Fort Worth Star-Telegram from Fort Worth, Texas (2024)

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52 we Hgh Low Vol PE Yld Price Chg NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE Company MOTOROLA 52 week Vol High Low Company Div PE Yid Price 52 week Vol Hiph Low Company IN PE seld Nee Chg From Page 1 Continued from previous page 1440 1181 1614 13 06 1905 1569 1606 12 88 16 38 1394 14 94 1313 588 375 744 506 725 563 906 771 931 756 15 50 12 63 1344 10 81 14 30 12 25 13 69 11 00 14 92 1300 14 82 12 63 16 56 1304 15 68 1369 14 00 11 06 900 725 12 68 10 38 1525 1381 17 13 1444 1513 1331 wwwstar-telegramcom Wednesday March 14 2001 7C ther behind Finland's Nokia 'This is a step in the right direction" said Kenneth Leon of ABN Ammo in New York "But the market's direction and execution of their product portfolio are probably just as important as a reduction in their head count" Motorola gave no breakdown of the latest announced cuts but said they will affect manufacturing engineering and administrative jobs throughout its worldwide cell- phone operations The bulk are to take place by July Once they take effect 12000 workers in its once high-flying personal communications division will have been idled by the series of cuts In a related move Motorola announced Feb 23 that it was eliminating 4000 jobs from its semiconductor business which sup- plies computer chips for its phones The Schaumburg III-based tech giant employs about 140000 and has cellphone plants or offices in Illinois Florida Mexico Europe Asia and elsewhere "It's a classic case of what's bad for Main Street is good for Wall Street" said Todd Bernier an analyst for Chicago-based Morningstar "I sympathize with 7000 people who are out of jobs but clearly this is something Motorola has had to do for quite some time now In the fourth quarter they earned only a 2 percent profit on their phones which is a tenth of what Nokia made" Staff writer Jim Fuquay contributed to this report VKAdYM 77 54 14 20 09 VKAdPA 90 56 74 16 00 13 VK Bond 136 74 -47 1841 14 VKCAV 89 58113 15 47 03 VXCAO 88 57 -39 15 46 -03 VKFLC) 82 57 -76 14 45 01 VKNIT 56 11 1 -17 504 -01 V101Incil 74 11 0 12 6 75 -06 VK IncoTt 60 87 -37 693 02 VKIGM 49 5 6 -91 875 WSW 53 60 -10 8 80 -15 VKMOT 90 59 -59 15 19 07 VKMOT2 72 57 -58 12 60 VKMMT 82 60 -39 13 72 01 VKValMe 74 56 -69 13 12 04 VKNYO 79 54 -30 14 59 03 VKNYV 84 57 -72 14 66 0II01-60 82 53 17 1536 -19 VKPAO 88 59 -91 14 95 08 VKPAV 78 56 -50 1383 -04 VIISilne 85 106 -45 805 -01 VKSIrS 67 54 -48 12 40 -03 VKTIM 81 55 -51 14 80 -07 VKTCA 92 55 75 16 87 VKTFL 80 55 60 1445 05 VKTIG 88 59 65 1488 -02 VKTNY 96 59 -10 1639 -03 VKTPA 90 58 10 1540 01 Waco dd VananMS 39 -5 6427 -128 VectorGp 1611 39 78 13 20 57 55 Veetten 102 20 46 -40 2230 05 Venator dd 2 1250 29 Ventas 62ty 14 74 17 843 01 Ven1DGC 15 3299 -51 Vecizonem 154 11 3i -10 4918 172 Vestelne 03e 22 4 -76 716 16 VestSe 104 76 20 1360 Vocom dd -5 45 90 59 Viacom13 dd 3 45 61 71 Vadep 36 IS 15 -20 2480 07 1AadCp pl 475 83241 5750 asyasty 11 cf44: IVAmnacgCnn's 60e dd 47J5 1JE IhntgPt 12 7 6 -27 2040 -50 6509 168 67 -63 2515 03 VaEP38 179 73 -30 2451 01 VaRy VI 201 81 2495 Vishay 5 -16 1982 68 Vsteohn 24 16 -47 1500 -50 -13 17 32 13? 14203 44 07 -33 6 -27 2040 -50 67 -63 25 15 03 73 -30 24 51 01 81 24 95 -16 1982 68 16 -47 1500 -50 emtions could cushion any impact Motorola employs about 2500 people in the area including 300 full-time workers and 200 contract workers in a service center that refurbishes and repairs cellphones and pagers "We do not know yet if there will be any impact on Fort Worth" Dahlke said The company said the cuts will affect all operations in its Personal Communications Sector which includes cellphones and pagers However Fort Worth has become Motorola's only North American service center Dahlke said as a result of closings at other facilities Jobs at the Fort Worth service center have increased in the past year she said with only "a handful" of workers affected by a previously announced cutback "We would like to think it would be an insulating factor being the North American service center" she said Dahlke said the cuts are expected within six months Analysts while calling Motomla's actions necessary said the company must still rid itself of an old bugaboo an inability to connect well with consumers on the lower-cost phones they prefer Its failure to do so last year while the cellphone market and economy were still booming started its pmfit woes and caused it to slip fur 6513 34 06 UAL 125 3325 2768 UAL 03 306 3 i 00 27 63 UAL KT 331 177 10 119 60 UBS 259e 1725 769 UCAR Int 2535 1850 UDS Ca pt 209 26 31 18 19 UGI 155 906 338 UICI 5600 3706 US Hold 2 II 35 13 22 63 UPM Ky 221e 2270 1075 URS 2025 638 US Age 12 1338 806 US Rest 132 16 40 663 USRsl pIA 193 7650 27 81 USA Educ 70 5150 42 00 USA Ed plA 349 2498 19 94 USB plA 180 1450 969 USB Hid 32 6 71 363 USEC 55 4556 13 13 USG 60 3270 1388 UST Inc 1841 2488 0131 USX Ca pf 219 3763 2813 USXCa plZ 337 3038 2225 USXMar 92 4000 3231 USX ptA 325 26 88 1269 USXUSS 100 3886 21 81 UltramDS 110 1238 800 Ultrapar 486 1998 1313 UniSicEn 401 3500 2050 1284 1531 600 Lime 1400 744 UnFirst 15 32 00 1406 Unigrph 6481 2525 UnilevNV 1306 3506 2113 Unilever 856 2488 19 50 UfirCalF 1 84 61 00 51 50 UnEl 610 450 5710 3425 UnPac 130 3985 2550 UPIne 200 3531 17 94 UnBnCel 100 3250 913 Unisys 2136 906 Unit 1090 600 UtdAuto 24 31 1056 110ornin 44 1236 938 UDomR 107 2510 1875 231 25 50 1781 IIDom OH 215 2580 2213 U0om08 212 1400 819 Unitind 40 itaigkirAAptHr6tr dd 34 44 3872 -164 102 -7 30 00 -35 110 89 30 02 -18 17 -5415460 AO 69 -43 1290 -03 83131 24 94 -21 12 63 -35 2474 23 10 176 910 15 II 58 48 4984 114 73 -47 3010 -100 9 -38 1990 -20 IS 18 770 -05 dd 119 -22 1113 -01 120 -34 1610 25 22 10 -14 7156 -26 7425714700 -247 75 73 2415 -55 II 25 1264 -16 dd 82 -46 670 01 2 34 -38 1764 54 11 61 41 3036 -16 8 9 -80 2470 10 98 -55 3425 10 32 -I1 28 46 -51 86 -34 37 85 -05 10 63 31 1509 -05 7 29 -3 3803 -32 48 43 990 -19 15 21 -14 19 48 28 52 -56 2407 05 IS -62 745 -10 12 11 -55 1325 10 42 -41 1964 -54 20 23 -26 56 10 -76 27 -35 3107 -47 7 6 31 24 20 22 74777 60 50 -50 15 15 20 0500 -115 13 53 22 3796 93 8 37 -28 2679 94 13 16 1477 18 32 -34 19 77 26 10 -81 1010 15 20276 2204 16 48 86 412120 11 94 -59 24 65 -10 86 -16 2500 25 85130 2500 -03 22 29 -20 1380 32 25 00 14 31 WRIE 125 20 55 -26 2286 4: 2663 1300 WsteMinc dd -14 2560 61 999 575 WaterPS 7 62 801 300 25 Waterlink dd -91 42 -0: 90 94 37 38 Waters 49 4137 50 90 14E 16 38 875 Watsco 10 17 8 52 11 98 02 71 50 3400 WatsnPti 36 111 54 50 25( 24 50 1400 WalsonW 10 -73 1856 -24 1720 956 Waltsind 24 17 16 -60 15 09 14 13 756 Waus-Pi1 34 16 28165 11-97 7t 5805 3175 WeathInt cc 45 5515 -1 33 50 13 38 7 -17 27 68 -X 525 206 Weider 04 54 15115 250 01 4556 35 31 Weinnl 3 161 14 7 7 13 40E2 -22 24 95 19 00 WeviR plA 186 78 -19 24 00 -2E 4800 37 38 WeinA plie 1 75 37 -69 46 75 05 963 97 Weal dd -59 103 02 42 75 3202 WeisMS 108 19 32 -51 3419 -31 24 00 1181 Wellmn 36 22 19 60 1850 74 121 50 57 38 WeilptHS 18 -19 96 40 -1 61 5930 3138 WeasErgo 08 21 19 -1 4945 185 2713 14 81 Wendys 24 14 10 -19 24 21 -66 55 44 3925 Wendy plE 250 49 -97 5150 -32 11 00 631 Wescol 12 -17 839 19 2738 19 63 WestPhdri 72 14 30 -45 2432 05 2456 1481 WstclE 1365 -56 2263 -09 838 493 WcstHosp 12 -78 520 -05 19 18 1005 Westcp AO 6 25 -54 1618 73 219 WOtl dd 3 380 34 69 1463 WstnG19 20 39 6 11 3100 -41 4750 2713 Ws1G ptA 263 60 -92 4400 -100 2588 1469 Wsinfles 120 30 49 -65 2451 -19 2405 1436 WtnAsCol 197 88 -44 2245 -30 2450 14 25 WstRes of 213 90 -8 2355 1670 1256 Westfield 148 89 -38 1659 3910 3063 Westpac 147e 17 44 -82 33 60 -25 2571 2113 Westpac pl 200 78 -15 2565 25 1625 594 WstontStv 060 dd 9 -48 940 10 2430 1488 WestrotRsn 37 4108 22 87 -57 3475 24 06 Westvaco 88 10 35 16 25 01 -54 4038 1375 WstwOnes 68 -57 2222 21 64 75 36 06 VVeyerH 160 15 30 78 5260 -75 6831 31 50 Whripi 136 10 25 33 5465 -190 32000 116 75 WhtliAllos 1130611 3 -6231010 -515 2431 600 Whitehalll 17 -60 700 -05 2600 1394 MO A 16 22 8 -24 1545 40 25 75 14 00 Wity1 8 16 22 8353 1930 -50 5050 2550 Mane 921 15 20 -34 4685 -15 1360 438 WtIlbros dd 49614200 200 1095 519 WlyonHm 2 22 10 00 -13 15 00 688 WarriCS 187e 6 136 41 1310 -35 5798 950 WrnsCom dd -21 1220 -60 4813 3025 Williams 60 36 14 -22 4305 -15 3000 2300 WrnsEgy -67 2900 15 4538 15 50 WrnsSon 26 -8 2632 -68 6338 4056 WilmlY 180 18 30 11 5969 11 30 00 1900 WlisonGrn dd -79 2472 -08 2667 1344 WinDix 102 dd 39 10 2617 -15 1900 1075 Wtnnbg 20 8 12115 1700 -10 894 688 WtnstonH 112i 18 128 36 874 02 2020 1506 Wwistn ptA 231 114 -49 2020 6844 3E60 Wipro 713525d -160 2356 1700 WtscEn 80 20 36 2239 24 799290S9150r0 18 -44 955 -45 1675 1080 WolvTub 24 -73 1365 15 19 56 856 WoIWW 161 34 12 -46 1375 -22 islogLoo WHFuel 20 7 24 13 835 AO 2256 1151 WWF Ent 69 1205 12 1031 181 WIdPages dd 34 420 1375 630Wo 1 7 4 10 4844 2994 Wrgley 76 33 16 69 4740 -11 263 131 Wyndham dd -43 195 05 20 55 -26 2286 42 dd -14 2560 60 62 801 -19 dd -91 42 -01 49 4137 50 90 140 17 8 52 1198 03 36 111 5460260 250 10 -73 1856 -24 17 16 -60 1540 14 16 28185 1127 76 cc 45 5515 -195 7 -17 27 68 -32 54 15115 260 07 14 77 13 4060 -22 78 -19 2460 -28 37 -69 46 75 05 dd -59 103 02 19 32 -51 3419 -31 22 19 60 1860 74 18 -19 96 40 -1 61 21 19 -1 41145 195 14 10 -19 24 21 -66 49 -97 5150 -32 12 -17 839 19 14 30 -45 24 30 05 -56 2203 -09 12 -78 520 -05 6 25 -54 1618 73 dr( 3 380 30 39 6 11 3100 -41 60 -92 4400 -100 30 49 -65 2451 -19 88 -44 2245 -30 90 -8 2355 89 -38 1659 17 44 -62 33 60 -25 78 -15 2565 25 dd 9 -48 940 10 37 -4108 2297 -57 10 35 16 25 01 -54 68 -57 2222 21 15 30 78 5260 -75 10 25 33 5465 -190 3 -6231010 -515 40 -15 -13 1523 1563 1575 2538 7290 2350 26 50 1675 861 3990 6800 839 14 90 76 06 7506 29 81 5900 23 06 18 75 Ft9- 500 2794 2525 2500 2550 6'263 1925 3663 475 8094 6225 3906 4075 2450 2500 2325 4888 12 63 1444 1331 1388 38 50 1024 1575 656 239 1950 3906 4 13 1163 44 56 44 31 1975 4864 474 950 1206 3506 1600 22 56 1963 2063 1375 975 875 1 81 6000 2580 1819 2988 1931 1875 1256 3650 -21 1670 60 90 -13 310 -04 -74 6341 II 7 -30 2039 101 -31 20 40 10 56 -68 3770 29 88 -51 24 25 -10 86 -62 24 70 410 32 -62 1340 -25 19 29 4657 07 VISX Vitto 28e 1Ipdendi Voealone 22e Voltint Vomit 212 17 Vomdo WEI 213 Vomdo pIC 213 Voterntm 43e VulcanM 901 20 PAWNMART 25 50 13 00 LIPkMm 2431 11 69 UtdRenti 5150 2006 UsairG 2800 1538 US Bancrp 1500 625 US Inds 8250 4819 InclIech 49368101Mac 2550 1300 UPIMin 2431 1169 Uld Rena 5150 2006 UsatrG 2800 1538 US Bancrp 1500 625 US Inds 8250 4819 laciTech 14930'4348-8hircrISC 76 -110 20 15 85 -45 -75 -14 02 05 -79 From Page 1 c10 -79 2045 10 12 1943 00 41 3220 751 17 34 -2 2180 :20 24 24 -34 827 90 28 11 21 7925 :8 7 2'97 5a 40 50 2063 UnvCmor cid 74 3780 3920 1350 UnvalCo 128 10 33 64 3868 2100 1425 UnvHR 186 12 88 552102u 11294 3913 Unv4-411 28 13 8011 6275 24 00 UnMS1011 73 -8 3567 1263 606 Unotist 29 -27 925 4013 2644 Unocal 80 13 22 -30 36 39 1613 313 Unova Cid -57 400 30 44 1194 UnumProv 59 5 22 -10 2736 2563 2113 UnumPr25 220 88 -64 2510 829 663 Urs1088 721 16 93 -45 775 980 675 UrsthclA 801 18 93 -20 860 905 769 UstleF 72 82 -66 881 3131 16 13 UhitCo 120 14 40 -7 3024 3381 2063 Ut4e8 pM 244 75 -57 3260 2631 2280 UtICCIAC 222 87 -11 2560 04 443 07 The company has also struggled to keep its stock price above $1 a share Pawn Mart stock fell 125 cents Tuesday to close at 25 cents a share Pawn Mart's common stock will be available for quotation on the OTC Bulletin Board The company also expects that its stock will continue to be listed on the Boston Stock Exchange Pawn Mart has seen steady sales gains at new and existing store locations but hasn't posted a quarterly profit since it went public in March 1998 XY1 Thompson said Most of those stores are only a few yezs old and were not yet profitable For example Thompson said the Fort Worth store on Highway 80 would have needed an additional infusion of $200000 to $300000 to become profitable "The store was going to work" he said "It just needs time" The company expects to incur operational restructuring charges of $3 million that will affect the company's results for fiscal years 2000 and 2001 PawnMart is being delisted from the Nasdaq exchange because it could not maintain $2 million in net tangible assets Thompson said 60 -1 00 -01 -41 -20 2465 1919 WEC plA 171 69 -352467u 08 3150 2308 WGL Hold 126t 15 46 -I 2710 869 69 WHX Cp dd -69 159 3000 306 WHO pt 325 580 -80 560 20 2600 300 WHX ptI3 375 694 9 540 -10 1950 1450 WMC Ltd 91e 55 -29 1660 -35 2388 738 WMS 15 -16 1858 56 2073 1625 WP Carey 169 Id 87 -29 19 50 -35 2963 2150 WP Steve 30p -36 2450 39 00 23 06 WPS Res 206 14 59 -13 34 65 43 2600 1981 WPSR plA 175 70 -81 2500 15 1800 725 Wabash 16 7 16 -47 1010 26 14 50 781 Wablec 04 22 3 -55 1300 55 7525 4744 Wachovia 240 15 39 -5 61 60 137 1675 11 44 WackhA 14 -4 1579 -06 1125 663 Wackhe 67 -74 1067 -13 1025 588 WackCor 12 -57 960 05 40 50 2088 Waddein 35 23 1 2 -9 30 17 07 3838 18 63 WaddelIRB 35 12 -81 29 85 15 6494 4144 WA 281 36 8 4 4880 49 45 75 2331 Watgm 14 60 3 44 4289 -132 2005 656 Wa4CS 56 35 37 37 1778 13 1250 581 WalterInd 161 dd 17 -55 915 15 1256 125 Warnaco 36 dd 90 -32 400 05 12 30 107 WashGrp 3 6 223 Pg44131---Wert 1241 14 2t 507017'A 8300 3825 WMut PIES 400 52 -86 7635 -85 651 50 46725 WshPat 5601 42 9 -4160050 196 ed dividends on its 8 percent-convertible stock during the restructuring Thompson said the company will use proceeds from the store sales to pay down debt Pawn Mart is selling two stores in Fort Worth and one in Weatherford to independent dealers the company will keep one Metroplex store in Burleson Other stores to be closed or sold are in Georgia Alabama North Carolina and South Carolina 39 23 65 15 89 25 41 06 30 00 16 56 6113 55 50 2975 375 5044 37 44 41 44 28 25 25 94 1000 1812 794 33 30 1668 24 44 17 81 5100 2338 5750 1313 944 519 3070 2000 538 388 1075 906 734 625 XL Cap 1 LW XcelEngy 150 XcetE p113 408 Xerox 20 GRA VI Sac 88 YankCcil Vanzhou 58e Yorkin 60 VorkCap 202 Zale Zapata Zemex ZenNti Zentx 65 1156 Zweig11 72 17 24 -67 77 25 18 53 85 2807 6 8132960 00 dd 35 -16 5K 9 2 48 45 14 30 -75 2915 18 54 1417 36 -59 15 90 12 19 62 3100 87 -46 23 20 11 46 3110 -97 1750 cc -85 615 dd 37 -67 2685 133 90 490 114 69 1008 9 102 37 705 3693 2181 24 75 14 75 3925 20 50 2988 1975 3997 2494 3215 22 75 1369 10 00 3363 20 13 4025 1975 1613 425 16 26 -28 35 28 44 187 2070 12 -28 31 25 70 -58 2440 7 9 445 3750 62 -95 3125 36 24 -26 1010 16 38 -54 2753 17 17 -12 3191 44 -53 795 VP Cp 92 VatiFisrt Valassis VDn 170e Valero 32 Valero pill 194 Valhi 24 VlyBcp 104b Vaispar 54 ValueCly 25 -25 60 -74 -45 10 26 -82 01 -33 -20 -10 50 -05 -06 05 Lila La Hood (817) 390-7725 Ilahoodstartelegrancom 52 week Vol High Low Company PE Chg Price Chg 52 week Vol High Low Company PE Chg Price Chg 52 week Vol Hrgh Low Company PE Chg Price Chg 52 ytook Vol Hight Low Company PE Chg Pito Chg NASDAG 00 919 PrchPrdS dd -6 1075 75 625 25 PuroV10 dd -46 109 -06 1500 744 PurMils -50 1000 50 The Star-Telegram lists more than 1000 of the Nasdaq stocks that were the most actively' traded yesterday The It includes companies that are based in the Fort Worth area or have significant local operations those stocks are in boldface type Vol Change shows the percentage of shares traded above or below the average volume in the previous 65 sessions 8194 2175 OIT -60 2144d -38 174 382713 C939c 41 -21 3069 4325 162564725 Qualcom cc 20 5281 4456 456 169 ClualDin dd -30 275 9425 1813 QuestStts dd 19554 -27 52 week Vol kbgh Low Company PE Chg Rice Chg 52 week Vol High Low Company PE Chg Pace Chg A 52 week Vol High Low Company PE Chg Price Chg 1340018 00 DigLght 19 52 1894d 38 3969 2141 DNEX 24 12 3400 -25 12425883 9950 11alwerw01133 1113d -144 0388 llowmnie 73 -6 1644 1 4825 1810 Diktrees 24 -52 2638 -69 11475813 DbieCick 9 -37 1100 13 2569 963 Drexir 19 -66 1225 38 638 13 DrogE dd -37 16 8881 3900 DuPon1P 29 174 6313 -544 1050 300 DynexpiA -65 1075u 25 127502675813avincs cc 4 3444 288 2100 681 EXETchn -55 731 9250 1675 EXFOgn 72 15 2238 69 2400 475 ErthLink dd 77 1075 109 447 194 Eaterie 11 -21 325 8125 2050 Echo8tars dd 2 2788 138 1109044EclIPSYS Id 84 1594 113 3875 1825 EdvS66 dcl 188 2275 175 18681775 EffNlwr dd -57 2314 02 1825 1230017 50 Elentecs 22 -36 2456 306 1800 1100 ElbilSysn dd -57 1419 -31 Z59 59 44 -61 813 57 94 2450 ElecArts cc 5275 231 5031 1100 EFII 27 -30 2594 191 4963 1800 Mith Str 13 -21 2963 -69 7863 2625 Moe Is 34 194 2825d 131 Mao Wre 1894 5050 1938 Mocrochps 21 -16 2506 25 788 13 Microgialx dd -92 81 -06 108 383100 Mcierp 5275 1713 MorSem 30 -18 2400 113 1151694025 Micros It 32 5419 225 31913563 Muria dd 15 597 23 8981 2375 Mi Where dd 16 2669 150 7250 1981 Macm In dd 319 2263 -38 9256 3056 Meds 77 -55 3238 44 2994 1900 Modine 18 -50 2520 -00 6288 3419 Molex 30 60 3706 06 4500 2463 Mo lexA 23 39 2800 -06 5469 2944 Mondavi 19 -82 4988 38 3950 313 Motent dd 34 306d -09 136001750 ynads dd 41 4289 520 5531159 NBC Int dd 39 -14 1494 738 NPC Intl 10 -2 988 -22 609 NarnibMin 8 31 08 6388 1063 Nanomtr 19 -49 1600 25 1663 694 NastiF 11 -64 1550 13 2788 1519 NCmcBc 45 -26 2538 125 0 91j38 ISAStnst 41 58 4256 347 2563 1714 NalPenn 14 -42 2156 06 118006600 NiWnli 12 -7510050 50 7863 572 NalMicts 150 -45 856 09 463 519 Bookhamn -20 568 38 956 138 Book MO 7 -67 188 -03 1150 403 Bodand 25 3 738 -03 8150-50-15186818a-00---46 53 03 5313 850 Brzeomn 21 Tao 691d -166 6644 544 BroadVis8 0d -40 6 6338 175 BrdbaStt dd 64 206 02 274253300 Nem dd 3 594111169 lap 9JALIMLarsclt236 48 I 50 866 15 Taamn 8 -60 225 1700 800 Take Two 13 79 1206 38 994 593 Tandy0 5 -04 683 06 54 31 2475 TanoxIncn dd 144 2525d -88 799 1938 Technes 37 -9 2625 -100 4700 400 Tecnmet dd 7 550 5313 1750 Tekelec 76 -25 1813 -31 10000113 Tehoent dd 141 19 7694 3763 Teeate 22 -17 4300 63 2394 325 Telular dd -39 963 16 12913352 Teravons dd -74 466 28 11200906 TerraNtvia 66 1186 63 3756 1594 TetraTc 25 66 2450 113 7875 3194 Teva 57 -38 5900 125 3773 1983 Texnegl 17 109 3750 44 850 05 theolobe dd -50 31 4038 1000 ThrmWv dd 464 1038 -08 2117 822 3Coms 4 -3 6344 -03 1913 700 3TEC 19 -55 1794 1450 09 5D1xInt dd -14 25 03 475 360netgn 243 541 Al 14100775 Tibco Softwaredd 201 881 88 9238 4100 TWIele cc 27 6106 -56 6100 4738 Tolucf -15 5063 106 168981638 Tollgrdes 8 6 1744d 38 1197 TOO Topes 4 30 919 09 350 113 TollEnt 34 -56 275 41 4350 894 TowerS dd 52 10 69 25 950 63 TracaData 34 83 103 -16 2200 650 TracSup 8 50 1431 19 3531 869 ImSyA cc -40 000d 28 50 88 1519 Trnsmeta -28 15250 7488 16 75 ImSwIc 36 -14 1069 119 4500 875 TM -03 1513 88 1363 211 Trav131 dd -97 375 -06 3781 1338 InadH cc 26 2758 -119 1938 603 TrocoMr dd 120 1675 -31 6325 1625 Tnrnhle 36 -42 1944 119 0963 1469 InOvint 20 -8 1700 231 2263 1525 Tfustma 15 24 2175 86 13600269 TurnbhvdC dd -71 403 70 869 113 TurboChel dd -84 131 -06 925 94 TwinLabCorpdd -88 200 25 it 3 26 53 B55605 2 I I 7785 1854 1DECs cc 33 48 00 219 3200 20 13 Meath 26 -39 2225 1919 238 11419106M 342 606 25 4213 438 ITC dd 97 728 09 4039 69 IXLEntemnsesdd 44 106 -19 4525 1463 ilexOnco dd -10 1475d 05 2944 250 ImaxG0 5 -64 344 19 6913 2581 Imciones dd 42 3025 300 7038 2419 Imundits 88 19 2463d -06 4550 663 Imundan dd -17 1475 75 2950 856 Imunmd dd 18 9509 16 106001400 Incytes dd -23 1413d -31 253 75 Indust-11d dd -91 197 22 6525 594 InelTech 7 144 5805 -06 12025313 IntoSpcs cid -52 341 -09 925 122 Intocures dd 90 163 -06 6025 1313 1nFocus 15 -28 181' 119 5841 1319 Infomials dd 70 1875 169 2125 263 Intonnx dd -26 581 -22 24150638 Inklomi -10 86001 17 1644 544 Innovex dd -37 644 13 4958 1300 Insights 15 -22 2025 38 400 13 Inspire dd -97 100 2463 881 Insatd 11 -58 1399 19 1831 669 ItgLISci dd -39 1194 13 104502551 Int1W5D-98226 4181 719 ISSI 11 -7 1250 06 afil 2706 InIets 23 2938 163 2250 225 InteliElta 6 -60 413 63 3600 519 IniactUnn cid -26 750 1888 1200 IniFnSv 12 -75 1625 56 3788450 InterDig dd -54 794 -06 1109 306 Inidace 21 -32 713 06 7188363 Intmcien dd -46 1463 -M 5588 1100 Intrk4unen dd 297 2100 10100147 intrNAP cki 54 153d 03 2925 444 Intfilicni 17 -54 497 22 13913266 11m1Cap dd -40 300 06 4625 31 IntielPict dd 52 41 03 111-003588 InmiSec cc 115 44 38 706 6613 500 intiacm dd 319 575 -25 581 116 Intemeur 93 -62 280 -33 1100 613 Intem6ase 11 -27 728 53 8525 1519 Inlers1 dd 46 1656 50 88 50 283 IntenrsIT dd -41 328 L163 8668 34 InterWorld cid 172 3111 -06 6847 1006 IntIVAM dd 21 1131 25 6400 1575 Intne1Sol dd 3 19 38 50 30 25 288 Inrsncm 3 4 375 -25 69 31 2575 Intuit 31 t6 4361 4364 9600 2100 InvFnSvs 63 -8 6800 100 8744 3600 Invitrogn dd 6525 144 2419 775 Is dd 19 975 38 3900 1120 buan cc 109 1444 319 4575 945 JDEdwr dd 67 1006 50 140502219 JOS Linen cid 2444 1g 12600975 JNICon) 23 -51 1206 206 2500 700 lidsPac 7 3 1000 -31 831 550 Jarneso63nns39 -52 738 13 806 19 JIIWZInC -25 25 -06 1734 250 skna dd -58 388 38 244634875 Jfinftilw cc 79 58 63 894 8125 2000 Emma Id 99 2494 131 6613 288 etOwint dd -55 503 69 11275 1775 Emulexs 51 2 2588 400 763 25 Emusic dd 49 2 5d 913 522 EncereW 17 14 900 25 72 25 63 Engages dd -46 100 03 3894 1063 ENnSgo 19 150 3597 291 7400 1481 EnSeMd dd -19 1738 -31 13888763 Entrust dd -51 1L50tc15 8413 2275 Enzon dd 28 4769 -125 975 66 Eolcot'S11 dd -50 163 19 2020010191pknys dd 8 1475 281 1675 20100Lety) 58 225d -13 2600 606 End-lets 24 659d 31 8988 1325 eSpeed dd 85 2025 50 2113 400 Es06000011181431 25 2650 578 Evercels dd -65 668 -72 1263 175 Exabyte dd -76 253 03 6419 1681 E501 26 -3 1991 228 52813 1675 Excrich 15 -53 1900 13 9588 1100 ExcdusCs dd -25 1206d 100 6075 3388 ExpdInt 33 2 49 75 125 1330 525 Exponent 11 -68 1163 13 9813 6450 ExvS AETr 1014 7350 -394 107003194 ExpScngt 30 143 7338 -369 126811013 ExtodSys Od 193 1969 -06 126881625 ExtNetws cc -16 2018d 328 1956 863 Naunca 13 1725 -100 111501963 Ned() dd -14 25130 444 5644 209 Nolo Nan dd -57 250 13 8088 1408 Netegntys cc -9 3563 300 1013 63 Nelmnd dd -76 113 06 152751952 NetwkAps 84 -15 2281 263 3719 325 NetwkAsc Od -76 763 28 21 13 18 NtwicCm dd 153 19d 761 09 NwkCrnp dd -76 22 165131338 NewFocn dd -9 1469 94 192062238 1 2031 456 NextCrd dd -11 844 -31 8288 1919 NextelCs dd 13 2044 75 506 125 NiagCpn 5 225 8125459rNikuCo dd 24 625 38 3175 613 Nort AmeficanSadd -63 655 06 9213 5100 NorIrst 30 32 6331 63 3350 850 NortheidLabadd -58 1081 31 3919 11381 Nwstikiri 7 -27 2069 -106 3456 478 Novell TI 553 -28 7144 2200 Novlus 19 70 4538 244 0150 2088 NovoVe dd 185 3181 156 182001425 NuanceCn 16 -62 1681 194 375 106 Nutractl 6 -99 250 -13 8800 2719 Nvides 43 63 5400 575 3938 3081 LIMB Fn 12 1299 3769 31 t) 1163 416 ABCA dd 5 538 -06 963 450 ACMoore 10 -71 906 14 4900 938 10 -17 1050 84 2125 1700 AFC Entn -83 1938 88 919-63AMI Com dd -64 113 13 4925 1931 ASM Ohs 49 14 2438 188 57 10 2161 292 625 75 dd -22 78 -09 9488 2225 Abgentx dd 36 2325 81 dd 21 63 06 1825 875 AoeCeh 17 -89 1319 -06 1169 763 Aceto 9 -96 900 28 6600 481 AckaBion 98 5088 09 2525 538 Admen lid -9 2431 81 18-001150 1411ack141124141111 3738 769 Actuate cc 33 947 127 4575 1975 Acoom 25 -5 2294 31 4828809 Adaptec 7 -7 1050 19 K06 115A880118 dd -54 213 13 5225 2219 Ar668n dd -31 3906 106 5819 875 AdeolTech dd 613 1300 81 8731 2463 Ad906y9244127XJJS 7950 1656 Mean 15 5 2513 -25 5163 950 AdvncPCS 53 79 4713 -31 5025 1069 Adv13118111 2a38 1500 AdvEnkl 12 -36 2606 163 8675 1275 AdvFCm 19 -46 1731 25 851 163 AdvPolv 3 -3 188 -13 1231 297 Ad118s dd -34 359 09 36191-13 322001975 AethrSys dd -30 1975d -19 130883725 Attymels dd 91 30139 -133 9800 1344 AgtteS11 dd 4 17 19 200 1275 450 AHCan -16 469 19 538 288 AirMeth 7 -96 350 302501019 AlcarnatIn cid 1144 LOD 1269 244 Akom 23 18 256 06 5450 36 50 Akio -29 4706 -113 3200 1413 Ne Nat Bnk13 -47 2900 123 3700 1125 AlcsdeCp 56 55 2456 -25 118632006 Nemo dd -16 2031d -44 7038 2163 Alkerm dd 11 2338 50 9263 431 Make dd -85 747 34 102001281 AllegAn ad -55 2163 156 1800 200 AkoPh dd 77 391 144 2525 1550 AbedCapt0Corp13 -29 2439 444 7200 1318 AlkharVs 18 -55 15411 155 700 72 AttakInt -52 300 13 6Z1318001190ritCO392222-L-41t2-1L 475 22 NtrieSCK- -89 -78 '08 7525 959 Amazon dd -67 WOO 38 4004 775 AEagleOs 22 47 2475 -75 2244 1081 AmrEncl 18 268 2150 38 77 00 4900 AMU 13 -14 6788 -2 13 11 1 1 56 125 2La 256Arnenuath 38 -45 1788 08 2517 650 AmOrde dd -50 869 16 3025 116 ArnesoS 19 -58 366 -03 8044 5000 Amgen 82 25 6506 306 6531 1175 Amkon" 17 23 1781 231 1125 875 ArnresCl 10 -63 1025 -25 5000 2988 Wow 31 -80 3894 19 no 1381 Anarens 24 -44 1550 113 4238 1413 Aockew 16 -48 1544 81 9588 3750 AndrxGen 63 5050 164 5700 688 Antec 8 -50 806 4000 13 17 ApolloG 71 65 3381 -344 588 163 USADet 24 2594 1619 USA Ntw dd 800 488 USA Trk cc 1775 44 USData dd 9350 1231 ITTS9cm 58 4300 1750 Ult Da IS 1275 281 Utak dd 1425 500 LINrakte dd 20 463 35 2113 -82 563 -67 66 -28 1519 -39 24 38 436 303 -58 666 88 03 -ea -03 3938 1100 U11351r id -46 3000 1 56 I50 -121-14111W14970 863 94 tingled Hento94 -53 138 -06 7513 866 UldPnEu -34 1000 3825 2103 Ustatn 9 -44 2444 69 108881131 thdG131 -54 1675 25 4194 2719 Untrin 28 -13 3731 13 1650 994 UnivFor 10 -49 1456 31 800 325 1613Pa 31 144 400 6300 188 USInInw dd -48 1813d -03 1050 600 UtahMed 10 -60 926 -13 2431 4 31 02wrelcs dd 1090 225d -231 1420022 25 ON1Sys 6:1 18 26 50 -13 8636 838 091P6rM dd -32 36 00 319 3150 450 0Jech cc -43 5 94 25 2513 1038 0115Log 23 7 2475 13 4188 700 Orm5ft 56 775 56 5750 94 OcenMld Dd -15 166 -08 4988 1625 OpenTct 139 21 81 75 24575775 OpenTV dd -19 13 25 44 196 0023 88 OpenvNSysdd -30 31 46 114 4081 4 69 091n1cc 11 531d 56 2300 900 OptcICm 28 2 9064 03 806 450 001nCr 14 1894 800u 100 dd 36 22 -03 46392913C310Cle 38 1694 169 7333 3938 Orbolch 15 16 32 94 219 4939213Q5nkT 16 4613 413 2900 325 Osleatch 19 -44 631 31 4275 1360 Nord 1118 P114 -37 2731 -69 11500300 V41-04 01 -24 341 41 3400 550 ValTech dd 21 647d 88 KDk5C clU 2425 1638 KPMGCnsn -81 17 31 81 1875 1444 (iron 7 -98 1550 1950 877 Kaman 10 -70 1644 406 dd -47 216 16 2925 2025 Kly5A 11 -72 2719 81 569 206 KevIm cid -61 2 50 13 R06 1325 KNLItIrd 8 -49 1875 81 2525 1500 KrogniT 63 2298 -77 72 11985029SwKnit3J9 -513 41311clfes 10 -17 1331 88 475 03 Kusnlic 86 -88 13 03 2450 838 C13111Gp 16 -62 1994 -06 16638 CCA dd -92 88 350 34 CD Wrhs dd -90 50 09 6613 2225 COWCots 20 -25 3569 231 13700363 CMG! dd -62 391 06 6500 825 CNEI dd 52 900 72 7450 2481 CSGSys 27 19 4250 -63 3100 2050 CIAO 25 18 2700 69 9313 2650 CV Thera dd 22 2788d 81 100132206LCat00v1cn 28 381 4608 -1313 161 30463 CerkELIZ453Wa 115BICargerry6-61 136 13 1650136 Cpalth dd 894 347 38 1775 513 Candela 10 -71 747 09 6813 4400 CapSW -10 68 00 38 9650 1775 CostnIrbn 22 2344 63 1938 763 Cemustr 28 -68 875 -38 41502A0cangker 29 -79 1606g 10566Qannto dd -75 131 06 400 19 CstleDnt dd 31 8525 1150 Celeritk 24 -45 1275 08 7600 1875 Celgenes dd -37 2188 25 4000 325 Cellth dd -56 547 26 7725 1050 CellThera dd 114 1675 56 963 106 Cellstar dd -50 116 -03 1561 69 Centragt dd 35 113 -03 1856 1188 CrayBcMA 10 1744 8363 32 50 Cephin dd 40 4875 -150 1225 575 Ceradyne 13 -75 794 -19 6468 1975 Cemer 13 15 3906 -263 3219 800 Chadciss 33 209 2744 144 713 463 ChrrnSh 12 157 597 -16 2419 1000 ChartCm -47 2206 -63 1185838 711 9450 2850 Chkfree dd 47 4461 156 4844 1975 Cheesecks41 81 3744 -81 4350 1225 Chicos 23 -44 3631 70 6175 256 chndtcm 58 341 47 5944 3306 Chiron cc 3 4363 163 3400 658 ChrisBolis 24 79 3125 -25 3613 2100 05urchiliDowns16 -76 2863 56 151003903 CenaCos cc 565763431 5450 2563 Cintas 29 -3 3506 -56 4767 1225 Cirrus 7 -43 2056 88 62001600 Ciscos 49 300 21 36 256 4500 800 Citadele dd 12 2469 -19 1388 1356 Citafs113n -68 13506 -08 108501425 C6s(Sy 34 15 1913 -56 17875775 Claren1 dd -17 803 09 20152630Wim dd 190 247d -41 208 100 Cs1DMI dd -99 122 5309 3205 CocaBIt 56 -30 39 63 38 4800 1600 Cognosgs 25 -18 1756 31 9350 2500 Coheml 12 68 3188 144 4581 2794 Cortices! 20 -45 41 94 -69 4031 2788 Coax) 20 20 4256 -69 4363 2512 CmcBMO 15 59 3806 -13 1341310 00 CornOnes dd 1174 93 969 331 Crrvelnd 25 -84 525 2519 1550 CompsBc 11 -60 2144 17 769 91 Cmpcm 26 -81 238 4000 1108 COMM 33 -35 1438 75 2850 563 Compthyre 33 -19 978 -08 124754300 Comvems 54 113 7000 238 34106361Ckcem0s 8 -41 700 38 4994 1594 ConcEFS 55 4 4613 113 2175 388 ConcCm dd -15 441 -13 9350 1156 2819 5200 Corned 17 -35 2138 788 325 Cner1Cn dd -64 656 -03 2238 1200 Coped 32 -26 2006 08 12600285 CopMrito cc -48 303 09 6725 2150 CorThers dd -11 2542 246 4836 775 ConnthCs 43 68 4063 -175 0091200CosixaCc dd 56 1281d 09 4725 2200 CorpEccs 69 131 3019 94 2710136 de in 800 63 111175641 ColvisCOn dd -21 769 69 7100 516 CoSaten dd -32 581 25 60 50 25 94 Costa 28 -40 3608 13 63 50 125 Covademsdd -57 156 06 875 400 Oficnde 11 -96 738 894 113 Craylne dd -22 206 06 roe 1475 CredSyss 12 -71 2475 144 96 63 1531 Creeincs 37 47 I6268 54 5125 15 63 CreoPrd dd 802 1906 -56 10875206 CMPath dd -83 238 -13 5113 1666 Cul851Ph cid 77 2436 305 7650 1838 CureGens -37 2113 63 5936 1613 Cvmer 11 11 21681161 137 2348 983 Cylve 1 218 1881 13 7 I I 1 8 983 Cylycs 1 218 1881 13 4186 444 Qck Logic 13 375 597 06 1025 375 Quaid dd 31 400d -19 4 09 66 Quclev lid 19 106 09 2288 1200 Quintiles 5 20 1638 144 1375 09 Quokka dd -21 16 03 7000 3138 RCNCp dd -21 678 09 8475 1075 RFMDs 48 -49 1238 75 16 25 250 REMono Id -87 2 50d -06 89 013 35 25 RSASec 13 69 4400 289 3200 550 RclioOnes dd 96 1694 -03 2800 556 ROneOn 519 1500 -31 925 463 Hallam 2-7 -75 875 2706 55941Tc 11 -80 594 56 127060309 00 Rambuss dd 33 36 38 113 3200 1100 Rarelisps 25 56 2944 106 7063 2401 Ra 744 338 Rawlings dd -82 484 -03 3850 94 Rz465 dal 17 949 -06 1238 184 ReadR1 dd -65 756 06 9300 519 RealNwa dd -30 647 22 7956 500 Recalal dd -60 609 28 L98501706 Redback 5 93 -22 18704 106 28 50 1425 Fiedoccan0 903 -92 2638 13 4200 1513ii59505399143 3206 18 88 RemoosFn 13 2 3038 56 725 31 RelmWre dd -93 88 -00 3913 744 Remecs 39 -43 947 97 5681 14 75 Remedy 22 43 2263 -38 4638 1363 RentACIr 69 4400 -47 1313 263 Rein dd 110 238d -63 15121322258E1A01 -21 4163 445 663 50 Fip Ord 3988 63 RythNetn dd -19 69 -01 1688 950 910961 21 -12 1581 31 1513 763 RNrstnNn -68 76911 -19 2844 1600 RoadwyEa 7 24 2225 -08 2114241 RabotVs dd -53 278 28 075 313 1lA4C111131 7 317 625 19 5888 3350 Rymer -51 475 -169 5786 2786 SBACom dd 335 25756 -131 3809 963 S8STec6s 21 50 1556 63 62 84 1586 SEllny 41 63 3594 56 35 88 18 38 Salem 26 -26 24 25 -69 4838 75 SanchezC Id -37 875 13 147061956 SanDsk 5 -55 21 56 94 60 50 2186 Savannas 50 5 29 19 69 7453 881 Sament 31 -58 1094 50 2400 75 SvisCm 61 94 06 8844 1513 Sawask 9 -64 1075 75 739 206 Schltzkn dd 62 391 -09 4900 2175 Scholastc 20 63 4103 44 1438 763 Schulmn 14 -24 1194 08 12250181 ScientGo -47 253 25 2463 338 Smos dd -10 1788 -25 7200 125 SClOS1 dd -69 191 34 1825 656 Scams 5 54 869 3125 2400 SeacBk 12 -67 2950 13 3488 700 See8yridn 61 975 06 24 50 800 Semilools 10 -37 1000 19 9006 1500 Semtec6s 32 -11 2567 180 1400094 13 Segracoc dd 111 40734 540 5831 1000 SerensSts 20 -2 1219 181 7000 3188 ShirePh 25 4956 131 1025 75 ShopHm dd -41 197 2150667 Shuthists 26 -29 2086 38 1196825135gtelara52542994 A428 4613 2052 SsgmAl 12 95 4475 -06 5263 263 Slicnkngs dd 104 2634 -11 3888 869 SSTs 8 -34 947 16 6500 1675 511811y99 8 -4 2738 63 3819 1975 Silscrnil 19 -10 3088 250 1338 56 Savecstat dd 1651 69 50 75 600 SSpexCp 50 -8 000d -22 63 50 20 50 SsnusS 2106 -75 3036 JL119518L919 18 74 1775 -125 5725 2575 SmrtForce dd 76 3150 -44 1881 913 SmurtStne 13 65 1325 -31 3868 550 SoltSpc rid -89 1275 1378 01 SohoC11111 dd 214 91 06 27 00 1600 SonicCp 20 22 2475 -31 2408 350 Sonocblue 2 -34 518 A 8903 850 SncW99 90 -19 1263 75 9367 1067 SonusNetSdd 159 2600 44 06 145259 06 Sorrento dd 18 8656 -38 975 675 Slhsdeept -22 900 4663 20 88 SoutheuslCorp16 -29 4463 56 4 1 I tt 1 997 553 SovBcp dd -71 844 09 3038 1086a1ec544 cid 493 8780 -247 944 125 Spc1S9 -68 169 108 5010 365188S0Wk ndd -38 11 75d 138 9025 639 SteMicn 93 t114 719 -1 81 2311102591621 1300 194 SlarbaSe dd 13 2-94 22 5131 2906 StarbCIES 80 45 44 75 -16 1800 713 StatautF 14 -47 16 44 22 1588 588 StesnMrt 13 16 1175 31 538 175 StewEnt 6 -13 394 13 2544 1463 SlollNelsn 48 -94 1663 -63 154 25900 StorNetyrn dd -47 1038 117 341 31 Straps! 1 -66 75 56 13 788 StriLght -42 913 1806 800 Saud) dd 196 1425 775 506 Subldos 13 26 550 03 2250 1400 Surntill 13 -07 1883 -19 94061650 S4flR1g121311513 205 1144 469 Sunglss 21 -2 1144 06 2138 100 SupCons1 cid -95 331 1275 669 SupEnrgy 40 31 11 88 -13 2881 1656 Sybase 24 -55 1700d 19 172561263 Sycamre cc -3 13064 -56 331388E0 5 135 51 50 222610635yMolm 3 81321381339 8325 2738 Symric 15 -43 4556 186 1988 588 Symelncs 30 10 1263 -19 13 50 406 SynapPlim dd 18 438 6213 2269 Synopsy 60 37 5263 -238 3450 753 THO 40 33 038 75 13 50 113 TLC Laser dd 31 788 -31 91 25 33 00 IMP VW 72 128 3805 -150 I 5000 1100 VaMs dd -7 1131 31 2313 1194 Vans 22 -4 2088 88 7275 1694 VananS 8 -31 3025 125 3688 1163 Vex Gen dd 355 1844 '431 41n 44 -1 263 1763 944 Venav 23 4477 1638 69 1802559 VentroCe Od -54 97 243003675 Verisogn dd 28 3713d 19 173255213 ries dd 21 5913 519 7000 1313 Ventv 19 -33 2231 113 104231886 Vet 6tPhs dd 28 3575 375 13300212 Vile Nets di -53 227d -01 4694 1031 Ve Sets 23 96 1000d -94 4463 269 Vent 9 -22 281 7000 116 Vetel dd -6 106d -13 5663 1750 View 28 -48 2194 113 9638 513 Vignettes (kJ -64 653 13 2698 422 VionPhn idd 193 4064 -28 9500 681 VgataCos dd -55 1269 200 110503475 Mee5e cc 1 4456 431 9688319 Vilna dd -81 456 06 1125 159 Vans 20 -1 466 19 175007763 VeSstre dd -2 9413 544 2781 1369 Vo1vo -75 1831 -81 1581 13 Vsourcen lid 314 25 -06 1100 72 Vtel dd -61 116 06 4463 538 Vyyolncn 88 114 581d 06 24 75 147 P-Corn dd -46 219 31 B363 763 PC-Tel 25 15 7501 -19 251883125 PNICSra 86 -7 3536 375 8925 1325 P13114pksid2219ilyz 5575 63 PS11491 dd 33 75 -25 19 38 10 00 PacCrst 9 438 250 PacDunl 39 00 11 63 PacSun 21 7231981 Pacrte 18 50 -84 2 72 -03 -11 25 31 -100 -58 27 00 -75 194 5225 956 ITX 9 82 16 50 56 1000 263 LakollPh dd -45 522 -03 5681 1300 Lamnsch 12 24 25 61 148 0115151UAmWIldv 14046 1350 856 Lance 15 119 1106 44 888 113 Lar1trs 24 11 400 -50 4169 15 00 La1LCes 13 -5 1975 155 110502375 LeapWr dd 23 2656 31 M88 2763 LmTree 15 701 24864 -519 4788 650 1e9a10 dd -59 1194 113 1290019 06 Leeel3 dd 62 18944 -69 1038 338 Itecore dd -80 469 13 994 125 Uexce6 dd -74 2 00 -03 5888a02511951P 00 2750 713 Lghtbrdn 14 82 1013 -44 7475 3813 Linearta41158162LigrE 656 575 Loodeldn -78 600 -06 1313 388 tamtnentn dd 441 -09 8413 1325 Lumtnan 49 2 2719 63 3756 2044 App bee 14 -40 3200 10 1525 56 AplOgn dd -56 153 03 11538 3413 AptdMatis 18 31 4788 156 2313 191 dd 48 300 -47 3500 575 Ar01118 55 45 1369 -31 1469 47 ArchWrIss dd -47 75 2025 644 Atem85119 16 336 1700 339 24200 1025 A006 dd 4 1300 169 2363 1425 AtowFn 13 12 2339 31 450 147 ArrowM 7 -75 206 12688 1588 Arfrech 94 -30 1861 163 5763 1225 ArthroCs 27 27 1369 -31 1169 388 AsaGibln dd -44 613 6075 706 AspectCm dd -20 906 -19 5436 163013P80Tc cc 29 1977 163 5723 2175 AstonaF 12 -36 5456 156 50 00 388 AtHome dd -47 513 13 241 888 Atr814 61 114 2013 31 4288 2425 Pfin 17 -43 3475 175 2400 781 FSIIntl 16 30 838 19 7331 3569 Fasten! 29 166 6098 86 1925 28 lastnel dd -59 103 03 6131 30 00 Fahlards 29 -14 53 88 194 4203 1500 FileNet 15 3 1600 56 6175 1063 Rows dd -75 1181 75 800 188 Web 15 443 484 18 338 113 Fstaly dd -98 138 08 3394 2394 FTEnSk 12 -54 33 00 156 2925 2100 FMod8c 15 43 2681 31 10885M1312yeTeohcid -76 125 -la 6413 3163 FISEIN 34 20 4656 94 3269 613 FlagTh dd -6 875 31 1413 1050 Hesse 10 -62 1269 -06 4491 2118Ek05ns dd -17 2725115 1313 925 FlowInt 26 -55 10 50 38 3100 488 Radirqn 1571 581 31 1881 1250 Reran 12 -96 1800 08 10 38 416 Foarnee 8 -92 538 31 4825 2003 Forwrda 30 139 3188 -13 2875 1050 Forel 11 -41 1844 -44 41692AEg4 eler 9 -94 325 -25 20863975 Foundry 16 -37 1119d 1 aa 841 81 Fourth Shdt dd -34 350 -03 215501305 FreeMkt dd 40 1688 t250 406 88 Freshem 9 -87 138 1606 475 Fritz 31 -27 1119 2617 667 FrgirAir 6 7 11-38 -89 360 J23EozenFcortdd -79 ZOO -03 108751575 Fue1Cells Cid -14 4383 469 2175J50 Gacizcoics 16 334 2163 250 19068335ECIernster dd 42 4263 338 2500 1250 Golnlm dd 25 2344 -50 1475 53 GenSyM110- 6- 3968 1619 Genies 27 -45 2575 08 1126 263 GQ1111113118 1450 144 Genus 12 -36 269 06 105504038 GenzymGnM 53 8813 94 5088 118 Geoworks dd -71 200 -06 5000 2044 Gettylm dri -8 2023d -27 145501368 GlietSel 18 506 1450d 56 59 06 2186 Weeds dd 11 3108 144 24106 2-56 ceraltailitiaLial82 2444 -59 19 88 919 GioblInd dd 37 1556 -06 1950 47101distr -58 148 5017 69 GtsSpn 01 -16 23 88 375 2138 688 GichoCabo dd 44 763 13 8686 481 Gob dd 45 628 -28 7094 1600 G8FInaS11 dd 23 5838 236 32 75 2386 6r44843 8 43 2644 -38 1875 888 GreterC IS 178 1513 -66 171322501ar44ee dd -75 13 25 75 1500 1031 Hagar 10 -80 1213 409 4625 7 1462 8194 -400 9931 1975 Hndsprgn dd -52 2138 38 i40005251-kurnix 788 400 HelenTr 28 -44 719 13 7900 1931 HelixTech 13 57 2625 125 3650 1313 HenrySrhein21 62 34 00 3313 1500 Henry 47 59 24 88 83 1500A1Hiegrakin -42 50 CIL 0050 1406 HomeStoredd -6 20 94 52 aliallitillogig 26 20 38 12 81 IldsnOly 19 150 20 06 -06 1K106 001umv16 00 22 48 00 6 75 20 50 10 50 JBHunt IS 9 1494 -56 2138 1252 HuntBnk 9 -29 14 98 48 481 319 HUt03 4 13 375 -09 8 1114111y09litraa10 2088 1150 Palrni-IHm 15 -71 1650 13 8850 1619 Palm cc -5 1700 -19 6494 2475 PanAmSat 46 -18 3781 138 525 288 Poncho dd 358 3850 275 Pania dd -82 353 -47 3488 1900 Pack lohn 18 -28 2350 81 481 175 Per Pet dd -64 450 -18 3088 738 Parmlb dd -22 1088 88 425 128 Pats( 4 98 175 -02 4138 1963 Part Eng 55 30 36 50 -94 6125 2863 Pas 82 46 3663 150 24 38 1175 PeerMtg dd -96 1475 7750 1825 PegaCms dd -2 2713 -44 132LIZ202xvklott 46 -29 2225 275 11118 213 PrW-ch gg 263 550 Nsa 1356 Pertwe cid -35 1925 94 45 25 806 Pentech 20 727 1013 06 4 2256 1800 W040 16 11 2125 13 AN 413 WJComn dd 209 306d -138 12536725 WknQrd dd -37 863 75 5013 394 40 81 503 WebMD cld 19 694 -06 6700 956 W6611nd 38 74 1219 231 261X22753YeliMe19194 52 38 825 Webensen dd 266 8306 06 11 75 19 Webvan dd -43 22 10 50 306 WManne 12 -75 513 06 39 75 291 Westerrechdd -79 4 03 37 50 1006 WetSeal 35 94 27 81 125 63 75 34 38 Wnnier-d dd -19 44 63 125 oo 22 19 WindFM dd -44 26 50 1 63 8125Wn6411dati582Skt183 145 50875 WrIasf-c 13 125 7 91c1 -103 2225 194 Wg5dvwn dd 21 2160 19 550 44 Wunen 919 Heafxd 40 370 00 2463 1506 Woodbd 16 -74 1775 31 706 456 WidAcp 9 -49 625 09 26 06 08 WO0A4 49 97 669 WondCom 11 1519 -56 3250 09 WwXceed dd -80 13 EtTgMt20 XYZ 2500 688 Mud id -75 1813 -50 7425 850 AudCdess 18 -62 1294 50 1933612YLAdm0Bid 73 II 1 83LAL19 1725 378 Auspes Od -45 3750 -18 5389 1944 Autudest 23 -20 3638 125 2620016 06 Avanex dd -43 1950 244 2700 891 Avant 10 48 1975 -13 1475 413 AvantImm dd -12 481 -08 14 81 203 AvaxIch dd -52 206d -08 174501006 AvictSvs 1394 363 7000 13 50 Av4)en dd -25 1431d 81 7081 2100 Avron dd 52 3144 -31 7161 J875ADtgg2ddI1 I225 t144 810150Alyste 28 35 1188 200 3000 828 Ascalon 10 -56 1150 25 1381 350 hysPhatins9 -14 363d 02 2588 508 BEAsto 88 -29 2331 -69 6960 255iL00kSys a cc 24 3619 586 297 100 8E18 dd -87 235 03 2931 825 BEI Tch 21 11 1875 -75 5775 2569 B1SYS 38 32 4994 94 I VILLQ1JKSLId dd -56 256 -I 12206 4508sSardfli1 16 40500 t5 25 11 88 588 BnklAd 14 53 1097 03 2113 1038 Banknotth 15 -12 2019 2906 1125 BedBoths 52 8 2781 94 650 13 byndcomndd -42 34 45 75 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About Fort Worth Star-Telegram Archive

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Fort Worth Star-Telegram from Fort Worth, Texas (2024)


Does the Fort Worth Star-Telegram still exist? ›

The Star-Telegram has been a fixture in Fort Worth since 1906. A lot has changed over the last 118 years, but the commitment of our journalists to tell the story of Fort Worth and to be your watchdog is unwavering.

How much does it cost to place an obituary in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram? ›

Placing an obituary in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram starts at $55.00.

How do I contact Fort Worth Star-Telegram? ›

Or you may call Customer Service at 800-776-7827(STAR). Your account will be credited for that day's service if redelivery is unavailable. Customers can expect newspaper delivery by 6:00 AM Monday- Friday and by 7:00 AM on weekends in most areas.

Who started the Fort Worth Star-Telegram? ›

The Fort Worth Star-Telegram has quite the history of innovation and public service as it has grown over the years. Its founding publisher, Amon G. Carter Sr., was a renowned booster of Fort Worth and West Texas, with the Star-Telegram sporting the largest circulation of any paper in Texas.

Who owns Fort Worth Telegram? ›

The Fort Worth Star-Telegram is an American daily newspaper serving Fort Worth and Tarrant County, the western half of the North Texas area known as the Metroplex. It is owned by The McClatchy Company.

Are there any telegram lines left? ›

Telegrams may not be as widespread as they once were, but through companies such as the International Telegram Company they remain perhaps the most elegant way to send a message since 1844.

Why does it cost so much to put an obituary in the newspaper? ›

Why does it cost so much to post an obituary? Publishing an obituary in the newspaper is expensive because of the limited space papers have. Newspapers value every inch of each page, so they must charge to use that limited space for an obituary.

How do I cancel Fort Worth Star-Telegram? ›

You can cancel at any time by contacting our customer service center at 1-800-776-7827. Your subscription is subject to additional Terms of Service at

How to send a telegram for a funeral? ›

How to Send a Condolence Sympathy Bereavement Telegram for Funerals? Order and Send a Condolence Telegram online at or call 800-Telegram℠ (1-800-835-3472). You can send a Condolence, Sympathy, and Bereavement Telegram for delivery the same day.

Who is the real estate reporter in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram? ›

Rebecca San Juan writes about the real estate industry, covering news about industrial, commercial, office projects, construction contracts and the intersection of real estate and law for industry professionals.

What does the star on Telegram mean? ›

In the members list, the star means they are an admin.

How do I place an ad in Fort Worth Star-Telegram? ›

If you're ready to learn more and see how advertising with The Fort Worth Star-Telegram can connect you with a truly local audience across print, digital and more, contact us at 1‑800‑671‑9401 or email us to get started.

Where is Fort Worth Star-Telegram? ›

Star-Telegram, 808 Throckmorton St, Fort Worth, TX - MapQuest.

Who is the editor of the Fort Worth Star-Telegram? ›

Steve Coffman - Editor - Fort Worth Star-Telegram | LinkedIn.

Who was Fort Worth founded by? ›

Founded in 1849 by Maj. Ripley Allen Arnold as a military outpost against Comanche raids, it was named for Major General William Jenkins Worth, commander of U.S. troops in Texas at the time. After the army left in 1853, settlers around the fort moved into its buildings.

Does the telegraph still exist? ›

Although the telegraph was replaced by fully digital communication in the 1970s and 1980s, the technology pioneered by its use can still be seen today. A clear line of developments in binary communication can be traced from Morse code to modern ASCII.

Does Fort Worth still exist? ›

Fort Worth is a city in the U.S. state of Texas and the seat of Tarrant County, covering nearly 350 square miles (910 km2) into Denton, Johnson, Parker, and Wise counties.

Do they do telegrams anymore? ›

The International Telegram Company took over the Western Union service and is still delivering telegrams to this day. There are other telegram companies still operating across the world. The International Telegraph website says there are still 17 million telegrams being delivered every year.

What replaced the telegram? ›

The telegram as such was superseded by the British Telecom Telemessage service, introduced in October 1982. Messages were dictated over the telephone or sent via telex, printed, and delivered overnight by first class post in a distinctive envelope guaranteed for next day delivery, rather than by messenger.


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Author: Kieth Sipes

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Name: Kieth Sipes

Birthday: 2001-04-14

Address: Suite 492 62479 Champlin Loop, South Catrice, MS 57271

Phone: +9663362133320

Job: District Sales Analyst

Hobby: Digital arts, Dance, Ghost hunting, Worldbuilding, Kayaking, Table tennis, 3D printing

Introduction: My name is Kieth Sipes, I am a zany, rich, courageous, powerful, faithful, jolly, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.