad about it this time, or what's different enough that he's able to get out when he couldn't before. Maybe because they've finally reached an acceptance with one another? Everything is out in the open. There's no more secrets.

These kidnappers aren't very good ones. They haven't even hurt him. Maybe Kurama's just pissed it happened at all. Too soon or something? Yeah, that sounds like it could be it. He's not going to complain. But if the chakra just now started to bubble out, then why had Shikamaru--

Naruto pauses, observing the claws. He turns to look at his classmate. Shikamaru looks less freaked out now and more lost.

"...Are my eyes red?" Naruto asked, trying not to sound too hopeful but failing horribly. Kurama has red eyes and they'resobadass.

"Slitted pupils, too." Shikamaru nodded, frowning in a way that told Naruto he was probably going to have alotto explain later.

For now, though, he just grinned. He ran his tongue over his teeth, the canines sharp enough to prick and sting as he whipped his head back towards their kidnappers with newfound glee. He wondered if he could learn how to do this on command. Sasuke thought he was special with his Sheeringgun? Hah. Don't make him laugh.

"Awesome." Naruto breathed out before launching himself forward, chakra in the soles of his feet.

The kidnappers all let out shrieks of terror. Naruto's laughter was maniacal.

Chapter 33

Chapter Text

Third person pov


"They said you have 'the fox' in you." Shikamaru noted drily as they tromped through the brush back towards what Naruto hoped was civilization. "They wouldn't happen to be talking about theNine Tailed Fox, would they? Red eyes, orange, angry chakra? The very same one your dad sealed in a baby six years ago on your birthday?"


"What? I have no idea what you're talking about. Foxes only have one tail, Shikamaru, so don't even try to convince me there's one out there withnineof them." Naruto averted his gaze, sweat beading his brow. The blood he was covered in was not helping his case.

With Kurama's help, escape had been a breeze. Almost comically so. In fact, it had been so easy that Naruto was rightfully suspicious of the entire thing. The whole thing, beyond the fact that it was a literal kidnapping, just feltoff.

He's an abduction veteran, okay? He's been there, done that, got the anniversary coin and complimentary t-shirt. He knows they were supposedly after Sasuke, and that's all well and good since Narutolovesto blame him for sh*t, but the whole thing just... doesn't quite click the right way.

Maybe it's because he wasn't the target for once, and that spices things up. Maybe he's becoming paranoid now that he's entered such a domestic and peaceful life. Granted, said domestic and peaceful life had ended up with him nabbed by some snake maniac and his crinkly-faced companion and he'd almost f*cking died, but you know. Whatever. It was the principal of the thing.

"You know. I wouldn't tell anyone about you having the fox if that were the case." Shikamaru said in a strangely conversational tone that did not suit him like, even slightly. "Even if itistroublesome."

Naruto side-eyed him. Shikamaru side-eyed him back. Overhead, more thunder cracked, bringing with it another flash of blanketing rain.

"Right." Naruto slogged through a puddle, not even trying to go around it. The more water he got on him, the more likely this blood was to come off. Then maybe his parents wouldn't flip so hard. "Hypothetically what if the fox were actually like, a really cool dude though? Like, what if we were friends?Thenhow would you react?"

Shikamaru squinted at him. He looked odd with his normally-spikey ponytail all weighed down by the rain. The drizzle they'd first stepped out into was quickly becoming something stronger, and it was making it hard to figure out where they were and where they were going.

Shikamaru was smarter than Naruto was, and he had a better sense of direction too. They at the very least probably weren't going in circles, then. But Naruto's assumption that they were still in the village? Sorely incorrect. Very obviously sorely incorrect.

He had no idea where they were. Shikamaru had shrugged and told Naruto that they were still in the country, which told him just aboutnothing. It was better than nothing though. Naruto, at this point, didn't care where they were heading. So long as it was away from their kidnappers and any allies they may have.

If they wanted Sasuke, maybe they wouldn't be so inclined to follow them. He had no idea if the three they'd slipped away from were dead or not. He'd sort of slashed first and then didn't ask questions later. They sucked, wanted Sasuke-- that was all he needed to know. Though, he probably should've made an effort to figure out for whom they were working.

Priorities, priorities. Kurama felt like he was trying to burn an actual hole in Naruto's stomach lining, so he hadn't really wanted to hang around and play interrogator. He'd gotten Shikamaru and they'd done what kidnapped kids do and they'd booked it like the place was an orphanage on fire. Cest la vie-- or whatever it is that Biscuit says before getting dunked in the bathtub against his will.

"...Hypothetically, I really don't think I'd give a sh*t unless said fox was going to actively come out and eat us." Fair. "Did we already pass that rock?"

Naruto turned to look at the rock in question. It was distinctly butt shaped and they'd definitely passed it before. Naruto frowned.

"I swear we've been going in a straight line." Naruto shot Shikamaru an accusatory look. "Youwere supposed to be navigating."

"What? Since when?" Shikamaru made a face. "I've been distracted. There's no clouds to look at. How am I supposed to focus when all I have to think about is the demon in your stomach?"

Naruto glanced up at the slate sky. Arguably, there were clouds to watch. They were just all so closely clumped together that they looked like a singular whole. Shikamaru probably wasn't going to buy into that. Whatever. It was fine by him.

He still had that weird feeling. Something was like, totally wrong. It felt like there were eyes drilling into the back of his head or something, and Naruto had no idea what the hell to even do with that. Run? Turn around and scream really loud, and hope he caught someone flinching in the shadows?

He shifted from foot to foot, pursing his lip and staring at the rock. For all his ragging on Shikamaru's (clearly not superior) sense of direction, Naruto actually wasn't a slouch himself. He wasn'tgreat-- much better on his home turf than out of it-- but he felt sure enough in himself to say that yes. They had been going in a fairly straight line.

But this was the same rock. Next to the same tree, with the moss in the vague shape of Shiba's head and strange, spikey mohawk. The chances of there being an exact copy of the exact same rock some odd thirty minutes after they'd first seen it weren't exactly zero, but...

That same, odd feeling roiled in his gut. Rather suddenly, Naruto wished he had a solid place to take a nap. Kurama would know what to do in this situation. He always knew what to do.

"...I say we keep going." Naruto stated, though unease was beginning to take root in him with a passion. "If we see it again, we know something's wrong."

"This is actually the third time this has happened. I just didn't mention it the first two times in hopes it was no big deal." Shikamaru noted. Naruto dragged his hands down his face and wished for lightning to strike... really either one of them down. He's not picky. "But sure. Fourth time's the charm."


There is one common factor in Minato-sensei and Kushina's return to life. And that factor lies within Naruto. An ancient power. A being that they still know solittleabout. An entity that, until this boy, has not shown willingness to work alongside anyone.

The Nine Tailed Fox was a legend, yet nobody had ever studied it. It was a shame, he felt. Konoha had held this weapon in their hands for so long, and they'd never questioned the specifics of what the fox could do? What could that chakra bring, if harnessed?

(What had it already brought?)


Minato has been hyperventilating for exactly forty-three minutes. Kushina will eventually get him to calm down and drink something, at which point he will pensively stare down at the bottle and its contents, debating all of life's most philosophical questions. Afterwards, he will throw himself back into the search and continue breathing so fast his head begins to spin.

Naruto attracts danger like a magnet attracts a, uh... another magnet? Or something. But like, opposite poles. Because the same poles would repel one another and Naruto is definitely not repelling anything, at all, even slightly. Trouble finds him like a dog does a bone-- you get it. Minato's not in any shape to be making metaphors.

Somehow this time is worse than the last time, because Naruto isn't the only one missing. Shikamaru is too, and somehow theybothgot taken under Kakashi's very, very keen nose. Which shouldn't have been possible.

"I'm telling you I had my Sharingan open when it happened." Kakashi was pacing, his hair in total disarray as he continued to run his hands anxiously through it. "A-And I didn't see anything! Whoever did this, they were powerful enough to-- to trick it, somehow. To trickObito'seye. Who could be powerful enough to trick Obito's eye?!"

Minato flashes back to the night of the Kyuubi attack and makes an high-pitched, strangled noise in the back of his throat. Nope. Surely not. They'd have-- seen some sign of that. Besides, Choji had been a witness and he'd apparently heard someone say something about Sasuke Uchiha, meaning Naruto and Shikamaru probably weren't even the intended victims! Right?

Right! Definitely!

Ayumu was observing Kakashi's mental breakdown with striking calmness considering the circ*mstances, tossing caramelized popcorn into his mouth with one hand and scribbling on his clipboard with the other. Not to turn the tables and psychoanalyze the resident pyschoanalyzer, but Minato had a feeling that was his way of coping.

"I'm sure he's fine, ya know? Our son's kind of a badass, and he's got Kurama now. And that Nara kid." Kushina was eating frozen yogurt. Their son was missing and she was eatingfrozen yogurt. She turned to look at Ayumu. "Does he get kidnapped often?"

"According to him, it's happened several times." Ayumu admits. Minato's heart practically stops in his chest. "Also, if you haven't found him yet, it's likely he's outside the village. I would consider looking there as well."

Minato and Kakashi both paused. Because... because yes. Right. Just because the last time he'd been kidnapped (which was still very recent. The trauma was fresh. Very fresh) and brought to the village didn't mean he was in the village this time.

Minato felt like bashing his skull against the nearest hard surface. How had he not thought of that? And no, him panicking wasn't an excuse. He was supposed to be the Fourth Hokage! Hokages had leveler heads than this! God, fatherhood had mellowed him. They should crown someone else before he burns this place down by mistake.

Nevermind that, though. Naruto is out there somewhere, probably wondering what the hell is taking them so long. No Kushina is going to magically pop out of his seal and save him this time. Similarly, no Jiraiya was at the scene to deploy an emergency toad, either.

"I got kidnapped several times as an academy student. Minato, I'm sure you remember. You saved me more than once." Kushina pointed her plastic spoon at him. "It always worked out great, and I didn't even have the fox on my side. He hated my guts. Hewantedthose guys to take my head off, ya know?"

Ayumu paused thoughtfully, staring at her for a beat before he ever so slowly flipped the page on his clipboard to a fresh one. Kushina watched the action with her eyes narrowed and spoon raised halfway to her mouth. Ayumu carefully clicked his pen a few times, poising it to write.

"Interesting. This is very insightful information, Kushina." He acknowledged in a tone of voice that made Kakashi shiver. "Do you want to elaborate on how that made you feel?"

Kushina popped out of her chair as though burned, tossing her frozen yogurt over her shoulder blindly. The ANBU agent it hit made a peculiar shrieking noise that they all ignored.

"Hell no I don't! Are you kidding me? My son is missing!" Kushina was suddenly full of fiery passion, raising her fist in the air. "Let's go find him! All capable men and women. And children, because why not, ya know?!"

That, Minato could get behind.


Fourth time isn't the charm, apparently, because the butt rock is there exactly thirty minutes later. Shikamaru apparently counted. Naruto's too irritated to try and call him on lying, because for all he knows, counting and talking at the same time is a freaky Nara power he knows nothing about.

"Alright. So we're either stuck in an infinite time-loop." Naruto ticked off on one of his fingers. "We died at some point and are constantly reliving the moments before it. We fell through a portal and are stuck in a paradox. Or, this forest has an abundance of butt-shaped rocks."

All very plausible options. The death one maybe not, since he's pretty sure Kurama would've been expelled from his body like a pocket of blown entrails. Or maybe that was the point of reliving the moment before his death. Maybe it was the ghostly echo of Kurama, who wasn't actually there anymore, and this was all just a paranormal illusion.

Shikamaru didn't look impressed. The rain hadn't let up, and he kept glancing up at the sky and frowning a little, and then looking down at Naruto. Naruto looked down at himself as well, expecting to see... he doesn't know. A hole in his stomach? Since he might be a ghost reliving his death, it would make sense for him to have death wounds.

Neither of them spoke as Shikamaru took a slight step back and looked up again. And then at the butt rock. And then at Naruto. And then down at himself. Naruto's not so blind that he can't see the cogs turning up in the factory, alright? He'll let Shikamaru do all the heavy thinking.

Kurama continues to bounce around in his stomach. Ghostly impression of Kurama? No, it feels pretty real. Again, stomach lining is definitely burning, he is going to take the craziest and mostpainfulsh*t later, he just knows it. Maybe they'll knock death echo off the list. Naruto's too cool not to be aware of his own death.

He squinted, bringing a hand up when Shikamaru stomped his foot all of a sudden. The resounding splash sent water spraying at him. Great. Now wasn't the time to be playing in puddles, but what does Naruto know? He once had a guy try to chop his arm off and instead of crying about it for hours after like a normal kid would, he wrapped the wound with saran wrap and went to get ramen instead.

"What a drag. The rock isn't the only weird thing." Shikamaru sighed, looking ten times more tired. "How long have we been walking now, Naruto?"

"Hours. I'm starving to death. I may not make it to the next butt rock if we leave now." Naruto admitted. Not that food was a good idea with Kurama beating him up from the inside out like he was. What the hell was up with him, anyway? "All of this sucks. Believe it."

Shikamaru nodded like that proved something. Naruto's too stupid to follow, he openly admits it.

"Exactly. We've been walking through the rain for hours now, Naruto, and how many muddy puddles have you walked through? We should both be covered in it." Shikamaru frowned, crossing his arms over his chest. "And your arms. They're still coated in blood.Someof it should've at least washed off by now, if not all of it. Remember how the rain was beginning to taper down when we first left, and then suddenly thunder struck and it picked up all over again?"

Naruto paused, thinking back. And... and yeah. Shikamaru was right. There'd been barely any sprinkles and Naruto had sworn the sky was beginning to lighten a little, but then suddenly it had come back tenfold. They were soaking wet and cold, and his feet ached, but Shikamaru was right. None of the mud he'd just splashed on them had actually landed. The sensation was there, but--

"What the hell?" Naruto muttered. Inside him, Kurama howled. They were on the right track. "You're... man, whatisthis?"

All Sasuke's fault is what. Ugh. Naruto scrubbed at his arms, expecting rivets of pink water to start dripping off his hands, but it wasn't happening. His hands were wet with rain water and the blood was still tacky as ever, but it wasn't coming off. Not even when he wiped his hands on his pants.

Something was wrong. Something was definitely wrong.

"It's a genjutsu. Not a perfect one, but definitely not weak either. I think it was hastily cast if this many details are slipping through. Or maybe we've just been in it that long. Things tend to repeat in illusions." Shikamaru said, which was probably the smartest sh*t Naruto had ever heard him say. "This isbad, Naruto."

Yeah, it sure sounded like it. They were trapped walking through an icy rain storm for... what? What was this supposed to accomplish? Iruka-sensei had said that a genjutsu that lasts hours can be only seconds in the real world. Their hours of walking could be only minutes out there.

Normally, genjutsu attacked people though, right? Psychological torture or something? They used it to get information sometimes, but... Maybe it had only been a few seconds in the real world, and just longer here, so the person who cast it hadn't made a move yet. Or... no, theyhadto be after something.

If they weren't killing them, they had a reason for this. And the only reason Naruto could come up with was...

"Oh. Thisisbad." Naruto breathed out, eyes wide as he dropped his gaze to look down at his stomach where Kurama was running circles inside of him. "O-Okay. Genjutsu, cool. How do we get out of that?"

Shikamaru grimaced. Naruto had a feeling he wasn't going to like this very much.


He is an ancient, all-powerful being. He has been around for hundreds upon hundreds of years! He is condensed chakra, pure energy given form and intelligence. He is the strongest of all his siblings, able to raze nations, level villages. And now, with the alliance of his container, he is the healthiest and most capable he has been in years!

So, realistically, he shouldnotbe having a panic attack.

Can chakra beasts even have panic attacks? A few months ago Kurama would've laughed (evilly cackled, actually) at the mere notion. If he was going to panic overanything, he would've claimed, it certainly would not have been a single, measly little runt.

Things change though, and so had Kurama. Besides, if any situation was going to warrant panic, it was going to be this one. Because this kidnapping may'vestartedout as a fluke, but it had quickly turned to something else. And Kurama was helpless to do anything about it.

He'd recognize the smell anywhere, too memorable to forget. The chakra the man gave off felt rotten and burnt, oily in the worst way. He didn't feel quite like Madara Uchiha-- like the man so many were claiming he was-- but the scent of him still clung to this man, which made Kurama think they were just a stone's throw away from one another anyhow.

It didn't matter either way. Whoever this vermin was, he was able to take control of Kurama. The thought of being ripped away from his container and forced to do the bidding of another made him viscerally recoil, though for far more reasons than before.

Before, it had been about pride. About autonomy. And it still was-- but there was more now. Now, Kurama had something to lose. Now, he had someone he didn't want hurt.

Kurama knew he hadn't been imaging it. The smell had been encroaching closer and closer, lingering in the corners of rooms, in the brush of the wind. He wasn't as in-tune with the world outside of Naruto, but he was aware enough to know that something was coming. He just hadn't realized how soon it would be, or just how close it had gotten.

The genjutsu had sent him into a flurry, mostly because try as he might, he couldn't seem to break it. Naruto had stilled as the illusion fell over him, and so did the little deer brat he was with. Sucked away into an image Kurama could only vaguely see, but could do nothing to stop.

It was, in a sense, torture.

They'd both slumped, and that's when the roach had appeared. Kurama couldn't see him clearly, vision split between reality and the false image Naruto was seeing, but the feeling was overwhelming enough to send him howling.

Naruto didn'tknow. He was stuck and walking, thinking he was escaping. Not because he's dense or an idiot, but because he's just a kit, he's onlysix, and this is-- this--

Kurama's chakra roils, and he roars as he feels that same, putrid chakra from before begin to seep into the seal like poison. Kurama pulls back, his own chakra coming up and shoving against the sensation. It doesn't do as much as he bitterly wishes it would. It doesn't stop the chakra from poking and starting to peel at the edges.

Physical pain is not a concept he thinks much about. It is different for him, because his body is all energy given form. He was not born in the same way Naruto was, or the way a regular fox is. Kurama was created. He cannot have his bones broken, cannot be cut open by a knife like other living beings.

This, though? It is excruciating. Worse than he remembers. Like something is trying to claw its way beneath his skin. He feels as though he is being flayed alive as that putrid chakra starts to come in andgrab. It's a raw feeling, brutal and relentless. As though something has sunk its hooks into him and is pulling.

He pulls against it despite the agony. Right now, the vermin is trying to get Kurama out. Putting him under his bidding will come after, once Kurama has materialized out of Naruto's body. Kurama cannot allow it to get to that point.

The actual control itself is hazy. He remembers being trapped in his own mind, and the rage that had built and built up until the point where he was finally out of it. All he'd wanted to do by then was destroy everything in his path, and get vengeance for those who'd dared try to take him over.

Naruto will die if this pathetic rat succeeds in getting that far. And that, as he has stated before, simply is not acceptable.

Kurama's chakra forms a dome. A block. It'll keep him from coming in, at least, but it won't stop him from working from the outside. He hates that it's the best he can do right now. He hates that a repeat of that night six years ago feels like it's rapidly approaching, where someone will take his will from him and--

On the bars of his cage, the paper seal's corner pulls back ever so slightly, pulled by an unseen force. Kurama bares his teeth and howls.


So, turns out disrupting your chakra is a whole lot harder than than one would think. So it's on to plan B.

"That sounds sort of fake." Naruto and Shikamaru had decided to set up camp by the Butt Rock and were now convening, trying to come up with a plan. So far it was slow going. "I'm in tons of pain right now. My legs hurt like a total bitch and I'm definitely not waking up out of the genjutsu. I'd like, definitely notice."

At least, he hoped he would. It was still pouring rain in the illusion, though in theory it wasn't in the real world, right? Naruto hoped that meant he wouldn't be so cold when he woke up. It was seriously freezing, believe it.

Shikamaru rolled his eyes like Naruto had just said something particularly stupid. Which is... probably true, but the judgement still isn't appreciated. Naruto is trying his best, okay? And maybe his best isn't as great as some people's, but he'll bet you dollars to donuts it's better than whatever Sasuke would be doing in this situation.

(Crying, probably. Because he's a loser, and a baby. And definitely nowhere near as cool as Naruto is.)

"It's not fake, Naruto. It's basic Genjutsu 101." Shikamaru said it simply, like Naruto was supposed to know what basic Genjutsu 101 even was. Wait.Washe supposed to know what basic Genjutsu 101 was? He really hopes that's not what their next test is over. "And pain from inside the genjutsu won't work. Only pain that comes from outside of it can snap someone out of the illusion."

Naruto stared at him. Shikamaru stared back, raising an expectant brow as the gears in Naruto's brain ground together. He gets it. Really, he does. Naruto is 100% here and understanding what he means. Only pain from outside the illusion: check. Since that would be real pain, and this was fake pain. Or something.

The only problem is they're both in the middle of bumf*cknowhere, and they're both in here. So it's not like Shikamaru can pop out, make a rock shiv, and stab Naruto in the mid to upper thigh to get him out of here, or vise versa. So the idea is well and good in thought, but Naruto's got no idea how to put it into practice.

"...Alright. Cool." Naruto pursed his lips. "One problem. We're in here, and there's nobody out there that's going to want to help us. So I'm not sure how you're expecting either of us to get us out of here."

His dad calling Naras the backbone of Konoha was making a whole lot more sense now if Shikamaru was making connections about this situation that Naruto wasn't. Actually, why hasn't Naruto been hanging out with him? He's about a million times smarter than Sasuke. Than everyone, really.

Is this how friendships are forged? Naruto... doesn't know, actually. He and Gaara became friends because that's just how that worked, you know? They were both jinchuuriki, their villages kinda super hated them, they had never really had friends their own age. Instantly clicked. They understood one another. Same-brand-of-traumatized solidarity, believe it.

Shikamaru was like... normal, though. Weird as hell, but categorically ordinary in terms of family, social life, and the general box all shinobi-hopeful children fit into. They went to class together-- had grown up adjacent in many ways. Shikamaru's dad was friends with his dad. It was... he didn't know.

Maybe their possible best friend-ship was something to ponder over at a later date. When they weren't like, kidnapped and stuck in a genjutsu or whatever. Naruto was stressing about it too much. He was being weird. Nobody got this caught up over something as simple as making friends.

Besides, Naruto had befriended Kurama, of all beings. Maybe Shikamaru would still... would still wanna hang out after all this. If he didn't hate Naruto for it happening to begin with. Shikamaru knew about Kurama and said he didn't care, right? That... That could be something.

"Naruto. You've been complaining about your stomach hurting for the past hour, and I'm not stupid enough to think it's just because you're hungry, either." Shikamaru said it more earnestly than he did exasperatedly. "We'renot getting us out. Someone else is."

He gave his stomach a pointed look. Naruto blanched, looking down as well. Another spike of burning went through him. Painful, and very, very real. Just... apparently not quite painful enough to wake him up. And if that wasn't painful enough...

"Oh." Naruto said, staring at his stomach. He grimaced when he felt the sudden burning stop, like Kurama had stilled and was perhaps listening. "Oh, this is going tosuck."


Kurama's chakra is a storm. A natural disaster all on its own, angry and hurting. And the more the seal is tugged away, the more of it gets out, thrashing wildly against the threat. He can feel himself being pulled. It's being done gently, as to not disturb his container out of the illusion he's caught in, and Kuramahatesit.

He no longer held host to the desire to harm Naruto. The boiling hatred in him had been snuffed out like a candle in the wind, as though it were never truly there to begin with. It felt strange to feel such rage now. Like what he'd felt before, when that damn snake dared touch him, but somehow more. Somehow greater.

This was more upsetting, somehow. The other two morons hadn't made it far before the Kit's mother was popping out and grinding them down beneath her heel. This, though-- this was a breach, a trespassing. This man has gotten Kurama once before, and to have it happen again, after he's just now found some modicum of peace--

Most jinchuuriki do not survive their tailed beast being extracted from them. And with the way the seal is being shimmied off, Kurama has no doubts of this Uchiha's plan to rip him out harshly and without mercy once it's finally loose enough. He does not know what this man wants him for-- if it is for destruction, or something else.

Kurama will not allow anything to happen to Naruto. He does notwantto do this. He does not want to harm him in any way, does not want to be the cause of any pain, physical or mental if he can help it. Naruto has gone through a great deal in life thanks to Kurama's presence. He'd been making an effort not to contribute to that any longer.

And he'd been doing well, he thought. With their patch of flowers and late night talks. Age was a mellowing thing, Kurama had decided. Naruto called him a lazy old fox, and that's all Kurama had really wanted to be anymore, with Naruto to keep him company. It was... nice to watch him grow.

Threats like this were what stopped him from fully falling into the peace of it. The seal being removed should've been excruciating for Naruto, but no-- the man was stopping the sensation from reaching him somehow. But keeping Naruto in a genjutsu despite it and fighting Kurama's wrath trying to push him away at the same time?

Whoever this was, they were good. Just not good enough to keep him under if Kurama contributed in.

Once upon a few minutes ago, the seal would've been too strong for Kurama to so much as dream of harming Naruto in any physical way. But it's more than halfway down now. Kurama can feel it, can see it in the way the paper bends and droops down. A good bang to the cage doors would send them flying open.

But it would also send him flying out of Naruto, forcibly, and right into the hands of the enemy. Neither of these things were things he wanted.

"Do it."Naruto's voice is a distant echo around the chamber, almost lost in the roar of Kurama's chakra."I'll be okay, Kurama, but you've gotta do it."

"I'm sorry."Kurama hisses out as fire races over him, pain piercing him. His chakra twists into several sharp points, and he clenches his eyes shut."I'msorry, Naruto."

He lets them explode outwards and pierce into the invisible bubble that makes up the vague borders of Naruto's mindscape, his chakra rushing hot through Naruto's system. He chokes as he does it, teeth grinding as the points dig in.

The peeling of the seal stops almost immediately. And all at once, something shifts. The pain coursing through him halts dead. Kurama slumps with a gasp, ripping his chakra back sharply. The paper representation of the seal flops, still stuck part of the way down but not fully down quite yet.

A good tap from the inside would finish it, and Kurama shrinks away from the bars of the cage, fearing what might happen if he accidentally nudged them. He knows the gates being open wouldn't change much, but he won't be the one to do it. He won't be the one to make that choice.

In the outside world, Naruto's eyes flash open, red swirling around the iris as the burns Kurama inflicted on him already begin the speedy process of healing. He's hurt, but he's awake.

Kurama wonders if that'll be enough.

Chapter 34


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Third person pov

Have you ever been set on fire? No? Yeah, Naruto never has been either, but he's pretty sure it'd feel exactly like this if he had.

The pain is nearly unbearable. Naruto has always had a high tolerance against harm, but this is sharp, jolting agony that spikes down all his limbs. It's different than anything he's ever felt in his life, like his skin is being flayed right off the bone, layer by layer of muscle painstakingly peeled away.

It's basically like, the worst thing he's ever felt in his entire life to summarize. Considering the absolute sh*t he's been through in his short six years on this Earth? Honestly saying something. Naruto knows that Kurama is supposed to be all powerful, but goddamn.

It's over as soon as it starts, which is some solace, though not much. Fire racing across his skin and then nothing at all, which leaves him reeling and wondering if maybe he imagined it all. He would almost think so if not for the way his entire body seemed to rattle, his skin abuzz from the sensation of Kurama's chakra turning from comfortably warm to absolutely scalding.

His eyes pop open and he gasps for air. There's a dark figure looming over him that jerks back as Naruto rapidly blinks to try and get his vision to adjust. For a second, he struggles to remember what he's even doing here.

The building he and Shikamaru escaped from is visible, proof that they indeed did not make it as far as they'd hoped. And the man responsible is...

Well. He's standing there, staring at Naruto like he doesn't believe he's actually awake. He's butt-ugly, looking a little like Sasuke. If Sasuke were about twice as old and had been beat with a metal mallet as a child. The single, swirling red eye really helps him image.

For a moment, neither of them move or speak. Naruto's not embarrassed to say he gawks a little bit. What can he say? He's six years old, he's allowed to be in shock.

This other guy though? Humiliating. A six year old wakes up from your honestly not very interesting illusion and all he does is stand there? Strangely close, too. As if catching little kids wasn't bad enough, the proximity makes it worse.

Another moment passes. Naruto realizes right about then, as he comes down from his adrenaline high and the pulsing aches in his limbs start to buzz out, that he should probably do something. Even if his head is spinning and his temples are pounding, hereallydoesn't want to risk getting put under a second time.

Because then Kurama would have to wake him up again. And that kind of pain twice? Not on his agenda.

The man's expression twists. It makes him look even uglier, if you were wondering. Definitely ingrained in Naruto's brain now! If he wasn't scarred for life before (disclaimer: he was, this sucks ass) then he definitely is now!

"Shi-" The Great Value Sasuke starts to say. Naruto does the only logical thing he can think of in the moment. He reels his foot back as far as it can go and slams it right up into the guy's crotch with every ounce of force he can muster.

It's a cheap shot, but you know what else is a cheap shot? Putting two kids under a genjutsu while they're already escaping an abduction. Kidnapping already kidnapped kids has got to be some double whammy, ticket straight to hell move.

The kick works at least. The probably-Uchiha, probably-Sasuke's-relative-because-he-sucks-so-obviously-they're-related, lets out a high pitched sound that reminds Naruto a little of that time he nailed that white haired pervert stalker dude in the back of the head with a ceramic plate.

Naruto doesn't waste any time. He rolls off to the side and pops to his feet, ignoring the protesting of his legs.

Shikamaru is laying prone off to the left. Behind him, the Uchiha guy stumbles, letting out another keening noise. This one sounds angrier than the last which is probably not a great sign, but f*ck him. Naruto hopes his ability to have children is dead and f*cking gone.

"Shikamaru!" Naruto grabs him by the shoulders and gives him a hard shake, feeling a little frantic. "Shikamaru! Wake up, we've gotta--"

Shikamaru's head flops limply, and a horrifying lightbulb pops up over Naruto's head. Realization settles. He gulps.

Shikamaru had said that pain was needed to wake someone from a genjutsu. And Naruto had definitely,definitelyfelt pain. Like, a lot. Excruciatingly. Nightmare worthy stuff, believe it.

The only issue was that he'd had Kurama to help him with that from the inside. Shikamaru like, for sure didn't. He was still as a corpse. Which meant that Naruto was going to have to...

His eyes seemed to automatically magnetize to the oddly sharp rock laying in the grass to his left. He'd been completely joking about the shiv thing, but beggars can't be choosers.

A simple slap to the face probably isn't going to do it? Or is it? He's on a time limit. Ball pain doesn't last forever and though this guy is a total loser, he's bound to recover at some point. Naruto would rather not be here when that happens.

With one hand, Naruto goes for the rock. With the other, he smacks Shikamaru across the face. Hard.

There's not a twitch. His eyelids don't even flutter. Naruto is halfway tempted to check his pulse just to make sure he's still alive. After all, what if the Shikamaru in the genjutsu had just been a weirdly helpful illusion? If Naruto had broken out, why hadn't the entire thing come apart? Was that how that even worked?

He didn't know. All he knew was that theyhadto get out of here. Shikamaru's body didn't feel cold even despite how damp things were, and Naruto wassurehis chest was moving up and down with every breath. Er, partially. He was partially sure it was.

"You*t..." A dark voice ground out behind him. Naruto braced himself, sent Shikamaru out a mental apology, and brought the sharpened rock down.


Kicking the guy in the crotch once? Luck. Sheer luck. Kicking him in the crotch a second time?

This guy was the suckiest kidnapper Naruto had ever seen in his entire life. Literally the worst, and Naruto was once kidnapped by a half-blind homeless man that forgot why he'd taken Naruto in the first place about halfway through.

The rain starts to pick up again, because apparently the world had decided that Naruto getting a second hit in meant things were going a littletoowell for him. Shikamaru is a little sluggish, almost dazed as Naruto tugs him through the underbrush and marsh.

He doesn't know how to mask his chakra, but you can bet it'll be the first goddamn thing he learns when he gets home. Shikamaru doesn't seem to know how to either-- or maybe he's just too out of it. Naruto hadn't stabbed him anywhere vital, and the bleeding had already been staunched.

Thus, Naruto had no idea what was wrong. The only indication he had that they weren't in another genjutsu was that Kurama had stilled in his seal, sending a contended warmness through him that kept him feeling energized and fought off the chill the rain was threatening to bring inward.

He'd thrown some mud at the guy's face for good measure before taking off, and had shoved him hard enough that he fell. The asshole's legs had been weak because he was,again, a total loser. Naruto would know what one looks like, he was subjected to seeing Sasuke's little rat face every single day.

He's not a total Sasuke hater, alright? But also, he is the reason they got kidnapped, and it's not like the Uchiha doesn't snipe back at him! This is their dynamic. Naruto uses all his best insults on him as to not accidentally offend someone who actually matters.

He can think about how he's going to get back at him for all this later. Right now, he and Shikamaru are absolutely running for their lives. Or... sloshing through puddles, rather. And lightly jogging. Shikamaru really can't jump from tree to tree yet, and Naruto wouldn't trust him not to smack his face on a low-hanging branch in the process anyway.

The issue now is that Naruto has no idea where they are or where he's going. All he knows is that they need to get away from that guy no matter the cost. For all Kurama is trying to heal him, Naruto can still feel the prickles in his stomach. That asshat did something to his seal, and the fact that he can feel Kurama as clearly as he can is proof of that.

It's not easy fighting through underbrush when you're as short as Naruto is. Yeah, he's coming out and he's saying it. He's... still growing. He's notpatheticallysmall, he just isn't tall and that's totally fine. Totally normal. He's tall for hisage! Almost!

Plants don't grow well under the heavy canopy within the Land of Fire, but they grow enough, that's for damn sure. Naruto lugs Shikamaru a little higher when his head lolls again and his body sags, his feet starting to drag and give out. May as well have just left him in the genjutsu and fireman carried him, honestly.

"This is ass. This is ass, this is ass, this isass." Naruto hissed, more to himself than to Shikamaru, who was literally the worst company ever right now. Maybe he'd slapped him too hard? "Shikamaru's like, dying.I'mdying. It's raining, I have no idea where I--"

"Left! Go left!"Kurama's irritated voice rumbled through his head, bringing him to a complete stand still. Naruto blinked. He couldn't see it, but he got the impression that Kurama was blinking too."What the hell? Why'd he stop?"

Was this his official descent into insanity? It might be his official descent into insanity, believe it. Maybe... he's notasleep, is he? What if he never truly escaped the genjutsu and is actually still in it, and the guy just made him think he woke up? That was possible, right?

But no. No, that pain had been real. Kurama's chakra had been real. You couldn't fake a tailed beast-- Naruto was certain of that much. But then... then... the seal? Was it because of the seal? That manhaddone something to it, had probably been trying to take it off.

And if he'd succeeded even just a little bit? Would that-- that could totally open a window for Kurama to talk to him through, right? Or was that too good to be true?

Slowly, Naruto started to turn towards the left. The direction looked the same as all the others did, endless trees, too dimly lit to know if there was a bear lurking waiting to murder them. Brown bears were common around here, right? Were those the ones where you ran or the ones where you played dead?

"...Kurama?" Naruto asked hopefully. Because the idea of communicating with Kurama outside of sleep, out in therealworld, it was... "Are you... you said to go left?"

"You can hear me?"Kurama sounded just as astonished as Naruto felt, and Naruto felt a wave of disbelief that wasn't his own rocket through the warmth in his chakra pathways. It made him shiver a little."The seal."

There was realization in his voice, along with a heavy growl. Naruto took a deep breath.

He had no idea what the seal being loose, or partially taken off, meant. He had no idea what it did or if it was a good or a bad thing. But he could hear Kurama, and that meant... it meant he wasn't alone. It meant he had someone who could direct him.

Naruto is clever for his age. Smart, even, if he's to believe his dad's gushing, his mom's awe, and Kakashi's praises over his graded papers. But this? This isnew, and that man is dangerous, and Naruto is going to be real with you for a second.

He has absolutely no idea what the f*ck to do in this situation aside from the very obvious reaction of running the hell away.

"Yeah. Yeah, I-I think so." Naruto nodded rapidly, unable to stop the grin starting to stretch at his lips. It wasn't good, but this-- this wasn'tbad, either. Kurama was never bad. "Holy crap! Kurama, I can totally hear you! Like, in my head, and I'm totally awake, believe it!"

"Oh. Great. Now we'll never be apart."Kurama's voice was flat and dry as a bone, and the tone was so familiar that Naruto couldn't help but laugh. Relief shoved out the panic that had been starting to build in him."We'll deal with it later. For now, go left until I tell you to. And gofast. You're being pursued."

Naruto turns and does as he's told. His grin doesn't fade once.


Shikamaru Nara would like to emphasize, before anything else, that this is the most troublesome thing he's ever gotten himself involved in.

He's not sure what that genjutsu did, exactly. What he does know is that he doesn't have a demon fox to protect him from the effects, that's for sure. It feels like his brain's been mauled by the bears Naruto keeps muttering about under his breath.

The world comes back to him in blurry increments. They make progress through the woods. Naruto seems to know where he's going, stopping sometimes and looking around before turning a pointed direction and confidently setting out.

Something is obviously guiding him. Likely the Nine Tails, which Shikamaru still isn't sure how to feel about. If Naruto says he's not going to explode out and eat them all, Shikamaru supposes he'd probably know. After all, if the fox really wanted to murder them, Shikamaru is sure it would've by now if it could.

It's a little strange. Complicated, and Shikamarureallyhates complicated things. They're a total drag.

He's a six year old, he shouldn't have to think about existential issues pertaining to the higher powers that dictated the delicate balance between their continent's largest countries, nor should he have to worry about a potentially demonic entity possessing his fellow six year old and bringing down a new reign of terror upon their village, which was already vastly unstable in economy, politics, and security.

Shikamaru looked at the facts as they were. Naruto hadn't left him behind. There was a deep, pulsing pain in his left arm, which radiated down into his fingertips and leeched in the muscle of his shoulder. It wasn't as bad as the time he'd broken his hand, more of an ache than anything sharp.

Naruto was trying to be careful with him, putting in the effort of lugging him along with surprising delicacy. Shikamaru willed his legs to cooperate. He hoped he didn't get brain damage from whoever had done this to them. And if he did, well, maybe the ninja life wasn't for him and he could just nap all day instead.

"What do you mean go left again? If I go left, we're going to end up going in a gigantic circle." Naruto complained loudly, and then he paused. "What? No, my sense of direction is great, believe it. It totally know what's going on! But, on an unrelated note, you're definitely sure we're not in another genjutsu, right? Just curious."

There was another pause, longer this time, and Naruto's steady pace slowed slightly and allowed for Shikamaru to get his feet a little more planted. He forced himself to stand, taking deep breaths. His chakra pathways were quivering oddly.

Whatever that genjutsu had been, it hadn't been a normal one. Even Naruto seemed a little pale-- though, that could just be because it was cold out.

"...I don't think we're still being followed." Naruto noted, noticably a little quieter. "But if we were, I would want the guy following us to know that he's a f*cking moron, and a loser, and that his face istotally ugly! Believe it!"

It was pointedly thrown out there in a loud tone, almost as though Naruto hoped their (...second?) kidnapper was listening. Shikamaru brought the hand of his injured arm up to massage at his temples, the other one slung over Naruto's shoulders. The blond immediately jolted, turning to look at him with big eyes.

There was a thin ring of red around his pupil, but Shikamaru blinked and it was gone. He almost wanted to mention it but decided he was too tired to give a sh*t. Assuming they reallyhadgotten out of the genjutsu successfully, then it was all thanks to the fox anyway, so Shikamaru wasn't about to be a pill about it.

"Are you talking to yourself?" Shikamaru asked drily, voice a little croaky and throat dry. He swallowed achingly. Thissucked.

"What? No. I would never do that." Naruto sounded offended, but then he stopped, staring at Shikamaru for a moment. Shikamaru co*cked a brow. Naruto squinted, backtracking slowly. "Er. I mean, yes? Yeah. To myself and nobody else, at all, even slightly. Since you weren't very good company. Had to improvise."

Shikamaru opens his mouth. Decides against it and closes it again. Shakes his head.

Naruto winces a little, looking like he's resisting the urge to say something. Shikamaru wonders what the fox is saying right now. Hopefully nothing about killing Shikamaru and leaving him behind for dead. His mom is supposed to be making toasted paninis tomorrow, and that's not something he wants to miss.

"This is such a drag, but thanks for not leaving me behind, I guess." Shikamaru offered. Naruto nodded graciously. "Now, do you have any idea where we are?"

The forest is pitch black. The only sounds are of the nightlife, of twigs cracking under the feet of predators, of racoons chittering, and of crickets and cicadas sharing their songs. It would be terrifying if he were alone, but Naruto's hair is such an obnoxiously bright color that Shikamaru's more likely to laugh at the ridiculousness of the situation than he is the shiver in fear.

Naruto gets a strange look on his face, his nose scrunching up. He looks around at their surroundings. Their vision is limited-- or at least, Shikamaru's is. Does the fox let Naruto see better at night?

Sue him for being curious. About like, a lot of things. Shikamaru may be lazy, but knowledge is something any Nara is bound to greedily hoard. It's their clan's niche.Knowing thingsis practically ingrained in Shikamaru' DNA, and this... this is something nobody else has ever seen before.

This is something that likely nobody has ever, ever known. The fox hasn't ever been befriended before, not in any historical recordings they know of. Shikamaru can't imagine how much the Nine Tails must know about just...everything. It (he?) has seen much of history first hand. How many beings can claim that?

And of course that well of knowledge is in the head of Naruto Uzumaki of all people. Shikamaru supposes knowing Naruto's track record, it sort of fits.

"I have... a vague idea?" Naruto offered, sounding unsure. Shikamaru was less than impressed. "We were just going to go left and hope for the best. And byweI mean you and me. The only two people here."

Shikamaru snorted and shook his head despite himself. It was the start of a long journey home, sure. But it might be the start of a rather troublesome friendship, too.


Naruto was not here long, but evidently you did not necessarily need to be anywhere for any lengthy period of time to leave a crater-sized impact.

Gaara isn't sure what to do with himself. The nights, once so quiet and daunting, are spent in a the blissful oblivion of sleep that he'd never truly known until now. He takes his time familiarizing himself with it, cautious and daunted by the prospect of it.

Contrary to popular belief, Gaara does not particularlywantto hurt anyone. The bubbling hatred people accuse him of having is moot, nonexistent in the grand scheme of things. Perhaps once he had felt a fiery anger towards those who cowered away from him, but the more days that pass, the more he thinks maybe that anger hadn't been coming from him.

His days seem simpler now. There used to be so much going on inside his head, sometimes he had no idea how to sort through it all. It felt like the calm after the storm now. He kept waiting for the other shoe to drop, for that overwhelming sense of his body not being entirely his own to take him over, but it never did.

The seal Naruto's father and that "weird, white haired stalker" (Naruto's words) had put on him was holding strong. It was a strange sensation. Sometimes he could distantly feel the tailed beast inside of him writhing around, angry and festering. Other times it was just as still as the rest of the world seemed to be, so much so that Gaara second guessed the beast was still there.

He isn't sure if Naruto knew or not. Sometimes he swore a part of Naruto reached out to that other part of him, but Gaara has never been certain of much in life, and he's not about to start with this. The time they spent together is vividly clear, yet somehow blurry all the same.

Perhaps because it had seemed too good to be true. Naruto had swept into his life like a whirlwind, solving all his problems, giving him the friendship he'd yearned for, and then he'd been gone just as fast with promises to write and visit.

Gaara hadn't really believed him. Not because he thought Naruto was a liar, but because they were both young and held little control over their lives. Konoha was far, and with Naruto's dad being Hokage and Gaara's being Kazekage, they wouldn't be leaving the village all that much until they could graduate and become genin.

Still, he had hoped. Daydreamed. Naruto had played with him, and talked to him like a person. Declared Gaara his best friend ever, just like that. Gaara who was strange, and deadly, and hated by his village.

Naruto had been hated by his village too. Still was, he'd confided in a low tone, when the sun was sinking low and Kakashi was calling for them to come out of their sand castle. He understood Gaara perfectly, and more than that, Gaara had finally been given someone he could understand back.

That's why, when the first letter really does come-- a little battered from the journey-- Gaara smiles for the first time since Naruto's left.

It's not that he isn't happy with this change. This way, people will perhaps stop fleeing the immediate area when he comes along and instead just warily stare and whisper. Gaara can finally sleep, can finally go out without fear of the power inside of him clawing its way to the surface and clouding his mind.

He's just... lonely. The taste of friendship Naruto had given him had showed him just what he was likely never going to have from the people here. Naruto was different, and they got each other. Nobody had ever "gotten" Gaara before.

He hadn't had it long, but damn if he didn't miss it desperately.

The letter comes in a comically orange envelope, covered in narutomaki stickers that tell Gaara who sent it before his sister can even stutter out that something has come for him. His sand is snaking out and snatching it from her trembling hands in seconds. He ignores her flinch, staring down at his prize with big eyes.

He wrote. He actually, really wrote. ToGaara. He wanted to stay in contact.

His eyes scan the letter furiously once he's painstakingly opened it, taking care not to rip anything. His brother and sister watch him with wary eyes as he turns away from them, sufficiently distracted. His smile grows as he reads along it.

Naruto talks about getting kidnapped on the way home, and about how he's fine. About his mom coming out of his stomach or something--"it was some crazy sh*t, Gaara, don't even ask how it happened. We're still not sure."-- and about Kurama.Kurama, the nine tailed fox.

He apologizes for not saying anything about it when he was here, but Gaara doesn't care. He doesn't care a bit, because Naruto doesn'tjustunderstand him. They're the same. Naruto isn't seemingly just like him, they really are just like one another. And that...

That'samazing. There is someone out there just like him. Naruto talks about Kurama like he is beautiful, like he is a friend. Naruto loves him. He loves that part of himself, even despite the issues he's had, even despite the hatred and fear everyone else regards it with. Gaara reads through the pages offered to him, awed and a little confused.

If Naruto isn't a monster, maybe Gaara isn't either. If Naruto can make friends, and if he can smile and be happy, if he can face the world with a beaming grin and sparkling eyes--

Then maybe Gaara can too.

(That night, when he falls asleep, it isn't an endless abyss he falls into. It's a deep, dark cavern. And in the middle, sitting chained atop a mound of sand, is a very angry, very wary Tanuki.)

((Gaara smiles at him too.))


They've just about found their way when Pakkun barrels out of the bushes and finds them, the other ninken right on his heels. Naruto stumbles in surprise at their sudden appearance. Kashi's dogs all throw their heads back and howl to signal their find.

Naruto is tired. They're covered in mud, and Naruto is still bloody, even if the rain has helped wash a lot of it off. Shikamaru's spiked ponytail is drooping pathetically, tangled with various twigs and leaves.

They look like sh*t, and they feel like sh*t, and Shikamaru is probably going to catch a nasty cold from all this walking in the chilly rain. Naruto's not, because he's better. And because he has a super chakra being in his stomach that boosts his immune system to unbelievable levels, but we'll pretend that the first one is the real reason.

Things after that are a bit of a blur. Naruto's so tired he feels like he could drop, and he's also sort of really starving to death. His dad won't stop crying, and his mom keeps patting his head, and Kashi is practically pulling his hair out. It's all very dramatic.

Naruto manages to share one last long-suffering look with Shikamaru before his own parents are tugging him away, huddling him away. Naruto tried to shake off the dredges of anxiety that rose in him as his classmate was taken. Shikamaru was smart, and he'd seen and heard way more than Naruto was comfortable with.

He didn'tthinkShikamaru was going to spread it around. He may tell his parents, but Shikamaru's dad seemed close to Naruto's, so he was hopeful. It just... he didn't want to progress backwards. He didn't want people to be scared of him if they knew...

That, and the talking to Kurama out loud thing was... it was new. It was new, and Naruto knew without having to ask that his parents weren't going to like it. Already they were so on edge knowing he met with Kurama night after night. This would push them-- his dad specifically-- over the edge.

And he understood. Naruto really did. Kurama's track record? Total sh*t! He wouldn't want his six year old talking to him either, believe it!

But he was different now. They were doing so well, and Naruto loved him, and they had so many flowers now! Things were going amazingly. He didn't want that taken away or stopped just because some asshole damaged his seal.

"I can't really die, but your sh*t luck might just be the thing to do it."Speak of the devil."Glad you finally made it back. Now shut up and let me nap."

Wow. Attitude. And Naruto can't even say anything out loud without giving himself away, either.

A lingering ache burns in his stomach, but Naruto doesn't want to draw attention to it right now as his father cups his face in his hands and looks down at him with big, tearful eyes. Naruto grins back up at him as brightly as he can manage, letting the love wash over him and taking a deep breath.

He's fine. This is all Sasuke's fault, but he'sfine. Naruto doesn't really want to quote-on-quote "relive his trauma", but he knows his dad needs to know who took him, why, and all about the guy who trapped him and Shikamaru in a genjutsu. Whoever the hell he was.

But maybe that can wait. Right now he feels sleepy and distant. He wants to collapse into his bed, with all the dogs preferably, and then sleep for twelve consecutive hours. He wants to bury his face in Kurama's tail and thank him for saving him.Again, might Naruto add.

Speaking of, that'll probably earn the fox brownie points with the parentals, right? Sweet. Maybe getting kidnapped was worth it.

There's hushed talking and more hands in his hair. Talks of blood and people prodding at him, and Naruto dozes as it happens, eyes fluttering open only when a bowl of ramen is set in front of him by his mom, who gives him a fond, relieved look. Naruto returns it and digs in.

If he'd been ready for a coma before, the hot broth just about sends him into one. He has no idea how long he and Shikamaru were out there. He thinks whatever that genjutsu did is starting to hit now that he's not in total crisis mode.

After all, it had almost taken Shikamaru out completely. It wasn't so remiss to think it would have effect on Naruto, even if heisreally cool and strong and stuff. Just like a little aftertaste of it. And of Kurama sort of setting him on fire, proverbially, which he absolutely isn't going to mention the extent of.

"Get some sleep, Naruto." His dad's voice is gentle, his arms even gentler, and Naruto melts into him a little. "We'll be here when you wake up."

Kurama is there waiting for him. And there, in the middle of their mound of flowers, is the beginnings of what might be a tree.


Fugaku carefully sets down another photo. Naruto squints at it. Next to him, Shikamaru is struggling not to nod off.

"Nope. Like I said, the entire right side of his face was super f*cked up." Naruto shook his head. Fugaku sighed, and Minato slouched in disappointment. Naruto gave Shikamaru a glance. "And I'm not sure why he's here. He didn't see him."

Shikamaru made a vague noise of agreement. Or discontent? Actually, it could really mean anything. Naruto's not a Nara expert.

He hadn't gotten to talk to Shikamaru since their whole little bonding experience, actually. His dad was militant in his observation of Naruto, looming over him like an agent of death ready to strike down the nearest threat down. He hadn't been back to school, everyone claiming he needed 'recovery'.

Really, after a good night's sleep and some food, he felt fine. He'd told Ayumu as such during their session, but Ayumu had just shrugged and said he was on his own there. Naruto was mildly offended, but figured Ayumu was probably run ragged enough with Naruto's issues as it was, and having parents who cared really didn't count as one anyway.

His explanation of what happened had holes in it. Not because he was leaving anything out, but because Naruto really had no idea what was going on. He didn't want to mention that he could hear Kurama out loud now, and he didn't think Shikamaru had mentioned it either, or else his dad probably would've confronted him by now.

They had checked the seal, though. Naruto didn't know how safe it was to have it the way it was. Carefully channeling chakra into it, he could tell it was missing several layers, leaving it looking bare and incomplete. Not unlike Gaara's seal beforeitwas fixed.

His mom and dad had released high-pitched, horrified noises at the sight. That, paired with their anxious questions about whether the fox had mentioned breaking out at all, told him everything he needed to know.

If Kurama wanted out, he could get out. Easily. He just... hadn't. And f*ck if that didn't make Naruto feel a little warm and fuzzy.

"And it'snotthis man?" Fugaku double checked, tapping a black and white sketch of what he was told was Madara Uchiha. Naruto shook his head.

"No way. That guy hasamazinghair. Believe it." Naruto wasn't about to not recognize that, even if Kurama growled for it. "Besides, K-- uh. He would've been recognized. If that were him. Sincesome peoplehave met him before. Totally different dude. Same one from the night I was born, but not... uh. That guy. Believe it."

"Smooth."Kurama grumbled. Naruto ignored him.

He gave his dad a pointed look instead. It wasn't subtle at all. Sasuke's dad looked mildly concerned, but mostly just tired. He deserved it for having half of Sasuke's genetics. Boo, Sasuke! For getting Naruto kidnapped and being the source of all his life's greatest problems!

Gaara had sent him a letter back. That, and his newfound alliance with Shikamaru, were the only good things to come out of this. Plus Kurama's commentary. Now he could teach Naruto like, everything. And help him. It was awesome, even if half the things he said were insults to people in their immediate surroundings.

That was sort of okay, though. Since Naruto also liked to insult people in their immediate surroundings. Call it a hobby.

"Alright, just--" His dad swallowed thickly, sharing a look with Shikamaru's dad, who also looked ready to fall asleep. "Go over what you remember one more time for me."

Naruto had already done that four times, though! Yeah, sure, he sucks at describing things, but come on. He was doing his best he--

"He was definitely an Uchiha. Resemblance to the main branch, probably distant. Heavy, distinct scarring on the left side of his face, likely from some kind of crush injury. He only had one Sharingan, but it was in a weird pattern. Looked like a kaleidoscope." Shikamaru drawled. Naruto turned to give him alook. "He was around Kakashi's height. 5'8", maybe a little shorter. Black hair cropped close to the head. Black cloak, red clouds all over it. Had an orange, swirly mask with only one eye hole in it clipped to the his waist."

Everyone stared at him. They'd been here two hours and this was like, the first thing he'd said. Naruto threw his hands in the air.

"Dude!" Naruto cried out. Shikaku groaned. Shikamaru shrugged. "When did you even get the chance to see the guy?!"

"When you stabbed me with a rock shiv." Shikamaru said casually, like they were discussing the weather. He peered lazily down at the photos on the table. "Looked more like this one and this one than any others. Not exact, but there may be some relation. My vision was blurred at the time."

Shikamaru's dad groaned again, louder this time. Fugaku's eye was twitching. Shikamaru, Naruto decided, was... sort of a badass. And he sort of really hoped they got to stay friends. Were they even friends to begin with? Maybe? Sorta?

Fugaku opened his mouth. Closed it again and shook his head, making some weird signal with his hand that made another Uchiha appear out of who knows where. Naruto threw his hands in the air indignantly for a second time, though he really wasn't actually upset.

His dad, on the other hand, looked like he'd aged several years. Naruto could see why they'd brought him and not Naruto's mom instead. She would've blown this joint ages ago with how long it had taken.

Shikamaru stretched his arms over his head until something in his back popped. Minato had already called Kakashi in, and Naruto could hear brief mutters of 'Akatsuki' and 'Jiraiya' spoken under his breath. Great, so that pervert guy, basically. Lovely.

"...Does this mean we're done?" Naruto asked after a beat of more people talking in low tones about sh*t he didn't really understand. "I've got to write back to Gaara. And get ramen. Want to get ramen with me, Shikamaru?"

He was a little scared of the answer, but Shikamaru just turned to him and shrugged like it was no big deal. Naruto lit up.

"Sure." He slid off his chair. "I have questions, anyway. About stuff."

Naruto wasn't sure what that meant, but Shikamaru didn't seem scared. And that was enough for him.


Omg the next chapter is the last one. There will be a book two though dw

Chapter 35: The End


The sequel is out now if you fancy ((:


Me? Finishing a book? Absolutely unheard of, yet here we are. Oh how the tides change! It felt right to end this one on Naruto's birthday. Happy birthday, Naruto!

Without further ado, welcome to the final chapter of Six Years Too Long. Hopefully it's not majorly disappointing. I rewrote it so many times and it just-- never looked quite right, so fingers crossed

This is the longest chapter we've had for this book to date! Yay!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Third person pov

In the end, Kurama uses two of his tails to hold the gate shut. He winds them around as many times as they'll go, sealing the massive metal bars in place. He stays as still as he can manage, eyes drawn to the paper seal in the quiet moments between sleep and Naruto's visits.

It can hardly be called a seal anymore. Peeled off and hanging oddly, slouched over half of the way down and folded over on itself, it would take only the vaguest of nudges to open the gates and send his chakra flooding out through Naruto's system.

It's a scary concept, the thought that he could accidentally overwhelm his host with his power with just a bump. Even if his chakra would never seek to harm-- not anymore-- it is still foreign, and Naruto is still so young. Kurama's power is corrosive all on its own, and it will continue to be until he can teach Naruto to properly harness it.

There's a special sort of melding that needs to occur for the pair of them to coexist without the seal between them, and the simple fact of the matter is that Naruto's chakra pathways aren't matured enough yet. Maybe in a few years from now, as he grows and exercises his reserves more.

It would be better if Kurama could continue to gradually leech out, to slowly diffuse himself until Naruto's body is adjusted. The same way he'd been doing so far, over time so that Naruto would be better ready to take on the highly concentrated level of energy he'd be shouldering once the seal fully opened.

It could be dangerous if Kurama were to do it now. As nice as it would be to "rip off the band-aid", as humans love to say, harm could come to the kit. The permanent kind that he'd never grow out of, that even Kurama couldn't fix. It simply wasn't worth the risk.

Heneededthat damned Namikaze to get his ass in here and fix this mess. And therein lied the problem.

"Tell him."Kurama hissed out. Naruto was sitting amongst the flowers today, and apparently his hearing had turned selective, because he didn't so much as twitch at the sound of Kurama's voice."I can't hold it shut forever. I could slip up, you brat, and then where would you be? Potentially braindead. That's where."

Naruto pursed his lips but didn't say anything, averting his gaze. Kurama grit his teeth together, glowing eyes going narrow. He had no idea why Naruto was being so stubborn about all of this. Never in their time together had the little brat had the audacity to outrightignorehim the way he was now, blatantly and seemingly without reason.

Did he not realize the true gravity of what could happen to him? Without the seal, the bars were weak, even with Kurama holding the gate shut. If Naruto were to fall into danger again, Kurama's chakra would corrode through the bars at an accelerated rate if he tried to help, thus breaking the seal down completely. It was too dangerous.

Even now, it was risky. If Kurama let himself get too annoyed, his chakra could rise and cause further fissures to the already-damaged cage he sat in. He is a being created of pure energy, and it answers to the rising and falling of his own mood.

Kurama is on the cusp. He teeters on a fine line, and Naruto's direct chakra pathways lay on the other side. One wrong step and his raw chakra will be injected. Still so little, still growing, the kit will not stand up to such a tidal wave of power. A little bit leaked through a strong seal to heal and save, Kurama can give, and Naruto will be fine.

Allof it at once?

Not now. Not yet.

"Naruto."Kurama snapped out, only to stop and take a deep breath right after. Near the base of the bars, he could already see the barest of cracks starting to form, crumbling through metal like it was nothing more than paper."Kit. What are you so afraid of?"

Naruto tensed up, and Kurama could hear him swallow heavily even from here. He hunched in on himself, head turning. Watery blue eyes peeked out from beneath a yellow fringe. There was fear there that gave Kurama pause. He frowned, head raising from where he'd allowed it to come and rest upon his paws.

His tails tightened further around the gate as he carefully stuck his snout out between two of the bars, ears flicking. It was an invitation. One Naruto seemed like he may finally be inclined to take, rising up on wobbly feet. He looked uncertain-- not of him, but of... something.

Kurama doesn't understand humans as well as he wishes he did. All knowing and powerful as he happens to be, human children are something he has near no experience with. Most of his knowledge comes from his observation of Naruto. Anything else Kurama witnessed before him was cast aside with a scoff of disgust, the information deemed worthless.

Not that he's ever been able to see all that much beyond his jailers. Naruto isn't his warden, however, and Kurama does not feel he's in a cage. There is a grassy field forming just for him, and Kurama knows one day with certainty that he will step beyond this box and leave it behind for good.Thatis the gift Naruto has offered him.

"I... Do Ihaveto?" Naruto asks, sounding squeaky and reluctant. It's unlike him, and Kurama's nose twitches as the boy scales his way up onto his snout. "He already doesn't like you! What's he going to do if he knows you can get out? What if he sees it's broken and decides it's easier to take you out than it is to seal you back in? Plus, I don'twantto lock you up again! Believe it!"

Ah. He was being sentimental. How... special of him. Kurama huffed a little, settling his head down further and flattening down his ears as a show of his disdain.

"This cage is not forever. You've made that very clear."Kurama offered."Should the bars of this one fail, I will have only two choices. One is to stay here and allow my chakra into your system, the shock of which will no doubt kill you. The second is to expel myself into the outside world, which will also subsequently kill you. Either way you will be gone, and either way I will be locked up in someone new who will undoubtedly be far less understanding than your pea-sized brain has allowed you to be."

It was true. The only thing waiting for Kurama if the last of this seal gave was grief and agony over what could've been. This little runt has grown on him like a particularly persistent type of mold, and Kurama loves him for it. For his energy, and his zeal, and even his stupidity.

Kurama will not be the cause of further of his suffering. He will not be the cause of his life ending, either. He refuses. He understands Naruto's fear, but there are greater evils and there are lesser. He does notwantto be separated from Naruto.

But if Namikaze makes that choice-- if there is a choice between Kurama digging his claws in and harming Naruto's psyche just to stay with him, or accepting his fate and being resealed... he will say his goodbyes. Knowing Naruto, it wouldn't be forever anyway.

"I...I guess itwouldbe worse. If they found out I hid it." Naruto frowned deeply. "If I say you told me to tell them, that would be points in your favor. I could get ahead of it."

Kurama hummed his agreement, a deep rumble that sent ripples through the water. It rustled the patch of flowers, sending a few petals askew and fluttering. Naruto let out a squawk of indignation at the sudden vibration, scrambling to keep balance atop his nose.

Fondly, Kurama thought he looked a lot like a flea. An annoying, orange flea. Had he really bent to the whims of such a tiny and helpless creature? Was this truly the crux of Kurama's existence now?

Is he honestly okay with it? Oh, how his siblings would laugh at him if they could see.

"Once you are old enough, the seal may be removed."Kurama allowed."Right now you are still puny and pathetic, however. You need time to acclimate. As you age and grow, my chakra will become far more integrated. Especially now that we... interact."

Interact. Naruto clung to him like a littleburr, more like. It would be good for the future, when they were able to fully work together. Kurama could only imagine the heights they'd be able to reach, his chakra combined with the veritable powerhouse that Naruto was already set to become. Uzumaki's reserves, for humans, were sizeable even in his eyes.

Naruto didn't look convinced, however. He fisted his hands into Kurama's fur, worrying the inside of his cheek. The fox observed him idly. It was nearly touching, how concerned he was over this. Were Kurama a lesser being, he may even be flattered.

Luckily, he is the Nine Tailed Fox, and he's not so lowly as to experience such sensitivities. His fondness only goes so far, of course. Love is very abstract. It can come in many forms. Serious and powerful ones, very much befitting of a tailed beast such as himself.

(No, he has no dignity left, if you were wondering. He tries not to think about it.)

"...What if he seals you too tightly?" Naruto asks, so quiet that Kurama wouldn't have picked up on it if not for his heightened hearing. "What if I... What if I can't talk to you anymore?"

Kurama snorted, amusem*nt curling up through him. He grinned.

"I am sealedwithinyou, Naruto."He laughed."If you want to find me, no matter how deeply I may be buried, all you need to do is look."

And that?Thatseemed to click in the boy, if nothing else. And it was enough.


Shikamaru asks him point blank about the fox. Naruto tells him point blank about the fox. Somehow, that doesn't scare him off.

Apparently he'd been more curious than anything. His mom had told him later, laughing a little as she ran her hands through his hair to get out the tangles, that it was just a Nara thing. They were inquisitive my nature and liked to know certainties when they could get them.

To them, information was akin to gold. And Naruto happened to have access to some that very few people in the world did.

Naruto was just glad that Shikamaru didn't like, hate him or whatever. Their newfound kidnapped-together-means-friends-forever bond was still holding strong, and Naruto couldn't help but feel a little giddy. He'd rather avoid being abducted in general, but if he was going to be taken alongside anyone, he was glad it had been Shikamaru.

It's not that Naruto doesn't have friends, or that friends are an entirely brand new concept. They're not. He has Gaara, and in a roundabout way, Sasuke. Even if Sasuke was more a rival than anything, someone that insulted him and that Naruto enthusiastically insulted back. He still fell under the slowly-expanding umbrella of people who didn't think he was a monster.

Their relationship was atypical at best. Even his relationship with Gaara was different, simply because they were two sides of the same coin and bound to click together. They understood one another in a way nobody else ever would. That was something Naruto valued incredibly.

He wouldn't trade him for anything. And if Naruto could teleport between Konoha and Suna? He'd be back and forth daily, no questions asked, and he'd hardly leave Gaara's side for anything. That's the type of friendshiptheyhad.

Shikamaru was like, just some dude though. He wasnormal. Well-- scary smart and way lazier than half the other kids their age, but regular by shinobi standards all the same. The thought that someone like that could ever associate with Naruto just completely boggled him.

He knew it was different now. He had two parents just like everyone else, and the village was on the fast track to being too scared sh*tless of his father to so much as look at him sideways. Still, it was...

Shikamaruknew. Shikamaru knew about Kurama and he hadn't so much as bat an eye.

That wasn't the sort of thing most people would brush off. His ownparentsweren't even that calm about it, and they'd known right off the bat-- no question about it-- that Naruto had the old grump sealed in his stomach. Naruto had found and made a friend all on his own-- one who totally accepted him as is, Kurama and all.

Shikamaru didn't seem scared of him, nor did he seem annoyed by Naruto's persistent jabbering. He hung out with him regularly, never seeming to mind when Naruto rambled off on tangents of his own. He just hummed along, occasionally interjecting with a tidbit so smart Naruto had to stop and process it to understand half of what he'd said.

Their return to the academy was punctuated with a whole lot of glaring in Sasuke's direction. When Naruto sat down, Shikamaru didn't seem to hesitate to sit down right next to him. It made Naruto feel giddy and settled, like maybe he was finally doing something right in the field of outside social interactions.

Today, Naruto noticed, Kashi wasn't even pretending to linger outside. He was plopped down in the corner, glaringly orange book in hand much to Iruka-sensei's apparent dismay. Naruto offered an enthusiastic wave, which was returned idly.

"I'd hoped they'd give us more time off to quote-on-quote 'get over our trauma.' What a drag." Shikamaru drawled as he dropped into the seat to Naruto's left. He looked as tired as ever. "Looks like your guard duty got upped."

Naruto couldn't tell if he was referring to Kakashi, the clone of his father perched like a demonic entity in the tree outside, the various dogs laid out on the floor pretending to snore, or all of them together. He settled from shrugging and nodding instead of trying to figure it out.

"Believe it. I haven't had a second of alone time since getting back. I can't even go to the bathroom by myself without one of the doggies following me." Naruto gestured to Bull, who was laid out by his feet. The dog snorted. "I make him face he wall, but it's still awkward."

"At least he can't talk enough to tell anyone." Shikamaru rested his head down on his arms, making a face. "My mom keeps pinching my cheeks and trying to follow me everywhere, too. And my dad says he called in to work because he's got too much vacation time racked up anyway, but I'm not an idiot. I know he's hanging around because he thinks I'm going to get nabbed again."

The only way they were getting "nabbed again" was ifSasukegot them wrapped up in his sh*t again. Count on him to ruin days. At least something positive had come out of it-- no thanks to him, of course.

"Want to draw them crayon pictures to try and entice them into calming down?" Naruto asked, already poised to pull the giant box he'd brought along out of his bag. In the corner, Kakashi perked up and tried not to look too hopeful. "I have 64 colors and an entire stack of stolen paper."

"I will never understand you mortals."Kurama sounded deeply disturbed for some reason. Naruto wondered what the problem was. Was it the exploitation of emotions using handmade, heartfelt items to his advantage or the fact that he'd sharpened his crayons enough to cut a man's throat?

"Naruto." Shikamaru raised his head, sounding almost solemn. He held out a hand. "I thought you'd never ask."


Minato screams when he sees the seal. Actually, literally screams. And then his mom whirls him around by the shoulders to look as well and screams too. It's because they're doing it that Naruto decides he should join in, letting out a shriek and throwing his hands in the air just for added effect.

Overall, there's a lot of mayhem. Naruto doesn't get the hype. Sure, is his seal missing like, all its layers but two? Maybe, yeah. But it's not a big deal. Kurama's like, super chill right now. Possibly the chillest he has ever been like,ever. He's not going to do anything.

They don't seem to know that though. And to be fair, the so called "second layer" of the sealisactively disintegrating before their very eyes. Not very fast, but it's definitely faded around the edges in some spots. Parts of the ink have an almost flaky quality, like it's dusting apart and drifting away against his skin.

"Oh my god, oh my god." His dad was fanning his face frantically, like that would actually do anything to cool the panicked red that was creeping steadily up it. "That's-- how did we not--"

"That's not strong enough to holdanything." Kushina stressed, sounding near hysterics. It was the nearest to losing her composure that Naruto had seen her since meeting her. She wasn't even this freaked out when Naruto returned from his kidnapping covered in blood. "How is it-- the Kyuubi should--"

Naruto pressed his lips into a thin line, crossing his arms over his chest as his parents practically fell over themselves in their distress. Earth to planet what the f*ck, if Kurama was going to do something (like murder everyone, or eat babies, or whatever they thought he liked to do in his free time) then he would've done it by now. Believe it.

Kakashi sidled up to stand next to him. Unlike Naruto's parents, he didn't seem nearly as alarmed. He never really did, honestly. That was the best part about Kashi. He just sort of went with the flow. He'd freak out over the seal whenNarutofreaked out over the seal. Because if anyone was going to know if there was a real problem here, it would probably be Naruto himself.

Kakashi silently offered him the bag of microwave popcorn he'd been munching on, mask up and down so fast it was impossible to actually get a glimpse of his face whilst he ate. Naruto stuck his hand in and came out with a handful, shoving it into his mouth. It was kettlecorn, which was f*cked up, but no one was perfect.

"Kit."Kurama's voice grumbled from within his head."Tell that utter moron to fix this right the hell now, or the first thing I'm doing when I get out of here is ripping his eyes out and shoving them down his throat so he can watch me rip his own damn intestines out. The seal is corroding away and if it should vanish completely, my hellish wrath with be unleashed upon all the pathetic, worthless, incompetent cretins who let you die to begin with."

Okay, so maybe Kurama's a little more stressed and agitated that he thought. That's fine. Naruto is absolutelynotrepeating any of that, thank you, but it's fine.

"Kurama's holding it shut with two of his tails. I didn't want to tell you, but he sorta made me and he wants to you to fix it like, right now. Since I might die or something. He's very concerned, and asked you to please hurry." Naruto said, like a liar. "Also I've been able to hear his voice in my head since I got back. Like when I'm awake."

Naruto was never planning to admit to that, but being honest about such a big secret totally cancels out the massive lie about Kurama saying please that he just told. Not that his mom and dad seem like they believe that part, but what're they going to do? Call a six year old a liar to his face?

Minato made a high-pitched noise, sort of like a tea kettle. His mom was just staring at him like he'd broken some sort of super expensive vase. Kakashi hummed, raising his brows and blinking lazily down at him. If Ayumu were here, no doubt he'd be scribbling away on his clipboard.

"He talks to you when you're awake?" Kakashi asked mildly. "Is that why you kept making faces at the academy? I thought you had indigestion or something."

"Nah. He's actually the one who led me back to Konoha after the whole kidnapping thing. It was super pitch black. You think I made it back near the walls all on my own?" Naruto snorted, and them pulled out his trump card. A stack of three papers, lightly fanned out. His dad zeroed in on them like a shark scenting blood. "Completely unrelated, but I love you so much and drew you this! Believe it!"

His dad looked stuck between his previous horror and absolute delight. His mom looked teary-eyed. Naruto beamed sunnily, and he could feel Kurama's disbelief coursing through him.

"Thatworked?"Kurama asked incredulously. Naruto didn't answer, lest his entire plan fail."They're weaker than I thought."

Maybe a little, but at least they weren't screaming anymore. Naruto counted that as a win.


Naruto wonders how scared Gaara was during his sealing. If he felt the same sense of dread and foreboding, the same sort of shivers from the cool stone beneath his back. Had Gaara wanted to run too, desperately? Had he felt like something within him was trying to claw its way out-- something that had nothing to do with the tailed beast within him at all?

It's not that Naruto doesn't trust his parents. He does, and he loves them with everything in him. He knows they only want the best for him. He knows they're going to make sure he's kept as safe as possible during the process. They'll handle this, and they'll smile at him reassuringly while they do it.

That's not the problem. Not really, anyway. The real issue is that their relationship with the idea of Kurama being his friend is still so fresh. The territory is rocky at best, the frozen top of a lake liable to crack and break under the weight at any given time.

Naruto understands. He'd be close-minded and foolish not to see their point of view. Once upon a time, maybe he would've even agreed with them, shared their vision of how things should be. Maybe he would've seen the seal, thecage, as a need.

But he loves Kurama, and he's glad he knows better. But he's also six. This isn't about what he knows, it's about what they do. Unfortunately.

It's still weird to know how little control he has over his life now. He wouldn't trade his parents for anything, but before it was just him and him alone. He made all the decisions, even if he knew looking back some of them probably weren't the best ones. There'd been a whole lot he didn't know-- was still more he had to learn.

Having so much choice taken from him, though... Naruto didn't like it. It scared him, possibly more than anything had ever scared him before. This was the rest of his life they were talking about. His entire future. This could effect him for years and years to come, and what if it did so negatively?

The ink is cold against his stomach. Naruto's throat clenches as he lays there, hands clammy with sweat. He wants to get up and run away. It would be so much easier to. To hide away until this all blew over, until it worked itself out.

Kurama would never allow it. With the seal fading, Naruto knew thishadto happen. He just didn't want to accept it.

What if it took away their flowers? Their growing shrubs, their sprog of a tree? There's still a vast field to be grown, still so much work to do, to have, and Naruto had no idea what he'd do if that all went away. If his parents sealed ittootightly, and Kurama was pulled away from him forever.

He didn't know what he'd do without him. Kurama was special in a way nobody else ever would be, and Naruto couldn't bear the thought of going through life without him. Without his commentary, and advice. Without his company, and teachings.

"I'll still be here."Kurama's voice rolled through his head like thunder."No matter how tightly they seal me, all you have to do is look. This isyourmind. Turn yourself within, and I will still be here, just as I always have been."

Narutoknewhe'd be there. But there was a difference between knowing and seeing. Kurama was a feeling in his chest: a warm, ever-present glow. What if Naruto wasn't smart enough to track him down? What if he "turned within himself" and couldn't find him no matter how hard he looked?

Things would change. And Naruto had no idea what he'd do when they did.

The candles circling them blaze bright and radiate a stifling heat all on their own, but Naruto still feels cold. He swallows thickly, blue eyes turning towards his father. They meet a matching pair, not quite as round but no less ocean-like. He sees his dad hesitate and knows he must look pale and terrified.

His mother stills. She has red clay staining her palms, the circle surrounding him just as fluid and rounded in its symbols as the curves of Uzushiogakure's swirl. He can feel the chakra and power thrumming from it as she closes in its lines. It's strange to him, to think that shapes can hold so much power.

This is his heritage. Another odd thing to consider. Inked on his skin and drawn onto the ground is his blood right. His mom and dad will probably teach it to him, and one day he'll be able to build seals from the ground up as well. It's a little comforting. If he tries hard enough, if he lets himself learn, maybe he can fully understand just what keeps Kurama locked away and how.

Maybe, if they seal him too deeply, he'll be able to dig him back out without killing himself or anyone else.

It's a dangerous line of thought. A useless one, because right now he's six years old and if they take Kurama away, there's nothing he'll be able to do. He knows that Kurama is trying to be comforting, saying that Naruto will be able to find him, but Naruto knows that the fox has no real way of knowing.

They could put Kurama to sleep with this seal if they wanted. Kurama could be placed in a dormant state, locked behind walls Naruto has no way of getting around. They could imprison him within Naruto's mind, alone, in the dark, and with no connection to the outside world.

That scares Naruto more than the thought of never seeing him again does. The idea that Kurama could be as alone as he was before. That Naruto might've sat by and justletthat happen. He wouldn't be able to stand it.

"It's okay, Naruto. It's alright." His dad soothes. His palm is a warm contrast to the cold biting against Naruto's skin, gently running through his hair. "You'll be unconscious for this next part. You'll wake up and it'll be like nothing even happened."

"You won't feel a thing." His mom tacked on, dipping down to press a kiss to his forehead. Her hair is a curtain of fire, the same blazing red as Kurama's eyes. "You're going to be just fine. I promise."

Naruto's not worried about himself, though. Heknowshis parents aren't going to hurthim. This is about Kurama. Naruto-- he's fine. He will be fine. His parents love him and he loves them too, and that's why he can't focus on himself right now.

"Don't take him away." Naruto chokes out. He sees his dad freeze and gulp a little, and his mom pauses. He peers up at them pleadingly. "Pleasedon't take him away. H-He's not bad. Iswearhe's not bad, believe it."

His dad searches his gaze, and Naruto doesn't look away for a second. They have to understand what this means to him in full. That taking him away won't be something he gets over in a few days, something he bounces back from. He and Kurama are in this together now.

Kurama taught him what love was. He taught him how to use his chakra, and he saved his life. He listened to his day, to his doubts, and he allowed himself to get to know Naruto night by night. He was begrudging and rude, but who wouldn't be? Locked away for years and years, treated like a monster.

Naruto knows exactly what being alone feels like. He understands what it feels like to be the subject of contempt and disgust, to be treated like you're worse than trash on the side of the road just for existing as you are. If Naruto's suffering of six years is unjust, just what would you call Kurama's lifetime of being hated?

His dad looks sad. Like Naruto's words are somehow sorrowful just for being spoken. Naruto wonders if his parents see Kurama as a he and not an it yet. If they get that he is a being with feelings and thoughts just as deep as any human being. He is intelligent, and capable of kindness, which he has shown to Naruto in spades.

Kurama had talked to them. He'd claimed to love Naruto. He'd saved Naruto's life.

Is it enough? Will anything ever be?

"...Okay." His dad says after a beat. He swallows thickly, giving Naruto a small, reassuring smile. He reaches up to run a hand through his hair again. "We won't take him away, Naruto. I promise."

Naruto's never been good at trusting people at their word. He closes his eyes anyway, lets darkness take him under his mother's gentle sleep jutsu, and tries anyway.


Minato had known being a parent was hard. He just hadn't realizedhowhard.

It's rewarding. Every smile Naruto gives, every hug, every twinkle of the eye. Every word out of his mouth is a delight, because Minato and Kushina created this. This-- This littleperson, and he's just so wonderful that Minato can hardly fathom it.

Naruto is like a miniature sun. He'll be a great ninja one day, and probably an even better leader than Minato is. He's righteous and far too understanding, with an innate kindness that rests in the bare bones of everything he does. He reflects out all of Minato and Kushina's best traits, and it's... it's terrifying.

He's forgiving, and almost too accepting of others in some ways. Minato will never claim to understand just how he and the Kyuubi came to know one another. He just knows that their communication genuinely scares him, and that if he could get away with it, he'd put a stop on it for good.

When Naruto was older, it would be his choice. They're the ones who put the tailed beast in him. It's Naruto's life, it's his body, andheis the one shouldering that burden. Minato would never try to control what he does with that.

The only issue is that right now... he's not an adult. He's six years old. He's emotionally vulnerable and still recovering from a bitter upbringing, in which he was left alone to fend for himself. He had no allies to stand at his back, no one to support him.

His concepts of love and friendship are likely forever altered because of this. His judgement of others isn't weighed on the same scale as Minato's is. Kushina understands better than he does-- yet simultaneously, she also knows the depths of the vitriol with which the Kyuubi regards everything.

To think their child could've worn such a creature down into any semblance of a positive relationship... anyone would understand why they'd have their doubts. Even after meeting the fox, it's hard to say. The Nine Tails is known for its cunning and deceitful nature. It is a master manipulator.

Kushina can still remember her times facing it--him, really. She used to whisper about the encounters at night, when all was quiet and it was just the two of them in bed. Her voice held an uncharacteristic tremor every time, talking of the sheer level of anger she felt rolling off the fox.

All Minato had been able to do was hold her in times like that, as she muttered about fury, and hot rage, and empty promises all to try and secure release. Threats of destruction, gruesome descriptions of all the terror and rot the Kyuubi would infect the world with if it ever got out.

It (He?) was angry, and all it (He...) wanted to do was kill. Kill everyone, and everything, without question. The Kyuubi in Kushina wanted to burn the world to the ground, and it wanted to laugh while it did it.

It did not seem possible that the very same creature hadcriedfor their six year old. Had claimed to love him. Had saved his life, more than once now, and was now holding the seal shut to keep from accidentally killing him.

He'd be able to escape. Right now, if the Kyuubi wanted, it could release itself and rain destruction down upon the entire village. It could devour them both in moments. It could raze Konoha to the ground, could blow Naruto's entire body apart with just a push of chakra.

It could, but ithadn't.

Minato had talked to the beast head on, at his son's pleading. He had felt Kurama's peace. There was no rage within the seal. Somehow, Naruto has done something nobody else has. Naruto got through to The Nine Tailed Fox, and--

Minato looks at Kushina and sees the look on her face, and they both know theycannottake that away. That if they lock the Kyuubi away, they will lose their son in the process. They will lose his trust, something he gives so sparingly.

Naruto's young, but he's not stupid. He's the smartest, best little boy Minato knows. He loves him. He loves him with everything in him, and if he says he can do this... Minato has to believe him. Because he's right. Kuramahassaved his life time and time again, and he's doing it again right now.

The Nine Tails has done unthinkable things. But he's done well by Naruto, and has protected him. It feels inherently wrong to let his young child form this kind of connection with a being that old and powerful. There's a danger to it, a queasy feeling that enters Minato's stomach. He feels ill, knowing he is allowing an open channel between them as he finishes the last layer and doesn't add another one on top of it.

Naruto had begged him, though. His own father, and he'd pleaded, terrified. Minato had made a promise. He will not take Kurama away.

"We won't regret it." Kushina says. "He won't be able to get out. It'll be just like before. Ayumu will go in to talk to him every so often, and we'll monitor Naruto. If something is wrong--"

"Then we add another layer." Minato agrees, voice a rasp. He hesitates, looking up and meeting her indigo eyes. "Are we doing the right thing?"

As Naruto's mother and father, is this best for him? Is allowing him open communication that they cannot monitor with an ancient being okay? For Naruto's well being? If they seal the Kyuubi up, Naruto will be angry and upset. He'll be heartbroken. But in the long run, would that be better?

Or is keeping it open truly better for his future? For his development, and safety? Naruto loves the fox, but is that a good thing? The doubts are all plaguing, causing a sense of malaise and fear that swirls in Minato's gut.

Kushina's jaw clenches. She peers down at their son for a moment, like she's searching for something in his unconscious face. Whatever it is she's looking for, she seems to find it. There's steel in her expression when she looks up again.

"Yes." She says with iron-clad certainty. "This is the right thing. This is what we promised him. We didn't seal the Kyuubi away before, after we found out Naruto could speak to him. We'd be hypocrites to take the chance to do it now just because the opportunity has arose."

That's all Minato needs to hear. He pushes aside the inklings of terror he feels for his son's future and starts performing hand signs. His wife mirrors them. Around them, the circle of watery clay lights up in a brilliant blue, their chakra coursing through it.

On Naruto's stomach, the seal starts to burn in, ink sinking into skin. Permanent. Minato tries not to think of the night they first did this to him, when he was no bigger than a hearty loaf of bread and wailing to the heavens.

The actual sealing takes mere minutes compared to the preparation, but it feels like a lifetime. Minato's chakra pours out and churns alongside his wife's. They breathe in tandem. Naruto's heart pulses in the air around them, a steady thumping that rings like a gong the louder and louder it gets.

The smell of ozone permeates the room. Minato is endlessly glad to have his wife here. Something in him calms as the seal takes, sinking below the surface of Naruto's skin and out of sight as the power seeps back out of him. Kushina reaches across their son for Minato's hand, and Minato takes hers, trying to catch his breath.

Naruto looks so much younger with his face lax. A stark reminder of just how little he is. Yet, at the same time, it serves as proof of how much time they've missed. Of all the moments he needed them and they weren't there. If Minato has anything to say about it, Naruto will never have to want for affection of any kind ever again.

The seal scalds for a moment. There's shifting in Naruto's chakra, and they both tense as something fiery hot momentarily presses up against the seal. It seems experimental, the way the heat rises carefully and slowly. They both see the usually black ink flare back into view, only this time it's orange and glowing fiercely.

The Kyuubi, prodding against the seal. They hold their breath. Kushina holds his hand so tight it hurts a little, and Minato holds hers back. For a minute, neither of them can move, or hardly think.

But the second of terror is over as soon as it comes. That heat recedes, flooding back into the depths of their son, out of sight and out of mind. Minato feels it drop back into the shadows, though thereisone last flicker that seems to spark at them. Said spark doesn't seem malevolent. If Minato didn't know any better, he'd say it... felt like a thank you.

This is the right thing.

Minato hopes beyond hope they're not wrong.

(It sure doesn't feel like they are, when Naruto comes to later with a slow blink. When he stops and yanks up his shirt. When his seal turns orange again, and his entire face lights up into a grin so blinding that Minato almost has to look away from its sheer brightness. He turns the full force of it on them, and suddenly they both have their arms full of a six year old so happy he's near tears, thanking them. And that... Minato doesn't think that, at least, couldeverbe wrong. Could it?)


Naruto turns seven on a Tuesday. He doesn'tpersonallysee why this is a big deal, but according to everyone else it may as well be the most momentous occasion of the year.

His concept of his birthday isn't the same as everyone else's. Some ingrained part of him tenses up at the ready. He coils in on himself, tight and uncertain, eyes darting every which way. Today isn'tjusthis birthday, you see. It's the anniversary of the Kyuubi's defeat, and there are certain individuals who'd love to celebrate by ripping him a new one.

It's happened before. This is always the worst night of his year, where he's forced to evacuate his apartment and flee. Naruto used to have to hide all his belongings, lest he come back to an absolutely trashed home and find them all destroyed in some manner or another.

Usually, he'd hide out in the woods. It didn'talwayswork out. but it was easier to hide there amongst the trees than anywhere else. He was found more often than not, sure, but he felt better at evading now than he did last year, now able to channel chakra into his feet to help him go faster and climb.

He kept having to remind himself that today was going to be different. That this birthday would be an actual one, and not just a passing date he mourned at and fought for survival the night of.

He'd already celebrated somewhat with Kurama. The fox had been more at ease since the seal's reconstruction, and Naruto had awoken in their shared space to find that the flowers had grown and spread several more feet in all directions. His parents' trust in Kurama had soothed something in the fox, and ever since then, their plants had been growing like wild.

Kurama had wished him a happy birthday, and let Naruto crawl up on his snout and hug him. He'd seemed in higher spirits. Naruto didn't really getwhy, because he was honestly the exact same as he was the day before he turned seven, but he didn't mind. If it made Kurama smile, it hardly mattered.

Like with so many other things, Naruto really has no frame of reference for what an actual birthday is supposed to look like. Again, they don't seem like anything all that grand to him. Isn't it just a meaningless marker of how much time has passed? He's older, but why's that have to mean anything special?

He's seen snippets at the academy. Ino coming in with a whole bunch of balloons tied around her wrist, puffing out her chest in pride as birthday wishes are rained down upon her. Everyone bringing cards for Kiba. Someone bringing cupcakes to share with the whole class on Choji's birthday-- bar Naruto, of course, because there's always neverquiteenough.

This birthday is vastly different than all the others ones he's had, which passed fearfully, on the run, and hiding away in hopes of slipping under the radar. He wakes up with a flinch, forever on edge. There's no academy today, but that doesn't stop him from trying to scramble to get dressed for it anyway.

His brain tells him he needs to be ready for anything and everything. His brain tells him to get ready torun.

He doesn't even get a chance to get out of bed, turns out. His mom is in the room mere seconds after his eyes pop open and he jolts up off his pillows. The ninken who'd fallen asleep piled around him all raise their heads to look at him, making vague, sleep whines at the sight of his obvious alarm.

"Nope! Don't move!" His mom cries out, stilling him in his attempts to untangle himself from the blankets. She swept forward with flourish, beaming at him. "Breakfast in bed for the birthday boy! Seven years old already!"

Naruto stared at her, blinking stupidly as his father as Kashi appeared in the doorway, both looking delighted. His father had a camera ready and was practically about to vibrate out of his skin as the tray table was settled down over Naruto's lap. The boy blinked wildly, staring.

The stack of pancakes he eats is massive and fluffy, and so delicious that he knows Kashi probably cooked them. Not to diss anyone else's kitchen skills. It's not like Naruto can talk, with his talents extending to boiling water to pour into his instant ramen cups, but he also has the excuse of being... seven, now.

He's seven. Once upon a time, he might've just shrugged and patted himself on the back for surviving another year. Now, he's being scooped up into the whirlwind of what he has to guessmustbe a semi-normal birthday. Ish? Yeah.

"Kushina! Look at this one!" His dad looks like he's about to start shedding actual tears as he turns the camera towards his redheaded wife. "Look at him! He's getting so big!"

Naruto squints, Pakkun dozing in his arms. It looks like a regular picture of him just sitting there. Eating pancakes in bed, but still just sitting there.

"We have to get that framed as soon as possible." His mom gushes. Naruto squints harder, glancing up at Kashi as the man's hand comes down on his head to ruffle his hair. He offers a closed eye smile behind his mask. Naruto's nose scrunches, but he leans into Kashi's side anyway.

The day is a rollercoaster. Sometimes he thinks he can hear Kurama's laughter echoing in the back of his mind in the face of Naruto's bewilderment, but since the new seal was placed, it's been hard to tell whether or not he's trying to speak or not. There are brief instances in which Narutothinkshe hears some whisper of his voice, but--

Well. At least he gets to see him when he sleeps. That's more than enough for Naruto. He'll take what he can get.

He had honestly been prepared for the chance of his parents sealing Kurama as tightly as they could. It wasn't that he didn't trust them. He just... He knew what fear did to people. He'd seen it first hand. People were afraid of him, and they'd lashed out because of it.

He'd sort of thought his parents would do the same to Kurama. They were just as human as anyone else. He got it-- Kurama was like, the actual Nine Tails. A being supposedly created for the sole purpose of maintaining balance and peace between the great nations.

There was only one of him out in the world, unless you wanted to lump him in with his other eight siblings. But he might eat you for having the audacity to do so. Naruto sure wasn't about to risk it.

The day was nice, for as unfamiliar as it was. Naruto half expected angry civilians to start crowding around the house at any moment, pitchforks raised and eyes blazing with righteous fury, but it never happened. The streets outside their home stayed quiet, and slowly, Naruto let himself relax.

"I really don't need aparty. Believe it." Naruto insisted a tad uncomfortably as people began to file in. If the giant orange cake with his name on it had been a surprise, people showing up to celebrate had been an even bigger one. "It's really not that big a deal!"

It was honestly too late to be making such objections. Naruto should've known something was up with all the balloons and streamers tacked around the dining and living room, but it hadn't crossed his mind. He'd never had a birthday party, nor had he been to one. How would he know?

"Just let it happen, man." Shikamaru said from his place slouched next to him on the couch. "Birthdays are troublesome, but sometimes you just have to weather the storm and let them take their millions of pictures."

As if to prove Shikamaru's point, Naruto's dad flashed by, snapping yet another photo of the two of them sat side by side. Naruto made a face. Shikamaru didn't bother moving, just letting out a large yawn and sinking further into the cushions he was propped against.

Maybe the size of the house is what made it seem so full, or maybe there were just that many people. Naruto boggled at everyone who came up to him to wish him happy birthday. Half the people were grinning adults he'd never met before, but that his parents seemed to know at least.

Even Sasuke had run up to say it-- after kicking him in the ankle as hard as he could and dashing away-- which was making Naruto rethink the gravity of birthdays to begin with. If someone as terrible and mean as Sasuke was wishing him a happy one, they had to be more special than he thought.

Shikamaru's parents were here, and so were Sasuke's parents and older brother, along with his curly-haired cousin who'd grinned and tipped an imaginary hat to Naruto as he introduced himself. He seemed funner than the rest of the stone-faced Uchiha who lingered around.

Teuchi and Ayame had come halfway through as well, armed at the ready to make ramen for all in their little kitchen. Apparently his dad had tried to pay them to cater but they'd refused payment, claiming this was their gift to Naruto for all the business he brought them. Naruto wasn't about to complain-- it wasramen, after all.

Ayumu hovered about with his clipboard, and so did a man in a green jumpsuit who kept trying to goad Kashi into challenges ranging from rock-paper-scissors to push up contests. When cake was finally served, he insisted that whoever finished last out of the two of them would have to do five laps around the entire village perimeter.

The green dude was still gone, presumably running them. Naruto had no idea.

It was fun. Overwhelming, but fun all the same. No one looked at him with vitriol. Naruto had no reason to run and hide. These people had come here to celebratehim. It was hard to wrap his head around, but the truth all the same, and Naruto's eyes stung just a little considering it.

The festivities dwindled as the sun sunk low. Naruto felt full off cake and ramen. Shikamaru had asked to stay--Naruto's first ever sleepover-- and now they were looking back at old photos to finish off the night fondly.

Once upon a time, Naruto had craved to have any piece of his family. It felt surreal to look at these photos and know these people were his to claim and his to love. Things were dreamlike, he and Shikamaru squished together, Naruto's parents on either side of them. A fantasy come to life.

If Shikamaru felt out of place wedged against Kushina, he sure didn't show it. Naruto tried to ignore the giddy feeling that came with being in such a sandwich. If Shikamaru wasn't weirded out, did this mean it was normal? Did it mean they could do it again one day?

"And here's Kushina is pregnant with you. She practically lived off Ramen and Takoyaki for the first two trimesters, but then suddenly she switched to Sushi for the third. She couldn't get enough of it." Minato laughed, tapping on one of the photos.

It was his mother, stomach large and rounded, her cheeks puffed out from the sheer amount of food stuffed in them. Naruto shifted the book from its place half on his lap and half on Shikamaru's, peering down at her. She looked like she was glowing.

"I was eating for two, ya know?" His mom laughed. Naruto grinned, flipping to the next page. "Oh! These ones! I forgot howlittleKakashi used to be."

And Kakashi was definitely little. Comically grumpy and looking like he'd rather be anywhere else, but that's not who Naruto was looking at. His eyes had magnetized to the other boy in the photo, who looked unenthusiastic about having to be set in front of a camera at all. Naruto's dad had a hand in his hair, ruffling it.

Shikamaru straightened next to him, also seeming to zone in on his face. The pair of them blinked at it for a moment. In Naruto's gut, he felt Kurama let out a howl, something in him beginning to twist and writhe. He swallowed thickly.

"This here was my genin team. Kakashi, Obito Uchiha, and Rin Nohara." His dad sounded wistful, fingers lightly tracing the edge of one of the images. "They were... Obito reminds me a lot of you, Naruto. He's the one who gave Kakashi his eye. Right before he..."

Right before hedied. Except he totally wasn't dead, because dead people can't kidnap kids. Believe it. Slowly, Naruto turned to look at Shikamaru. Shikamaru met his gaze, lips pressed into a thin line. They were both thinking the same thing.

Sure, the masked guy had looked older, but it was undoubtedly this kid all the same. There was no doubt about it. And the scarring around the face? Factoring in that Kashi has a Sharingan of his own? Even their haircuts had been the same, spikey and cropped short. The man who'd taken them-- this was him.

Naruto and Shikamaru frowned. This time, it was the Nara who flipped to the next page. More photos of his dad's genin team, this time more candid. Kurama's chakra was sparking within him, all the confirmation that Naruto really needed to know that his suspicions were true.

"What's wrong?" His mom asked, seeming to notice the sudden change in atmosphere. Shikamaru grimaced, flipping to another page. More of his dad's team, and more of Obito.

The more Naruto looked at him, the more like the man he looked. But if he was dead, then... and besides that,why? If he'd given Kashi the eye-- the eye that Kashi said had come from a near and dear friend, who taught him what it meant to be a ninja-- Why would he ever betray Konoha?

Naruto had never met Rin Nohara before. Did that have anything to do with it? Hopefully she wasn't also out there stealing kids and ripping up tailed beast seals.

"That's him, right?" Naruto asked after a beat of silence, still staring.

"What a drag." Shikamaru agreed.

Naruto flipped to the next set of photos. The resemblance was uncanny. This was totally the dude. Believe it.

Chewing at the inside of his cheek, Naruto contemplated. Kurama's chakra was swirling in his stomach. There was a small chance they were wrong, and that maybe the dude had just been a relative of his dad's dead genin. Or maybe theyweren'twrong, and he'd never died to begin with. How had Obito presumably died, anyway?

Despite the scarring, he'd looked about Kashi's age. Angry and all sharp, harsh lines compared to the roundness of his younger face, but still the same person as far as Naruto could tell. He was generally pretty good with faces, and if Shikamaru and Kuramaboththough it was him...

Noses scrunched, both of them turned to look at Naruto's dad, who was starting to look a little concerned. Good, he should be. How were they supposed to do this, anyway? Was there any good way to? They couldn't just come out and say"Hey, we recognize this guy. This is definitely the dude who attacked us."or something! That would be insensitive, wrong, and--

"Hey, we recognize this guy." Shikamaru said blandly. Naruto barely kept his jaw from dropping. Come the hellon. "This is definitely the dude who attacked us."

Minato frowned at them. Confusion marred his face. Naruto shrugged a little, nodding his agreement. Whatever. He guessed they were going about this as insensitively as possible. Wow, what happened to the Naruto whodidn'tcare about other people's feelings? Where the heck was he? Talk about emotional development.

"Believe it. This is definitely him, or at least a close relative to him." Naruto agreed. "He looked just like him. Even Kurama agrees it's him, and he's not happy about it."

Naruto lifted his shirt for emphasis, revealing his seal, which was alight with bright orange outrage. Shikamaru whistled lowly in the face of the glow. Naruto's mom blanched a little, expression dropping into something more stunned. But his dad-- he still just looked lost.

Frowning, he shook his head. Denial was clear on his face as his eyes shifted back down to the photos. Obito was grinning in many of them, wide and boisterous. Not unlike Naruto's own smiles. Naruto could see where he might remind his dad of the Uchiha.

How had that happy genin gone to the hate-filled man from before? The one who'd tried to claw Kurama out of him for... what? What had he planned to do with him once he had him? Was he really the one behind the first attack? Was he going to take control of Kurama, and then--

"It's not possible. Obito died a very long time ago." Minato shook his head. "There was a cave in. His entire right side was crushed beneath a boulder, and we--"

He stopped, breath catching. The man's entire right side had been covered in scars, they'd both reported. Likely from the hard impact of something large. Shikamaru had said so himself.

His dad went pale, and then green, and then suddenly he was on his feet and running for the bathroom. Naruto's mom leapt up to race after him. Naruto and Shikamaru both winced, photo album still held open between them, wondering exactly what this meant.

(Naruto had a feeling he'd be finding out whether he wanted to or not.)



AND THERE WE GO! Thank you all for reading this story! Naruto was one of my very first fandoms, and the one that truly got me into the thick of writing. This is the book that got me back into it and helped me reawaken my love for the anime, the characters, and even writing itself, which felt like it was becoming more of a chore than a delight at times.

The story doesn't end here, though! Book one may be closed now but this isn't the last you'll see of them from me, so stick around if you want to know more!

Commonly asked questions and their answers, just to close off this story before the next ones! For info on the second book, scroll past if you're not interested in these!

-Q:Why is Naruto so smart/why does he talk so well if he's only six years old?

A:It's a fanfiction so you know, grain of salt. And if Kakashi can graduate as a genin at age 5, certified to literally kill and maim, and Itachi can be an actual ANBU captain at age 12... come on, I mean. You know. Ninja, anime, stuff!

-Q:How did Minato not know Naruto was talking about Kurama when referencing him?

A:Naruto refers to Kurama as a gigantic rat in a cage that taught him about love in his dreams and who lets him talk about his day. In what world is Minato going to assume the actual, literal demonic nine tailed fox is the grumpy but kind creature Naruto is talking about, who is his best friend? One who pees a bunch in water but is secretely super cool? Naruto shouldn't even be able to talk to Kurama at that point, shouldn't even know he has the nine tails at all. Also, plot convenience!

-Q:How did Naruto not know Kurama was the nine tails?

A:Well if you look at images from the anime, Kurama's cage is super dark. Often only his upper half/head is depicted as visible in such low lighting. So... his tails were tucked back there. And any time he shoved one through, it was just the one. The other eight were still back there. Also, more plot convenience!

-Q:Who is Ayumu?

A:Ayumu is in fact an OC! A lot of people messaged me wondering where he came from. You will not find him in the anime. He's a made up branch member of the Yamanaka clan specializing in mental health. He actually appears in many of the other stories I have in my drafts.

-Q:Are you going to post any other Naruto stories?

A:I've gotten this question in my DMs so much, because sometimes I mention drafts or share drafts. The answer is yes! I just don't want to overload Wattpad with them, I guess? I mean I just have so many, I don't know how much people would appreciate the spam.

Q:Why does Naruto rag on Sasuke so hard?

A:I think I'm funny 😭. They butt heads constantly in the anime and in this fic, it's honestly not because they hate each other or anything like that. I just wanted to throw a twist on their dynamic. Sasuke gives as good as he gets. Bitter rivals to the end!

A lot of people have expressed concerns that their rivalry in this story is borderline toxic, which I get-- I promise they grow out of it a little in the second book. But y'all... in the anime, Sasukeliterallytried to kill him several times, left him and Sakura both behind, belittled them both, literally did not give a sh*t about them for a fair amount of time, vowed to destroy their home and them with it. And Naruto kept relentlessly pursuing someone who wasn't worth the time despite the fact that, for his own mental health, he really should've just let Sasuke go because he didn't want to come back in the first place anyway. If that's not a toxic relationship idk what is.

Q:What the f*ck is up with Kurama and the peeing thing?

A:So like, you know how in the anime, Kurama's chakra leeches through the water towards Naruto when he's trying to possess him in some scenes? That's what that is. It's chakra, Naruto's six year old brain just made an "obvious connection" and concluded that he wasactuallypeeing and had some sort of bladder dysfunction.

Thank you all again! Check out book two if you enjoyed this one-- it'd be an honor if you did!


Want sneak peeks, talk about upcoming fics, and other... stuff? Join our discord, we do actually have one!

Six Years Too Long - Strawhat_Pirate (2024)


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